Re: [PHP-DEV] Weird error with sessions

2001-08-31 Thread Christian Joergensen

On Friday 31 August 2001 15:38, Derick Rethans wrote:
> Script:
> --
> --
> This command:
> php -q sessiontest.php shows this:
> [root@mars scripts]# php -q bug1.php

[snip warnings]

How should php be able to set the sessioncookie when you use Quiet-mode, 
which is supposed to suppress any HTTP-header ?

Christian Jørgensen  |  "Ford, you're turning into a penguin"  |  "Stop it" 

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Missing date() functionality

2001-08-14 Thread Christian Joergensen

On Tuesday 14 August 2001 22:03, André Næss wrote:
> Wouldn't it be nice if date() returned the weeknumber? I was rather
> appalled when I realized this wasn't available... Have I missed something?
> The other date related functions also seem to miss functionality like this.

You can do that with strftime:

Christian Jørgensen  |  "Ford, you're turning into a penguin"  |  "Stop it" 

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Bug #12725: header ("Location: index.php") ; does not work in Netscape6 on the Mac

2001-08-13 Thread Christian Joergensen

On Monday 13 August 2001 22:25, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> header ("Location: index.php") ;
> exit;
> The above does NOT work on Netscape 6 on the Mac(only).

Try using the full path including hostname and protocol, as described in the 
RFC, in your header.

Christian Jørgensen  |  "Ford, you're turning into a penguin"  |  "Stop it" 

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