[PHP-DEV] Win32 PHP builds for Ming-0.1.1

2001-07-14 Thread Graeme Merrall

Is there anyone on the list doing PHP-Win32 builds that can create a dll (or
complete Win32 build) that has support for either ming-0.1.1 or possibly the
new 0.2-pre?
The current PHP builds only have the 0.1 lib and I'm in a funny position of
needing 0.1.1.

I've had a crack and compiling it myself but haven't got very far.


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[PHP-DEV] Bug #12162: Error loading TTF font

2001-07-14 Thread orgie

Operating system: WIN98
PHP version:  4.0.6
PHP Bug Type: GD related
Bug description:  Error loading TTF font


I have downloaded new version of PHP a few days ago and today I have found
an error - I tried to create an image from text-string and use
ImageTTFText function to write some info in.
But there is a problem - I have got error message:

Warning: Could not find/open font in C:\mb_net\system\nahled.phtml on line

Used font is TIMESBD.TTF, my OS is WIN98.

I am not able to fix it, same problem is with function ImageTTFBBox.

Previous function of PHP was OK.

Please, let me know what should I do with this problem.

Thank you very much.

Honza Hejdrych
Edit bug report at: http://bugs.php.net/?id=12162edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #12065 Updated: libgd was not built with TrueType font support problem

2001-07-14 Thread wez

ID: 12065
Updated by: wez
Old Summary: libgd was not built with TrueType font support problem
Old Status: 
Status: Open
Bug Type: GD related
Operating System: FreeBSD 4.3
PHP Version: 4.0.6
Old Assigned To: 
Assigned To: wez
New Comment:

It's a GD 1.8.4 problem:
It has both ttf and freetype support in different files; you built it with freetype 
support, and PHP expects it to use TTF functions, which GD reports are not there.
This problem is not present in GD 2.0.1; the TTF functions call the FT functions 
I'll work up a patch for this case, so that PHP can try and stay ahead.

Previous Comments:

[2001-07-13 13:31:10] [EMAIL PROTECTED]


No Way...

That's not the case.

And I have the same error on :
2 FreeBSD 4.3 box
1 linux 2.4.6 box

I say when you compile PHP 4.0.4/4.0.5/4.0.6 as a DSO module, truetype font support is 

[2001-07-13 03:02:32] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The only thing that I can think of is that you have and older version of libgd.so or 
libgd.a hanging around that is mistakenly being linked in instead of the one you were 
expecting, and that configure found.

Please look around your system to see if that is the case; I would recommend moving 
the duplicates to some not in the lib path temporarily while compiling PHP and see if 
you still have the same problem.


[2001-07-12 19:35:42] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

oops... I had to reply here... sorry.


True, for GD I always have this in the Makefile :
LIBS=-lgd -lpng -lz -ljpeg -lfreetype -lm

Can you successfully run the GD test programs that work with TTF/Freetype? (if there 
are any).

I modified gdtestft.c to load the arial font instead of the times one by default.

Another proof of GD having freetype compiled with it is the phpinfo() result :

FreeType Support enabled 
FreeType Linkage with freetype 
(with freetype 2)

FreeType Support enabled 
FreeType Linkage with TTF library
(with freetype 1)

If phpinfo() says it's ok and then the function says it's bugged... then I say 
something is wrong.

[2001-07-12 18:44:38] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Try this short program:

#include stdio.h
#include stdlib.h
#include gd.h

main (int argc, char **argv)
  gdImagePtr im;

  im = gdImageCreate(100,100);
  printf(TTF returns %s\n,
gdImageStringTTF(im, NULL, 1, dummy.ttf,
  12, 0, 0, 0, test));
  gdImageDestroy (im);
  return 0;

Then do:
gcc gdttf.c -lgd -ljpeg -lpng -lfreetype -lm

Try -lttf instead of -lfreetype, depending on which you have installed.

If you still get the libgd was not built with TrueType font support, then you 
haven't build gd with TrueType font support.

If you get any other error, then something screwy is going on.


[2001-07-12 18:28:47] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Are you really, really sure that GD is linked with freetype support??

By default GD doesn't compile without freetype installed
That statement is not correct in any of the GD sources that I have seen; you need to 
explicitly enable TTF/Freetype support in the makefiles.

Can you successfully run the GD test programs that work with TTF/Freetype? (if there 
are any).


The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=12065edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #12065 Updated: libgd was not built with TrueType font support problem

2001-07-14 Thread wez

ID: 12065
Updated by: wez
Old Summary: libgd was not built with TrueType font support problem
Old Status: Open
Status: Feedback
Bug Type: GD related
Operating System: FreeBSD 4.3
PHP Version: 4.0.6
Assigned To: wez
New Comment:

OK, try either using the latest CVS or changing the following line in ext/gd/gd.c of 
the PHP sources:


(It's line 2761 for me in CVS; if you can't find it, look for gdImageStringTTF; it's 
just above it).

I hope that fixes the problem!


Previous Comments:

[2001-07-14 08:44:58] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

It's a GD 1.8.4 problem:
It has both ttf and freetype support in different files; you built it with freetype 
support, and PHP expects it to use TTF functions, which GD reports are not there.
This problem is not present in GD 2.0.1; the TTF functions call the FT functions 
I'll work up a patch for this case, so that PHP can try and stay ahead.

[2001-07-13 13:31:10] [EMAIL PROTECTED]


No Way...

That's not the case.

And I have the same error on :
2 FreeBSD 4.3 box
1 linux 2.4.6 box

I say when you compile PHP 4.0.4/4.0.5/4.0.6 as a DSO module, truetype font support is 

[2001-07-13 03:02:32] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The only thing that I can think of is that you have and older version of libgd.so or 
libgd.a hanging around that is mistakenly being linked in instead of the one you were 
expecting, and that configure found.

Please look around your system to see if that is the case; I would recommend moving 
the duplicates to some not in the lib path temporarily while compiling PHP and see if 
you still have the same problem.


[2001-07-12 19:35:42] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

oops... I had to reply here... sorry.


True, for GD I always have this in the Makefile :
LIBS=-lgd -lpng -lz -ljpeg -lfreetype -lm

Can you successfully run the GD test programs that work with TTF/Freetype? (if there 
are any).

I modified gdtestft.c to load the arial font instead of the times one by default.

Another proof of GD having freetype compiled with it is the phpinfo() result :

FreeType Support enabled 
FreeType Linkage with freetype 
(with freetype 2)

FreeType Support enabled 
FreeType Linkage with TTF library
(with freetype 1)

If phpinfo() says it's ok and then the function says it's bugged... then I say 
something is wrong.

[2001-07-12 18:44:38] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Try this short program:

#include stdio.h
#include stdlib.h
#include gd.h

main (int argc, char **argv)
  gdImagePtr im;

  im = gdImageCreate(100,100);
  printf(TTF returns %s\n,
gdImageStringTTF(im, NULL, 1, dummy.ttf,
  12, 0, 0, 0, test));
  gdImageDestroy (im);
  return 0;

Then do:
gcc gdttf.c -lgd -ljpeg -lpng -lfreetype -lm

Try -lttf instead of -lfreetype, depending on which you have installed.

If you still get the libgd was not built with TrueType font support, then you 
haven't build gd with TrueType font support.

If you get any other error, then something screwy is going on.


The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=12065edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #12163: More use of PHP Scripting Engine

2001-07-14 Thread Xuefer

Operating system: win?
PHP version:  4.0.6
PHP Bug Type: Feature/Change Request
Bug description:  More use of PHP Scripting Engine

make PHP to be integrate into other programs.

Jscript/VBscript of M$ has been made into a DOM object, named
programs support DOM could invoke Scripting Engine freely,
I'm excited to hear that, php can run as shell language
but why not make it easy to be integrate into other programs ?

PHP script is powerful in TEXT processing, which needed by RPG game
but PHP can't host as an RPG game (now)
two way to do it
1. just like GTK did, make extends for PHP to control DirectX/OpenGL, but
PHP isn't low level language.
2. make project using, and it use PHP script to control, but recently, i
havn't seen one PHPScriptingHost for Application.(maybe i lost? :P )
Edit bug report at: http://bugs.php.net/?id=12163edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] CVS Account Request

2001-07-14 Thread CVS Account Request

Full name: Bertrand Mansion
Purpose:   PEAR Development. Correct bugs and update my HTML/Table.php class, add a 
HTML/Graph functionality, development for DB::oci8, submit a powerful HTML Form class 
(soon to be finished)... 

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[PHP-DEV] CVS Account Request

2001-07-14 Thread CVS Account Request

Full name: Andrew Lindeman
Purpose:   -Maintaining manual and manual notes (looking for stupid/inappropriate 
-Looking for bugs, closing bugs, etc.
-Zak Greant ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) told me to come here.

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #12166: SQL_CUR_DEFAULT constant not defined in php_odbc.dll

2001-07-14 Thread jlim

Operating system: Windows ME
PHP version:  4.0.6
PHP Bug Type: ODBC related
Bug description:  SQL_CUR_DEFAULT constant not defined in php_odbc.dll

SQL_CUR_DEFAULT, which is a constant that can be passed into odbc_connect,
is not defined in the odbc extension. I get a warning that it an undefined
constant when I use it. A quick check in the source code confirmed it. 
Edit bug report at: http://bugs.php.net/?id=12166edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] PHP 3.0 Bug Summary Report

2001-07-14 Thread php-dev

 PHP 3.0 Bug Database summary - http://bugs.php.net

 Num Status Summary (543 total including feature requests)
===[*General Issues]==
4180 Open   is_link returns false when target doesnt exist (should return true)
9610 Bogus  Dead link
9820 Open   File upload with any input tag
10101 Bogus  apache + mysqld + php3   == libphp3.so incorrect symbol...
10457 Bogus  ALKHOBAR
===[*Install and Config]==
7386 Feedback   referenced symbol not found when starting Apache
===[Compile Failure]==
1145 Open   Ypu cannot compile with --with-ldap using the Solaris7 bundled 
1298 Open   need to use -taso with Netscape LDAP libs
1461 Open   won't compile with Stronghold 2.2 or 2.3
1933 Open   Unable to compile PHP3 with Oracle8 support
1997 Open   Compilation Problems
2225 Open   Compile error in ldap.c
2282 Open   Compile failure with Stronghold 2.4.1
2490 Open   Perl regular expression functions not available in windows binary
2585 Open   Error linking Oracle 7.3.2 libraries on SCO OpenServer 5.0.4
2658 Open   error while compiling PHP as apache module
2729 Open   Fatal error: Unable to open ???  in - on line 0
2751 Open   Storage size of buf isn't known
2823 Open   undefined symbol: SQLParamData
2824 Open   Inconsistent parameter list declaration for...
2903 Open   fails to compile ifx.ec, report a syntax-error
3033 Open   Fatal compile error on functions/ldap.c
3185 Open   Undefined symbol
3217 Open   ld error when compiling as Apache DSO and --with-mysql
3218 Open   Can't compile php_ftp.dll
3426 Open   make with iodbc failed and I've found the problem
3501 Open   Compiling errors with Oracle-Funktions
3528 Open   Can't compile php 3.0.14 with Oracle support
3677 Open   files not found
3766 Open   configure doesn't allow for the Oracle N32 client SDK to be used
3776 Open   functions/db.c:107: parse error before '*'
4028 Open   wrong directories included for oracle 8.1.6
4217 Open   IBM DB2 will not compile.
4233 Open   The Interbase module won't compile.
4266 Open   Undeclared variables in function/imap.c starting ar line 435
4392 Open   Compile failure with GD 1.7, possibly others
4412 Open   xml failure
4417 Open   Informix specific parse error in functions/ifx.ec
4544 Open   Incompatiblility with latest (3.0) version of PDFlib
4899 Open   PHP Core Dumps With Apache 1.3.12
7734 Open   missing php3_ifx.h
===[Compile Warning]==
3151 Open   php.exe compile warnings because of arpa/inet.h
6942 Open   php sockets unusable with irix-OS
===[dBase related]
3091 Open   dbase_replace_record miscounts number of fields
3429 Open   Warning: Unable to open database...
4802 Open   php.exe crashes while trying to execute the get_record function
===[DBM/DBA related]==
2890 Open   DBM extension on win32 does not valid database identifier error
3371 Open   dbmfetch reurns an empty string
3423 Open   dbmopen() not thread-safe
3809 Duplicate  DBM extension for Win32 PHP3 is malfunctioning and/or has a flaw
3862 Open   dbmReplace  dbmDelete return inverse value
6720 Open   persistent Warning: driver initialization failed on db_open db2 2.7.7
===[Documentation problem]
11155 Open   
===[Dynamic loading related]==
1188 Open   Configuration not work
1586 Open   In the compiled Win32 package, the php3_ldap doesn't load.
1993 Open   Startup failure of liphp3.so
2027 Open   Can't dynamicly load any extension dll file
2250 Open   nt-service problem
2414 Open   php3_vmailmgr.so refuses to load
2862 Open   LDAP in Win32 Bin dist is linked to MSVCRTD.DLL
3168 Open   cannot start apache 1.3.9 if mysql is compiled in, but can RESTART 
3292 Open   MySQL module causes DSO to fail.
3321 Open   Apache Complaining about undefined symbol: dlst_first
3659 Open   mod_php + apache w/mod_so hangs in sched_yield
3680 Open   Apache won't start after install php3
3752 Open   Apache configtest dumps core with DSO  versioning
3781 Open   Cannot load /libexec/libphp3.so
3861 Open   php as a dyn. mod.  configured with IBM db2 support prevents svr 
9565 Open   php3_ldap.dll is compiled as DEBUG
===[IMAP related]=
2816 Open   Imap_open error when user_id length=3 char
2847 Open   imap_search - dates don't work
3040 Duplicate  imap_open
3236 Open   Email message 

[PHP-DEV] Bug #12168: mysql_select_db() won't work

2001-07-14 Thread DeadEye5000

Operating system: Windows 2000
PHP version:  4.0.6
PHP Bug Type: MySQL related
Bug description:  mysql_select_db() won't work

This is a two part script, query.php and mysqltest.php.  It's a script that
executes a query on the selected database.  But I get an error that says
that there is no database selected.  I'm using IIS 5.  This is the first

titlePHP Code Tester/title
!-- query.php --
$host = localhost;
$user = dan;
$pass = moops;

form action=mysqltest.php
Please select the database for query:brbr
select name=database
mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass);
$dbTable = mysql_list_dbs();
for ($i = 0; $i  mysql_num_rows($dbTable); $i++) {
echo option value=\ . mysql_tablename($dbTable, $i) . \ .
mysql_tablename($dbTable, $i) . \n;
Please input the SQL Query to be executed:brbr
textarea name=query cols=50 rows=10/textareabrbr
input type=submit value=Execute Query!

Sorry if this is a bit long, but this is the second page:

titlePHP SQL Code Tester/title
!-- mysqltest.php --

$host = localhost;
$user = dan;
$pass = moops;

mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass);
$query = stripSlashes($query);
$result = mysql_db_query($database, $query);

Results of query b? echo $query; ?/bhr

if ($result == 0):
echo bError  . mysql_errno() . :  . mysql_error() . /b;
elseif (mysql_num_rows($result) == 0):
echo Query executed successfully!/b;
table border=1
for ($i = 0; $i  mysql_num_fields($result); $i++) {
echo td . mysql_field_name($result, $i) . /td;
for ($i = 0; $i  mysql_num_rows($result); $i++) {
echo tr;
$rowArray = mysql_fetch_rows($result);
for ($j = 0; $j  mysql_num_fields($result); $j++) {
echo td . $rowArray[$j] . /td;
echo /tr;

? endif ?

form action=query.php method=post
input type=submit value=New Query

I'm using the win32 binary of PHP.  While I was installing PHP it ran into
an error saying it couldn't configure for IIS, and that I had to manually
do it.  I set it up and all the scripts run fine except for when I have to
select a database.

Edit bug report at: http://bugs.php.net/?id=12168edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #12169: Doesn't work

2001-07-14 Thread zombie

Operating system: Windows 98
PHP version:  4.0.6
PHP Bug Type: Scripting Engine problem
Bug description:  Doesn't work

Here is what I get from Apache
[Wed Jul 11 01:10:21 2001] [error] [client] c:/server/fuck.php is
not executable; ensure interpreted scripts have #! first line
[Wed Jul 11 01:10:21 2001] [error] [client] couldn't spawn child
process: c:/server/fuck.php

Wuzzup? I've spent all tha day tryin' to make it work. In vane.
Edit bug report at: http://bugs.php.net/?id=12169edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #12169 Updated: Doesn't work

2001-07-14 Thread jmoore

ID: 12169
Updated by: jmoore
Old Summary: Doesn't work
Old Status: Open
Status: Bogus
Bug Type: Scripting Engine problem
Operating System: Windows 98
PHP Version: 4.0.6
New Comment:

Try reading and following the install instructions in the manual otherwise contact the 
php-install list, http://www.php.net/support.php

- James

Previous Comments:

[2001-07-14 12:42:31] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Here is what I get from Apache
[Wed Jul 11 01:10:21 2001] [error] [client] c:/server/fuck.php is not 
executable; ensure interpreted scripts have #! first line
[Wed Jul 11 01:10:21 2001] [error] [client] couldn't spawn child process: 

Wuzzup? I've spent all tha day tryin' to make it work. In vane.

Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=12169edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #12170: sessionid is attached with a '?' instead of the arg_seperator

2001-07-14 Thread vincev

Operating system: debian linux
PHP version:  4.0.6
PHP Bug Type: Session related
Bug description:  sessionid is attached with a '?' instead of the arg_seperator

All my links get attached with the sessionid by PHPs session management.
Having some own arguments it is not seperated by the arg_seperator but '?'
(without quotes)

arg_separator.output = amp;

like this:

... forum.php?forumfolderid=0?PHPSESSID=3ff5bb319ba36bfb98812027779e1c8e
Edit bug report at: http://bugs.php.net/?id=12170edit=1

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: Str enhancement, final run

2001-07-14 Thread Cynic

Hi there,

excuse my ignorance, but could someone provide me w/ some
hints as to the origin of this thread? I must've missed it 
(just returned from vacation). Since I haven't seen prior
messages in this/related thread(s), I might be off base here. 
Sorry if this is the case.

Now, some time ago (1.5y) when I began exploring PHP and 
stumbled upon something unintuitive (had to do w/ strings 
being similar to arrays but not completely equivalent...)
Andi told me strings would be eventually made more different
from arrays.

Now, I might be the only one, but I actually like the idea of
equivalence of strings and arrays. For example, I'd like to 
be able to foreach() a string just like it was an array (last
time I checked the behavior was st. like 'string' being used
as if it was array('string') - I'd prefer array('s','t','r',

As for the Andre's suggestions, I like Python's ranges in both 
lists and strings (they use colon instead of two dots). I 
some details of it unintuitive, but don't remember what it was 
exactly as it's been some time since I touched Python though.
I can look it up if anyone's interested.

Oh, where can I subscribe to [EMAIL PROTECTED]? Seems like
that's where the fun is. :)

At 18:38 7/10/2001, Andi Gutmans wrote the following:
At 06:00 PM 7/10/2001 +0200, André Langhorst wrote:
As it were Andi's last words, is it the finial decison now just to implement $foo{x} 
to retrieve a single char?
I'm asking this again, because it will be irreversible because it is not compatible 
with substr($foo,x) == $foo{x}!!!
And as I still do not agree that substr($foo,4,6) should be better than
$foo{4,6} I now have another (taken and modified from Zeev or Andi) offer, which *is 

What about the range proposals? $foo{4..6} where $foo{6..} would mean to the end, no 
negative numbers, nothing else but at least that would simplify string processing a 
bit (although I am still in favor for the substr() solution).

I think even Zeev would agree that this is intuitive ;)
So far we have:

$foo{x} get char at pos x
$foo{x..} get chars from pos x to the end
$foo{x..y} get chars from pos x to y

This option looks nice but I don't like the extensions mentioned below. I still think 
that people who need more complicated stuff can use substr(). But I know many don't 
agree with me so I prefer to wait a while with the discussion until we start 
advancing a bit in the Engine 2 implementation and then we will also have more of a 
technical basis to judge not only what is nice but also what is technically feasible.
The only thing I think is pretty sure is that $foo{x} will work :)


Now what if we do not know the position of the last character?

$foo{x..-5} get chars from pos x to the minus 5
I tried to interprete this differently but I failed, isn't this called intuitive?

As an alternative we even modify it to
$foo{x..|} and $foo{x..|-4}
if anyone feels better with it...

Comments welcome,

ps. I do not remember the engine2 email address, if anyone could forward it...

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--end of quote-- 

And the eyes of them both were opened and they saw that their files
were world readable and writable, so they chmoded 600 their files.
- Book of Installation chapt 3 sec 7 

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #11911 Updated: Speed Problem

2001-07-14 Thread cardinal

ID: 11911
Updated by: cardinal
Old Status: 
Status: Feedback
Bug Type: ODBC related
Operating System: Linux RedHat 7.1
PHP Version: 4.0.6
New Comment:

Setting status to feedback, status was blank.

Previous Comments:

[2001-07-12 15:00:45] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

just verifying that the user password works for this bug.

[2001-07-09 08:44:54] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

on your linux build did you use --with-openlink or --with-iodbc?

if it was --with-openlink, try to rebuild using the --with-iodbc instead, as one is 
maintained, the other isn't ;)

[2001-07-05 11:57:21] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

We have 2 machines, one NT and the other LInux. Both run PHP. The Linux machine runs 
Apache and the NT machine runs IIS 4.

The Linux machine is a database server. If we run the PHP script on the NT machine 
against the database on the Linux machine, the result is instantaneous, however if we 
run the script from the Linux machine against it's local database, it takes 20 seconds 
to respond.

The database method of access is via Openlink ODBC.

meta http-equiv=refresh content=10;url=http://ifusion.isoft.co.za/test.php;
meta http-equiv=refresh content=10;url=http://ifusion.isoft.co.za/test.php;
H1 Omnix Interface into HEAT /H1
H2 Waiting for Transactions .. /H2

//function dq($str) {
 //   $str = trim(\.$str.\,);
//return ($str);
print Running Test.phpBR;

//$Err = ;
if (!($db = odbc_connect(Omnix000,,,1))) {
print ** There is no Omnix Server for Database sqlHEAT**;

$Sql = select name from drsmas;
//$Sql .=WHERE jobcard  '';

$callLog = odbc_prepare($db,$Sql);
$x = odbc_execute($callLog);
//if ($x) PRINT Good = $x ;

//$callLog = odbc_exec($db,$Sql);
//print No of rows= .odbc_num_rows($callLog);
/*for ($i = 1; $i  10; $i++){

$name = odbc_result($callLog,1);
print data= $name BR;


Edit this bug report at http://bugs.php.net/?id=11911edit=1

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[PHP-DEV] Bug #12172: Failure to bind a variable to an object's method that returns a reference

2001-07-14 Thread mubarmej

Operating system: Windows 2000
PHP version:  4.0.6
PHP Bug Type: *Compile Issues
Bug description:  Failure to bind a variable to an object's method that returns a 

The following line will give a compilation error:

$arr = array( $stuff, $this-refAll() );

refAll() is a method of the class that returnes a reference.

This work around works:

$ref = $this-refAll();
$this-stack[] = array( $stuff, $ref );

But i think that the one line solution should work too.
Edit bug report at: http://bugs.php.net/?id=12172edit=1

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