Re: [PHP-DEV] windows binaries with LIBXSLT enabled

2002-11-14 Thread BigDog
I would think that you would want (or have) to enable XSLT/EXSLT in both
major platforms (win32 and *nix).

However, the problem that i see is that many *nix developers do not need
or possibly want DOM.  So coding it all might be more hassle then it is


On Thu, 2002-11-14 at 11:52, Lucas M. Kalita wrote:
> Hi,
> Is it possible to make Windows binaries (snapshots and releases)
> to include XSLT/EXSLT support included in DOM XML extension.
> XSL transformation engine in DOM XML is in my opininion (we use it on
> several sites) a lot better then XSLT extension (Sablotron).
> LK
.: B i g D o g :.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] is_*

2002-11-13 Thread BigDog
IMHO, this will be bloat code which many PHP developers do not want in
there core code.

Many php developers have there own functions or classes that deal with
these issues.

I would suggest those developers that need this type of code, they
should find some that is already written.

On Thu, 2002-11-14 at 02:46, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hello,
> After having helped many users, I just thought of new functions like
> is_alpha, is_alnum, is_valid_email() that we should make so the new user can
> do valid form with good verification without knowing how ereg() or preg_*
> work. We should think about some another functions too...
> Any comment?
> P.S: they would be based on the same verification than ereg [[:alnum:]]
> etc..
> Regards.
> M.CHAILLAN Nicolas
> Hébergement de sites internets.
.: B i g D o g :.

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