[PHP] Trasformazione XSLT

2002-10-25 Thread Agnoletto Christian
Ciao a tutti, ho bisogno di qualche dritta:
Voglio utilizzare la trasformazione xslt ma mi servirebbe un modello xslt di
esempio per vedere se il mio è errato
Allego il mio di test:

?xml version=1.0 ?
xsl:stylesheet version=1.0 xmlns:xsl=http://www.w3.org/TR/WD-xsl;
 xsl:template match=/
 titlexsl:value-of select=catalogo/data//title
   xsl:value-of select=catalogo/

Quando faccio la trasformazione il risultato è uguale al xsl e non alla
fusione col documento xml.
Allego anche la prima parte per chiarezza:

$doc = domxml_new_doc(1.0);
$catalogo = $doc-add_root('catalogo');

$data = $catalogo-new_child('data','oggi');


function XSLTrasform($xml_string,$xsl_file,$xsl_params){
   $arg_buffer=array(/xml =$xml_string,/xslt=$xsl_string);
   $xp=xslt_create() or die (Non posso creare il processo);
   if ($result=xslt_process($xp,arg:/xml,arg:/xslt,null,$arg_buffer)){
 echo $result;
  echo (Errore nell'elaborazione);

Distinti saluti,
P.I. Agnoletto Christian
CEDA Computers S.r.l.

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Re: [PHP] ideas for articles?

2002-10-25 Thread Marek Kilimajer
My first guess would be exec('lpr somefile');

Jim Hatridge wrote:

Hi Justin et al...

On Thursday 24 October 2002 04:29, Justin French wrote:


I've been approached by a couple of site to write an article or two on PHP.
Any ideas on a topic that I might want to tackle?  What do people want to
learn about?


For me an article on how to print from PHP (under Linux) to my HP laserjet. I 
mean real paper and ink. It seems everytime I find something about printing 
it only talks about printing to the screen (or at very best to file). In 
fact if any one can give me a hint about this ?




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Re: [PHP] How many is too many?

2002-10-25 Thread Marek Kilimajer
This depends on the filesystem used, but I would recomend you to 
organized them by year. Now you
have few hundred articles, two or three years later it might be 1000, 
and reorganize it then would be
much harder then to create the directories now.

Monty wrote:

This is a more general server question: I know that having a large number of
files in one folder can slow down a web server, but, how many would it take
for this to be a problem? Wondering if I should store all articles for a
content site in one big 'articles' folder with each article having it's own
folder within (/articles/article_id/), or if I should organize them by year
then article name (/articles/2002/article_id). The site will only produce a
few hundred articles a year. I'd like the keep the file structure shallow
and simple if possible, but, if it could potentially slow the server down by
putting so many folder in one I'll split them up more.



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[PHP] sessions

2002-10-25 Thread Shaun

When using sessions , how can i test if a browser supports cookies on the
clients browser. When i use cookies why does the PHPSESSID=blah visible in
the url.
Is it dangerous to let php handle the sid in the url if a browser does not
support cookies?Can someone send me an example of good login code.

ps Im a beginner , so go easy on me


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RE: [PHP] sessions

2002-10-25 Thread Jon Haworth
Hi Shaun,

 how can i test if a browser supports cookies 

Try and set one on page A, and then read it on page B. If it's not there,
the browser doesn't support cookies.

 Is it dangerous to let php handle the sid in the url 
 if a browser does not support cookies?

There's an extremely remote possibility a session can be hijacked.

 Can someone send me an example of good login code.



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[PHP] Adding to cart function.

2002-10-25 Thread Steve Jackson
My boss wants me to add a number of items to the cart based on a user
form input. At the moment my add to cart function  checks if anything is
in it and then increments one item (using this code). I can supply the
full function if required but just this part would get me away I think.


Instead of incrementing by one how do I increment by a variable which
would be the form input?

Steve Jackson
Web Developer
Viola Systems Ltd.
Mobile +358 50 343 5159

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Re: [PHP] processing form checkboxes

2002-10-25 Thread Marek Kilimajer
add squere brackets to the name and loop through $_POST['state'], as 
this will become an array now

James Taylor wrote:

Heya folks, not sure if this is more of a php question or an html question,
though I'm right now leaning towards a 50% php, 50% html, so I think this is
on topic still.

I have a form filled with checkboxes, each representing one of the 50
states.  A user can check as many states as they want, then post the data -
The checkbox form would look *something* like:

tdinput type=checkbox name=state value=1nbsp;nbsp;Alabama/td
tdinput type=checkbox name=state value=2nbsp;nbsp;Alaska/td
tdinput type=checkbox name=state value=3nbsp;nbsp;Arizona/td

Instead of assigning a unique name to each checkbox, I know there's *some*
way to make it so the same name has multiple values, as I've seen it done
before (somehow).  When posting the data though, the script is only
recognizing the box checked with the highest value

foreach ($_POST as $value) {
  echo $valuebr/\n;

^^^ Only shows the highest value

Any ideas on how to do this without having to check for
isset($_POST['california']), isset($_POST['alabama']) etc. etc.?


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Re: [PHP] Adding to cart function.

2002-10-25 Thread Justin French

$newamount = 5;

$cart[$new] = $cart[$new] + $newamount;

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[PHP] Register Globals Off in .htacces

2002-10-25 Thread Tjoumaidis
Hi to Everyone,
I just want to know if there is a way that i can have register_globals 
On in my php.ini file but for some application i can turn that Off 
perhaps with a .htacces file.

Thx for any help.

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[PHP] session_start... twice?

2002-10-25 Thread James Taylor
I have a single page site I'm working on that displays the contents of your
current session.  Users can clear the contents by clicking a link that
triggers a $PHP_SELF?clear=1 - Before any headers are sent out, the script
checks for $_GET['clear'], and if it's set, it does a session_destroy();.
For some reason though, the contents of the session are STILL displayed
until you do a refresh on the page.  However, for some bizarre reason, if I
call session_start() at the very beginning, call session_destroy(); and then
session_start() AGAIN after the destroy, it seems to work like it's supposed
to.  Is this a bug, or is it working properly?  Also - I'm sure there's a
better method than this - Any suggestions on what that might be?  If there
are no better methods well... Are there any downsides to what I'm doing?

Below is a sample version of the script, to give you an idea of what I
mean incase my ramblings above didn't make sense. Thanks!.


session_start();// Start the session

if (isset($_GET['clear'])) {
   session_destroy(); // If they chose to clear the session, then we do

session_start();  // Start it again; it works for whatever 


(some other stuff)


   Here I just print out whatever's in the session.  Unless session_start is
   the second time after the destroy, a user will have to click refresh
before the
   data appears to be gone

if (isset($_SESSION['states'])) {
   foreach ($_SESSION['states'] as $value) {
  echo $valuebr/\n;

// and lastly, here's our clear session link below
a href=index.php?clear=1Clear the session/a

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RE: [PHP] Register Globals Off in .htacces

2002-10-25 Thread Jon Haworth

 I just want to know if there is a way that i 
 can have register_globals On in my php.ini file 
 but for some application i can turn that Off 
 perhaps with a .htacces file.

In your .htaccess:

  php_flag register_globals on


  php_flag register_globals off

Manual pages at 


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Re: [PHP] Register Globals Off in .htacces

2002-10-25 Thread Tjoumaidis
Thx for your reply It is working.

I also found from php.net that it's possible to set register_globals to 
off on a site-by-site basis via Apache, thus overriding the global 
setting of register_globals in php.ini:

In httpd.conf:

ServerName localhost
DocumentRoot /var/www/html/mysite
php_value register_globals 0 (or 1 for on)

That way, sites with old code can have register globals turned on, but 
for all new developments it will be disabled.

Jon Haworth wrote:

I just want to know if there is a way that i 
can have register_globals On in my php.ini file 
but for some application i can turn that Off 
perhaps with a .htacces file.

In your .htaccess:

  php_flag register_globals on


  php_flag register_globals off

Manual pages at 


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RE: [PHP] Register Globals Off in .htacces

2002-10-25 Thread Jon Haworth

 Thx for your reply It is working.

No probs, glad to help.

 I also found from php.net that it's possible 
 to set register_globals to off on a site-by-
 site basis via Apache, thus overriding the global 
 setting of register_globals in php.ini:
 ServerName localhost
 DocumentRoot /var/www/html/mysite
 php_value register_globals 0 (or 1 for on)

Yup, or even in directories:

Directory /var/www/html/mysite/foo
  php_value register_globals 0

Which might be handy if you're updating scripts on a live site.


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[PHP] Mail form

2002-10-25 Thread Trasca Ion-Catalin
Why my mail prcessing script don't recognize the value from the form file.
If I call the $numele variable it's just output a null.
This is the form.html

form name=form method=post action=mail.php

  p align=centerNume:
input name=numele type=text value=Cum vrei tu
  div align=center
input type=submit name=Submit value=Trimite
And this is mail.php
html/headtitleMesajul este trimis/title
$email = Nume:\t$numele;
$subject = Nume;
# mail($to, $subject, $email);
bodydiv align=justify
 ? echo (Ai trimis numele $numele); ?

the mail command is commentet for testing purpose, I don't want to receive a
e-mail every time I test the script.

Trasca Ion-Catalin

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Re: [PHP] session_start... twice?

2002-10-25 Thread Marek Kilimajer
This has to do with how php works with session internaly. $_SESSION is 
set after the fist call to
session_start(), session_destroy() destroys only data that are already 
stored, the second call to
session_start() tries to retrieve these data, but there are none. Use 
$_SESSION=array() before
session_destroy() as the documentation sugests

James Taylor wrote:

I have a single page site I'm working on that displays the contents of your
current session.  Users can clear the contents by clicking a link that
triggers a $PHP_SELF?clear=1 - Before any headers are sent out, the script
checks for $_GET['clear'], and if it's set, it does a session_destroy();.
For some reason though, the contents of the session are STILL displayed
until you do a refresh on the page.  However, for some bizarre reason, if I
call session_start() at the very beginning, call session_destroy(); and then
session_start() AGAIN after the destroy, it seems to work like it's supposed
to.  Is this a bug, or is it working properly?  Also - I'm sure there's a
better method than this - Any suggestions on what that might be?  If there
are no better methods well... Are there any downsides to what I'm doing?

Below is a sample version of the script, to give you an idea of what I
mean incase my ramblings above didn't make sense. Thanks!.


session_start();// Start the session

if (isset($_GET['clear'])) {
  session_destroy();		  // If they chose to clear the session, then we do

session_start();			  // Start it again; it works for whatever reason


(some other stuff)


  Here I just print out whatever's in the session.  Unless session_start is
  the second time after the destroy, a user will have to click refresh
before the
  data appears to be gone

if (isset($_SESSION['states'])) {
  foreach ($_SESSION['states'] as $value) {
 echo $valuebr/\n;

// and lastly, here's our clear session link below
a href=index.php?clear=1Clear the session/a


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Re: [PHP] mkdir and directory permissions

2002-10-25 Thread Jason Wong
On Friday 25 October 2002 06:51, Matias Silva wrote:
 Hi-ya all, here's a quickie...

 In my script I create a directory (mysql.backup.timestamp/) within a
 directory called backup/.
 I use  the function  mkdir(mysql.backup.timestamp, 0777);  and it shows
 the permissions
 as after the function executes:

 drx--t   2 nobodydaemon1024 Oct 24 15:16

 Where's the permissions (drx--t   2 nobody   daemon) coming from?  Is
 it the php.ini, apache conf or
 the operating system?

The permissions (rx--t) is coming from your mode setting in your mkdir() 
function AND from the system setting umask -- see manual - umask() and check 
out user comments as well.

 I would like to set the owner to root and the group to nc.  How can
 this be achieved
 by the php script?  Or do I have set this up in the other environments (OS
 or Apache)?

You can't.

The user:group comes from the user running the webserver, which in your case 
is nobody:daemon.

Only root can the the user:group ownership of files and directories. So unless 
your webserver is running as root you cannot use chown()/chgrp().

Jason Wong - Gremlins Associates - www.gremlins.com.hk
Open Source Software Systems Integrators
* Web Design  Hosting * Internet  Intranet Applications Development *

After years of research, scientists recently reported that there is,
indeed, arroz in Spanish Harlem.

Jason Wong - Gremlins Associates - www.gremlins.com.hk
Open Source Software Systems Integrators
* Web Design  Hosting * Internet  Intranet Applications Development *

Richard B. Johnson wrote:
 It's a tomorrow thing. Ten hours it too long to stare at a


- Jens Axboe on linux-kernel

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[PHP] Looking for an open source PHP editor on linux

2002-10-25 Thread Tariq Murtaza
Dear All

I am wondering if anyone know, some good open source editor for PHP on 

Hopping for The Best :)


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Re: [PHP] mkdir and directory permissions

2002-10-25 Thread Marek Kilimajer
Actualy, you can use chgrp(), but apache must be a member of the group 
you are changing to.

Jason Wong wrote:

On Friday 25 October 2002 06:51, Matias Silva wrote:

Hi-ya all, here's a quickie...

In my script I create a directory (mysql.backup.timestamp/) within a
directory called backup/.
I use  the function  mkdir(mysql.backup.timestamp, 0777);  and it shows
the permissions
as after the function executes:

   drx--t   2 nobodydaemon1024 Oct 24 15:16

Where's the permissions (drx--t   2 nobody   daemon) coming from?  Is
it the php.ini, apache conf or
the operating system?

The permissions (rx--t) is coming from your mode setting in your mkdir() 
function AND from the system setting umask -- see manual - umask() and check 
out user comments as well.


I would like to set the owner to root and the group to nc.  How can
this be achieved
by the php script?  Or do I have set this up in the other environments (OS
or Apache)?

You can't.

The user:group comes from the user running the webserver, which in your case 
is nobody:daemon.

Only root can the the user:group ownership of files and directories. So unless 
your webserver is running as root you cannot use chown()/chgrp().


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RE: [PHP] Looking for an open source PHP editor on linux

2002-10-25 Thread Clint Tredway
Have a look at www.jedit.org 

This editor is not specific to PHP but it does handle PHP well.


-Original Message-
From: Tariq Murtaza [mailto:tariq;smeda.org.pk] 
Sent: Friday, October 25, 2002 6:01 AM
Subject: [PHP] Looking for an open source PHP editor on linux

Dear All

I am wondering if anyone know, some good open source editor for PHP on 

Hopping for The Best :)


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Re: [PHP] Register Globals Off in .htacces

2002-10-25 Thread Alister
On Fri, 25 Oct 2002 13:16:27 +0300
Tjoumaidis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi to Everyone,
 I just want to know if there is a way that i can have register_globals 
 On in my php.ini file but for some application i can turn that Off 
 perhaps with a .htacces file.

I prefer it Off in php.ini and On in the .htaccess file. 

php_flag register_globals On

Yes, you can do it.


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[PHP] Re: the xml functions [worth a read]

2002-10-25 Thread Robert Samuel White
Thank you for your response.  First of all, I'm not sure if you are
familiar, but I am working on a project called eNetwizard Content
Management Server.  More is available here:
Content is stored as XML, but not in the usual manner.  eNetwizard is
able to manage an unlimited number of domains and websites from a
central web environment.  It does this because it acts as a web server
and determines what content to deliver based on the URL string.  Content
is stored in a matrix folder like this:
In this manner, all content for www.enetwizard.net
http://www.enetwizard.net/  is stored in the
/matrix/net/enetwizard/www folder.  However, it is even more complicated
than that.  Content is compiled by scope.  /matrix is considered the
global scope.  /matrix/net/enetwizard is in the domain scope.
/matrix/net/enetwizard/www is in the website scope.  And the files in
that directory are in the page scope.  Each of these directories can
have a file (_.rsw) which is a part of the eNetwizard XML that is
compiled.  It must be fully-conformant XML and this is determined by the
class I wrote to validate it.  My understanding is that PHP does not
have the ability to use DTD's - am I wrong about this?

Anyway, the reason for the scope is to build complex templates and
pages.  For example, maybe you want a copyright at the bottom of every
page that is on the enetwizard.net domain - you simply put it in the
TAIL section of the domain scope .RSW file.  When eNetwizard is
called, it compiles it all, validates it, and then converts it to HTML
(or anything else you want it to really).
Here's an example:
www.natural-law.net/default.exml  (this file is the result of compiling
and validating the .RSW files)
www.natural-law.net/default.ehtml  (this file is the result of
converting it)
Now, to get to what I'm trying to get at:  I understand that XML used
the ampersands as reserved words.  This is a good thing in most
instances, because it will be nice to define these entities, but how do
I do that with the limitations of the PHP parser functions?  And what is
the way around this?  I believe that the way I have things set up now, I
would like it to simply treat them as CDATA, because these can be dealt
with in the $Server class later on (when doing the conversions to HTML,
Also, in order to validate the DTD (that I could make if PHP can work
with it) - it would have to wait till after the compilation of the .RSW
files - the .RSW files are also parsed as XML and first put into an
associative array - it organizes them by their main grouping and scope
-- STYLE, META, HEAD, BODY, and TAIL -- it works really
nicely, as those two links will show...
If you'd like to see the code for these two classes, let me know, and
I'll send them to you, and you can see how I have this set up.  It may
help to have a more interactive tour of how all of this works, but I
haven't gotten that far in the project yet.  I just finished the last of
the core (this XML stuff) and am about to start creating the wizards
(management panels) for the project, then the documentation, then the
Thanks very much if you can give me an idea on how to tackle this unique
Robert Samuel White wrote:
 I am having a hard time understanding one of the features of the xml
 parser functions.
 If the string I am parsing includes nbsp; or something similar, it
 encounters an error.  I've read the docs and I don't understand how to
 have the parser process these.  Any advice would be great.
Basically, unless you've coded something to deal with them ampersands 
are the ultimate reserved word in XML. The easiest way to deal with them

is to scrub them to amp;nbsp; before they go through the XML parser.
The right way to deal with them is to define nbsp; as a valid entity 
in your DTD and make sure that all XML strings have a DTD when they are 
fed through the parser.
J Wynia

Re: [PHP] Looking for an open source PHP editor on linux

2002-10-25 Thread Tariq Murtaza
Thanks  Clint Tredway

Actually i am looking for syntax highlighting / help feature of PHP in 

Any body


Clint Tredway wrote:
Have a look at www.jedit.org 

This editor is not specific to PHP but it does handle PHP well.


-Original Message-
From: Tariq Murtaza [mailto:tariq;smeda.org.pk] 
Sent: Friday, October 25, 2002 6:01 AM
Subject: [PHP] Looking for an open source PHP editor on linux

Dear All

I am wondering if anyone know, some good open source editor for PHP on 

Hopping for The Best :)


PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Re: [PHP] Looking for an open source PHP editor on linux

2002-10-25 Thread Frank W.
the personal edition (2.0) from www.zend.com

well - its not open source but it has nice help and debug-features for PHP.

Tariq Murtaza wrote:

Dear All

I am wondering if anyone know, some good open source editor for PHP on

Hopping for The Best :)


PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Re: [PHP] using curl to get part of the html

2002-10-25 Thread Marek Kilimajer
You have the page in $result, so you need $result=explode(\n,$result), 
and echo $result[0] - [99]

Patrick Hsieh wrote:

Hello list,

I am writing a php script to fetch a html page and verify its content which 
generated by a remote cgi program. The special cgi program generates endless 
content to the http client. Therefore, I need to figure out a solution for 
curl to fetch part of the html source code(In fact, I only need the first 100 
lines of the html source). I tried CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, but when curl_exec() 
timeouts, it will not return part of the html source it already 
fetched--actually it returns nothing at all.

Is there any way to work around this?

#!/usr/bin/php4 -q

$url = http://www.example.com/cgi-bin/large_output.cgi;;
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 3);
$result = curl_exec($ch);
echo $result;

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Re: [PHP] Mail form

2002-10-25 Thread Marek Kilimajer
Register globals problem - either use $_POST['numele'] (prefered), or 
turn register_globals on.

Trasca Ion-Catalin wrote:

Why my mail prcessing script don't recognize the value from the form file.
If I call the $numele variable it's just output a null.
This is the form.html

form name=form method=post action=mail.php

 p align=centerNume:
   input name=numele type=text value=Cum vrei tu
 div align=center
   input type=submit name=Submit value=Trimite
And this is mail.php
html/headtitleMesajul este trimis/title
$email = Nume:\t$numele;
$subject = Nume;
# mail($to, $subject, $email);
bodydiv align=justify
? echo (Ai trimis numele $numele); ?

the mail command is commentet for testing purpose, I don't want to receive a
e-mail every time I test the script.

Trasca Ion-Catalin


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[PHP] Re: Mail form

2002-10-25 Thread Trasca Ion-Catalin
Now I noticed that I can't take any variable from another file. It's my
programs fault or I have to modify something in Apache or PHP?

Trasca Ion-Catalin
Trasca Ion-Catalin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Why my mail prcessing script don't recognize the value from the form file.
 If I call the $numele variable it's just output a null.
 This is the form.html

 form name=form method=post action=mail.php

   p align=centerNume:
 input name=numele type=text value=Cum vrei tu
   div align=center
 input type=submit name=Submit value=Trimite
 And this is mail.php
 html/headtitleMesajul este trimis/title
 $email = Nume:\t$numele;
 $subject = Nume;
 # mail($to, $subject, $email);
 bodydiv align=justify
  ? echo (Ai trimis numele $numele); ?

 the mail command is commentet for testing purpose, I don't want to receive
 e-mail every time I test the script.

 Trasca Ion-Catalin

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[PHP] PHP with FTP support on a Raq4 Server

2002-10-25 Thread Chris Morrow
Hi People,

I am running PHP 4.1.2 on a Cobalt Raq4 server. I'm pretty new to Linux and
can't understand why the server has come preinstalled with 2 diffrent
versions of PHP. When I run phpinfo() from scripts on the site through my
browser it says PHP is installed as an Apache module, but when I run it from
the command line it still has the same version number but says its a CGI

I'm trying to use the ftp_connect() function in a script that is run from
the command line, ie. the CGI version and everytime I run it it says 'Call
to undefined function ftp_connect()' yet when I run it through the browser
on my site which is running the same version of PHP just the Apache module
it works fine.

Does anyone know what causes this strange behaviour or what I can do to get
my ftp_connect() function working from the command line on a Raq4 server?

Thanks for any help.

Chris Morrow

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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[PHP] re: mail form

2002-10-25 Thread Robert Samuel White
You need to use $_POST[numele] instead of $numele - that or edit your
php.ini file.
Now I noticed that I can't take any variable from another file. It's my
programs fault or I have to modify something in Apache or PHP?
Trasca Ion-Catalin
Trasca Ion-Catalin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Why my mail prcessing script don't recognize the value from the form
 If I call the $numele variable it's just output a null.
 This is the form.html

 form name=form method=post action=mail.php

   p align=centerNume:
 input name=numele type=text value=Cum vrei tu
   div align=center
 input type=submit name=Submit value=Trimite
 And this is mail.php
 html/headtitleMesajul este trimis/title
 $email = Nume:\t$numele;
 $subject = Nume;
 # mail($to, $subject, $email);
 bodydiv align=justify
  ? echo (Ai trimis numele $numele); ?

 the mail command is commentet for testing purpose, I don't want to
 e-mail every time I test the script.

 Trasca Ion-Catalin

Re: [PHP] Looking for an open source PHP editor on linux

2002-10-25 Thread John Nichel
You can try



http://nusphere.com/products/phpadv.htm  (this one isn't free)

Tariq Murtaza wrote:

Thanks  Clint Tredway

Actually i am looking for syntax highlighting / help feature of PHP in 

Any body


Clint Tredway wrote:

Have a look at www.jedit.org
This editor is not specific to PHP but it does handle PHP well.


-Original Message-
From: Tariq Murtaza [mailto:tariq;smeda.org.pk] Sent: Friday, October 
25, 2002 6:01 AM
Subject: [PHP] Looking for an open source PHP editor on linux

Dear All

I am wondering if anyone know, some good open source editor for PHP on 

Hopping for The Best :)


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Re: [PHP] Looking for an open source PHP editor on linux

2002-10-25 Thread Maxim Maletsky

VIM :)

Maxim Maletsky

www.PHPBeginner.com  // PHP for Beginners
www.maxim.cx // my Home

// my Wish List: ( Get me something! )

Tariq Murtaza [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote... :

 Dear All
 I am wondering if anyone know, some good open source editor for PHP on 
 Hopping for The Best :)
 PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
 To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

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Re: [PHP] extract($_POST)

2002-10-25 Thread Rick Emery
$_GET is definately insecure because the user can insert values into the URL line, 
which may expose data which should be secure (depending upon how you've written your 

$_POST is more secure, if you add additional protective coding.  An excellent example 
was provided a couple days ago.  In the following, assume $admin must be set to 
trustme and is set from a form:

INSECURE method 1:
if( ISSET($admin) )
print $sensitive_data;

INSECURE method 2:
if( $admin==trustme )
print $sensitive data;

$admin = ;
if( $admin == trustme )
print $sensitive_data;

The insecure methods can be fooled by the user guessing/inserting a variable named 
$admin, set to trustme in the URL.

The more secure method ensures it MUST come from a form.  Be advised: the user can 
create his own form with $admin as a variable and submit it to your PHP script.  
Therefore, additional precautions and authentication are warranted.

- Original Message - 
Sent: Friday, October 25, 2002 12:37 AM
Subject: Re: [PHP] extract($_POST)

I'm devastated to hear that extract($_POST) or extract($_GET) are security
risks because that's the method I went with for a bunch of scripts I'm
writing now. But I don't understand how this...

$admin = $_POST['admin'];

... is more secure? Isn't the security risk that they can hijack your var
data? If so, I don't see how the above would make it possible to know
whether the data in $_POST isn't coming from your own scripts. Especially
for forms where it's not really efficient to validate every possibility for
a field, such as a Country field.

But maybe I'm missing the point, and if so I'd like to understand so I can
make my scripts more secure when passing data. It seems like I will need to
basically re-define every form field and GET variable at the beginning of
each script literally.


 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mike Ford)
 Newsgroups: php.general
 Date: Thu, 24 Oct 2002 18:41:04 +0100
 To: '1LT John W. Holmes' [EMAIL PROTECTED], Rick Emery
 Subject: RE: [PHP] extract($_POST)
 -Original Message-
 From: 1LT John W. Holmes [mailto:holmes072000;charter.net]
 Sent: 23 October 2002 19:51
 Say you have something like this:
 if($_POST['name'] == John)
 { $admin = TRUE; }
 { show_sensitive_data(); }
 Now, if you're using extract(), I can send $admin through the
 post data and
 you'll extract it into your script. That's where the security
 flaw lies, but
 the flaw is in the programming, not PHP.
 You can have a secure example by doing this:
 $admin = FALSE;
 if($_POST['name'] == John)
 { $admin = TRUE; }
 Or just $admin = $_POST['name']==John;
 Actually, I'd also collapse this into the subsequent if, and write it like
 if ($admin = $_POST['name']==John):
 I love languages where assignments are expressions!
 Mike Ford,  Electronic Information Services Adviser,
 Learning Support Services, Learning  Information Services,
 JG125, James Graham Building, Leeds Metropolitan University,
 Beckett Park, LEEDS,  LS6 3QS,  United Kingdom
 Tel: +44 113 283 2600 extn 4730  Fax:  +44 113 283 3211 

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Re: [PHP] extract($_POST)

2002-10-25 Thread Chris Boget
 The more secure method ensures it MUST come from a form.  Be 
 advised: the user can create his own form with $admin as a variable 
 and submit it to your PHP script.  Therefore, additional precautions 
 and authentication are warranted.

And what should these precautions be?  If a malicious user can submit
his own form and you are looking for a POST variable, how can you
ensure that $admin came from your form and not that user's?  And if that
same user can hijack a session, that makes it so you have even less
precautions you can take.
I'm honestly interested in this.  I've read the security section of the manual,
read similar threads and each time, I've come to the conclusion that you
can really only ever be so secure.  And that all of the tests, checks, 
balances you may implement are all for naught where a really determined
malicious user is concerned.


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Re: [PHP] extract($_POST)

2002-10-25 Thread Rick Emery
A determined hacker can get through.  Period.

Additional safeguards might include username/password authentication against a 

You can only make it more difficult for a hacker to break-in.  You can never have 
absolute certainty he won't.

- Original Message - 
From: Chris Boget [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 25, 2002 8:53 AM
Subject: Re: [PHP] extract($_POST)

 The more secure method ensures it MUST come from a form.  Be 
 advised: the user can create his own form with $admin as a variable 
 and submit it to your PHP script.  Therefore, additional precautions 
 and authentication are warranted.

And what should these precautions be?  If a malicious user can submit
his own form and you are looking for a POST variable, how can you
ensure that $admin came from your form and not that user's?  And if that
same user can hijack a session, that makes it so you have even less
precautions you can take.
I'm honestly interested in this.  I've read the security section of the manual,
read similar threads and each time, I've come to the conclusion that you
can really only ever be so secure.  And that all of the tests, checks, 
balances you may implement are all for naught where a really determined
malicious user is concerned.


PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Re: [PHP] Register Globals Off in .htacces

2002-10-25 Thread Frank W.
it works only if i put it in my httpd.conf - yes allowoveride is set to
all :/

i'm using apache 1.3.27 on win2k.

Jon Haworth wrote:


 Thx for your reply It is working.

 No probs, glad to help.

 I also found from php.net that it's possible
 to set register_globals to off on a site-by-
 site basis via Apache, thus overriding the global
 setting of register_globals in php.ini:
 ServerName localhost
 DocumentRoot /var/www/html/mysite
 php_value register_globals 0 (or 1 for on)

 Yup, or even in directories:

   php_value register_globals 0

 Which might be handy if you're updating scripts on a live site.


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RE: [PHP] Register Globals Off in .htacces

2002-10-25 Thread Jon Haworth
Hi Frank,

  ServerName localhost
  DocumentRoot /var/www/html/mysite
  php_value register_globals 0 (or 1 for on)
 it works only if i put it in my httpd.conf - yes 
 allowoveride is set to all :/
 i'm using apache 1.3.27 on win2k.

Well, you're doing *something* wrong, 'cos it works fine here :-)

You have got an AccessFileName .htaccess directive, right?

You might like to try asking in
news:comp.infosystems.www.servers.ms-windows, or hanging around here until
an Apache guru turns up...


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Re: [PHP] Register Globals Off in .htacces

2002-10-25 Thread Frank W.
well, i found my mistake ;)

on windows i forgot to change the name of the .htaccess-files because on 
win they couldnt have a extentsion without a name.

So i've named them now only htaccess without the dot and it works fine

Frank W. wrote:

it works only if i put it in my httpd.conf - yes allowoveride is set to
all :/

i'm using apache 1.3.27 on win2k.

Jon Haworth wrote:

  Thx for your reply It is working.
  No probs, glad to help.
  I also found from php.net that it's possible
  to set register_globals to off on a site-by-
  site basis via Apache, thus overriding the global
  setting of register_globals in php.ini:
  ServerName localhost
  DocumentRoot /var/www/html/mysite
  php_value register_globals 0 (or 1 for on)
  Yup, or even in directories:
php_value register_globals 0
  Which might be handy if you're updating scripts on a live site.

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[PHP] Ereg help

2002-10-25 Thread William Glenn
Hey all,
I've been fighting this all night, I need a bit of help. I have a string like.

#21-935 Item Description: $35.95

Where the part # could be 10-2034 a combination of 2 and 3 or 4 digits, and the price 
could be a combination of 1,2,3 . 2 digits. I want to chop that string into Part # / 
Description / Price. 

I'd appreciate any help, I know this is probably real simple :) Thanks in advance.

William Glenn
Import Parts Plus

[PHP] Re: Ereg help

2002-10-25 Thread Erwin

 William Glenn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Hey all,
 I've been fighting this all night, I need a bit of help. I have a string

 #21-935 Item Description: $35.95

 Where the part # could be 10-2034 a combination of 2 and 3 or 4 digits,
and the price could be a combination of 1,2,3 . 2 digits. I want to chop
that string into Part # / Description / Price.

 I'd appreciate any help, I know this is probably real simple :) Thanks in


$item = '#21-935 Item Description: $35.95';
$all = explode( ' ', $item );
$part_nr = substr( array_shift( $all ), 1 );
$rest = explode( '$', implode( ' ', $all ) );
$description = substr( trim( $rest[0] ), 0, -1 );
$price = $rest[1];

I bet there is a much nicer (and maybe faster way), but this is by far the
easiest (it doesn't cost one night) ;-))
One hundred thousand of these iterations took about 2 seconds...

Grtz Erwin

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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[PHP] writing pdf files to physical files...

2002-10-25 Thread Brian McGarvie
I presently generate pdf files as required...

I use FPDF for writing PDF...

I require to save these to file... is it a simple case of:

where the script: generate_stats_view_table_pdf.php generates the PDF...

$fcontents= file
while (list ($line_num, $line) = each ($fcontents)) {
$display .= $line;



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[PHP] Re: Quick way to test series of integers

2002-10-25 Thread Hugh Bothwell

Paul Kaiser [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I have around 50 checkboxes on an HTML form. Their value is 1. So,
 when a user check the box, then no problem -- the value returned by the
 form is 1 and I can enter that into my SQL database.


 If the user does not check the box, I'm in trouble, because the value
 does not default to 0, but rather nil I'm guessing...

You can take advantage of the way PHP parses passed values...

If you have two (or more) form inputs with the same name, the last value
over-writes the previous one(s).  ie if your script is called like
then you get
  $_GET[n] == 1

Sure, you say, but how can I make use of that?

Well, if the last value weren't sent, you would still have the previous
value, ie $_GET[n] == 0

Try this:

input type=hidden name=n value=0// this value is *always* sent
input type=checkbox name=n value=1// this value is only sent if

NOTE:  the order is important!  The conditional input must come *after*
the default!

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Re: [PHP] Looking for an open source PHP editor on linux

2002-10-25 Thread Brad Pauly
I think Glimmer is pretty good.



On Fri, 2002-10-25 at 07:49, Maxim Maletsky wrote:
 VIM :)
 Maxim Maletsky
 www.PHPBeginner.com  // PHP for Beginners
 www.maxim.cx // my Home
 // my Wish List: ( Get me something! )
 Tariq Murtaza [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote... :
  Dear All
  I am wondering if anyone know, some good open source editor for PHP on 
  Hopping for The Best :)
  PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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 PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Re: [PHP] Ereg help

2002-10-25 Thread Rick Emery
$s = #12-3456 The Item description $35.43;

$qq = ereg(#([0-9]*-[0-9]*) ([a-zA-Z0-9 ]*) \\$([0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{2}), $s,$a);

$val = $a[1]./.$a[2]./.$a[3];
print $val;


- Original Message -
From: William Glenn [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 25, 2002 10:34 AM
Subject: [PHP] Ereg help

Hey all,
I've been fighting this all night, I need a bit of help. I have a string like.

#21-935 Item Description: $35.95

Where the part # could be 10-2034 a combination of 2 and 3 or 4 digits, and the price
could be a combination of 1,2,3 . 2 digits. I want to chop that string into Part # /
Description / Price.

I'd appreciate any help, I know this is probably real simple :) Thanks in advance.

William Glenn
Import Parts Plus

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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[PHP] Re: An interesting one!!!

2002-10-25 Thread Hugh Bothwell

Tim Haynes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Here is a puzzle, infact it is a game that I need to do in PHP, here is

 3 prizes to be won every day over a month by clicking on 24 seperate
 windowsand thats it

 How could I go about deciding whether a user that clicked on one of the
 windows is a winner or not, obviously I wouln't want the prizes to go in
 first hour of the day, so would need to spread it out abit.

Obviously you don't know how many contestants you will have, so you can't
base it on that.

What about varying the probability of a win by the time since the last
You could adjust this by hourly activity (to decrease the advantage for
hitting it at 2am) and by (time remaining / prizes remaining) to ensure
out near your number-of-prizes target.

Does it *have* to be three prizes per day, or is that *on average*?  I
the latter; it makes things more tractable.

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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RE: [PHP] extract($_POST)

2002-10-25 Thread Johnson, Kirk

 And what should these precautions be?  If a malicious user can submit
 his own form and you are looking for a POST variable, how can you
 ensure that $admin came from your form and not that user's?  

The problem is when a cracker uses form variables in an attempt to set the
values of flag variables kept only in the session, for example, $isAdmin.
As far as the form variables *you* put in your form, it doesn't matter
whether the user submits your form or a form they made themselves. Those
form variables are just data you are trying to collect.

With register_globals on, PHP takes *all* variables (GET, POST, COOKIE)
received from the client and assigns them to global variables. So if the
user posts a value for $isAdmin, she can give herself admin privileges.

The key is to retrieve *only* the form variables *you* put in the form from
the the $_POST array. So don't write a loop and grab *everything* from that


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[PHP] Problem with set_time_limit() and uploading large files

2002-10-25 Thread derek fong

I am having a major problem getting set_time_limit() to work at all 
with PHP 4.2.3 running as a CGI program under IIS for Windows 2000 (I 
originally posted this message to php-win, but am hoping someone here 
can shed some light on this).  I have a form that accepts large files 
for upload, with the following lines at the top of the form action 

// let this script take as long as it needs to complete its work
// and ignore if user hits stops button in his browser

// include site-wide configs and other include files

If the file upload takes longer than 30 seconds, PHP bombs out with the 
following error:

Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in 
D:\InetPub\test.php on line 3

I've also tried adding:

ini_set('max_execution_time', 6);

before the set_time_limit() function, but to no avail.  PHP is not 
running in safe mode.  Does anyone have any ideas why this is not 
working as expected?  I'm sure it's something obvious, but I don't know 
what it is.

Thanks in advance,


Derek Fong
Web Application Developer
subtitle designs inc. http://www.subtitled.com/

Mistakes are the portals of discovery. --James Joyce
GPG key/fingerprint available upon request 

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[PHP] cutted values after posting multiple select list

2002-10-25 Thread Heiko Mundle

i struggling with multiple select lists in HTML forms. The resulting 
$_REQUEST array cuts some characters from the values. If the value is 
value=99 i will get 99 after posting...

my php file:
echo {$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']} br;
echo First: {$_REQUEST['msel'][0]} br;
echo Count:  . count($_REQUEST['msel']) . brhr;
$i = 0;
foreach ($_REQUEST['msel'] as $v)
  echo $i: $v br;
form method=GET action=?= $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ?
  select name=msel[] size=6 multiple=multiple
  option value=99erwin/option
  option value=9admin/option
  option value=hm10/option
  option value=999hm30/option
  option value=99muhe/option
  option value=9hannes/option
input type=submit

The result after selecting all:


First: 99
Count: 6

0: 99
1: 9
3: 999
4: 99
5: 9

MY system:
PHP Version 4.2.3
SuSE Linux 8.1

When I use the same php file on a MS windows apache, it works

Regards Heiko

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Re: [PHP] cutted values after posting multiple select list

2002-10-25 Thread Rick Emery
use $_POST, not $_REQUEST
- Original Message -
From: Heiko Mundle [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 25, 2002 10:39 AM
Subject: [PHP] cutted values after posting multiple select list


i struggling with multiple select lists in HTML forms. The resulting
$_REQUEST array cuts some characters from the values. If the value is
value=99 i will get 99 after posting...

my php file:
echo {$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']} br;
echo First: {$_REQUEST['msel'][0]} br;
echo Count:  . count($_REQUEST['msel']) . brhr;
$i = 0;
foreach ($_REQUEST['msel'] as $v)
   echo $i: $v br;
form method=GET action=?= $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ?
   select name=msel[] size=6 multiple=multiple
   option value=99erwin/option
   option value=9admin/option
   option value=hm10/option
   option value=999hm30/option
   option value=99muhe/option
   option value=9hannes/option
input type=submit

The result after selecting all:


First: 99
Count: 6

0: 99
1: 9
3: 999
4: 99
5: 9

MY system:
PHP Version 4.2.3
SuSE Linux 8.1

When I use the same php file on a MS windows apache, it works

Regards Heiko

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[PHP] DomDocument-dump_file don't work!

2002-10-25 Thread Magnus Stålberg
I can't get the DomDocument-dump_file($file, false, true); to work.!
help needed!
Everyting else works just fine.

PHP 4.2.3

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[PHP] Re: writing pdf files to physical files...

2002-10-25 Thread Brian McGarvie
yes it does...

/me answered myself again ;)

Brian McGarvie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I presently generate pdf files as required...

 I use FPDF for writing PDF...

 I require to save these to file... is it a simple case of:

 where the script: generate_stats_view_table_pdf.php generates the PDF...

 $fcontents= file
 while (list ($line_num, $line) = each ($fcontents)) {
 $display .= $line;



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[PHP] php and databases

2002-10-25 Thread Tyler Durdin
Is there anyway to have php convert a database from mySQL to Access via a 
webpage? I have a couple of people here who use Access to do mail merging 
things with word and it would make my life a ton easier if I did not have to 
convert the db's everytime they want the info. If anyone has any thoughts on 
how to go about this it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.


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php-general Digest 25 Oct 2002 16:40:19 -0000 Issue 1665

2002-10-25 Thread php-general-digest-help

php-general Digest 25 Oct 2002 16:40:19 - Issue 1665

Topics (messages 121385 through 121443):

Sessions help Please
121385 by: Bryan McLemore
121387 by: Peter Houchin
121389 by: Justin French

Re: How many is too many?
121386 by: Justin French
121388 by: Leif K-Brooks
121393 by: Monty
121396 by: Marek Kilimajer

Re: Adding Content Management to live site
121390 by: Tariq Murtaza

using curl to get part of the html
121391 by: Patrick Hsieh
121417 by: Marek Kilimajer

Re: extract($_POST)
121392 by: Monty
121424 by: Rick Emery
121425 by: Chris Boget
121426 by: Rick Emery
121437 by: Johnson, Kirk

Trasformazione XSLT
121394 by: Agnoletto Christian

Re: ideas for articles?
121395 by: Marek Kilimajer

121397 by: Shaun
121398 by: Jon Haworth

Adding to cart function.
121399 by: Steve Jackson
121401 by: Justin French

Re: processing form checkboxes
121400 by: Marek Kilimajer

Register Globals Off in .htacces
121402 by: Tjoumaidis
121404 by: Jon Haworth
121405 by: Tjoumaidis
121406 by: Jon Haworth
121413 by: Alister
121427 by: Frank W.
121428 by: Jon Haworth
121429 by: Frank W.

session_start... twice?
121403 by: James Taylor
121408 by: Marek Kilimajer

Mail form
121407 by: Trasca Ion-Catalin
121418 by: Marek Kilimajer
121419 by: Trasca Ion-Catalin
121421 by: Robert Samuel White

Re: mkdir and directory permissions
121409 by: Jason Wong
121411 by: Marek Kilimajer

Looking for an open source PHP editor on linux
121410 by: Tariq Murtaza
121412 by: Clint Tredway
121415 by: Tariq Murtaza
121416 by: Frank W.
121422 by: John Nichel
121423 by: Maxim Maletsky
121434 by: Brad Pauly

Re: the xml functions [worth a read]
121414 by: Robert Samuel White

PHP with FTP support on a Raq4 Server
121420 by: Chris Morrow

Ereg help
121430 by: William Glenn
121431 by: Erwin
121435 by: Rick Emery

writing pdf files to physical files...
121432 by: Brian McGarvie
121442 by: Brian McGarvie

Re: Quick way to test series of integers
121433 by: Hugh Bothwell

Re: An interesting one!!!
121436 by: Hugh Bothwell

Problem with set_time_limit() and uploading large files
121438 by: derek fong

cutted values after posting multiple select list
121439 by: Heiko Mundle
121440 by: Rick Emery

DomDocument-dump_file  don't work!
121441 by: Magnus Stålberg

php and databases
121443 by: Tyler Durdin


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Hi guys I'm a little confused on how sessions work.  ok I  use session_start(); to get 
started I know that but then the manual starts to confuse me with all of the garbled 
text about passing the SID.  How do I tell if it was compiled with transparent SID 

Also I'm not sure how to use cookies and this is just a small application for private 
use so I don't mind passing it using urls for this iteration of the project.  

Also I'm not quite sure how to auctually perserve the variables across pages.


---End Message---
have a look on phpbeginner there is a couple of articles/tutorials that
explain this also look at previous posts :)

 -Original Message-
 From: Bryan McLemore [mailto:Kaelten;worldnet.att.net]
 Sent: Friday, 25 October 2002 6:39 AM
 To: PHP - General
 Subject: [PHP] Sessions help Please

 Hi guys I'm a little confused on how sessions work.  ok I  use
 session_start(); to get started I know that but then the manual
 starts to confuse me with all of the garbled text about passing
 the SID.  How do I tell if it was compiled with transparent SID passing?

 Also I'm not sure how to use cookies and this is just a small
 application for private use so I don't mind passing it using urls
 for this iteration of the project.

 Also I'm not quite sure how to auctually perserve the variables
 across pages.


---End Message---
on 25/10/02 6:38 AM, Bryan McLemore ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

 Hi guys I'm a little confused on how sessions work.  ok I  use
 session_start(); to get started I know that but then the manual starts to
 confuse me with all of the garbled text about passing the SID.  How do I tell
 if it was compiled with transparent SID passing?

make a ? phpinfo() ? file -- it will explain what PHP was compiled with up
the top-ish.

 Also I'm not sure how to use cookies and this is just a small 

Re: [PHP] php and databases

2002-10-25 Thread John S. Huggins
On Fri, 25 Oct 2002, Tyler Durdin wrote:

-Is there anyway to have php convert a database from mySQL to Access via a 
-webpage? I have a couple of people here who use Access to do mail merging 
-things with word and it would make my life a ton easier if I did not have to 
-convert the db's everytime they want the info. If anyone has any thoughts on 
-how to go about this it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

What comes to mind first is letting them use their Access to access the
MySQL tables directly through the MyODBC capabilities.  It works pretty
well, but will take some setup.

This may prove to be the best way to copy an Access accessed MySQL toa
native Access database.

The only thing I can think of PHP helping you out here is by generating a
good delimited file available for download which Access or Excel should
be able to swallow whole.

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John Huggins



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RE: [PHP] php and databases

2002-10-25 Thread Jay Blanchard
Is there anyway to have php convert a database from mySQL to Access via a
webpage? I have a couple of people here who use Access to do mail merging
things with word and it would make my life a ton easier if I did not have to
convert the db's everytime they want the info. If anyone has any thoughts on
how to go about this it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Open and read the data via mysql_ ..() functions into an array. Then open an
ODBC connection to the acce$$ database and insert the data from the array.
Shouldn't be too hard.



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[PHP] Simple form problem -

2002-10-25 Thread Mario Montag
First time playing with PHP, Apache, and MySQL.  I have a simple form error
and I don't know how to solve it.  I was doing the Webmonkey PHP/MySQL
tutorial and when I started using forms with $PHP_SELF I started getting
errors with variables not defined.

PHP 4.2.3
MySQL 4.0 Windows 2000
Apache 1.3.27 (Since I was not able to get 2.0 working on Windows 2K Pro)

My code is:

//--  START OF CODE --

$db = mysql_connect(localhost, root);
$result = mysql_query(SELECT * FROM employees,$db);

if ($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
  do {
 a href=\%s?id=%s\%s %s/abr\n,
  } while ($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result));

else {
  echo Sorry, no records were found!;



My ERROR is:

Notice: Undefined variable: PHP_SELF in C:\Program Files\Apache
Group\Apache\htdocs\mysql2.php on line 11
Bob Smith

Notice: Undefined variable: PHP_SELF in C:\Program Files\Apache
Group\Apache\htdocs\mysql2.php on line 11
John Roberts

Notice: Undefined variable: PHP_SELF in C:\Program Files\Apache
Group\Apache\htdocs\mysql2.php on line 11
Brad Johnson

Notice: Undefined variable: PHP_SELF in C:\Program Files\Apache
Group\Apache\htdocs\mysql2.php on line 11
Mar f


I am able to connect to the MySQL DB and retrieve info, but I don't get the
error.  I changed the REGISTER_GLOBALS of the php.ini file to ON and I still
get the variables error.  I also added $_POST  as stated in another form
issue but it did not resolve my problem.  It must be simple but I don't know
enough to identify the issue.

Thanks for any help or input.


PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

[PHP] Ereg Help

2002-10-25 Thread David Pratt
Hi William, try this:

^(#[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2,4} Item Description: [\$][0-9]{1,3}[\.][0-9]{2})$

I've just been putting a number of expressions together for validation

Dave Pratt

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[PHP] Re: php and databases

2002-10-25 Thread Mario Montag
I found some products that may be of help to you.


MyAccess is an AddIn for MS Access 97/2000 that allows you to manage MySQL
databases from within Access. Main functions are:
  a.. Create/Modify Tables
  b.. Execute Queries against MySQL
  c.. Extract ''Create Table-Scripts'' from MySQL
  d.. Import/Export tables from Access to MySQL and vice versa
  e.. Log Changes
  f.. Show a Database Definition Report
Written by Hubertus Hiden. The MyAccess homepage is at

Tyler Durdin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Is there anyway to have php convert a database from mySQL to Access via a
 webpage? I have a couple of people here who use Access to do mail merging
 things with word and it would make my life a ton easier if I did not have
 convert the db's everytime they want the info. If anyone has any thoughts
 how to go about this it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.


 Surf the Web without missing calls! Get MSN Broadband.

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Re: [PHP] Simple form problem -

2002-10-25 Thread Vidyut Luther
The simple but potentially wrong..harmful solution is to turn on
register globals in php.ini,
The right solution is to use $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; 

On Fri, 2002-10-25 at 11:48, Mario Montag wrote:
 First time playing with PHP, Apache, and MySQL.  I have a simple form error
 and I don't know how to solve it.  I was doing the Webmonkey PHP/MySQL
 tutorial and when I started using forms with $PHP_SELF I started getting
 errors with variables not defined.
 PHP 4.2.3
 MySQL 4.0 Windows 2000
 Apache 1.3.27 (Since I was not able to get 2.0 working on Windows 2K Pro)
 My code is:
 //--  START OF CODE --
 $db = mysql_connect(localhost, root);
 $result = mysql_query(SELECT * FROM employees,$db);
 if ($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
   do {
  a href=\%s?id=%s\%s %s/abr\n,
   } while ($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result));
 else {
   echo Sorry, no records were found!;
 My ERROR is:
 Notice: Undefined variable: PHP_SELF in C:\Program Files\Apache
 Group\Apache\htdocs\mysql2.php on line 11
 Bob Smith
 Notice: Undefined variable: PHP_SELF in C:\Program Files\Apache
 Group\Apache\htdocs\mysql2.php on line 11
 John Roberts
 Notice: Undefined variable: PHP_SELF in C:\Program Files\Apache
 Group\Apache\htdocs\mysql2.php on line 11
 Brad Johnson
 Notice: Undefined variable: PHP_SELF in C:\Program Files\Apache
 Group\Apache\htdocs\mysql2.php on line 11
 Mar f
 ---  END OF ERROR  
 I am able to connect to the MySQL DB and retrieve info, but I don't get the
 error.  I changed the REGISTER_GLOBALS of the php.ini file to ON and I still
 get the variables error.  I also added $_POST  as stated in another form
 issue but it did not resolve my problem.  It must be simple but I don't know
 enough to identify the issue.
 Thanks for any help or input.
 PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
 To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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[PHP] Re: mkdir and directory permissions

2002-10-25 Thread Matias Silva
Cool! the umask() is what I have to set prior to mkdir() for this to work.
Thanks Jason  Marek


Matias Silva [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Hi-ya all, here's a quickie...

 In my script I create a directory (mysql.backup.timestamp/) within a
 directory called backup/.
 I use  the function  mkdir(mysql.backup.timestamp, 0777);  and it
 the permissions
 as after the function executes:

 drx--t   2 nobodydaemon1024 Oct 24 15:16

 Where's the permissions (drx--t   2 nobody   daemon) coming from?  Is
 the php.ini, apache conf or
 the operating system?

 I would like to set the owner to root and the group to nc.  How can
 be achieved
 by the php script?  Or do I have set this up in the other environments (OS
 or Apache)?


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RE: [PHP] Looking for an open source PHP editor on linux

2002-10-25 Thread Tyler Lane
I would also recommend jedit. It is a VERY nice IDE. Supports a TON of
language, any operating system that supports Java, syntax highlighting.

Tyler Lane

On Fri, 2002-10-25 at 04:14, Clint Tredway wrote:
 Have a look at www.jedit.org 
 This editor is not specific to PHP but it does handle PHP well.
 -Original Message-
 From: Tariq Murtaza [mailto:tariq;smeda.org.pk] 
 Sent: Friday, October 25, 2002 6:01 AM
 Subject: [PHP] Looking for an open source PHP editor on linux
 Dear All
 I am wondering if anyone know, some good open source editor for PHP on 
 Hopping for The Best :)
 PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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 PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
 To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Re: [PHP] extract($_POST)

2002-10-25 Thread Paul Nicholson
Hash: SHA1

On Friday 25 October 2002 11:23 am, Johnson, Kirk wrote:
  And what should these precautions be?  If a malicious user can submit
  his own form and you are looking for a POST variable, how can you
  ensure that $admin came from your form and not that user's?

 The problem is when a cracker uses form variables in an attempt to set the
 values of flag variables kept only in the session, for example, $isAdmin.
 As far as the form variables *you* put in your form, it doesn't matter
 whether the user submits your form or a form they made themselves. Those
 form variables are just data you are trying to collect.

 With register_globals on, PHP takes *all* variables (GET, POST, COOKIE)
 received from the client and assigns them to global variables. So if the
 user posts a value for $isAdmin, she can give herself admin privileges.

 The key is to retrieve *only* the form variables *you* put in the form from
 the the $_POST array. So don't write a loop and grab *everything* from that


Exactly! Not only should you retrieve *only* the vars you need from POST,
you should also filter them to make sure they contain what you're looking 
for.is_alpha($_POST['name']). And no, php doesn't have an 'is_alpha' 
functionI created that as part of a filtering class.


- -- 
~Paul Nicholson
Design Specialist @ WebPower Design
The webthe way you want it!

It said uses Windows 98 or better, so I loaded Linux!
Registered Linux User #183202 using Register Linux System # 81891
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

Fw: [PHP] Simple form problem -

2002-10-25 Thread Kevin Stone
As was already mentioned, $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] is what you want.  But on a
side note you may consider changing the way you're checking for results in
that if() statment.  You will end up with another error if no records are
returned.  So instead you should check for the nubmer of records returned

if (mysql_num_rows($result)  0)

Just one of those little details you don't learn about until you're staring
down a cryptic error message.  :)


- Original Message -
From: Mario Montag [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 25, 2002 10:48 AM
Subject: [PHP] Simple form problem -

 First time playing with PHP, Apache, and MySQL.  I have a simple form
 and I don't know how to solve it.  I was doing the Webmonkey PHP/MySQL
 tutorial and when I started using forms with $PHP_SELF I started getting
 errors with variables not defined.

 PHP 4.2.3
 MySQL 4.0 Windows 2000
 Apache 1.3.27 (Since I was not able to get 2.0 working on Windows 2K Pro)

 My code is:

 //--  START OF CODE --

 $db = mysql_connect(localhost, root);
 $result = mysql_query(SELECT * FROM employees,$db);

 if ($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
   do {
  a href=\%s?id=%s\%s %s/abr\n,
   } while ($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result));

 else {
   echo Sorry, no records were found!;



 My ERROR is:

 Notice: Undefined variable: PHP_SELF in C:\Program Files\Apache
 Group\Apache\htdocs\mysql2.php on line 11
 Bob Smith

 Notice: Undefined variable: PHP_SELF in C:\Program Files\Apache
 Group\Apache\htdocs\mysql2.php on line 11
 John Roberts

 Notice: Undefined variable: PHP_SELF in C:\Program Files\Apache
 Group\Apache\htdocs\mysql2.php on line 11
 Brad Johnson

 Notice: Undefined variable: PHP_SELF in C:\Program Files\Apache
 Group\Apache\htdocs\mysql2.php on line 11
 Mar f

 ---  END OF ERROR  

 I am able to connect to the MySQL DB and retrieve info, but I don't get
 error.  I changed the REGISTER_GLOBALS of the php.ini file to ON and I
 get the variables error.  I also added $_POST  as stated in another form
 issue but it did not resolve my problem.  It must be simple but I don't
 enough to identify the issue.

 Thanks for any help or input.


 PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
 To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

Re: [PHP] Creating Directories

2002-10-25 Thread Stephen
Thanks, but what are the parameters to make the dir?

 - Original Message -
 From: John W. Holmes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: 'Stephen' [EMAIL PROTECTED]; 'PHP List'
 Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2002 8:27 PM
 Subject: RE: [PHP] Creating Directories

   -Original Message-
   From: Stephen [mailto:webmaster;melchior.us]
   Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2002 8:41 PM
   To: PHP List
   Subject: [PHP] Creating Directories
   I have a newsletter script with a very (going to be I hope) cool
   system. One part is creating a new skin and to do so, it needs to
  create a
   directory to hold the template files in. How exactly can this be done?
   Stephen Craton
  PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
  To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

Re: [PHP] Simple form problem -

2002-10-25 Thread Mario Montag
Thanks for the tip. I have another issue once I click on a form.  Could you
take a quick look at this one:

//---  START OF CODE --

  form method=post action=?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']?
 First name:input type=Text name=firstbr
 Last name:input type=Text name=lastbr
 Address:input type=Text name=addressbr
 Position:input type=Text name=positionbr
 input type=Submit name=submit value=Enter information

//  -- END OF CODE  

I open it and I get the following text boxes:

First name:   BALANK TEXT BOX
Last name:   BALANK TEXT BOX
 Enter Information BUTTON IS HERE

Once I click onthe Enter Information button I get the following error:

You don't have permission to access /br /bNotice/b: Undefined
variable: PHP_SELF in bC:/Program Files/Apache
Group/Apache/htdocs/mysql4.php/b on line b2/bbr / on this server.

Apache/1.3.27 Server at localhost Port 80

//  END OF ERROR   -

Thanks again for you help


Vidyut Luther [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 The simple but potentially wrong..harmful solution is to turn on
 register globals in php.ini,

 The right solution is to use $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];

 On Fri, 2002-10-25 at 11:48, Mario Montag wrote:
  First time playing with PHP, Apache, and MySQL.  I have a simple form
  and I don't know how to solve it.  I was doing the Webmonkey PHP/MySQL
  tutorial and when I started using forms with $PHP_SELF I started getting
  errors with variables not defined.
  PHP 4.2.3
  MySQL 4.0 Windows 2000
  Apache 1.3.27 (Since I was not able to get 2.0 working on Windows 2K
  My code is:
  //--  START OF CODE --
  $db = mysql_connect(localhost, root);
  $result = mysql_query(SELECT * FROM employees,$db);
  if ($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
do {
   a href=\%s?id=%s\%s %s/abr\n,
} while ($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result));
  else {
echo Sorry, no records were found!;
  My ERROR is:
  Notice: Undefined variable: PHP_SELF in C:\Program Files\Apache
  Group\Apache\htdocs\mysql2.php on line 11
  Bob Smith
  Notice: Undefined variable: PHP_SELF in C:\Program Files\Apache
  Group\Apache\htdocs\mysql2.php on line 11
  John Roberts
  Notice: Undefined variable: PHP_SELF in C:\Program Files\Apache
  Group\Apache\htdocs\mysql2.php on line 11
  Brad Johnson
  Notice: Undefined variable: PHP_SELF in C:\Program Files\Apache
  Group\Apache\htdocs\mysql2.php on line 11
  Mar f
  ---  END OF ERROR  
  I am able to connect to the MySQL DB and retrieve info, but I don't get
  error.  I changed the REGISTER_GLOBALS of the php.ini file to ON and I
  get the variables error.  I also added $_POST  as stated in another form
  issue but it did not resolve my problem.  It must be simple but I don't
  enough to identify the issue.
  Thanks for any help or input.
  PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
  To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

Re: [PHP] extract($_POST)

2002-10-25 Thread John Nichel
And if you want to take it a step further, to ensure that the values are 
submitted from YOUR form, check the $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] to see if 
it's coming from your domain | page.

Paul Nicholson wrote:
Hash: SHA1

On Friday 25 October 2002 11:23 am, Johnson, Kirk wrote:

And what should these precautions be?  If a malicious user can submit
his own form and you are looking for a POST variable, how can you
ensure that $admin came from your form and not that user's?

The problem is when a cracker uses form variables in an attempt to set the
values of flag variables kept only in the session, for example, $isAdmin.
As far as the form variables *you* put in your form, it doesn't matter
whether the user submits your form or a form they made themselves. Those
form variables are just data you are trying to collect.

With register_globals on, PHP takes *all* variables (GET, POST, COOKIE)
received from the client and assigns them to global variables. So if the
user posts a value for $isAdmin, she can give herself admin privileges.

The key is to retrieve *only* the form variables *you* put in the form from
the the $_POST array. So don't write a loop and grab *everything* from that


Exactly! Not only should you retrieve *only* the vars you need from POST,
you should also filter them to make sure they contain what you're looking 
for.is_alpha($_POST['name']). And no, php doesn't have an 'is_alpha' 
functionI created that as part of a filtering class.


- -- 
~Paul Nicholson
Design Specialist @ WebPower Design
The webthe way you want it!

It said uses Windows 98 or better, so I loaded Linux!
Registered Linux User #183202 using Register Linux System # 81891
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

[PHP] Re: include_path in php.ini

2002-10-25 Thread Paul Reisinger
please delete

Paul Reisinger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I think my problem lies in the php.ini file. What should my include_path
 set to in my php.ini file??

 Whenever I try and include anything I get the error message below.

 Prachait Saxena [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
  Hello Paul
  Fine tell is the path of the file which u wourld like to include and in
  which u want to include
  Paul Reisinger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
   I am new to installing and configuring php especially on a windowzzz
   I am having trouble getting php includes to work.
(?php include(http://mywebsite.com/forum/ssi.php;); ?)
   I get this error:
   Warning: Failed opening 'http://mywebsite.com/forum/ssi.php'for
   (include_path='D:\Inetpub\NewIntraRoot') in
   on line 6
   I know the include path is wrong but I've tried so many different
   I've searched the php manual but it doesnt give me a good
   what really needs to be configured and how to do it. I have also
   the web.
   It's probobly so simple that it doesnt need any more explanation.
   Could someone out there give me any advice?
 System Windows NT 5.0 build 2195
 Build Date Sep 6 2002 10:38:51
 Server API CGI
 Virtual Directory Support enabled
 Configuration File (php.ini) Path C:\WINNT\php.ini
 Debug Build no
 Thread Safety enabled
Off Off
D:\Inetpub\NewIntraRoot D:\Inetpub\NewIntraRoot
Off Off
   php is installed on C but the site is hosted on D.
   Does this make sense?
  Its dones not have any problem
  work fine where these lines are addedd in d:/index.php
  Bye, and  Have a nice day.
  Prachait Saxena
  If you do for other's !
  Other's will do for you !!
  Visit me at

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Re: [PHP] extract($_POST)

2002-10-25 Thread 1LT John W. Holmes
HTTP_REFERRER can be spoofed, so don't rely on it for much.

---John Holmes...

- Original Message -
From: John Nichel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Paul Nicholson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: Johnson, Kirk [EMAIL PROTECTED]; PHP General
Sent: Friday, October 25, 2002 2:07 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP] extract($_POST)

 And if you want to take it a step further, to ensure that the values are
 submitted from YOUR form, check the $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] to see if
 it's coming from your domain | page.

 Paul Nicholson wrote:
  Hash: SHA1
  On Friday 25 October 2002 11:23 am, Johnson, Kirk wrote:
 And what should these precautions be?  If a malicious user can submit
 his own form and you are looking for a POST variable, how can you
 ensure that $admin came from your form and not that user's?
 The problem is when a cracker uses form variables in an attempt to set
 values of flag variables kept only in the session, for example,
 As far as the form variables *you* put in your form, it doesn't matter
 whether the user submits your form or a form they made themselves. Those
 form variables are just data you are trying to collect.
 With register_globals on, PHP takes *all* variables (GET, POST, COOKIE)
 received from the client and assigns them to global variables. So if the
 user posts a value for $isAdmin, she can give herself admin privileges.
 The key is to retrieve *only* the form variables *you* put in the form
 the the $_POST array. So don't write a loop and grab *everything* from
  Exactly! Not only should you retrieve *only* the vars you need from
  you should also filter them to make sure they contain what you're
  for.is_alpha($_POST['name']). And no, php doesn't have an 'is_alpha'
  functionI created that as part of a filtering class.
  - --
  ~Paul Nicholson
  Design Specialist @ WebPower Design
  The webthe way you want it!
  It said uses Windows 98 or better, so I loaded Linux!
  Registered Linux User #183202 using Register Linux System # 81891
  Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
  Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org

 PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
 To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

Re: [PHP] extract($_POST)

2002-10-25 Thread ed

 I thought of this was well and into the PHP documentation about this
option. Here's a side note that the documentation includes:

Not all user agents will set this, and some provide the ability to modify
HTTP_REFERER as a feature. In short, it cannot really be trusted. 

Even thought it's not a sure-fire method, it can be included along with
other security methods to increase the amount of security on a script.

Ed Curtis

On Fri, 25 Oct 2002, John Nichel wrote:

 And if you want to take it a step further, to ensure that the values are 
 submitted from YOUR form, check the $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] to see if 
 it's coming from your domain | page.
 Paul Nicholson wrote:
  Hash: SHA1
  On Friday 25 October 2002 11:23 am, Johnson, Kirk wrote:
 And what should these precautions be?  If a malicious user can submit
 his own form and you are looking for a POST variable, how can you
 ensure that $admin came from your form and not that user's?
 The problem is when a cracker uses form variables in an attempt to set the
 values of flag variables kept only in the session, for example, $isAdmin.
 As far as the form variables *you* put in your form, it doesn't matter
 whether the user submits your form or a form they made themselves. Those
 form variables are just data you are trying to collect.
 With register_globals on, PHP takes *all* variables (GET, POST, COOKIE)
 received from the client and assigns them to global variables. So if the
 user posts a value for $isAdmin, she can give herself admin privileges.
 The key is to retrieve *only* the form variables *you* put in the form from
 the the $_POST array. So don't write a loop and grab *everything* from that
  Exactly! Not only should you retrieve *only* the vars you need from POST,
  you should also filter them to make sure they contain what you're looking 
  for.is_alpha($_POST['name']). And no, php doesn't have an 'is_alpha' 
  functionI created that as part of a filtering class.
  - -- 
  ~Paul Nicholson
  Design Specialist @ WebPower Design
  The webthe way you want it!
  It said uses Windows 98 or better, so I loaded Linux!
  Registered Linux User #183202 using Register Linux System # 81891
  Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
  Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org
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[PHP] embedding pdf files in website

2002-10-25 Thread danny

I have a website with lots of stories (each story is about 20 pages long).
The list of stories is in a MySQL database.
I've read somewhere that pdf files can be embeded on a webpage. I want my
visitor to use the navigation system of my website. (and don't want them to
leave my website while reading the pdf documents).
I Don't like my visitors to scroll down i rather like to use buttons
previous and next

How do you do such a thing in php, or wher can i find some info? (i have no
solution in html)


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Re: [PHP] extract($_POST)

2002-10-25 Thread John Nichel
Yes, but that's what we've been discussing.  Nothing is bulletproof, 
unless your box has no route to the outside world, no Nic, no modem, 
etc.  But, depending on how security conscience (paranoid *G*) you may 
be, there are different steps to 'add' security, and keep out all but 
the most determined hackers.

I guess if you even want to go crazy overboard with security, you could 
set a cookie on your form page, and check for it's existance on the 
processing end.  Or randomly generate an image with a number on the form 
page, and have the user input that number.

1LT John W. Holmes wrote:
HTTP_REFERRER can be spoofed, so don't rely on it for much.

---John Holmes...

- Original Message -
From: John Nichel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Paul Nicholson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: Johnson, Kirk [EMAIL PROTECTED]; PHP General
Sent: Friday, October 25, 2002 2:07 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP] extract($_POST)

And if you want to take it a step further, to ensure that the values are
submitted from YOUR form, check the $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] to see if
it's coming from your domain | page.

Paul Nicholson wrote:

Hash: SHA1

On Friday 25 October 2002 11:23 am, Johnson, Kirk wrote:

And what should these precautions be?  If a malicious user can submit
his own form and you are looking for a POST variable, how can you
ensure that $admin came from your form and not that user's?

The problem is when a cracker uses form variables in an attempt to set


values of flag variables kept only in the session, for example,


As far as the form variables *you* put in your form, it doesn't matter
whether the user submits your form or a form they made themselves. Those
form variables are just data you are trying to collect.

With register_globals on, PHP takes *all* variables (GET, POST, COOKIE)
received from the client and assigns them to global variables. So if the
user posts a value for $isAdmin, she can give herself admin privileges.

The key is to retrieve *only* the form variables *you* put in the form


the the $_POST array. So don't write a loop and grab *everything* from




Exactly! Not only should you retrieve *only* the vars you need from


you should also filter them to make sure they contain what you're


for.is_alpha($_POST['name']). And no, php doesn't have an 'is_alpha'
functionI created that as part of a filtering class.


- --
~Paul Nicholson
Design Specialist @ WebPower Design
The webthe way you want it!

It said uses Windows 98 or better, so I loaded Linux!
Registered Linux User #183202 using Register Linux System # 81891
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


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Re: [PHP] pass globals to functions???

2002-10-25 Thread Jason Wong
On Friday 25 October 2002 03:52, Shawn McKenzie wrote:
 Some have eluded to this but I haven't seen a working example.  I would
 like to declare globals in my main script and then inside functions that
 need these globals just somehow use the $GLOBALS or something to declare
 the variables global in the function.

 What I've seen eluded to is loading your $GLOBALS array into an array...

 In short, if I add a variable to my globals line in my main script, I don't
 want to have to go and add it to the functions that need it.  Make sense???

A global declaration only has effect INSIDE a function. Having it outside of a 
function does not make sense (rtfm) and would probably be ignored.

Rather than repeating the examples in the manual here, I suggest you read up 
on the section Variable scope.

Jason Wong - Gremlins Associates - www.gremlins.com.hk
Open Source Software Systems Integrators
* Web Design  Hosting * Internet  Intranet Applications Development *

indent does _not_ solve the problem of:
* buggers who think that MyVariableIsBiggerThanYourVariable is a
good name

- Alexander Viro on coding style

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Re: [PHP] Creating Directories

2002-10-25 Thread Jason Wong
On Saturday 26 October 2002 01:23, Stephen wrote:
 Thanks, but what are the parameters to make the dir?

Try searching manual for:



Jason Wong - Gremlins Associates - www.gremlins.com.hk
Open Source Software Systems Integrators
* Web Design  Hosting * Internet  Intranet Applications Development *

Vote anarchist.

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Re: [PHP] mkdir and directory permissions

2002-10-25 Thread Monty
Hi Jason, I have a follow-up question about mkdir. If the files created by
mkdir are owned by 'nobody', does that create a security risk for those
files? If so, how does one get around accepting files via an upload form
that are assigned to a user other than 'nobody'?


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[PHP] Understanding the = operator...

2002-10-25 Thread Chris Boget
Ok, let me see if I have this right:

When you do:

$var = new myClass();

$var instantiates and holds a copy of myClass.  But when
you do:

$var = new myClass();

$var instantiates and references that instantiation?  

If so, then I'm curious - if you do:

$var2 = new myClass();

and you modify the member variables in $var2, will the 
member variables of $var be modified as well?  Or does
$var2 reference a seperate instantiation?

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Re: [PHP] extract($_POST)

2002-10-25 Thread Monty
Okay, I really want to understand how to make $_GET and $_POST more secure
because it means changing a fundamental way my scripts are now working.

So, it sounds like what I need to do in order to make form data more secure
is something like this...

$isAdmin = $_POST['isAdmin'];
$myName = $_POST['myName'];
$myPrefs = $_GET['myPrefs'];

Instead of this...


Is this correct?? Now, I can see how this will prevent a cracker from
flooding a script with invalid variables that are all extracted into local
vars, but, I don't see how this will prevent someone from hijacking the vars
and inserting their own data. Validating that kind of attack seems almost
impossible to do especially for things like forms that collect contact info.
I really don't want to have to validate every field for every legal
possibility (especially fields like Country).

I've read here that HTTP_REFERER is unreliable and can be easily spoofed,
but, is there a more reliable way to know where the $_POST and $_GET data is
coming from? Perhaps by IP of my server, or using $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']?

Is there any superglobal variable that would be unique to my web server that
CANNOT be spoofed or easily changed by a cracker that I can use as a check
to be sure the data is being submitted from a form on my site on not from
someone else's site?

Thanks a lot, guys!


 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul Nicholson)
 Organization: WebPower Design
 Newsgroups: php.general
 Date: Fri, 25 Oct 2002 13:06:10 -0400
 To: Johnson, Kirk [EMAIL PROTECTED], PHP General
 Subject: Re: [PHP] extract($_POST)
 Hash: SHA1
 On Friday 25 October 2002 11:23 am, Johnson, Kirk wrote:
 And what should these precautions be?  If a malicious user can submit
 his own form and you are looking for a POST variable, how can you
 ensure that $admin came from your form and not that user's?
 The problem is when a cracker uses form variables in an attempt to set the
 values of flag variables kept only in the session, for example, $isAdmin.
 As far as the form variables *you* put in your form, it doesn't matter
 whether the user submits your form or a form they made themselves. Those
 form variables are just data you are trying to collect.
 With register_globals on, PHP takes *all* variables (GET, POST, COOKIE)
 received from the client and assigns them to global variables. So if the
 user posts a value for $isAdmin, she can give herself admin privileges.
 The key is to retrieve *only* the form variables *you* put in the form from
 the the $_POST array. So don't write a loop and grab *everything* from that
 Exactly! Not only should you retrieve *only* the vars you need from POST,
 you should also filter them to make sure they contain what you're looking
 for.is_alpha($_POST['name']). And no, php doesn't have an 'is_alpha'
 functionI created that as part of a filtering class.
 - -- 
 ~Paul Nicholson
 Design Specialist @ WebPower Design
 The webthe way you want it!
 It said uses Windows 98 or better, so I loaded Linux!
 Registered Linux User #183202 using Register Linux System # 81891
 Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
 Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org

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[PHP] PHP installation with MySQL Support

2002-10-25 Thread MET
Where should you point the command --with-mysql to.  The binary, header
files, what?  Currently I have MySQL installed at /usr/lib/mysql/.  And
this is a RedHat Linux 8.0.


~ Matthew

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Re: [PHP] PHP installation with MySQL Support

2002-10-25 Thread @ Edwin


 Where should you point the command --with-mysql to.  The binary, header
 files, what?  Currently I have MySQL installed at /usr/lib/mysql/.  And
 this is a RedHat Linux 8.0.

Try --with-mysql=/usr

- E


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Re: [PHP] extract($_POST)

2002-10-25 Thread Rick Emery
You can still use extract($_POST).
It is as safe/vulernable as $_POST['isAdmin'].

In either case, use only variables that you know are yours and be certain these contain
values which you believe to be safe.
For instance, if you expect a variable called $firstname to contain a name to be 
stored in
a SQL database, be certain it does not contain SQL commands which can damage your

Also, if a cracker simply floods your script with variables, they will not do damage if
you have verified their contents.  For instance:

$isAdmin = ;
if( $isAdmin==JohnDoe)
 do secure stuff;

In the above code, if a cracker has inserted a variable called $isAdmin, it will be 
before extracting from the form.  Be advised, that a cracker can create his own form 
$isAdmin in it and submit it to your script.  Using $_POST['isAdmin'] will NOT protect
Bottom line: you can be cracked.  There are no certain protections.

- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, October 25, 2002 3:13 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP] extract($_POST)

Okay, I really want to understand how to make $_GET and $_POST more secure
because it means changing a fundamental way my scripts are now working.

So, it sounds like what I need to do in order to make form data more secure
is something like this...

$isAdmin = $_POST['isAdmin'];
$myName = $_POST['myName'];
$myPrefs = $_GET['myPrefs'];

Instead of this...


Is this correct?? Now, I can see how this will prevent a cracker from
flooding a script with invalid variables that are all extracted into local
vars, but, I don't see how this will prevent someone from hijacking the vars
and inserting their own data. Validating that kind of attack seems almost
impossible to do especially for things like forms that collect contact info.
I really don't want to have to validate every field for every legal
possibility (especially fields like Country).

I've read here that HTTP_REFERER is unreliable and can be easily spoofed,
but, is there a more reliable way to know where the $_POST and $_GET data is
coming from? Perhaps by IP of my server, or using $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']?

Is there any superglobal variable that would be unique to my web server that
CANNOT be spoofed or easily changed by a cracker that I can use as a check
to be sure the data is being submitted from a form on my site on not from
someone else's site?

Thanks a lot, guys!


 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul Nicholson)
 Organization: WebPower Design
 Newsgroups: php.general
 Date: Fri, 25 Oct 2002 13:06:10 -0400
 To: Johnson, Kirk [EMAIL PROTECTED], PHP General
 Subject: Re: [PHP] extract($_POST)

 Hash: SHA1

 On Friday 25 October 2002 11:23 am, Johnson, Kirk wrote:
 And what should these precautions be?  If a malicious user can submit
 his own form and you are looking for a POST variable, how can you
 ensure that $admin came from your form and not that user's?

 The problem is when a cracker uses form variables in an attempt to set the
 values of flag variables kept only in the session, for example, $isAdmin.
 As far as the form variables *you* put in your form, it doesn't matter
 whether the user submits your form or a form they made themselves. Those
 form variables are just data you are trying to collect.

 With register_globals on, PHP takes *all* variables (GET, POST, COOKIE)
 received from the client and assigns them to global variables. So if the
 user posts a value for $isAdmin, she can give herself admin privileges.

 The key is to retrieve *only* the form variables *you* put in the form from
 the the $_POST array. So don't write a loop and grab *everything* from that


 Exactly! Not only should you retrieve *only* the vars you need from POST,
 you should also filter them to make sure they contain what you're looking
 for.is_alpha($_POST['name']). And no, php doesn't have an 'is_alpha'
 functionI created that as part of a filtering class.


 - --
 ~Paul Nicholson
 Design Specialist @ WebPower Design
 The webthe way you want it!

 It said uses Windows 98 or better, so I loaded Linux!
 Registered Linux User #183202 using Register Linux System # 81891
 Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
 Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


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Re: [PHP] Creating Directories

2002-10-25 Thread Stephen
Thanks again but one more question. How would you then delete a directory?

- Original Message -
From: 1LT John W. Holmes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 25, 2002 1:32 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP] Creating Directories


 ---John Holmes...

 - Original Message -
 From: Stephen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, October 25, 2002 1:23 PM
 Subject: Re: [PHP] Creating Directories

  Thanks, but what are the parameters to make the dir?
  - Original Message -
  From: John W. Holmes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: 'Stephen' [EMAIL PROTECTED]; 'PHP List'
  Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2002 8:27 PM
  Subject: RE: [PHP] Creating Directories
-Original Message-
From: Stephen [mailto:webmaster;melchior.us]
Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2002 8:41 PM
To: PHP List
Subject: [PHP] Creating Directories
I have a newsletter script with a very (going to be I hope) cool
system. One part is creating a new skin and to do so, it needs to
   create a
directory to hold the template files in. How exactly can this be
Stephen Craton
   PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
   To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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[PHP] HTML filtering

2002-10-25 Thread tony
I have a problem, I need to filter HTML from data but want to preserve the
br tags in it, is there any function that allows this?

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Re: [PHP] extract($_POST)

2002-10-25 Thread @ Edwin

Monty [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Okay, I really want to understand how to make $_GET and $_POST more secure
 because it means changing a fundamental way my scripts are now working.

 So, it sounds like what I need to do in order to make form data more
 is something like this...

 $isAdmin = $_POST['isAdmin'];
 $myName = $_POST['myName'];
 $myPrefs = $_GET['myPrefs'];

 Instead of this...


 Is this correct??

Yes and no. I think it'd be a better idea to validate your
$_POST['something'] or $_GET['something'] before assigning them to

 Now, I can see how this will prevent a cracker from
 flooding a script with invalid variables that are all extracted into local
 vars, but, I don't see how this will prevent someone from hijacking the
 and inserting their own data.

I'm not really sure what you meant by this but the point is nothing is
really secure and you should validate the data that'll come from the user.
As always pointed out, never trust the user.

 Validating that kind of attack seems almost
 impossible to do especially for things like forms that collect contact
 I really don't want to have to validate every field for every legal
 possibility (especially fields like Country).

There are many places (websites) wherein you can choose the country from a
pulldown menu. This prevents somebody (somehow) from posting something
illegal. Besides, if the values assigned are numbers (e.g. option
value=100My Country/option) then you can check whether the value
is_numeric() or something. Or, even if it's a text field, perhaps you can
use some regex to make sure that you only accept certain characters. (i.e.
alphabet, etc.)

Just some ideas...

- E


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Re: [PHP] HTML filtering

2002-10-25 Thread Rick Emery
You could delete all HTML tags.  Then use nl2br() to re-insert the BR tags

- Original Message - 
Sent: Friday, October 25, 2002 3:28 PM
Subject: [PHP] HTML filtering

I have a problem, I need to filter HTML from data but want to preserve the
br tags in it, is there any function that allows this?

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[PHP] PHP on WinXP with Apache

2002-10-25 Thread Erich Kolb
I am trying to install php-4.2.3-Win32 on MS WinXP using

I have followed instructions included in the php package only I have
LoadModule php4_module C:/php/sapi/php4apache.dll
LoadModule php4_module C:/php/sapi/php4apache2.dll

I am receiving:
apache: module c:\php4build\snap\sapi\apache2filter\sapi_apache2.c is
not compatible with this version of Apache (found 20020628, need 20020903).
Please contact the vendor for the correct version.

I have looked around and it appears as though several other people have
had this problem, but I havent been able to find a solution.  It looks
like it is a bug, but it has been around for quite some time and I just
downloaded the Win32 installer for php today.  Does anyone have any

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Re: [PHP] Creating Directories

2002-10-25 Thread @ Edwin

Please check the manual first before posting questions. ;)

It seems like you're dealing with files/directories so you may want to read
up a bit here:


Stephen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thanks again but one more question. How would you then delete a directory?


- E


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Re: [PHP] extract($_POST)

2002-10-25 Thread Chris Boget
This thread has been great!  I've learned so much useful stuff.

 For instance, if you expect a variable called $firstname to contain 
 a name to be stored in a SQL database, be certain it does not contain 
 SQL commands which can damage your database.

This is another thing I'd be interested in hearing more about.  If all you
are doing is storing and retrieving data, what commands could possibly
be defined that could damage your database?

$firstName = Chris;
mysql_query( INSERT INTO names ( first_name ) VALUES ( \$firstName\ ) );
$result = mysql_query( SELECT first_name FROM names );
while( $dataArray = mysql_fetch_assoc( $result )) {
  echo $dataArray[first_name]


If $firstName was set by a form submission, what malicious SQL code could
damage your database?  All you are doing is storing, retreiving and displaying


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Re: [PHP] Understanding the = operator...

2002-10-25 Thread @ Edwin

Chris Boget [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Ok, let me see if I have this right:
 When you do:
 $var = new myClass();
 $var instantiates and holds a copy of myClass.  But when
 you do:
 $var = new myClass();
 $var instantiates and references that instantiation?  
 If so, then I'm curious - if you do:
 $var2 = new myClass();

Perhaps, you meant:

  $var2 = $var;

Then changing something in $var2 will also change it in $var, no?

- E


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Re: [PHP] PHP on WinXP with Apache

2002-10-25 Thread @ Edwin

Erich Kolb [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am trying to install php-4.2.3-Win32 on MS WinXP using

 I have followed instructions included in the php package only I have
 LoadModule php4_module C:/php/sapi/php4apache.dll
 LoadModule php4_module C:/php/sapi/php4apache2.dll

 I am receiving:
 apache: module c:\php4build\snap\sapi\apache2filter\sapi_apache2.c is
 not compatible with this version of Apache (found 20020628, need
 Please contact the vendor for the correct version.

 I have looked around and it appears as though several other people have
 had this problem, but I havent been able to find a solution.  It looks
 like it is a bug, but it has been around for quite some time and I just
 downloaded the Win32 installer for php today.  Does anyone have any

Be patient and wait a bit more. ;)

As previously discussed, it's not yet a good idea to have php
4.2x/apache2--they're working on it I'm sure.

If you insist, try the CVS version. (?)

- E

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Re: [PHP] extract($_POST)

2002-10-25 Thread Rick Emery
Lets say you have a statement like:
$query = SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE firstname=$firstname;

And if $firstname is set to:
  xyz; DELETE FROM mytable

Then this is executed as:  SELECT* FROM mytable WHERE firstname=xyz;DELETE FROM 

This can wipe out your table...a bad thing...

- Original Message -
From: Chris Boget [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 25, 2002 3:41 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP] extract($_POST)

This thread has been great!  I've learned so much useful stuff.

 For instance, if you expect a variable called $firstname to contain
 a name to be stored in a SQL database, be certain it does not contain
 SQL commands which can damage your database.

This is another thing I'd be interested in hearing more about.  If all you
are doing is storing and retrieving data, what commands could possibly
be defined that could damage your database?

$firstName = Chris;
mysql_query( INSERT INTO names ( first_name ) VALUES ( \$firstName\ ) );
$result = mysql_query( SELECT first_name FROM names );
while( $dataArray = mysql_fetch_assoc( $result )) {
  echo $dataArray[first_name]


If $firstName was set by a form submission, what malicious SQL code could
damage your database?  All you are doing is storing, retreiving and displaying


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Re: [PHP] mkdir and directory permissions

2002-10-25 Thread @ Edwin

Just a few comments... And no, I'm not Jason :)

Monty [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Jason, I have a follow-up question about mkdir. If the files created by
 mkdir are owned by 'nobody', does that create a security risk for those

No, not really.

 If so, how does one get around accepting files via an upload form
 that are assigned to a user other than 'nobody'?

Perhaps, you can check this: (Also see: User Contributed Notes)


- E

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Re: [PHP] extract($_POST)

2002-10-25 Thread @ Edwin

Rick Emery [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Lets say you have a statement like:
 $query = SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE firstname=$firstname;

 And if $firstname is set to:
   xyz; DELETE FROM mytable

 Then this is executed as:  SELECT* FROM mytable WHERE
firstname=xyz;DELETE FROM mytable

 This can wipe out your table...a bad thing...

Well, one way you can avoid similar things to happen is, you can do
something like, say, create a user that can only SELECT. If the user can
only SELECT then it cannot DELETE.

- E


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Re: [PHP] HTML filtering

2002-10-25 Thread Robert Cummings
 I have a problem, I need to filter HTML from data but want to preserve the
 br tags in it, is there any function that allows this?
 PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Doesn't get any simpler...

string strip_tags ( string str [, string allowable_tags])

| Robert Cummings |
| Webdeployer - Chief PHP and Java Programmer  |
| Mail  : mailto:robert.cummings;webmotion.com |
| Phone : (613) 731-4046 x.109 |
| Website : http://www.webmotion.com   |
| Fax : (613) 260-9545 |

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Re: [PHP] Problem with set_time_limit() and uploading large files

2002-10-25 Thread @ Edwin

Just a few ideas...

derek fong [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I am having a major problem getting set_time_limit() to work at all
 with PHP 4.2.3 running as a CGI program under IIS for Windows 2000 (I
 originally posted this message to php-win, but am hoping someone here
 can shed some light on this).  I have a form that accepts large files
 for upload, with the following lines at the top of the form action

 // let this script take as long as it needs to complete its work
 // and ignore if user hits stops button in his browser

Try another number. Who knows? Might work... :)


 I've also tried adding:

 ini_set('max_execution_time', 6);

+ Check whether ini_set() was successful.
+ I know you can change max_execution_time inside your script but try
changing it in php.ini and restart your server.
+ Perhaps, you can lower the number. (Is that 60,000 seconds?)

- E


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[PHP] Re: Understanding the = operator...

2002-10-25 Thread Nick Eby

Chris Boget [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Ok, let me see if I have this right:

 When you do:

 $var = new myClass();

 $var instantiates and holds a copy of myClass.

No.  The new operator makes a new object which is an instance of class

 But when you do:

 $var = new myClass();

 $var instantiates and references that instantiation?

No, this is no different than your first example.  Maybe this is even a
syntax error, I'm not positive about that though.

 If so, then I'm curious - if you do:

 $var2 = new myClass();

 and you modify the member variables in $var2, will the
 member variables of $var be modified as well?  Or does
 $var2 reference a seperate instantiation?

They are separate instances, because the new operator made a brand new
object each time it was called.  To make them reference the same object,
you'd instantiate $var1 and then do
$var2 = $var1;

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RE: [PHP] Creating Directories

2002-10-25 Thread John W. Holmes
Please do a little reading on your own.

Ulink(), I think... it's in the same manual section as mkdir().

---John Holmes...

 -Original Message-
 From: Stephen [mailto:webmaster;melchior.us]
 Sent: Friday, October 25, 2002 4:30 PM
 To: PHP List
 Subject: Re: [PHP] Creating Directories
 Thanks again but one more question. How would you then delete a
 - Original Message -
 From: 1LT John W. Holmes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, October 25, 2002 1:32 PM
 Subject: Re: [PHP] Creating Directories
  ---John Holmes...
  - Original Message -
  From: Stephen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Friday, October 25, 2002 1:23 PM
  Subject: Re: [PHP] Creating Directories
   Thanks, but what are the parameters to make the dir?
   - Original Message -
   From: John W. Holmes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   To: 'Stephen' [EMAIL PROTECTED]; 'PHP List'
   Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2002 8:27 PM
   Subject: RE: [PHP] Creating Directories
 -Original Message-
 From: Stephen [mailto:webmaster;melchior.us]
 Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2002 8:41 PM
 To: PHP List
 Subject: [PHP] Creating Directories


 I have a newsletter script with a very (going to be I hope)
 system. One part is creating a new skin and to do so, it needs
create a
 directory to hold the template files in. How exactly can this

 Stephen Craton
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RE: [PHP] extract($_POST)

2002-10-25 Thread John W. Holmes
No, this can't happen. There can only be one SQL query per

Google for SQL injection or something and I'm sure you'll find examples.

---John Holmes...

 -Original Message-
 From: Rick Emery [mailto:remery;emeryloftus.com]
 Sent: Friday, October 25, 2002 4:59 PM
 To: Chris Boget; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Monty
 Subject: Re: [PHP] extract($_POST)
 Lets say you have a statement like:
 $query = SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE firstname=$firstname;
 And if $firstname is set to:
   xyz; DELETE FROM mytable
 Then this is executed as:  SELECT* FROM mytable WHERE
 firstname=xyz;DELETE FROM mytable
 This can wipe out your table...a bad thing...
 - Original Message -
 From: Chris Boget [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Rick Emery [EMAIL PROTECTED];
 Sent: Friday, October 25, 2002 3:41 PM
 Subject: Re: [PHP] extract($_POST)
 This thread has been great!  I've learned so much useful stuff.
  For instance, if you expect a variable called $firstname to contain
  a name to be stored in a SQL database, be certain it does not
  SQL commands which can damage your database.
 This is another thing I'd be interested in hearing more about.  If all
 are doing is storing and retrieving data, what commands could possibly
 be defined that could damage your database?
 $firstName = Chris;
 mysql_query( INSERT INTO names ( first_name ) VALUES ( \$firstName\
 $result = mysql_query( SELECT first_name FROM names );
 while( $dataArray = mysql_fetch_assoc( $result )) {
   echo $dataArray[first_name]
 If $firstName was set by a form submission, what malicious SQL code
 damage your database?  All you are doing is storing, retreiving and
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RE: [PHP] extract($_POST)

2002-10-25 Thread John W. Holmes
 This thread has been great!  I've learned so much useful stuff.
  For instance, if you expect a variable called $firstname to contain
  a name to be stored in a SQL database, be certain it does not
  SQL commands which can damage your database.
 This is another thing I'd be interested in hearing more about.  If all
 are doing is storing and retrieving data, what commands could possibly
 be defined that could damage your database?
 $firstName = Chris;
 mysql_query( INSERT INTO names ( first_name ) VALUES ( \$firstName\
 $result = mysql_query( SELECT first_name FROM names );
 while( $dataArray = mysql_fetch_assoc( $result )) {
   echo $dataArray[first_name]
 If $firstName was set by a form submission, what malicious SQL code
 damage your database?  All you are doing is storing, retreiving and

If you are using addslashes() or magic_quotes_gpc on $firstName, then
you're safe from any SQL attack. Also, you are safer because you are
first naming the column your updating, then providing the value. If
there is any injection to affect another column, it'll cause an error. 

Say you are doing this to insert a general user who is not an admin

INSERT INTO table (name,admin) values ('$name',0)

If you are not checking name, and escaping single quotes, a malicious
user could submit this value: 


Which will make a name of john, set admin to one, and make the remainder
of the SQL a comment. 

---John Holmes...

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RE: [PHP] extract($_POST)

2002-10-25 Thread John W. Holmes
 There are many places (websites) wherein you can choose the country
from a
 pulldown menu. This prevents somebody (somehow) from posting something
 illegal. Besides, if the values assigned are numbers (e.g. option
 value=100My Country/option) then you can check whether the value
 is_numeric() or something. Or, even if it's a text field, perhaps you
 use some regex to make sure that you only accept certain characters.
 alphabet, etc.)

A drop down doesn't save you from validating what the user sent. Just
because your form has a drop down, it doesn't mean the one I re-create
on my page has one (while I'm spoofing HTTP_REFERRER, mind you). It may
have a text box so I can send you any value. 

---John Holmes..

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[PHP] upload files

2002-10-25 Thread Andres, Cyrille

 Hello everybody,

I want to allow the client to upload a text file on my web server, so I use
this code :

Uploaded files detailsbr

printf(Name : %s br, $HTTP_POST_FILES[userfile][name]);
printf(Temporary Name : %s br,
printf(Size : %s br, $HTTP_POST_FILES[userfile][size]);
printf(Type : %s br, $HTTP_POST_FILES[userfile][type]);

if (copy
printf(File successfully copied);}
printf(Error: failed to copy file);}  



the $http_post_files doesn't return me anything, anybody would have a clue
?? ( roughly speaking I am not able to retrieve the field the client try to
send me).

Thanks a lot.

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RE: [PHP] extract($_POST)

2002-10-25 Thread SHEETS,JASON (HP-Boise,ex1)
You can still create a sub-query to do the damage.


-Original Message-
From: John W. Holmes [mailto:holmes072000;charter.net] 
Sent: Friday, October 25, 2002 4:01 PM
To: 'Rick Emery'; 'Chris Boget'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; 'Monty'
Subject: RE: [PHP] extract($_POST)

No, this can't happen. There can only be one SQL query per

Google for SQL injection or something and I'm sure you'll find examples.

---John Holmes...

 -Original Message-
 From: Rick Emery [mailto:remery;emeryloftus.com]
 Sent: Friday, October 25, 2002 4:59 PM
 To: Chris Boget; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Monty
 Subject: Re: [PHP] extract($_POST)
 Lets say you have a statement like:
 $query = SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE firstname=$firstname;
 And if $firstname is set to:
   xyz; DELETE FROM mytable
 Then this is executed as:  SELECT* FROM mytable WHERE
 firstname=xyz;DELETE FROM mytable
 This can wipe out your table...a bad thing...
 - Original Message -
 From: Chris Boget [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Rick Emery [EMAIL PROTECTED];
 Sent: Friday, October 25, 2002 3:41 PM
 Subject: Re: [PHP] extract($_POST)
 This thread has been great!  I've learned so much useful stuff.
  For instance, if you expect a variable called $firstname to contain
  a name to be stored in a SQL database, be certain it does not
  SQL commands which can damage your database.
 This is another thing I'd be interested in hearing more about.  If all
 are doing is storing and retrieving data, what commands could possibly
 be defined that could damage your database?
 $firstName = Chris;
 mysql_query( INSERT INTO names ( first_name ) VALUES ( \$firstName\
 $result = mysql_query( SELECT first_name FROM names );
 while( $dataArray = mysql_fetch_assoc( $result )) {
   echo $dataArray[first_name]
 If $firstName was set by a form submission, what malicious SQL code
 damage your database?  All you are doing is storing, retreiving and
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[PHP] Re: upload files

2002-10-25 Thread Jason Young
I'm not sure of the backwards compatibility, but if you're running PHP 
4.2.x (I think? Maybe it came in earlier) .. use the $_FILES global 
variable, in place of $HTTP_POST_FILES. The array is exactly the same: 

Hopefully this helps?


Cyrille Andres wrote:

 Hello everybody,

I want to allow the client to upload a text file on my web server, so 
I use
this code :

Uploaded files details

, $HTTP_POST_FILES[userfile][name]);
printf(Temporary Name : %s
printf(Size : %s
, $HTTP_POST_FILES[userfile][size]);
printf(Type : %s
, $HTTP_POST_FILES[userfile][type]);

if (copy
	printf(File successfully copied);}
	printf(Error: failed to copy file);}	


the $http_post_files doesn't return me anything, anybody would have a clue
?? ( roughly speaking I am not able to retrieve the field the client 
try to
send me).

Thanks a lot.

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Re: [PHP] extract($_POST)

2002-10-25 Thread Rick Emery

You assume mysql.
Other SQL databases allow multiple statements.

 -Original Message-
 From: Rick Emery [mailto:remery;emeryloftus.com]
 Sent: Friday, October 25, 2002 4:59 PM
 To: Chris Boget; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Monty
 Subject: Re: [PHP] extract($_POST)
 Lets say you have a statement like:
 $query = SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE firstname=$firstname;
 And if $firstname is set to:
   xyz; DELETE FROM mytable
 Then this is executed as:  SELECT* FROM mytable WHERE
 firstname=xyz;DELETE FROM mytable
 This can wipe out your table...a bad thing...
 - Original Message -
 From: Chris Boget [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Rick Emery [EMAIL PROTECTED];
 Sent: Friday, October 25, 2002 3:41 PM
 Subject: Re: [PHP] extract($_POST)
 This thread has been great!  I've learned so much useful stuff.
  For instance, if you expect a variable called $firstname to contain
  a name to be stored in a SQL database, be certain it does not
  SQL commands which can damage your database.
 This is another thing I'd be interested in hearing more about.  If all
 are doing is storing and retrieving data, what commands could possibly
 be defined that could damage your database?
 $firstName = Chris;
 mysql_query( INSERT INTO names ( first_name ) VALUES ( \$firstName\
 $result = mysql_query( SELECT first_name FROM names );
 while( $dataArray = mysql_fetch_assoc( $result )) {
   echo $dataArray[first_name]
 If $firstName was set by a form submission, what malicious SQL code
 damage your database?  All you are doing is storing, retreiving and
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