Re: [PHP-DEV] Mailparse extension

2002-11-19 Thread Wez Furlong
Hi Mike,

I'm ironing out a few nasty bugs; I'm aiming to have it stable either in
time for 4.3 or very shortly afterwards.

(It's not bundled with the core any longer - it's now in PECL)


On Tue, 19 Nov 2002, Mike Hall wrote:

> Is this going to be production stable in 4.3.0?
> Cheers,
> Mike
> --
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[PHP-DEV] Mailparse extension

2002-11-19 Thread Mike Hall
Is this going to be production stable in 4.3.0?



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RE: [PHP-DEV] mailparse extension

2001-05-20 Thread Wez Furlong

On 2001-05-20 16:20:03, "Andi Gutmans" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At 12:28 PM 5/20/2001 +0100, Wez Furlong wrote:
> > > SGksDQoNCkkndmUgY29tbWl0dGVkIG15IG1haWxwYXJzZSBleHRlbnNpb247IEkgaG
> Was that in chinese? :)

Base64... :-)


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RE: [PHP-DEV] mailparse extension

2001-05-20 Thread Andi Gutmans

Was that in chinese? :)


At 12:28 PM 5/20/2001 +0100, Wez Furlong wrote:
>That says something along the lines of:
>I have commited my mailparse extension since there was no negative feedback
>when I asked about doing it a couple of weeks ago.
> > SGksDQoNCkkndmUgY29tbWl0dGVkIG15IG1haWxwYXJzZSBleHRlbnNpb247IEkgaG
> > 9wZSB0aGF0
> > cyBPSy4NCkkgZGlkbid0IGdldCBhbnkgbmVnYXRpdmUgZmVlZGJhY2sgYWJvdXQgY2
> > 9tbWl0dGlu
> > ZyBpdCB3aGVuIEkgYXNrZWQgYQpjb3VwbGUgb2Ygd2Vla3MgYWdvLCBzbyBJIHRob3
> > VnaHQgaXQg
> > d291bGQgYmUgT0suDQoNCi0tV2V6Lg==
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RE: [PHP-DEV] mailparse extension

2001-05-20 Thread Wez Furlong


That says something along the lines of:

I have commited my mailparse extension since there was no negative feedback
when I asked about doing it a couple of weeks ago.


> SGksDQoNCkkndmUgY29tbWl0dGVkIG15IG1haWxwYXJzZSBleHRlbnNpb247IEkgaG
> 9wZSB0aGF0
> cyBPSy4NCkkgZGlkbid0IGdldCBhbnkgbmVnYXRpdmUgZmVlZGJhY2sgYWJvdXQgY2
> 9tbWl0dGlu
> ZyBpdCB3aGVuIEkgYXNrZWQgYQpjb3VwbGUgb2Ygd2Vla3MgYWdvLCBzbyBJIHRob3
> VnaHQgaXQg
> d291bGQgYmUgT0suDQoNCi0tV2V6Lg==

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[PHP-DEV] mailparse extension

2001-05-20 Thread Wez Furlong


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Re: [PHP-DEV] mailparse extension

2001-05-10 Thread Vadka

On Fri, 4 May 2001, Andrei Zmievski wrote:

> On Fri, 04 May 2001, Hartmut Holzgraefe wrote:
> > oops, we are going to have internal extension dependencies beside
> > those to ext/standard?
I have a mailparser c code PHP module more or less rady. Can put it to
public domain. There is a need to rewrite some parts of it, maybe.

So, is it actual?

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Re: [PHP-DEV] mailparse extension

2001-05-07 Thread Boian Bonev

> I would like to put my mailparse ("As seen on weekly summary")
> extension into CVS; shall I just check it into php4/ext?

i'd also like to see this one released in php. :)


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Re: [PHP-DEV] mailparse extension

2001-05-04 Thread Andrei Zmievski

On Fri, 04 May 2001, Hartmut Holzgraefe wrote:
> oops, we are going to have internal extension dependencies beside
> those to ext/standard?

ext/wddx already depends on ext/xml.


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Re: [PHP-DEV] mailparse extension

2001-05-04 Thread Wez Furlong

On 2001-05-04 10:03:00, "Hartmut Holzgraefe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Wez Furlong wrote:
> > So, it'll be more of an internal dependency...
> oops, we are going to have internal extension dependencies beside
> those to ext/standard?

I can see where you are heading.
> i think we should find a standard way to:
> - ensure mandatory dependencies are fullfilled during configure

I was going to "hand-code" this check in my config.m4 for the time-being.

> - restrict symbols exported by the extensions intermideate object
>   files (.so for shared extension or .a archive for builtin ones)

I'm always careful to avoid namespace pollution (using static wherever
possible), but some collisions are inevitable given the number of different
developers and extensions.
> Any comments on this? (Sascha?)

Calling all autoconf/libtool gurus...

I can see how to "use" the config macros, just not how to implement them


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Re: [PHP-DEV] mailparse extension

2001-05-04 Thread Hartmut Holzgraefe

Wez Furlong wrote:
> I said no, but I am thinking of making a dependency on the new mbstring
> extension to utilize the extensive encoding conversion code it provides.
> So, it'll be more of an internal dependency...

oops, we are going to have internal extension dependencies beside
those to ext/standard?

i was just htinking of ways to isolate extensions from each other 
on the linker level by reducing exported symbols from extensions
to the bare minimum (to avoid duplicate symbol troubles like we now have 
with ext/mnogosearch and ext/standard)

i think we should find a standard way to:

- define extension interdependencies on the autoconf level
  (both mandatory and optional)

- ensure mandatory dependencies are fullfilled during configure

- restrict symbols exported by the extensions intermideate object
  files (.so for shared extension or .a archive for builtin ones)

  for shared extensions this is easy as we can use the same libtool 
  mechanism as we already have for --enable-versioning in sapi/apxs

  for builtin extensions we will most likely have to change the
  generation of the intermideate libraries that contain the extensions
  object code a bit
  i'm especially thinking about using ld partial linking (option '-r')
  to achieve this, but i'm not deep enough into libtool and the current
  built system to have a working solution 

Any comments on this? (Sascha?)

Hartmut Holzgraefe  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  +49-711-99091-77

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Re: [PHP-DEV] mailparse extension

2001-05-04 Thread Wez Furlong

On 2001-05-04 06:07:14, "Chuck Hagenbuch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Quoting Wez Furlong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > I would like to put my mailparse ("As seen on weekly
> > extension into CVS; shall I just check it into php4/ext?
> I'd certainly be interested in it. Are there any external library
> dependancies?

I said no, but I am thinking of making a dependency on the new mbstring
extension to utilize the extensive encoding conversion code it provides.

So, it'll be more of an internal dependency...


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Re: [PHP-DEV] mailparse extension

2001-05-03 Thread Wez Furlong

On 2001-05-04 06:07:14, "Chuck Hagenbuch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Quoting Wez Furlong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > I would like to put my mailparse ("As seen on weekly
> > extension into CVS; shall I just check it into php4/ext?
> I'd certainly be interested in it. Are there any external library
> dependancies?

No, which is part of the reason there is "so much" code compared to most
other extensions.


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Re: [PHP-DEV] mailparse extension

2001-05-03 Thread Chuck Hagenbuch

Quoting Wez Furlong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> I would like to put my mailparse ("As seen on weekly summary")
> extension into CVS; shall I just check it into php4/ext?

I'd certainly be interested in it. Are there any external library


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Re: [PHP-DEV] mailparse extension

2001-05-03 Thread Andi Gutmans

I think this would be of interest to the PHP community but I personally 
haven't messed with imap & email so it doesn't mean much :)


At 11:36 PM 5/3/2001 +0100, Wez Furlong wrote:
>Hi All,
>I would like to put my mailparse ("As seen on weekly summary")
>extension into CVS; shall I just check it into php4/ext?
> > wc *.c *.h README *.m4 *.in
> 8052374   21660 mailparse.c
>11913096   25926 rfc2045.c
>  78 2171578 rfc2045_base64encode.c
> 129 2892885 rfc2045acchk.c
> 108 2552096 rfc2045acprep.c
> 118 2672215 rfc2045appendurl.c
> 301 8286343 rfc2045cdecode.c
>  42 113 912 rfc2045decode.c
>  50 125 996 rfc2045find.c
>  61 1211119 rfc2045mkboundary.c
> 46011419385 rfc2045rewrite.c
> 117 2772528 rfc2045tryboundary.c
> 5421487   10700 rfc2047.c
> 110 2101899 rfc2047u.c
> 7221635   13411 rfc822.c
> 102 2221853 rfc822_getaddr.c
>  95 2081640 rfc822_getaddrs.c
>  84 2102748 php_mailparse.h
> 208 7395652 rfc2045.h
>  81 2651926 rfc2047.h
> 167 7055039 rfc822.h
>  79 3902917 README
>  26 132 958 config.m4
>  16  46 537
>5692   15352  126923 total
>Any comments for/against this?
>It's based on maildrop, and I am cleaning out some cruft that does not
>apply to PHP, so I expect the code size to reduce.
>It allows you to parse MIME mail (something that a lot of people are doing
>with PHP) in a resource efficient manner - streaming through files rather
>loading the whole thing into memory (something you don't want to do with
>100 users opening messages with 2MB attachments).
>I plan to add support for creating MIME mail (a bit like the
>imap_mail_compose() function, but with no dependencies on c-client), and
>provide an integrated "mail_compose" function that can also handle S/MIME
>signatures (via openssl extension).
>I know Jani was interested in seeing this get into CVS, and I have had 84
>downloads since the weekly summary was published (week31).
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[PHP-DEV] mailparse extension

2001-05-03 Thread Wez Furlong

Hi All,

I would like to put my mailparse ("As seen on weekly summary")
extension into CVS; shall I just check it into php4/ext?

> wc *.c *.h README *.m4 *.in
8052374   21660 mailparse.c
   11913096   25926 rfc2045.c
 78 2171578 rfc2045_base64encode.c
129 2892885 rfc2045acchk.c
108 2552096 rfc2045acprep.c
118 2672215 rfc2045appendurl.c
301 8286343 rfc2045cdecode.c
 42 113 912 rfc2045decode.c
 50 125 996 rfc2045find.c
 61 1211119 rfc2045mkboundary.c
46011419385 rfc2045rewrite.c
117 2772528 rfc2045tryboundary.c
5421487   10700 rfc2047.c
110 2101899 rfc2047u.c
7221635   13411 rfc822.c
102 2221853 rfc822_getaddr.c
 95 2081640 rfc822_getaddrs.c
 84 2102748 php_mailparse.h
208 7395652 rfc2045.h
 81 2651926 rfc2047.h
167 7055039 rfc822.h
 79 3902917 README
 26 132 958 config.m4
 16  46 537
   5692   15352  126923 total

Any comments for/against this?

It's based on maildrop, and I am cleaning out some cruft that does not
apply to PHP, so I expect the code size to reduce.

It allows you to parse MIME mail (something that a lot of people are doing
with PHP) in a resource efficient manner - streaming through files rather
loading the whole thing into memory (something you don't want to do with
100 users opening messages with 2MB attachments).

I plan to add support for creating MIME mail (a bit like the
imap_mail_compose() function, but with no dependencies on c-client), and
provide an integrated "mail_compose" function that can also handle S/MIME
signatures (via openssl extension).

I know Jani was interested in seeing this get into CVS, and I have had 84
downloads since the weekly summary was published (week31).


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