[PHP] PHP equivalent for Oracle ORA_FFI

2001-06-22 Thread Euan Greig

We have a data load program written in Oracle Reports 2.5 (yes, I know, it
wasn't me!). This uses ORA_FFI to interface with a .dll to validate and
reformat addresses. I would like to perform the same interface in PHP if
possible, without needing to do any development work on or around the .dll.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Some sample code below. The key points are, I think.
1. Oracle seems to be able, using Ora_FFI, to directly access a function in
a .dll, passing it parameters, and receiving its return output.
2. In the package initialization, at the end of the page, the .dll
'TBIF100.dll', referrred to as a library, is first loaded and opened, and
then the function 'PAS988V659' within the library is registered along with
its in/out parameters.
3. As a result of this, the dll and the function are assigned handles. The
function handle is used in the function i_obm988 to actually execute the
function.It's a rather strange looking bit of PL/SQL but it works!

PACKAGE BODY call_cbm988_pas IS
 lh_obm988 ora_ffi.libHandleType;
 fh_obm988 ora_ffi.funcHandleType;

   FUNCTION i_obm988(
funcHandle IN ora_ffi.funcHandleType
   ,cons_name  IN OUT VARCHAR2
   -- other parameters
   PRAGMA INTERFACE(C,i_obm988,11265);

BEGIN -- Package Initialization
 lh_obm988 := ora_ffi.find_library('TBIF100.dll');
 lh_obm988 := ora_ffi.load_library(NULL,'TBIF100.dll');
 END ;
 fh_obm988 :=
 -- register other parameters
END call_cbm988_pas;



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[PHP] OCIExecute hangs with invalid sql statement

2001-06-22 Thread Euan Greig

The following code works fine if passed a valid sql statement in $sql, but
if not it hangs.

$this-conn=OCIPLogon($orauser,$orapwd,$tns) or
   die (Could not log on to database);
$this-stmnt = OCIParse($this-conn, $sql) or
   die (Could not initialize database query (parse));
$result = OCIExecute($this-stmnt) or
   die (Could not perform database query (exec));

I have tried to identify an error at the OCIParse stage, using OCIError, but
without success. It seems OCIParse does not return or generate an error for
an invalid statement. Instead it returns a statement ID which apparently
sends OCIExecute into a coma.

Any ideas?



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[PHP] Wierd error messages

2001-04-25 Thread Euan Greig

Today my php 4/Apache/NT 4/Oracle 8i setup has started misbehaving. First
sign was a huge slowing down in the delivery of pages. Then Apache crashed.
I couldn't find anything interesting in the apache error log, but in the php
error log there are hundreds of messages like the ones below. Can anyone
explain, suggest how to deal with them? I should say that I have rebooted
both of the database and web servers.



[25-Apr-2001 14:34:48] PHP Warning:  Missing ] in üu variable in Unknown on
line 0
[25-Apr-2001 14:34:50] PHP Warning:  Missing ] in }´üt variable in Unknown
on line 0
[25-Apr-2001 14:34:50] PHP Warning:  Missing ] in üu variable in Unknown on
line 0
[25-Apr-2001 14:34:50] PHP Warning:  Missing ] in }´üt variable in Unknown
on line 0
[25-Apr-2001 14:34:50] PHP Warning:  Missing ] in üu variable in Unknown on
line 0
[25-Apr-2001 14:50:47] PHP Warning:  Missing ] in  variable in Unknown on
line 0
[25-Apr-2001 14:50:50] PHP Warning:  Missing ] in  variable in Unknown on
line 0
[25-Apr-2001 14:50:50] PHP Warning:  Missing ] in  variable in Unknown on
line 0

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Re: [PHP] Why is it dangerous to have register_globals on?

2001-04-24 Thread Euan Greig

Now I understand! I hadn't twigged to the danger of _internal_ variables
getting overwritten by bogus get/post variables.

Thanks to you all.


Rasmus Lerdorf [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
  Actually it's not dangerous per se.
  However if can be very dangerous if you aren't being careful in your
  for instance, consider this.
  Let's say I've conditionally set $sql somewhere else in the code based
  certain conditions, which works fine. But let's say those conditions
  met so $sql doesn't get set to anything since it's not really used. Now
  consider this code:
  if ($sql)
  $result = mysql_query($sql);
  Now that would be fine for all normal instances. But now what if someone
  appends this onto the end of your url:
  ...plus something like DROP databasename. It doesn't take too much
  imagination to see what kind of things could happen if someone just had
  little bit of knowledge about how your code works.
  Thus you have two options. One is of course to turn register_globals
  but ALWAYS ALWAYS _ALWAYS_ set a default for every variable you refer to
  your script at some point before doing anything with it. So if you use
  be 100% sure that it has been set $sql explicitly in your code before
  anything with it.

 Whether you turn register_globals off or not, you need to always watch
 cases like this.  I have seen many people say that register_globals is
 inherently insecure and then they turn it off and go through and use
 something like $HTTP_POST_VARS['sql'] everywhere they used to use $sql.
 This only makes it slightly more tedious to inject bogus variables into
 since the attacker now needs to make a trivial little form to inject stuff
 into the POST data instead of just sticking it onto the URL.
 Security-wise there is no difference whatsoever.

 Never never never trust user-supplied data implicitly.  Always check
 anything that could possibly come from the user.  For internal variables,
 always initialize them and just generally think things through as you
 write your scripts.  This is no different in PHP than in any other
 scripting language used for web work.


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