From:             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Operating system: Linux
PHP version:      4.0.4pl1
PHP Bug Type:     Scripting Engine problem
Bug description:  class functions & PHP core functions inconsistently clash ;)

Okay.. this has been bugging me for a while..
consider the following:
class test {
function mail () { print ("Bah\n"); }
function fopen () { print ("Bah\n"); }
function new () { print ("Bah\n"); }
function list () { print ("Bah\n"); }
$temp = new test;
etc, etc..

This will generate a parse error (expecting `T_STRING') until the new() and list() 
functions are removed from the class.  mail() and fopen() will work.
Now.. my question is why the inconsistency?
Is there some super-secret reasoning behind not letting me name my classes' objects 
the same as only a few predefined functions?
I'm lazy.. you guys took all the good function names.. why must you tease me with 

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