[PHP-DEV] error_log doesn't use file locking

2001-01-27 Thread Ivan Petrovic

Bug or feature in all php versions?

If couple of users trigger error_log() in the same time - the output file
becomes garbled.

It should be nice to have flock with timeout. Is there some kind of alarm
(like in C) suitable for this?


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[PHP-DEV] exec not returning status of the executed command

2001-01-27 Thread Ivan Petrovic

Bug in php4.04pl1

return_var in exec() always returns -1

It was working just fine in php4.01

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[PHP-DEV] ob_gzhandler memory leak + readfile not working

2001-01-27 Thread Ivan Petrovic

Problems with php4.04pl1

Adding this line to php.ini is not enough:

output_handler = ob_gzhandler ;

I had to add:

header("Content-Encoding: gzip");

to PHP files. Then it worked. It is really nice feature and it speeds things
up. But the problem is, as some of you already reported, there is huge
memory leak. I hope it will be fixed soon.

Another thing:

When using gzipped output, it is impossible to use readfile(). Maybe this
function is not using cached output at all?


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