[PHP] Re: file upload problem - Warning: Max file size of 8 bytes exceeded

2001-12-15 Thread David Serrano

I'm not sure if you've read this or not but it may help:

-David Serrano ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

"Lee Philip Reilly" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hi,
> I have an HTML form containing a file upload form object called 'file'.
> When I submit the form (either holiding a path to a 1kb file or a 7MB
> file) I get the following error:
> -
> Warning: Max file size of 8 bytes exceeded - file [file] not saved in
> Unknown on line 0
> -
> I had hoped that by changing the upload_max_filesize value in the
> php.ini this problem would be resolved, but it hasn't. I expect some
> people have had similar problems in the past; can anyone suggest what
> the problem is? Some additional info at the foot of this message.
> Thanks in advance!
> - Best regards,
> Lee
> Windows 2000; PHP4; Apache V1.3
> PHP.INI reads:
> -=-=-==-=-=-=-=
> ; Maximum allowed size for uploaded files.
> upload_max_filesize = 8M
> -=-=-==-=-=-=-=
> Simplified PHP script reads:
> -=-=-==-=-=-=-=
> if ($file!=""){
>  @copy("$file", "c:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache\htdocs\sasdap\v4"
> or die ("Could not copy the file.");
> }
> else {
>  die("No input file specified");
> }
> -=-=-==-=-=-=-=
> .HTML's file upload name = "file"

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[PHP] Re: Slash Problems When Using PHP and POST.

2001-07-18 Thread David Serrano

Check out the stripslashes and AddSlashes functions


"Corin Rathbone" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I have created a php page that loads a file into a textarea. You can then
> edit the file and click "Save" and it POSTS it to the same page (edit.php)
> on the server. It saves it but it adds slashes before any speech marks
> Can somebody please help me with this.
> It changes:
> to:
> Below is the code for the page edit.php:
>  include "config.php";
> if(isset($save)){
> $fp = fopen("$file", "wb") or die("Could not open file!");
> $worked = fwrite($fp, $contents) or die("Could not write file!");
> fclose($fp) or die("Could not close file!");
> $edit=false;
> $save=true;
> }
> elseif(isset($file)){
> $fp = fopen("$file", "rb") or die("Could not open file!");
> $contents = fread($fp, filesize($file)) or die("Could not read
> file!");
> fclose($fp) or die("Could not close file!");
> $edit=true;
> $save=false;
> }
> else{
> $edit=false;
> $save=false;
> }
> ?>
> Edit A File - File Explorer For 
> Edit A File
>  if($edit){
> print( "Contents Of file: " );
> print( "$file" );
> print( "\n" );
> print( "\n" );
> print( " \n" );
> print( "   print( "$file" );
> print( "\">\n" );
> print( "" );
> print( "  \n" );
> print( "$contents" );
> print( "  \n" );
> print( "  \n" );
> print( " \n" );
> print( "" );
> }
> elseif($save){
> print( "\n" );
> print( "File: " );
> print( "$file" );
> if($worked){print( " has been saved!" );}
> else {print( " has not been saved!" );}
> print( "" );
> }
> else {
> print( "Please Select A File To Be
> Save!" );
> }
> ?>
> ©mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]";>Corin
> Rathbone 2001
> Regards,
> Corin Rathbone
> www.corin.org.uk

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[PHP] File open Question?

2001-04-16 Thread David Serrano

Can you open a simple text file and store each line of that file in it's own
part of an array?

-David Serrano

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Re: [PHP] File open Question?

2001-04-16 Thread David Serrano

Ok, I think I get it, though I have one more question to access a specific
line of that array would it just be as simple as $array[2]?

-David Serrano

"Brian Clark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message

>  if(! $array = @file('/usr/local/src/fdiff.c'))
>  die("can't read diff.c");
> while(list($i,$line) = each($array))
> {
>print "$i: $line\n";
> }
> ?>

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Re: [PHP] File open Question?

2001-04-16 Thread David Serrano

Ok thats what I though. Thanks for your time

-David Serrano

"Brian Clark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hi David,
> @ 7:35:06 PM on 4/16/2001, David Serrano wrote:
> > Ok, I think I get it, though I have one more question to access a
> > line of that array would it just be as simple as $array[2]?
> Yes. Otherwise these may be of some help:
> http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.fopen.php
> http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.fgets.php
> http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.fread.php
> -Brian
> --
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[PHP] Re: include, chmod, password files

2001-08-08 Thread David Serrano

You could either rename the file with a .php extension or you can have it so
the server treats .inc files like php files.

"David Hill" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hello
> If I have a file called db.inc with, for example, this:
>  // db.inc
> $user = "david";
> $pass = "password";
> ?>
> I have a my index.php do a include('db.inc');
> ok, that works.
> However, any user on the system can read db.inc cause its chmod'd 0644.
> If I chmod db.inc 0600 or even 0640, index.php can not include it.
> How do I go about protecting my files from being read by users on the
> Thanks
> - David

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