[PHP] windows files and folders permission

2013-08-22 Thread Emiliano Boragina
Night everyone, I did a upload page and when upload a JPG file this is not
available. Why this happens? Thanks a lot.

Emiliano Boragina | gráfico + web
desarrollos & comunicación

+ 15 33 92 60 02
» emiliano.borag...@gmail.com

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[PHP] files and folders windows permission

2013-08-23 Thread Emiliano Boragina
Hi everyone, sorry my ugly english. I did an upload file form. Works
very good. Upload the files in the right folder, with the right name.
I use chmod 0644, and for try I use 0777. But always the files are
copyed blocked. I cant see them with windows preview for example. I
read in forums that is Windows fault. How can I fix this? Thanks a


Emiliano Boragina | gráfico + web
desarrollos & comunicación

+ 15 33 92 60 02
» emiliano.borag...@gmail.com

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PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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[PHP] while

2008-02-23 Thread Emiliano Boragina
Hi everyone

I am beginner

I have the following code:



 $resultado = mysql_query ("select * from alumnos where Curso like
'$buscar'" , $conexion);

 while ( $registro = mysql_fetch_row ($resultado)) {

   echo "";

   foreach ( $registro as $clave ) {

echo "" . $clave . "";



 echo "";



I want to add a message when find results on the DB: “Find n results”, when
don’t find results: “0 results”.

How and where I must write the IF, and how I do for the n (number of
results) appear.


Thanks a lot!

Nice weekend!



+      _
   // Emiliano Boragina _

   // Diseño & Comunicación //
+  _

   // 15 40 58 60 02 ///
+  _


[PHP] validate + if

2008-02-23 Thread Emiliano Boragina
Hi list!


I have a form.

I validated it with javascript.

Do the validation, but send the form information.

How can I prevent send the information and stay in the form?

When validate all correctly send the info, but if the form isn’t complete
correctly don’t send.




+  _
   // Emiliano Boragina _

   // Diseño & Comunicación //
+  _

   // 15 40 58 60 02 ///
+  _


[PHP] mysql_field_name

2008-02-23 Thread Emiliano Boragina
Hi list


I have the following code:



 $resultado = mysql_query ("select * from registro" , $conexion);

 while ( $registro = mysql_fetch_row ($resultado)) {

   echo "";

   foreach ( $registro as $clave ) {

echo "" . mysql_field_name($resultado, '') .


   echo "";

   echo "";

   foreach ( $registro as $clave ) {

echo "" . $clave . "";



 echo "";



But the result is two TR with only the first field name of the DB.

I want to see all fields name of the DB and only in one TR… how can I do
that (in code please)?




+  _
   // Emiliano Boragina _

   // Diseño & Comunicación //
+  _

   // 15 40 58 60 02 ///
+  _


[PHP] dont print echo

2008-02-28 Thread Emiliano Boragina
Hi list…

All this in the same php:



When I try the php the echo "no picture =("; is there. How can I do to don’t
appears the message before I upload de picture.




+  _
   // Emiliano Boragina _

   // Diseño & Comunicación //
+  _

   // 15 40 58 60 02 ///
+  _


[PHP] php + copy file

2008-04-02 Thread Emiliano Boragina


I have the next code:




-- archive_a_subir.php --










In archive_subir.php:







You can see this in  <http://www.portbora.com.ar/foro/archivo_a_subir.php>

when I run these appears the next warning




Warning: copy(subidos/) [ < <http://www.portbora.com.ar/foro/function.copy>

function.copy]: failed to open stream: Is a directory in
/home/pu000561/public_html/foro/archivo_subir.php on line 3




Why this? How can I run correctly?







+ _

   // Emiliano Boragina _


   // Diseño & Comunicación //


+ _



   // 15 40 58 60 02 ///


+ _


2007-10-24 Thread Emiliano Boragina
Hi everyone.


I need to know how do I do a FINDER of clinics for zones.

I am new in PHP, so my knowloge is not much.

The user of this finder select the zone from the list, and click in the
button, and them show a list of clinic with its data info (name, address,
phones, etc)


Thanks a lot!
