php-general Digest 30 Jul 2005 12:17:02 -0000 Issue 3596

2005-07-30 Thread php-general-digest-help

php-general Digest 30 Jul 2005 12:17:02 - Issue 3596

Topics (messages 219647 through 219669):

Automated Numerical Filenames for Directory
219647 by: Smittie
219659 by: Smittie
219664 by: Kevin Waterson

Re: PHP code in a MySQL record
219648 by: André Medeiros

How to generate MD5 passwords
219649 by: Michelle Konzack
219650 by: Martin B. Nielsen
219667 by: Michelle Konzack

exec nor shell_exec not doing as expected.
219651 by: leonski

exec / shell_exec issues
219652 by: leonski
219653 by: Robert Cummings
219654 by: leonski
219655 by: Jason Wong
219656 by: leonski
219657 by: Robert Cummings
219658 by: leonski
219660 by: Jason Wong
219661 by: Robert Cummings
219662 by: leonski
219663 by: leonski

Re: PHP noobie
219665 by: Bob Stia

Do I need to recompile Apache2 --with-apxs for PayPal PHP SDK?
219666 by: John Hicks

Re: Dropdown Building Function
219668 by: Satyam

error checking woes
219669 by: Jack Jackson


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Hi everybody

Have this headache and hope there is someone that can help:

I need to generate numerical filenames in a directory, first filename being

The next filename should be 20002.php etc.- no problem and easy enough

BUT, if you have files in the directory ;


and you delete 20002.php, then the nexttime a new file is generated it
should be 20002.php and not 20006.php

Any ideas?



---End Message---
Okay - figured it out and have it working now


- Original Message -
Sent: 28 July 2005 10:29
Subject: Automated Numerical Filenames for Directory

 Hi everybody

 Have this headache and hope there is someone that can help:

 I need to generate numerical filenames in a directory, first filename

 The next filename should be 20002.php etc.- no problem and easy enough

 BUT, if you have files in the directory ;


 and you delete 20002.php, then the nexttime a new file is generated it
 should be 20002.php and not 20006.php

 Any ideas?



---End Message---
This one time, at band camp, Smittie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Okay - figured it out and have it working now

What was your solution?


Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. 
Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote.
---End Message---
Either what Kris says, or you can use a templating engine.

See Smarty (

On 7/29/05, Kristen G. Thorson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Is there a particular reason you need *PHP* in the database?  If not,
 then use a placeholder system of some sort ( like #var# ) and str_replace():
 while( $row=mysql_fetch_row($result) ) {
 echo str_replace( '#var#', $that_var, $row['entry'] );
 Nathaniel Hall wrote:
 I am working on a project that uses an index.php page.  Depending on the
 variable in the URL, a different php page is included.  I have a
 config.php that contains variables that are accessible from any page.
 That is the easy part.
 I have some pages pulling HTML out of a database. I would like to be
 able to reference some of the variables in the config.php in the
 database blob field.  Here is an example:
include 'config.php';
if (blabla) {
include thispage.php;
} else {
include thatpage.php;
$query=SELECT * from table;
$result=mysql_query($query) or die (Cannot process query);
echo $row[1];
 MySQL record:
 1,2005,01,01,This is a testbr? echo $that_var; ?
 I have tried using brgt;? echo $that_var; ?lt; and I have tried
 escaping everything, but that still didn't work.  Any ideas?
 Nathaniel Hall
 PHP General Mailing List (
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---End Message---
Hello *,

I like to generate md5 password but I have not found a command
or something like this to generate it.  Curently I am using

$PASSMD5=exec(echo $PASSCLEAR |md5sum)

Is there a better way ?


Re: [PHP] Re: Automated Numerical Filenames for Directory

2005-07-30 Thread Kevin Waterson
This one time, at band camp, Smittie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Okay - figured it out and have it working now

What was your solution?


Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. 
Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote.

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Re: [PHP] PHP noobie

2005-07-30 Thread Bob Stia
On Friday 29 July 2005 02:55, Jochem Maas wrote:
 Bob Stia wrote:
  Hello PHP list
  First allow me to apologize if this is the wrong place for this and
  direct me to the proper place. (be nice now!)

 this list is really for people who are programmning in php.
 as you describe it your looking for a php solution as an end user,
 so no this is not really the right place - although I couldn't
 really say where you would be better off.

..snip much...

Hello PHP people,

First of all let me thank all of the kind people who replied to my call 
for help and intruded into your domain, and there were many of you. It 
is much appreciated. I scrutinized all of your replies and have gained 
some knowledge from your replies.

Some of you have offered help privately and I may well call upon your 
expertise. May I reserve the right to return to this list with a few 

Thanks again,
Bob S.


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[PHP] Do I need to recompile Apache2 --with-apxs for PayPal PHP SDK?

2005-07-30 Thread John Hicks

I'm trying to install and configure PayPal Website Payments Pro using
the PayPal PHP SDK.

The first step in the SDK Quickstart instructions is:
Enable Apache modules and APXS (Apache Extension Tool)
In your Apache root directory, run:
../configure ?enable-mod=so --with-apxs /usr/local/apache/bin/apxs (sic)

I think of the  ./configure directive as a precursor to compiling with
make, yet there is no mention made of running make.

I'm running RHEL 4.1 with Apache 2 precompiled. I can see that modules
are enabled, but I'm guessing it wasn't compiled with apxs since I
just installed apxs 10 minutes ago. (FWIW, it's part of the
httpd-devel package.)

But, then, when I search the Apache site, I see no mention of a
--with-apxs directive for Apache 2 (only for Apache 1.3). So I'm
thinking the instructions may be a little off. Is there such a
directive for Apache 2?

So I'm wondering if this step is really necessary. I hate to futz with
a perfectly fine Red Hat installation if it isn't.

Does anyone know how PayPal uses apxs? Does it actually build its own
module to be loaded into apache? If I proceed without recompiling
Apache, how will I be able to tell if my existing installation of
Apache is inadequate?

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

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[PHP] Re: How to generate MD5 passwords

2005-07-30 Thread Michelle Konzack
Hello Matin,

Am 2005-07-30 03:14:35, schrieb Martin B. Nielsen:
 Are you maybe looking for something like this:
 $passwords = test;
 $pass = md5($passwords);
I was missing this.
 echo $pass;
 The above will output: 098f6bcd4621d373cade4e832627b4f6 as MD5 hash value.
 For more info,

It is exactly what I was searchin for.

 Best regards,

Thanks and nice Weekend

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter,
Michelle Konzack   Apt. 917  ICQ #328449886
   50, rue de Soultz MSM LinuxMichi
0033/3/8845235667100 Strasbourg/France   IRC #Debian (

Description: Digital signature

Re: [PHP] Dropdown Building Function

2005-07-30 Thread Satyam

Jack Jackson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 Thanks for showing me this it is very cool indeed.

 However maybe I am being dumb and obdurate but what I am really trying to 
 do is build some of these things myself (with, thankfully, help)

Perhaps this can help.  I'm sorry the doc is in Spanish, but the code is not 
so large.

There are two funtions, one to load the data for a dropdown list 
(CargaCombo) and the other to show it.  The reason for this is that a single 
combo might be used in two or more places within a web page so this allow 
for reusability, plus it allows for the display of combos not generated from 
the database but from a plain handcoded  array, such as a list of month 

CargaCombo expects an SQL statement.  It will assume the first field is the 
key of the dropdown box.  It will then concatenate every field from the 
second to whichever to make the description.

MuestraCombo will display the dropdown from an array.  It will assume the 
key of the array to be the value attribute of the option tag and the value 
of the array to be the description.  The first parameter is the name of the 
select tag, the third the key value of the item to be pre-selected and the 
fourth an array of events for the object.  This last one has to be in the 
form of  eventName  = action.

For example:

MuestraCombo('SomeName', array(0='No',1='Yes'),1,array('onClick' = 


 *  Esta función devuelve un array que se puede usar en [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
MuestraCombo} para mostrar un combobox.
 *  La función toma una instrucción de SQL y con ella arma un array donde el 
primer campo que encuentra lo usa como
 *  clave dentro del array y los campos subsiguientes como valor.  Si 
hubiera más de dos campos, concatenará los valores
 *  de los campos desde el segundo en adelante separándolos con barra 
vertical para asignar como valor a la clave dada
 *  por el primer campo. Usualmente se usa con una tabla del tipo Codigo == 
 *  @param string $sql Instrucción de selección de SQL, debe proveer al 
menos dos campos.
 *  @return array Array con una entrada por registro obtenido, usando el 
campo 0 como clave y los subsiguientes como valor
function CargaCombo($sql){
 $result = mysql_query($sql) or die ('Error en la consulta: ' . 
mysql_error() . \r\nbr$sql);
 while ($line = mysql_fetch_row($result)){
 $s = '';
 for ($i = 1;$i  mysql_num_fields($result);$i++) $s .= ' | ' . 
 $combo[$line[0]] = substr($s, 3);

 return $combo;
 *  Emite el código HTML correspondiente a un ComboBox usando el array que 
se indica.
 *  El array puede haber sido obtenido mediante
 *  [EMAIL PROTECTED] CargaCombo CargaCombo}, o generado por otro medio.
 *  Por cada item del array emitirá un samplt;optiongt;/samp con 
sampvalue/samp igual a la clave y el texto
 *  a mostrar igual al valor correspondiente a esa clave.
 *  @param string $Nombre Nombre que se le dará al control
 *  @param array $Combo Array donde aparecen los valores a mostrar
 *  @param mixed $Default Clave del item que deberá aparecer seleccionado 
 *  @param array $Eventos Array de acciones por eventos a ser asignadas a 
este control.
 *   El array debe estar estructurado con el nombre del evento como clave y 
la acción asociada como dato.

function MuestraCombo($Nombre, $Combo, $Default = null, $Eventos = null){
 echo 'Select size=1 name=' , $Nombre ,'';
 if ($Eventos){
 foreach($Eventos as $OnEvent = $Funcion){
 echo ' ',  $OnEvent, '=', $Funcion , '';
 echo '', CRLF;

 foreach ($Combo as $key = $value){
 echo 'Option value='
, htmlentities($key)
   , '';
 If ($key == $Default Or (Is_Null($key) And Is_Null($Default))) echo 
' selected ';
 echo '', $value , '/option', CRLF;
 echo '/Select',CRLF;

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[PHP] error checking woes

2005-07-30 Thread Jack Jackson

Now that the drop down is working properly (thanks!!), I am trying to 
validate, and having LOTS of trouble. After being ceaselessly derided 
last night on an irc channel for my dimwitedness, I am still not any closer.

The code which works is this:

function GetQuestionsDropdown($cat){
//first get all the questions

$sql = SELECT * FROM questions WHERE questions.q_cat=$cat AND 

$result = mysql_query($sql);
//now one-by-one go through the questions
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {

//if the form has been submitted, and the question unanswered
//highlight this whole question and answer block in red.
if ($message[$row['q_name']] == 1){
echo div class='error';

//Make a question set div wrapper
echo div class='q_set'\n;
//State the question
echo div class='question';
echo $row['q_text'] . /div;
echo \n\n;
echo  div class='answer';
echo \n;

//Create the dropdown for the answers
echo '  select name=' . $row['q_name'] . '';
echo \n;

//get all of the answers for THIS question
$ans_sql = select * from answers where answers.q_id= . $row['q_id'];
$ans_result = mysql_query($ans_sql);

echo option value=\\Select from this list/option\n;
while($ans_row = mysql_fetch_assoc($ans_result)) {

//list the answers for THIS question
echo option ;
echo value=\ . $ans_row['a_id'] . \;

if  ($row['q_name'] == $ans_row['a_id']) {
echo  selected;

echo  . $ans_row['a_answer'] . /option;
echo \n;
echo '  /select' . \n . ' /div' . \n;
echo /div!--q_set--\n\n;
//If there *was* an error div, close it
if (sizeof($message[$row['q_name']])){
echo /div!--/error--;
}//function GetQuestionsDropdown

NOW I have to validate after it's submitted. I am trying to look and 
see, if $_POST[$row['q_name']] is empty then make message of the same 
name = 1, so if

   if(empty($_POST['partners'])) {
   $message['partners'] = '1'

Then when I restate the dropdown function, and it shows the questions 
again,  those error checking things I built in will

a) show a div class=error around questions with a message
	b) pre-select the previously selected answers (because I have put in 
the thing in the dropdown which says

 if ($row['q_name'] == $ans_row['a_id']) { echo  selected;}

The validate code I was trying, the subject of such howling on IRC (and 
I know it doesn't work, but not why) was:

function ValidatePost($cat){
//first get the q_names
$sql = SELECT * FROM questions WHERE q_cat=$cat;
$result = mysql_query($sql);

//go through the question set
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {


  $message[$row['q_name']] == 1;
}//function ValidatePost

Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong?


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Re: [PHP] error checking woes

2005-07-30 Thread Jack Jackson

Okay, last attempt before I hit my head against wall. I thought perhaps 
to add the error check to the dropdown function itself:

function GetQuestionsDropdown($cat){
//first get all the questions

$sql = SELECT * FROM questions WHERE questions.q_cat=$cat AND 

$result = mysql_query($sql);
//now one-by-one go through the questions
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {

//if the form has been submitted, and the question unanswered
//highlight this whole question and answer block in red.
if ($message[$row['q_name']] == 1){
echo div class='error';

//Make a question set div wrapper
echo div class='q_set'\n;
//State the question
echo div class='question';
echo $row['q_text'] . /div;
echo \n\n;
echo  div class='answer';
echo \n;

//Create the dropdown for the answers
echo '  select name=' . $row['q_name'] . '';
echo \n;

//get all of the answers for THIS question
$ans_sql = select * from answers where answers.q_id= . $row['q_id'];
$ans_result = mysql_query($ans_sql);

echo option value=\\Select from this list/option\n;
while($ans_row = mysql_fetch_assoc($ans_result)) {

//list the answers for THIS question
echo option ;
echo value=\ . $ans_row['a_id'] . \;

if  ($row['q_name'] == $ans_row['a_id']) {
echo  selected;

echo  . $ans_row['a_answer'] . /option;
echo \n;
echo '  /select' . \n . ' /div' . \n;
echo /div!--q_set--\n\n;
//If there *was* an error div, close it
if (sizeof($message[$row['q_name']])){
echo /div!--/error--;
//error checking
if ( !strcmp($action,'process') ) {
  $message[$row['q_name']] == 1;

}//function GetQuestionsDropdown

it didn't work either.

Jack Jackson wrote:

Now that the drop down is working properly (thanks!!), I am trying to 
validate, and having LOTS of trouble. After being ceaselessly derided 
last night on an irc channel for my dimwitedness, I am still not any 

The code which works is this:

function GetQuestionsDropdown($cat){
//first get all the questions

$sql = SELECT * FROM questions WHERE questions.q_cat=$cat AND 

$result = mysql_query($sql);
//now one-by-one go through the questions
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
//if the form has been submitted, and the question unanswered

//highlight this whole question and answer block in red.
if ($message[$row['q_name']] == 1){
echo div class='error';
//Make a question set div wrapper

echo div class='q_set'\n;
//State the question
echo div class='question';
echo $row['q_text'] . /div;
echo \n\n;
echo  div class='answer';
echo \n;
//Create the dropdown for the answers

echo '  select name=' . $row['q_name'] . '';
echo \n;
//get all of the answers for THIS question

$ans_sql = select * from answers where answers.q_id= . $row['q_id'];
$ans_result = mysql_query($ans_sql);

echo option value=\\Select from this list/option\n;
while($ans_row = mysql_fetch_assoc($ans_result)) {
//list the answers for THIS question

echo option ;
echo value=\ . $ans_row['a_id'] . \;

if  ($row['q_name'] == $ans_row['a_id']) {
echo  selected;

echo  . $ans_row['a_answer'] . /option;
echo \n;
echo '  /select' . \n . ' /div' . \n;
echo /div!--q_set--\n\n;
//If there *was* an error div, close it
if (sizeof($message[$row['q_name']])){
echo /div!--/error--;
}//function GetQuestionsDropdown

NOW I have to validate after it's submitted. I am trying to look and 
see, if $_POST[$row['q_name']] is empty then make message of the same 
name = 1, so if

   if(empty($_POST['partners'])) {
   $message['partners'] = '1'

Then when I restate the dropdown function, and it shows the questions 
again,  those error checking things I built in will

a) show a div class=error around questions with a message
b) pre-select the previously selected answers (because I have put in 

[PHP] Redirect with referer info

2005-07-30 Thread Dotan Cohen
Hi list,
I need to redirerect a page, and send the referer information along
with the redirect. I have tried:
header(Location: $url);
printhtmlheadmeta http-equiv='refresh' content='0; URL=$url'

Both of them redirect as expected, but the browser (Firefox and Opera)
do not send referer information along with the request. As this is for
link affiliates, I need that referer info sent with the request. How
to do that? Thanks.

Dotan Cohen
Song Lirics Song Lirics

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Re: [PHP] Redirect with referer info

2005-07-30 Thread Matt Darby

Dotan Cohen wrote:

Hi list,
I need to redirerect a page, and send the referer information along
with the redirect. I have tried:
header(Location: $url);
printhtmlheadmeta http-equiv='refresh' content='0; URL=$url'

Both of them redirect as expected, but the browser (Firefox and Opera)
do not send referer information along with the request. As this is for
link affiliates, I need that referer info sent with the request. How
to do that? Thanks.

Dotan Cohen
Song Lirics Song Lirics


URL parameters.

header(Location: $url);

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Re: [PHP] Redirect with referer info

2005-07-30 Thread Joe Wollard
To obtain a certain portion of the referring url you might look at  


- or -

If you want to bounce the user right back to the previous page  
including get variables you could just use this snippet.

$referrer = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
header(Location:  . $referrer);

On Jul 30, 2005, at 9:36 AM, Dotan Cohen wrote:

Hi list,
I need to redirerect a page, and send the referer information along
with the redirect. I have tried:
header(Location: $url);
printhtmlheadmeta http-equiv='refresh' content='0; URL=$url'

Both of them redirect as expected, but the browser (Firefox and Opera)
do not send referer information along with the request. As this is for
link affiliates, I need that referer info sent with the request. How
to do that? Thanks.

Dotan Cohen
Song Lirics Song Lirics

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[PHP] Running a PHP script everyday

2005-07-30 Thread sub
I have a PHP script that I need to run once a day.  I have it currently
setup so that I just run it from my cell phone, but I would prefer something
automated. I'd looked into a cron job, but that just looks like it's for
doing linux command line stuff on my host.

I also thought about writing a never ending while loop with an if statement
that checks to see if it's time to run the script, then when it is time, it
runs. Then checks to see if it's time again.

But even assuming I could get it working, do I really want to have a PHP
script that runs all the time. This could be bad if it ate up all the CPU on
my server. I'm not even sure I have access rights to kill the process once I
start it.

Any suggestions?

Andrew Darrow
Kronos1 Productions

[PHP] Help with Functions

2005-07-30 Thread Tom Chubb
I am trying to start using functions on some pages to layout a header
row in a table.
I have defined the function as below...

function (headerrow)
{ ?
table width=750 border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0
  td class=table_head?php echo $tablehead; ?/td
  td width=20img src=/nav/images/pspromo_table_rhs.gif
width=20 height=20/td

What I can't seem to work out is a way to set the text. Here I've
echoed the $tablehead value, but it I was to use more than one table
on the same page then it wouldn't work. Can I do something like
headerrow(text goes here) or something?
I can't understand the use of arguments and it's really confusing me!
Any help would be really appreciated.


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[PHP] help with print value

2005-07-30 Thread Jesús Alain Rodríguez Santos
Sorry for my english, i'm cuban, it's dificult for me explain that in
english but I'll try:

 I have a table columns: month, day  and value

7 156
7 334
8 450
9 578
. . .
. . .

I need to get the value for every day, for example:
for day 1 the value is 56
for day 3 the value is 67
for day 4 the value is 50

did you understain, please helpe me

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[PHP] allowing selected file types

2005-07-30 Thread Sebastian

i know i shouldn't rely on mime types for file verification but anyways..

I use application/zip which works fine on firefox and only allows zips.. 
however, on Internet explorer it doesn't work since IE returns 
application/x-zip-compressed for zips.. problem with this is it also 
allow rar files.. so even checking mime types is just as useless as not 
using it.. one mime type allows two different file types. pffft.

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Re: [PHP] Redirect with referer info

2005-07-30 Thread Dotan Cohen
On 7/30/05, Joe Wollard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 To obtain a certain portion of the referring url you might look at
 - or -
 If you want to bounce the user right back to the previous page including get
 variables you could just use this snippet.
 ?php$referrer = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
 header(Location:  . $referrer);

I must have not phased the question well. I have a page on that links to and it is
very important that the request to has the
referer part of the request intact. There is no id=xxx or whatever,
the server at looks at the $HTTP_REFERER to
grant points. That works great when on I do a
simple a href='~'lyrics/a to, but I don't
want to do that. Instead, I link to another page on so that I can record how many people clicked on
the link, and then I want to redirect to

It's just that with the two redirect methods that I know of (header
and meta), the request to gets there with no
referer information, as if the user typed in the address.

If you want to see it, click:
You will be redirected to
Look at the source code, in the first few lines you will see:
User_Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.7.10)
Gecko/20050720 Fedora/1.0.6-1.1.fc4 Firefox/1.0.6
Time: July 30, 2005, 12:36 pm

No referer! Try clicking around and look at the
source code: they all have referers!

Dotan Cohen

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Re: [PHP] Help with Functions

2005-07-30 Thread sub
I would recomend for sanity and clean code that you define your functions
outside of the file you will be calling it from and include that file in any
file you need to call a function from.

Here's a function that I defined in my db.php file.

 * FUNCTION: DBCheckByMin($min)
 * DESCRIPTION: Checks to see if the user's min already exists
 * RETURNED: exist (1 or 0)
function DBCheckByMin($min)
$record = mysql_query( SELECT `min` FROM `user` WHERE `min` LIKE '$min' );

for($i=0; $holder[$i]=mysql_fetch_array( $record ); $i++);

return $exist;

The first line of the file I call this function in includes my function
include db.php;

And my call to the function itself:

Let's say my user is entering his MIN as 1234567890

What the function does is catch the value of the variable $min which is
1234567890 when it's called and pass it to the function. Then DBCheckByMin
takes the value 1234567890 and assignes it to the variable $min. (I've named
both variables the same so I know what they are) Now that the function has
it's own variable, $min that has a value of 1234567890 It then does some
basic SQL work to find if that MIN already exists in my databse. Then it
sets $exist to either 1 or 0. It sets it to 1 if this is a duplicate entry
and 0 if it's not a duplicate. And let's just say that it did indeed find a
duplicate record so $exist will have the value of 1.  Next on the return
line, the function sends back the value of $exist which is 1. Please
remember when I called the function I had a variable before the function was
called $check=DBCheckByMin($min);  This way $check will catch whatever
value the function returns, in this case, that value is 1. Now that check
has a value which indicates that this user already exists I can send a
message to the user saying that it already exists and to try again.

Did that make a bit more sense about how variables are passed between
functions? It's all in the call and definition.

Andrew Darrow
Kronos1 Productions

- Original Message - 
Sent: Saturday, July 30, 2005 9:23 AM
Subject: [PHP] Help with Functions

I am trying to start using functions on some pages to layout a header
row in a table.
I have defined the function as below...

function (headerrow)
{ ?
table width=750 border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0
  td class=table_head?php echo $tablehead; ?/td
  td width=20img src=/nav/images/pspromo_table_rhs.gif
width=20 height=20/td

What I can't seem to work out is a way to set the text. Here I've
echoed the $tablehead value, but it I was to use more than one table
on the same page then it wouldn't work. Can I do something like
headerrow(text goes here) or something?
I can't understand the use of arguments and it's really confusing me!
Any help would be really appreciated.


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Re: [PHP] Running a PHP script everyday

2005-07-30 Thread James Kaufman
On Sat, Jul 30, 2005 at 09:17:20AM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a PHP script that I need to run once a day.  I have it currently
 setup so that I just run it from my cell phone, but I would prefer something
 automated. I'd looked into a cron job, but that just looks like it's for
 doing linux command line stuff on my host.
 I also thought about writing a never ending while loop with an if statement
 that checks to see if it's time to run the script, then when it is time, it
 runs. Then checks to see if it's time again.
 But even assuming I could get it working, do I really want to have a PHP
 script that runs all the time. This could be bad if it ate up all the CPU on
 my server. I'm not even sure I have access rights to kill the process once I
 start it.
 Any suggestions?
 Andrew Darrow
 Kronos1 Productions

You don't state what OS you are using, but you certainly can use cron under
Linux to run a PHP script. What really matters is what does the PHP script do?
For example, I have a PHP script that I run periodically that retrieves data
from a database and updates a text file on the disk. What does your script do?

Jim Kaufman
Linux Evangelist
public key 0x6D802619
CCNA, CISSP# 65668

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] Running a PHP script everyday

2005-07-30 Thread sub
In my pevious hunt through cron I didn't even notice the PHP CLI. So I will be 
figuring that out today probably. 

My server runs on Linux. Not sure which distro though. I'll have to ask. 

My script will be getting e-mail addresses from my SQL db and sending them a 
pic of the day. I got the HTML MimeMail 2.5.1 to work perfectly, now I just 
need to figure out how to make it run without me doing anything. 


Andrew Darrow
Kronos1 Productions

- Original Message - 
From: James Kaufman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, July 30, 2005 10:07 AM
Subject: Re: [PHP] Running a PHP script everyday

 On Sat, Jul 30, 2005 at 09:17:20AM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I have a PHP script that I need to run once a day.  I have it currently
  setup so that I just run it from my cell phone, but I would prefer something
  automated. I'd looked into a cron job, but that just looks like it's for
  doing linux command line stuff on my host.
  I also thought about writing a never ending while loop with an if statement
  that checks to see if it's time to run the script, then when it is time, it
  runs. Then checks to see if it's time again.
  But even assuming I could get it working, do I really want to have a PHP
  script that runs all the time. This could be bad if it ate up all the CPU on
  my server. I'm not even sure I have access rights to kill the process once I
  start it.
  Any suggestions?
  Andrew Darrow
  Kronos1 Productions
 You don't state what OS you are using, but you certainly can use cron under
 Linux to run a PHP script. What really matters is what does the PHP script do?
 For example, I have a PHP script that I run periodically that retrieves data
 from a database and updates a text file on the disk. What does your script do?
 Jim Kaufman
 Linux Evangelist
 public key 0x6D802619
 CCNA, CISSP# 65668
 PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] Running a PHP script everyday

2005-07-30 Thread Matt Darby


In my pevious hunt through cron I didn't even notice the PHP CLI. So I will be figuring that out today probably. 

My server runs on Linux. Not sure which distro though. I'll have to ask. 

My script will be getting e-mail addresses from my SQL db and sending them a pic of the day. I got the HTML MimeMail 2.5.1 to work perfectly, now I just need to figure out how to make it run without me doing anything. 


Andrew Darrow
Kronos1 Productions

- Original Message - 
From: James Kaufman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Saturday, July 30, 2005 10:07 AM
Subject: Re: [PHP] Running a PHP script everyday


On Sat, Jul 30, 2005 at 09:17:20AM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have a PHP script that I need to run once a day.  I have it currently
setup so that I just run it from my cell phone, but I would prefer something
automated. I'd looked into a cron job, but that just looks like it's for
doing linux command line stuff on my host.

I also thought about writing a never ending while loop with an if statement
that checks to see if it's time to run the script, then when it is time, it
runs. Then checks to see if it's time again.

But even assuming I could get it working, do I really want to have a PHP
script that runs all the time. This could be bad if it ate up all the CPU on
my server. I'm not even sure I have access rights to kill the process once I
start it.

Any suggestions?

Andrew Darrow
Kronos1 Productions


You don't state what OS you are using, but you certainly can use cron under
Linux to run a PHP script. What really matters is what does the PHP script do?
For example, I have a PHP script that I run periodically that retrieves data
from a database and updates a text file on the disk. What does your script do?

Jim Kaufman
Linux Evangelist
public key 0x6D802619
CCNA, CISSP# 65668

PHP General Mailing List (
To unsubscribe, visit:

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Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
Version: 7.0.338 / Virus Database: 267.9.7/60 - Release Date: 7/28/2005

Unless you have a shebang line (#!/path/to/php/binary)at the top of 
your script, you will have to preface your script's path in  your cron 
entry with the location of the PHP binary:

0 1 1,15 * * /path/to/php/binary /root/scripts/System_Dump.php

Matt Darby

PHP General Mailing List (
To unsubscribe, visit:

Re: [PHP] Running a PHP script everyday

2005-07-30 Thread André Medeiros
You can cron the script to run.

Do the following:

1) Add #!/usr/bin/php as the first line on your .php file. If
/usr/bin/php isn't where your php binary lives, type whereis php to
find out
2) Make sure you chmod +x your php script.

 In my pevious hunt through cron I didn't even notice the PHP CLI. So I will 
 be figuring that out today probably.
 My server runs on Linux. Not sure which distro though. I'll have to ask.
 My script will be getting e-mail addresses from my SQL db and sending them a 
 pic of the day. I got the HTML MimeMail 2.5.1 to work perfectly, now I just 
 need to figure out how to make it run without me doing anything.
 Andrew Darrow
 Kronos1 Productions
 - Original Message -
 From: James Kaufman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, July 30, 2005 10:07 AM
 Subject: Re: [PHP] Running a PHP script everyday
  On Sat, Jul 30, 2005 at 09:17:20AM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I have a PHP script that I need to run once a day.  I have it currently
   setup so that I just run it from my cell phone, but I would prefer 
   automated. I'd looked into a cron job, but that just looks like it's for
   doing linux command line stuff on my host.
   I also thought about writing a never ending while loop with an if 
   that checks to see if it's time to run the script, then when it is time, 
   runs. Then checks to see if it's time again.
   But even assuming I could get it working, do I really want to have a PHP
   script that runs all the time. This could be bad if it ate up all the CPU 
   my server. I'm not even sure I have access rights to kill the process 
   once I
   start it.
   Any suggestions?
   Andrew Darrow
   Kronos1 Productions
  You don't state what OS you are using, but you certainly can use cron under
  Linux to run a PHP script. What really matters is what does the PHP script 
  For example, I have a PHP script that I run periodically that retrieves data
  from a database and updates a text file on the disk. What does your script 
  Jim Kaufman
  Linux Evangelist
  public key 0x6D802619
  CCNA, CISSP# 65668
  PHP General Mailing List (
  To unsubscribe, visit:
  No virus found in this incoming message.
  Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
  Version: 7.0.338 / Virus Database: 267.9.7/60 - Release Date: 7/28/2005

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Re: [PHP] allowing selected file types

2005-07-30 Thread André Medeiros
You might want to read up on this:

On 7/30/05, Sebastian [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 i know i shouldn't rely on mime types for file verification but anyways..
 I use application/zip which works fine on firefox and only allows zips..
 however, on Internet explorer it doesn't work since IE returns
 application/x-zip-compressed for zips.. problem with this is it also
 allow rar files.. so even checking mime types is just as useless as not
 using it.. one mime type allows two different file types. pffft.
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[PHP] hide bbcode for spell checking!

2005-07-30 Thread Sonia
This is what it needs to do!

The first tag that is found will set where the parser will insert '!-- /
sc' before that tag. Any bbcode tags that are in the current tag will be
skipped over until the parser finds the end of the current bbcode tag it is
working on. Once it finds the end of the current tag it will insert 'sc
/ --' after the end of the current tag. It will continue doing this until
no tags are left to be parsed in the string!

My script is below

My question...

Is there a better way to do this?

// script!


$res = array ( '!-- / sc', 'sc / --', '', '' );

$str = [quote=tinyman,Jul 29 2005, 11:27 PM]

Visit my site . It provide Email Service(4gb), Free Forum, Free
File Hosting, Free Webhosting and Free Blog hosting.


[/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/b][/email][code]? echo 'hi';




echo bbcode_phase ( $str, $res[0], $res[1] );

function bbcode_phase ( $text, $es, $ee )


$bb = array ( 'q' = '5|quote',

'r' = '5|right',

'e' = '5|email',

'h' = '4|html',

'p' = '3|php',

'f' = '4|font',

'l' = array ( '4|list', '4|left' ),

's' = '4|size', 'b' = array ( '2|b]|b', '5|bible' ),

'u' = array ( '2|u]|u', '3|url' ),

'c' = array ( '4|code', '5|color', '6|center' ),

'i' = array ( '2|i]|i', '3|img', '6|indent' ) );

$a = ''; // the output string holder

$b = array (); // the current tag info array

$c = 0; // where we are in the substr

$d = strtolower ( $text ); // lower case the string

while ( ( $e = strpos ( $d, '[' ) ) !== false )


$a .= substr ( $text, $c, $e );

$c += $e;

/* if we have a current tag do this */

if ( ! empty ( $b ) )


/* if we match the end of the current tag process it */

if ( substr ( $d, ( $e + 2 ), $b[0] ) == $b[1] )


if ( isset ( $b[2] ) ) // for bbcode tags ([b], [i] ... )


$a .= '[/' . strtoupper ( $b[2] ) . ']' . $ee;

$c += ( $b[0] + 2 );

$d = substr ( $d, ( $e + $b[0] + 2 ) );




$a .= '[/' . strtoupper ( $b[1] ) . ']' . $ee;

$c += ( $b[0] + 3 );

$d = substr ( $d, ( $e + $b[0] + 3 ) );


$b = array ();


else /* not a current tag substr 1 character forward */


$a .= substr ( $text, $c, 1 );

$d = substr ( $d, ( $e + 1 ) );

$c += 1;



else /* no current tag, find one if it is there */


$f = false;

$g = substr ( $d, ( $e + 1 ), 1 );

if ( isset ( $bb[$g] ) )



* some tags have more than 1 value so they

* are arrays other are just string values.


if ( is_array ( $bb[$g] ) )


for ( $i = 0; $i  sizeof ( $bb[$g] ); $i++ )


$b = explode ( '|', $bb[$g][$i] );

if ( substr ( $d, ( $e + 1 ), $b[0] ) == $b[1] )


$f = true;







$b = explode ( '|', $bb[$g] );

if ( substr ( $d, ( $e + 1 ), $b[0] ) == $b[1] )


$f = true;




/* we have found a starting tag process it */

if ( $f )


if ( isset ( $b[2] ) ) // for bbcode tags ([b], [i] ... )


$a .= $es . '[' . strtoupper ( $b[2] );

$c += $b[0];

$d = substr ( $d, ( $e + $b[0] ) );




$a .= $es . '[' . strtoupper ( $b[1] );

$c += ( $b[0] + 1 );

$d = substr ( $d, ( $e + 1 + $b[0] ) );



else /* not a good starting tag substr 1 character forward */


$a .= substr ( $text, $c, 1 );

$b = array ();

$d = substr ( $d, ( $e + 1 ) );

$c += 1;





* if the string has more characters after the last

* closing tag put back what is left...



if ( ! empty ( $d ) )


$a .= substr ( $text, $c );


return ( $a );





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Re: [PHP] Running a PHP script everyday

2005-07-30 Thread Rory Browne
If your script needs to be run by the webserver - if for some reason
cli won´t work for you, then you could always automate a call to the
webserver using wget.

You can get wget for win32 as well as Unix/Linux, so you shouldn´t
have any problems here.

On 7/30/05, André Medeiros [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You can cron the script to run.
 Do the following:
 1) Add #!/usr/bin/php as the first line on your .php file. If
 /usr/bin/php isn't where your php binary lives, type whereis php to
 find out
 2) Make sure you chmod +x your php script.
  In my pevious hunt through cron I didn't even notice the PHP CLI. So I will 
  be figuring that out today probably.
  My server runs on Linux. Not sure which distro though. I'll have to ask.
  My script will be getting e-mail addresses from my SQL db and sending them 
  a pic of the day. I got the HTML MimeMail 2.5.1 to work perfectly, now I 
  just need to figure out how to make it run without me doing anything.
  Andrew Darrow
  Kronos1 Productions
  - Original Message -
  From: James Kaufman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Saturday, July 30, 2005 10:07 AM
  Subject: Re: [PHP] Running a PHP script everyday
   On Sat, Jul 30, 2005 at 09:17:20AM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I have a PHP script that I need to run once a day.  I have it currently
setup so that I just run it from my cell phone, but I would prefer 
automated. I'd looked into a cron job, but that just looks like it's for
doing linux command line stuff on my host.
I also thought about writing a never ending while loop with an if 
that checks to see if it's time to run the script, then when it is 
time, it
runs. Then checks to see if it's time again.
But even assuming I could get it working, do I really want to have a PHP
script that runs all the time. This could be bad if it ate up all the 
CPU on
my server. I'm not even sure I have access rights to kill the process 
once I
start it.
Any suggestions?
Andrew Darrow
Kronos1 Productions
   You don't state what OS you are using, but you certainly can use cron 
   Linux to run a PHP script. What really matters is what does the PHP 
   script do?
   For example, I have a PHP script that I run periodically that retrieves 
   from a database and updates a text file on the disk. What does your 
   script do?
   Jim Kaufman
   Linux Evangelist
   public key 0x6D802619
   CCNA, CISSP# 65668
   PHP General Mailing List (
   To unsubscribe, visit:
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   Version: 7.0.338 / Virus Database: 267.9.7/60 - Release Date: 7/28/2005
 PHP General Mailing List (
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[PHP] execution time of ';'

2005-07-30 Thread Andy Pieters
Hi all

We develop our software with built-in debug handlers that are very talkative.  
Each class registers itself to a central debug handler. When a conditional 
define NODEBUG is set, that debughandler just does a return null but 
obviously it takes time to perform that call.

We are thinking of doing a search/replace on the source to replace all 
$this-debug('...'); with a ; because if I would replace it with a # it would 
generate errors in cases like this:

if(conditions )

So here is the question:

Are there any reasons against doing this kind of replace, or is anyone aware 
of a better solution?

With kind regards


Registered Linux User Number 379093
Now listening to Virtual Zone - Virtual Zone

   amaroK::the Coolest Media Player in the known Universe!

   Cockroaches and socialites are the only things that can 
   stay up all night and eat anything.
Herb Caen
Version: 3.1
GAT/O/E$ d-(---)+ s:(+): a--(-)? C$(+++) UL$ P-(+)++
L+++$ E---(-)@ W++$ !N@ o? !K? W--(---) !O !M- V-- PS++(+++)
PE--(-) Y+ PGP++(+++) t+(++) 5-- X++ R*(+)@ !tv b-() DI(+) D+(+++) G(+)
e$@ h++(*) r--++ y--()
Check out these few php utilities that I released
 under the GPL2 and that are meant for use with a 
 php cli binary:


Description: PGP signature

Re: [PHP] Running a PHP script everyday

2005-07-30 Thread M Saleh EG
If you're on windows desktop try this... it might sound a lil lame but 
it works.
Schedule a task to open IE or FF and pass a url to the task . That's it. The 
task will execute that page in a given interval.

On 7/30/05, Rory Browne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If your script needs to be run by the webserver - if for some reason
 cli won´t work for you, then you could always automate a call to the
 webserver using wget.
 You can get wget for win32 as well as Unix/Linux, so you shouldn´t
 have any problems here.
 On 7/30/05, André Medeiros [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  You can cron the script to run.
  Do the following:
  1) Add #!/usr/bin/php as the first line on your .php file. If
  /usr/bin/php isn't where your php binary lives, type whereis php to
  find out
  2) Make sure you chmod +x your php script.
   In my pevious hunt through cron I didn't even notice the PHP CLI. So I 
 will be figuring that out today probably.
   My server runs on Linux. Not sure which distro though. I'll have to 
   My script will be getting e-mail addresses from my SQL db and sending 
 them a pic of the day. I got the HTML MimeMail 2.5.1 to work perfectly, 
 now I just need to figure out how to make it run without me doing anything.
   Andrew Darrow
   Kronos1 Productions
   - Original Message -
   From: James Kaufman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Saturday, July 30, 2005 10:07 AM
   Subject: Re: [PHP] Running a PHP script everyday
On Sat, Jul 30, 2005 at 09:17:20AM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a PHP script that I need to run once a day. I have it 
 setup so that I just run it from my cell phone, but I would prefer 
 automated. I'd looked into a cron job, but that just looks like 
 it's for
 doing linux command line stuff on my host.

 I also thought about writing a never ending while loop with an if 
 that checks to see if it's time to run the script, then when it is 
 time, it
 runs. Then checks to see if it's time again.

 But even assuming I could get it working, do I really want to have 
 a PHP
 script that runs all the time. This could be bad if it ate up all 
 the CPU on
 my server. I'm not even sure I have access rights to kill the 
 process once I
 start it.

 Any suggestions?

 Andrew Darrow
 Kronos1 Productions

You don't state what OS you are using, but you certainly can use 
 cron under
Linux to run a PHP script. What really matters is what does the PHP 
 script do?
For example, I have a PHP script that I run periodically that 
 retrieves data
from a database and updates a text file on the disk. What does your 
 script do?
Jim Kaufman
Linux Evangelist
public key 0x6D802619
CCNA, CISSP# 65668
PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] exec nor shell_exec not doing as expected.

2005-07-30 Thread Rory Browne
Does the command work when you try it from the command line?

If so, then try shell_exec(env  some_filename) and show us the results.

If not, then the problem is with your command.

First thing I would check is the existance of /usr/local/bin/mogrify

On 7/29/05, leonski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've practically worn my eyeballs out trying to figure out a problem and
 in desperation am posting here in the hope for familiar eyes to guide
 me, so thanks in advance.
 check out this code section:
 if (file_exists($imagefile)) {
 $execstring = escapeshellarg(/usr/local/bin/mogrify .$imagefile.
 -resize 95x72! );
 else echo (sorry there was a problem with that file);
 // then21 is assisting the debug
 $op = shell_exec($execstring.' 21');
 echo $op;
 pretty simple - uses the ImageMagick: mogrify. Funny enough it doesn't
 work. The output is:
  sh: line 1: /usr/local/bin/mogrify /tmp/phpS1KCen -resize 320x240! :
 No such file or directory sh: line 1: /usr/local/bin/mogrify
 /tmp/phpS1KCen -resize 95x72! : No such file or directory
 beats me how it gets inside the if, if it doesn't exist!
 I have also tried ImageMagick:convert executable with a generated
 tempfile using tempnam() and the file is created in /tmp as expected,
 but is not filled by the convert - it stays empty, fails and doesn't get
  cleaned up.
 I cannot give a link to php.ini as its not on a public server. But Safe
 mode is Off, file size limits are OK as $imagefile can be displayed to
 the screen prior to the shell_exec call.
 I also tried using GD instead of ImageMagick and could not get
 imagecreatetruecolor to work either.
 OS is OS X on my laptop, entropy build of PHP as Apache/1.3.29 (Darwin)
 I really do not know if this is a PHP, Apache or OS issue. Permissions
 are not it, I'm sure, and the user is www quite capable of writing into
 and reading from tmp, so there is no issue there.
 If anybody can tell me what *anything* about this problem, I'd be greatful.
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Re: [PHP] Help with Functions

2005-07-30 Thread Rory Browne
You're declaring your function wrong.

You're doing:

function (function_name)

You should be doing 

function function_name($arg1, $arg2, $arg3) // with as many comma
seperated arguments as you want.

or if you don´t want to pass any arguments

function function_name()

Try this out:

function make_table($arg1, $arg2){
td?php echo $arg1; ?/td
td?php echo $arg2; ?/td

note that I have to go back into PHP twice to get the variables. 

I could also (although tbh you should wait until you have more
experience before  you read on)

function make_table($arg1, $arg2){

On 7/30/05, Tom Chubb [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am trying to start using functions on some pages to layout a header
 row in a table.
 I have defined the function as below...
 function (headerrow)
 { ?
table width=750 border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0
  td class=table_head?php echo $tablehead; ?/td
  td width=20img src=/nav/images/pspromo_table_rhs.gif
 width=20 height=20/td
 What I can't seem to work out is a way to set the text. Here I've
 echoed the $tablehead value, but it I was to use more than one table
 on the same page then it wouldn't work. Can I do something like
 headerrow(text goes here) or something?
 I can't understand the use of arguments and it's really confusing me!
 Any help would be really appreciated.
 PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] PHP noobie

2005-07-30 Thread Rory Browne
On 7/30/05, Bob Stia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Friday 29 July 2005 02:55, Jochem Maas wrote:
  Bob Stia wrote:
   Hello PHP list
   First allow me to apologize if this is the wrong place for this and
   direct me to the proper place. (be nice now!)
  this list is really for people who are programmning in php.
  as you describe it your looking for a php solution as an end user,
  so no this is not really the right place - although I couldn't
  really say where you would be better off.
 ..snip much...
 Hello PHP people,
 First of all let me thank all of the kind people who replied to my call
 for help and intruded into your domain, and there were many of you. It
 is much appreciated. I scrutinized all of your replies and have gained
 some knowledge from your replies.
 Some of you have offered help privately and I may well call upon your
 expertise. May I reserve the right to return to this list with a few

You'll always be welcome to ask questions so long as you've made some
effort to find the answer yourself beforehand. You may have noticed
that while your post was slightly OT, nobody objected since you had
previously searched, which is more than a lot of people do.

 Thanks again,
 Bob S.
 PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] execution time of ';'

2005-07-30 Thread Jochem Maas

Andy Pieters wrote:

Hi all

We develop our software with built-in debug handlers that are very talkative.  
Each class registers itself to a central debug handler. When a conditional 
define NODEBUG is set, that debughandler just does a return null but 
obviously it takes time to perform that call.

We are thinking of doing a search/replace on the source to replace all 
$this-debug('...'); with a ; because if I would replace it with a # it would 
generate errors in cases like this:

if(conditions )

asumming replacing the call with ; is valid everywhere it's going to a heck of
a lot faster than calling _any_ function.

So here is the question:

Are there any reasons against doing this kind of replace, or is anyone aware 
of a better solution?

1. use a debugger rather than writing lots of code that logs tons of 'cr*p'?
2. always use braces? so that you can do:

if(conditions ) {
#   $this-debug('something...');

3. may put special comment markers in your code that allow you
to filter the files when you 'publish' them into a production env.

if(conditions )

i.e strip the blocks completely:

$newFile = preg_replace( '#/\*START_DEBUG_BLOCK\*/.*/\*END_DEBUG_BLOCK\*/#',
 file_get_contents( $yourPhpFile ) );

With kind regards


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Re: [PHP] PHP Spider/Crawler for Emails possible?

2005-07-30 Thread Jochem Maas

Jay Blanchard wrote:

Pardon my ignorance but can you enlighten me a little more please?
Like where can I look for them or how to code?

Start here

As always all members are more than welcome to ask me for graphics I
hope to 
be benevolent that way.


I had never seen this offer before, but we don't usually barter for
information, just ask questions and they will get answered,usually.

anyone got a MiniCooper or a BMW 116 they wanna swap for some php knowledge?


on a more serious note - I was wondering what other do/think/don't-say if they
determine that someone who is asking questions seems to be directly or 
indirectly a
competitor (or contracted by one)?

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Re: [PHP] Help with Functions

2005-07-30 Thread Tom Chubb
Thanks guys for all your help.
I've managed to get it working.
I tried calling the function from within the file and it turned out
that somehow I had messed up my include statement.
I understood about adding argument variables to the syntax, but I
needed to add a text argument as I couldn't think of a way of setting
the variable in a way that I could distinguish between different
values for different tables on the same page.

Anyway, thanks to you all for taking some time to help me out.

On 30/07/05, Rory Browne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You're declaring your function wrong.
 You're doing:
 function (function_name)
 You should be doing
 function function_name($arg1, $arg2, $arg3) // with as many comma
 seperated arguments as you want.
 or if you don´t want to pass any arguments
 function function_name()
 Try this out:
 function make_table($arg1, $arg2){
td?php echo $arg1; ?/td
td?php echo $arg2; ?/td
 note that I have to go back into PHP twice to get the variables.
 I could also (although tbh you should wait until you have more
 experience before  you read on)
 function make_table($arg1, $arg2){
 On 7/30/05, Tom Chubb [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I am trying to start using functions on some pages to layout a header
  row in a table.
  I have defined the function as below...
  function (headerrow)
  { ?
 table width=750 border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0
   td class=table_head?php echo $tablehead; ?/td
   td width=20img src=/nav/images/pspromo_table_rhs.gif
  width=20 height=20/td
  What I can't seem to work out is a way to set the text. Here I've
  echoed the $tablehead value, but it I was to use more than one table
  on the same page then it wouldn't work. Can I do something like
  headerrow(text goes here) or something?
  I can't understand the use of arguments and it's really confusing me!
  Any help would be really appreciated.
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Tom Chubb
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[PHP] input type=file problem (Maybe 0T)

2005-07-30 Thread Ryan A

Heres what I am doing, I have a form where a user can enter values and in
the form I have a FILE box so the
user can upload her pic, if she screws up anywhere (eg: putting an alphabet
in her date of birth) I send her back
to the form and her date of birth gets highlighted plus the value she
entered comes in the date of birth and also
an error explanation underneithso far so good.

The problem is, if she has tried to upload a pic at the same time and
screwed up on the date of birth I am unable
to send back the value of the FILE box so that too get populated... I tried
setting a VALUE=path/file but that
does not work.

What am I missing here?


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Re: [PHP] Running a PHP script everyday

2005-07-30 Thread Ryan Grange
And how do you automate closing the browser when it's job is done?  I 
believe the wget method mentioned earlier might be more appropriate.  
Even Lynx for Windows set to dump output (rather than stay open for 
browsing) would be better than leaving IE or FF open.

M Saleh EG wrote:

If you're on windows desktop try this... it might sound a lil lame but 
it works.
Schedule a task to open IE or FF and pass a url to the task . That's it. The 
task will execute that page in a given interval.

On 7/30/05, Rory Browne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

If your script needs to be run by the webserver - if for some reason
cli won´t work for you, then you could always automate a call to the
webserver using wget.

You can get wget for win32 as well as Unix/Linux, so you shouldn´t
have any problems here.

On 7/30/05, André Medeiros [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

You can cron the script to run.

Do the following:

1) Add #!/usr/bin/php as the first line on your .php file. If
/usr/bin/php isn't where your php binary lives, type whereis php to
find out
2) Make sure you chmod +x your php script.


In my pevious hunt through cron I didn't even notice the PHP CLI. So I 

will be figuring that out today probably.

My server runs on Linux. Not sure which distro though. I'll have to 


My script will be getting e-mail addresses from my SQL db and sending 

them a pic of the day. I got the HTML MimeMail 2.5.1 to work perfectly, 
now I just need to figure out how to make it run without me doing anything.


Andrew Darrow
Kronos1 Productions

- Original Message -
From: James Kaufman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, July 30, 2005 10:07 AM
Subject: Re: [PHP] Running a PHP script everyday


On Sat, Jul 30, 2005 at 09:17:20AM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have a PHP script that I need to run once a day. I have it 


setup so that I just run it from my cell phone, but I would prefer 


automated. I'd looked into a cron job, but that just looks like 

it's for

doing linux command line stuff on my host.

I also thought about writing a never ending while loop with an if 


that checks to see if it's time to run the script, then when it is 

time, it

runs. Then checks to see if it's time again.

But even assuming I could get it working, do I really want to have 


script that runs all the time. This could be bad if it ate up all 

the CPU on

my server. I'm not even sure I have access rights to kill the 

process once I

start it.

Any suggestions?

Andrew Darrow
Kronos1 Productions


You don't state what OS you are using, but you certainly can use 

cron under

Linux to run a PHP script. What really matters is what does the PHP 

script do?

For example, I have a PHP script that I run periodically that 

retrieves data

from a database and updates a text file on the disk. What does your 

script do?

Jim Kaufman
Linux Evangelist
public key 0x6D802619
CCNA, CISSP# 65668

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Re: [PHP] input type=file problem (Maybe 0T)

2005-07-30 Thread Edward Vermillion

Ryan A wrote:


Heres what I am doing, I have a form where a user can enter values and in
the form I have a FILE box so the
user can upload her pic, if she screws up anywhere (eg: putting an alphabet
in her date of birth) I send her back
to the form and her date of birth gets highlighted plus the value she
entered comes in the date of birth and also
an error explanation underneithso far so good.

The problem is, if she has tried to upload a pic at the same time and
screwed up on the date of birth I am unable
to send back the value of the FILE box so that too get populated... I tried
setting a VALUE=path/file but that
does not work.

What am I missing here?


As far as I know, you can't set the initial values for 'file' inputs. 
It's a security thing.

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Re: [PHP] input type=file problem (Maybe 0T)

2005-07-30 Thread Ryan A
  setting a VALUE=path/file but that
  does not work.

 As far as I know, you
 can't set the initial values for 'file' inputs.
 It's a security thing.

H, you're right,saw the same thing on google after digging a little
deeper, thanks mate.


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Re: [PHP] Running a PHP script everyday

2005-07-30 Thread sub
I can't figure out how to get into command line access through my webhost.
I've tried telnet and it fails.

My host uses cPanel. When I setup the crontab it e-mails me back this

/bin/sh: public_html/wap/mailer/dailylist.php: /usr/bin/php
: bad interpreter: No such file or directory

I'm assuming that it means it can't find /user/bin/php

I ran a whereis php through a cronjob and got this:

php: /usr/src/php-4.3.8/php.ini-recommended /usr/src/php-4.3.8/php.ini-dist
/usr/src/php-4.3.8/php.gif /usr/src/php-4.3.8/php4.spec
/usr/src/php-4.3.10/php.ini-recommended /usr/src/php-4.3.10/php.ini-dist
/usr/src/php-4.3.10/php.gif /usr/src/php-4.3.10/php4.spec /usr/bin/php
/usr/lib/php /usr/lib/php.ini /usr/local/bin/php /usr/local/lib/php
/usr/local/lib/php.ini /usr/include/php

I tried them all except the ones with src And still get the same message,
but of course it doesn't say /user/bin/php, it says whichever one I put in
the file.

Now the main PHP file calls to 3 other PHP files in it. Do I need to put
that at the top of each of them as well. I didn't think so because they
aren't being executed. They are called using the include statement.

Also when I use #!/usr/include/php I get the response back from the cron
job, but when I use #!/usr/include/php -q like the tutorial says nothing
happens. What does the -q do?

Andrew Darrow
Kronos1 Productions

- Original Message - 
From: André Medeiros [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, July 30, 2005 10:35 AM
Subject: Re: [PHP] Running a PHP script everyday

You can cron the script to run.

Do the following:

1) Add #!/usr/bin/php as the first line on your .php file. If
/usr/bin/php isn't where your php binary lives, type whereis php to
find out
2) Make sure you chmod +x your php script.

 In my pevious hunt through cron I didn't even notice the PHP CLI. So I
will be figuring that out today probably.

 My server runs on Linux. Not sure which distro though. I'll have to ask.

 My script will be getting e-mail addresses from my SQL db and sending them
a pic of the day. I got the HTML MimeMail 2.5.1 to work perfectly, now I
just need to figure out how to make it run without me doing anything.


 Andrew Darrow
 Kronos1 Productions

 - Original Message -
 From: James Kaufman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, July 30, 2005 10:07 AM
 Subject: Re: [PHP] Running a PHP script everyday

  On Sat, Jul 30, 2005 at 09:17:20AM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I have a PHP script that I need to run once a day.  I have it
   setup so that I just run it from my cell phone, but I would prefer
   automated. I'd looked into a cron job, but that just looks like it's
   doing linux command line stuff on my host.
   I also thought about writing a never ending while loop with an if
   that checks to see if it's time to run the script, then when it is
time, it
   runs. Then checks to see if it's time again.
   But even assuming I could get it working, do I really want to have a
   script that runs all the time. This could be bad if it ate up all the
CPU on
   my server. I'm not even sure I have access rights to kill the process
once I
   start it.
   Any suggestions?
   Andrew Darrow
   Kronos1 Productions
  You don't state what OS you are using, but you certainly can use cron
  Linux to run a PHP script. What really matters is what does the PHP
script do?
  For example, I have a PHP script that I run periodically that retrieves
  from a database and updates a text file on the disk. What does your
script do?
  Jim Kaufman
  Linux Evangelist
  public key 0x6D802619
  CCNA, CISSP# 65668
  PHP General Mailing List (
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  Version: 7.0.338 / Virus Database: 267.9.7/60 - Release Date: 7/28/2005

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Re: [PHP] Running a PHP script everyday

2005-07-30 Thread Robert Cummings
On Sat, 2005-07-30 at 18:21, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I can't figure out how to get into command line access through my webhost.
 I've tried telnet and it fails.
 My host uses cPanel. When I setup the crontab it e-mails me back this
 /bin/sh: public_html/wap/mailer/dailylist.php: /usr/bin/php
 : bad interpreter: No such file or directory
 I'm assuming that it means it can't find /user/bin/php
 I ran a whereis php through a cronjob and got this:
 php: /usr/src/php-4.3.8/php.ini-recommended /usr/src/php-4.3.8/php.ini-dist
 /usr/src/php-4.3.8/php.gif /usr/src/php-4.3.8/php4.spec
 /usr/src/php-4.3.10/php.ini-recommended /usr/src/php-4.3.10/php.ini-dist
 /usr/src/php-4.3.10/php.gif /usr/src/php-4.3.10/php4.spec /usr/bin/php
 /usr/lib/php /usr/lib/php.ini /usr/local/bin/php /usr/local/lib/php
 /usr/local/lib/php.ini /usr/include/php

There it is in /usr/local/bin/php

 I tried them all except the ones with src And still get the same message,
 but of course it doesn't say /user/bin/php, it says whichever one I put in
 the file.

Are you sure you tried /usr/local/bin/php ??

 Now the main PHP file calls to 3 other PHP files in it. Do I need to put
 that at the top of each of them as well. I didn't think so because they
 aren't being executed. They are called using the include statement.

No, but you will need to use one of the following for them:


 Also when I use #!/usr/include/php I get the response back from the cron
 job, but when I use #!/usr/include/php -q like the tutorial says nothing
 happens. What does the -q do?


/usr/local/bin/php --help

| InterJinn Application Framework - |
| An application and templating framework for PHP. Boasting  |
| a powerful, scalable system for accessing system services  |
| such as forms, properties, sessions, and caches. InterJinn |
| also provides an extremely flexible architecture for   |
| creating re-usable components quickly and easily.  |

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[PHP] dynamic two column table

2005-07-30 Thread Sebastian
i know how to break up db results into two tables but im having a hard 
problem with this:

db structure

| id | cid | title
| 1  | 2  | hardware
| 2  | 3  | software
| 3  | 3  | software
| 4  | 2  | hardware

how can i have hardware on column 1 and software on column 2 using 1 
query? i thought a simple if statement on cid might do it but regardless 
it spreads the results on both columns.


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Re: [PHP] Running a PHP script everyday

2005-07-30 Thread Miles Thompson
That's not lame, it's just Windows version of cron. You can also set it up 
using at from the console, but it still shows up in Task Manager.

At 04:03 PM 7/30/2005, M Saleh EG wrote:

If you're on windows desktop try this... it might sound a lil lame but
it works.
Schedule a task to open IE or FF and pass a url to the task . That's it. The
task will execute that page in a given interval.

On 7/30/05, Rory Browne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 If your script needs to be run by the webserver - if for some reason
 cli won´t work for you, then you could always automate a call to the
 webserver using wget.

 You can get wget for win32 as well as Unix/Linux, so you shouldn´t
 have any problems here.

 On 7/30/05, André Medeiros [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  You can cron the script to run.
  Do the following:
  1) Add #!/usr/bin/php as the first line on your .php file. If
  /usr/bin/php isn't where your php binary lives, type whereis php to
  find out
  2) Make sure you chmod +x your php script.
   In my pevious hunt through cron I didn't even notice the PHP CLI. So I
 will be figuring that out today probably.
   My server runs on Linux. Not sure which distro though. I'll have to
   My script will be getting e-mail addresses from my SQL db and sending
 them a pic of the day. I got the HTML MimeMail 2.5.1 to work perfectly,
 now I just need to figure out how to make it run without me doing anything.
   Andrew Darrow
   Kronos1 Productions
   - Original Message -
   From: James Kaufman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Saturday, July 30, 2005 10:07 AM
   Subject: Re: [PHP] Running a PHP script everyday
On Sat, Jul 30, 2005 at 09:17:20AM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a PHP script that I need to run once a day. I have it
 setup so that I just run it from my cell phone, but I would prefer
 automated. I'd looked into a cron job, but that just looks like
 it's for
 doing linux command line stuff on my host.

 I also thought about writing a never ending while loop with an if
 that checks to see if it's time to run the script, then when it is
 time, it
 runs. Then checks to see if it's time again.

 But even assuming I could get it working, do I really want to have
 a PHP
 script that runs all the time. This could be bad if it ate up all
 the CPU on
 my server. I'm not even sure I have access rights to kill the
 process once I
 start it.

 Any suggestions?

 Andrew Darrow
 Kronos1 Productions

You don't state what OS you are using, but you certainly can use
 cron under
Linux to run a PHP script. What really matters is what does the PHP
 script do?
For example, I have a PHP script that I run periodically that
 retrieves data
from a database and updates a text file on the disk. What does your
 script do?
Jim Kaufman
Linux Evangelist
public key 0x6D802619
CCNA, CISSP# 65668
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Re: [PHP] Running a PHP script everyday

2005-07-30 Thread Miles Thompson

If you're on Windows, use Task Manager and have it start an instance of a 
web browser, with your URL and script passed to it.

Cron job on server, if you have that level of access.


At 01:17 PM 7/30/2005, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have a PHP script that I need to run once a day.  I have it currently
setup so that I just run it from my cell phone, but I would prefer something
automated. I'd looked into a cron job, but that just looks like it's for
doing linux command line stuff on my host.

I also thought about writing a never ending while loop with an if statement
that checks to see if it's time to run the script, then when it is time, it
runs. Then checks to see if it's time again.

But even assuming I could get it working, do I really want to have a PHP
script that runs all the time. This could be bad if it ate up all the CPU on
my server. I'm not even sure I have access rights to kill the process once I
start it.

Any suggestions?

Andrew Darrow
Kronos1 Productions

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Re: [PHP] help with print value

2005-07-30 Thread Miles Thompson

You're talking about a table in a database, correct? Assuming the database 
is MySQL, you would:

1. open a connection to the database
2. execute a SQL select statement to fetch the data
3. process the results, formatting them into HTML.

There are a number of tutorials on doing this, but it's only a few lines of 

1. Connect to the database:

require( ); //stores your hostname, username and password 
outside the script.
$db = mysql_pconnect($host, $user, $pass) or die(Unable to connect 
to server);

2. Create your query, usually done by first assigning it to a variable. 
That way, if you are not getting the results you want it's easy to echo the 
SQL to the screen:

$sql = SELECT month, day, value from sometable order by month, day;  // 
use your own field names in place of month, etc.

 $result = mysql_query($sql); // executes the SQL statement
 //echo $result . nbsp;nbsp; . mysql_num_rows( $result) . br;

3. test for and process the results. Here we assume a table displayed in 
the user's browser.

if( $result  mysql_num_rows( $result) ){//test that you have a result 
AND that number of rows is  0. Remember the convention that 0 is false.

   while ($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
  //assuming you have issued a table somewhere above ...
  echo tr td . $myrow['month'] . /td;  // the . (dot) 
concatenates in PHP
  echo td . $myrow['day'] . /td; // or should we 
say joins strings and variables
  echo td . $myrow['value'] . /td /tr;  // and of course, 
close the row


That's rudimentary. There is no WHERE condition on the SELECT which you 
would use if you wanted a particular month or year.

Hope this has been helpful. Check out the various tutorials; there are 
probably some written in Spanish. Go to:
and scroll down to Spanish, there are four links there.

Hope this has been helpful - Miles Thompson

At 02:38 PM 7/30/2005, Jesús Alain Rodríguez Santos wrote:

Sorry for my english, i'm cuban, it's dificult for me explain that in
english but I'll try:

 I have a table columns: month, day  and value

7 156
7 334
8 450
9 578
. . .
. . .

I need to get the value for every day, for example:
for day 1 the value is 56
for day 3 the value is 67
for day 4 the value is 50

did you understain, please helpe me

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