I have a PHP script that runs as a standalone process. I'm using
4.3-dev on openBSD 3.1-stable.

I pop some values in a DB through a web interface, the back-end process
picks it up and processes it, and posts results back to the db.
Everything works as expected up to this point. When there is nothing to
process, it just spins in a loop looking for new jobs. After a few
minutes, I start getting "page/chunk is already free" errors on the
console, and after a couple of hundred of those, the process dies. I
get no scripting errors or unexpected results. 

This sounds to me like a memory leak of some kind. It's nearly
impossible to run it with most debuggers as it's not called through a
web server, and I'm not running it in an environment that I can use the
Zend debugger in.

As it's a very vague error, I can't make a meaningful bug report, so I
thought I'd ask on here. Anyone got any ideas?

I saw recently that some were suggesting there were problems with the
mysql extension relating to persistent connections. Is this likely to
be what's affecting me?

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