Re: [PHP] Happy 1234567890 day!

2009-02-13 Thread Don Collier

Lists wrote:


Is there going to be someone contacting me about my prize? :)

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[PHP] New to PHP question

2009-01-28 Thread Don Collier
I am just learning PHP from the O'Reilly Learning PHP 5 book and I 
have a question regarding the formatting of text.  Actually it is a 
couple of questions.

First, when I use the \n and run the script from the command line it 
works great.  When I run the same code in a browser it does not put the 
newline in and the text runs together.  I know that I can use br/ to 
do the same thing, but why is it this way?

The second question is closely related to the first.  When formatting 
text using printf the padding works great when running from the command 
line but not at all when in a browser. 

Here is the code that I am working with:

$hamburger = 4.95;
$chocmilk = 1.95;
$cola = .85;
$subtotal = (2 * $hamburger) + $chocmilk + $cola;
$tax = $subtotal * .075;
$tip = $subtotal * .16;
$total = $subtotal + $tip + $tax;
print Welcome to Chez Don.\n;
print Here is your receipt:\n;
print \n;
printf(%1d %9s \$%.2f\n, 2, 'Hamburger', ($hamburger * 2));
printf(%1d %9s \$%.2f\n, 1, 'Milkshake', 1.95);
printf(%1d %9s \$%.2f\n, 1, 'Soda', .85);
printf(%25s: \$%.2f\n,'Subtotal', $subtotal);
printf(%25s: \$%.2f\n, 'Tax', $tax);
printf(%25s: \$%.2f\n, 'Tip', $tip);
printf(%25s: \$%.2f\n, 'Total', $total);

Thanks for the help everyone.

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Re: [PHP] New to PHP question

2009-01-28 Thread Don Collier

Paul M Foster wrote:

On Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 12:05:34PM -0700, Don Collier wrote:


I am just learning PHP from the O'Reilly Learning PHP 5 book and I
have a question regarding the formatting of text.  Actually it is a
couple of questions.

First, when I use the \n and run the script from the command line it
works great.  When I run the same code in a browser it does not put the
newline in and the text runs together.  I know that I can use br/ to
do the same thing, but why is it this way?

Browser don't break lines on the \n character. They only break on br
or p tags. That's just the way it is. You can use the PHP function
nl2br() to insert br tags where the \n characters are.


The second question is closely related to the first.  When formatting
text using printf the padding works great when running from the command
line but not at all when in a browser.

Browsers don't respect multiple spaces, etc., except in between certain
tags, like pre/pre. Instead, they combine multiple spaces into a
single space and break lines where they like, based on layout. You can
use the HTML nbsp; character if you don't want lines or phrases to
break at the whim of the browser. If you want exact layout (columns
lined up, etc.), the simplest solution is to use HTML tables.


Thanks to everyone that responded. 

From what I am seeing in the responses if I plan on using php for 
command line scripts things get written one way.  If, on the other hand, 
the php is written for a web page it gets written a slightly different 
way inserting html where necessary for formatting.

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Re: [PHP] New to PHP question

2009-01-28 Thread Don Collier

Paul M Foster wrote:

See? This is what I'm talking about.

*I* understand what you're saying, Don, and I agree. But this guy is
just learning PHP from what is arguably not one of the best books on PHP
(IMO). And you're throwing MVC at him. Let him master the subtleties of
the language first, then we'll give him the MVC speech.

Yes, I know, they should learn proper programming practices from the
beginning, blah blah blah. But think back to the first programming
language you ever learned, when you were first learning it. If someone
had thrown stuff like this at you, would you have had a clue? I had
enough trouble just learning the proper syntax and library routines for
Dartmouth BASIC and Pascal, without having to deal with a lot of
metaprogramming stuff.

This is the problem when you get newbies asking questions on a list
whose membership includes hardcore gurus. The gurus look at things in
such a lofty way that answering simple questions at the level of a
beginner sounds like a dissertation on the subtleties of Spanish art in
the 1500s.

Just my opinion.

On that note, what would be a better book to learn from?  I have always 
been a fan of the O'Reilly books, but I am open to differing flavors of 
kool-aid.  One can never have too many resources.

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Re: [PHP] New to PHP question

2009-01-28 Thread Don Collier

Paul M Foster wrote:

On Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 01:45:07PM -0700, Don Collier wrote:


On that note, what would be a better book to learn from?  I have always
been a fan of the O'Reilly books, but I am open to differing flavors of
kool-aid.  One can never have too many resources.

The book that sits on my desk and is incredibly dog-eared is
_Programming PHP_, also from O'Reilly. The whole back section is a
reference on all the PHP functions and some extensions. The front part
of the book explains nearly everything about the language.

There are some errata in the book, which I've pointed out to O'Reilly,
and when in doubt I check the function documentation on the


I have this Learning PHP 5 and at the same time bought PHP and MySQL 
also from O'Reilly.  Ever since my first Sed and Awk book from them 
about 10 or so years ago I have been hooked.  I do have others in my 
library but I usually give them a shot first to see if I get what I need.

I will have to pick up a copy of the Programming PHP and give it a 
look.  Thanks.

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