I can access to php.net, but in the 'Documentation', it doesn't show the View online formats

Also, I can't search a function in "Search for '' in the function list" form.

And if i try access to a url from google result, as

i get the following answer:
not found

edit: right now, in the Documentation - View Oline Formats, it shows only the "English" option
I can access to

but not

El 23/01/12 19:27, Curtis Maurand escribió:

Xavier Del Castillo wrote:
On 01/23/2012 10:28 AM, Donovan
Brooke wrote:
Hi, is anyone else having problems with
PHP.net today?

Working fine from here. Do a traceroute to the site,
it might an ISP
related problem.

came right up for me.


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