[PHP] Re: About resource of popen

2007-05-02 Thread Fernando chucre

Somebody? help me!!


2007/4/30, Fernando chucre [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Hello all,

I make a script for read and interprete the stdout of cmd `ip monitor`.
And I use signal_handler, the script is like this:
declare(ticks = 1);

$fh = popen('ip monitor','r');

while (!feof($fh))
$line = fgets($fh);

function analize($line) {  ...  } ;
function sig_handler($signo) { ... };

this script run in infine loop, or when to cmd 'ip monitor' exist. The
script ever whait the next line of 'ip monitor', ever. Then when I send the
signal SIGHUP to pid of script. In this point the instruction '$line =
fgets($fh);' is aborted and return false to $line. The $fh is modified and
the function feof($fh) return true and I have not access to $fh agaim. But
the kid process 'ip monitor' is not kill.

This is wanted?

Fernando Chure

Fernando Chure

[PHP] About resource of popen

2007-04-30 Thread Fernando chucre

Hello all,

I make a script for read and interprete the stdout of cmd `ip monitor`. And
I use signal_handler, the script is like this:
declare(ticks = 1);

$fh = popen('ip monitor','r');

while (!feof($fh))
   $line = fgets($fh);

function analize($line) {  ...  } ;
function sig_handler($signo) { ... };

this script run in infine loop, or when to cmd 'ip monitor' exist. The
script ever whait the next line of 'ip monitor', ever. Then when I send the
signal SIGHUP to pid of script. In this point the instruction '$line =
fgets($fh);' is aborted and return false to $line. The $fh is modified and
the function feof($fh) return true and I have not access to $fh agaim. But
the kid process 'ip monitor' is not kill.

This is wanted?

Fernando Chure

[PHP] I make a patch, how I report?

2007-04-16 Thread Fernando chucre

Hello all,

I buid a patch for wrapper php fopen. In this patch I create a way for
the script access the filedescriptos opened by process. Ex:

php file.php 3file_in.txt 7file_out.txt

In this case the script can't read the filedescriptor 3 and 7. Not
have way for read or write in filedescriptor opends by precess.

I make a way for read or write it. A modify de wrapper 'php' for fopen
function. (http://br.php.net/manual/en/wrappers.php.php) A create the
'php:/fd/N' which N is the filedescriptor number.

how to access fd 7 to write?


$fd = fopen(php://fd/7,'w');
fwrite($fd,test of write\n);

I want know who I send the patch for to be avaliable. Thanks.

Fernando Chure
PSL/CE - Brasil

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[PHP] Project php-mobile

2007-01-03 Thread Fernando chucre


I am a PHP-Developer, and for a long time I wait for um php binary for PDA's
(mobiles devices). But this time not hapen. So I and my friend Lauro Salmito
(C develeper) making the PHP-Mobile Project. We want create a small binary,
Mobile Edition.

Basically we make a binary with the fallowing features:

  - Language Reference http://www.php.net/manual/en/langref.php;
  - Function Reference http://www.php.net/manual/en/funcref.php
 - V. Array Functionshttp://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.array.php
 - XII. Class/Object
 - XXII. Date and Time
 - XXIX. Directory Functionshttp://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.dir.php
 - XL. Filesystem
 - XLVI. FTP Functions http://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.ftp.php
 - XCV. MySQL Functionshttp://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.mysql.php
 - XCVII. MySQL Improved
 - CXXIII. PostgreSQL Functionshttp://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.pgsql.php
 - CXXVI. Program Execution
 - CXLVIII. SOAP Functionshttp://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.soap.php
 - CL. Standard PHP Library (SPL)
 - CLI. SQLite Functionshttp://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.sqlite.php
 - CLVI. String Functionshttp://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.strings.php
  - Graphical library
 - For this we don't have Idea, probably we get an exists in PDA
 world, or if necessary we will make it.

For make binary and libraries we will uses the Palm_OS_Developer_Suite_1_2,
this is a suite developer based in Eclipse.

We accept any help.

We will notice when we register the project.


Fernando Chure
PSL/CE - Brasil

[PHP] Project php-mobile

2006-12-29 Thread Fernando chucre


I am a PHP-Developer, and for a long time I wait for um php binary for PDA's
(mobiles devices). But this time not hapen. So I and my friend Lauro Salmito
(C develeper) making the PHP-Mobile Project. (this still not created). We
want create a small binary, Mobile Edition.

Basically we make a binary with the fallowing features:

  - Language Reference http://www.php.net/manual/en/langref.php;
  - Function Reference http://www.php.net/manual/en/funcref.php
 - V. Array Functionshttp://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.array.php
 - XII. Class/Object
 - XXII. Date and Time
 - XXIX. Directory Functionshttp://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.dir.php
 - XL. Filesystem
 - XLVI. FTP Functions http://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.ftp.php
 - XCV. MySQL Functionshttp://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.mysql.php
 - XCVII. MySQL Improved
 - CXXIII. PostgreSQL Functionshttp://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.pgsql.php
 - CXXVI. Program Execution
 - CXLVIII. SOAP Functionshttp://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.soap.php
 - CL. Standard PHP Library (SPL)
 - CLI. SQLite Functionshttp://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.sqlite.php
 - CLVI. String Functionshttp://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.strings.php
  - Graphical library
 - For this we don't have Idea, probably we get an exists in PDA
 world, or if necessary we will make it.

For make binary and libraries we will uses the Palm_OS_Developer_Suite_1_2,
this is a suite developer based in Eclipse.

We accept any help.

We will notice when we register the project.


Fernando Chure
PSL/CE - Brasil

[PHP] Project php-mobile

2006-12-29 Thread Fernando chucre


I am a PHP-Developer, and for a long time I wait for um php binary for PDA's
(mobiles devices). But this time not hapen. So I and my friend Lauro Salmito
(C develeper) making the PHP-Mobile Project. (this still not created). We
want create a small binary, Mobile Edition.

Basically we make a binary with the fallowing features:

  - Language Reference http://www.php.net/manual/en/langref.php;
  - Function Reference http://www.php.net/manual/en/funcref.php
 - V. Array Functionshttp://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.array.php
 - XII. Class/Object
 - XXII. Date and Time
 - XXIX. Directory Functionshttp://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.dir.php
 - XL. Filesystem
 - XLVI. FTP Functions http://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.ftp.php
 - XCV. MySQL Functionshttp://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.mysql.php
 - XCVII. MySQL Improved
 - CXXIII. PostgreSQL Functionshttp://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.pgsql.php
 - CXXVI. Program Execution
 - CXLVIII. SOAP Functionshttp://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.soap.php
 - CL. Standard PHP Library (SPL)
 - CLI. SQLite Functionshttp://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.sqlite.php
 - CLVI. String Functionshttp://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.strings.php
  - Graphical library
 - For this we don't have Idea, probably we get an exists in PDA
 world, or if necessary we will make it.

For make binary and libraries we will uses the Palm_OS_Developer_Suite_1_2,
this is a suite developer based in Eclipse.

We accept any help.

We will notice when we register the project.


Fernando Chure
PSL/CE - Brasil