Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: [PHP-DOC] Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: Modules/Extensions not in 4.3

2002-11-30 Thread Arnaud Limbourg
> We talkes about this at our March Doc meeting. The problem is that the
> different doc systems mostly started out from the initial "phpdoc"
> repositories system, and developed on their own ways. Reuniting the build
> systems under one umbrella would be quite a hard task, and I don't know who
> can volunteer on this. It obviously needs more then one person from every
> doc team, who understands the system used there, and can work to unite
> them. In March, the central build system for all php documentation project
> seemed to be a faraway dream...
> Well, it also needs to be mentioned, that if you look at the different
> parts (php-dev, pear-dev) they also have different coding standards, CVS
> rules, etc.), so it's still a trouble for developers.

Indeed, this would be huge task. Plus, is having a big doc system  better than two 
smaller units ?

There is already a lot of work to move from peardoc to peardoc2.

> Well, I think we had a wrong picture about PECL (or at least I had),
> that the PECL extensions were distributed separately. If all the
> extensions are in PECL, the manual should contain the core ones,
> bundled with PHP, that's for sure.
> We would also like to gain some on moving docs to PEAR/PECL doc tree
> as there will be less to translate for the core PHP manual. I don't
> think so that any translation team can handle the current size of the
> manual and keep it up to date. Some translations had backed off when
> faced the size of the work to do to make the translation complete, or
> manage a translation at some stage. From an insider view, I can say
> that the Hungarian translation also faces such problems now, we are
> unable to at least keep the translation up to date...

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[PHP-DEV] CVS Account Request: arnaud

2002-11-22 Thread Arnaud Limbourg
Write pear documentation, e.g.: started with phpunit (agreed with sebastian)
Contribute to pear packages (like LiveUser)

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Re: [PHP-DEV] PHP and Smarty Templates

2002-10-13 Thread Arnaud Limbourg

Please ask this question in [EMAIL PROTECTED]


> I have a variable in a smarty template: $product.url ...
> Within the smarty template I have: {include file="getTable.tpl"} ...
> In the included template I have a function called: getTable($url) ...
> From the original template where the $product.url resides, I would like to 
> pass that value into the php function but can't seem to figure out the 
> syntax to do that.  Please help.  I have tried things like 
> {php}getTable{{/php}{$product.url}{php});{/php} ... but obviously this 
> doesn't work.
> Thank you for any assistance with this.
> -- 
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[PHP-DEV] Re: [PEAR-DEV] "pear package" broken

2002-10-06 Thread Arnaud Limbourg

>   "pear package" in the XML_Transformer directory creates a broken tgz
>   archive. The archive seems to have right filesize, but when I try to
>   "tar xvfz" it, I only get a "package.xml" file from it.
>   Could this be related to current streams issues?

It should not.

I get the following error when trying to build it.

pear package package.xml 
XML error: no element found at line 275


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Re: [PHP-DEV] OOH Forms ?

2002-07-15 Thread Arnaud Limbourg


There is such a library, you can find it in PEAR.

It needs some cleanup and improvements though.


> Hi there
> I came across with some reference indicating there was a library called OOH
> forms, wondering if anyone knows about the status of that lib, or has those
> features been incorporated into some others?  OR simply, Is there any
> similar one, thanks.
> /dl

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