Re: [PHP-DEV] CVS Account Request: tony2001

2003-02-28 Thread Antony Dovgal
On 24 Feb 2003 08:21:17 -
"Antony Dovgal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Translating PEAR docs to Russian (main purpose, PEAR Russian docs team obviously 
> need help).
> Translating PHP docs to Russian (possibly, if Russian docs team needs some help).

Vitaliy Kravchenko(from Russian PEAR Docs team) has already said in pear-dev, that he 
needs my help.
Please, give me access to peardoc. 
I can start translating it to Russian immediately.

Antony Dovgal aka tony2001  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[PHP-DEV] CVS Account Request: tony2001

2003-02-24 Thread Antony Dovgal
Translating PEAR docs to Russian (main purpose, PEAR Russian docs team obviously need 
Translating PHP docs to Russian (possibly, if Russian docs team needs some help).

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Re: [PHP-DEV] DLL PHP script for C

2003-02-06 Thread Antony Dovgal
On Thu, 6 Feb 2003 12:34:42 -0200
"Fernando Serboncini" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I mean to make possible to PHP behave like a real C scripting language, like
What does "real C scripting language" means ?

P.S. take a look at

Antony Dovgal aka tony2001  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [PHP-DEV] RFE: trigger_error()

2003-01-27 Thread Antony Dovgal
On Mon, 27 Jan 2003 13:29:49 +0100
Sebastian Bergmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>   Right now if one uses trigger_error() to trigger an error the
>   line number that gets displayed is that of the trigger_error() line.
>   Would it be possible to add additional parameters to trigger_error()
>   to pass a filename and a line number to it?

imho this can be easily solved without adding any parametrs to trigger_error(), if you 
use your own error_handler.
you can pass to it any parameters you want, including __FILE__ and __LINE__.

Antony Dovgal aka tony2001  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [PHP-DEV] month part

2002-12-19 Thread Antony Dovgal
On Thu, 19 Dec 2002 15:04:56 +0100
"Diana Castillo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> How can I get a string containing the month part of a date the user types
> in?
> e.g. if they type in "06/07/200" I want to get "06"
Take a look to, String Functions and Date/Time Functions.
But you'd better write such questions to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Antony Dovgal aka tony2001  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [PHP-DEV] radius extension

2002-11-26 Thread Antony Dovgal
On Tue, 26 Nov 2002 10:33:02 +0100
Michael Bretterklieber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> - Windows: It should also build under windows with some modifications, 
> but I have nothing found in the documentation about the build-process 
> under windows => HowTo?
I suppose you need to read this:

Antony Dovgal aka tony2001  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re[2]: [PHP-DEV] short_open_tag

2002-10-18 Thread Antony Dovgal
Hello All,

AG> I don't see why it's such a big deal for people who are creating xml to
AG> turn-off short tags?
This is the main question/answer of this thread!
So, please, people, calm down.

Zmievski has got the present for all of you...=))

Antony Dovgal aka tony2001   mailto:tony2001@;

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Re[2]: [PHP-DEV] short_open_tag

2002-10-16 Thread Antony Dovgal

Hello Dan,

Tuesday, October 15, 2002, 7:41:16 PM, you wrote:

DH> The web is a rapidly changing market and standards are being activley
DH> evolved.  and its not about XML document headers.
Yes, the web is rapidly changing, but PHP shouldn't and couldn't change so fast.

DH> I have written semi static XML document from php before (for speed reasons
DH> over using an output parser). EG:
You can disable short_tags on 99% of hostings yourself.
By disabling short_tags we can solve one small problem and obtain one
really BIG.

DH> The other advantage is to force people one way or the other. In the case
DH> of 50% of servers allowing short tags, and the other not... a script using
DH> short tags will only work on 50% of PHP installations (just as a script
DH> that relies on register_globals will only work on servers with it switched
DH> on).
Hmmm.. I don't see any advantage in forcing people at all.
People MUST have choice(and possibility to learn on their own mistakes).

I think we can finish this discussion.
The answer is NO.

Antony Dovgal aka tony2001   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re[2]: [PHP-DEV] short_open_tag

2002-10-15 Thread Antony Dovgal

Hello all.

ZS> changing a number in the version doesn't give us a "carte blanche" to break
ZS> compatibility.  Compatibility breakage is cumulative - the more you break, 
ZS> the harder it is to adapt.
That's in fact what I'm talking about.

Antony Dovgal aka tony2001   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re[2]: [PHP-DEV] short_open_tag

2002-10-15 Thread Antony Dovgal

Hello Dan,

DH> Your missing the point of my suggestion. Im not suggesting we switch it
DH> off by default, Im suggesting we *remove* the feature.
Very good.
Why not to change to "..." then?

DH> As the XML community expands and more and more scripting languages (server
DH> and client side) are being designed to interoperate, cross-language
DH> compatability (or at least handling) is required.
XML|PHP community imho much less than PHP-community, that uses  syntax.
As I already said, there is hundreds to thank you and thousands to hate you
for this *harmful* modification.

DH> The short tag  and its my recommendation that (in version 5 of the product) the sort tag
DH> option is removed.
No, you just missing something important.
When you want to remove or change something by default - this shows:
a. you're lazy to change it locally OR
b. you're lazy to find good hosting where you can change php.ini.
(nothing personal)

DH> Yes - this will break *alot* of sloppy scripts (including scripts taking
DH> the short cut  sh/sed/awk script could be written that scans a directory tree and
DH> converts all .php files to .php5 files.
Yep, it's rather easy to write such script.
But it's not easy to change millions of already working php-scripts.

DH> Note: this script could also check for other cross version problems that
DH> may arrise.
We can *aviod* such kind of problems by leaving this option in present

DH> My *key* point is that come the upgrade jump from v4 to v5 people will
DH> *expect* major differences - otherwise it would just be another step in
DH> the v4 tree.
Yes, I agree, v5 gives *possibility* to provide major differences.
1. Removing (and even disabling by default) short tags is not
necessary for all PHP-community.
2. Possibilty to provide chages is not necessity to provide them.
There are a lot of more important things.

Thank you for your attention =)

Antony Dovgal aka tony2001   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re[4]: [PHP-DEV] short_open_tag

2002-10-15 Thread Antony Dovgal

Hello Manuzhai and others.

Tuesday, October 15, 2002, 10:27:33 AM, you wrote:

>> Thousands of programmers use short tags in their scripts, but only
>> hundreds can't change this setting in php.ini manually.

M> Wrong... Many webhosting companies won't allow customers to change php.ini,
M> and my experiences with php_set_ini() aren't too good.
yep, many of hostings don't allow this.
but in 99% XML on such hostings is not allowed too.

I think you shouldn't do the wrong thing if someone does...

Antony Dovgal aka tony2001   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re[2]: [PHP-DEV] short_open_tag

2002-10-14 Thread Antony Dovgal

Hello Dan and all.

DH> Due to the frequency of this coming up on the list, would it be possible
DH> to disable them as of PHP v5?
I suppose, it's not a kind of problem that should be solved in such way.

DH> People will be expecting major changes come v5, and it might be the
DH> easiest way to move over (if thats what the developers conclude).
I don't think that this is the reason to break backward compatibilty.
Thousands of programmers use short tags in their scripts, but only
hundreds can't change this setting in php.ini manually.

Antony Dovgal aka tony2001   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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