[PHP-DB] formatting a date from mysql

2005-12-12 Thread Eternity Records Webmaster
I need to figure out how to format the date format: year-month-day
(2005-12-06). It is a date(8) field in a mysql table that i pulled out of
the table with php 5.0.5. I need it in the format: Tue December 6, 2005 (or
in mysql's formatting: 6-12-2005). I am using the reformatting for display
only. So it would be something like this:

echo $journal['Date']; //with whatever formatting needed

If possible I need php to do the formatting for me. Thanks...

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[PHP-DB] getting rows by an ID field or by another field in a table

2005-12-06 Thread Eternity Records Webmaster
I have a table with the fields:
CREATE TABLE `journal` (
  `Date` date NOT NULL,
  `subject` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  `entry` longtext NOT NULL
) TYPE=MyISAM COMMENT='Journal table';

I was wondering if I should get the rows out by an ID field of some kind or
maybe do a select on the subject? what would be the real best way? I am
trying to get the date/subject to list on a webpage in a table and then when
someone clicks on the subject (it will be a link), it will take them to a
popup window (target=_blank) and then display the whole entry
date/subject/entry. whats the best practice for that sort of thing?


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[PHP-DB] test email

2005-12-01 Thread Eternity Records Webmaster
just a test email

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Re: [PHP-DB] Current web page being displayed

2005-08-06 Thread Webmaster

Ron Piggott wrote:

What is the correct $_SERVER that tells me what page is currently being
displayed?  Ron



Never used it, but I'm going to guess script_filename or script_name ?


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RE: [PHP-DB] Question on Registration Method

2004-09-26 Thread Webmaster
> I'm getting an error using the
> "mysql_num_rows($result)"

> Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a
> valid MySQL result resource in
> /home/lurkkcom/public_html/lurktivate.php on line 7

Did you happen to remember to change "fields" in the query string to your
table column names, and then "table" to your table name?

> Why am I counting the number of rows in the table? 
> Shouldn't I be looking to see if the code I was passed
> exists within the table ?

If a result is returned, i.e. the number of rows returned is greater than 0,
the page received a valid code and the user exists.


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2004-07-09 Thread webmaster
For some reason I cannot get this to work. I'm trying to use the referrer to 
redirect at the end of a form processing script, but it wont recognize the 

I read that it just wont work with some browsers, isps, and/or security 
settings. If this is the case, does anyone know a work around? 

Thanks in advance! 

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Re: [PHP-DB] FW: db design - which is better

2004-02-07 Thread webmaster
> There just seems to be times when non-normalized table structures are
> to work with.

There are times when de-normalizing is acceptable.  One of the more common
uses of denormalized data is in data warehousing.  Such as pre-summing
sales, and storing pre-calculated aggregate information to relieve the db of
doing heavy or complex calculations when summary data is going to be queried
on a frequent basis.

Often php-based message boards will use columns of pre-sumed data as part of
a "normal" table (for example, a count of total user posts stored in the
user table, that is incremented/decremented when a user adds/deletes a post,
or the total number posts in a given thread stored in the topic table).
This helps to allieviate the need for a count() whenever a message thread is
built and you want to show the number of posts each user in the thread has,

So there are some acceptable situations :)


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[PHP-DB] .DOC to PDF on line

2003-12-18 Thread Webmaster D.G.R.E.R.
My name is Sergio Barreira, i want to know if there are any method (in
PHP) for to convert any .DOC to PDF on line and show it.

Thank You!

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[PHP-DB] how obtain last id past insert?

2003-11-20 Thread Webmaster D.G.R.E.R.
How i obtain inmediatly the id of last insert ?
For example i have a forum, when the user post a question, i send a mail
to administrator, but i want to refer the id from this insert, how i do this
Well i think to make a select max(id) inmediatly but i beliebe that must
have any colision from other user that post other question.
Thank you.

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[PHP-DB] Error connecting with Mysql

2003-11-13 Thread Webmaster D.G.R.E.R.
I understand that this list is about PHP but, may be, any webmaster can
help me.

Linux Suse 8.2.

I was installed apache, php and mysql, all working fine.

from prompt i write mysql and run correctly, i create the database, tables
and grant permisions to users.  all right.
but, when i run the php source have the follow error:

Warning: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket
'/tmp/mysql.sock' (2) in /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/foros/forodecla/index.php
on line 4

i write rcmysql status and say running.

What is hapenning ?

Thank You.


2002-03-13 Thread Inter-Media Webmaster

my php file is in www.abc.com/index.php
mysql server is localhost on cgi.xyz.com

can i do something like this

mysql_connect("http://cgi.xyz.com:localhost:3306";, username, password);


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[PHP-DB] PLEASE HELP mysql_connect()!!!

2002-03-12 Thread Inter-Media Webmaster

my php file is in www.abc.com/index.php
mysql server is in cgi.xyz.com on localhost


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Re: [PHP-DB] currency formating

2001-12-31 Thread Webmaster

Yea i have read that but did not think it was what i needed considering it
is for an automated billing system and the customer may not like it if they
are charged and extra .50 cents or so every month. Their has got to me
another alternative.

"Shooter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
U could use round.
if u looked @ the php.net website. & searched you would of found it.
heres the url http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.round.php

an example is below.
basically. its


$foo = round(1.95583, 2);  // $foo == 1.96


Webmaster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I have the following
> $number=47.7
> I need this to be = 47.70
> it must include the 2 didgets after the . how can i accomplish this
> --
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[PHP-DB] currency formating

2001-12-31 Thread Webmaster

I have the following


I need this to be = 47.70

it must include the 2 didgets after the . how can i accomplish this

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[PHP-DB] Top 5 list of the visited pages [PHP-DB]

2001-11-13 Thread Webmaster Venstre Odense

I need a script that produces a top 5 list of the visited pages at my

$result = mysql_query("
SELECT artikel, count(*) 
from artikel_vist
group by artikel 
", $link);

$num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result); 

while ($raekke = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { extract($raekke);

$nr = $nr+1;
echo "$nr. Artikel: $artikel antal: $num_rows ";


1) nr 2) artikel 3) ip 4) time 

Kind regards


[PHP-DB] PHP redirect?

2001-08-01 Thread Webmaster

I have a form and based off of this form if my user selects option a then I
want them to be redirected to another page. If they select option B then I
want to continue with my php scrips as it does now.

Does any one have any ideas on how I can accomplish this?

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[PHP-DB] Cookies

2001-06-25 Thread webmaster

How can I request a persistant cookie from the clients computer (to make a autologin)
this doesnt work :echo $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS["nameCookie"]

code to set cookie: setcookie("newsLogin",$value,time()+ 3348000); 

if i ask from the same page I get the values I need but not from a different page...


RE: [PHP-DB] Sending the user their forgotten password via emal??

2001-04-26 Thread SOHH.com Webmaster

What I've done is I set up an INPUT box on the site, where you type in your
e-mail address.  Upon hitting submit, I query the database looking for the
persons e-mail address.  If it's there, I send it to them, if not I inform
them that they aren't in the database.  This is the code I use for

Hope this helps.

if ($email) {

$db = "vb114";


$query_checkemail = "SELECT user.* FROM user WHERE user.email  = '$email'";

$result_checkemail = mysql_query($query_checkemail);

if (!$result_checkemail) {

echo("Error performing query:  " . mysql_error());



$recordcount_checkemail = mysql_num_rows($result_checkemail);

if ($recordcount_checkemail) {

while($row_checkemail = mysql_fetch_array($result_checkemail)) {

$username = $row_checkemail["username"];

$password = $row_checkemail["password"];

$mail_to = trim($email);

$mail_headers = "From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]\r\nReply-to:

$mail_subject = "Your login details for SOHH.com:";

$mail_body .= "Username = $username\n";

$mail_body .= "Password = $password\n\n";

$mail_body .= "Don't forget that they are case sensitive!\n\n";

$mail_body .= "To sign up to SOHH Wireless, go to:\n";

$mail_body .= "http://www.upoc.com/sohh/\n\n";;

$mail_body .= "Yours,\n\n";

$mail_body .= "SOHH.com Team\n\n";

mail($mail_to, $mail_subject, $mail_body, $mail_headers);

$message = "Your e-mail address, $email, is already 
in our
database.  This means you are already a member of SOHH.com and can join SOHH
Wireless.You're ready to sign up for SOHH Wireless!For future
reference, we have sent your username and password to $email.";


} else {

$message = "Your e-mail address, $email, is not in our 
This means you are not a member of SOHH.com.  You should join


} else {

$message = "You didn't enter your e-mail address!";


-Original Message-
From: DC [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2001 12:04 AM
Subject: [PHP-DB] Sending the user their forgotten password via emal??

Hi all

I would like to offer my users the chance to have their username and
password sent to them via the email address stored.

As i see it i have two issues

(1) how do i do the verify email thing where the script send a click here to
confirm email address on registration application

(2) how do i then send their details (username / password) to the confirmed
stored email address.

I have looked around but cqnt find the answer.

5 books on the shelf give no clue either

Any help is most apreciated

Thanks in Advance

Dave C

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[PHP-DB] Insert Variables Into A Passed String

2001-04-24 Thread SOHH.com Webmaster


I'm trying to figure out how to make a custom message.  What I have is a
form with a TEXTAREA named MAILFROM.  I want to be able to write an e-mail
in that section like so:

Dear $username.

When I press submit, I want the query to cycle through a list of names (got
this part) and where it finds the variables in the text, replaces them with
the proper content.  Like:

Dear steven

How can I do something like this?



-Original Message-
From: B. van Ouwerkerk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, April 23, 2001 10:26 AM
Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] can't connect to mysql

At 06:45 19-4-01 -0500, johndmiller wrote:
>I just looked at my mysql.sock file and it has a length of zero.  Is this
>the right size, I don't think it is.  If not, do I have to reinstall MySQL
>to get the file back or can I get it from somewhere else.

Length of zero.. thats perfectly normal.



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[PHP-DB] Insert Variables Into A Passed String

2001-04-23 Thread SOHH.com Webmaster


I'm trying to figure out how to make a custom message.  What I have is a
form with a TEXTAREA named MAILFROM.  I want to be able to write an e-mail
in that section like so:

Dear $username.

When I press submit, I want the query to cycle through a list of names (got
this part) and where it finds the variables in the text, replaces them with
the proper content.  Like:

Dear steven

How can I do something like this?



-Original Message-
From: B. van Ouwerkerk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, April 23, 2001 10:26 AM
Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] can't connect to mysql

At 06:45 19-4-01 -0500, johndmiller wrote:
>I just looked at my mysql.sock file and it has a length of zero.  Is this
>the right size, I don't think it is.  If not, do I have to reinstall MySQL
>to get the file back or can I get it from somewhere else.

Length of zero.. thats perfectly normal.



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RE: [PHP-DB] Help Me Fix My User Defined Funtion

2001-04-19 Thread SOHH.com Webmaster

Ok, fair enough.

Basically the top had all my MySQL calls and then it's followed by -

However, since posting my question, I have solved it by doing the following:

Which works but what if I wanted to use the results to do something else?
Like take the string ($link) and count the lenght of it (just an example).


-Original Message-
From: Mark Roedel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2001 11:21 AM
Subject: RE: [PHP-DB] Help Me Fix My User Defined Funtion

> -Original Message-
> From: SOHH.com Webmaster [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2001 3:32 PM
> Subject: [PHP-DB] Help Me Fix My User Defined Funtion
> I created a funciton to pass two variables and create a
> dynamic link.  It doesn't give me an error, but it doesn't
> give me the results either.  What am I missing in my
> function?  (It's down below)

The function itself looks fine to me...is it possible there's a problem
in the way you're calling it?  (How 'bout a code snippet showing that as

Mark Roedel ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  ||  "There cannot be a crisis next week.
Systems Programmer / WebMaster  ||   My schedule is already full."
 LeTourneau University  ||-- Henry Kissinger

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[PHP-DB] Help Me Fix My User Defined Funtion

2001-04-19 Thread SOHH.com Webmaster

I created a funciton to pass two variables and create a dynamic link.  It
doesn't give me an error, but it doesn't give me the results either.  What
am I missing in my function?  (It's down below)

Steven Samuel

function generatesectionlink($sectionID,$contentID) {

if ($sectionID == 4) {
$link = "http://www.sohh.com/thewire/read.php?contentID=$contentID";
} else if ($sectionID == 3) {
$link = "http://www.sohh.com/react/read.php?contentID=$contentID";
} else if ($sectionID == 2) {
$link = "http://www.sohh.com/sohhlive/read.php?contentID=$contentID";
} else {
$link = "http://www.sohh.com/thecore/read.php?contentID=$contentID";

return ($link);


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RE: [PHP-DB] Web based adminisration

2001-04-18 Thread SOHH.com Webmaster

I've written a Content Publishing Tool for my site.


-Original Message-
From: Mike [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2001 1:48 PM
Subject: [PHP-DB] Web based adminisration

Are there any other web based administration tools for mysql written in php
besides phpMyAdmin?Links?
Mike P

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Re: [PHP-DB] Re: Help please

2001-04-10 Thread webmaster

> I assume that the username field is text. You need to add single quotes
> around the field.
> $validate = mysql_query("SELECT username, user_password FROM users
> WHERE username='".$uname."'",$db);

Actually, it did help, and it didn't ;p

It would seem there is a scoping issue with the $db parameter.  its giving a
not valid SQL-link because it no longer sees the db connection.  It has to
do with the way the page calls itself I think... though it isn't very clear
to me.  If I include the connect code for the db in the else block it
connects fine, and the simple select I have in the code sample works.  But I
don't wanna have the db connect code in there if possible...I want the
connect code in one file only, and included on the header for the page...oh
well :)

If I figure out what is happening I will post it to this list.

Thanks for helping,

> OR simply:
> $validate = mysql_query("SELECT username, user_password FROM users
> WHERE username='$uname'",$db);
> Hope this helps.
> Dan
> --
> PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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[PHP-DB] Help please

2001-04-09 Thread webmaster

Hi all,

I have a website that I am trying to develop a "add news" page for.
Basically people who have the authority to add news for the site can type in
their username, password, the title of the article, and the article itself
and submit it to the site (which then verifies the username and password and
if successfull adds it to the DB so the news will appear the next time
somone browses to the website.

This file is an included file into the main page...the $db variable is
valid, and works with all the other pages so far... I am really stumped and
getting frustrated.

I apologise in advance if I am including too much code in my examplethe
place with the error is a couple lines from the bottom of the code sample.

My problem is that I am getting an error when i try to submit the form, code
sample is below.

The error is:

Warning: Supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in
/usr/www/kyid/public_html/addnews.php on line 42

  echo "\n";
  echo " \n";
  echo "\n";
 echo "\n";
echo "* UserName\n";
echo "\n";
echo "\n";
echo "\n";
echo "* Password\n";
echo "\n";
echo "\n";
 echo "\n";
 echo "\n";
echo "* Headline\n";
echo "\n";
echo "\n";
echo "\n";
 echo "\n";
 echo "\n";
echo "*
echo "\n";
echo "\n";
 echo "\n";
 echo "\n";
echo "\n";
echo "\n\n";
echo "\n";
 echo "\n";
  echo "\n";
  /* More stuff would go in here, but this isn't working. */
$validate = mysql_query("SELECT username, user_password FROM users
WHERE username=".$uname,$db);
echo "";

Thanks in advance for any help, or please let me know if this should be on
php-general instead...

Again, thanks
Keith Young.

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[PHP-DB] PHP 4.04 install binary Win32 and MSQL 7.0

2001-01-18 Thread Come Italia s.r.l. - Webmaster

I've installed and correctly configured (I suppose) the binary version of 
PHP 4.04 on a Win NT server with Microsoft IIS.
I'm using CGI version of IIS.
when I try to connect my script with Microsoft SQL 7.0 DB I get this error 
"Fatal error: Call to undefined function: sybase_pconnect() in 
./db/sybase.php on line 17"
This means that the binary version of PHP doesn't support SQL 7.0??
Must I compile the source code of PHP?
Thanks a lot

RES: [PHP-DB] Autonomous Mass Mail List System (Broadcast Email)

2001-01-10 Thread webmaster


dump it all in a database. 
than learn a couple of lines of php.
majordomo is perl... other discussion list.

good luck

# -Mensagem original-
# De: Jason Beebe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
# Enviada em: Wednesday, January 10, 2001 10:49 PM
# Assunto: [PHP-DB] Autonomous Mass Mail List System (Broadcast Email)
# Hey Everyone,
# I'm working a project for one of the company's websites. they 
# have a subscription mailing list that the user signs up their 
# email address to receies periodical emailings.
# The email addresses are stored in a flat txt file. 1 email per 
# line. I could also convert it to a coma delimited txt file if it 
# would be easier.
# So, they've had problem with people who no longer want to receive 
# emails, and one's that bounce for whatever reason, generally a 
# bad email address.
# What I am trying to find out if who has some information to set 
# up a system where we will send out our emails to the subscribers 
# with our mailing list manager. when i customer respondes with a 
# certain command in the body or subject (like unsubscribe) or if 
# the mail bounces, I'd like it to search out the email address and 
# delete it.
# Now, I know there's lists like majordomo that do something 
# similar. But I'm looking for something a little more straightforward.
# I also know this may be more along the lines of shell scripting, 
# but I thought some of you ingenious people may have already done 
# something similar or have some ideas on where to start. thanks.

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