[PHP] GD lib not working

2004-12-05 Thread Dade Register
It seems that my install of php does not like the GD library. I've tried 
everything, and read past forum messages. Here's what I'm running:
FreeBSD 5.2.1
Apache 2.0.52
Php 5.0.2
GD 2.0.32
Php compiles fine, and even the tests pass for the GD lib, but any GD function 
fails including gdinfo() and imagecreate. Fatal error: Call to undefined 
function imagecreate().
I need some help. Anyone have any ideas? Thanx.

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Re: [PHP] GD lib not working

2004-12-05 Thread Dade Register
It's a new installation. I did restart Apache after re-compiling PHP.
phpinfo() shows my config command I used is:
./configure' '--with-apxs2=/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs' 
'--with-mysql=/usr/local/mysql' '--with-zlib-dir=/usr/local/lib' 
'--with-jpeg-dir=/usr/local/lib' '--with-freetype-dir=/usr/local/lib' 
'--with-png-dir=/usr/local/lib' '--with-libxml-dir=/usr/local/lib' 
'--with-iconv-dir=/usr/local/lib' '--with-gd-dir=/usr/local/lib' 
'--without-xpm' '--enable-gd-native-ttf' '--enable-exif' '--enable-ftp' 
phpinfo does not show a gd section. I'm assuming that's why it doesn't work. Am 
I compiling it wrong? I verified that all my libs are located @ /usr/local/lib.

Jason Wong [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On Sunday 05 December 2004 17:37, Dade Register wrote:
 It seems that my install of php does not like the GD library. I've tried
 everything, and read past forum messages. Here's what I'm running: FreeBSD
 Apache 2.0.52
 Php 5.0.2
 GD 2.0.32

 Php compiles fine, and even the tests pass for the GD lib, but any GD
 function fails including gdinfo() and imagecreate. Fatal error: Call to
 undefined function imagecreate().

 I need some help. Anyone have any ideas? Thanx.

Is this a new installation? A re-installation? An upgrade?
Did you restart apache?
Does phpinfo() show:

(i) that the ./configure command was indeed that one that you used?
(ii) that you have a GD section showing GD info?

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[PHP] stripslashes()

2003-03-01 Thread Dade Register
I know this is probably an easy question, but I am
using stripslashes() on a textarea var, and I don't
think it's working. It doesn't error, but in the
testarea it doesn't seem to work. Ex:

$var = Thank's;
$var = stripslashes($var);
echo $var;
Output = Thank\'s

Any ideas? Thanx.


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Re: [PHP] stripslashes()

2003-03-01 Thread Dade Register
Well, only diff is it's a POST from a textarea. With
magicquotes on, you're right, it makes Thank's
become Thank\'s. how can I get rid of that? I'm
posting it to a text file.
--- Ernest E Vogelsinger [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 At 01:48 02.03.2003, Dade Register said:
 I know this is probably an easy question, but I am
 using stripslashes() on a textarea var, and I don't
 think it's working. It doesn't error, but in the
 testarea it doesn't seem to work. Ex:
 $var = Thank's;
 $var = stripslashes($var);
 echo $var;
 Output = Thank\'s
 This can't work since there are no slashes to
 stripslashes() strips certain slashes from a string.
 Assume you have a
 textarea where the user enters Thank's, so PHP
 converts this to
 Thank\'s (assuming magic_quotes is set to on).
 Using stripslashes() here
 will get rid of these slashes.
 BTW - the sample you've sent will output Thank's -
 what are you doing
 what you didn't show?
O Ernest E. Vogelsinger
(\)ICQ #13394035
 ^ http://www.vogelsinger.at/
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Re: [PHP] stripslashes()

2003-03-01 Thread Dade Register
I know I am doing the exact thing you are If you
or someone else doesn't mind, could you look @
http://dragonz-cavern.mine.nu/poems.phps and see what
I'm doing wrong? I am trying to parse it before it
gets stored in my txt file. plz help. I'd really
appreciate it.
--- Ernest E Vogelsinger [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 At 02:05 02.03.2003, Dade Register said:
 Well, only diff is it's a POST from a textarea.
 magicquotes on, you're right, it makes Thank's
 become Thank\'s. how can I get rid of that? I'm
 posting it to a text file.
 Use stripslashes().
 Try this example:
 $var = $_REQUEST['blah'];
 echo 'xmp$REQUEST[\'blah\']: ', $var, \\n;
 $var = stripslashes($var);
 echo 'stripslashe\'d: ', $var, '/xmp';
 echo 'form method=post',
  'textarea name=blah',
  '/textareabr /',
  'input type=submit/form';
 You will notice the textarea transmits Thank\'s
 which is displayed in the
 first line, and stripslashes() removes the backslash
 and displays Thank's.
 Note that you also must use the stripslashe'd data
 when constructing the
O Ernest E. Vogelsinger
(\)ICQ #13394035
 ^ http://www.vogelsinger.at/
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Re: [PHP] stripslashes()

2003-03-01 Thread Dade Register
Thanx a lot for your help.
It adds to the .dat file. it's not fgets().
That's from the dat file. any other ideas?
--- Ernest E Vogelsinger [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 At 03:37 02.03.2003, Dade Register said:
 I know I am doing the exact thing you are If
 or someone else doesn't mind, could you look @
 http://dragonz-cavern.mine.nu/poems.phps and see
 I'm doing wrong? I am trying to parse it before it
 gets stored in my txt file. plz help. I'd really
 appreciate it.
 You're doing everything right. If you have a look at
 the datfile you'll
 notice there are NO backslashes. Right?
 Ok, so the culprit must be fgets() - and indeed this
 can be found in the
 online manual
 in the
 user comments:
 php at silisoftware dot com 13-Jun-2002 06:44   
 Beware of magic_quotes_runtime !
 php.ini-recommended for PHP v4.2.1 (Windows) had
 magic_quotes_runtime set
 ON, and that addslash'd all input read via fgets()
 So the solution here is to either add stripslashes()
 after your datfile
 read, or to use set_magic_quotes_runtime(0) (see

O Ernest E. Vogelsinger
(\)ICQ #13394035
 ^ http://www.vogelsinger.at/
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[PHP] A JS problem

2003-03-01 Thread Dade Register
I know this is a php forum. Please don't be upset with
me, but I have a JS problem which nobody I know can
seem to figure out. Here goes:

script LANGUAGE=JavaScript
var w1 = 1000;
var h1 = 672;
if (w1 = screen.width){
if (h1 = screen.height){
border=0 alt=Image 1 of 64/anbsp;)}
border=0 alt=Image 1 of 64/anbsp;)}
border=0 alt=Image 1 of 64/anbsp;)}

I am trying to make a popup window for a big image to
match it's size using php's getimagesize() function,
setting that in the browser as var w1 and h1. Then
trying to get JS to popup a window with or without
scroll bars depending on your screen size... I know
this is complicated. But it's fun. if anyone knows
anyplace that I am messing up, or wants to see the php
of this w/ the JS, let me know. Thanx to all for your
great advise.

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[PHP] Screen Size detect??

2003-01-31 Thread Dade Register
I'm trying to detect the screen size of any client
browser, or at least IE. Is there a php function that
can do this? If not, does anyone have any ideas on a
JS that would work too? Plz help. Thanx.

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[PHP] directory list function?

2002-12-27 Thread Dade Register
A question for you all. Is there a php function that
could count the number of files in a dir? Using
FreeBSD and php4.2.2 and Apache. Thanx.

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[PHP] exif functions

2002-12-24 Thread Dade Register
Happy Holidays!

I am having a problem using the exif_thumbnail()
function. All I want to do is to view the embedded
thumbnails in some jpg files taken by digital cameras.
I have tried the examples in the docs, but they don't
seem to work. Can someone give me some tips on using
this function? Thanx.


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[PHP] Question about Trim

2002-12-07 Thread Dade Register
Hey... I have a question about trim. I don't know if
trim() is the right funtion to use, but here is my

I am recieving a textarea input from a form and
writing it to a data file. I need to change any line
breaks or (enter) if you will into a br or something
else. When it's in my text file, it screws it up.
Please, someone give me an idea of how to oversome
this. I can't seem to make trim() work at all. It does
remove a \n if you type that in, but won't actually
remove an (enter). Thanx for your help in advance.


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