Re: [PHP] OT- why is network solutions more than godaddy?

2007-08-03 Thread Austin Denyer
Robert Cummings wrote:
> On Fri, 2007-08-03 at 14:22 -0400, blackwater dev wrote:
>> I have to register a bunch of names and am trying to figure out why I would
>> pay $35 when I can just pay $9 at godaddy.  Does godaddy own it and I lease
>> it from them???
> No, you own it.

But, don't make your final decision until you've read this:


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [PHP] Denial of Service Attack

2007-07-20 Thread Austin Denyer
Daniel Brown wrote:
> On 7/20/07, Sascha Braun, CEO @ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Today I was writing an E-Mail here in the List
>> since that time, my webserver detects a virus
>> which is described as a denial of service attack.
>> Thank you fellows!
>> This is really a reliable list.
>Maybe it's just me, but I don't see a question in that message, Sascha.

I don't know about you, but the way I read it, I think he's insinuating
that the list is responsible for his virus.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [PHP] Pirate PHP books online?

2007-07-19 Thread Austin Denyer
Jim Moseby wrote:
>> The problem with that, though, is that a lot of publishers require
>> exclusivity, so an author is bound (no pun intended) by contract not
>> to publish elsewhere - including on their own website.
> The idea of even offering an electronic version should be to drive sales for
> the hard copy. Maybe offer a "Condensed Version" electronically, that has
> enough content that readers can get enough of a feel for the product to
> drive a buying decision. Throughout, make reference to the full version
> having more complete content, complete with an "order now" link.  This
> method worked well for Readers Digest!

Or watermark the .pdf with something that uniquely identifies each copy
- this could be done with a script at the time of the order.  Maybe the
name of the original buyer, or the order number, etc.

Doesn't prevent the piracy, but does give traceability should you wish
to pursue the pirate.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [PHP] Re: A way to stop spam on this list

2006-08-14 Thread Austin Denyer
Michelle Konzack wrote:
> Late answer,
> but I was coming back yesterday from Palestine, after the Israelien
> Terror Authority had arrest me for making tonns of photos and Videos
> about Israeli military crime... (shooting children and pregnant women)


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [PHP] yahoo thinks html mail is spam, what's wrong with header?

2006-08-07 Thread Austin Denyer
blackwater dev wrote:
> Hello all,
> When I try to send email from my server as html, my yahoo account and
> several of my user's email accounts mark it as spam.  I can send a normal
> email via mail() just fine but when I try to to html, it's bad.  I've
> played
> with a few things but can't seem to figure it out.  The html I am sending
> just includes a table, no body, head, etc, just table html code.

Well, html e-mail is generally a Bad Thing.  Many people (myself
included) use applications such as SpamAssassin and html in e-mail
increases it's 'spamminess' from a scoring point of view.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [PHP] php behind firewall

2006-08-04 Thread Austin Denyer
Jim Moseby wrote:
> Found it:

Thanks!  Interesting stuff...


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [PHP] php behind firewall

2006-08-04 Thread Austin Denyer
Jochem Maas wrote:
> John Nichel wrote:
>>Well, if you would stop using the Vic20, and upgrade!
> how dare you call my altair a vic20. new-fangled rubbish. ;-)
> you want real authentication? get some carrier pidgeons like us real
> programmers.

So, how many different tunes did you get your Altair to play over the
radio? #;-D

My first machine wasn't quite an Altair, but it did make the Vic look
space-age - I started with a ZX81.

The carrier pigeon trick only works for IP though.  And packet traces
can be a tad messy...


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [PHP] php behind firewall

2006-08-04 Thread Austin Denyer
Jim Moseby wrote:
> I recently read an article about IP fingerprinting.  The concept is that
> every PC-NIC-CABLE-FIREWALL combination has subtle, but measurable
> differences in the way they communicate.  It was very in-depth, but it
> worked amazingly well.  If I can find the article, I'll post it.

Please do.

I can imagine that the concept goes to the wall with wireless users, but
even so, should be a good read.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [PHP] Books: PHP and WAP

2006-07-26 Thread Austin Denyer
Angelo Zanetti wrote:
> Hi all,
> I need some recommendations for books:
> are there any good books on PHP and WAP/WML? Also (OT) a recommendation
> regarding books for CSS2 and XHTML.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [PHP] convert byte to MB

2006-07-25 Thread Austin Denyer
Andrei wrote:
>   So what u'r trying to say is that we should use KiB and not KB for
> kilobytes? That's funny!

I know a lot of people who do just that.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature


2006-07-20 Thread Austin Denyer
BBC wrote:
> How are you all?
> I hope some body can give me some references for internet payment.
> I made a kind of shopping cart in my project; even though I was doubt in 
> making it caused I don't have any idea how to make internet
> transaction. But I just heard from a friend of mine that we can 'join' with 
> special web site which handles payment transaction.
> I'll be pleasure if some body can give references about this issue which 
> explains how to collaborate with them step by step.
> Thank you guys..

What kind of 'internet payment' were you looking for?  Credit card?
PayPal?  For credit cards, I get the customer's info and then use cURL
to stuff it down a secure connection to


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [PHP] Basic PHP knowledge test

2006-07-20 Thread Austin Denyer
Ray Hauge wrote:
> Don't forget making it secure.  Here is one of my questions people can use if 
> they like.  Feel free to re-word it.  I'm a programmer, not a writer ;)
> What change(s) would you make to the following code to make it more secure?
> $id = $_GET['id'];
> mysql_query(“DELETE FROM myTbl WHERE id = $id”);

Believe it or not, I've lost count of how many times I've seen things
like this in Real Life.  SQL Injection waiting to happen...

> I like this question, because they have to know at least the fundamentals of 
> PHP security.


One thing I would add is to make sure they're familiar with the PHP
version you use.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [PHP] Multiple sessions

2006-07-12 Thread Austin Denyer
Stut wrote:
> I'm confused as to why you need a solution to this 'problem'. How likely
> is it that you'll have 2 users trying to access your site on the same
> machine at the same time? If it is likely (although I don't see how)
> then you need to design your session data as an array keyed on the
> username, but that would be very insecure.
> In short are you trying to solve a perceived problem when no such
> problem actually exists? Think about it for a while before jumping to
> working around it.

There are times when it's handy, but not often.

For example, when I'm debugging my code it is useful to be able to log
into my application's admin module (which uses sessions to ensure admin
rights) without blowing away my user session.

In my case, I flick between Firefox and Konqueror.

It would be nice to be able to separate the sessions generally though.
The case where you have several accounts is just one example.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [PHP] GD to database directly

2006-07-10 Thread Austin Denyer
Peter Lauri wrote:
> [snip]
> 1. Do not store images in a database, it is just a bad idea from a
> performance perspective (as has been covered many times heretofore). 
> [/snip]
> Is that really the case? Is this not depending on the application? :) My
> application will never grow, and I can easily just change the file storage
> procedure by changing in my file storage class if a change will be
> necessary.

It is generally accepted that storing things like that in a database is
a Bad Thing.  Much better to store the images as files and store the
path in the database.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [PHP] private $foo

2006-03-29 Thread Austin Denyer
tedd wrote:
> At 3:56 PM +0100 3/29/06, Dan Parry wrote:
>> I can see a pattern emerging here...
>> Chaos? You had chaos? All we had was this sodding great explosion...
>> :-)
>> Dan
> Great explosion!? You had a Great explosion!?
> All we had was xml and everyone knows you can't do anything with that.

And if you told that to the programmers of today, they'd never believe you.



Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [PHP] Re: PDFLib or some free solution?

2006-03-21 Thread Austin Denyer
Anas Mughal wrote:
> ezPDF ( worked well for me so far. Sadly, the code
> has been updated for a while now!

I second the vote for ezPDF.  I use it here, and it works great.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [PHP] mktime month

2006-03-10 Thread Austin Denyer
Mark Steudel wrote:
> Im a little confused on the number I should use for the month:
> Take the following:
> echo date('Ymd', mktime(0, 0, 0, 3, 0, date("Y")) );
> I expected it to output: 20060331
> But instead it outputs 20060228.


You are asking it for the zeroth day of March, which is the last day of


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [PHP] Re: Is this possible with php

2006-03-06 Thread Austin Denyer
(Re-sending as I accidentally sent my original post directly to Al)

Al wrote:
> Mace Eliason wrote:
>> I really don't think this is possible from what I know of php, but I
>> thought I would as the experts.
>> Is it possible to have php create directories and move files on a
>> local machine. I have created a web portal for a client and now they
>> would like it to upload files to an server, no a problem. But they
>> would like it to also move temp files on the users computer to new
>> directories and then upload the file to the server with no user
>> interation other than clicking go.
>> I have thought of doing this in vb or c# but I have done very little
>> with these languages, and php just rocks.
> php can only do things on its server and send stuff for rendering to the
> client.

It also sounds like a MAJOR security issue to me.  I sure don't want a
3rd party web site moving files around on MY system...


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [PHP] How do I ...

2006-03-02 Thread Austin Denyer
Anthony Rodriguez wrote:
> Hi!
> How do I un-subscribe to this list?

There are three ways to do this.

1. Read the footer of every e-mail on this list - it contains the

2. Read the headers of every e-mail on this list - they contain the

3. Send $100,000 in low-denomination, used, unmarked bills to each
subscriber and we'll take care of it for you.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [PHP] Re: need a php multiple/mysql choice quiz

2006-02-20 Thread Austin Denyer

On Mon, 20 Feb 2006 16:24:32 -
"Dan Parry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> what kind of mushrooms?
> >> 
> >rainbow colored ones =)
> Think they're illegal in the UK...

I think just about EVERYTHING is illegal in the UK.

Well, except for vacation time - that's just illegal in the US.



Description: PGP signature

Re: [PHP] get me off

2006-02-06 Thread Austin Denyer

On Mon, 06 Feb 2006 14:20:26 -0500
"Chandler Zwolle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> stop i hate ur mailing list and i cant get off
> -- 
> PHP General Mailing List (
> To unsubscribe, visit:

Try one or more of the following:

1. The unsubscribe link that appears in the footer of every e-mail you
received from this mailing list.

2. The unsubscribe instructions that appear in the headers of every
e-mail you received from this list.

3. Write out 100 times in your best cursive handwriting:
"I will learn to read the freaking manual before posting.".


Description: PGP signature

Re: [PHP] Results In Variable

2006-02-06 Thread Austin Denyer

On Mon, 06 Feb 2006 07:14:21 -0600
Pastor Steve <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Greetings,
> I am attempting to put the results of a ³while² loop into a variable.
> Example:
> $result = mysql_query(³SELECT filename, page_title FROM table²);
> while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))
> {
> $var = ³ href=\²$htmldir{$row[Œfilename¹]}\²>{$row[Œpage_title¹]}²;
> echo ³$var²;
> }
> I would like for the the entire ³while² statement result to be in a
> variable for use outside of the statement. Is that possible?

Try this:

$result = mysql_query(³SELECT filename, page_title FROM table²);
$var = "";  // Make sure $var is empty.
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))


$var .= ³{$row[Œpage_title¹]}²;

echo ³$var²;// Echo $var to the screen.

The .= instead of just plain = will append the result to $var instead
of over-writing it, so by the end of the while loop $var will contain
the whole thing. Then, just echo $var once at the end of the while loop.

Note - script not tested...


Description: PGP signature

Re: [PHP] questions regarding PHP and Forms

2006-01-27 Thread Austin Denyer

On Fri, 27 Jan 2006 12:28:07 -0700
Paul Goepfert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am  writing my first website in php.  I have a few questions.
> 1) I need to do vaildation on form values that I have entered into a
> form.  Is there a way I can write the vaildation code on the same page
> as the form in php?

Yes.  What you do is check to see if you have any input, if not then
display the form, if you do then validate the input and skip the

> 2)  I have a drop down menu on one of my form fields.  What I want to
> do is if a certain item is seelected I want to have a new textbox
> appear below the drop down menu.  Is there a way to do this in php?

It depends.  If you want the text box to appear immediately then no,
you'll need JavaScript.  If you're ok with the user hitting submit and
being re-desplayed the same page, this time with the text box showing,
then that is trivial in php.  You can use the same process as the
validation in (1) above.


Description: PGP signature

Re: [PHP] put method

2006-01-24 Thread Austin Denyer

On Tue, 24 Jan 2006 23:47:46 +0530
sunaram patir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> i think i would be clearer with this code i have written to do that
> but in vain.

> echo " enctype='multipart/form-data'>";
> echo "Send this file: "
You're missing a ; here I

> echo "";
> echo "";

> Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_ECHO, expecting ',' or ';' in
Just like it says here --I

> /home/zenrays/public_html/test2/putMethod.php on line "something"
>  something= the line number for 'echo " action='putMethod.php' enctype='multipart/form-data'>";'


Description: PGP signature

Re: [PHP] phpmyadmin import

2006-01-23 Thread Austin Denyer

On Mon, 23 Jan 2006 19:24:57 +0200
"William Stokes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks. Got that one changed to 8Mb.
> I ran into another issue though. I'm tryin to import a 2,5 Mb table. 
> PhpMyAdmin import ends with fatal error while importing. Here's the
> error message.
> "Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 8388608 bytes exhausted (tried
> to allocate 2247907 bytes) in 
> /srv/www/htdocs/phpmyadmin/libraries/read_dump.lib.php on line 23"
> Something else that needs to be changed? I checked that file but it
> doesn't say much to me...

Check the following entry in your php.ini file:


It's possible you may also need to check this one, too:



Description: PGP signature

Re: [PHP] Adventures in Cookies

2006-01-23 Thread Austin Denyer

On Mon, 23 Jan 2006 16:37:12 +
David Grant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> tedd wrote:
> > Hi all:
> > 
> > While I'm sure this is obvious for most, but I just discovered this.
> > 
> > Using one browser (browser A) I can access one of my pages and
> > create a cookie with a user input value.
> > 
> > Then using a different browser (browser B), I can access the same
> > page and create another cookie with another user value.
> > 
> > Now, it would seem to me that I shouldn't have two cookies with the
> > same name both having different contents, but that's exactly what
> > I've found -- for browser A will produce one value and browser B
> > will produce another value.
> Can you provide some examples for what you mean?

I think he's referring to the fact that you can have one cookie in,
say, Mozilla and another one in, say, Konqueror (or Internet Exploiter
if you do Windoze).


Description: PGP signature

Re: [PHP] Adventures in Cookies

2006-01-23 Thread Austin Denyer

On Mon, 23 Jan 2006 11:30:32 -0500
tedd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> While I'm sure this is obvious for most, but I just discovered this.
> Using one browser (browser A) I can access one of my pages and create 
> a cookie with a user input value.
> Then using a different browser (browser B), I can access the same 
> page and create another cookie with another user value.
> Now, it would seem to me that I shouldn't have two cookies with the 
> same name both having different contents, but that's exactly what 
> I've found -- for browser A will produce one value and browser B will 
> produce another value.
> Now, does anyone know where it says in any php documentation that 
> COOKIE values are dependent upon browser type?

This is a function of the way cookies work, and is not a php issue.

Cookies are stored by the browser wherever the browser chooses to place
them.  If another browser cannot access them it cannot send any info
back so it will receive a new one.


Description: PGP signature

Re: [PHP] phpmyadmin import

2006-01-23 Thread Austin Denyer

On Mon, 23 Jan 2006 15:37:37 +0200
"William Stokes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> When importing data from file with phpmyadmin the file max size is 2
> 048kb. Can this be changed to accept larger files?


Look at your php.ini file - change the upload_max_filesize to the
filesize you want.


Description: PGP signature

Re: [PHP] odd behavior

2006-01-19 Thread Austin Denyer

On Thu, 19 Jan 2006 11:53:04 -0600
Jay Blanchard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Has anyone experienced this behavior before, and how do I fix that
> damned path to the ini? TIA!

Personally, I'd fix it with a Debian install CD, but that's just me.


Can't help with the Windoze issue - I don't do Windoze.  Tried it,
didn't like it.


Description: PGP signature

Re: [PHP] Re: Performance & Comments Question

2006-01-19 Thread Austin Denyer

On Thu, 19 Jan 2006 14:09:00 +0100
Jochem Maas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> in real life you won't notice the overhead at all.
> and people will love you if you'r files are 90% comments :-)

I've never been quite that liberal with my comments, but I do have a
few files that are >50% comments...


Description: PGP signature

Re: [PHP] Embedded player

2006-01-19 Thread Austin Denyer

On Thu, 19 Jan 2006 11:24:44 -0200
"Rodolfo Andrade" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If you are looking for compatibility then I would recommend the flash
> player solution. There are a *LOT* of sites that use flash so I don't
> think that making it "a must" will impact your users.
> I don't know which type of users will access your church site, but
> I'm sure that if they even use Linux, they will install the plugin,
> if they haven't done so.

Unfortunately the flash plug-in is not available for all Linux
platforms.  I run Linux on AMD64 (my workstation is a dual-Opteron246),
and there are no 64-bit flash plug-ins for Linux.  It is possible if
you un-install the 64-bit Mozilla and install the 32-bit version into a
32-bit chroot environment, but it's not worth the hassle to me.

I avoid flash like the plague.


Description: PGP signature

Re: [PHP] Validating Radio Buttons in two directions

2006-01-17 Thread Austin Denyer

On Tue, 17 Jan 2006 10:45:01 -0500
John Nichel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Huh?  Maybe I'm just not awake this morning and not understanding
> what you're trying to explain, but if you're using *radio* buttons,
> only *one* of the same name can be checked at any give time.  ie:
>  Blue
>  Red
>  Black
>  Green
>  Mauve
> If you click "Red" and "Blue" is already selected, "Blue" will 
> automatically be unselected.  It's basic HTML.

That's not what he's trying to do.  Grab some coffee #;-D

If I understand correctly, he wants a grid of radio buttons.  Each
color can be ranked 1 through 10.

In the range of radio buttons for Blue, you can pick 1-10.
In the range of radio buttons for Red, you can pick 1-10.
In the range of radio buttons for Black, you can pick 1-10.

He wants something that prevents someone from selecting, say, 2 for Red
if they have already selected 2 for Blue.

It would be easy to validate this after submission and return to the
page if the user screwed up, but for on-the-fly idiot-proofing he's
gonna need JavaScript.


Description: PGP signature

Re: [PHP] input validation?

2006-01-12 Thread Austin Denyer

On Thu, 12 Jan 2006 16:56:43 +0200
"William Stokes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I need to check that user input text is less than 300 characters
> long. How?

if(strlen($UserInputText) > 300){
echo("Too long");



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