[PHP] When to use namespaces

2010-03-01 Thread Auke van Slooten

Hi everyone,

I'm doing a small hobby project to better my understanding of php5, 
specifically php5.3 and I'm wondering when a namespaced project is 
better and when it is better to simply use a prefix to all class names.

I've been trying to get a feeling for what is considered the best 
practice, but most of the pages dealing with namespaces start with the 
assumption that you are building a complex application with lots of 
modules and say things like:

Namespaces should be all lowercase and must follow the following conention:

(thats from the php.standards mailing list btw)

In my case the project is a single module, single php file, with about 6 
classes. It is an OO wrapper for PHP's xmlrpc methods (client and 
server) and meant to be used in a number of different projects.

Is it considered a good idea to use a namespace in such a case? And if 
so, what should that be? I've named the project 'ripcord', and used that 
as a namespace as well. I could probably name it 'muze.ripcord', but 
somehow that feels less 'open' to me.

Thanks in advance for any thoughts,
Auke van Slooten
Muze (www.muze.nl)

PS. The project is at http://code.google.com/p/ripcord/, the PHP5.3 
version is at 

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Re: [PHP] best way to determine (MIME) content type of a stream ofbytes?

2010-03-09 Thread Auke van Slooten

Robert P. J. Day wrote:

On Mon, 8 Mar 2010, Ashley Sheridan wrote:

What about writing the first n bytes to a file and then passing that
to the command line? I'm assuming a Linux server here, but it should
do the trick.

   gah!  i was hoping for something that wouldn't make me want to
gouge out my eyes with a soup spoon. :-)

Maybe slightly less painfull, you can always write your own 'mimemagic' 
detection method. The magic.mime file is relatively easy to parse. This 
is the route we took some years ago to make our mime detection OS 
independant. We've made a php script which parses the mime.types file 
and the magic.mime file and it generates a php module which uses that 
information to figure out the correct mimetype.

The resulting php module has a large array, which looks like this:


with the first key as the offset to start, the next key is the length of 
 the snippet to check (I guess that could have been skipped...) and the 
final key is the exact string to match.

The magic.mime file is no magic bullet though, there are occasions when 
it won't match with a file, but that's usually with more complex types 
like microsoft office documents, not with images.

If you're interested, the mimemagic module can be found here:

And the builder script (which you should run on a unix system with 
magic.mime and mime.types file) is here:


Hope this helps,
Auke van Slooten

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[PHP] Execution order of PHP

2010-03-10 Thread Auke van Slooten


In a hobby project I'm relying on the order in which the following piece 
of PHP code is executed:


Currently PHP always resolves $client->system (and executes the __get on 
$client) before resolving the arguments to the multiCall() method call.

Is this order something that is specified by PHP and so can be relied 
upon to stay the same in the future or is it just how it currently works.

If it cannot be relied upon to stay this way, I will have to rewrite the 
multiCall method and API...

Auke van Slooten

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Re: [PHP] Execution order of PHP

2010-03-10 Thread Auke van Slooten

Bruno Fajardo wrote:

2010/3/10 Auke van Slooten 


In a hobby project I'm relying on the order in which the following piece of PHP 
code is executed:


Can't you call the methods $client->methodOne() and
$client->methodTwo() before the call to $client->system->multiCall()?
That way, you could store they values in local variables, and then
pass them to the $client->system->multiCall(), assuring that those
methods are executed before the multiCall(). Something like:

$methodOne = $client->methodOne();
$methodTwo = $client->methodTwo();
$client->system->multiCall($methodOne, $methodTwo);


This is not what I meant. I should perhaps mention that it's an xml-rpc 
client and the method calls are remote method calls. The multiCall 
method gathers multiple method calls into a single request.

The trick I'm using now is to set a private property in the 
$client->__get() method when the property you're accessing is 'system'. 
From then untill you call the method 'multiCall', instead of calling 
the methods (in this case methodOne and methodTwo) the client creates a 
new object with the call information (method name and arguments) and 
returns that. In multiCall all arguments are therefor call information 
objects and multicall creates a single request based on that information.

So in your example the client would simply call methodOne and methodTwo 
and return the results. Then it would try to do a multiCall with 
whatever the previous methods have returned.

Auke van Slooten

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Re: [PHP] Execution order of PHP

2010-03-10 Thread Auke van Slooten

Bob McConnell wrote:

From: Auke van Slooten

In a hobby project I'm relying on the order in which the following

of PHP code is executed:


Think about it from the parser's point of view. It has to evaluate
$client->system to determine the parameter list for multiCall(). Then it
has to evaluate those parameters before it can stuff their values into
the stack so it can call the function. But, whether it evaluates the
parameter list left-to-right or vice versa is implementation dependent.
I don't believe you can rely on it always being the same unless you
always use the same interpreter.

I don't mind about the order in which the parameters are evaluated. The 
only thing that must stay the same for my code to work as designed is 
that $client->system is evaluated before any of the arguments to the 
multiCall method. Your explanation seems reasonable to me, but I've been 
informed by people that know more about parsers and compilers than me, 
that theoretically there is no requirement for this to be true...

After a further education just now, it is possible for a compiler to 
parse the entire multiCall right to left, so it will first evaluate 
$client->methodTwo(), then $client->methodOne() and only then resolves 
$client->system->multiCall. Before evaluating this call, the compiler 
can still check whether the number of arguments matches the parameter 
list of the function definition.

Anyway, the point is that I'd like to be able to write multiCall 
statements like written above instead of doing something like this:

  array( 'method' => 'methodOne',
 'params' => array() ),
  array( 'method' => 'methodTwo',
 'params' => array() )

Auke van Slooten

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Re: [PHP] Execution order of PHP

2010-03-10 Thread Auke van Slooten

Andrew Ballard wrote:

I'm not sure you would want to assign null to $client->system. After
all, __set() might not be defined.

I agree with Rob here. If order is really crucial, then call the
statements in the correct order:


 * You should add some handling here to make sure that
 * $system is really an object that implements your
 * multiCall() method, and not something else (like null).



I agree with both of you. If you want it ironclad and you cannot change 
the API, then this is how I would do it. The point is that I _can_ 
change the API, but I like how simple it looks. The backup plan is to do 
something like:


The only problem with this is that I'm polluting the $client 'namespace' 
with a __defer method. And it looks less clean... :)

Now if the consensus is that you absolutely cannot rely on the execution 
order in this case (not for the order in which function parameters are 
evaluated, I don't care about that) then I will just change my API and 
remember with fondness what I could not have...

Auke van Slooten

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Re: [PHP] Execution order of PHP

2010-03-11 Thread Auke van Slooten

Jochem Maas wrote:

Op 3/10/10 1:29 PM, Auke van Slooten schreef:


In a hobby project I'm relying on the order in which the following piece
of PHP code is executed:


but who cares. the code is full of magic, which makes it difficult to understand
and maintain ... fix it so that it's explicit about what it's doing so that
other developers who read it will grasp the concept without having to dig
into your magic methods. this solves the problem of undiscernable magic and
possible issues with resolution order in the future as well (which if they
happened would be a royal PITA to debug, given the magic methods involved)

I've decided to rewrite the API so it is more upfront about what it 
does. Your argument about readability, when the API is unknown, is a 
valid one. It now works like this:


Thanks for all your input,
Auke van Slooten

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Re: [PHP] web sniffer

2010-03-22 Thread Auke van Slooten

Jochen Schultz wrote:
Btw., when you use file_get_contets, is there a good way to tell the 
script to stop recieving the file after let's say 2 seconds - just in 
case the server is not reachable - to avoid using fsockopen?



timeout float
Read timeout in seconds, specified by a float (e.g. 10.5).
By default the default_socket_timeout php.ini setting is used.

used with http://nl.php.net/manual/en/function.stream-context-create.php

Auke van Slooten

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[PHP] Re: PHP SMTP Mailers

2010-03-22 Thread Auke van Slooten

King Coffee wrote:


I'm executing a third-parity standard PHP application on a Windows IIS 7 
shared hosting server.

I need to convert, or use, a SMTP mailer service.  I found two SMTP PHP 
scripts - I think may work.

The sourceforge.net PHPMailer project and the pear.php.net (Mail, 
Net_SMTP) project.

Can any body please help me choose one and probably give a code snip of 

Currently, I'm leaning forward the PHPMailer, with little to base the 
decision on.


I'd take a look at http://www.phpguru.org/static/smtp.html
It doesn't make the mistake of muddling the differnece between the 
message envelope and the message body, so you can set the recipients 
directly and different from the messages to/cc/bcc headers. It has a 
fairly sane design, based on the smtp protocol. And finally it uses 
exceptions in a sane way. Oh, and its a fairly small and straightforward 
piece of code, easy to include in any application.

There's one problem in it when using it for bulk-mail. If you add many 
recipients and one of them is incorrect, it will fail the entire message.

It's not free for commercial use, but the one-time license fee is more 
than worth it.

Auke van Slooten

(And no, I'm not affiliated with the author, just a happy customer).

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