> This is more an Informix question rather than a PHP question but
> I hope someone can help
> I've installed the Linux-SE version and CSDK of Informix from
> informix.com and installation has gone fine including createing
> the demo DB. I can also start 'dbaccess' and browse/query the
> tables so the envvars seem fine.
> However, when I endeavour to use the PHP functions, I get an
> error in ifx_connect()
> I constantly get the error:
> User ()'s password is not correct for the database server.
> Note how the username field is empty. What's the procedure for
> 'logging in' to the DB? I created the demo DB as a normal user
> and I've read that the user auth stuff is done through the
> operating system.
> Using 'dbaccess' to try and connect to the DB as the same user
> rather then starting dbaccess in the DB dir causes the same error
> to occur so it's obviously something in the setup.
> My sqlhosts line is 'demo_se seipcpip        dev     sqlexec'
> and the ifx_connect line is 'ifx_connect("stores7@demo_se",
> "testuser", "mypasswd")'

Answered my own question after taking some time out ;). Here's what I found
for the sake of the archives.

Turns out Informix has some sort of PAM/shadow password problem which means
it won't talk nicely because it tries to auth the user, but because of the
bug it can't get the user and therein lies the problem.
Luckily I'm on a dev box so I was able to run 'pwunconv' to return my passwd
file to a non shadow state which in a production system is 'not a good

A search in comp.databases.informix on google/deja on shadow and PAM etc
will reveal the problem. Apparently there are workarounds for this but I
haven't found the, yet. I suspect they will require surgery to something
important :)


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