I'm buiding new extension and I got problems with config.m4.

I have external object files that should be linked into PHP binary.

I ran configure and after that I added those object files to main Makefile

PROGRAM_LDADD        = libphp4.la $(EXT_PROGRAM_LDADD) myexternal.o
myexternal2.o myexternal3.o etc

I have made file external.obj in directory ext/progress that contains all
object files to be added
so it can loopped and the $PROGRESS_DIR can be added before file names (for
right path)

How can make configure to do that for me?

Now my config.m4 look like this:

PHP_ARG_WITH(progress, for progress support,
[  --with-progress             Include progress support])

if test "$PHP_PROGRESS" != "no"; then

  if test -r $PHP_PROGRESS/; then # path given as parameter

  if test -z "$PROGRESS_DIR"; then
     AC_MSG_RESULT(Progress DLC path not given.)
     AC_MSG_ERROR(Please give Progress DLC path.)


  LIBS="$LIBS -L$PROGRESS_DIR/probuild/4gl -lm -ldl -lavcall"

  PHP_EXTENSION(progress, $ext_shared)


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