I've been running a PHP4 script on a Linux server every day for quite a
while now. All of a sudden, it stops working. The error message is:

[ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]The cursor was not declared.

What does this mean and how can I fix it? Nothing has changed as far as I
know. Nobody else has access.

Here is the SQL statement that generates the error:

$sql = "SELECT acctid, invoicedate, paiddate, annualdate, reminder, memtype
FROM tblAccounting WHERE InvoiceDate = '" . $filterdate . "') AND (reminder
< 3) AND (PaidDate IS NULL OR PaidDate <= '" . $filteryear . "') ORDER BY

The server is a Redhat Linux server with PHP compiled standalone. It gets to
the SQL Server via the Easysoft OOB software.


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