Re: [PHP] A Good OOP Tutorial/Read?

2013-05-16 Thread Francisco C Soares

On 05/16/2013 11:55 AM, Dan Joseph wrote:

Hey Folks,

I'm looking to refine my PHP 5 OOP skills.  I know the basics, understand
patterns, but have clearly missed a few things along the way.

Do any of you have some real good PHP 5 OOP tutorials/reads bookmarked you
could share?  Something other than



Francisco C Soares ( *Junior* )


[PHP] Re: Date validation

2011-05-20 Thread Jo�o C�ndido de Souza Neto
What about using this:

$date = DateTime::createFromFormat(Y-m-d, 2011-05-20);

João Cândido de Souza Neto

Geoff Lane escreveu na mensagem
 Hi All,

 I'm scratching my head trying to remember how I validated string
 representation of dates 'the first time around' with PHP (before going
 over to ASP/VBScript for almost a decade). I have a feeling that I
 must have rolled my own validation function, because I can't find
 anything other than strtotime() and checkdate() in PHP itself.

 Although checkdate() seems fine, strtotime() appears to be 'broken'.
 It seems where possible to return a timestamp that makes some sense
 rather than return FALSE when handed an invalid date. For example,
 strtotime('30 Feb 1999') returns 920332800, which is equivalent to
 strtotime('02 Mar 1999'). When I ask a user to enter a date and they
 make a typo, forget that September only has 30 days, etc., I want to
 be able to detect the problem rather than post a date in the following

 It also seems that where the DateTime class uses string representation
 of dates, times, or intervals that these must be 'in a format accepted
 by strtotime()'; which implies that 'under the hood' strtotime() is
 used to convert the string to a date/time value, which implies that
 the Date/Time class cannot properly handle string input values.

 This seems to be such a common requirement that I suspect I've missed
 something basic. I'd thus be grateful for any pointers as to how to
 properly validate user-input string representation of dates.


 Geoff Lane

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Re: [PHP] Re: Date validation

2011-05-20 Thread Jo�o C�ndido de Souza Neto
If you look carefully, you´ll notice that I´m using the DateTime object 
(default from PHP 5.2.0 or higher) not the function date.

João Cândido de Souza Neto

Peter Lind escreveu na mensagem
On 20 May 2011 16:22, Geoff Lane wrote:
 On Friday, May 20, 2011, João Cândido de Souza Neto wrote:

 What about using this:

 $date = DateTime::createFromFormat(Y-m-d, 2011-05-20);

 Hi João, and thanks for your help.

 FWIW, I thought about that but it didn't work for me. On further
 investigation, I'm now completely confused and suspect I've got a duff
 PHP installation. Thankfully, it's a virtual machine so it should be
 reasonable easy to 'vapourise' and start over (perhaps with CentOS
 rather than Ubuntu as the OS).

 Anyway, the following code produces the following result when the
 variable $str = '7 feb 2010':

 echo pDate is $str/p\n;
 $date = DateTime::createFromFormat('d M Y', $str);
 echo pre;
 echo /pre\n;
 echo date('d M Y') . br / . date('d M Y', $date);

 pDate is 7 feb 2010/p
 preDateTime Object
 [date] = 2010-02-07 15:11:34
 [timezone_type] = 3
 [timezone] = Europe/London
 20 May 2011br /

 This is pretty much as expected except that the second call to date()
 - i.e. date('d M Y', $date) - outputs nothing.

date() takes an int as second parameter - a timestamp. Not an object.
And from a quick test it doesn't look like DateTime has a __toString

 Also, AFAICT createFromFormat fails if the date is not formatted
 according to the first parameter. So, for example:
 $date = DateTime::createFromFormat('d M Y', '5/2/10')
 fails ... (at least, it does on my system :( )

I'm sorry for asking but what did you expect?? You're specifically
calling a method that parses a string according to a given format. If
it parsed the string according to any other format, that would be a
huge WTF.


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[PHP] Re: Array Search

2011-03-25 Thread Jo�o C�ndido de Souza Neto
It´s a job to array_key_exists  function.

João Cândido de Souza Neto

Ethan Rosenberg escreveu na mensagem
 Dear List -

 Here is a code snippet:

 $bla = array(g1 = $results[7][6],
h1  = $results[7][7]);
 $value = h1;
$locate1 = array_search($value, $bla);
echo This is locate ; print_r($locate1);
if(in_array($value, $bla)) print_r($bla);

 Neither the array_search or the in_array functions give any results. I 
 have tried it with both h1 and h1;

 $results[7][6]  = Wn;
 $results[7][7]  =  Wr;

 This is a chess board  where g1 and h1 are the coordinates and the results 
 array contains the pieces at that coordinate.

 What am I doing wrong?

 Advice and comments please.


 Ethan Rosenberg

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Re: [PHP] First PHP job

2011-01-11 Thread Jo�o C�ndido de Souza Neto
It must be a big joke!!!

João Cândido de Souza Neto

Robert Cummings escreveu na mensagem
 On 11-01-11 12:15 PM, David Harkness wrote:
 On Tue, Jan 11, 2011 at 4:19 AM, Jay 

 I am always looking for the $needle in the $haystack.

 Just sayin'

 I often find it faster to hire a bunch of horses to eat the $haystack,
 leaving the $needle behind and easy to find.

 My horse now has a perforated stomach and colon. Can I send you the 
 veterinarian's bill?


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[PHP] Re: Stripping carriage returns

2011-01-11 Thread Jo�o C�ndido de Souza Neto
What about trying str_replace(PHP_EOL, , $content);

João Cândido de Souza Neto

Richard S. Crawford escreveu na mensagem
I'm retrieving CLOB data from an Oracle database, and cleaning up the HTML
in it. I'm using the following commands:

$content =
$content = preg_replace(/p.*/,p,$content);

The second line is necessary because the p tag frequently comes with class
or style descriptions that must be eliminated.

This works on the whole except where the p tag with the style definition
is broken up over two or more lines. In other words, something like:

p class = bullettext style = line-height: normal
border: 3;

In this case, the second line of my code does not strip the class or style
definitions from the paragraph tag. I've tried:

$content = nl2br($content)


$content = str_replace(chr(13),$content)


$content = preg_replace(/[.chr(10).|.chr(13).]/,,$content)
(I've read that Oracle uses chr(10) or chr(13) to represent line breaks
internally, so I decided to give those a try as well.)


$content = str_replace(array('\n','\r','\r\n'),$content)

all to no avail; these all leave the line break intact, which means my
preg_replace('/p.*/','p',$content) line still breaks.

Anyone have any ideas?

Richard S. Crawford (

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Re: [PHP] HTML id attribute and arrays

2010-12-19 Thread Martin C

How should I follow the HTML specification while having the passed
parameters automatically converted to arrays in PHP?

The name attribute, not the id attribute, is used as the key when
submitting form values.

The name and id attributes do not have to be the same.

Thank you, I thought it should be the same (for same reason, maybe 
compatibility between XHTML and HTML). But could not find anything on 
the net which states this. So my memories might be corrupted :)

Based on first tests, it works (but have not checked the W3C validator yet).



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Re: [PHP] HTML id attribute and arrays

2010-12-19 Thread Martin C

How should I follow the HTML specification while having the passed
parameters automatically converted to arrays in PHP?

The name attribute, not the id attribute, is used as the key when
submitting form values.

The name and id attributes do not have to be the same.

Thank you, I thought it should be the same (for same reason, maybe 
compatibility between XHTML and HTML). But could not find anything on 
the net which states this. So my memories might be corrupted :)

Based on first tests, it works (but have not checked the W3C validator yet).



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Re: [PHP] HTML id attribute and arrays

2010-12-19 Thread Martin C

The name and id attributes do not have to be the same.

Thank you, I thought it should be the same

You're probably thinking of:

The id and name attributes share the same name space. This means that
they cannot both define an anchor with the same name in the same
document. It is permissible to use both attributes to specify an
element's unique identifier for the following elements: A, APPLET,
FORM, FRAME, IFRAME, IMG, and MAP. When both attributes are used on a
single element, their values must be identical.

Confusing, the name attribute on a form field (input, textarea,
select, etc) is different to the name attribute on a a or form
element, so this rule does not apply to it.

Thank you, Benjamin, for clarification. This sounds like the source of 
my (bogus) feeling.


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[PHP] HTML id attribute and arrays

2010-12-17 Thread Martin C


PHP converts x[a]=b parameter of the HTTP request as an array named x 
with its item named a set to value b. So, it seems possible to have the 
following (X)HTML code:

input type=text name=x[a] id=x[a] value=b /
Unfortunatelly, HTML specification does not allow neither [ nor ] 
inside the id attribute. Specifically:

* Must begin with a letter A-Z or a-z
* Can be followed by: letters (A-Za-z), digits (0-9), hyphens (-), 
underscores (_), colons (:), and periods (.)

* Values are case-sensitive

How should I follow the HTML specification while having the passed 
parameters automatically converted to arrays in PHP?

Thank you for any tips,


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[PHP] Re: How does one reply to messages on this list?

2010-12-16 Thread Jo�o C�ndido de Souza Neto
As I use outlook, I just hit Reply to Group.

João Cândido de Souza Neto

Sam Smith escreveu na mensagem
 If I just hit 'Reply' I'll send my reply to the individual who created the
 message. If I hit 'Reply All' my reply will be sent to: Govinda, PHP-General List
 and the creator of the message.

 Neither option seems correct. What's up with that?


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[PHP] Re: use of ini vs include file for configuration

2010-11-11 Thread Jo�o C�ndido de Souza Neto

João Cândido de Souza Neto

Tamara Temple escreveu na mensagem
 I'm curious what the lists' opinions are regarding the use of an .ini 
 file versus an include configuration file in PHP code are?

 I can see uses for either (or both).

 To me, it seems that an .ini file would be ideal in the case where you 
 want to allow a simpler interface for people installing your app to 
 configure things that need configuring, and an included PHP code 
 configuration file for things you don't necessarily want the average 
 installer to change.

 What do you think?


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[PHP] Re: which one is faster

2010-10-05 Thread Jo�o C�ndido de Souza Neto
As I can see, it´d be too much faster to decide by yourself than reading all 
theese answers and understanding their differences and taking people´s time 
for nothing.

João Cândido de Souza Neto

saeed ahmed escreveu na mensagem
 $a = 'hey';
 $b = 'done';

 $c = $a.$b;
 $c = $a$b;

 which one is faster for echo $c.

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[PHP] Re: json_encode() behavior and the browser

2010-09-01 Thread Jo�o C�ndido de Souza Neto
It can have something to do with your browser codification (UTF8, 

João Cândido de Souza Neto

Christoph Boget escreveu na mensagem
 I'm curious if the behavior of json_encode() is influenced by the
 browser at all.  I have a page that returns search results.  If I
 access the page and perform a search using Chrome, the following error
 shows up in the log:

 PHP Warning:  json_encode() [a
 href='function.json-encode'function.json-encode/a]: Invalid UTF-8
 sequence in argument in [PAGE] on line [LINE]

 If I access the page and perform a search, the exact same search using
 the exact same parameters, using Firefox then I get the expected
 results.  When I var_dump() the return value of json_encode(), I see
 that it is a null in the case where I accessed using chrome but the
 expected string in the case where I accessed using firefox.  In both
 cases, the input array is identical.

 Given the identical input and different output, the only thing I can
 figure is that the headers sent to the server as part of the request
 figure in to how json_encode() behaves.  Is that the case?  Or am I
 barking up the wrong tree?

 To be clear, I'm not talking about how the browser ultimately handles
 the json encoded data.  I know there can be issues with that.  I'm
 talking about the process before the data is even shipped to the
 browser -- about how json_encode() behaves when executed as part of
 the PHP script.


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Re: [PHP] Re: json_encode() behavior and the browser

2010-09-01 Thread Jo�o C�ndido de Souza Neto

I hope it can help you.

PS: json_decode works only in utf8.

João Cândido de Souza Neto

Christoph Boget escreveu na mensagem
 You should set the charset of your page by meta tag in its head.

 Do you have a source of reference to which you point me?


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Re: [PHP] Re: json_encode() behavior and the browser

2010-09-01 Thread Jo�o C�ndido de Souza Neto
Are you setting the charset in your html head?

If not, its using the charset set in your browser, which can be different 
from one to another.

In this case, you must set if via meta tag to avoid it.

João Cândido de Souza Neto

Christoph Boget escreveu na mensagem
 I hope it can help you.
 PS: json_decode works only in utf8.

 I understand charsets.  I understand the difference between the
 charsets.  What I don't understand is how json_encode() is taking the
 *exact same input* and behaving differently (breaking in one case,
 working in another) depending on the browser being used.  And taking
 your statement that json_encode() works only in utf-8 as a given, how
 can I guard against the different behaviors on the backend, where
 json_encode() is getting executed.  Should I do some kind of header
 sniffing prior to every call to json_encode() and massage the data
 accordingly depending on what I find?  That seems somewhat excessive.
 But based on what you are saying and based on what I'm witnessing, it
 seems like there is no other way around that.


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Re: [PHP] Re: json_encode() behavior and the browser

2010-09-01 Thread Jo�o C�ndido de Souza Neto
Sorry about the error:

In this case, you must set IT via meta tag to avoid it.

João Cândido de Souza Neto

João Cândido de Souza Neto escreveu na 
 Are you setting the charset in your html head?

 If not, its using the charset set in your browser, which can be different 
 from one to another.

 In this case, you must set if via meta tag to avoid it.

 João Cândido de Souza Neto

 Christoph Boget escreveu na mensagem
 I hope it can help you.
 PS: json_decode works only in utf8.

 I understand charsets.  I understand the difference between the
 charsets.  What I don't understand is how json_encode() is taking the
 *exact same input* and behaving differently (breaking in one case,
 working in another) depending on the browser being used.  And taking
 your statement that json_encode() works only in utf-8 as a given, how
 can I guard against the different behaviors on the backend, where
 json_encode() is getting executed.  Should I do some kind of header
 sniffing prior to every call to json_encode() and massage the data
 accordingly depending on what I find?  That seems somewhat excessive.
 But based on what you are saying and based on what I'm witnessing, it
 seems like there is no other way around that.



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Re: [PHP] Re: json_encode() behavior and the browser

2010-09-01 Thread Jo�o C�ndido de Souza Neto
In this case, you are right. It has nothing to do with the browser.

You´ll need a more detailed debug so you can see excatly what´s happening.

João Cândido de Souza Neto

Christoph Boget escreveu na mensagem
 Sorry about the error:
 In this case, you must set IT via meta tag to avoid it.

 Ok, let's try this using a different approach.  Consider the following

 $result = mysql_query( 'SELECT name, date FROM table WHERE field = 
 value' );
 $array = array();
 while( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc( $result ))
  $array[] = $row;

 $string = json_encode( $array );

 Why does the charset of the browser matter one whit to the value of
 either $row['name'] or $row['date'] such that it would break
 json_encode() in one case and not the other.  Is it that PHP is taking
 the string which is returned as part of the result set and encoding it
 to match the charset passed in from the browser?


 * Disclaimer : the actual code (and data repository) I am using is
 slightly different from the above but is similar enough so that it's a
 valid representation 

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[PHP] Re: Removing link on the fly, but leave link text

2010-08-31 Thread Jo�o C�ndido de Souza Neto
Try this:

$pattern = array(
/a [^]/,

preg_replace($pattern, , $text);

João Cândido de Souza Neto

Karl DeSaulniers escreveu na mensagem
 Say I have some text.

 $text = 'You can logon here: a href=
 username='.$username.'/a. This link will take you to your web
 browser to login.'.$eol;

 I want to be able to strip the a href=
 index.php?username='.$username.' and /a.
 Leaving just the'.
 $username.' text, so it would end up like.

 $text = 'You can logon here:
 username='.$username.'. This link will take you to your web browser
 to login.'.$eol;

 I have tried MANY different ways and have no success.
 Can anyone help me?

 Karl DeSaulniers
 Design Drumm


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Re: [PHP] Variable in variable.

2010-08-26 Thread Jo�o C�ndido de Souza Neto
Really cool...

Thanks and fogive me by my mistake. hehe

João Cândido de Souza Neto

Robert Cummings escreveu na mensagem
 On 10-08-26 09:54 AM, João Cândido de Souza Neto wrote:
 I know that in PHP I can use this:

 $var1 = text;
 $var2 = '$var1';
 4cho $$var2;

 So it gives me text.

 It would if you didn't have typos and the wrong quotes in the above :)

 My question is, is there a way of doing it with constant like this?

 define(CONST, text);
 $test = CONST;
 echo $$test;

 So it gives me text.

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[PHP] Re: Upload using FTP commands

2010-08-26 Thread Jo�o C�ndido de Souza Neto
A form sendind a file has nothing to do with FTP functions of PHP.

You´ll still need to change de upload_max_filesize and so on in order to 
send such files to the server.

João Cândido de Souza Neto

Matthew Croud escreveu na mensagem


 I want to give my client the ability to upload large files ( around 
  20MB ) to a webspace.
 I reckon that using the FTP commands of PHP would be the best bet, but  is 
 it possible to allow them to do this through an online form.

 This is my vision: the client logs in to a form that has an upload 
 button, and the upload button uses the FTP commands to upload the file.

 Is that do-able in PHP ?



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Re: [PHP] Fatal error: Call to undefined method

2010-08-20 Thread Jo�o C�ndido de Souza Neto
Try this:


class PropertyMgmt
function PropertyMgmt() {
global $complexes;   /* yes I know using globals is dangerous, I
will fix this soon! :-) */

   public function get_complexes() {
/* null */

} // end class

João Cândido de Souza Neto

TransientSeeker escreveu na mensagem


 I'm having a very simple problem that I can't seem to find the solution 
 I try and access a method in this class I made called
 MyPropertyManagement... the method is named get_complexes().  I try and
 strip down the entire class to just focus on this problem with the hopes 
 it making things simple enough that the error will become apparent, but
 unfortunately it has not.  I am able to make a new instances of this 
 add in some other methods and run/use them just fine.  For some reason 
 method keeps erroring out saying it is undefined.  I don't understand why?
 Can someone please shed some light on this subject please?

 The error is: Fatal error: Call to undefined method
 PropertyMgmt::get_complexes() in /usr/www/test/test2.php on line 6

 The files are as follows:

 /*** /usr/www/test/inc/class/PropertyManagement.class.php


 class PropertyMgmt
function PropertyMgmt() {
global $complexes;   /* yes I know using globals is dangerous, I
 will fix this soon! :-) */

   public function PropertyMgmt::get_complexes() {
 /* null */

 } // end class

 /*** /usr/www/test/test2.php ***/

 $PM = new PropertyMgmt();


 /* end test2.php /

 Thank you in advance...

 PHP 5.3.3
 Apache 1.3.37
 MySQL 5.0.24a
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[PHP] hash problem.

2010-07-29 Thread Jo�o C�ndido de Souza Neto
I´ve got the setting in my /etc/login.defs file as bellow:

# Use MD5 or DES to encrypt password? Red Hat use MD5 by default.


So, when I try to get this:

echo hash(sha512, $_POST[password]);

It does not match the password the user´s got in /etc/shadow file.

Anyone knows why?

João Cândido de Souza Neto 

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[PHP] Re: Regular Expression to get the whole Comma Separated String in Array Key

2010-06-30 Thread Jo�o C�ndido de Souza Neto
Not tested, but I think it should work:

preg_match_all('/(\d+),/', $postText, $matches);

João Cândido de Souza Neto

Gaurav Kumar escreveu na mensagem
 Hi All,

 Need help in resolving the below problem-

 I would like to get the whole comma separated string into an array value-

 1. $postText = chapters 5, 6, 7, 8;
 2. $postText = chapters 5, 6;
 3. $postText = chapters 5, 6, 7;

 What i have done so far is-
 preg_match('/chapter[s]*[ ]*(\d+, \d+, \d+)/i', $postText, $matches);

 The above will exactly match the third value $postText = chapters 5, 6, 

 By Above $matches will contain a value of : $matches[1] = '5, 6, 7';

 Now i need a SINGLE regular expression which can match first, second
 variable above or any number of comma separated string and IMPORTANTLY
 provide me that whole comma separated sting value (as above) in single 
 key element like below-

 $matches[1] = '5, 6, 7';
 $matches[1] = '5, 6';
 $matches[1] = '5, 6, 7, 8, 9';

 Also I have to use regular expression only as the flow of the code does 
 permit to use any other method to get comma separated string from the
 master/base string.


 Gaurav Kumar

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Re: [PHP] file_get_contents limit

2010-06-29 Thread Jo�o C�ndido de Souza Neto
The characters are stripped off of the end of the file after that point.

João Cândido de Souza Neto

Ashley Sheridan escreveu na mensagem
 On Tue, 2010-06-29 at 16:53 -0300, Jo?o C?ndido de Souza Neto wrote:

 Ive got a file with only one line 21917 characters long but when I read
 this file using $varData = file_get_contents(file.txt) it gets only 

 Anyone would know why does it happen?

 Thanks in advance.

 Joo Cndido de Souza Neto

 Are the characters stripped off of the end of the file after that point,
 or is the encoding not correctly determined and some characters are
 converted the wrong ones?



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[PHP] Re: stripping first comma off and everything after

2010-06-18 Thread Jo�o C�ndido de Souza Neto
Why not this?

$var = explode(,,$entries[$i][dn]);
$var = $var[0];

Adam Williams escreveu na mensagem
 I'm querying data and have results such as a variable named 


 Basically I need to strip off the first command everything after, so that 
 I just have it display CN=NTPRTPS3-LANIER-LD335c-LH107-PPRNP9A92.

 I tried echo rtrim($entries[$i][dn],,); but that doesn't do anything. 
 Any ideas?

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[PHP] Re: Test [don't read]

2010-06-07 Thread Jo�o C�ndido de Souza Neto
I couldn´t resist.

tedd escreveu na mensagem 


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[PHP] Re: Test [don't read]

2010-06-07 Thread Jo�o C�ndido de Souza Neto
I couldn´t resist.

tedd escreveu na mensagem 


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[PHP] Re: what's the point of _autoload?

2010-05-14 Thread Jo�o C�ndido de Souza Neto
I use this in a different way so I think it can be useful for everyone 
avoiding long and complex codes.

I´ve got a file called classes.php that looks like:


$Classes = new stdClass();

$Classes-Smarty = BASE_PATH.includes/Smarty/Smarty.class.php;

$Classes-Mail = BASE_PATH.includes/mail/Mail.php;


So my _autoload() looks like:

function MY__autoload($className) {




if (function_exists(spl_autoload_register) ) {


} else {

function __autoload($className) {




Hope it can help you.

Michael N. Madsen escreveu na mensagem
 Since php started to support oop it has moved more and more features in 
 that direction.
 This is good for me because I love oop. Then came _autoload() and I was 
 rejoiced only to find that this (no fun)ction can't be used to it's 
 fullest potential in oop unless I have all the files in the same 
 directory. This is where you correct me and tell me how I can have a file 
 structure in more then one level and still get the ripe juices of 
 _autoload() (Please, I beg you!)

 I have looked at the comments on the doc page of the function and every 
 single one comes with the addition of many, often complex lines of code 
 that will only add more load on the server. If _autoload can't figure out 
 the correct path to the file which defines the class, then what is the 
 point from an oop pov? 

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[PHP] Getting source from remote file

2010-05-06 Thread Auto-Deppe C . Hänsel
Hi guys and girls,

okay, this is a dumbnut question I wouldn't bother asking but I really
did hit a spot now where I am totally wedged up in my head and can't think
straight anymore... so the, I bet easy, answer to my question escapes me.

What I am trying to do is the following:

Read the contents of a remote file via file()

So I do

$content = file($url);

Now $content holds the HTML source of the page.

Now this page has some DIVs in it with a class myclass123 (just for this

Now I want to get the content of these divs into a variable / some
variables. No more, no less.

Can anybody please direct me towards the answer? Damn, I must sleep more at
night, so I can think straight at work

Any help is very much appreciated! Thanks!


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RE: [PHP] Getting source from remote file

2010-05-06 Thread Auto-Deppe C . Hänsel
 On 6 May 2010 10:55, Peter Lind wrote:

 You could parse the document with the DOM classes. Load as a
 DOMDocument, then grab what's needed with the relevant methods (you
 can use xpath to single out your divs with the right classes).

 Xpath is indeed the way to go. For example...

 /* .. your code.. */

 $data = file_get_contents($url);

 $inDoc = new DOMDocument();
 $inDoc-preserveWhiteSpace = false;

 $xpath = new DOMXPath($inDoc);
 $xlinks = $xpath-query('//d...@class=b]/a');
 for ($a = 0, $z = $xlinks-length; $a  $z; ++$a) {
   $link = $xlinks-item($a);
   $href = $xlink-attributes-getNamedItem('href')-value; 


 To be safe, you should use an ID instead of a class, though.


Hi all, and thanks a lot for your suggestions. It works well now.
The only problem I do have are german Umlaute [äöü] when receiving the 
content of the remote page.
It#s formatted in iso-8859-1 and I'd rather have it in UTF-8. But 
utf8_de/encode won't help me there, I'm afraid.

Anyhow, thanks a lot for your help!


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[PHP] Re: Math Question....

2010-04-22 Thread Jo�o C�ndido de Souza Neto
for ($g = $maxpergroup; $g  0; $g++) {
if ($items mod $g  0) continue;
$Groups = $items div $g;

Maybe it can helps you.

Dan Joseph escreveu na mensagem

 This is a math question, but I'm doing the code in PHP, and have expunged
 all resources... hoping someone can guide me here.  For some reason, I 
 figure this out.

 I want to take a group of items, and divide them into equal groups based 
 a max per group.  Example.

 1,252,398 -- divide into equal groups with only 30 items per group max.

 Can anyone guide me towards an algorithm or formula name to solve this? 
 code or Math stuff is fine.  Either way...


 -Dan Joseph - Unlimited Hosting Plans start @ $3.95/month.  Promo
 Code NEWTHINGS for 10% off initial order

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RE: [PHP] Re: imagecopyresize

2010-04-06 Thread Auto-Deppe C . Hänsel
 -Original Message-
 From: Karl DeSaulniers []
 Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2010 10:39 AM
 Subject: [PHP] Re: imagecopyresize
 Sweet deal.
 Thanks Nadim. I think I got my script to work finally, but if it
 proves to be a no-go.
 I will definately take a look. Thanks for sharing.
 On Apr 6, 2010, at 3:29 AM, Nadim Attari wrote:
 Hello Karl,
 Use the attached code i wrote myelf for my projects. You can upload
 and create images of other sizes.
 Hope it will be easy to use. Ese if you need help, come on MSN (my
 email address)
 Note that you will have to implement the watermark part - i'm
 providing you the upload and create codes only.
 nadim attari
 mauritius (indian ocean)

Hello Nadim,

would you mind sharing this script with me / us, too? I'd love to have a
look at it, if you don't mind :o)

All the best


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[PHP] Audiobooks for Developers

2010-03-31 Thread Auto-Deppe C . Hänsel
Good day all,

since I am driving 2 hrs each day listening to either my radio or the songs
on my USB drive, I was wondering whether there are some web dev related
audio books for download out there.

I have been searching the big G for this stuff, but haven't found anything.

Do you guys know of any good resource?

With best regards,

Christian Hänsel

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RE: [PHP] Audiobooks for Developers

2010-03-31 Thread Auto-Deppe C . Hänsel
Have you consider getting an ebook (preferably PDF as Windows'
Narrator, if you're using Windows, works really well with Acrobat) on
the subject you're interested then use a TTS, like Windows' Narrator,
and record it on your system as an alternative solution?  Using this
approach would be more flexible to your selection of the subject

That might actually work. I will give that a shot. ;o) Thanks for this 



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RE: [PHP] Audiobooks for Developers

2010-03-31 Thread Auto-Deppe C . Hänsel
 -Original Message-
 From: Bob McConnell []
 Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2010 2:52 PM
 Subject: RE: [PHP] Audiobooks for Developers
 From: Auto-Deppe C. Hänsel
  since I am driving 2 hrs each day listening to either my
  radio or the songs
  on my USB drive, I was wondering whether there are some
  web dev related
  audio books for download out there.
 I have only one recommendation. DON'T DO IT!
 Driving a vehicle on public highways is dangerous enough without any
 distractions. You don't want to complicate it by adding a task that tempts
you to
 focus on something other than the road, signals and other traffic. That is
a good
 way to cause accidents.
 Bob McConnell
 PHP General Mailing List (
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Hi Bob,

thanks for your advide, I understand your concern. I honestly do.

Let me show you quickly the route I am driving every day:;

In the morning, it is SO boring I leave home at 5:30am, so not much
traffic going on.

In the afternoon, there is no way of driving fast enough to cause an
accident *haha*

Seriously though: I am always listening to audio books or the radio... but I
do focus on the traffic rather than the audio. Believe me, I understand your
concern. But still: I want audio books :o))


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Re: [PHP] Microsoft outlook takes out all stressed letters on subject.

2010-03-05 Thread Jo�o C�ndido de Souza Neto
Yes, it does.

João Cândido

Bob McConnell escreveu na mensagem
From: João Cândido de Souza Neto

 When I send an e-mail from PHP (not using the mail function) everithing
 works fine, but when such e-mail´s got in Microsoft Outlook it takes out 
 stressed letters in mail´s subject what doesn´t happen in Outlook Express?

 My question is?

 Is there any header that can avoid it?

What code page is Lookout using? Does that page have those letters in it? 
Does it use the same character encoding that the source did?

Bob McConnell 

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[PHP] JPGraph error.

2010-02-26 Thread Jo�o C�ndido de Souza Neto
Hey guys.

In my system we´ve got an option of getting charts of some data and it´s 
many options.

My problem is that it works fine on my test server but in my client´s server 
it gives me the following error as you can see.

*** glibc detected *** /var/www/html/bin/httpd: munmap_chunk(): invalid 
pointer: 0x0a319b78 ***
=== Backtrace: =
=== Memory map: 
[Thu Feb 25 16:17:20 2010] [notice] child pid 2850 exit signal Aborted (6)

Does anybody know why is it happening?

Thanks in advance.

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2010-02-23 Thread William C. Schnute


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At 08:32 AM 2/23/2010, you wrote:
Hi! This is the ezmlm program. I'm managing the mailing list.

I'm working for my owner, who can be reached
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Re: [PHP] Force-Saving an Audio File

2009-12-09 Thread

Thanks Gaurav  Shawn,

I'll check into your suggestions.


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[PHP] Force-Saving an Audio File

2009-12-08 Thread

Hi folks,

I'm trying to force save .mp3 files so this is a test page (found on  
the net). It works fine when:

$directory = ;  // so the audio is in the same local directory

but fails when I use a REAL web directory -  (the audio file is here  
- )

$directory =;;

says - The file $file was not found.

Q: Any ideas how to get it to download from the website?



$file = 'audio1.mp3';

$directory =;;
//$directory = ;
$path = $directory$file;

ini_set('zlib.output_compression', 'Off');

$file_extension = strtolower(substr(strrchr($path,.),1));

if( $file ==  )
echo html
titleFile not found./title
File not found.
} elseif (! file_exists( $path ) )
echo html
titleThe file $file was not found./title
The file $file was not /
- path - $path
switch( $file_extension )
case pdf: $ctype=application/pdf; break;
case zip: $ctype=application/zip; break;
case doc: $ctype=application/msword; break;
case xls: $ctype=application/; break;
case ppt: $ctype=application/; break;
case gif: $ctype=image/gif; break;
case png: $ctype=image/png; break;
case jpeg:
case jpg: $ctype=image/jpg; break;
case wav:
case mp3: $ctype=application/iTunes; break;
default: $ctype=application/force-download;
header(Pragma: public);
header(Expires: 0);
header(Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0);
header(Cache-Control: private,false);
header(Content-Type: $ctype);
header(Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\.basename 
($path).\; );

header(Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary);
header(Content-Length: .filesize($path));




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[PHP] Re: Best way to read first 20 characters of a string?

2009-12-02 Thread Jo�o C�ndido de Souza Neto
Have you tried tha substr PHP function?

Chris Payne escreveu na mensagem
 Hi everyone,

 I'm pulling data from a mysql database, but need only the first 20
 characters of each string for a short description, what is the best
 method to just grab the first 20 characters from a string regardless
 of whether they are letters or numbers?


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[PHP] Re: [php] INSERT and immediately UPDATE

2009-10-28 Thread Jo�o C�ndido de Souza Neto
Use mysql_insert_id() instead of the select you´re using now.

Allen McCabe escreveu na mensagem
 Hey everyone, I have an issue.

 I need my (employee) users to be able to insert shows into the our MySQL
 database and simultaneously upload an image file (and store the path in 

 I have accomplished this with a product-based system (adding products and
 uploading images of the product), and accomplished what I needed because 
 product name was unique; I used the following statements:

 $prodName = $_POST['prodName'];
 $prodDesc = $_POST['prodDesc'];
 $prodPrice = $_POST['prodPrice'];

 $query2  = INSERT INTO product (pID, pName) VALUES (NULL, '$prodName');;
 $result2 = mysql_query($query2) or die(mysql_error());

 $query  = SELECT pID FROM product WHERE pName = '$prodName';;
 $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
 $row = mysql_fetch_array($result) or die (mysql_error());

 $prodID = $row['pID'];

 I had to select the new product to get the product id to use in the new
 unique image name.

 The problem I am facing now, is that with the shows that my users add will
 have multitple show times; this means non-unique titles. In fact, the only
 unique identifier is the show id. How can I insert something (leaving the
 show_id field NULL so that it is auto-assigned the next ID number), and 
 immediately select it?

 PHP doesn't seem to be able to immediately select something it has just
 inserted, perhaps it needs time to process the database update.

 Here is the code I have now (which does not work):

 $query2  = INSERT INTO afy_show (show_id, show_title, show_day_w,
 show_month, show_day_m, show_year, show_time, show_price, 
 show_comments_1, show_seats_reqd) VALUES (NULL, '{$show_title}',
 '{$show_day_w}', '{$show_month}', '{$show_day_m}', '{$show_year}',
 '{$show_time}', '{$show_price}', '{$show_description}',
 '{$show_comments_1}', '{$show_seats_reqd}');;
 $result2 = mysql_query($query2) or die(mysql_error());

 $query3 = SELECT * FROM afy_show WHERE *show_id = '$id'*;;
 $result3 = mysql_query($query3) or die('Record cannot be located!' .
 $row3 = mysql_fetch_array($result3);
 $show_id = $row3['show_id'];

 How do I select the item I just inserted to obtain the ID number??

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[PHP] Plotting a Line Graph It seems that the google charts work from a url - so 500 points would be way to long for any url - so I guess that option is out.

2009-10-16 Thread
I have a data file that stores about 500 numbers in a record - meant  
to plot a basic line graph (left to right). The numbers can be  
imported into a record with 500 fields or just stored in a text field  
- which ever is better.

The user might want to pick a few random records and plot them  
together - so the line graph may compare the few records together.

It seems that the google charts work from a url - so 500 points would  
be way to long for any url - so I guess that option is out.

Q: what is the best way to create / display line graphs in with PHP?

Thanks in advance for your help - dave


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Re: [PHP] Plotting a Line Graph

2009-10-16 Thread

Jim Lucas wrote:

I would recommend

It was written and is currently maintained by a member of this list.

Jim Lucas

Hi Jim,

rgraph looks cool... most demos I see show just a few points - do you 
think this could display 500 points? (I'm looking through their docs now...)

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[PHP] Re: ternary operator sintax help

2009-10-06 Thread Jo�o C�ndido de Souza Neto
?= (isset($erros['anexo']) ? 'div 
class=mensagemErro'.$erros['anexo'].'/div' :''); ?

MEM escreveu na mensagem 
Hello all,

I'm trying to display a div, only when some php value is set.
Since this will be near html, I'd like to keep it on one line. So, I'd love
to use shortcuts and a ternary operator for the effect.

I'm having something like this right now, but the div still appears even if
the error is NOT set.

?= (isset($erros['anexo'])) ? 'div class=mensagemErro'
.$erros['anexo'].'/div' :''; ?


Can I have your help with the right syntax ?

The newbie on a Humpty Dumpty wall,

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[PHP] Parse Question Using list()

2009-10-01 Thread

newbie import csv question

file is like:



Problem: when I try to parse out the 3 fields and display them using  
list() it just gets just 1st char of each field ...
Q: How do I get it to set $col1 - 2  $col3 to the full contents of  
each for each line (not just 1st char)?


// on a mac but with windows linefeed returns in file

$handle = fopen(file:///path/_impfool/test.csv, r);

while (!feof ($handle))

$line = fgets($handle);

list($col1, $col2, $col3) = $line;

echo $line.''.' linebr'; // this shows the whole line ok

echo c1 is $col1 and c2 is $col2 and c3 is $col3.'br'; // this  
shows just 1st char of each field




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Re: [PHP] Parse Question Using list()

2009-10-01 Thread

On Oct 1, 2009, at 5:02 PM, Ben Dunlap wrote:

You could tackle this in a couple of different ways. Either split your
string into an array first:

$line = fgets($handle);
$columns = explode(,, trim($line));

Thanks Ben - the explode() command worked great!


Now a bit of another problem

I'm exporting from another database (mac) to a csv file then a quick  
import to excel 2004 (mac) for some cleaning...

before the excel import, some date fields look like 2009-9-29  
11:21:37  = good for sql import

but excel does an auto reformat to

9/29/2009  11:21:37 AM = not good for sql import

Q: any way to turn this auto reformat off in excel and keep it the  
way I had it? (I saw nothing in pref's)


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Re: [PHP] Insert Symbol into Mysql

2009-09-16 Thread Jo�o C�ndido de Souza Neto
If he´s really using a any other charset instead of utf8 table, why not 
using utf8_decode and utf8_decode in his php files to solve this?

Ashley Sheridan escreveu na mensagem
On Wed, 2009-09-16 at 17:00 +0530, Samrat Kar wrote:
 I want to insert symbols like degree, plusminus, currency along with 
 into Mysql database. Front is HTML form with javascript. Server side 
 are written in PHP. Please help.


 Samrat Kar

Two ways to do this:

 1. Insert the characters as their escaped HTML codes, e.g. #176;
#177; #163; (for °, ± and £)
 2. Set the DB to use a utf8 character set, and insert the
characters directly as is, without escaping them


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[PHP] Mail Command Body Issue - Trying to use 'do while' loop

2009-09-12 Thread
I'm having a problem with  mail body issue trying to use 'do while'  
loop in the $mail_body var.

this line:
do { echo $row_get1['name'] } while ($row_get1 = mysql_fetch_assoc 

will show ok when it's on the page elsewhere (not in the $mail_body  
var) but typed like:

--- ok on web page (not email)
?php do {
echo $row_get1['vt_name']; } while ($row_get1 = mysql_fetch_assoc 
($get1)); ?

Q: i want TEXT LOOP TEXT - AM I MISSING some syntax characters  
like(; or??) somewhere or 

THANKS for your help - dave

- full email code 

$mail_body = test \n\ { echo 'test' } while ($row_get1  
= mysql_fetch_assoc($get1)).Thanks

test xxx;  ?

$Name = test; //senders name
$email =; //senders e-mail adress
$recipientname =;
$recipient =; //recipient
$subject = test.
$header = From: . $Name .   . $email . \r\n; //optional  

$fullto = $recipientname .   . $recipient . ;
//$fullto = $recipientname .   . $recipient . ., .$recip2;
ini_set('sendmail_from', '');

mail($fullto, $subject, $mail_body, $header); //mail command :)


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Re: [PHP] Mail Command Body Issue - Trying to use 'do while' loop

2009-09-12 Thread

On Sep 12, 2009, at 3:47 PM, wrote:

I'm having a problem with  mail body issue trying to use 'do while'  
loop in the $mail_body var.

this line:
do { echo $row_get1['name'] } while ($row_get1 = mysql_fetch_assoc 

will show ok when it's on the page elsewhere (not in the $mail_body  
var) but typed like:

--- ok on web page (not email)
?php do {
echo $row_get1['vt_name']; } while ($row_get1 = mysql_fetch_assoc 
($get1)); ?

Q: i want TEXT LOOP TEXT - AM I MISSING some syntax characters  
like(; or??) somewhere or 

THANKS for your help - dave

I got it working like this


$loop1 = '';

do {
$loop1 = $loop1.\n.$row_get1['vt_name'].' - ';
} while ($row_get1 = mysql_fetch_assoc($get1));

$mail_body = test \n\n.test2 .$loop1.Thanks
test xxx;  ?

Q: is this the best way?

- full email code 

$mail_body = test \n\ { echo 'test' } while  
($row_get1 = mysql_fetch_assoc($get1)).Thanks

test xxx;  ?

$Name = test; //senders name
$email =; //senders e-mail adress
$recipientname =;
$recipient =; //recipient
$subject = test.
$header = From: . $Name .   . $email . \r\n; //optional  

$fullto = $recipientname .   . $recipient . ;
//$fullto = $recipientname .   . $recipient . ., .$recip2;
ini_set('sendmail_from', '');

mail($fullto, $subject, $mail_body, $header); //mail command :)


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[PHP] Odd Endless Loop with Explorer 8 (pc)

2009-09-12 Thread

I have many of these tags on a site...

They work well with all browsers i've tested - except  explorer 8 (pc)

?php echo 'meta http-equiv=refresh content=0;page2.php'; ?

It just goes into an endless loop but stays on the original page -  
never going to page2.php

Q: Any idea how to fix this?


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Re: [PHP] Odd Endless Loop with Explorer 8 (pc)

2009-09-12 Thread

On Sep 12, 2009, at 7:57 PM, kranthi wrote:

?php echo 'meta http-equiv=refresh content=0;page2.php'; ?

may b u should have
?php echo 'meta http-equiv=refresh content=0;url=page2.php'; ?

Thanks kranthi  HallMarc Websites

url= ... - that did the trick!


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Re: [PHP] Creating alphanumeric id for a table

2009-09-11 Thread Jo�o C�ndido de Souza Neto
I don´t know if it´d be the right way, but what about using trigger in this 

aveev escreveu na mensagem

 I want to create user generated id like this :

 where the id consists of 3 alphanumeric characters and 4 numerical digits 
 the beginning (for numerical digit, it can grow like this AAA10001). I try
 to use php script to generate id like this, where I use the following

function generate_id($num) {
$start_dig = 4;
$num_dig = strlen($num);

$id = $num;
if($num_dig = $start_dig) {
$num_zero = $start_dig - $num_dig;

for($i=0;$i $num_zero; $i++) {
$id = '0' . $id;
$id = 'AAA' . $id;
return $id;

$app_id = generate_id(1);


 I assume that I can get increment value/sequence from db  (I used harcoded
 increment value  in the code above (generate_id(1))),
 but I don't know how I can get this incremental value from db.I use mysql
 Or has anyone had another solution to create this alphanumeric id  ?

 Any help would be much appreciated
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[PHP] Re: ini files as config - hidden

2009-08-14 Thread Jo�o C�ndido de Souza Neto
I think a good solution is to put the ini file out of your html folder so 
only your scripts can read it.

? escreveu na mensagem
 I'm building a little framework for my self,

 The configuration of the framework is done in an ini file,

 How do you suggest to hide its contents?

 .htaccess wont be good (or atleast only htaccess) since if its turned

 The file contains mysql password and important data.

 How should I make sure the file stays hidden from someone who might tries 
 access it?

 Use ROT26 for best security

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Re: [PHP] Re: ini files as config - hidden

2009-08-14 Thread Jo�o C�ndido de Souza Neto
A long time ago I worked in many shared servers, nowadays I´m not working 
with web sites, only systems, so my customers always has their own server.

The question is:

1) The ini file you mentioned has ini extension?
if yes, it must be out of the document root because if someone types its 
url, the browser will certainly show up its content.
2) Has it php extension?
if yes, it can be inside the documento root because if someone types its 
url, PHP will show up only the result of its code..

Ben Dunlap escreveu na mensagem
2009/8/14 João Cândido de Souza Neto
 I think a good solution is to put the ini file out of your html folder so
 only your scripts can read it.

I agree, and I try to do the same, but I've noticed that most
open-source CMSes I've looked at (Drupal, Joomla, Textpattern, CMS
Made Simple) have always stored database credentials inside of
DocumentRoot, by default.

Not sure if this is a compromise to allow ease-of-use by
less-technical users, or if my insistence on putting this sort of file
outside of DocumentRoot is just paranoia (and not the good kind).

I'd definitely be interested to hear how others on the list approach
this problem.

And that's only one part of the equation, if you're on a
shared-hosting platform. Are you, or do you have your own server?


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Re: [PHP] Re: ini files as config - hidden

2009-08-14 Thread Jo�o C�ndido de Souza Neto
It´s a cool solution as well.

Martin Scotta escreveu na mensagem
2009/8/14 Ben Dunlap

 2009/8/14 João Cândido de Souza Neto
  I think a good solution is to put the ini file out of your html folder 
  only your scripts can read it.

 I agree, and I try to do the same, but I've noticed that most
 open-source CMSes I've looked at (Drupal, Joomla, Textpattern, CMS
 Made Simple) have always stored database credentials inside of
 DocumentRoot, by default.

 Not sure if this is a compromise to allow ease-of-use by
 less-technical users, or if my insistence on putting this sort of file
 outside of DocumentRoot is just paranoia (and not the good kind).

 I'd definitely be interested to hear how others on the list approach
 this problem.

 And that's only one part of the equation, if you're on a
 shared-hosting platform. Are you, or do you have your own server?


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A workaround to this is to simple let the browser get the ini as a php file.
What? are you insane? no. it is really easy.

1) Name your ini files .php so, database.ini will be database.php
2) Put in the top of your script this line

;?php exit;?

So, when the file is opened as an ini file the semilcolon indicates that
it's a comment.
But, when the browser call for this file... php just exit's in the first

Our data will be safe as long as the first line will remains there.

Martin Scotta

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[PHP] Re: Making several variables into 1 variable

2009-07-28 Thread Jo�o C�ndido de Souza Neto
Why not this:

$pastDate = date(d/m/y, strtotime(-30 days));

Miller, Terion escreveu na mensagem
I need to take this:

   $pastDays = strtotime(-30 days);

$past_day = date(d, $pastDays);

$past_month = date(m, $pastDays);

$past_year =date(y, $pastDays);

And make it into one var to compare to a db field that is formatted like

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[PHP] Re: Argh Date problems

2009-07-28 Thread Jo�o C�ndido de Souza Neto
In mySql you have date_format which I think´ll solve your problem.

Miller, Terion escreveu na mensagem
Well I was going along smoothly from this morningbut it came down to
having to change the field type to date in the now I have this
which returns a scraped value formatted like this 0/00/00 m/d/y

 $inDate = $results[3][$i];

Which date function can I use to format for the db so that I will be able to
use range references...there are so many get_date, date_modifyI'm

My full code is this:

preg_match_all('/pfont size=2 face=Arial, Helvetica,
Violations Found:.+(\d+)(.+)Noncritical Violations Found:.+(\d+)/imsSU',
utf8_encode($url), $results);

for ($i=0; $i  count($results[0]); $i++)
$name1 = strtolower($results[1][$i]);

$name =

$address = strtolower($results[2][$i]);

= $results[3][$i];

$inType = $results[4][$i];

$notes =

$critical = trim($results[6][$i]);

$cviolations = $results[7][$i];

$noncritical = $results[8][$i];

//trying to manipulate different field data

$cleanViolations =
str_replace('*', '', $cviolations);
$ucName = ucwords($name);

$ucAddress = ucwords($address);

$mysql_name =
$mysql_address =
$mysql_inDate =
$mysql_inType =
$mysql_notes =
$mysql_critical =
$mysql_cviolations =
$mysql_noncritical =

echo $ucName br;

echo $ucAddress br;
echo $inDate br;
echo $inType
echo $notes br;
echo $critical br;

//echo $cviolations br;
echo $cleanViolations br;

echo $noncritical brhr;

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Re: [PHP] newbie - Is there a calendar module for date entry?

2009-07-22 Thread

On Jul 21, 2009, at 6:17 PM, Jonathan Tapicer wrote:

That is javascript thing, not PHP.

The Yahoo UI has a nice one, here you have an example: 

and here the module reference:


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The Yahoo UI looks great.

On Jul 22, 2009, at 12:50 AM, Ashley Sheridan wrote:

When I do these sorts of things, I tend to use Tigra calendar. They do
two versions, the free and the pro version, but tbh, the free one does
everything you need. It's very easy to set up too.

Hi Ashley - the free one seems to be just the thing. - thanks

Thanks to all - They both look good - I'm checking them out now!

Another newbie question: storing dates and times...

I'm trying to build a simple notepad page where I can attach a date  
and even time field. So this Tigra or yahoo calendar will be great  
date picker helper.

This is for the US, so I'd like the user to see normal us formatting  

date field -  7/1/2009 and separate time field like: 11:30 AM

mysql can use a DATE or TIME or datetime field type. and seems to use  
a different standard like: -MM-DD I want to to be able to do date  
calcs and such - so what is the best way (types) to store these  
fields in mysql and display them on the page with php?

I do know about some of the cool php functions like:

echo date('m-d-y g:i a', strtotime($row_this['myDate']));

so do I? ... store the date and time in separate fields then  
manipulate the display with php functions or???

- just looking for any favorite practices

Thanks - RevDave
Cool @ hosting4days . com
[db-lists 09]

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[PHP] Re: newbie question - php parsing

2009-07-22 Thread Jo�o C�ndido de Souza Neto
You made a mistake in your code:

?php the_title(); ?

must be:

?php echo the_title(); ?

João Cândido de Souza Neto
Fone: (0XX41) 3033-3636 - JS

Sebastiano Pomata escreveu na mensagem
 Hi all,

 A little doubt caught me while I was writing this snippet of code for
 a wordpress template:

 ?php if (the_title('','',FALSE) != 'Home') { ?
 h2 class=entry-header?php the_title(); ?/h2
 ?php } ?

 I always thought that php was called only between the ?php ? tags,
 and I'm pretty sure that's right, while HTML code was simply wrote in
 document as is, without further logic.
 Now, I can't figure out how this snippet works: I mean, shouldn't HTML
 code be simply put on document, as it is outside php invoke?
 Effectively if the title of page is 'Home', the HTML part is totally

 Is the if construct that does all the magic inside? 

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[PHP] newbie - Is there a calendar module for date entry?

2009-07-21 Thread

newbie ...

- is there a calendar module for date fields?

- so that a small calendar pops up - then you can click on a date,   
to add to a field - like google or yahoo calendars has...?

BTW: I saw this - but it doesn't seem to be the right thing ( more  
meant for Converter issues) for what I'm looking for...

Thanks - RevDave
Cool @ hosting4days . com
[db-lists 09]

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[PHP] Exception not being caught

2009-07-15 Thread Weston C
So, I've got a little piece of code designed to play with catching the
exception that's thrown when an object doesn't have a __toString


class A { }

$a = new A();   // Ayn would be proud, right?

try {
echo a is ,$a,\n;
} catch(Exception $e) {
echo \nException Caught: ;
echo $e, $n;


This does not run as expected. I'd think that when the implicit string
conversion in the try block hits, the exception would be thrown,
caught by the catch block, and relayed.

Instead you don't ever see the words exception caught and you get
Catchable fatal error: Object of class A could not be converted to

If it's catchable, why isn't it caught in my example?



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[PHP] mod primary key field - newbie question

2009-07-13 Thread
newbie question ... I have a MySQL table where I want to update  
(renumber) the primary numeric key field.

- I successfully turned field off as a primary key index and UN auto  
incremented it

- then created new sequential numbers for it
- then turned back on primary key index and re added auto increment in

BUT when I make a new record it does NOT  start where new numbers stop

last is 51
next should be 52

but jumps to 157

Q: is there a way to reset the NEXT SERIAL ID NUMBER somewhere? how  
do I fix this?

Thanks - RevDave
Cool @ hosting4days . com
[db-lists 09]

[PHP] Add BCC parameter to mail()

2009-07-05 Thread

Hi folks - Newbie question...

Q: Is there a way to add BCC and/or CC parameters to this simple email  

If there is a better way to do this - please let me know

Thanks in advance

$Name = test; //senders name
$email =; //senders e-mail adress
$recipientname = test;
$recipient =; //recipient
$mail_body = test;
$subject = test;
$header = From: . $Name .   . $email . \r\n; //optional  

$fullto = $recipientname .   . $recipient . ;

ini_set('sendmail_from', '');

mail($fullto, $subject, $mail_body, $header); //mail command :)


[PHP] Re: Push an Array, Comma separated.

2009-06-30 Thread Jo�o C�ndido de Souza Neto
May be array_merge($array, explode(,, $string)).

João Cândido de Souza Neto
Fone: (0XX41) 3033-3636 - JS

Louie Miranda escreveu na mensagem
 GPS Administrative Page v2.3.12 (BETA)My array:
 Array ( [0] = Demo2.txt [1] = Demo.txt [2] = Demo.txt )

 How could I push the values as:

 - Demo2.txt, Demo.txt, Demo.txt?

 Not sure which approach is good.

 $saveFiles = array();
 array_push($saveFiles, $ufName);

 Louie Miranda (

 Quality Web Hosting -
 Pinoy Web Hosting, Web Hosting Philippines

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[PHP] Re: Scope woe

2009-06-30 Thread Jo�o C�ndido de Souza Neto
I think the best way is passing the object instance as a parameter to the 
messwithotherthings method.

João Cândido de Souza Neto
Fone: (0XX41) 3033-3636 - JS

Luke escreveu na mensagem
 Hello again guys,

 I was wondering the best way to tackle the following problem:

 I've got a class, containing a property which is another object. So from
 outside I should be able to do

 The $firstobject variable is in the global namespace (having been made 
 $firstobject = new FirstObject;), and I'm having a problem that I'm sure
 many people have when accessing it inside another class, so:

 class otherObject
 static function messwithotherthings ()

 But $firstobject is blank, which makes sense because in there it is 
 to the local variable within the method.

 To solve this, I could add 'global $firstobject' inside every method, but
 this is very redundant and boring. I've tried a couple of things like

 private $firstobject = $GLOBALS['firstobject'];

 But apparently that's bad syntax. I was just wondering the best way to get
 around this?

 Thanks a lot for your help,

 Luke Slater

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[PHP] Re: Same Page, Fundamentally Different Behavior OR is Firefox broken?

2009-06-12 Thread Manuel C.

Matt Neimeyer a écrit :

I'm at a complete loss... So I'm hoping someone can point me in the
right direction to even start looking.

We have an application written in PHP that lets users send out emails.
The basic process is as follows.

1. Go to start screen. (This resets anything currently in process
for the current logged in user)
2. Upload email addresses and other info (Names, etc)
3. Build Email
4. Send

In Step 3 the user can click a Live Preview button to see what the
email will look like with the merged data.

Here's the problem,  this works fine in all versions of IE, versions
1.5 or less of FireFox and versions 3 or less of Safari. However,
starting in FireFox 2, and now Safari 4, when you get to step four OR
click the live preview button in step three there is no more data in
the merge. In those browsers the system is acting like the end user
went BACK to the start page (in another window?) and reinitialized all
the data.

I immediately thought it might be pre-fetching so I tried using the
system before and after toggling the network.prefetch-next setting in
about:config with FireFox and restarting the browser. No
luck. So I added code to my reset function to email me the output of
phpinfo() when the reset function is called. Using IE I get 1
notification. Using FF I get two notifications. This reinforces my
theory that FireFox is prefetching the menu item to start a new
mailing (just an a link...) from the top of the composer page. Even
still... I've disabled prefetch so it SHOULDN'T even be considering
those links right? I've also tried adding artificial
?now=timestamp fakes to the end of all menu links since I read
somewhere (don't remember where) that FireFox only prefetches pages
with no query section in the address.

Has anyone run into this behavior before? Any recommendations on how
to stop it? Preferably from the server with code of some sort...

Thanks in advance.


Hi Matt,

Have you tried to put this two lines in the HEAD section of your HTML pages :
META http-equiv=Cache-Control content=no-cache
META http-equiv=Pragma content=no-cache

Hope it helps you.


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[PHP] socket_write return wrong data length

2009-06-09 Thread Manuel C.

Hi all,

I'm writting a little telnet client, but I've a problem with the socket_write 

public function send($data){
$datalen = strlen($data);
$datawritten = 0;
do {
$datawritten = socket_write($this-_tnsocket, $data, 
if( $datawritten === FALSE) {
echo __METHOD__. : 
return (FALSE);
echo Bytes written : .$datawritten.\n;
$data = substr($data, $datawritten);
$datalen = strlen($data);
} while($datawritten  $datalen);

return (TRUE);

When I use this function for writting a sample message of 4526 Bytes it returns 
Bytes written : 4526
But it really wrotes only 1460 Bytes (verified with Wireshark).

So my question is why socket_write returns me a wrong data length ?


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Re: [PHP] Not a regular file?

2009-06-04 Thread Jo�o C�ndido de Souza Neto
I´m not sure, nut I think you cant put a file into a ftp server using http, 
you must use the $_SERVER[DOCUMENT_ROOT] to get the file you want to put.

João Cândido de Souza Neto
Fone: (0XX41) 3033-3636 - JS

Miller, Terion escreveu na mensagem
Here is my code for the ftp_put

 $conn_id = ftp_connect($ftp_server);$login_result = 
ftp_login($conn_id, $ftp_user_name, $ftp_user_pass);$FilePath = 
$remote_path = /httpdocs/Announcements/photos/obitsTest/; 
set_time_limit(120);ftp_pasv($conn_id, true);// upload a 
fileif (ftp_put($conn_id, $remote_path, $FilePath, FTP_BINARY)) 
{echo successfully uploaded $ImageName\n;} 
else { echo There was a problem while uploading 
n;} // close the connection ftp_close($conn_id);

Since it is passing a full path I don't know how it can be only going to the 

On 6/4/09 9:22 AM, haliphax wrote:

On Thu, Jun 4, 2009 at 9:07 AM, Miller, Terion wrote:
 I've never encountered this error:

 Warning: ftp_put() [function.ftp-put]: 
 /httpdocs/Announcements/photos/obitsTest/: Not a regular file in 
 /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/HarrisAutomate/ObitsTester.php on line 149
 There was a problem while uploading 659428.jpg 658626

 Can't find much info on how to correct it, anyone seen this?

Apparently, it's not actually a file in the first place. Just a
guess--but most all incidents of ftp_put throwing this error that I've
found in web searches point to someone using it on a directory/etc.

// Todd

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Re: [PHP] Using File_exists?

2009-06-03 Thread Jo�o C�ndido de Souza Neto
Try to define $FilePath as follows:

$FilePath = 

In this way it should work.

João Cândido de Souza Neto
Fone: (0XX41) 3033-3636 - JS

Miller, Terion escreveu na mensagem

On 6/3/09 1:41 PM, Eddie Drapkin wrote:

just initially, and this might be a typo but

$FilePath =

//$BackupPath =

$FilePath has an /output/ that $BackupPath doesn't.

Also, make sure you don't have safe_mode or open_basedir restricting the 
files php can see, although I'm reasonably sure the fact that it's an URL 
should nullify that.  Also, make sure you have allow_url_fopen turned on.

On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 2:31 PM, Miller, Terion wrote:
I wrote this little script (part of a much much larger one I am working at)
anyways, I am trying to get it to compare a file name from a db to an actual
file in a folder and then tell me if it does or doesn't exist, the problem I
have is that the files do exist, I echo them out, but it says file does not
exist right after that it echos the file for me What do I have wrong?

 $FileName = $row['Image'];

  $ImageName = $row['Image'];

  $ImageName = str_replace(/, , $ImageName);

$FilePath =

//$BackupPath =

if (file_exists($FilePath))  {

echo The file $ImageName exists;
else {
echo The file $ImageName does not exist  . 'br /';

 $FileName = str_replace(/, , $FileName);

  $FileName = str_replace(.jpg, , $FileName);

echo ($FileName) . 'br /';

echo 'img src=' . $FilePath .'' . 'br /';


Thanks I went through and checked those suggestions and it wasn't any of 

What I am trying to do is to match a file name from a db to the file in the 
folder of images
Which that part is working I can match them and display them, but it keeps 
telling me they aren't there ...right before it displays...

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Re: [PHP] Using File_exists?

2009-06-03 Thread Jo�o C�ndido de Souza Neto

I forgot only a single detail.

It´s DOCUMENT_ROOT instead of document_root.

Have you tried it?

João Cândido de Souza Neto
Fone: (0XX41) 3033-3636 - JS

Miller, Terion escreveu na mensagem
Tried that too with no luck...

On 6/3/09 2:01 PM, João Cândido de Souza Neto 


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Re: [PHP] Using File_exists? (RESOLVED)

2009-06-03 Thread Jo�o C�ndido de Souza Neto

João Cândido de Souza Neto
Fone: (0XX41) 3033-3636 - JS

Shawn McKenzie escreveu na mensagem
 João Cândido de Souza Neto wrote:
 The var $_SERVER[DOCUMENT_ROOT] in your case contais
 /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/ so using it whenever you change your server,
 it´ll work without any change.

 Yes, moral of the story is: file_exists() is for use on a file system or
 using a wrapper that supports stat(), which HTTP does not.


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2009-05-28 Thread Jo�o C�ndido de Souza Neto

could you please show us an example of this problem?

João Cândido de Souza Neto
Fone: (0XX41) 3033-3636 - JS

Julian Muscat Doublesin escreveu na mensagem
 Hi Everyone,

 This is the first time that I am posting in the PHP forum, so hope that I 
 osting in the right place.

 I would like to say that before submitting to this forum I have done some
 research looking for a solution without success.

 I had been programming in ASP.NET for years using Object Oriented
 Princeliness but decided to walk away from that.  I am now researching and
 specialising in the open source world.

 I have started to develop a project using MySQL, PHP and OOP. So far I 
 succeed. However I got stuck once I started implement AJAX using the AJAX
 tutorial from

 What I have discovered is: for some reason when you call a file that
 requires other fies using the REQUIRE or INCLUDE it just does not work. I
 can conform this as I have tested with out the the functions.

 Has anyone ever meet such a situation can you give me some feedback 

 Thank you very much in advance for your support.



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[PHP] Re: mysql create table with date or timestamp

2009-05-28 Thread Jo�o C�ndido de Souza Neto
If you need date and hour the best way is:

 iddiary int auto_increment not null,
 imepriimek varchar(50),
 when timestamp,
 action varchar(30),
 onfile varchar(100)
 unique id(iddiary)

if you need only date you can use:

 iddiary int auto_increment not null,
 imepriimek varchar(50),
 when date,
 action varchar(30),
 onfile varchar(100)
 unique id(iddiary)

To get formated date you should use:

select date_format(when, %T%W%e%c%y) from diary;

To put data in this field you can use:

insert into diary (when) values (str_to_date(10:55:14Thursday28509, 

João Cândido de Souza Neto
Fone: (0XX41) 3033-3636 - JS

Grega Leskovsek escreveu na mensagem
 CREATE TABLE diary(iddiary int auto_increment not null, imepriimek
 varchar(50), when date(%T%W%e%c%y), action varchar(30), onfile
 varchar(100) unique id(iddiary));

 I tried the above and it didn't work. What must I do to create a table
 with full time and date. If I should use timestamp how do I convert
 thee timestamp in php back to normal time? (I also tried the mysql
 when timestamp
 when date
 in the above first mysql clause but it didnt work

 Please help me. Thanks in advance,
 When the sun rises I receive and when it sets I forgive -
 All the Love, Grega Leskov'sek 

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Re: [PHP] Re: mysql create table with date or timestamp

2009-05-28 Thread Jo�o C�ndido de Souza Neto
It´s not auto_increment, it´s auto increment.

João Cândido de Souza Neto
Fone: (0XX41) 3033-3636 - JS

Grega Leskovsek escreveu na mensagem
I GOT THIS ERROR when  I tried first sample with when timestamp;

ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the
manual thatcorresponds to your MySQL server version for the right
syntax to use near 'id(iddiary) )' at line 1

2009/5/28 João Cândido de Souza Neto
 If you need date and hour the best way is:

 iddiary int auto_increment not null,
 imepriimek varchar(50),
 when timestamp,
 action varchar(30),
 onfile varchar(100)
 unique id(iddiary)

Please advice. Thanks in advance, Grega

 if you need only date you can use:

 iddiary int auto_increment not null,
 imepriimek varchar(50),
 when date,
 action varchar(30),
 onfile varchar(100)
 unique id(iddiary)

 To get formated date you should use:

 select date_format(when, %T%W%e%c%y) from diary;

 To put data in this field you can use:

 insert into diary (when) values (str_to_date(10:55:14Thursday28509,

 João Cândido de Souza Neto
 Fone: (0XX41) 3033-3636 - JS

 Grega Leskovsek escreveu na mensagem
 CREATE TABLE diary(iddiary int auto_increment not null, imepriimek
 varchar(50), when date(%T%W%e%c%y), action varchar(30), onfile
 varchar(100) unique id(iddiary));

 I tried the above and it didn't work. What must I do to create a table
 with full time and date. If I should use timestamp how do I convert
 thee timestamp in php back to normal time? (I also tried the mysql
 when timestamp
 when date
 in the above first mysql clause but it didnt work

 Please help me. Thanks in advance,
 When the sun rises I receive and when it sets I forgive -
 All the Love, Grega Leskov'sek

 PHP General Mailing List (
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When the sun rises I receive and when it sets I forgive -
All the Love, Grega Leskov'sek 

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[PHP] Re: table-less layouts; Ideas welcome

2009-05-21 Thread Weston C
On Thu, 2009-05-21 at 09:54 -0400, tedd wrote:
 My thoughts are -- my understanding the reason why tables have
 received such bad-press is that designers have abused tables in
 holding designs together with nested tables AND in doing so made it
 difficult for the visually disabled to pull content from the site.
 Screen readers do not read the screen but rather read the source and
 pull out of it what they (the screen reader program) think is
 content. Translating nested tables becomes an impossible job for them.

I've heard a rumor this is exaggerated, and I buy it to some extent.
Lynx had an algorithm for distinguishing simple tabular data from more
complex (and probably layout) tables back in 1999. I'd assume a
serious screen reader with more development resources behind it could
do better, and I don't think heuristics for working with this would
even be particularly hard.

This isn't to say tangled table markup is never a problem. It is, both
for human and machine readers. But as much as I like CSS -- and as
much as it simplifies many designs -- there are some cases for which
table layouts are easier and/or more robust, so I almost just wish
we'd accepted the horse was out of the barn and tried to figure out an
easy way to signal distinctions between layout tables and semantic
tabular data, rather than trying to get the entire internet to
completely retool.

A few years ago, I started marking my layout tables with
class=layout. Not always a perfect solution, but makes the
distinction easy (and turns out to be a useful styling convention as
well), and if table-based layouts really are a significant obstacle to
machine readers, my guess is something like this would get us over
that hurdle a lot faster than waiting for everyone to give up those

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[PHP] Problems working with HTML using PHP's XML tools (placing mixed text/html into xpath-specified nodes...)

2009-05-21 Thread Weston C
Is there a straightforward way (or, heck, any way) of placing mixed
html/text content into xpath-specified nodes using any of PHP's XML

So far, I've tried SimpleXML and the DOM and things aren't coming out well.


 /* $filename contains path to valid XML file, $xpathxpr contains
valid XPath expression matching at least  one document node, $fillval
contains a mixed well-formed text/xhtml string to be pre-pended within
each matching node */

$sx = simplexml_load_file($filename);
$nodes = $sx-xpath($xpathxpr);
foreach($nodes as $node) {
  $children = $node-children();
  $children[0] = $fillval . $children[0];

This only sortof works. I get $fillval appended before the original
contents of each matching docment node but if I've put any markup
in, it's all there as literal text (ie, a
href=; wouldn't show up as a link, you'd
see the actual markup when the document is rendered).

A variation on this that I tried is creating a new SimpleXMLElement
object, with the mixed text/markup string as an argument passed to the
constructor, since the docs seem to indicate this is blessed. Weirdly,
when I do this, it seems to actually be stripping out the markup and
just giving the text. For example:

$s = new SimpleXMLElement('a href=#Boo/a')
echo $s;

yields Boo (and echo $s-a yields nothing). This would be such a
huge bug I have a hard time believing it, so I have to suspect there's
a dance I'm not doing to make this work correctly.


 /* again, $filename contains path to valid XML file, $xpathxpr
contains valid XPath expression matching at least  one document node,
$fillval contains a mixed well-formed text/xhtml string to be
pre-pended within each matching node */

$domDoc = new DOMDocument();
$search = new DOMXPath($domDoc);
$nodes = $search-query($xpathxpr);
foreach($nodes as $emt) {
$f = $domDoc-createDocumentFragment();
$f-appendXML($fillval . $emt-nodeValue);
$emt-nodeValue = '';

This also gets mixed results. It gets cranky and issues warnings about
any HTML entities (despite that it seems it should be clear this is an
HTML document given the invocation of loadHTML), and while I'm seeing
some markup make it through, I'm not in other cases. I haven't quite
figured out the difference.

I can come up with some runnable tests if it will help, but I'm hoping
someone's already familiar with the general issues with using PHP's
XML tools to work with HTML that they can make some good commentary on
the matter.



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Re: [PHP] Re: table-less layouts; Ideas welcome

2009-05-21 Thread Weston C
On Thu, May 21, 2009 at 12:10 PM, tedd wrote:
 Could you be certain that your algorithm would figure out which way it needs
 to present the text to a blind person?

My own experience browsing the web with Lynx (which for the most part,
tends to ignore table layout, giving you the content of table cells in
source order) suggests that order doesn't end up being a significant
issue. The common layouts tend to read surprising well in source
order. Navigation is usually at the top or the left, so you encounter
it quickly. If there's any problem, most of the time it's that the
page author has done something hideous with a lot of images with no
alt text or abuse of HTML entitites, or part of the navigation
structure is only accessible via javascript or flash or something like
that... all separate issues from repurposing tabular markup.

And when there *is* some kind of a layout issue, most of the time it's
easy to adapt as a human reader by searching/scanning (sometimes
easier than if you're looking at a bad visual layout). The tools that
enhance accessibility on a page in these respects really don't have a
lot to do with whether there's tabular markup -- if you want to enable
easy access to page navigation, you can add semantic information about
that regardless. In fact, that information is quite likely more
important and less prevalent than what you end up with even most
CSS-positioned sites, given that the vast majority of them simply
provide stylesheets for the purposes of... visual layout, and what
you're left with when a screen reader ignores them is linear
source-ordered elements.

None of this is to say that CSS can't be very useful in addressing
this problem (and other problems), or that there aren't some problems
with tabular markup. The presentation example you mentioned is
actually going to be an issue with even real tabular data without some
care taken in the markup. And I don't want to go back to coding 1999
markup for 1999 browsers. Mostly my point is that the problem with
using tables is a bit more limited in size than it's often made out to
be, there are other ways of dealing with the accessibility and
semanticity issues involved, some of them potentially more effective.
And for some cases, table layouts just work better. I think we'd be
better off with a wide variety of professionals who can balance these
different issues than with a  tables considered harmful summary.

 Now compound that with cells holding images,
 place-holders, empty cells and cells with navigation elements,
 flash, videos, and such -- and you might have a better appreciation
 as to the problem screen readers face.

These are actually some of the heuristic markers I believe some
browsers actually use (and if they don't, they certainly could). If
you have a table whose cells largely contain highly mixed markup,
largely presentational elements, no alternative data, chances are
pretty good that it isn't tabular data. And...

Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis
 WCAG 1.0 ... explained how /authors/ could distinguish between layout
 tables and data tables:

 1) When writing a presentational table, stick to the elements table, tr,
 td. Do not use the headers, scope, axis, or summary attributes.
 Make sure layout tables make sense when linearized.

 2) When writing a data table, add the elements th, thead, tbody,
 tfoot, caption, and col and the attributes headers, scope, axis,
 and summary wherever appropriate.

Exactly. These are great markers for distinguishing between where
authors were using table markup semantically or presentationally. I
think in practice there are probably many others available.

 Fast forward a decade, and authors are getting another tool in our toolbox,
 not a million miles away from your 'class=layout'. I don't think it's very
 well specified yet, but:

I'm actually amazed... this is very nearly what I proposed in some
discussions back in 2004. I eventually shifted to class=layout
because it had some other practical benefits and everybody I talked to
seemed to feel cluttering up the attribute space with yet another item
was wrong (on top of this sortof general malaise about repurposed
table markup), especially when considering how much semantic mileage
you can get out of class attributes. I'd be totally happy to see
anything like it adopted, though, and as I said before, think it'd
push the semantic web forward faster than waiting for everyone to come
around to doing things one blessed way.

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[PHP] Re: Boolean Parameter to 3 Options?

2009-04-29 Thread Jo�o C�ndido de Souza Neto
Why not this:

function doFooBar($doFoo = 0)
   switch ($doFoo) {
   case 2:
echo Did Baz;
   case 1:
echo Did Foo;
echo Did Bar;

I think in this way you can avoid future problems in case you need to add 
other options in this param.

Hope helps.

Matt Neimeyer escreveu na mensagem
I have a function that currently takes a boolean value as a parameter.
 But now I want to expand it to 3 options...  So if I have...

 function doFooBar($doFoo = false)
  { echo Did Foo; }
  { echo Did Bar; }

 Is it as simple as changing it like follows to avoid having to
 change existing code that won't use the new values.

 function doFooBar($doFoo = 0)
   if($doFoo == 2)
  { echo Did Baz; }
   else if($doFoo == 1)
  { echo Did Foo; }
  { echo Did Bar; }

 Something about that disturbs me. Perhaps because any time I think Oh
 it will be as simple as... it usually isn't.

 Thanks in advance!


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[PHP] Re: Strange result, 1 shows up

2009-04-16 Thread Jo�o C�ndido de Souza Neto
Try using only:  include(''); instead of  echo 

Gary escreveu na mensagem
 When I insert this code into a page, I get a 1 show up. Can anyone explain 
 that and tell me how to get rid of it?

 Thanks for your help.


 //Chooses a random number
 $num = Rand (1,6);
 //Based on the random number, gives a quote
 switch ($num)
 case 1:
 echo include('');
 case 2:
 echo ;
 case 3:
 echo ;
 case 4:
 echo ;
 case 5:
 echo ;
 case 6:
 echo ;

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[PHP] Re: multi-dimensional arrays

2009-04-13 Thread Jo�o C�ndido de Souza Neto
I think the best way would be:

$arrays = explode(PHP_EOL, $field);
foreach ($arrays as $array) {
$array = explode( , $array);

Not tested, but should work.

Andres Gonzalez escreveu na mensagem

 I am learning PHP and have a simple question.
 I have a input string in this form:

 xxx    xx  x  xx   xxx
 xx  x   x  xxx  xx  xx
 xx  xxx  xx    xx   xx

 each line has 6 words of various lengths, all separated by white space.
 the input string can have any number of lines

 I want to put this into a multi-dimensional array, each line an array that 
 is an element of an outer array.

 I have tried various ways to do this--I have used explode() and 
 array_filter() and can get a single line parsed and into an array but I am 
 having problems getting a well formed 2 dim array.

 What is the easiest way to do this? With all of the PHP array functions, 
 there should be an very straight forward way to do this.

 Any help would be appreciated.



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Re: [PHP] Multithreading in PHP

2009-03-17 Thread Jo�o C�ndido de Souza Neto
My suggestion is that you can start a second ajax as soon as the response 
about validating data is returned to process everithing you need and so your 
user wont wait until the process is finished.

João Cândido

Manoj Singh escreveu na mensagem
Hi Alpar,

Thanks for reply.

Actually the form is submitted through ajax request and the validation is
checking on the server side. So if any error occurs on submission of form,
then we are displaying the errors to the user. And is there is no error,
then the submitted page started processing. So here client has to wait until
the page process completed or not. What i want here if possible, after
validating the user input server sends the thanks response to the client so
that cleint doesn't has to wait, then the server starts the processing.
Please suggest if it is possible.


On Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 7:01 PM, Alpár Török wrote:

 2009/3/17 Manoj Singh
  Hi Guys,
  I am creating a page which submits the form through Ajax request  the
  submitted page is sending the mails to n number of users. Now until the
  sends or the page process completed the end user has to wait.
  Is it possible that server sends the response to the client  then start
  processing so that the client doesn't have to wait for the server
  Please suggest.
 Since you are using Ajax requests, which by their nature are
 asynchronous , your user won't have to wait. You can write some JS
 code to let him know that the request was sent, and just let the ajax
 call run in the background. On the server side make sure to ignore
 user abort, just in case the user navigates away.

 Alpar Torok

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[PHP] Re: PDO DBLIB does not support transaction

2009-02-17 Thread Jo�o C�ndido de Souza Neto
I´ve just solved it by myself by creating methods which executes BEGIN 

João Cândido de Souza Neto escreveu na 

 I´m using PDO dblib to connect to a MSSQL server and now I figured out 
 that this driver does not support transaction.

 Anyone here know any solution for this case?

 Thanks in advance.
 João Cândido de Souza Neto

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Re: [PHP] sprintf thousand separator.

2009-02-11 Thread Jo�o C�ndido de Souza Neto

Thanks for your answer, but my real problem is to get thousand separator in 
jpgraph class which uses sprintf to display almost everithing;

chris smith escreveu na mensagem
2009/2/11 João Cândido de Souza Neto
 Hello everybody.

 I´d just like to know if there´s any way of defining a thousand separator 
 a currency value using sprintf.

Use number_format instead of sprintf, it's designed to do what you want.

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Re: [PHP] sprintf thousand separator.

2009-02-11 Thread Jo�o C�ndido de Souza Neto
No, I can´t, because if I do it how can jpgrhph render without numeric data? 

Richard Heyes escreveu na mensagem
 Thanks for your answer, but my real problem is to get thousand separator 
 jpgraph class which uses sprintf to display almost everithing;

 Can you format it first, and then pass it to JPGraph ?

 Richard Heyes

 HTML5 Canvas graphing for Firefox, Chrome, Opera and Safari: (Updated January 31st) 

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Re: [PHP] sprintf thousand separator.

2009-02-11 Thread Jo�o C�ndido de Souza Neto
Ok, thanks.

I´ll try to do it.

As soon as I get it I´ll let you know.

Thanks guys.

Bruno Fajardo escreveu na mensagem
Can you extend the JPGraph class, intercepting the desired method,
formatting the output the way you need?

2009/2/11 João Cândido de Souza Neto

 No, I can´t, because if I do it how can jpgrhph render without numeric 

 Richard Heyes escreveu na mensagem
  Thanks for your answer, but my real problem is to get thousand 
  jpgraph class which uses sprintf to display almost everithing;
  Can you format it first, and then pass it to JPGraph ?
  Richard Heyes
  HTML5 Canvas graphing for Firefox, Chrome, Opera and Safari: (Updated January 31st)

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Re: [PHP] Architecture patterns in PHP

2008-12-28 Thread Michael C. Yates

Nathan Nobbe wrote:


How do you structure your web applications? I am thinking in terms of 
separating presentation  and logic. How is that done in PHP?

mvc is pretty popular, but php is so flexible you often don't need it 
for smaller applications.

For example, if you take a page-controller approach, a php app is dead 
simple.  You have a seperate entery point for evrything; login.php, 
register.php, etc could be considered controllers, then all your common 
logic comes in via some includes, hopefully files outside the webroot.  
then you have some template directory w/ files that are a mixture of php 
and html(for example).  your 'controller' files include the library 
code, hit the db (if necc.) and then stuff data into the templates for 

if you want to see an exmple if a more traditional mvc there are scads 
of open source frameworks out there which use a front controller 
approach. Code igniter is really straight forward, you can probly learn 
quickly from it.

Thanks for the reply.

Does anyone know of a good written guide about patterns like Front 
controller, Page Controller, MVC etc. and how they are implemented in PHP?

I found something about these patterns in a guide on MSDN called 
Enterprise Solution Patterns Using Microsoft .NET 

It describes MVC, Page Controller, Front Controller and a lot of other 
patterns for ASP.NET applications.

Something like this for PHP would be cool.


Michael C. Yates

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[PHP] Architecture patterns in PHP

2008-12-27 Thread Michael C. Yates


How do you structure your web applications? I am thinking in terms of 
separating presentation  and logic. How is that done in PHP? And how 
many architecture patterns are there?


Micheal C. Yates

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Re: [PHP] Architecture patterns in PHP

2008-12-27 Thread Michael C. Yates

dude, whatever

Daniel Brown wrote:

On Sat, Dec 27, 2008 at 18:40, Michael C. Yates wrote:

Micheal C. Yates

You mis-spelled your name, Michael.

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Re: [PHP] gethostbyaddr and IPv6

2008-11-22 Thread Glen C

On 11/22/2008 02:17 AM, Lars Torben Wilson wrote:

2008/11/21 Glen Carreras[EMAIL PROTECTED]:

On 11/22/2008 12:10 AM, Lars Torben Wilson wrote:

Hi Glen,

Works for me. IPv6 support was added in 2001. You didn't say what
version of PHP you are having this problem with, so it's hard to say
why yours doesn't have support for it. Perhaps it was configured with
--disable-ipv6 for some reason, or compiled on a system without the
necessary libraries installed (which would be somewhat surprising).


Thanks for the confirmation that it works Torben,

This is version 5.2 (Windows binaries) and according to phpinfo ipv6 is
Hmmm well, at least I now know for sure that it works for someone else
I can start exploring other avenues.  I'm starting to think this is another
resulting from Microsofts poor implementation of IPv6 on XP.


Hi Glen,

I suspect that you may be correct--I generally don't run Windows
(certainly not as a server) so I can't be sure; someone with more
knowledge of Windows internals will have to field that one for you.
With any luck you might find something in the user notes which leads
you to a way to solve your problem using some other function or idea.

Just for future reference, if you're having problems it will help
people to answer your questions if you specify your PHP version and OS
etc (where 'etc' means 'and all other relevant information, which of
course won't be obvious--hehe) when writing the original question. I
ain't tryin' to be some kind of netiquette freak here--just trying to
help out. :)

Anyway, good luck on your quest.



Torben.. Indeed, after re-reading my initial post I can see I was 
lacking a little in the information department.  I appreciate your help.

Just to follow-up on this.  I installed PHP 5.3alpha as a test and the 
function does work as expected. (although there are other issues which 
preclude me from using that version at this time) I then tried 5.2.7RC4 
and the function no longer worked. So it looks like a problem with that 
version series. I suppose I should raise a bug report and see if 
anything can be done while it's still in the RC phase.

Thanks again,

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[PHP] gethostbyaddr and IPv6

2008-11-21 Thread Glen C


Does gethostbyaddr actually work for anyone while looking up an IPv6 
address?  I can't seem to get it to work.  For example:

echo gethostbyaddr ( '2001:470:0:64::2' );

should return but instead I get the following error:

[21-Nov-2008 22:43:37] PHP Warning:  gethostbyaddr()
 [a href='function.gethostbyaddr'function.gethostbyaddr/a]:
 Address is not in a.b.c.d form in C:\www\tests\saved\host.php on line 7

Google has not been my friend in this matter...

Any insight?

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[PHP] Manual Coding vs. CMS Systems

2008-08-28 Thread Auto-Deppe, C. Haensel
Hi all!

And again, a slightly off topic subject for you all from yours truly :o)

I have a customer (helicopter company) who is willing to give me some free
flights for a small website.

Now, I have been talking to my sister in law who is a designer (note:
designer, not coder). She said I should be using Joomla or something of that
sort and change it to fit my needs.

I, on the other hand, am more into using my own code, starting with the
first Hello World and ending up being a full fledged CMS with just the
functions the customer needs. I have a lot of code in my code database
already, so it would be a lot of copy and paste and a bit of coding. I think
the whole thing will take about 60 work hours.

I am into hand coding, to be honest. Using Joomla or other CMS systems is
fine, but I want this to be a nice point on my CV if I ever need to get a
new job. And, most important to me, it _feels_ much better to have it done
from scratch all by yourself, doesn't it?

So, I would love to hear your opinion on this. Sorry for being a bit off
topic here as this is not 100% coding related, but I _had_ to get some
feedback to backup my position ;o)



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RE: [PHP] Manual Coding vs. CMS Systems

2008-08-28 Thread Auto-Deppe, C. Haensel
-:-  -Original Message-
-:-  From: Jochem Maas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
-:-  Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2008 1:46 PM
-:-  Cc:
-:-  Subject: Re: [PHP] Manual Coding vs. CMS Systems
-:-  Auto-Deppe, C. Haensel schreef:
-:-   Hi all!
-:-   And again, a slightly off topic subject for you all from
-:-  yours truly :o)
-:-   I have a customer (helicopter company) who is willing
-:-  to give me some free
-:-   flights for a small website.
-:-   Now, I have been talking to my sister in law who is a
-:-  designer (note:
-:-   designer, not coder). She said I should be using Joomla
-:-  or something of that
-:-   sort and change it to fit my needs.
-:-  designers should keep their mouths shut when it comes to
-:-  code/coding ...
-:-  I don't care if she's your sister or the queen of england.
-:-  do we tell them what to draw? not if your smart, if your
-:-  smart you'll only
-:-  ever tell them when something is impossible to implement
-:-  (this-is-the-web-not-a-sheet-of-A4),
-:-  or when something is not cost effective to implement (i.e.
-:-  the client will never
-:-  agree to pay for X)
-:-  make your own mind up as to what is the most effective solution.
-:-   I, on the other hand, am more into using my own code,
-:-  starting with the
-:-   first Hello World and ending up being a full fledged
-:-  CMS with just the
-:-   functions the customer needs. I have a lot of code in my
-:-  code database
-:-   already, so it would be a lot of copy and paste and a
-:-  bit of coding. I think
-:-   the whole thing will take about 60 work hours.
-:-  Im guessing you'd spend that much time just implementing a
-:-  decent design into
-:-  a Joomla or whatever. I mean a design that doesn't look
-:-  like it was generated
-:-  by Frontpage.
-:-   I am into hand coding, to be honest. Using Joomla or
-:-  other CMS systems is
-:-   fine, but I want this to be a nice point on my CV if I
-:-  ever need to get a
-:-   new job. And, most important to me, it _feels_ much
-:-  better to have it done
-:-   from scratch all by yourself, doesn't it?
-:-   So, I would love to hear your opinion on this. Sorry for
-:-  being a bit off
-:-   topic here as this is not 100% coding related, but I
-:-  _had_ to get some
-:-   feedback to backup my position ;o)
-:-   Cheers!
-:-   Chris

Hahaha.. THAT one told exactly what I feel! Thanks :o)))

Also a big thanks to the others who already replied. Waiting for more on
that Great one Jochem!!

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[PHP] make install doesn't seem to work on downgrade on OS X -- anyone else seen this?

2008-08-19 Thread Weston C
I recently downgraded from a build of 5.3 to 5.2.6 on OS X, and had a
bit of time figuring out what was going on when make install didn't
seem to actually copy the CLI binary and Apache SO to their target

Has anyone else seen this problem?

What category would a bug report for this be under? It's a
build/install issue, but there's no particular category for these
beyond compile issues...



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Re: [PHP] make install doesn't seem to work on downgrade on OS X -- anyone else seen this?

2008-08-19 Thread Weston C
On Tue, Aug 19, 2008 at 9:43 AM, Jason Pruim [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Is there a particular reason you are downgrading?

I'm pretty happy with some of the features in 5.3, but have been asked
to work with a codebase that turned out to have some issues under 5.3
that didn't show up under 5.2.x. I'd love to have the time to dig and
give feedback on the issues for the improvement and quicker release of
5.3, but unfortunately work has to be a higher priority. :(


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[PHP] Echo in __GET()

2008-08-05 Thread Tyler C.
Is the a way to have an array, or use __get() to provide different data 
if you are echoing a variable, rather than if you are using it in a 'if' 

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Re: [PHP] PHP Memory Management

2008-08-03 Thread Chacha C
is it possible because you can assign $func = foo and call $func() and it
will call foo(), maybe that its creating an endless loop of assigning the
function to itself?

On Sun, Aug 3, 2008 at 11:17 AM, brian [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Waynn Lue wrote:

 I've been running the script below:

  $appIds = getLotsOfAppIds();
  foreach ($appIds as $appId) {
echo $appId\n;
//echo memory_get_usage() . \n;
try {
  $getBundles = getBundles($appId);
  $numBundles = count($registeredBundles);
  echo $numBundles . \n;

 And I get PHP Fatal Error: Allowed Memory Size Exhausted after it runs for
 bit.  Looking at the memory usage, it's because $getBundles (an array) is
 huge, and keeps growing.  What I'm confused by is why setting it to
 something else in the next iteration of the foreach loop doesn't free the
 previously allocated array, since there shouldn't be any more references
 it.  I've worked around it by explicitly calling unset($getBundles), but
 just wanted to understand why it's working the way it does.

 Aside from on the 1st iteration, each time getBundles() is called, it
 creates an array within its own scope. Until PHP assigns the returned array
 to $getBundles, there are two in memory. Maybe that's the problem.

 I don't know how you can stand naming structures or variables the same as
 functions, btw. That would drive me nuts. Where is this $registeredBundles
 coming from? Perhaps you meant:

 $registeredBundles = getBundles($appId);


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[PHP] PHP 5 auto-htmlentitizing strings?

2008-08-02 Thread Weston C
I just switched over an app from PHP 4 to PHP 5, and one of the weird
things I'm noticing initially is that some of the html output seems to
be html entitized. For example, a link that was showing up in html
output as:

 a href=;Is Tyler Durden

now gets transformed to:

lt;a href=;Is Tyler
Durden Hobbeslt;/agt;

No other changes in the PHP source -- just a change in the interpreter.

Any idea what could be causing this?



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Re: [PHP] Re: Exposing PHP/errors on production vs. dev

2008-08-02 Thread Chacha C
Somehow .. I feel this isn't PHP Related.

On Sat, Aug 2, 2008 at 11:08 AM, Robert Cummings [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

 On Sat, 2008-08-02 at 14:01 -0400, Daniel Brown wrote:
  On Sat, Aug 2, 2008 at 1:58 PM, Robert Cummings [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sorry, I hired a profession for the chair throwing-- my bulldog Steve
  More wasteful spending by the Canadian.  You know that he's just
  going to wind up finding a way to introduce new bugs into the act of
  domestic violence, right?  Like fear that emits an unpleasant odor or
  bruises that cause herpes.

 Given the goal was to enact violence... I think fear and herpes would
 count as features! With respect to wasteful spending... I think you're
 forgetting that the US dollar is on target for devaluation similar to
 that of Zimbabwean currency.


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