[PHP-DB] Re: Storing Credit Cards, Passwords, Securely, two-way encryption

2006-01-09 Thread Dan Baker
Neil made a great post about storing credit card data at your own site 
securely.  I thought I'd add a note:  If you do implement his suggestion, 
I'd suggest adding a Reference type situation:
(1) When you add credit card data to the system, have it return a valid 
Reference to that credit card.  This Reference is only valid within your 
(2) Store the credit card Reference with the end-user record (for monthly 
(3) To run a monthly billing, simply send the credit card Reference, with 
the $amt to your secure credit card server for processing.  It keeps the 
log, and returns a simple SUCCESS or ERROR return

Note: Make sure to store the billing data with that credit card #, so you 
keep your rates down.


Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
As Bob's book is so bloody good, here's the ASIN for it in case you
want to read all 650 pages of good advice ;-)

Cheers - Neil

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Re: [PHP-DB] Re: Storing Credit Cards, Passwords, Securely, two-way encryption

2006-01-06 Thread Peter Beckman

On Fri, 6 Jan 2006, Dan Baker wrote:

"Peter Beckman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message

So I'm thinking about how to save credit card numbers in the DB, for
re-charging cards for subscriptions, new orders, etc.

I'm also thinking about how to save passwords in the DB, not plaintext,
not one-way encrypted either.

Any suggestions?  How would I secure the database?  I'm thinking some
abstract process in code, or something -- security through obscurity.

[Summary: Call Verisign, pay THEM to store credit cards for you]

 What, exactly, does VeriSign do, that makes you so sure that they have
 secured the credit card information any better than I could, using a
 well-thought-out system?  Do you even know?  You just hear "VeriSign" and
 believe they have smart people that have more resources available to them
 to do a better job securing the data?

 Maybe this makes sense if you are doing a few hundred or a few thousand
 dollars of business a month, but if you are planning on doing $5,000 to
 $10,000 a day, it is a lot of added expense to have someone else do it,
 when I could have it done internally.  It is the how.

 Please, no more replies saying don't do it.

Peter Beckman  Internet Guy
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.purplecow.com/

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[PHP-DB] Re: Storing Credit Cards, Passwords, Securely, two-way encryption

2006-01-06 Thread Dan Baker
"Peter Beckman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
> So I'm thinking about how to save credit card numbers in the DB, for
> re-charging cards for subscriptions, new orders, etc.
> I'm also thinking about how to save passwords in the DB, not plaintext, 
> but
> not one-way encrypted either.
> Any suggestions?  How would I secure the database?  I'm thinking some
> abstract process in code, or something -- security through obscurity.

Suggestions?  Oh, I've got some of them:

(1) Call VeriSign (just bought by PayPal)
(2) Do NOT store credit card numbers/dates/ccid's anywhere.  (yes, that ends 
in a PERIOD)
(2B) Obviously you will need to store the credit card data for a brief 
while, so you can at least run the credit card.  BUT, it shouldn't be stored 
for any longer than a few hours (See #3 below)
(3) Using a service like VeriSign, when you get the credit card information, 
run a charge of that card immediately (maybe a $1 handling charge).  This 
will give you a magic reference# assigned to that credit card data at the 
service.  VeriSign calls this a PNRef (I think).  You can then use this 
reference for all future charges to that same credit card.
(4) Make sure to get the billing zip code and street address for the credit 
card.  This reduces your cost per transaction.
(5) Did I mention to NOT store credit card numbers?


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