[PHP] Missing Env. Variables when called by AT Scheduler

2008-10-07 Thread JJB
We regularly send out massive mail blasts to our customers. Recently 
several mail blasts failed to transmit. After a serious amount of 
research we found the snippet of code below to be the place where it was 
breaking down. The issue it seems is that the Environment Variables HOST 
and SERVER_NAME are sometimes not returning true when executed from the 
Linux AT scheduler. (using atq commands).  doing a php -i from the 
command line returns the correct values, as does putting in a php info 
command at the top of the script and opening it from a browser.

Does anyone have any clues about why a script called from the AT 
scheduler would be unable to detect what server it is on and behave 

function send_mail($subject, $subject_name, $from, $email, 
$customer_name, $html_message, $text_message, $customer_id=0) {
   if($_SERVER['HOST'] == 'domain.com' || 
$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']=='customer.domain.com') {

   global $mail;
   if(!is_object($mail)) {
   $mail = create_mail();
   } else {
   // If on staging server don't send emails to any address 
outside company

   if(!stristr($email, '@domain.com')) return true;
   $mail = Mail::factory('mail');



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Re: [PHP] Php CLI Parser not working

2008-07-31 Thread JJB

Did you check what Jim suggested, as well, about short_open_tags?
If your scripts use PHP tags like this:


 instead of like this:



Yes, that was the problem - it was  Off in:


we had checked the one in:


and it was On there so we thought something else was wrong.

Thanks to you both for your help.

- Joel

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Re: [PHP] Php CLI Parser not working

2008-07-30 Thread JJB

Daniel Brown wrote:

On Tue, Jul 29, 2008 at 2:19 PM, JJB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

We recently rebuilt a webserver and upgraded it to opensuse 10.3.
Now, when our webdev people run command line php scripts all of the
included files are being output to the terminal instead of parsed.

How are the scripts being run from the CLI?  As shell scripts with
this as the following line:



#!/bin/env php

 or by using the command 'php script.php' from the command line?

What do you see when, from the command line, you issue the command
'php -v' ?


Hi Daniel,

We are running like:
php mailscript.php

The version:


PHP 5.2.5 with Suhosin-Patch (cli) (built: Dec 12 2007 03:51:56)
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[PHP] Php CLI Parser not working

2008-07-29 Thread JJB

We recently rebuilt a webserver and upgraded it to opensuse 10.3.
Now, when our webdev people run command line php scripts all of the
included files are being output to the terminal instead of parsed.

Can anyone make a good suggestion for what might be going on here?
My Linux admin is out today, if someone can give me a clue about what
might be the problem, then perhaps I can figure out how to fix it.

- Joel

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[PHP] Good PHP/MySql starter book?

2008-03-03 Thread JJB


Can anyone recommend a good book for getting started with PHP/MySql from 
the perspective of writing some basic intranet applications?

- Joel

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