What's your code look like, something like this?

$result = mysql_query("SELECT name FROM tablename");
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {

    print "Name : ". $row['name'] . "<br>\n";

The above is the most standard way at least.  Share your appropriate 
snippet of code, could be a few reasons.


Briansander wrote:

> Greetings,
> I'm experiencing the strangest problem and I was wondering if anyone
> else has had the same problem.
> I have a fairly simple script setup that queries a mySQL database and
> displays the records in a HTML table. Everything works fine except it
> keeps omitting the first record. Running the query directly on the
> database returns 3 records but only 2 are displayed in the table.
> I just upgraded to PHP 4.0.6 and I'm still having the problem. I've also
> tried using mysql_fetch_array and mysql_fetch_object, both produce the
> same results. The first record is left out every time.
> Any idea as to what the problem might be?
> Thanks.

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