I've a x509 certificate from my CA self-signed:

Then, I've an user certificate signed by the CA:

Exists in the PHP API any function to check if the user certificate is really signed by the CA ? Like this operation :

  $res_ca_public = openssl_get_publickey($txt_ca_cert);
  $txt_usr_sign = fakessl_x509_getsignature($txt_usr_cert);
  Check that $txt_usr_public == fakessl_gettxt_publickey($txt_usr_cert)

I've found openssl_pkcs7_verify, but this doesn't work for me because I can access to the file system.

Another solutions is to parse the human-readable x509 certificates in order to get the public keys and certificates and verify it by hand.

Any idea ?

Thanks for all !

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