Re: [PHP-DB] Re: PostgreSQL versus MySQL

2001-11-23 Thread Paul DuBois

Has this thread got anything at all to do with PHP?

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Re: [PHP-DB] Re: PostgreSQL versus MySQL

2001-04-11 Thread Bob Hall

On Mon, 9 Apr 2001, Bob Hall wrote:

 MySQL is providing an SQL frontend to a
   bunch of tables and indices, that is it ... it is up to the programmer to
   handle the "managing of data" part where it revolves around being
   relational ...
   I've developed database apps in which the data was inserted in
   batches, which meant that transactions were unnecessary. On the other
   hand, the apps needed an RDBMS to handle normalized tables.

Okay, so you start the insert, and one of the records in the batch failed
to insert ... then what?  You manually rollback the other ones?

Well, with MySQL, you start the batch over again, but use IGNORE in 
the INSERT statement, and MySQL passes over the records that are 
already inserted.

"transaction" is effectively a batch ... if one of the batch fails, either
the programmer has to manually remember and roll everything back, or you
let the database itself handle it ..

No, a batch isn't very much like a transaction. In OLTP, the DBA 
doesn't initiate a transaction, has no control over it, and can't 
recover lost data. In batch processing, the DBA initiates and 
controls the batch, and any missing data is in the file.

   Futhermore, some datawarehousing and web projects involve relational
   databases that are inserted and updated in batches at night, making
   transactions unnecessary.

See above ... I have an application that loads ACT! data into a database
every night ... each contact in the system has something like 20-30 fields
associated with them ... if, for some reason, *one* of those fields fail
to insert properly, that contact is invalid, and the transaction that its
wrap'd in automatically rolls back everything I've done since the start of
the transaction, so that there is no record of that failed contact except
in my error log file ... no "incomplete" data, no stray data ...

If your DBMS doesn't give you the capability to restart the batch at 
the point where it failed, then that's necessary. I have a hard time 
believing, though, that you can't do that in whatever DBMS you're 
using. I'll concede that transactions are preferable in that 
circumstance, but I also have experience with databases where 
transactions have nothing to offer.

batch or interactive doesn't matter ... its the data integrity that is
maintained by using transactions that is key ...

   I'm not trying to claim that MySQL can handle all types of db
   applications. MySQL is a niche product that was never designed to
   handle certain types of applications. My point is that whether a DBMS
   is relational depends on the structure of the data it deals with.
   Whether it needs to support transaction depends on the environment it
   operates in. I think that your point is that in an OLTP environment,
   lack of transaction support screws up the data to the point that the
   database becomes useless. I agree, but not all RDBMSs operate in an
   OLTP environment.

No, my point is that in any environment that needs the features of being
"relational" (data spread across multiple tables, link'd together), IMHO,
transactions are required in order to maintain data integrity *unless* the
programmer himself wants to take it upon himself to maintain this data
integrity in the application layer ...

... if data in table C requires that the data saved to table B was stored,
then if table B fails, the transaction should fail and the changes to
table A should be reversed automatically ... *shrug*  By extension, if the
data to table C fails for whatever reason, the data put to Tables A and
B should be automatically reversed ...

... or the missing data inserted. How did DBAs handle batch 
processing before there were transactions?

Bob Hall

Know thyself? Absurd direction!
Bubbles bear no introspection. -Khushhal Khan Khatak
MySQL list magic words: sql query database

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Re: [PHP-DB] Re: PostgreSQL versus MySQL

2001-04-10 Thread Bob Hall


There's something wrong here. This is the internet, we're 
disagreeing, but we're not flaming each other. If we keep this up, 
they'll revoke all our software licenses because of our noncompliant 

Hi Bob!

That would make a very interesting study.  Attempting to come up with a
modern definition of RDBMS.  Of course, it would be only an academic
exercise...but it would be a fascinating paper if any youngsters reading
this from a university dorm room or computer lab would like to tackle it.

It's too late. Everyone has their own definition of RDBMS, which they 
aren't going to give up. :)

Yes, the SQL standard is a moving target.  But so are the likes of COBOL
and FORTRAN.  So all one can do is attempt to produce a product that at
least attempts to conform somewhat to some published version of the
standard.  It is true that no product adheres perfectly to ANSI SQL
standards.  I believe that that's primarily because, as it exists, SQL is
an incomplete and underdefined language.  However, some products appear to
be more in compliance than others.  But I offer up my pet peeve (MySQL's
bastardization of LIKE and the recent addition of the BINARY keyword
instead of fixing the problem) as an example of MySQL's blatant
non-conformance.  There are examples in PostgreSQL's history (which indeed
has had a turbulent past) of similar things, but they seem to try with
every release to bring themselves more in conformance with either ANSI's
published standard or at least the generally accepted implementation of
what ANSI has published when the standard is unclear.  MySQL just
complicates an already bizarre language with even more bizarre constructs
(BINARY is a recent example).

 From Paul's book: "BINARY causes number-to-string conversion."

It may not comply with the letter of the SQL standards, but it 
certainly complies with the spirit; it's completely non-intuitive!

I would tend to agree with THH that if MySQL is a database management
system it should offer up more than just their SQL-like front end to a
bunch of indexed disk files.

I've read their site.  (I like their site and their documentation better
than PostgreSQL's site and documentation, by the way.)  Their excuse for
not conforming to SQL standards and for not implementing important features
is that they would slow it down unnecessarily.  Two things about that:

  * I do not think things like triggers and transactions are unnecessary, and

  * According to recent reports, PostgreSQL is no longer a dog.  Of course,
this is beta code...but all indications are that it not only performs
admirably, but it also exhibits quite acceptable performance under load.
That's something that a roughly similar MySQL installation appears to have
some problems with, according to the same studies.  (Major reference would
be SourceForge, but there have been some other reports bandied about.  Note
that one must take anything resembling a benchmark as an advisory, not
gospel.  Also note that for every experience or study that favors one
product over another, there will undoubtedly be another that says the
opposite.  So I encourage everyone to take all such reports as ADVISORY
ONLY and make up their own mind.)

Now, PostgreSQL has triggers and transactions and features that MySQL
specifically omits (and indeed eschews) because they say those features are
not important and they would slow everything down.  Do the stories we're
hearing about the new PostgreSQL offer evidence against MySQL's seemingly
firm stance against triggers and transactions?  I don't know.  I suppose
time will tell.

If anyone is actually following this conversation (other than us die
hards), please don't take all of this as MySQL bashing.  That's not what
I'm trying to do.  I use MySQL myself for certain things.  As a matter of
fact, I find that you can turn even the a Win32(R)(TM)(C)(BC)(AD) machine
(which is what I use for my favorite email client, Eudora) into a web
development powerhouse with the Win32 versions of Apache, PHP, MySQL, The
Gimp and WinCVS.  This laptop that I'm typing on right now is outfitted as
described.  I couldn't buy this laptop without Win98 so I am still using
it.  (Maybe my next laptop won't be so limited?)  Anyway, getting
PostgreSQL to work on Win32 is a PITA.  PostgreSQL does work on Win32.  I
know because I got it to work.  But I didn't like it, and stopped using it.


I will agree with everything thing you say, with the understanding 
that there are many projects for which the functionality missing from 
MySQL isn't necessary. (And with the understanding that there are 
many projects for which it is necessary.)

I have my own personal list of non-standard aspects of the MySQL SQL 
interface that tick me off, but I still prefer it to the QBE modules 
in Paradox and Access. And having used versions of Paradox who's 
support for SQL functionality was very poor, MySQL doesn't strike me 
as seriously nonconforming.

Just the same, more compliance is better 

RE: [PHP-DB] Re: PostgreSQL versus MySQL

2001-04-10 Thread Steve Brett

 I'm rooting for PostgreSQL to become the open source app that ate 
 Oracle. MySQL will never be capable of that, but I don't think it 
 needs to be. There will always be a niche for small, quirky apps that 
 have just enough functionality to get the job done and keep the 
 learning curve short and shallow.

sorry to interject. i'm using posatgresql at work for a calendar system and
have found it an excellent tool. still learning and i'm sure i've only
scraped the surface but it copes well with 100+ users whihc is what we want.
i've also used mysql at home and for web projects and found it ok. 

to make my point though which is this. i ,too, also hope that postgresql
will become the product that ate Oracle, along with MS SQL Server. the
groundwork is there and it gets better with each release. my company is on
the brink of dropping MS altogether (for internal network and server needs)
and i hope it is one of many.

 Bob Hall
 Know thyself? Absurd direction!
 Bubbles bear no introspection. -Khushhal Khan Khatak
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Re: [PHP-DB] Re: PostgreSQL versus MySQL

2001-04-09 Thread Bob Hall

On Sun, 8 Apr 2001, Bob Hall wrote:

   You've posted your usual good sense, combined with one statement I
   strongly disagree with.
   One of
   these products is a relational database management system.  The other is a
   quasi-SQL-like-front-end-to-systems-of-indexed-files that has never
   concerned itself with things like standards conformance.
   The implication is that MySQL is not an RDBMS. The only attempt I
   know of to define an RDBMS was Codd's, and no DBMS has ever met the
   criteria he published in a paper in the late 80s (1986?). Even though
   Oracle doesn't meet the criteria of the best known definition (only
   definition?) of an RDBMS, we all seem to agree that Oracle is an
   RDBMS. An RDBMS is a DBMS designed to manage a relational database,
   and a database is relational because it stores data in linked,
   normalized tables.

The only thing I question in this is that without transaction support,
what exactly is MySQL "managing"?

The data in the normalized tables.

  MySQL is providing an SQL frontend to a
bunch of tables and indices, that is it ... it is up to the programmer to
handle the "managing of data" part where it revolves around being
relational ...

I've developed database apps in which the data was inserted in 
batches, which meant that transactions were unnecessary. On the other 
hand, the apps needed an RDBMS to handle normalized tables.

Also, note, that even today, MySQL does not handle transactions, Berkeley
DB does, and its purely optional, and per table.  So, effectively, it has
"transactional tables", its not a "transactional system" ... if you didn't
define a table for transactions when you created it, you just created your
weak link ... again, its not MySQL that manages the system, its the
programmer who has to do it ... *shrug*

Transactions have to do with the environment the DBMS operates in, 
not the type of database. Relational database theory was developed 
when multi-user OSs were still pretty new, and database processing 
was batch processing. In that type of environment, ACIDity isn't an 
issue. In an OLTP environment, even OODBMSs have to deal with 
transactions. At the same time, the lack of transaction support 
doesn't disqualify an OODBMS from being object oriented.  Futhermore, 
some datawarehousing and web projects involve relational databases 
that are inserted and updated in batches at night, making 
transactions unnecessary.

I'm not trying to claim that MySQL can handle all types of db 
applications. MySQL is a niche product that was never designed to 
handle certain types of applications. My point is that whether a DBMS 
is relational depends on the structure of the data it deals with. 
Whether it needs to support transaction depends on the environment it 
operates in. I think that your point is that in an OLTP environment, 
lack of transaction support screws up the data to the point that the 
database becomes useless. I agree, but not all RDBMSs operate in an 
OLTP environment.

Bob Hall

Know thyself? Absurd direction!
Bubbles bear no introspection. -Khushhal Khan Khatak

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Re: [PHP-DB] Re: PostgreSQL versus MySQL

2001-04-09 Thread The Hermit Hacker

On Mon, 9 Apr 2001, Bob Hall wrote:

   MySQL is providing an SQL frontend to a
 bunch of tables and indices, that is it ... it is up to the programmer to
 handle the "managing of data" part where it revolves around being
 relational ...

 I've developed database apps in which the data was inserted in
 batches, which meant that transactions were unnecessary. On the other
 hand, the apps needed an RDBMS to handle normalized tables.

Okay, so you start the insert, and one of the records in the batch failed
to insert ... then what?  You manually rollback the other ones?  A
"transaction" is effectively a batch ... if one of the batch fails, either
the programmer has to manually remember and roll everything back, or you
let the database itself handle it ..

 Futhermore, some datawarehousing and web projects involve relational
 databases that are inserted and updated in batches at night, making
 transactions unnecessary.

See above ... I have an application that loads ACT! data into a database
every night ... each contact in the system has something like 20-30 fields
associated with them ... if, for some reason, *one* of those fields fail
to insert properly, that contact is invalid, and the transaction that its
wrap'd in automatically rolls back everything I've done since the start of
the transaction, so that there is no record of that failed contact except
in my error log file ... no "incomplete" data, no stray data ...

batch or interactive doesn't matter ... its the data integrity that is
maintained by using transactions that is key ...

 I'm not trying to claim that MySQL can handle all types of db
 applications. MySQL is a niche product that was never designed to
 handle certain types of applications. My point is that whether a DBMS
 is relational depends on the structure of the data it deals with.
 Whether it needs to support transaction depends on the environment it
 operates in. I think that your point is that in an OLTP environment,
 lack of transaction support screws up the data to the point that the
 database becomes useless. I agree, but not all RDBMSs operate in an
 OLTP environment.

No, my point is that in any environment that needs the features of being
"relational" (data spread across multiple tables, link'd together), IMHO,
transactions are required in order to maintain data integrity *unless* the
programmer himself wants to take it upon himself to maintain this data
integrity in the application layer ...

... if data in table C requires that the data saved to table B was stored,
then if table B fails, the transaction should fail and the changes to
table A should be reversed automatically ... *shrug*  By extension, if the
data to table C fails for whatever reason, the data put to Tables A and
B should be automatically reversed ...

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Odp: [PHP-DB] Re: PostgreSQL versus MySQL

2001-04-09 Thread Jarek Zgoda

Temat: Re: [PHP-DB] Re: PostgreSQL versus MySQL

The implication is that MySQL is not an RDBMS. The only attempt I
know of to define an RDBMS was Codd's, and no DBMS has ever met the
criteria he published in a paper in the late 80s (1986?). Even though
Oracle doesn't meet the criteria of the best known definition (only
definition?) of an RDBMS, we all seem to agree that Oracle is an
RDBMS. An RDBMS is a DBMS designed to manage a relational database,
and a database is relational because it stores data in linked,
normalized tables.
 The only thing I question in this is that without transaction support,
 what exactly is MySQL "managing"?

 The data in the normalized tables.

Of 12 Codd's rules (1985), MySQL doesn't meet four:
5 - full internal language implementation with transactional processing
6 - using views for data modification;
10 - autonomous referential integrity mechanism built into database;
11 - autonomous data distribution.
Of SQL-92 instructions MySQL doesn't implement following:
This set is about 85% of SQL-92 standart, but i didn't see any DBMS that
implements that all.
Of SQL-92 keywords, about 65% is absent in MySQL, but they are not too often
used even if they are present with significant exception of trigger and
procedural language.

Jarek Zgoda

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Re: [PHP-DB] Re: PostgreSQL versus MySQL

2001-04-08 Thread The Hermit Hacker

On Sun, 8 Apr 2001, Bob Hall wrote:


 You've posted your usual good sense, combined with one statement I
 strongly disagree with.

 One of
 these products is a relational database management system.  The other is a
 quasi-SQL-like-front-end-to-systems-of-indexed-files that has never
 concerned itself with things like standards conformance.

 The implication is that MySQL is not an RDBMS. The only attempt I
 know of to define an RDBMS was Codd's, and no DBMS has ever met the
 criteria he published in a paper in the late 80s (1986?). Even though
 Oracle doesn't meet the criteria of the best known definition (only
 definition?) of an RDBMS, we all seem to agree that Oracle is an
 RDBMS. An RDBMS is a DBMS designed to manage a relational database,
 and a database is relational because it stores data in linked,
 normalized tables.

The only thing I question in this is that without transaction support,
what exactly is MySQL "managing"?  MySQL is providing an SQL frontend to a
bunch of tables and indices, that is it ... it is up to the programmer to
handle the "managing of data" part where it revolves around being
relational ...

Also, note, that even today, MySQL does not handle transactions, Berkeley
DB does, and its purely optional, and per table.  So, effectively, it has
"transactional tables", its not a "transactional system" ... if you didn't
define a table for transactions when you created it, you just created your
weak link ... again, its not MySQL that manages the system, its the
programmer who has to do it ... *shrug*

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[PHP-DB] Re: PostgreSQL versus MySQL

2001-04-07 Thread Jon Valvatne

On the contrary, MySQL is much better at handling table crashes and data corruption 
than PostgreSQL is. What you may have heard is that due to lack of transaction 
support, critical data may be lost "in transit" from your application to the database, 
in the event of a system crash or a dropped connection. Well, guess what? MySQL now 
supports transactions in its latest release. Using transactions is probably not really 
needed though, unless your data is critical, such as credit card numbers.

As for a full comparison between the two, I think the bottom line is that MySQL is 
slightly more light-weight, but easier to use and faster than PostgreSQL. So if you're 
looking for a database for a relatively noncritical web application, I'd say go with 
MySQL, especially since that's what you already have experience with.

One of the upcoming features in MySQL I'm really looking forward to is query caching, 
which is a great feature for web applications.

Jon Valvatne

 Can someone outline the differences between the two? I am partial to MySQL
 from experience but want to get a good view of why one is better than the
 Also, I've heard that you will lose data with MySQL if a system failure
 should occur.

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Re: [PHP-DB] Re: PostgreSQL versus MySQL

2001-04-07 Thread The Hermit Hacker

 As for a full comparison between the two, I think the bottom line is
 that MySQL is slightly more light-weight, but easier to use and faster
 than PostgreSQL. So if you're looking for a database for a relatively
 noncritical web application, I'd say go with MySQL, especially since
 that's what you already have experience with.

tim perdue recently negated this whole 'speed' argument with the
Sourceforge migration ... if you are planning on having a low-hit-rate web
site, go with MySQL, but as soon as you get into concurrent users, MySQL's
performance drops like a rock ...

See the numbers that Tim ran to compare the two:

 One of the upcoming features in MySQL I'm really looking forward to is
 query caching, which is a great feature for web applications.

Something that PostgreSQL has always done ... glad they are starting to
catch up ...

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