[PHP] Limiting character input in textarea

2004-11-16 Thread Garth Hapgood - Strickland
Unlike the input fields that use maxlength to define the number of character
allowed. Textarea doesnt seem to have that capability. I want to limit the
number of character to 255.

IS there any way of doing this without having to break my neck about it?


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[PHP] copy function?

2004-11-16 Thread Garth Hapgood - Strickland
I have a button which I want to add a function to, so that when it is
clicked, the data from one textarea will be copied to another textarea

Which event handler of the button should I use and hoe should I construct
the function?


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[PHP] From: mail() function

2004-11-15 Thread Garth Hapgood - Strickland
I am using the normal mail() function and currently using the from address

mail($HTTP_POST_VARS['emailaddress1'], 'Matchmakers Website Registration' ,
$registree_email_text, 'from:[EMAIL PROTECTED]');

how can I make the from address look like Matchmakers Team instead of


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[PHP] php mail() error

2004-11-10 Thread Garth Hapgood - Strickland
Im using the php mail() function to try send an email to a user that has
just registered.

mail($HTTP_POST_VARS['emailaddress1'], 'Matchmakers Website Registration' ,

But when I get the following error back.:
  Warning: mail(): SMTP server response: 550 5.7.1 Unable to relay for

Can someone help me out, by telling me what it means or what Im doing wrong?


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[PHP] using mysql in php problem

2004-11-09 Thread Garth Hapgood - Strickland
I have created a registration page

On this page I have many fields, some of them pulling data out from my
database. I have a javascript validation scipt thats checks on submission of
the form to see if all required fields are filled in correctly.
IF thats the case it should submit the form. Which it isnt doing! It should
start with submission after the validation check is passed.

Then I check to see whether the BusinessName  BusinessOwner already exist,
if not then I am trying to to an insert (which it doesnt do either). Here is
the php code:
$errmsg = ;

$business_query = SELECT BusinessName, BusinessOwner from business WHERE
BusinessName = '$BusinessName' AND BusinessOwner = '$BusinessOwner' ;

$result = mysql_query($business_query);

if (mysql_num_rows($result)  0) {$errmsg .= You are already registered at
Match Makers;}

else {

if (isset($submit) == Register Now){mysql_query(INSERT INTO business

(BusinessName, BusinessOwner, StreetAdress, Suburb, CityTown, ProvinceID,
StreetCode, PostalAddress, PostalCode, WebsiteAddress, IndustryID,
IndustryOther, ProductService, BusinessAge, AnnualTurnoverID,
EmpowermentProfileID, BEEScoreCardID, PreferredLocationID,
PreferredProductService, PreferredMatchPartner, PreferredIndustryID,
PreferredIndustryOther, PreferredAgeID, PreferredTurnoverID,
PreferredEmpowermentProfileID, DateRegistered, MarketSourceID)


(' . $HTTP_POST_VARS['business_name'] . ', ' .
$HTTP_POST_VARS['street_address'] . ', ' . $HTTP_POST_VARS['suburb'] . ',
$city_town, $province_desc, $street_code, $postal_address, $postal_code,
$website_address, $industry_desc, $industry_other, $product_service,
$business_age, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '',));

$id = mysql_insert_id();

if ($telnumber1  '') {mysql_query(INSERT INTO business_communication
(BusinessID,CommunicationType,Destination) VALUES ( ' . $id . ', 1, '.
$HTTP_POST_VARS['telnumber1'] . '));}

if ($faxnumber1  '') {mysql_query(INSERT INTO business_communication
(BusinessID,CommunicationType,Destination) VALUES ( ' . $id . ', 2, '.
$HTTP_POST_VARS['faxnumber1'] . '));}

if ($cellnumber1  '') {mysql_query(INSERT INTO business_communication
(BusinessID,CommunicationType,Destination) VALUES ( ' . $id . ', 3, '.
$HTTP_POST_VARS['cellnumber1'] . '));}

if ($emailaddress1  '') {mysql_query(INSERT INTO business_communication
(BusinessID,CommunicationType,Destination) VALUES ( ' . $id . ', 4, '.
$HTTP_POST_VARS['emailaddress1'] . '));}

echo Your registration has been submitted;



I am not sure where exactly I am going so wrong, and it really is starting
to drive me crazy!

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Re: [PHP] Help needed on php/mysql

2004-11-02 Thread Garth Hapgood - Strickland
  td width=55% 
  select class=content name=industry_desc id=selectoption value=-- select 
one --/option
  ?PHP for($x=0;$x$number_industry;$x++)
  echo('option value='.$rijindustry[$x][IndustryID].'');
  td width=45% align=right class=contentIndustry Other:/td
  td width=55%input class=content type=text size=35 maxlength=100 
  td width=45% align=right class=contentBusiness Age (Years):/td
  td width=55%input class=content size=5 maxlength=4 type=text 
  td width=45% align=right class=contentAnnual Turnover:/td
  td width=55%
  select class=content name=ann_turn_desc id=selectoption value=-- select 
one --/option
  ?PHP for($x=0;$x$number_ann_turn;$x++)
  echo('option value='.$rijann_turn[$x][AnnualTurnoverID].'');
  td width=45% align=right class=contentEmpowerment Profile:/td
  td width=55% 
  select class=content name=empower_prof_desc id=selectoption value=-- 
select one --/option
  ?PHP for($x=0;$x$number_empower;$x++)
  echo('option value='.$rijempower[$x][EmpowermentProfileID].'');
  td width=45% align=right class=contentBEE Score Card:/td
  td width=55% 
  select class=content name=scorecard_desc id=selectoption value=-- select 
one --/option
  ?PHP for($x=0;$x$number_scorecard;$x++)
  echo('option value='.$rijscorecard[$x][BEEScoreCardID].'');
  td class=formAreaTitle.: Preferred Partner Information/td
  td class=main width=60%
  table border=0 width=100% cellspacing=4 cellpadding=0 class=formArea
  td width=45% align=right class=contentPreferred Product Service:/td
  td width=55%textarea rows=5 cols=35 class=content maxlength=255 
type=text name=preferred_product_service/textarea/td
  td width=45% align=right class=contentPreferred Match Partner:/td
  td width=55%textarea rows=5 cols=35 class=content maxlength=255 
type=text name=preferred_match_partner/textarea/td
  td width=45% align=right class=contentPreferred Location:/td
  td width=55% 
  select class=content name=prefer_location_desc id=selectoption value=-- 
select one --/option
  ?PHP for($x=0;$x$number_provinces;$x++)
  echo('option value='.$rijprovinces[$x][ProvinceID].'');
  td width=45% align=right class=contentPreferred Age:/td
  td width=55% 
  select class=content name=prefer_age_desc id=selectoption value=-- 
select one --/option
  ?PHP for($x=0;$x$number_age;$x++)
  echo('option value='.$rij_age[$x][AgeID].'');
  td width=45% align=right class=contentPreferred Annual Turnover:/td
  td width=55% 
  select class=content name=prefer_turnover_desc id=selectoption value=-- 
select one --/option
  ?PHP for($x=0;$x$number_pref_turnover;$x++)
  echo('option value='.$rij_pref_turnover[$x][PreferredAnnualTurnoverID].'');
  td width=45% align=right class=contentPreferred Empowerment Profile:/td
  td width=55% 
  select class=content name=prefer_empower_desc id=selectoption value=-- 
select one --/option
  ?PHP for($x=0;$x$number_pref_empower;$x++)
  echo('option value='.$rij_pref_empower[$x][PreferredEmpowermentProfileID].'');
  td width=45% align=right class=contentMarket Source:/td
  td width=55% 
  select class=content name=prefer_turnover_desc id=selectoption value=-- 
select one --/option
  ?PHP for($x=0;$x$number_market_source;$x++)
  echo('option value='.$rij_market_source[$x][PreferredAnnualTurnoverID].'');
  td align=rightinput type=submit name=submit value=Register Now/td
  td width=60%

  tdtable width=35%

  td width=15nbsp;/td
  !-- body_eof //--
  !-- footer //--
  ?php require('includes/footer.php'); ?
  !-- footer_eof //--

 Seeing the page might help.
 On Nov 1, 2004, at 2:52 AM, Garth Hapgood - Strickland wrote:
  I have written a registration page in php and have a number of edit 
  and drop-down lists. The lists are pulling data out of their respective
  tables, whereas the edit boxes are just for saving data.
  Now my main table where all my data is being saved is called Business. 
  this I have a table called BusinessCommunication which has the fields

Re: [PHP] Help needed on php/mysql {Scanned}

2004-11-02 Thread Garth Hapgood - Strickland
As you can see from my code, I do want to check if all mandatory fields are
selected or filled in. As well as the issue of the communicationtyes.

SO far I do not have fields or anything for the user to use, to select the
different CommunicationTypes he wants. I am not sure how to go about this
because, there is the issue that more than one Destination can be added
for a single CommType. And the number of CommTypes is not fixed and could
vary, so thats why Im not sure how much input fields etc to put on page.

Does this make sense.

 Hmmm...I'm not sure I'm following you.  You just want to know how to
 deal with multiple drop down lists?  Or do you want to be able to check
 and make sure all the mandatory selections have been chosen?

 On Nov 2, 2004, at 4:58 AM, Garth Hapgood - Strickland wrote:

  Well my page doesnt have any of the spoken about elements on it yet,
  because I am not clear as to go about it.
  The fields I speak of are things that need to be added extra to my
  Here is my pages code so far...
!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN
titleMatchmakers - empowerment opportunities network/title
meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html;
link href=style.css rel=stylesheet type=text/css
script language=JavaScript type=text/JavaScript
function MM_preloadImages() { //v3.0
var d=document; if(d.images){ if(!d.MM_p) d .MM_p=new Array();
var i,j=d.MM_p.length,a=MM_preloadImages.arguments; for(i=0;
  ia.length; i++)
if (a[i].indexOf(#)!=0){ d.MM_p[j]=new Image;
!-- Hide from old browsers
function error_popup() {
newwin = window.open(error_popup.php,sss,height=470,width=450)
// end hiding --
body leftmargin=0 topmargin=0 marginwidth=0 marginheight=0
!-- header //--
?php require('includes/header.php'); ?
!-- header_eof //--
!-- body //--
table width=100% border=0 cellspacing=2 cellpadding=5
td valign=toptable width=130
td width=120 align=right class=pagetitlebrregistrationimg
table width=100% border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0
tr valign=top
pbrbrbFill in all the fields below correct and accurately,
  then click Register Now./bbrbr
tdtable width=65%
form title=register method=post onsubmit=return check_form();
  if (isset($submit)  $submit == Register Now){
if (strlen($business_name) == 0) {}
else if (strlen($business_owner) == 0) {}
else if (strlen($street_address) == 0) {}
else if (strlen($suburb) == 0) {}
else if (strlen($city_town) == 0) {}
else if (strlen($province_desc) == 0) {}
$email_popup(); (the code i was trying to use to call popup
  else {
$insertquery = INSERT INTO business
(BusinessName, BusinessOwner, StreetAdress, Suburb, CityTown,
  ProvinceID, StreetCode, PostalAddress, PostalCode, WebsiteAddress,
  IndustryID, IndustryOther, BusinessAge, AnnualTurnoverID,
  EmpowermentProfileID, BEEScoreCardID, PreferredLocationID,
  PreferredProductService, PreferredMatchPartner, PreferredAgeID,
  PreferredTurnoverID, PreferredEmpowermentProfileID, DateRegistered,
($business_name, $business_owner, $street_address, '', '', '',
  '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '',
  echo Your registration has been submitted;
td class=formAreaTitle.: Business Contact Details/td
td class=main
table border=0 width=100% cellspacing=4 cellpadding=0
td width=45% align=right class=contentBusiness Name:/td
td width=55%input class=content type=text size=35
  maxlength=100 name=business_name/td
td width=45% align=right class=contentBusiness Owner:/td
td width=55%input class=content type=text size=35
  maxlength=100 name=business_owner/td
td width=45% align=right class=contentStreet Address:/td
td width=55%input class=content type=text size=35
  maxlength=100 name=street_address/td
td width=45% align=right class=contentSuburb:/td
td width=55%input class=content type=text size=35
  maxlength=100 name=suburb/td
td width=45% align=right class=contentCity/Town:/td
td width=55%input class=content type=text size=35
  maxlength=100 name=city_town/td
td width=45% align=right class=contentProvince:/td
td width=55%
select class=content name=province_desc id=selectoption

[PHP] Help needed on php/mysql

2004-11-01 Thread Garth Hapgood - Strickland
I have written a registration page in php and have a number of edit boxes
and drop-down lists. The lists are pulling data out of their respective
tables, whereas the edit boxes are just for saving data.

Now my main table where all my data is being saved is called Business. Onto
this I have a table called BusinessCommunication which has the fields
(BusinessCommunicationID, BusinessID, CommunicationTypeID, Destination).

BusinessCommunicationID = Primary Key
BusinessID = Foreign key from Business Table
CommunicationTypeID = Foreign key from CommunicationType table (lists all
communication types)
Destination = field where data is stored (tel number, email address or fax
number etc)

Now the problem is that I want the person registering to be able to select
the Communication Type/s he wants to add and then be able to enter the
relevant information for each selected CommType. There must also be ability
to add 2 of the same CommType.

How can I achieve this as simply and affective as possible on my
registration page.

If you have any solutions are need more information. Please let me know

Many thanx

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[PHP] calling javascript

2004-11-01 Thread Garth Hapgood - Strickland
I want to call a javascript function:

function error_popup() { newwin = 
window.open(error_popup.php,sss,height=470,width=450) }

from within my php code. 
How do I go about called this function?


Re: [PHP] calling javascript

2004-11-01 Thread Garth Hapgood - Strickland
by saying ?

echo error_popup();
print error_popup;

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Re: [PHP] calling javascript

2004-11-01 Thread Garth Hapgood - Strickland
 You can't call JavaScript functions from within PHP.  You can output the
 JavaScript function to the browser.

 PHP == Server Side
 JavaScript == Client Side

Ok so what does this mean I should write..I don't understand what you mean
by Server Side/Client Side.

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Re: [PHP] calling javascript

2004-11-01 Thread Garth Hapgood - Strickland
Thanx for your help, I am actually a web designer!

I dont think u understand 100%

I have a form and Im doing a check on submission to check whether there are
any blank field and if there are I want to call function.. error_popup();
does this make anymore sense to you. Now I understand that you cant call
javascript from within php. wot would you recommend as an alternative.

I dont have a button or anything that I want to press, just want to call the
function so it can open a popup window.

Ben Ramsey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Garth Hapgood - Strickland wrote:
  by saying ?
  echo error_popup();
  print error_popup;

 As someone mentioned, you cannot call a javascript function from within
 PHP. What is meant by client side/server side is this: PHP is processed
 on the server before sending any content to the browser; that's
 server-side. Then, the server sends the HTML output of the PHP script to
 the browser. Any javascript you have in the output is enacted in the
 browser (client-side).

 So, you want your PHP to output the javascript just like it might output


 echo 'script type=text/javascript';
 echo 'function error_popup() { newwin =
 window.open(error_popup.php,sss,height=470,width=450) }';
 echo '/script';
 echo 'input type=button onclick=error_popup()';

 Sounds to me like you need to go back and revisit the introductory pages
 of the PHP manual. Take a look at http://www.php.net/introduction and
 follow the subsequent pages to read more about PHP and what it can do.
 It'll also take you through a tutorial that's fairly helpful.

 Ben Ramsey

 Atlanta PHP - http://www.atlphp.org/
 The Southeast's premier PHP community.

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Re: [PHP] trying 2 pull data out table and populate a list box

2004-10-29 Thread Garth Hapgood - Strickland
Thanx so much Reinhart

It works fine now.

Ok so i have my list populated now. IF I want to diplay select one at the
top of the list box, not as an option, but just so that the user knows to
select an item. How will I put that in the code?


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[PHP] trying 2 pull data out table and populate a list box

2004-10-28 Thread Garth Hapgood - Strickland
I am trying to pull all data out of a table called province which has 2
fields ProvinceID and Description respectively.

Now I want to populate a list with all the data in the descriptions field.

Many thanx

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