Re: [PHP] Beginner Tutorials for using CLASSES in PHP4

2007-10-09 Thread Guillaume Theoret
On 10/9/07, Tony Marston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ""Nathan Nobbe"" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > On 10/9/07, Tony Marston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >> ""Nathan Nobbe"" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> >> > On 10/9/07, Robert Cummings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> >>
> >> >> Why would I use an interface? :)
> >> >
> >> > because inheritance is not always optimal.
> >>
> >> I have never found a prolem when using an interface was the only
> >> solution,
> >> or even ANY kind of solution. The fact that your designs need it speaks
> >> volumes of the problems with your designs.
> >
> > im not the one whose been defending my designs  in this conversation; you
> > are.
> But you are the one who keeps saying that your approach, where all member
> variables are hidden, is far superior. I'm just saying that I do share that
> opinion.
> > there are plenty of situations where the interface is the more elegant
> > approach, thats why its here; and thats why it was added in php5.
> >
> >> There's your problem, then. You are wasting your time trying to implement
> >> fancy design patterns just because design patterns are supposed to be
> >> "cool".
> >
> > i dont recall reading any suggestions to use design patterns because they
> > are cool.
> But you are the one who pointed out that interfaces are used in design
> patterns, therefore they *must* be OK. I am saying that I have never seen
> any advantages from using interfaces, and I don't waste my time with design
> patterns.
> > infact the advice ive read is to only use them when they make sense.
> My point is that interfaces do not make anysense to me at all. I can access
> all my class methods without them, so what benefit do they give?
> > Loader class, Controller Base class, Front Controller - I have none
> >> of that crap in my code, so I don't encounter the problems you have. When
> >> I
> >> see code like "$this->load->library('email') " I just thank my lucky
> >> stars
> >> that I don't have to maintain it. I think some serious refactoring is
> >> long
> >> overdue.
> >
> > id have to say code igniter is quite a bit more popular than radicore.
> > maybe youre the one who has some refactoring to do.
> >
> > Perhaps you are trying to implement something from another language and
> >> expecting PHP to be just like that other language, which is always a
> >> stupid
> >> mistake. PHP is different, therefore the solution will be different. I
> >> suggest you learn how PHP works and design accordingly, and stop trying
> >> to
> >> force it into emulating another language.
> >
> >
> > well php has certainly gotten its influence from a number of other
> > languages.
> > where do you think the additional features in php5 got their inspiration
> > from?
> Some of those features were implemented just because some a*sholes who are
> more familiar with other languages keep saying "I can do so-and-so in
> language X, and I want to do exactly the same thing in PHP". Language X has
> interfaces, so PHP *must* have interfaces, Why? What purpose do they serve?
> What benefits do they bring?
> > btw;
> > heres the definition of implement from
> >
> > im·ple·ment
> > 
> >  /n. '?mpl?m?nt; v. '?mpl??m?nt, -m?nt/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled
> > Pronunciation[n. *im*-pl*uh*-m*uh*nt; v. *im*-pl*uh*-ment, -m*uh*nt]
> > Pronunciation
> > Key - Show IPA Pronunciation -noun 1.any article used in some activity,
> > esp.
> > an instrument, tool, or utensil: agricultural implements.
> > notice the use of article; ie data; ie; you are wrong about member
> > variables
> > not being part of a classes implementation.
> > if a variable local to a function can be considered part of its
> > implementation; then a variable local to a class can be
> > considered part of its implementation; its that simple.
> Implementation is still an activity or a procedure. A lawnmower is a tool
> which implements lawnmowing, and it acts upon a lawn. However, the lawn is
> not part of the implementation, it is the subject of the implementation. An
> object may contain both variables and operations, but the data is not part
> of those operations, it is the subject of those operations.
> --
> Tony Marston
> --
> PHP General Mailing List (
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In response to:

> My point is that interfaces do not make anysense to me at all. I can access
> all my class methods without them, so what benefit do they give?

We first sought to use interfaces in our new app when we were at the
Best-Design-Ever stage but scaled them back more and more at each step
of the development. We have pretty much completed the first version of
the app (which contains maybe 90%

Re: [PHP] Interesting Rails Vs. PHP article

2007-09-23 Thread Guillaume Theoret
That's actually a very good article and while I don't agree with some
of it (most notably #6, the I love SQL.. I find a good ORM layer to be
a life saver should you ever need to make database structure changes
without having all your apps collapse all over themselves), I
certainly agree with the main idea: that rails is an excellent

My current job is writing PHP code but I once completed a project with
rails and strongly believe that I'm a better PHP programmer because of
it. Rails is basically a very nice implementation of a whole bunch of
enterprise patterns DONE RIGHT! I tend to associate the term
"enterprise" with slow, bloated, overly complicated and barely
functional but in this case, the enterprise patterns implemented are
all worth knowing.

We have our own simple framework that's quite fast and does nothing
more than it needs to. It allows us to write new functionality very
quickly and easily. The place I work has more programmers experienced
with php and therefore it just made sense for me to learn PHP instead
of them all learn Ruby. I still routinely recommend they try rails at
least one, on their own, just for the hell of it because they'll be so
much better afterwards. It's easy to do things the wrong way in PHP
but it's pretty hard with rails. It pretty much forces you to do
things properly and while that can be maddening at first it's worth
the effort.

On 9/23/07, Colin Guthrie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thought ppl here may be interested in this:
> Originally linked from /.:
> Col
> --
> PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] php personal project

2007-09-22 Thread Guillaume Theoret
* Disclaimer: The following may sound condescending (I hope not) but
you said you're a newbie so I'll try to start with the very basics.

For your database tables questions you basically want the tables to
represent real life "things". For example, a player, a team, etc.

So let's make a quick list of things you might want to store information about:
Players (an NFL player)
Teams (a NFL team)
Coaches (a NFL coach)
Fantasy Owners (one of your friends who has a fantasy team)

Now that we have that list we have to decide what information we want
to keep about each.

For example a player will need a name, an age, a salary, possible
other stuff that's unique to him alone. Same for teams, coaches and
fantasy owners.

Now that we have a little information about each we need to decide how
to link everything together. In order to properly link things together
(to keep each database record (or row) unique) we need to give each
record a unique id. An auto-incremented integer serves perfecly. So
we'll have player_id, team_id, coach_id, owner_id.

Teams have many players but players only play on one team. In this
case we have a "one to many" relationship between teams and players.
In this case you want to store the team_id in the player table.

The relationship between fantasy owners and players can be more
complicated however. Depending on the rules you set up owners will
surely have several players but players may be owned by several
owners. Here we have a "many to many" relationship. In this case we
need what's called a "middle table", basically a table whose sole
purpose is to link 2 other tables together. We'll call this table
owners_players and it will only have 2 fields: owner_id and player_id.
So when you want all players on an owner's team you select * from
owners_players where owner_id = x and with each of those results you
look up the player's information from his unique id (though it's
easier to do a join but I don't want to get into table joins right now
that's more complicated).

I've shown the two more complicated types of relationship but there's
still another: one to one. In this case you can put the id of the
linked-to record of the other table in either table, it doesn't
particularly matter, put it where you think it makes most sense.

This should be enough to at least get you started collecting some data.

On 9/21/07, Karl james <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Team,
> I am in need of some help.
> I would love to get some assistance on this.
> I need to start creating a database for my website.
> This will be for a fantasy football league website.
> To store stats on the database for archive purposes,
> And be able to pull them out on html reports.
> I want to do something similar to this site here.
> Please review the reports page on the left.
> I want to do all except for real time scoring.
> Do not have the monies to purchase that yet, LOL.
> I will be extracting the data from other sites, like and
> I know I need to create the players, members, stats tables.
> But, I am not sure how to set them up correctly.
> I can send you all a word file if you private message me.
> It will show what I am looking for.
> Here is a link on my wish list at the moment.
> I want to do all the work. I basically just need a instructor to help me
> along the way
> To, the end. I seem to never get any one to help me on this. Maybe, because
> I am
> A newbie and not sure what to do or what right questions to ask as well.
> Any help in this ordeal would be greatly appreciated. I have NO TIME TABLE
> on this.
> Just, a personal goal of mine for me and my friends.
> Please help me through this! :-)
> Karl James

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Re: [PHP] How to implement a plugin system?

2007-08-07 Thread Guillaume Theoret
A couple of months ago I asked pretty much the same question on this
list because I was doing the same thing. This is how we implemented
our system.

For starters, we rolled our own MVC framework. It's pretty much a
standard MVC framework, very rails inspired but much more lightweight
than Cake and with very strong support for ajax because we do a lot of

We also decided to develop a large part of our functionality as
plugins. For example pagination is a plugin. You can just develop your
page and then paginate it pretty much as an afterthought by simply
including a plugin to which you pass your array of objects (we have an
ORM layer so we always deal with objects, not SQL) and the total

Plugins are simply a folder in the plugins directory. This way the
framework can autoload them easily. If you have a Poll plugin you need
a PollPlugin class in the plugin/poll/classes directory. We also use
the savant3 template engine so from here you probably also want a few
templates to render your poll according to certain details. To display
a poll on a page all I have to do in the controller is this:

$poll = PollMapper::get()->findRandomBySite($ma->site());
$member = AFramework::framework()->user();
$poll_plugin = Plugin::load("poll",$poll, $member);

and in the view I simply class $this->poll_plugin->display(); and it
displays correctly at that location.

The interesting part there is the Plugin loader. Basically it's a
pseudo constructor. You give it a plugin name that you want to load
and any extra parameters (as many as you want) will be passed along to
the class' load method which serves as the pseudo constructor.

Since a poll object and a member object were passed to the poll
plugin, I can check whether this member has voted before of not. If
not, display() is going to return the p_poll_options template,
otherwise it will return the p_poll_results template. That's really
just some barebones html (a couple of divs with widths) that have a
default styling you can include (in the plugin's css folder) or that
you can override in the template that you're including's css.

I just mentioned that each plugin can have its own css but it can also
have its own images and javascript.

Anyway, this method has been working out extremely well for us. It
gives a lot of flexibility when you can just develop a self contained
piece of functionality and then just include it anywhere on any page.
If you make your plugins generic enough to handle anything (like
update lists that can take arrays of arbitrary object and just display
them correctly as a paginated list) you'll find this method works very

On 8/7/07, Hamza Saglam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ""Nathan Nobbe"" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > On 8/6/07, Stut <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>
> >> Hamza Saglam wrote:
> >> > Thanks for your response. However I am looking for something a bit more
> >> > comprehensive :)
> >> >
> >> > I could do it as you suggested if I had only a few plugins. As I am
> >> going to
> >> > add loads of plugins over the time, rather than adding all the plugins
> >> one
> >> > by one, could something like a 'loader' class be implemented? What I
> >> mean by
> >> > that is, it will take the requested plugin names (with their own
> >> parameters
> >> > necessary) and load/initialise them.
> >> >
> >> > In semi-psuedo-code, it would be something like:
> >> >
> >> >  foreach plugin suplied as the argument
> >> >include the plugin
> >> >initialise it
> >> >  end
> >> >
> >> > Perhaps I should change the question to: "Do you think something like
> >> this
> >> > would be efficient and useable? If not what sort of pattern would you
> >> > follow?"
> >>
> >> What you're describing is the Factory pattern, and yes that's the most
> >> efficient way to implement plugins. You should never load classes unless
> >> you need them - it's a complete waste of time, and definitely not
> >> recommended if you're going to have a lot of plugins.
> >>
> >> I would suggest you name your plugins X_plugin, Y_plugin and Z_plugin
> >> (where plugin could be anything) because that adds a level of security.
> >> Otherwise you could open yourself up to security issues because the user
> >> could instantiate any class in your system.
> >>
> >> -Stut
> >>
> >> --
> >>
> >>
> >> > "Borokov Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> >> > news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >> >> Hey Hamza,
> >> >>
> >> >> require_once($chosenPlugin . '.class.php');
> >> >>
> >> >> $obj = new $chosenPlugin();
> >> >> return $obj;
> >> >>
> >> >> And you can start from there.
> >> >>
> >> >> hth,
> >> >>
> >> >> boro
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >> Hamza Saglam schreef:
> >> >>> Hello all,
> >> >>>
> >> >>> I am working on a project which needs to have some sort of plugins
> >> >>> architecture and I am kinda stuck. Basically I want to give a list of
> >> >>> items to the user, and 

Re: [PHP] PHP P O K E R...... and JAVA (convert)

2007-06-27 Thread Guillaume Theoret

This isn't exactly what was asked for but when I TA'd the principles
of programming languages course, an assignment I gave was to write a
simple poker game in Haskell. If anyone's interested here's the sample
solution I gave:

It's all console based of course. You'll need either ghc or hugs
installed to run it.

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Re: [PHP] Interesting article about PHP security exploit by GIF files

2007-06-20 Thread Guillaume Theoret

Thanks for the link.

I got worried for a second that my code could be exploited so I did a
quick check to make sure that mime-types were correct. (I check the
mime type to make sure it's an image, not the file extension.) I
renamed a .jpg file .jpg.php and uploaded it and got application/x-php
as a mime type.

Is there a way to fake the mime type of what you've uploaded so that
this exploit is still possible? Should I be checking both mime types
and file extensions?


On 6/20/07, Daniel Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 6/20/07, Jochem Maas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Daniel Brown wrote:
> > On 6/20/07, Tijnema <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> Hi all,
> >>
> >> Just received a mail from phpclasses, which pointed to this very
> >> interesting article[1]. Seems good to know for starters ;)
> >> The experts around here probably already know this way of exploits.
> >>
> >> Tijnema
> >>
> >> [1]
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> --
> >> PHP General Mailing List (
> >> To unsubscribe, visit:
> >>
> >>
> >
> >I've been doing stuff like that for legitimate reasons for about
> > two years I thought everyone knew about it.
> exactly what are those legitimate reasons for uploading and executing
> php on other peoples server with authorization? :->
> my defense lawyer might be interested ;-)
> >

No, not the upload and execution, per se, but rather using images
to contain processable PHP code.

Daniel P. Brown
[office] (570-) 587-7080 Ext. 272
[mobile] (570-) 766-8107

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Re: [PHP] Php script diagnostic app?

2007-06-18 Thread Guillaume Theoret

Thanks a lot for that post Paul.

It brings up a question though. You said to never ever use that on a
production server (an important disclaimer!) so I was wondering what
people here used to log and simulate loads. I've used OpenSTA ( ) and I was pleased with the results but it only
works with windows. What do you guys generally use under linux? Just
squid? Something else?

I suppose I can just set up a windows box if I have to since OpenSTA
acts as a transparent gateway but if there's a good linux solution out
there for recording usage and playing it back concurrently I'd like to
hear about it. With OpenSTA to create a test script it's as easy as
clicking the record button to create the script and stop when you're
done. Then you can go in and manually edit the script if you like and
you can play it back as many times as you'd like concurrently (thereby
simulating many users). Anyone know of anything like this?


On 6/18/07, Paul Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Mon, 2007-06-18 at 06:39 +0200, Paul Scott wrote:
> If you would like a more detailed HOWTO, please let me know, and I will
> write up something for you.


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Re: [PHP] does this code look like it would check a file extensions, and disallow php files or exe files to be attached

2007-06-14 Thread Guillaume Theoret

On 6/14/07, dave peaachepea <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:



I'm not a programmer, and I'm very new at php so im sure there are errors
and stupid logic in my code.

It would be greatly appreciated if anyone here could critique and rip apart
my code.

thank you,


Since you're new to programming you probably haven't heard of regular
expressions. They come in very handy in a case like this one.

$files = array("test.htm", "test.php", "test.exe", "test.jpg",
"test.jpg.exe", "test.exe.jpg");

$forbidden_extensions = array("php3","php","exe");

foreach($files as $file)
preg_match("/.*\.(\w+)$/", $file, $extension);
if(in_array($extension[1], $forbidden_extensions))
echo "File $file is not allowed ";
echo "File $file was uploaded ";

This will produce the output:

File test.htm was uploaded
File test.php is not allowed
File test.exe is not allowed
File test.jpg was uploaded
File test.jpg.exe is not allowed
File test.exe.jpg was uploaded

a regular expressions is enclosed in / /
. matches anything and a * means 0 or more. So the regular expressions
starts matching 0 or more of anything. Then I escape the . ( the \.
part) to match a . and then I put parenthesis to create a capture and
\w means alphanumeric characters and + means 1 or more. The $ means
the end. So that regular expression looks for a . followed by
alphanumeric characters and returns those alphanumeric characters.

If you didn't understand everything in there that's fine, just read
this: . It's an
excellent regular expression tutorial and after reading it you'll see
what was going on.

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Re: [PHP] php / mysql performance resources

2007-06-13 Thread Guillaume Theoret

On 6/13/07, Daevid Vincent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'll throw in my suggestion here as to how I implement this.

Generally I evaluate how big are the tables and what do I intend to do
with them.

Sorting is usually a "problem". Using the PHP multi_sort seems
cumbersome and never seems to be as simple as letting the DB do it.

I too use LEFT JOINs frequently.

If I have to join more than say 4 or 5 tables, I start to break it up.

My favorite little trick is to load a PHP array with smaller tables.


$employeeType = array( "SELECT id, name FROM employee_type_table" );

And I might do this for several tables.

(you can also store these in a $_SESSION if you're using these
key/values frequently on different pages)

Then this can effectively eliminate one whole join (per), as most tables
key off of ID's (duh).

Then do my real SELECT/JOIN query, and during my while/$row loop I just
substitute the array value back in like this

I actually use this little optimizing trick as an interview question for
new hires. You'd be amazed at how many people don't think of this, as
obvious as it seems to me...

That's a neat trick, I'll try to keep it in mind. In our current setup
we'd do something like:


$employee = find::($row['employee_id']); // Return an Employee object
echo $employee->getType()->getName();

So here, when we created an employee object, it did a db hit and
looked in the employees table. The type attribute for employee was
just a ProxyType object (with an id that was stored as type_id in the
employees table). When I tried to access the name the ProxyType did a
db hit and replaced itself with a Type object that had all the columns
of the types table as its attributes. If we needed to later access
some other attribute of the employee's type, no db hit would be made
since it's now loaded.

In this case, if you're looping over all employees and outputting
their type names you'd be doing nearly twice as many db hits with my
method. Thanks for the tip.


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Re: [PHP] php / mysql performance resources

2007-06-13 Thread Guillaume Theoret

On 6/13/07, Richard Lynch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Wed, June 13, 2007 12:31 pm, Guillaume Theoret wrote:
> Thanks for the response.
> On 6/13/07, Robert Cummings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On Wed, 2007-06-13 at 10:36 -0400, Guillaume Theoret wrote:
>> > Hi everyone,
>> >
>> > Can anyone recommend any good books/resources for php and mysql
>> > performance management? I'm more interested in the software
>> > development side (as opposed to server configuration) of things.
>> I'm
>> > looking for anything that would be good to know when working on
>> > websites that get millions of hits a day.
>> >
>> > Also, if anyone knows of any resources/discussions that illustrate
>> the
>> > relative performance of joins vs multiple selects I'd love to
>> check it
>> > out.
>> JOIN will almost always be faster by virtue of the query being
>> optimized
>> and doing the work within a single request.
> Really? I thought the way it worked was that when you joined 2 tables
> it needed to create every row combination applicable and then apply
> the where clause. In large tables wouldn't this be slower? It's these
> kinds of optimizations and when the kick in, etc that I don't know
> much about.

Conceptually, JOIN builds that monster table.

If the DB engine can figure out how to constrain one table or another
BEFORE that JOIN to give a much smaller record set, and if they have
mathematical proof that the end result is the same, then they will
optimize and go with the smaller set when possible.

That's a (very) good thing.

Yes, very good indeed. I don't envy the people that write the
algorithms to figure that stuff out. I do still remember my relational
algebra but wouldn't know how to go about implementing that as
efficiently as possible!

> In our application we wrote an abstraction layer with lazy loading.
> (eg: If a User has a Profile the db users table has a profile_id and
> we create a ProxyProfile that only has an id and will look up its
> other attributes in the db if ever needed and then replace its
> reference by a full Profile object.) Because of this, so far the
> entire app only has 1 join because the other select(s) will only be
> done if and when they're needed. I'm certain this is faster in the
> average case but I wanted to know which is generally faster in case I
> later profile the code and see that in some cases the dependent item
> is pretty much always loaded.

You really should write the code the most straight-forward way you
can, and then optimize after identifying bottle-necks.

Anything else is just optimization-masturbation.

We wrote this specifically to keep things conceptually simple. It's
much easier to write an ORM layer and then use nothing but objects
without worrying about the db in the application layer. The result of
writing the ORM layer the way we did was that joins pretty much
vanished (because of the lazy loading). I was just curious as to how
good this actually was. It also makes it much easier to profile and
make changes if necessary too.

> The db will be under heavy load (once we deploy) but we don't yet
> intend on distributing the database. We did however plan for it since
> in the scenario I described above we just need to create a different
> db connection for a different table. We could theoretically have as
> many different db servers as tables (except for that one join of 2
> tables).

This is the scary part.

You really ought to set up a QA server with simulated heavy load for
real life testing, rather than waiting until you deploy to experience
heavy load.

It's not as scary as it sounds. What I'm working on is pretty much a
re-write of our current system (with many new features) and it runs
off a single db server. We do expect the load to increase over time
though (we currently get around 500 to 700 000 hits a day I think) so
it's good to plan for growth.

Some people have a "gift" link here.
Know what I want?
I want you to buy a CD from some indie artist.
Yeah, I get a buck. So?

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Re: [PHP] php / mysql performance resources

2007-06-13 Thread Guillaume Theoret

Thanks for the response.

On 6/13/07, Robert Cummings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Wed, 2007-06-13 at 10:36 -0400, Guillaume Theoret wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Can anyone recommend any good books/resources for php and mysql
> performance management? I'm more interested in the software
> development side (as opposed to server configuration) of things. I'm
> looking for anything that would be good to know when working on
> websites that get millions of hits a day.
> Also, if anyone knows of any resources/discussions that illustrate the
> relative performance of joins vs multiple selects I'd love to check it
> out.

JOIN will almost always be faster by virtue of the query being optimized
and doing the work within a single request.

Really? I thought the way it worked was that when you joined 2 tables
it needed to create every row combination applicable and then apply
the where clause. In large tables wouldn't this be slower? It's these
kinds of optimizations and when the kick in, etc that I don't know
much about.

In our application we wrote an abstraction layer with lazy loading.
(eg: If a User has a Profile the db users table has a profile_id and
we create a ProxyProfile that only has an id and will look up its
other attributes in the db if ever needed and then replace its
reference by a full Profile object.) Because of this, so far the
entire app only has 1 join because the other select(s) will only be
done if and when they're needed. I'm certain this is faster in the
average case but I wanted to know which is generally faster in case I
later profile the code and see that in some cases the dependent item
is pretty much always loaded.

JOIN couples two table together.

JOIN simplifies the data retrieval and code.

MULTIPLE SELECTS allows you to join the data yourself, possibly almost
as fast as the database.

MULTIPLE SELECTS allows the tables to reside in different locations.

MULTIPLE SELECTS can be faster than a JOIN if your database is under
heavy load and you place the tables on different servers allowing the
PHP process to do the joining work. PHP processes scale horizontally
better than database servers.

The db will be under heavy load (once we deploy) but we don't yet
intend on distributing the database. We did however plan for it since
in the scenario I described above we just need to create a different
db connection for a different table. We could theoretically have as
many different db servers as tables (except for that one join of 2

MULTIPLE SELECTS are usually add complexity to your code.

We dealt with this in our design.. The actual front-end functionality
is all simply object-oriented programming so I can muck around as much
as I want with the ORM layer without affecting any of anyone else's
code. (As long as I don't change the published interface of course!)

| InterJinn Application Framework - |
| An application and templating framework for PHP. Boasting  |
| a powerful, scalable system for accessing system services  |
| such as forms, properties, sessions, and caches. InterJinn |
| also provides an extremely flexible architecture for   |
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[PHP] php / mysql performance resources

2007-06-13 Thread Guillaume Theoret

Hi everyone,

Can anyone recommend any good books/resources for php and mysql
performance management? I'm more interested in the software
development side (as opposed to server configuration) of things. I'm
looking for anything that would be good to know when working on
websites that get millions of hits a day.

Also, if anyone knows of any resources/discussions that illustrate the
relative performance of joins vs multiple selects I'd love to check it


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Re: [PHP] Resources for plugin based frameworks

2007-05-15 Thread Guillaume Theoret

Yeah, sadly it's not free.

When I found it I asked my manager if we could subscribe and it turns
out he already subscribes so we went to his place at lunch and brought
his copies over here. Now we're getting a subscription for the office.

On 5/15/07, Jim Lucas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Guillaume Theoret wrote:
> This is mostly for anyone that could later read this thread, (probably
> when searching) but I found an excellent article titled Developing a
> Plugin Architecture for PHP Applications in the april 2006 issue of
> the php|architect magazine.
> On 5/14/07, Greg Donald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On 5/14/07, Guillaume Theoret <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > I'm about to start a project and I'm still in the architectural design
>> > phase. It's going to be a content management system but for several
>> > unrelated things such as website management, employee management or
>> > project management.
>> >
>> > I plan on building a module based system where each part can be
>> > developed as an individual plugin and then just added into the
>> > portal/main page.
>> >
>> > Does anyone know of any php-specific resources (either online or paper
>> > format, both are fine) that would be helpful?
>> If PHP is required I would suggest Drupal.  It's a really good CMS
>> with a solid plugin/module architecture.  The API is very well
>> documented.
>> --
>> Greg Donald
>> --
>> PHP General Mailing List (
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nm, stupid of me to not search and find out why first  :(

Jim Lucas

"Some men are born to greatness, some achieve greatness,
and some have greatness thrust upon them."


PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] Resources for plugin based frameworks

2007-05-15 Thread Guillaume Theoret

This is mostly for anyone that could later read this thread, (probably
when searching) but I found an excellent article titled Developing a
Plugin Architecture for PHP Applications in the april 2006 issue of
the php|architect magazine.

On 5/14/07, Greg Donald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 5/14/07, Guillaume Theoret <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm about to start a project and I'm still in the architectural design
> phase. It's going to be a content management system but for several
> unrelated things such as website management, employee management or
> project management.
> I plan on building a module based system where each part can be
> developed as an individual plugin and then just added into the
> portal/main page.
> Does anyone know of any php-specific resources (either online or paper
> format, both are fine) that would be helpful?

If PHP is required I would suggest Drupal.  It's a really good CMS
with a solid plugin/module architecture.  The API is very well

Greg Donald

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[PHP] Resources for plugin based frameworks

2007-05-14 Thread Guillaume Theoret


I'm about to start a project and I'm still in the architectural design
phase. It's going to be a content management system but for several
unrelated things such as website management, employee management or
project management.

I plan on building a module based system where each part can be
developed as an individual plugin and then just added into the
portal/main page.

Does anyone know of any php-specific resources (either online or paper
format, both are fine) that would be helpful?

Thank you,

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