[PHP] Deployment and maintenance of php software

2005-11-20 Thread Andy Pieters
 Hi all

I am a php developer and develop huge packages.  Those packages are then 
installed by my clients or clients of my resellers on a score of webservers.  
As with all applications, bugfixes, and updates are issued on an almost 
weekly bases.

I developed an application that runs on the php cli and connects to a list of 
ftp sites and is capable of performing *some* updates but all of this is 
shady at most.

What I really would like is to have an rpm style system.

So that I can have for instance

package dbfunctions-1.0-1-noarch.rpm (provides dbfunctions)
package dbadmin-1.0-1-noarch (provides dbadmin, requires dbfunctions)

I read up on the rpm command and find that it is very suitable for this kind 
of functionality.  It support scripts that are run when a package is 
installed or removed, as well as triggers that can execute scripts.  For 
instance if package dbadmin is updated, it can trigger a script in package 
dbfunctions to for example, update a configuration script.

The downside of it all is that it requires shell access which most clients do 
not have.  Furthermore, not all clients are running linux, some are running 
Mac (Unix based, but...?), or windows.  Even though rpm exists for virtually 
all platforms.

Three more requirements are not met:

1. The location of where the files in the package are installed is fixed in 
the rpm
2. Many packages require updates to the database, which means that a php cli 
with mysql support must be available on the system.
3. In case of a first install, information needs to be collected about the 
environment and user/password stuff.

Is there anyone that can provide a solution to this or suggest another 
approach to the problem?

With kind regards


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[PHP] Re: Some good framework for new website

2005-11-20 Thread Roman Ivanov

赵光 wrote:

i am new to php,i want to write a website contain
blog(mutil-user),forum and album.

This is pretty basic stuff. Why don't you try some CMS first?


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[PHP] Can't execute external program

2005-11-20 Thread Voip tech
I cannot get exec(), system() or passthru() to run an extenal program.
>From the command line it runs perfectly:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] html]# /var/www/html/myprog -E 123456789098.dat sample1.txt
(no output, it just creates the file .new)

Here is the php I've created, fairly simple:

I've tried using full paths as well
>From other threats I've double-checked this:
 - safe mode is disabled
 - the values for max_execution_time and memory_limit are large enough
for this simple program.
 - permissions are correct for all files involved:
any user can run the program ( rwxr-xr-x )
any user can read input files
apache is the owner of all files involved

I'm getting frustrated, Any  help will be deeply appreciated

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[PHP] Re: new to sessions, but learning

2005-11-20 Thread Roman Ivanov
I mean, yes they will work across multiple pages. Thy store data locally 
and re-load it, identifying necessary information by session ID which is 
stored in cookie on the client side.

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[PHP] Re: new to sessions, but learning

2005-11-20 Thread Roman Ivanov

matt VanDeWalle wrote:

I know session vars work between two pages but will 
sessions work across 3 and 4 pages or not?


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[PHP] new to sessions, but learning

2005-11-20 Thread matt VanDeWalle

I am writing basically what is hopefully going to turn out eventually to 
be a penpal website.  There are millions out there i know but some are 
to slow and only load half the page whenever it feels like it + 
has a bazillion ads and well, other things..so I decided to write my own.
What I am wanting to know, is it possible to do the signup thing in two 
parts using sessions.  I basically have the signup info first, then so the 
user doesn't have to come back later, they can fill out their profile 
right then and there, on the next page.  I'm thinking about saving the 
signup info and then when the user clicks continue, it would have their 
info.  I know session vars work between two pages but will sessions work 
across 3 and 4 pages or not?


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[PHP] Some good framework for new website

2005-11-20 Thread 赵光
i am new to php,i want to write a website contain
blog(mutil-user),forum and album.
who can tell me some good framework can accelerate developing.and any
exist web site implement the fuction i wanted,please tell me some for
thanks for all.
* Love in Gentoo-Linux  C and Python
* Look at my blog
* http://poorc.wordpress.com

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Re: [PHP] Problems with PHP5 & phpMyAdmin

2005-11-20 Thread Curt Zirzow
On Fri, Nov 18, 2005 at 12:07:00PM -0800, Russ F wrote:
> I've reinstalled Apache2, PHP5, phpMyAdmin and MYSQl several times. I still
> get the same error when i try to use phpmyadmin Can not load mysql
> extensions. I checked the path it is correct, the extensions exist
> in /etc/php5/extensions but they do not have a .so after them. The php.ini
> file and config files appear correct from a server setup. I read you need
> to put a loadmodule statement in httpd but am not sure when. The script
> says not to modify this file, put mods in /etc/sisconfig. But I'm not sure
> where as there are no loadmod commands in the scripts. My authorities all
> appear correct.
> Can anyone poiny me to the right configuration file.

How you install all of apache2, php5, phpMyAdmin and Mysql all
matters on what file to edit.  With your extension dir existing in
/etc/php5/extension, i would assume you insalled via some package

With out any of the information, it will be hard to help.

cat .signature: No such file or directory

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[PHP] Re: Local PEAR install confusion

2005-11-20 Thread Greg Beaver

Colin Andrews wrote:

Thanks a ton-

So then that means that the only way to get rid of the warnings is to 
change the

error reporting level?

No, report the warnings as a bug at pear.php.net/bugs

You can also hand-fix the source in the mean time, it's only 5-10 lines 
of code, right?


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[PHP] Re: Local PEAR install confusion

2005-11-20 Thread Colin Andrews

Thanks a ton-

So then that means that the only way to get rid of the warnings is to 
change the

error reporting level?

Quoting Greg Beaver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Colin Andrews wrote:
about 3 months ago I set up a local install of pear on my web host 
account (a

Any suggestions? Enlightenment?

Hi Colin,

Your setup sounds just fine to me.

The "features.h" message is a bug in PEAR 1.4.4 that is fixed in PEAR 
1.4.5 that will be released any day now, and Archive_Tar is a brand 
new version, so automatic upgrade is disallowed until it can be 
tested in the wild.  THis is because if it were to break PEAR, this 
would make it difficult to grab any packages.  Hwoever, if you would 
like, upgrading via "pear upgrade --loose Archive_Tar" should work, 
or "pear upgrade --force Archive_Tar"

You do not need to re-install from scratch.  Your host has an older 
CLI version of PHP than the PHP version used by apache.


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Re: AW: [PHP] how can I CALL a PHP script from different TEXT LINKS with differentPARAMETERS?

2005-11-20 Thread xkorakidis
That's right Curt,
this is the reason I characterised sending parameters via url not safe!
But in case of selecting data, I think there is no problem to send data
via url, right?
anyway, I found more simple using POST in any case because I have
already used that and works, so I prefer POST...

Curt Zirzow wrote:
> On Sun, Nov 20, 2005 at 04:12:05PM +1300, Jasper Bryant-Greene wrote:
>>xkorakidis wrote:
>>>Webmaster, thanks very much but I think it would be safer to do that by
>>>post, not by get. Furthermore, if I use indivudual files
>>The difference between POST and GET lies in the semantics -- POST 
>>represents something changing on the server, e.g. updating a database 
>>field, and allows the browser to warn the user if they try to refresh. 
>>GET represents nothing of importance changing on the server, e.g. 
>>performing a search on the database, and can safely be repeated.
> Another good reason to use POST to modify data, consider the link:
>   http://example.com/posts.php?postid=1&action=delete
> If googlebot comes across your page containing a list of all your
> posts, with a link like that, you just might wake up one morning
> wondering why all your posts are gone.
> Curt.

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[PHP] Re: Local PEAR install confusion

2005-11-20 Thread Greg Beaver

Colin Andrews wrote:

about 3 months ago I set up a local install of pear on my web host account (a
cpanel system).

A couple days ago, my hosting company upgraded us to php 4.4.2-dev. I started
seeing a lot of warnings coming out my PEAR includes:
"Notice: Only variable references should be returned by reference in
/home/headbonk/pear/lib/DB.php on line 1132" and other similar ones.

So I figured maybe PEAR needs an upgrade to go with the php upgrade.

I did pear upgrade-all and that seemed to fix some of the warnings - not sure I
didn't keep track of exactly which modules were giving warnings.

I also go a couple messages from the pear installer that I didn't understand:
Failed to download pear/Archive_Tar (recommended version 1.3.1), latest release
is version 1.3.2, stability "stable", use
"channel://pear.php.net/Archive_Tar-1.3.2" to install
/tmp/glibctestqGYBFW:1:22: features.h: No such file or directory
pear/PEAR dependency package "pear/Archive_Tar" installed version 1.3.2 is not
the recommended version 1.3.1, but may be compatible, use --force to install

I started poking around, and found that pear -V reports my PHP version # as
4.3.10. phpinfo() in my document root reports the php version as 4.4.2-dev.

My gut is just to redo the local install from scratch, but I don't know if
there's something I need to worry about going on. I could just set a higher
error reporting level in my .htaccess file.

Any suggestions? Enlightenment?

Hi Colin,

Your setup sounds just fine to me.

The "features.h" message is a bug in PEAR 1.4.4 that is fixed in PEAR 
1.4.5 that will be released any day now, and Archive_Tar is a brand new 
version, so automatic upgrade is disallowed until it can be tested in 
the wild.  THis is because if it were to break PEAR, this would make it 
difficult to grab any packages.  Hwoever, if you would like, upgrading 
via "pear upgrade --loose Archive_Tar" should work, or "pear upgrade 
--force Archive_Tar"

You do not need to re-install from scratch.  Your host has an older CLI 
version of PHP than the PHP version used by apache.


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Re: [PHP] Problem with the fwrite function (not as simple as it sounds though)

2005-11-20 Thread Łukasz Hejnak

Brian V Bonini napisał(a):
> What does 'df -h' say on your system?

The simplest of all is the most unforseen..
Wow. that's it ;) I NEVER EVEN Imagined to check for that, in fact that 
_IS_ the thing.
I feel so totaly stupid right now, I checked everything except this, 
although I think the fwrite _SHOULD_ return false on this, and it should 
print out an error saying that there's no space available..
The thing is that my system has a few partitions, one of them is the one 
containing wwwroot. I never even once got a msg that the filesystem is 
full, as most of my operations (recompiling etc.) were conducted on a 
seperate partition. Now I see it and can take it all together, as there 
is one script doing backup of the www sites, it does so every night, and 
that was the thing that made it full.
BIG ENORMOUS Thanks for the help to all of You, and sorry for the 
problem, I would never ever thought about this, until You suggested it.

a modification to the topic of this message,
"Simpler the You could've thought" ;]

Best wishes
Łukasz Hejnak

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[PHP] Local PEAR install confusion

2005-11-20 Thread Colin Andrews
about 3 months ago I set up a local install of pear on my web host account (a
cpanel system).

A couple days ago, my hosting company upgraded us to php 4.4.2-dev. I started
seeing a lot of warnings coming out my PEAR includes:
"Notice: Only variable references should be returned by reference in
/home/headbonk/pear/lib/DB.php on line 1132" and other similar ones.

So I figured maybe PEAR needs an upgrade to go with the php upgrade.

I did pear upgrade-all and that seemed to fix some of the warnings - not sure I
didn't keep track of exactly which modules were giving warnings.

I also go a couple messages from the pear installer that I didn't understand:
Failed to download pear/Archive_Tar (recommended version 1.3.1), latest release
is version 1.3.2, stability "stable", use
"channel://pear.php.net/Archive_Tar-1.3.2" to install
/tmp/glibctestqGYBFW:1:22: features.h: No such file or directory
pear/PEAR dependency package "pear/Archive_Tar" installed version 1.3.2 is not
the recommended version 1.3.1, but may be compatible, use --force to install

I started poking around, and found that pear -V reports my PHP version # as
4.3.10. phpinfo() in my document root reports the php version as 4.4.2-dev.

My gut is just to redo the local install from scratch, but I don't know if
there's something I need to worry about going on. I could just set a higher
error reporting level in my .htaccess file.

Any suggestions? Enlightenment?

PS. my prefered package state is beta

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Re: [PHP] Problem with the fwrite function (not as simple as it sounds though)

2005-11-20 Thread Brian V Bonini
On Sun, 2005-11-20 at 09:38, Łukasz Hejnak wrote:
> Brian V Bonini napisał(a):
> > You are saying:
> > From the CLI you can write to a file all day long, no prob.
> Yes, the shell command "php test.php" works fine when executed as root
> (any other user has the same problem as from the web)
> > From the web, if the file does not exist it is created, however, no
> > content is appended to it. Furthermore, IF there is content in the file
> > it can be appended to via web, but if it's an empty file it will not get
> > written too. Am I following correctly?
> Exactly, as strange as it sounds, it's just like it is.
> And another thing, the whole instalation was working perfectly for the 
> past month or two, and now (friday->saturday) suddenly the above symptom 
> have appeared.
> No config changes, no updates or anything else I could relate was 
> happening on the server, and there is no info in the log files on this 
> behaviour, the is_writable says it is writable. The safe mode is disabled.
> Hope this tells You something, and gives You an idea on how to solve this.

What does 'df -h' say on your system?



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[PHP] Re: imagecopyresized just copies

2005-11-20 Thread zerof

Andy Pieters escreveu:

Hi all

I wanted to make a simple script to make a resized image from an uploaded one.

See this page and...



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Re: AW: [PHP] how can I CALL a PHP script from different TEXT LINKS with differentPARAMETERS?

2005-11-20 Thread Curt Zirzow
On Sun, Nov 20, 2005 at 04:12:05PM +1300, Jasper Bryant-Greene wrote:
> xkorakidis wrote:
> >Webmaster, thanks very much but I think it would be safer to do that by
> >post, not by get. Furthermore, if I use indivudual files
> The difference between POST and GET lies in the semantics -- POST 
> represents something changing on the server, e.g. updating a database 
> field, and allows the browser to warn the user if they try to refresh. 
> GET represents nothing of importance changing on the server, e.g. 
> performing a search on the database, and can safely be repeated.

Another good reason to use POST to modify data, consider the link:


If googlebot comes across your page containing a list of all your
posts, with a link like that, you just might wake up one morning
wondering why all your posts are gone.

cat .signature: No such file or directory

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Re: [PHP] imagecopyresized just copies

2005-11-20 Thread Curt Zirzow
On Sun, Nov 20, 2005 at 05:14:08PM +0100, Andy Pieters wrote:
> Hi all
> I wanted to make a simple script to make a resized image from an uploaded one.
> I used the example found on the php.net website
> ...
> $height);
>   switch($type)
>case 2:imagejpeg($main,$thumbname);
> ...
> When I examine the two files, the are binary different but size and width are 
> equal.

You are re-saving the original file, not the thumb. I think you
really wanted:


btw, it would help to make the code more readable if you removed
all those leading tabs when posting it to the list.

cat .signature: No such file or directory

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Re: [PHP] imagecopyresized just copies

2005-11-20 Thread Andy Pieters
On Sunday 20 November 2005 17:14, Andy Pieters wrote:
>   {case 1:
> imagegif($main,$thumbname);
> break;
>case 2:
> imagejpeg($main,$thumbname);
> break;
>case 3:
> imagepng($main,$thumbname);
> chmod($thumbname,0600); #read&write for apache only
>   }
> imagedestroy($main);
> imagedestroy($thumb);
> When I examine the two files, the are binary different but size and width
> are equal.
Never mind, after a long day, I overlooked the fact that instead of 
imagegif($thumb,$thumbname) I was doing imagegif($main,$thumbname)...


Now listening to Top! Radio Live www.topradio.be/stream on amaroK
Geek code: www.vlaamse-kern.com/geek
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www.vlaamse-kern.com/sas/ for free php utilities

Description: PGP signature

Re: [PHP] Problem with the fwrite function (not as simple as it sounds though)

2005-11-20 Thread Suhas
thanks, never thought about that.


On 11/20/05, Curt Zirzow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sun, Nov 20, 2005 at 09:26:15AM -0700, Suhas wrote:
> > This is not a disk usage as it works when script is run from terminal as su\
> root can break the 100% barrier, it usually can get around  110%.
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/tmp> df -h /tmp
> Filesystem SizeUsed   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
> /dev/ad0s1e248M8.2M220M 4%/tmp
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/tmp> cat /dev/random > foobar
> /tmp: write failed, filesystem is full
> cat: stdout: No space left on device
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/tmp> df -h /tmp
> Filesystem SizeUsed   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
> /dev/ad0s1e248M228M8.0K   100%/tmp
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/tmp> su
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/tmp# cat  /dev/random > foobar
> /tmp: write failed, filesystem is full
> cat: stdout: No space left on device
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/tmp# df -h /tmp
> Filesystem SizeUsed   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
> /dev/ad0s1e248M248M-20M   109%/tmp
> Curt.
> --
> cat: .signature: No such file or directory
> --
> PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Contact @
Suhas Pharkute.
208 830 8915 (C)
208 429 6943 (H)

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Re: [PHP] Problem with the fwrite function (not as simple as it sounds though)

2005-11-20 Thread Curt Zirzow
On Sun, Nov 20, 2005 at 09:26:15AM -0700, Suhas wrote:
> This is not a disk usage as it works when script is run from terminal as su\

root can break the 100% barrier, it usually can get around  110%.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/tmp> df -h /tmp
Filesystem SizeUsed   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/ad0s1e248M8.2M220M 4%/tmp
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/tmp> cat /dev/random > foobar

/tmp: write failed, filesystem is full
cat: stdout: No space left on device
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/tmp> df -h /tmp
Filesystem SizeUsed   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/ad0s1e248M228M8.0K   100%/tmp
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/tmp# cat  /dev/random > foobar

/tmp: write failed, filesystem is full
cat: stdout: No space left on device
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/tmp# df -h /tmp
Filesystem SizeUsed   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/ad0s1e248M248M-20M   109%/tmp

cat: .signature: No such file or directory

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Re: [PHP] Problem with the fwrite function (not as simple as it sounds though)

2005-11-20 Thread Suhas
This is not a disk usage as it works when script is run from terminal as su\

On 11/20/05, Curt Zirzow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sun, Nov 20, 2005 at 03:38:56PM +0100, ukasz Hejnak wrote:
> > Brian V Bonini napisa�(a):
> > >You are saying:
> > >From the CLI you can write to a file all day long, no prob.
> > Yes, the shell command "php test.php" works fine when executed as root
> > (any other user has the same problem as from the web)
> > >From the web, if the file does not exist it is created, however, no
> > >content is appended to it. Furthermore, IF there is content in the file
> > >it can be appended to via web, but if it's an empty file it will not get
> > >written too. Am I following correctly?
> >
> > Exactly, as strange as it sounds, it's just like it is.
> >
> > And another thing, the whole instalation was working perfectly for the
> > past month or two, and now (friday->saturday) suddenly the above symptom
> > have appeared.
> This almost sounds as your disk usage (or quota) is at 100%.
> Curt.
> --
> --
> PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
> To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php


Contact @
Suhas Pharkute.
208 830 8915 (C)
208 429 6943 (H)

[PHP] imagecopyresized just copies

2005-11-20 Thread Andy Pieters
Hi all

I wanted to make a simple script to make a resized image from an uploaded one.

I used the example found on the php.net website


   {case 1: 
$main=imagecreatefromgif($newfile); #gif

case 2: 
$main=imagecreatefromjpeg($newfile); #jpeg

case 3: 
$main=imagecreatefrompng($newfile); #png

{case 1:

 case 2:

 case 3:
chmod($thumbname,0600); #read&write for apache only



When I examine the two files, the are binary different but size and width are 

Anybody know why?

With kind regards


Currently not listening to amaroK
Geek code: www.vlaamse-kern.com/geek
Registered Linux User No 379093
If life was for sale, what would be its price?
www.vlaamse-kern.com/sas/ for free php utilities

Description: PGP signature

Re: [PHP] Problem with the fwrite function (not as simple as it sounds though)

2005-11-20 Thread Curt Zirzow
On Sun, Nov 20, 2005 at 03:38:56PM +0100, ukasz Hejnak wrote:
> Brian V Bonini napisa�(a):
> >You are saying:
> >From the CLI you can write to a file all day long, no prob.
> Yes, the shell command "php test.php" works fine when executed as root
> (any other user has the same problem as from the web)
> >From the web, if the file does not exist it is created, however, no
> >content is appended to it. Furthermore, IF there is content in the file
> >it can be appended to via web, but if it's an empty file it will not get
> >written too. Am I following correctly?
> Exactly, as strange as it sounds, it's just like it is.
> And another thing, the whole instalation was working perfectly for the 
> past month or two, and now (friday->saturday) suddenly the above symptom 
> have appeared.

This almost sounds as your disk usage (or quota) is at 100%.


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Re: [PHP] Re: PHP 4.4.1 on Apache 2.0.x issue

2005-11-20 Thread Geert Booster
On Thu, Nov 17, 2005 at 09:34:08PM +0100, Max Belushkin wrote:
>   Does anyone have any information/updates on this issue perhaps? The thread 
> on http://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-ports/2005-November/027056.html 
> hasn't had anything new (since Nov 6), and on 
> http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=35059 it's been stated as "fixed" ever since 
> (Nov 2).

The problem looks fixed in php 4.1.1_2. After installing this patch, I
didn't see the problems anymore.


Commit History:

16 Nov 2005 07:24:47

- Fix pear pkg-plist
- Increase pear memory limit (requested by amd64)
- Revert apache2handler to the latest working version found in
  PHP 4.4.0, since PHP developers seem not interested in
  fixing the bug with apache2 and mod_rewrite

Geert Booster

Description: Digital signature

RE: [PHP] Re: [PHP-DB] Drag and Drop with PHP and MySQL

2005-11-20 Thread Jason Karns
I've used this (radlinks upload) on one of my sites and it works great. Drag
and drop, even multiple files.

Jason Karns
Web Designer & Applications Programmer
3AM Productions 
 - Things look different @3AM

-Original Message-
From: Joe Harman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, November 18, 2005 11:31 PM
To: php-general@lists.php.net
Subject: Re: [PHP] Re: [PHP-DB] Drag and Drop with PHP and MySQL

Here is what you are asking for I think.. it uses Java. I did have a
complication letting the applet install.. also, it's not free, but there is
a Lite version. Hope this helps  http://www.radinks.com/upload/dnd.php

 On 11/18/05, Nate Nielsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You wont be able to do the drag and drop, but you can gracefully do 
> multiple file uploads with flash (via flash 8). It also lets you know 
> the progress of the file upload itself.
> I've done a snazzy picture upload tool for a Flex (generates flash 
> applications on the fly with ActionScript and XML files only - no 
> actual flash IDE) - it allows you to select a file, hit upload, shows 
> a progress bar of the transfer (you can cancel at any time) - and when 
> done, the image is made into a thumbnail and shown on the screen. 
> -obviously, no page reloads and totally cross compatible.
> I wouldnt know where to start with regular flash as I'm a programmer, 
> so only Flex appeals to me - but I know it can be done, and isnt 
> extremely complicated. My guess is that you could have a flash guru 
> whip something out pretty fast.
> =)
> -Nate Nielsen
> - Original Message -
> From: "Jasper Bryant-Greene" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Joe Harman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Cc: 
> Sent: Friday, November 18, 2005 8:52 PM
> Subject: Re: [PHP] Re: [PHP-DB] Drag and Drop with PHP and MySQL
> > Joe Harman wrote:
> >> Hi Chris,
> >> I would think that there has to be something out there like a
> Javascript
> >> that would accomplish that... that would be my first guess anyhow...
> >> there
> >> possibly could be something done in flash that would act as a drop 
> >> area for the file... let us know what you find Joe
> >
> > There's no way the browser is going to let JS have access to the 
> > user's filesystem. I would expect ditto for Flash, although I don't use
> >
> > Jasper
> >
> >
> >>
> >> On 11/18/05, Micah Stevens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>>
> >>> No. That would be nice though eh?
> >>>
> >>> What I have done in the past is when a user needs to upload a 
> >>> file, I give them a linked button that links to a ftp:// style 
> >>> address. This ftp account points to a directory that PHP can have 
> >>> access to.
> >>>
> >>> The user then drags and drops (IE only) the files on this new 
> >>> window, which uploads the files to this directory.
> >>>
> >>> Once they're done, they close the window, and hit a second button
> 'Click
> >>> here
> >>> when finished uploading' which tells php to grab all the files in 
> >>> the upload directory and put them where they need to go.
> >>>
> >>> This is far from ideal, causes miserable problems when more than 
> >>> one person is using the technique at once, and offers a host of 
> >>> security and
> usability
> >>> issues. Oh, and it's IE only, Firefox can't do this, and I don't 
> >>> think opera/safari can either.
> >>>
> >>> However, it's much better than uploading a ton of files 
> >>> individually using a form. I only use this for applications where 
> >>> I can be sure that only
> one
> >>> user
> >>> will use it at once, and they're trusted.
> >>>
> >>> In a pinch it works though. I don't care so much about drag and 
> >>> drop,
> I
> >>> was
> >>> just trying to solve the multi-file upload issue. I wish there was 
> >>> a better way.
> >>>
> >>> If I'm stupid and there is, I'd love to hear about it.
> >>>
> >>> -Micah
> >>>
> >>> On Friday 18 November 2005 5:42 pm, Chris Payne wrote:
>  HI there everyone,
>  I have a file upload system where you select via requester the 
>  file
> to
>  upload, it then uploads it with PHP and stores the info in a 
>  MySQL database. Is there an interface / programming method I can 
>  use which
> I
> >>> can
>  DRAG a file from the desktop into an area in a form just as if I 
>  had
> >>> used a
>  file requester to select a file? Learning a new programming 
>  technique is no problem as long as it can be used with PHP and 
>  Any helps / pointers would be REALLY welcome.
>  Chris
> >>> --
> >>> PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, 
> >>> visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php
> >>>
> >>>
> >>
> >>
> >> --
> >> Joe Harman
> >> -
> >> Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no 
> >> path
> and
> >> leave a trail. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
> >>
> >
> > --
> > PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscrib

Re: [PHP] Server Client Architecture, best parctice

2005-11-20 Thread ahmed
> On 11/20/05, ahmed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> BSD-style sockets
> how secure are sockets??

This is very flexible. Practically, you'll need  a "protocol" for
client/server communication. So how secure depends on how secure is
your protocol design and implementation. You might opt to work atop
secure socket layer, as well.


Re: [PHP] Problem with the fwrite function (not as simple as it sounds though)

2005-11-20 Thread Łukasz Hejnak

Brian V Bonini napisał(a):

You are saying:
From the CLI you can write to a file all day long, no prob.

Yes, the shell command "php test.php" works fine when executed as root
(any other user has the same problem as from the web)

From the web, if the file does not exist it is created, however, no
content is appended to it. Furthermore, IF there is content in the file
it can be appended to via web, but if it's an empty file it will not get
written too. Am I following correctly?

Exactly, as strange as it sounds, it's just like it is.

And another thing, the whole instalation was working perfectly for the 
past month or two, and now (friday->saturday) suddenly the above symptom 
have appeared.
No config changes, no updates or anything else I could relate was 
happening on the server, and there is no info in the log files on this 
behaviour, the is_writable says it is writable. The safe mode is disabled.

Hope this tells You something, and gives You an idea on how to solve this.

Best wishes
Łukasz Hejnak

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

Re: [PHP] Problem with the fwrite function (not as simple as it sounds though)

2005-11-20 Thread Brian V Bonini
On Sun, 2005-11-20 at 05:44, Łukasz Hejnak wrote:
> Hello again, here's some more extra info on my case that came out while 
> Suhas Pharkute was helping me find a resolution:
> So the safe-mode is off, that's for sure, I turned it off at compile stage.
> I delete the file after each run of the script, the folder  where the 
> script is located has 777 permissions and the ownership is given to uid 
> 1027 gid 1020, whereas these are the uid/gid set for apache to run with 
> (and it does!).
> The script:
> $data="some data";
> $file="file.txt";
> $handle = fopen($file,"w");
> fwrite($handle,$data);
> fflush($handle);
> fclose($handle);
> if (is_writable($file))
>   echo "Is writable";
> else
>   echo "Isn't writable";
> works when I run it as root, from the shell (php script.php),
> but when it's run from the server, it doesn't.

I missed the beginning of this thread...

You are saying:

>From the CLI you can write to a file all day long, no prob.
>From the web, if the file does not exist it is created, however, no
content is appended to it. Furthermore, IF there is content in the file
it can be appended to via web, but if it's an empty file it will not get
written too. Am I following correctly?




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PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Re: [PHP] Problem with the fwrite function (not as simple as it sounds though)

2005-11-20 Thread Łukasz Hejnak
Hello again, here's some more extra info on my case that came out while 
Suhas Pharkute was helping me find a resolution:

So the safe-mode is off, that's for sure, I turned it off at compile stage.

I delete the file after each run of the script, the folder  where the 
script is located has 777 permissions and the ownership is given to uid 
1027 gid 1020, whereas these are the uid/gid set for apache to run with 
(and it does!).

The script:

$data="some data";
$handle = fopen($file,"w");
if (is_writable($file))
echo "Is writable";
echo "Isn't writable";

works when I run it as root, from the shell (php script.php),
but when it's run from the server, it doesn't.
I mean, the output _IS_ in _BOTH_ cases "Is writable"
but that doesn't change a thing, cause when executed from the apache, it 
just creates an empty file without content.

The other thing I was supposed to check was stat($file); with 
clearstatcache(); called beforehand. The output of this is:

device number: 777
inode number: 1142470
inode protection mode: 33188
number of links: 1
groupid of owner: 1020
device type, if inode device *: 0
time of last access (Unix timestamp): 1132482491
time of last modification (Unix timestamp): 1132482505
time of last inode change (Unix timestamp): 1132482505
blocksize of filesystem IO *: 4096

and of course when executed as root:

device number: 777
inode number: 1142470
inode protection mode: 33188
number of links: 1
groupid of owner: 1020
device type, if inode device *: 0
time of last access (Unix timestamp): 1132482980
time of last modification (Unix timestamp): 1132482980
time of last inode change (Unix timestamp): 1132482980
blocksize of filesystem IO *: 4096

Can anybody help me?

Best wishes
Łukasz Hejnak

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

Re: [PHP] POST headers empty when using SSLProxyEngine

2005-11-20 Thread Florian Effenberger
Hi Mirco,

> I had a simmalar problem myself and didn't find a solutions.
> As far as I fond out the ssl_proxy module simply does not route POST. It
> just routes the link, wich means GET should work.

thanks for your reply! That sounds logical, indeed. I have posted my
help request to the Apache users mailing list as well, maybe someone
there comes up with a solution or even a patch.

> My solutions would be that I bypass the proxy for file transfer.

How could I achieve that without losing my session variables?

> I you find another solutions I would be glad to know how.

Of course, I'll do! :)


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