RE: [PHP-DB] Simple field replace...?

2003-08-28 Thread Snijders, Mark
I guess there is no other solution

just do it one at a time... it's no problem even if there are 100's.

-Original Message-
Sent: donderdag 28 augustus 2003 11:35
Subject: [PHP-DB] Simple field replace...?

Hi there,
I need to take a field in my database, and remove the first 32 characters 
from each entry...
There are 100's, and I know there's gotta be an easy way...
I've looked up string replace, and it only appears to work one at a 
Can anyone tell me how to make it accross the whole table...?

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[PHP-DB] [php] printing query output to a printen and or file

2003-07-14 Thread Snijders, Mark

i'm busy with generating some overviews out of a mysql database (with php)

this are aroudn 8 different overviews and query's.

and the output to the screen is very nice.

but now i'm also want to give the visiter the option to send the output to a
printer of file.

but how do I manage that? and can you also add some options for the 'format'
to be different when printing or viewing it on the screen?

Kind regards,


RE: [PHP-DB] Problem with select-tag within a php-script

2003-07-02 Thread Snijders, Mark
the select has to be a name and not the id

the id has to be within the option value!

-Original Message-
From: Ruprecht Helms [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: woensdag 2 juli 2003 15:51
Subject: [PHP-DB] Problem with select-tag within a php-script


I've some trouble with a select-tag in a php-script.
In a database should be written the ID of a table, the user could select
the recordset by the Name. My problem is that the fieldentry of the
selecttag is not transfered to the executionscript. The different Names
within the recordset are shown correctly.

Here my listing

while($row = mysql_fetch_object($result))
echo "ID.\'>";
echo $row->Name;
echo "";
echo "";


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RE: [PHP-DB] Re: PHP help

2003-06-30 Thread Snijders, Mark
think you miss something

try this : 


cause from a specific php version (above 4) al lthe form vars are in a
special array called ($_POST)   (when submitted by a form)

so you should do:

query="INSERT INTO login VALUES ('$_POST[login]')";

I also removed a "  you got one to many

hope this works!


-Original Message-
From: Shivanischal A [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: maandag 30 juni 2003 13:13
Subject: [PHP-DB] Re: PHP help

> My System:
> Windows 98
> Apache 1.3.27
> PHP 4
> mysql
> Hello all, I am a PHP beginner and was wondering if I could get some help
from some of the more experienced on this list.  I have been trying to use
an html form (with textboxes, radio buttons, and textareas) to input data
into a mysql database.  I am able to connect fully with the database and am
able to create tables in it, but when I try to input information into the
tables nothing happens. ever...  I don't really know what to do from here,
but I assume that a configuration is not set properly between mysql, apache,
windows, or php.  I really don't know what it could be.  My code is here and
I have tried to simplify the form in order to get it working, so here is my
barebones code that hopefully has some errors:
> Simplify
> Login: 
> PHP file called "addform.php":
> $user="chris";
> $database="test";
> mysql_connect(localhost,$user);

localhost should probably be  $localhost  OR'localhost'(?)

> @mysql_select_db($database) or die("unable to select database");
> $query="INSERT INTO login VALUES ("'$login')";

you can safely say -  $query="INSERT INTO login VALUES ('$login')" ;

> mysql_query($query);
> mysql_close();
> ?>
> Login is the name of the table on the database named test.
> I stopped using a password because it wouldn't let anything work even
table creation when I tried to use a password.  Any help that anyone could
give would be greatly appreciated; there is probably some grievious error in
this script.  Thanks, Chris

mentioning a password should do no harm. try  $query="INSERT INTO login
VALUES ('$login', password($password))";
password() is a mysql function. its irreversible; somehting on the like that
we have on LiNUX systems


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RE: [PHP-DB] checking a string for numbers

2003-06-26 Thread Snijders, Mark
you should use preg_match

if (preg_match("/\d/",$myVar)){
echo "yes it contains a digit";

i believe this works... you should use preg_match  and with \d it checks for
a digit

i'm not sure this works...

let me know

-Original Message-
From: Jamie Saunders [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: donderdag 26 juni 2003 13:05
Subject: [PHP-DB] checking a string for numbers


I'm trying to find a way of simply checking a string for numbers.


if ($myVar contains a number)
 //numbers present
 //no numbers present


Jamie Saunders
Media Architect

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RE: [PHP-DB] Calculating Time

2003-06-16 Thread Snijders, Mark
check the mktime() function


-Original Message-
From: Delz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: maandag 16 juni 2003 11:21
Subject: [PHP-DB] Calculating Time

Hi All,

How do I calculate time using php? Let's say I want to know the difference
between 12:30PM & 13:30PM?
Hope someone can give me an idea?


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RE: [PHP-DB] array fill/sort question

2003-06-10 Thread Snijders, Mark

no the both sollutions won't work cause:

I can't sort within a query cause subnetaddr is a varchar ("")

so it will be ordere like this

and that's not good cause 60 is smaller as 100, so with the function
ip2long() i will first make an integer of it

the second array solution you gave, won't work, cause I need ALL the query
results in the array, and that's the problem I can't handle

if I would do it like you said, I can sort it, but then I have a sorted
array and for each element I have to do a query again to get the other
fields of the table, and that's not good (2500 rows)

so can please still somebody help me with this?

-Original Message-
From: Becoming Digital [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: dinsdag 10 juni 2003 15:42
Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] array fill/sort question

I might be overlooking something, but can't you just do this?

$query = "SELECT s_id, subnet_name,subnetaddr,subnetmask,dnsdomain,
location, contact, ccn FROM subnets ORDER BY subnetaddr";

If you can't, you can sort the array like this.

You can subsequently sort the array for the desired result.

Edward Dudlik
Becoming Digital

- Original Message - 
From: "Snijders, Mark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, 10 June, 2003 08:55
Subject: [PHP-DB] array fill/sort question


I'm working on a ipaddres/subnet programm

now i have a talbe with a lot of information about ip-addresses

i'm having this query:

SELECT s_id, subnet_name,subnetaddr,subnetmask,dnsdomain, location, contact,
ccn FROM subnets

the subnetaddr field looks like this :  and is ofcourse a
varchar field

BUT before displaying it on the screen i have to sort it by subnetaddr and
then show it

but i have to sort it as integer, so i use the php-function ip2long();

so you get a decimal...

so what i have to do:

do the query> make a decimal field of the 'subnetaddr' put it in an array,
sort it and display it

BUT how can i put ALL of the fields in the query in an array, sort it, and
then display it?

please help me, I can't work it out :(

thanks, Mark

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[PHP-DB] array fill/sort question

2003-06-10 Thread Snijders, Mark

I'm working on a ipaddres/subnet programm

now i have a talbe with a lot of information about ip-addresses

i'm having this query:

SELECT s_id, subnet_name,subnetaddr,subnetmask,dnsdomain, location, contact,
ccn FROM subnets

the subnetaddr field looks like this :  and is ofcourse a
varchar field

BUT before displaying it on the screen i have to sort it by subnetaddr and
then show it

but i have to sort it as integer, so i use the php-function ip2long();

so you get a decimal...

so what i have to do:

do the query> make a decimal field of the 'subnetaddr' put it in an array,
sort it and display it

BUT how can i put ALL of the fields in the query in an array, sort it, and
then display it?

please help me, I can't work it out :(

thanks, Mark

RE: [PHP-DB] hotornot functionality

2003-05-28 Thread Snijders, Mark
i would do it totally different

if i understand you right.. you start with row number one, show it, give it
a rate, then show number 2, and show number 1 as last rated pic!!!

then you have the problem of reaching the last record!!

but !! i also see another problem:

if you do row 1,2,3,4  you always gets the first image , then the second etc

what I would do:

take a random picture from the mysql table (you can use the mysql random
functin within a query for it)

then show this one!

give it a rate

then after rating it, put it in an array

then do a new random query but use the 'not in' function and don't select
the numbers what are in the array!!

so you get a new picture!

and the last rated pic is the picture at the last place in the array so you
can show it...

and when the array has equal number of rows as the table has, you showed
them all and you empty the array so they can start over

you get my point ? (sorry for my bad english)

how about this idea?

greeting , mark

-Original Message-
From: Matthew Horn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: woensdag 28 mei 2003 14:56
Subject: [PHP-DB] hotornot functionality

I am toying with the idea of implementing functionality similar to the site -- for a different purpose, mind you, but the same kind of
user experience. Here's what it does: 

1. A picture is served up.
2. User clicks on a radio button scale from 1 to 10 to "rate" the picture.
3. The page refreshes. The rating is re-computed with the user's rating for
the original picture. The original picture becomes that "last rated" pic,
and a new one is served up. 
4. The user can cycle through as many pictures this way as they want.

I have MySQL and PHP to work with.

What I am trying to do is figure out the best approach to implementing it.
Specifically, when the user clicks on the radio button, that triggers the
form submit via JavaScript. The form submit updates the database with the
rating and then fetches the next row.

The problem that occurred to me as I was putting together a prototype is:

I don't want the user to get the entire result set of all the images in the
database at once. I really want them to get just the two images (the one
they just rated and the one they are about to rate). Is there a way to
"remember" the last row they selected and then use that number to fetch the
next one on the subsequent request? I can keep recycling hidden form fields
with a number, which should work ok, but the problems come up when they
reach the last row.

Anyway, just looking to see if you folks have some ideas. I would prefer to
roll my own rather than use one of the available "hotornot-style" PHP
scripts to do this.

Matthew J. Horn

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[PHP-DB] database model

2003-05-28 Thread Snijders, Mark

I use mysql

can somebody tell me if it's possible to create a database model, like you
can do in access...  so you can see the relationships between tables

(exporting to access and then to it really sucks :(((  )

so please another option if possible


RE: [PHP-DB] Generate thumbnails from MySql database

2003-03-27 Thread Snijders, Mark
hi all,

cause a lot of people are asking for a thumbnail script:

some explenation:

this script makes 2 new pics of a uploaded pic, 1 thumbnail and 1 bigger
picture (but the bigger one will all be of the same size.. it's better

you also see this: if ($site=="who-r-u"){

this is because the sript is used on 2 servers , you can also see it like

if ($site=="who-r-u"){  > you have to use this part if you have GD 1
compiled with pph
}else{ > this if you have gd2 compiled on your pc  so pic the right one and
trow away the rest!!!  but with gd2 the pics will be a lot better.

on you can see how it is used!!

please don't mail me all back what the functions are doing, but go to and look them up

hope it helps you


function image_create($image, $url, $name){

$inputImg = ImageCreateFromJPEG($image);

$srcX = imagesx($inputImg);
$srcY = imagesy($inputImg);

// image size thumbnail
$dstY_1 = 45; // height (altijd hetzelfde)
$maxX_1 = 60; // widthe (als plaatje is kleiner dan centreren)

// image size big foto
$dstY_2 = 210; // hoogte (altijd hetzelfde)
$maxX_2 = 280; // breedte (als plaatje is kleiner dan centreren)

$ratio_1 = ($srcY / $dstY_1);
$dstX_1  = ($srcX / $ratio_1);

$ratio_2 = ($srcY / $dstY_2);
$dstX_2  = ($srcX / $ratio_2);

if ($site=="who-r-u"){
  $outputImg_1 = ImageCreate($maxX_1, $dstY_1);
  $outputImg_2 = ImageCreate($maxX_2, $dstY_2);
  $outputImg_1 = imagecreatetruecolor($maxX_1, $dstY_1);
  $outputImg_2 = imagecreatetruecolor($maxX_2, $dstY_2); 

imagefill($outputImg_1, 0, 0, ImageColorAllocate($outputImg_1, 255, 255,
imagefill($outputImg_2, 0, 0, ImageColorAllocate($outputImg_2, 255, 255,

if ($site=="who-r-u"){
  ImageCopyResized($outputImg_1, $inputImg,(($maxX_1 - $dstX_1) /
2),0,0,0,$dstX_1, $dstY_1, $srcX, $srcY);
  ImageCopyResized($outputImg_2, $inputImg,(($maxX_2 - $dstX_2) /
2),0,0,0,$dstX_2, $dstY_2, $srcX, $srcY);
  imagecopyresampled($outputImg_1, $inputImg,(($maxX_1 - $dstX_1) /
2),0,0,0,$dstX_1, $dstY_1, $srcX, $srcY);
  imagecopyresampled($outputImg_2, $inputImg,(($maxX_2 - $dstX_2) /
2),0,0,0,$dstX_2, $dstY_2, $srcX, $srcY);

imagejpeg($outputImg_1, $url."thumbnails/$name");
imagejpeg($outputImg_2, $url."$name");

RE: [PHP-DB] date to Y-M-D

2003-03-25 Thread Snijders, Mark
ehmmm what kind of dates do you use, maybe dates of birth?

when using date of unix timestamp you can't have dates befor 1970  so if
those timestamps represents an older date you can't use timestamps!


-Oorspronkelijk bericht-
Van: David Rice [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Verzonden: Tuesday, March 25, 2003 3:42 PM
Onderwerp: [PHP-DB] date to Y-M-D

a function to convert any date to ymd...

function datetoymd($date){
$dateymd = date('Y-m-d',$date);

return $dateymd;

this function when output gives me the date 1970-01-01 (date of the unix 
timestamp start) so, ehm, why!?


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[PHP-DB] [php] file open

2003-03-24 Thread Snijders, Mark

i'm using the next code:

while (!(feof($fp))) {
echo "$data_file";


to open a file...

but I want to read it from line 3.. and there is a special function for, but
can't find it back :(

can someone tell me the name of this funcion?

I know I can also use a counter into the while-loop, but I know there is a
better sollution for..



Mark Snijders, Developer 
Atos Origin 
Groenewoudeseweg 1, Room VN-515 
5621 BA  Eindhoven, The Netherlands 
*:+31 (0)40 - 2785992 (tel) 
* : +31 (0)40 - 2788729 (fax) 

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entity to which it is addressed and may contain information that is
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you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, distribution or
any action taken omitted to be taken in reliance of it, is prohibited and
may be unlawful.


RE: [PHP-DB] MySQL or Postgres

2003-03-24 Thread Snijders, Mark
sorry the url I gave was of a weird language..

this one is better:

-Original Message-
From: Ben Edwards [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: maandag 24 maart 2003 12:03
Subject: [PHP-DB] MySQL or Postgres

Could someone please point me in the correct direction for a decent 
comparison of the two in respect of:-


These are actually in order or importance to me (I know both are fairly

I am also interested in how easy it would be to migrate from MySQL to 

Proples general experiences/comments also welcome.


* Ben Edwards  +44 (0)117 968 2602 *
* Critical Site Builder *
* online collaborative web authoring content management system *
* Get alt news/views films online *
* i-Contact Progressive Video *
* Smashing the Corporate image *
* Bristol Indymedia *
* Bristol's radical news *
* PGP : F0CA 42B8 D56F 28AD 169B  49F3 3056 C6DB 8538 EEF8 *

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RE: [PHP-DB] MySQL or Postgres

2003-03-24 Thread Snijders, Mark

Ih ate people being so lazy..

open google and type the words: mysql postgres

and you get enough results, here i looked one up for you:


Mark Snijders, Developer 
Atos Origin 
Groenewoudeseweg 1, Room VN-515 
5621 BA  Eindhoven, The Netherlands 
*:+31 (0)40 - 2785992 (tel) 
* : +31 (0)40 - 2788729 (fax) 

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Access to this mail by anyone else than the addressee is unauthorized. If
you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, distribution or
any action taken omitted to be taken in reliance of it, is prohibited and
may be unlawful.

-Original Message-
From: Ben Edwards [ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: maandag 24 maart 2003 12:03
Subject: [PHP-DB] MySQL or Postgres

Could someone please point me in the correct direction for a decent
comparison of the two in respect of:-


These are actually in order or importance to me (I know both are fairly

I am also interested in how easy it would be to migrate from MySQL to

Proples general experiences/comments also welcome.


* Ben Edwards  +44 (0)117 968 2602 *
* Critical Site Builder
* online collaborative web authoring content management system *
* Get alt news/views films online
* i-Contact Progressive Video
* Smashing the Corporate image
* Bristol Indymedia
* Bristol's radical news
* PGP : F0CA 42B8 D56F 28AD 169B  49F3 3056 C6DB 8538 EEF8 *

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RE: [PHP-DB] Substring ?

2003-03-20 Thread Snijders, Mark

function: substr

and you'll see

please first search, then ask!

-Original Message-
From: Dallas Freeman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: donderdag 20 maart 2003 9:13
Subject: [PHP-DB] Substring ?

I know how to use it with MySQL but how do you use the function
substring with a variable?
Dallas Freeman

PHP Database Mailing List (
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2003-03-19 Thread Snijders, Mark
guess it is hard to answer this with so less information

first show us how the table defenition is... how it is build up and then
which fields you want to show to the user!

then I or others can help you much more!!


Mark Snijders, Developer 
Atos Origin 
Groenewoudeseweg 1, Room VN-515 
5621 BA  Eindhoven, The Netherlands 
*:+31 (0)40 - 2785992 (tel) 
* : +31 (0)40 - 2788729 (fax) 

The information in this mail is intended only for use of the individual or
entity to which it is addressed and may contain information that is
privileged, confidential and exempt from disclosure under applicable law.
Access to this mail by anyone else than the addressee is unauthorized. If
you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, distribution or
any action taken omitted to be taken in reliance of it, is prohibited and
may be unlawful.

-Original Message-
From: Michelle Whelan [ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: woensdag 19 maart 2003 9:06
Subject: [PHP-DB] SELECT * FROM Command


I have a question about how to display results.  I am using PHP with a mysql
database through yahoo webhosting.  I've created a form (html & javascript)
that lets the user post data to one of the tables in my database.  On a
separate page, I've created a form that will do a SELECT * FROM search (by
zipcode) on the database that the user posted data to. 

Now here's my question..

I want the query to search the db and return results for matching zip  codes
and display that plus the other info that was posted by the user. 

I have it right now so that the results displayed are simply only the zip
code that matches is coming back and it displays how ever many times in

I hope this makes sense.

Thanks in advance for any help.


RE: [PHP-DB] sorting problem...

2003-03-13 Thread Snijders, Mark
guess you can better take a look at the group by function of mysql

-Original Message-
From: Ignatius Reilly [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: donderdag 13 maart 2003 15:03
Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] sorting problem...

Take a look at the MySQL DATE_FORMAT() function.


- Original Message - 
Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2003 2:43 PM
Subject: [PHP-DB] sorting problem...

> Hi All,
> I need to sort some data from a MySQL table. I have data saved like this:
> ++-++--+
> | id | unixtime| porta_snmp | porta_switch |
> ++-++--+
> |  1 | 2003-01-07 12:23:24 | 1614   | 1|
> |  2 | 2003-01-07 12:24:01 | 1614   | 1|
> |  3 | 2003-01-07 12:29:34 | 1614   | 1|
> |  4 | 2003-01-07 12:30:19 | 1614   | 1|
> |  5 | 2003-01-07 12:31:01 | 1614   | 5|
> |  6 | 2003-01-07 12:32:06 | 1614   | 5|
> |  7 | 2003-01-07 12:33:01 | 1614   | 1|
> |  8 | 2003-02-07 12:34:06 | 1614   | 1|
> |  9 | 2003-02-07 12:35:00 | 1614   | 1|
> | 10 | 2003-02-07 12:36:01 | 1614   | 1|
> ++-++--+
> I neet to sort the data to be able to read it better. In this case I just
> need to filter the data to get only the different info for each day. Some
> thing like this:
> 2003-01-0716141
> 2003-01-0716145
> 2003-02-0716141
> Is this possible ?
> Thank's in advance,
> Gus
> -- 
> PHP Database Mailing List (
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RE: [PHP-DB] Where have my errors gone?

2003-03-13 Thread Snijders, Mark
I know,

it's really anoing

some errors are syntax errors which you can't see

the way I look them up:

put a exit;  in the middle of the page...

you still see nothing, put the exit; higher in the code.. to that until you
see some output again, then you know the syntax error is somewhere below the

get my point?


-Original Message-
From: Alex Francis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: donderdag 13 maart 2003 12:11
Subject: [PHP-DB] Where have my errors gone?

If I had a syntax error, I used to get a message back telling me. Now I just
get a blank page.
I have tried adding error_reporting=E_ALL; to the page, but still no errors.

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RE: [PHP-DB] listbox not adding data to mySql?

2003-03-13 Thread Snijders, Mark
put in top of your document :


and see under 'variables' what is in them

-Original Message-
From: Rich Gray [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: donderdag 13 maart 2003 10:22
To: Billy; PHP-DB
Subject: RE: [PHP-DB] listbox not adding data to mySql?

> Im having a problem getting listbox data to go into a mySql database.
> This may be a simple problem but Ive been searching with out any
> result, and
> thought I would ask on here.
> Here goes...
>   No
>   Yes
> the name of the field in the database is server, all of the other inputs
> that I have within the page work and enter data but when I try using
> listbox's it doesnt seem to work.
> Cheers if any one can help me with this
> Rujlon

Can you post the code that handles the form data and updates the database?
Without that it'll be difficult to see what's the problem.


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RE: [PHP-DB] Don't Understand

2003-03-12 Thread Snijders, Mark
that's bull

on and i use those scripts (php
and the GD functions ) for automatically changing the file size...

-Original Message-
From: Dallas Freeman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: woensdag 12 maart 2003 12:58
To: 'mike karthauser'
Subject: RE: [PHP-DB] Don't Understand

By the looks of it, I will have to create something in Delphi or
some-type of web application.


Dallas Freeman

-Original Message-
From: mike karthauser [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, 12 March 2003 9:50 PM
To: Dallas Freeman
Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] Don't Understand

on 12/3/03 11:45 am, Dallas Freeman at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Thanks, very useful!  Can you direct me where for help on getting an
> image to resize before it is even uploaded (inother words, it will
> resize itself on the end-user's machine and then upload to the
> database).

I very much doubt that a server side script can do this. You need
clientside. We use macromedia fireworks.

Mike Karthauser 
Managing Director - Brightstorm Ltd

Web >>
Tel >> 0117 9426653 (office)
   07939 252144 (mobile)

Snailmail   >> Unit 8, 14 King Square,
   Bristol BS2 8JJ

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RE: [PHP-DB] Don't Understand

2003-03-12 Thread Snijders, Mark
no there is no other way, and it is pritty easy if you get it..

i've made a special function for it, but got the code @ home

but read this:

and especially the user comments.. they are always very usefull


-Original Message-
From: Dallas Freeman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: woensdag 12 maart 2003 12:05
Subject: [PHP-DB] Don't Understand

I don't understand how to use the gdImageCopyResized
gdImageCopyResized(gdImagePtr dst, gdImagePtr src, int dstX, int dstY,
int srcX, int srcY, int destW, int destH, int srcW, int srcH)
Thanking You
Dallas Freeman
* is there a simpler way to change the size of an image?

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RE: [PHP-DB] Date

2003-02-28 Thread Snijders, Mark
go to en look for date

-Original Message-
From: Jorge Miguel Fonseca Martins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: vrijdag 28 februari 2003 16:23
Subject: [PHP-DB] Date

How can a make a query that lists all the fields where a datefield as
the date of tomorow?

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[PHP-DB] mysql to cvs file to excel

2003-02-21 Thread Snijders, Mark

does anybody know if it's possible (without php)

to export data from mysql to a cvs file, so i can import it in excel???

so is it possible, and if yes.. how?

thanks kinds regards,

Mark Snijders

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RE: [PHP-DB] "LIMIT" problem MSSQL

2003-02-19 Thread Snijders, Mark
$start = 10;

$numbers_to_show = 25;

$sql = "SELECT * FROM bla Limit $start, $numbers_to_show";

or just go to and use the manual :)

-Original Message-
From: Noam Giladi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: woensdag 19 februari 2003 16:00
Subject: [PHP-DB] "LIMIT" problem MSSQL

I'm trying to split results into different pages and number the pages
accordingly.  I've been able to build a fairly intelligent page numbering
system which knows which rows it should pull (at least by numbering each row
numerically) but I don't know how to construct a SQL query to pull 10
results starting at a certain number.

please  did anyone wrote a proc that do it?.

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[PHP-DB] sorting a multimensional array

2003-02-19 Thread Snijders, Mark

i've got the next array:

[testsubnet] => Array
[2690910720] =>

[GLN-subnetsirangevoorgedelegeerddomein] => Array
[2886735616] =>

[testsubnet2] => Array
[1209360384] =>

[lpd (tpg-nl1)] => Array
[175964160] =>

I need to sort it by name or by the big nummer between []

to sort it by name i do this:


and it works fine, but how do I sort by the big number between []  ...

I really don't get it...

thanks for the help..


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RE: [PHP-DB] Empty form variables

2003-02-18 Thread Snijders, Mark
sometimes people really never use a search :(((

but the answer is:

php versions > 4 use another way of handeling postvars and arrays

and if users don't know where the values are, use the function:
phpinfo();  !!!

and try this:


thats all i will say

-Oorspronkelijk bericht-
Van: Diego Pedrosa [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Verzonden: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 12:45 PM
Onderwerp: [PHP-DB] Empty form variables

Hi all:

I've installed apache for win98 and php 4.2 (also for 
win98) and they are working fine but I'm having problems 
with the form variables.
When I submit a form the variables are empty!!!

If anyone knows of issues in php-apache-win configuration 
please let me know.



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RE: [PHP-DB] Getting values back out of a URL

2003-01-23 Thread Snijders, Mark
forget that code

just do this

$parcel_query = "SELECT * FROM land01_02_03 WHERE (PelNumber LIKE 
'$_GET[number]%') AND (OnerName1 LIKE '$_GET[owner]%') ";

do this for seeing the url values:


I am trying to get my values back out of a URL that has been passed from a 
page with a form. Here's what the URL looks like.


My mySQL query is working properly if I hard code a value in, but I can seem

to extract the values of number and owner. Here is the code I was told to 
try previously:

And here is my mySQL query:

$parcel_query = "SELECT * FROM land01_02_03 WHERE (PelNumber LIKE 
'${number}%') AND (OnerName1 LIKE '${owner}%') ";

If anyone could help me out, it would be really great.


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RE: [PHP-DB] Concatenate two strings

2003-01-15 Thread Snijders, Mark
with a dot

$valor=$valor1 . " " . $valor2


-Original Message-
From: Bruno Pereira [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: woensdag 15 januari 2003 15:48
Subject: [PHP-DB] Concatenate two strings

How can i join two strings.
My code is something like:
$valor=$valor1 + " " + $valor2

Can someone help me. Thanks.


Bruno Pereira

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RE: [PHP-DB] how use random in php

2003-01-09 Thread Snijders, Mark
check and search for array... then you will get a list of all the
array functions

try to find it out yourself first please


-Original Message-
From: khac duy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: vrijdag 10 januari 2003 1:15
Subject: [PHP-DB] how use random in php

  in php only support shuffe(); function,i want random a array,how 

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RE: [PHP-DB] help me

2003-01-09 Thread Snijders, Mark

when using start_session

the code tries to write a file to the tmp dir...

think you are working under windows

so make in c: a \tmp dir !!!

then it should work

-Original Message-
From: khac duy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: vrijdag 10 januari 2003 1:08
Subject: [PHP-DB] help me

  i can't use start_secsion(); in php4, it say:
 error : can't ofen(\tmp/4363jghsfjkhshga.. like this...

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RE: [PHP-DB] Passing selection to next page

2002-12-19 Thread Snijders, Mark

I guess this all is in a form

so on the next page it should be in:

echo $_POST[department];

or in

echo $department   depending on the php version

-Original Message-
From: Alex Francis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: donderdag 19 december 2002 12:05
Subject: [PHP-DB] Passing selection to next page

I have a drop down list created using the following code and am having
trouble passing my selection to the next page. Can anyone help?

echo "Select Department";

While ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))
   echo " ";
   echo stripslashes($row["department"]);
   echo "";

echo "";

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RE: [PHP-DB] Variables de SESSION dentro de funciones PHP

2002-12-13 Thread Snijders, Mark
english please!!!


Mark Snijders, Developer 
Atos Origin 
Groenewoudeseweg 1, Room VN-515 
5621 BA  Eindhoven, The Netherlands 
*:+31 (0)40 - 2785992 (tel) 
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you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, distribution or
any action taken omitted to be taken in reliance of it, is prohibited and
may be unlawful.

-Original Message-
From: _netPerceptions?= [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: vrijdag 13 december 2002 12:33
Subject: [PHP-DB] Variables de SESSION dentro de funciones PHP

tengo una función en PHP que me lee de un fichero una configuración de
unas tablas de BBDD, quiero que el nombre de las tablas así como los
datos de conexión, me queden residentes en unas variables de sesión.
Cuando registro las variables dentro de la función, al acceder desde
cualquier otro punto con $HTTP_SESSION_VARS["nombrevariable"] me pone
como que está vacía.
¿alguien podría aclararme el tratamiento de estas variables en PHP?
Saludos y muchas gracias.

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RE: [PHP-DB] Re: flytte bsd harddisk til anden pc

2002-12-12 Thread Snijders, Mark
oh :)

i never check those extensions... to busy for... and also tired from the
overload of boost (do programmers drink to much?? :--))


Mark Snijders, Developer 
Atos Origin 
Groenewoudeseweg 1, Room VN-515 
5621 BA  Eindhoven, The Netherlands 
*:+31 (0)40 - 2785992 (tel) 
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entity to which it is addressed and may contain information that is
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Access to this mail by anyone else than the addressee is unauthorized. If
you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, distribution or
any action taken omitted to be taken in reliance of it, is prohibited and
may be unlawful.

-Original Message-
From: Hutchins, Richard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: donderdag 12 december 2002 14:39
To: Snijders, Mark; 'Radovan Radic'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [PHP-DB] Re: flytte bsd harddisk til anden pc

I'm pretty sure the .dk on the end of his e-mail address means Denmark. Glad
you guys were confused too. I was afraid that last shot of Tequila at the
bar last night really screwed me up.

> -Original Message-
> From: Snijders, Mark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, December 12, 2002 8:31 AM
> To: 'Radovan Radic'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: RE: [PHP-DB] Re: flytte bsd harddisk til anden pc
> it's swedish or something..
> i don't get it and i'm dutch
> if the person understands knulla then he's swedish :)
> ___ 
> Mark Snijders, Developer 
> Atos Origin 
> Groenewoudeseweg 1, Room VN-515 
> 5621 BA  Eindhoven, The Netherlands 
> *:+31 (0)40 - 2785992 (tel) 
> * : +31 (0)40 - 2788729 (fax) 
> The information in this mail is intended only for use of the 
> individual or
> entity to which it is addressed and may contain information that is
> privileged, confidential and exempt from disclosure under 
> applicable law.
> Access to this mail by anyone else than the addressee is 
> unauthorized. If
> you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, 
> distribution or
> any action taken omitted to be taken in reliance of it, is 
> prohibited and
> may be unlawful.
> -Original Message-
> From: Radovan Radic [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: donderdag 12 december 2002 14:30
> Subject: [PHP-DB] Re: flytte bsd harddisk til anden pc
> Dutch, swedish...?
> "Martin Allan Jensen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> 002501c2a1e2$092e8640$020a@asus">news:002501c2a1e2$092e8640$020a@asus...
> Hej Allesammen, har et strt problem, jeg skal IDAG skifte 
> server, men kan
> jeg bare tage mine harddiske med FreeBSD på og smide over i 
> den nye maskine
> og så vil det køre eller 
> -- 
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RE: [PHP-DB] Re: flytte bsd harddisk til anden pc

2002-12-12 Thread Snijders, Mark
it's swedish or something..

i don't get it and i'm dutch

if the person understands knulla then he's swedish :)


Mark Snijders, Developer 
Atos Origin 
Groenewoudeseweg 1, Room VN-515 
5621 BA  Eindhoven, The Netherlands 
*:+31 (0)40 - 2785992 (tel) 
* : +31 (0)40 - 2788729 (fax) 

The information in this mail is intended only for use of the individual or
entity to which it is addressed and may contain information that is
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Access to this mail by anyone else than the addressee is unauthorized. If
you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, distribution or
any action taken omitted to be taken in reliance of it, is prohibited and
may be unlawful.

-Original Message-
From: Radovan Radic [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: donderdag 12 december 2002 14:30
Subject: [PHP-DB] Re: flytte bsd harddisk til anden pc

Dutch, swedish...?

"Martin Allan Jensen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
Hej Allesammen, har et strt problem, jeg skal IDAG skifte server, men kan
jeg bare tage mine harddiske med FreeBSD på og smide over i den nye maskine
og så vil det køre eller 

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RE: [PHP-DB] php- odbc- access

2002-12-11 Thread Snijders, Mark
don't think it's possible @ once...

what  I suggest... those people have to make a comma delimited export file,
then you make an upload page, where people can upload this file. and you
make a script so it will be imported

get the point?

kind regards



Mark Snijders, Developer 
Atos Origin 
Groenewoudeseweg 1, Room VN-515 
5621 BA  Eindhoven, The Netherlands 
*:+31 (0)40 - 2785992 (tel) 
* : +31 (0)40 - 2788729 (fax) 

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entity to which it is addressed and may contain information that is
privileged, confidential and exempt from disclosure under applicable law.
Access to this mail by anyone else than the addressee is unauthorized. If
you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, distribution or
any action taken omitted to be taken in reliance of it, is prohibited and
may be unlawful.

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RE: [PHP-DB] Catalog

2002-12-11 Thread Snijders, Mark
jou want to make it yourself even without nowing how to code it or how to
set up a database design??? 

just by looking to other code??

think it will be to hard for a first project.. just my idea...

kind regards,


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RE: [PHP-DB] Enlarging tables

2002-12-09 Thread Snijders, Mark

and check 'alter table' with this you can fix it

but using phpmyadmin or another program is more handy

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RE: [PHP-DB] Form TextArea Formatting

2002-12-09 Thread Snijders, Mark

check this page for all info:

and also check out the links on that page

See also htmlspecialchars(), htmlentities() and wordwrap(). 

hope it helps!!

good luck

-Original Message-
From: Ignatius Reilly [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: maandag 9 december 2002 12:18
To: Keith Spiller; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] Form TextArea Formatting

What do you mean by formatted text?

All you can enter in a textarea is a sequence of characters belonging to
your encoding schema (including non-printing characters).


- Original Message -
From: "Keith Spiller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, December 09, 2002 12:01 PM
Subject: [PHP-DB] Form TextArea Formatting

> Hello,
> I've created a web form that includes a textarea input box called
> MessageText.  The data from this form will be inserted into a mysql table.
> My problem is that the form users will be inserting formatted text into
> textarea and I need to be able to transfer the formatting as well as the
> content into the database.  Right now, all formatting is lost in the
> transfer.  Any ideas or suggestions?
> Thank you for your help.
> Larentium
> --
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RE: [PHP-DB] some data output formatting and grouping question...

2002-12-02 Thread Snijders, Mark
I think you should first make a new datamodel, cause if I see this, it isn't

(just my 2 cents)


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RE: [PHP-DB] SQL Guru Question:

2002-11-26 Thread Snijders, Mark
don't think it won't work all in mysql... but what db are we talking about?

Well, have you tried it like that?
If that doesn't work you could try this:

@calc:=(round(pr_contents * 12)+ round(pr_buildings * 12)),
(@calc * .33) as agent,
(@calc * .5) as manager
from pipeline


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RE: [PHP-DB] using php4 to connect to mysql (newbie question)

2002-11-20 Thread Snijders, Mark
on is the same info and more and it's free :-)


Mark Snijders, Developer 
Atos Origin 
Groenewoudeseweg 1, Room VN-515 
5621 BA  Eindhoven, The Netherlands 
*:+31 (0)40 - 2785992 (tel) 
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Access to this mail by anyone else than the addressee is unauthorized. If
you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, distribution or
any action taken omitted to be taken in reliance of it, is prohibited and
may be unlawful.

-Original Message-
From: Steve Dodkins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: woensdag 20 november 2002 13:25
Subject: RE: [PHP-DB] using php4 to connect to mysql (newbie question)


The latest PHP bible is now updated to 4.2

-Original Message-
From: Snijders, Mark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 20 November 2002 12:18
To: 'mike karthauser'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [PHP-DB] using php4 to connect to mysql (newbie question)

read this

and other stuff on

good lukck


Mark Snijders, Developer 
Atos Origin 
Groenewoudeseweg 1, Room VN-515 
5621 BA  Eindhoven, The Netherlands 
*:+31 (0)40 - 2785992 (tel) 
* : +31 (0)40 - 2788729 (fax) 

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entity to which it is addressed and may contain information that is
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Access to this mail by anyone else than the addressee is unauthorized. If
you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, distribution or
any action taken omitted to be taken in reliance of it, is prohibited and
may be unlawful.

-Original Message-
From: mike karthauser [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: woensdag 20 november 2002 13:09
Subject: [PHP-DB] using php4 to connect to mysql (newbie question)

I'm new to php and mysql and are trying to find some tutorials that i can
work through so i can get my head round connecting php4 to mysql.

I have been looking in all the usual places but keep finding php3 examples
and also examples using globals on..

The one i have been looking at is
All fine until it starts using globals...

My dev server is running php4.2.3 with globals off, mysql 3.23.52 on freebsd
4.7 stable.

Can anyone recommend any good tutorials for my query?

Mike Karthauser 
Managing Director - Brightstorm Ltd

Web >>
Tel >> 0117 9426653 (office)
   07939 252144 (mobile)

Snailmail   >> Unit 8, 14 King Square,
   Bristol BS2 8JJ

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RE: [PHP-DB] using php4 to connect to mysql (newbie question)

2002-11-20 Thread Snijders, Mark
read this

and other stuff on

good lukck


Mark Snijders, Developer 
Atos Origin 
Groenewoudeseweg 1, Room VN-515 
5621 BA  Eindhoven, The Netherlands 
*:+31 (0)40 - 2785992 (tel) 
* : +31 (0)40 - 2788729 (fax) 

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entity to which it is addressed and may contain information that is
privileged, confidential and exempt from disclosure under applicable law.
Access to this mail by anyone else than the addressee is unauthorized. If
you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, distribution or
any action taken omitted to be taken in reliance of it, is prohibited and
may be unlawful.

-Original Message-
From: mike karthauser [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: woensdag 20 november 2002 13:09
Subject: [PHP-DB] using php4 to connect to mysql (newbie question)

I'm new to php and mysql and are trying to find some tutorials that i can
work through so i can get my head round connecting php4 to mysql.

I have been looking in all the usual places but keep finding php3 examples
and also examples using globals on..

The one i have been looking at is
All fine until it starts using globals...

My dev server is running php4.2.3 with globals off, mysql 3.23.52 on freebsd
4.7 stable.

Can anyone recommend any good tutorials for my query?

Mike Karthauser 
Managing Director - Brightstorm Ltd

Web >>
Tel >> 0117 9426653 (office)
   07939 252144 (mobile)

Snailmail   >> Unit 8, 14 King Square,
   Bristol BS2 8JJ

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RE: [PHP-DB] checking for 0 results?

2002-11-15 Thread Snijders, Mark
and how does $sql now gets in touch with $result

Or you can skip a step like:

$sql = "select * from ietsfuckingfriday";

if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 0) {


} else {




-Original Message-----
From: Snijders, Mark [mailto:Mark.Snijders@;] 
Sent: November 15, 2002 8:26 AM
To: 'Jonathan Narong'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [PHP-DB] checking for 0 results?

$sql = "select * from ietsfuckingfriday";

$result = mysql_query($sql);


if ($num_rows==0)echo "yesss we did it";

(sorry it's friday :-)

almost can go home :--)

-Original Message-
From: Jonathan Narong [mailto:jon@;]
Sent: vrijdag 15 november 2002 14:23
Subject: [PHP-DB] checking for 0 results?

maybe i'm totally not thinking straight right now, but is there a way in
to check if 0 results are returned in a mysql query?

for example, i have a definition database, that has a list of letters
user clicks on (click on the letter, and all the terms for that letter
up).. but for some letters there are no terms. so i just wanted to echo
a simple "no terms" message or something. in any case, i need to check
there are no results from a mysql query (an error won't be returned).

thanks ..


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RE: [PHP-DB] checking for 0 results?

2002-11-15 Thread Snijders, Mark
$sql = "select * from ietsfuckingfriday";

$result = mysql_query($sql);


if ($num_rows==0)echo "yesss we did it";

(sorry it's friday :-)

almost can go home :--)

-Original Message-
From: Jonathan Narong [mailto:jon@;]
Sent: vrijdag 15 november 2002 14:23
Subject: [PHP-DB] checking for 0 results?

maybe i'm totally not thinking straight right now, but is there a way in php
to check if 0 results are returned in a mysql query?

for example, i have a definition database, that has a list of letters the
user clicks on (click on the letter, and all the terms for that letter pop
up).. but for some letters there are no terms. so i just wanted to echo out
a simple "no terms" message or something. in any case, i need to check if
there are no results from a mysql query (an error won't be returned).

thanks ..


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RE: [PHP-DB] PHP 4 inserting data in MySQL 3.23

2002-11-13 Thread Snijders, Mark
try before the :
if ($submit) 



the vars are now declared on a different way in the new phph versions

you need to do:

if ($_POST[submit]){

and the insert values are also now :

echo $_POST[phone];

so check phpinfo(); there are all the vars you need...


Mark Snijders, Developer 
Atos Origin 
Groenewoudeseweg 1, Room VN-515 
5621 BA  Eindhoven, The Netherlands 
*:+31 (0)40 - 2785992 (tel) 
* : +31 (0)40 - 2788729 (fax) 

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entity to which it is addressed and may contain information that is
privileged, confidential and exempt from disclosure under applicable law.
Access to this mail by anyone else than the addressee is unauthorized. If
you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, distribution or
any action taken omitted to be taken in reliance of it, is prohibited and
may be unlawful.

-Original Message-
From: Josh Jones [mailto:bootsec99@;]
Sent: woensdag 13 november 2002 14:25
Subject: [PHP-DB] PHP 4 inserting data in MySQL 3.23

I'm running the following setup:
Apache 2.0.40-8
MySQL 3.23.52-3
PHP 4.2.2-8.0.5

I have no problems retreiving data from the database
and posting it to a website, but I can't insert data
from the website to the database via forms or

I'm new to this, but I've triple checked all the
permissions and the code - it all works fine from the
MySQL command line. I can't find any errors in the
logs either, maybe I'm looking in the wrong place.

Here's a sample of some testing code:


echo "NamePhone\n";

while ($myrow = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {

printf("%s%s\n", $myrow[0],


echo "\n";








Any help or direction pointing would be appreciated.


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RE: [PHP-DB] Find out a pic size?

2002-11-11 Thread Snijders, Mark
check this out:

you need de GD limbrary you can check with phpinfo() if you already got

good luck


Mark Snijders, Developer 
Atos Origin 
Groenewoudeseweg 1, Room VN-515 
5621 BA  Eindhoven, The Netherlands 
*:+31 (0)40 - 2785992 (tel) 
* : +31 (0)40 - 2788729 (fax) 

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privileged, confidential and exempt from disclosure under applicable law.
Access to this mail by anyone else than the addressee is unauthorized. If
you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, distribution or
any action taken omitted to be taken in reliance of it, is prohibited and
may be unlawful.

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:joakim.andersson@;]
Sent: maandag 11 november 2002 8:56
Subject: SV: [PHP-DB] Find out a pic size?

> Hi, 
> I'm working with a lot of picture in a website and the size is not
> always the same.
> I need some help on how to find out the size (width and height) of a
> picture. Is there any way to do this (especially with PHP)? 
> I need it so I can calculate the width and height to be 
> specified on the
> HTML  tag.
> Thanks,
> Hansen
> IndoInformatika

Did you try the manual at all?
GetImageSize() is what you're looking for.


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RE: [PHP-DB] textarea!!

2002-11-08 Thread Snijders, Mark
check out the nl2br() function!!

good luck

-Original Message-
From: Siamak Sadeghianfar [mailto:siamak116@;]
Sent: vrijdag 8 november 2002 15:31
Subject: [PHP-DB] textarea!!

I've written a guestbook in php
user writes a message in a texarea and in the code I insert it in a table 
and then in showpage I sow it to him.before I insert the message into table 
, I use addslashes() and htmlspecialchars(). the prblem is that , when I 
retrieve the message from the table all sentences are after each other , and

there's no break that makes a bad appearance.
I mean for example someone write in the texarea as following :
how r u?
what happened there?!

when I show the message to him the appearance is this way :
Hi how r u? what happened there?!

what should I do to show him exactly how he wrote the message?


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RE: [PHP-DB] sort by date

2002-11-06 Thread Snijders, Mark
why does everybody always gives the answers?? why not a hint, or where to
search that they can learn something about it???

-Original Message-
From: Marco Tabini [mailto:marcot@;]
Sent: woensdag 6 november 2002 16:08
To: Terry Romine
Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] sort by date

Ok, going out on a limb here... have you tried something like

select, title, location, address, contact, category, event_time,
urllink, descript, min(event_date) from eventTable e inner join
dateTable d on = group by




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RE: [PHP-DB] sort by date

2002-11-06 Thread Snijders, Mark
if i get your point: 

1 event can have more dates.. and you wanna show for each event just the
first date...

so you wanna show more from one table as the other one

in that case you should try to use the left join !! so check the manual on
left join

-Original Message-
From: Terry Romine [mailto:eatrom@;]
Sent: woensdag 6 november 2002 15:55
Subject: [PHP-DB] sort by date

I have two tables, one contains event information and the other dates 
that the event takes place:

| id| int(11)  |  | PRI | 0   | auto_increment |
| title | varchar(100) | YES  | | NULL||
| location  | varchar(100) | YES  | | NULL||
| address   | varchar(100) | YES  | | NULL||
| contact   | varchar(100) | YES  | | NULL||
| category  | varchar(100) | YES  | | NULL||
| event_time| varchar(200) | YES  | | NULL||
| urllink   | varchar(100) | YES  | | NULL||
| descript  | text | YES  | | NULL||

| id | int(11) |  | PRI | 0   | auto_increment |
| event_key  | int(11) | YES  | | NULL||
| event_date | date| YES  | | NULL||

They are linked via

I want to be able to sort by the first date that the event takes place. 
I tried:
$sql="select e.*,d.event_date from eventTable e,dateTable d where order by d.event_date,d.event_key

but it still shows each date that the event takes place. I tried doing 
a min(d.event_date) as event_date and then "group by" instead of "order 
by" but still get too many results.

Any help to straighten this out?


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RE: [PHP-DB] Check If Table Exists

2002-11-04 Thread Snijders, Mark
not to make a point but the F = fucking and not fine :-)

-Original Message-
From: David Robley [mailto:robleyd@;]
Sent: maandag 4 november 2002 9:46
Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] Check If Table Exists

Read The Fine Manual

David Robley
Temporary Kiwi!

Quod subigo farinam

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RE: [PHP-DB] Am I doing This Right?

2002-11-01 Thread Snijders, Mark
or just do

phpinfo(); en check all the vars

cause in the latest php versions it could be that you have to use
$_POST[.. etc..


Mark Snijders, Developer 
Atos Origin 
Groenewoudeseweg 1, Room VN-515 
5621 BA  Eindhoven, The Netherlands 
*:+31 (0)40 - 2785992 (tel) 
* : +31 (0)40 - 2788729 (fax) 

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you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, distribution or
any action taken omitted to be taken in reliance of it, is prohibited and
may be unlawful.

-Original Message-
From: Mohammad Saad [mailto:m_saad@;]
Sent: vrijdag 1 november 2002 11:11
Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] Am I doing This Right?

check the values of these variables

$rTemp = $HTTP_POST_FILES['replay_file']['tmp_name'];
$rName = $HTTP_POST_FILES['replay_file']['name'];
$rSize = $HTTP_POST_FILES['replay_file']['size'];

// Define Replay Upload DIR and FILE name
$rFile = $db_nextid."_".$HTTP_POST_FILES['replay_file']['name'];
$rLoc = "files/war3-replays/$rFile";

they should contain some value , one more thing , mite be the case that
$HTTP_POST_FILES['replay_file']['tmp_name'] should be

do one thing, print_r($HTTP_POST_FILES); this should show you what that
array contains
Good Luck

- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, November 01, 2002 2:45 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] Am I doing This Right?

>After I submit the file, it goes back to the form, even though in
> script, it says to go to the database and move the uploaded file to a new
> DIR.
>It ignores it as if the file wasn't uploaded.
>As for printing out the variables. All my important variables are
> $HTTP_POST_FILES and those are all null.

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RE: [PHP-DB] Duplicates

2002-10-23 Thread Snijders, Mark
select date from table_name where name='test' GROUP BY date

-Original Message-
From: Chris Grigor [mailto:chris@;]
Sent: woensdag 23 oktober 2002 14:04
Subject: [PHP-DB] Duplicates

Howdi all,

How can you list the contents of a table and skip duplicate Dates??

select Date from table_name where name = 'Test';


2000-01-02   <--- How would you get rid of this duplicate date (without
deleting it ;-))?

I want to just get a list of dates in the table that querys have been
inserted, but not duplicate dates...

Say for instance I had 1 entry on 2000-01-01, and I had 10 entrys on
2000-01-02 I want it to tell me that
there is a date for 2000-01-01 and a date for 2000-01-02, not for it to tell
me there is 10 entrys on 2000-01-02

Any help would be appreciated

Many Thanks guys

Chris Grigor

Calibre Clinical Consultants


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RE: [PHP-DB] Accessing data from next row? (mysql)

2002-10-14 Thread Snijders, Mark

if you want to access stuff from row 3 while being in row 2.. you first have
to put it all into an array.. and then you coul do that.. but i can't comup
with something where you need something like that.. a strange idea...?

-Original Message-
From: Leif K-Brooks [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: maandag 14 oktober 2002 9:47
Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] Accessing data from next row? (mysql)

I know that, but what if I need to access data from the next row?  If I 
have 3 rows, is there a way to access something from row 3 while the 
loop is in row 2, but still have the loop go to row 3 when it's done 
with row 2?

John W. Holmes wrote:

>>Using mysql, how do I access the data of the next row using code
>>something like this:
>>$result = mysql_query("select column from table where
>>while($array = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
>Each iteration of the while loop will fetch a row for you and it's
>contents will be in the $array[] array. Try "echo $array['column'];"
>inside of your while to see what I'm talking about.
>---John Holmes...

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RE: [PHP-DB] Re: easier way to do this? (time interval)

2002-10-11 Thread Snijders, Mark

maybe i dont get the question, 

but for all records for the last 24 hours (1 day) i use:

this is an insteresting page:

i says:

Here is an example that uses date functions. The following query selects all
records with a date_col value from within the last 30 days: 

mysql> SELECT something FROM tbl_name
   WHERE TO_DAYS(NOW()) - TO_DAYS(date_col) <= 30;

so for 24 hours... change the 30 in 1 :)   is this what you mean?


mark snijders

-Original Message-
From: David Robley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: vrijdag 11 oktober 2002 12:23
Subject: [PHP-DB] Re: easier way to do this? (time interval)

In article 
> Hello,
> Curious if there is an easier way to do this (using just SQL and not PHP).
> SQL seems powerful enough to do this but can't think of the synatx.  Note,
> am using MySQL so no sub-selects (or other useful items).  Basically
> to pull all records for a 24 hour period but instead of ->2400,
> 0700->0700 (next day).
> if (date("H")>7){
>   $query=mysql_query("
> SELECT dtg 
> FROM techs 
>   tech='$user'
>   HOUR(dtg)>=7
>   ");
> } else {
>   $query=mysql_query("
> SELECT dtg 
> FROM techs 
>   tech='$user' 
> AND 
> (
>   OR
>   ((DAYOFMONTH(NOW())-1)=DAYOFMONTH(dtg) AND HOUR(dtg)>=7)
> )
>   ");
> }
> Cheers,
> -peter

I'd imagine that with a judicious use of mysql's IF statement and 
HOUR(NOW()) you could do pretty much what you want. I can't be hanged 
going through the docs right now, or I'd have a try at the syntax for you 

David Robley
Temporary Kiwi!

Quod subigo farinam

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RE: [PHP-DB] Error query : mysql_result

2002-10-10 Thread Snijders, Mark

would be nice if you would tell which line is 140

-Original Message-
From: Burgess [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: donderdag 10 oktober 2002 11:14
Subject: [PHP-DB] Error query : mysql_result


I have used the mysql_result function to return some specific information
from database.  The information is returned as it should but I keep getting
this error message:

Warning: Unable to jump to row 0 on MySQL result index 4 in
/u1.bath/s31/eh842/public_html/SCR/register/process.php on line 140

I'm relatively new to PHP and am unable to solve the problem so I wondered
if someone would mind spending a couple of minutes to help me.

My script, in part, reads as below:

 // check to see if company exists in db

$CompanyQuery = mysql_query("SELECT coid FROM co_details WHERE co_name =
'$company' AND co_city = '$city' AND co_country = '$co_country'");

$CompanyExist = mysql_num_rows($CompanyQuery);
$company_id= mysql_result($CompanyQuery,0,0);

if ($CompanyExist > 0) {

  //if company exists add workplace details
   $confirmkey =  md5(uniqid(rand()));
  $signup_id = signup_details($username, $title, $fname, $lname, $email,
$country, $job_title, $user_notes, $agree_terms, $confirmkey,$password);
  addworkplace($signup_id, $company_id, $department, $start_month,
$start_year, $end_month, $end_year );

}  //END if statement

else { //add company and workplace details

   // Add new member to table signup
$confirmkey =  md5(uniqid(rand()));
   $signup_id = signup_details($username, $title, $fname, $lname,
$email, $country, $job_title, $user_notes, $agree_terms, $confirmkey,
  $company_id = company_details($company, $city, $co_country);
  addworkplace($signup_id, $company_id, $department, $start_month,
$start_year, $end_month, $end_year );

 } // END else statement


  //  if successful in adding to vAuthenticate, send confirmation email
  if (mysql_errno() == 0){

   $emailerMessage .= "\n\n"; // 2 Line Breaks
   $emailerMessage .= $confirm; // URL to confirm.php -> see
   $emailerMessage .= "?confirmkey=" . $confirmkey; // add confirm key to
   $emailerMessage .= "\n\n"; // 2 Line Breaks
   $sent = @mail($email, $emailerSubject, $emailerMessage,
 } // END if statement


function signup_details($username, $title, $fname, $lname, $email, $country,
$job_title, $user_notes, $agree_terms, $confirmkey, $password)  {

if ($user_notes == '') {

 $user_notes = "Member chose not to include a profile";
 $sql = "INSERT INTO signup VALUES
  $addmember = mysql_query($sql);

  // If SUCCESSFUL, add to vAuthenticate tables too
  if (mysql_errno() == 0){
  $AddToAuth = new auth();
  $add =
$AddToAuth->add_user($username,$password,"Ungrouped","999","inactive", '',
print "this is the signup details sql statement\n ";
print $sql."\n";
print mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error() . "\n";
  return $memberid;

 }// END if

else {

  $user_notes = addslashes($user_notes);

  $sql = "INSERT INTO signup VALUES
  $addmember = mysql_query($sql);

  // If SUCCESSFUL, add to vAuthenticate tables too
  if (mysql_errno() == 0){
  $AddToAuth = new auth();
  $add =
$AddToAuth->add_user($username,$password,"Ungrouped","999","inactive", '',
print "this is the signup details sql statement\n ";
print $sql."\n";
print mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error() . "\n";
  return $memberid;
  }// END else

} // END function

function company_details($company, $city, $co_country)
  $newcompanysql = "INSERT INTO co_details VALUES
  $add_company= mysql_query($newcompanysql);
  if (mysql_errno() > 0){
print "add compnay details \n";
print $newcompanysql. "\n";
print mysql_errno() . ": ".mysql_error() . "\n";
return mysql_insert_id();

function addworkplace ($signup_id, $company_id, $department, $start_month,
$start_year, $end_month, $end_year)
 //start date in correct format
 $start_date= $start_year."-".$start_month."-01";

  //end date in correct format
   $end_date = $end_year."-".$end_month."-01";

/* if ($end_month || $end_year == "Present")

  $worksql = "INSERT INTO workplace VALUES

RE: [PHP-DB] Table question....

2002-10-03 Thread Snijders, Mark

you have to make it yourself...

make a counter, for every row do $counter++;

and the

if ($counter%2==0){


the % is the difference math function... you got a rest-value or not...

hope you get it :)

-Original Message-
From: Rodrigo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: donderdag 3 oktober 2002 14:30
Subject: [PHP-DB] Table question

Hi people, is there a way to print a table with the background switching
colors??? like one blue, the next black, blue, black...

thanks in advance...  Equipe Pratic Sistemas
Rodrigo Corrêa
Fone: (14) 441-1700

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RE: [PHP-DB] deleting a file

2002-10-03 Thread Snijders, Mark

first try to search more on

and for this time: use unlink();

-Original Message-
From: Karel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: donderdag 3 oktober 2002 14:16
Subject: [PHP-DB] deleting a file

hi how do i delete a file from server using php?



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RE: [PHP-DB] Re: Mail problem

2002-10-03 Thread Snijders, Mark

I also have such a script, but i use perl, but there are no difference..

use a for or while loop

and put a sleep() function or another function in the loop.. so the server
has more time to process the mail, and there will be no timeout anymore

Mark SNijders

-Original Message-
From: Mak [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: woensdag 2 oktober 2002 16:48
Subject: [PHP-DB] Re: Mail problem

Beware though...if there are too many addresses in the db, you may encounter
timeouts, or your browser may crash (very likely). Increase the timeout
before you do such a mass-mail job.

Also, my comment: If you do not want your receivers to find out who else you
sent the mail to, don't use the CC method. Just:

for(until max. users reached){
send out new mail to current user

Yours sincerely,

"Jj Harrison\" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > maybe use a for loop and mail command.
> > should work
> Or put all the addresses in a CC/BCC field maybe sending every 100 emails
> prevent a mail overload/blockage due to to many recipients etc.
> Hint: look here: and
> can find a way to append more to an existing variable. Very useful in your
> case.
> --
> JJ Harrison
> > "Unknown Sender" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > 002701c23924$da9b1e40$539f4dd5@administrator">news:002701c23924$da9b1e40$539f4dd5@administrator...
> > Sorry to be a little bit off topic.
> >
> > I need a tool or script in PHP, that will automaticaly send e-mails to
> > receipients taken from database.
> > For example 1 the same e-mail to 1000 receipients. B
> >
> > Mail server is on different machine.
> >
> > Thanks in advance
> >
> >
> >

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