i think, your sql-statement isn´t correct.
Maybe you don´t insert the right count of values, or you try to insert NULL
in a "NOT NULL"-defined column.
Try to "echo" the statement and run it with phpMyAdmin, wich will show you
the position of your error in your statement.

mysql_insert_id() gives you the insert-id of your last successfull INSERT.


> I have the following insert :
> mysql_connect( "localhost", "xxxx", "xxxx" );
>       mysql_select_db( "xxxx" );
>       mysql_query("INSERT INTO music_album VALUES
> (NULL, '$artist_id' ,'$album' ,NULL ,NULL)");
>       mysql_query("INSERT INTO music_songs VALUES
> (NULL ,NULL ,NULL ,NULL ,'$songname' ,'$lyrics')");
> When I run this, the first insert works alright but the second insert
> does nothing. What am I doing wrong ?
>  How do I do a mysql_insert_id()?
> --
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