RE: [PHP] utf8 encoding £ to £ problem

2006-12-05 Thread James Nunnerley
Hi Chris,

Do you use £ or £?

I've had problems uploading onto a linux box for ages, but a straight text £
never seems to work, so I have to get one of my colleagues to do it

Does that help?


-Original Message-
From: Chris Dean [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 05 December 2006 12:38
Subject: [PHP] utf8 encoding £ to £ problem



I was just wondering if anyone knows why php's utf8_encode function converts
the £ symbol into £


Is this a bug in php or is it because utf8 doesn't include the £ symbol
(can't find a quick and easy ref to say if it does or not) and as such the
function outputs junk?



Kind Regards


Chris Dean 


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[PHP] Process of creating invoices requiring human thought!

2006-11-28 Thread James Nunnerley
I’m creating an invoicing system for a children’s nursery, and I’m trying to
work out how I can replicate the thought process one would normally go
through when working out the bill for each day.


I’ve created all the mysql tables that I think I need, with all the info
possible; along the following lines (I’m only showing what’s relevant):


Child -> childId, starttime, endtime

Fees -> feeId, starttime, endtime, rate (£)


The easiest way to explain this is as follows:


The nursery fees are broken down into AM (8am to 12.30pm), PM (12.30pm to
6pm) and All Day (8am to 6pm), and furthermore there’s an hourly rate for


Child A starts at 9 and finishes at 5 therefore they come under the all day

Child B starts at 8.30 and finishes at 12pm therefore they come under the AM

Child C starts at 9.30 and finishes at 1pm, and because it’s not a straight
they do AM, PM or All Day, they’ll probably fall under AM, cos it’s
including lunch.


Can anyone see an easy way of putting that sort of “human thinking” into a
script?  Any guidance would be gratefully received…


Just to give a bit more background, there are two nurseries (at the moment)
and they have different session times, so the fees table does need to have
the starttime and endtime. :-(




[PHP] RE: Error Reporting for file commands

2006-09-25 Thread James Nunnerley
Sometime ago, I posted the email below, regarding some problems with a file
manager we have developed for our users.

The problem still exists, and is now starting to cause "complaints".  Mainly
from my manager, who's fed-up with receiving the error emails from the
system, but it must be annoying users!

The scenario is; we have a fairly large Linux cluster, with a RAID disc.
Obviously because of the number of disc calls, there's a fair amount of

We think the problem is related to this, and would ideally like purely to
suppress the error, as it's normally when the script is trying to delete
something already deleted.

I've tried turning off errors (error_reporting(0)) and indeed using @ on all
php file system calls, but it still triggers an error.

Does anyone know of any issues with suppressing errors on the following
- unlink
- mkdir
- copy
- scandir

All of these fail sporadically, even with the above error stuff turned off,
and trigger an error.

Anyone's thoughts gratefully received


-----Original Message-
From: James Nunnerley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 25 July 2006 16:33
To: ''
Subject: Error Reporting for file commands

We've created a file manager which allows users to access their web space on
a server.  It's working brilliantly, except that it would seem there are
some caching issues, either by the system cache or the web server cache that
are causing us a headache.

When the script tries to delete a file, we always check (using file_exists)
to see whether the file exists before it's deleted.

The check comes back true, but the unlink then fails, saying no file or
directory there!

We've tried turning off all errors (using error_reoprting(0) ) but this
would seem to have little difference in the error - it still comes back with
a failure.

We are using our own error handling, but before the command is carried out,
there is this 0 call...

Does anyone know how we can stop these errors?


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RE: [PHP] Re: New Large Scale Project.

2006-08-14 Thread James Nunnerley
I can strongly recommend Joomla - I have it working with Menalto's Gallery2,
and just got a phpBB bridge working as well.

Can I also recommend you use Joomla over Mambo?  About a year ago the core
developers (now at Joomla) fell out with the so called owners of Mambo,
about ownership and future developments so they created Joomla.
They're in the process of developing v1.5 which is going to have some really
cool features, mainly for 3rd party developers, so although you may not
experience the features with it's direct release, other components and
modules are already being developed that will improve the CMS no end...

Hope that helps


-Original Message-
From: Colin Guthrie [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 14 August 2006 10:06
Subject: [PHP] Re: New Large Scale Project.

Wesley Acheson wrote:
> Basically the different areas I would need are authentication,
> galleries (for images), permission levels.  Internal messaging (not
> real time), forums (hopefully I can just plugin an existing one but
> intregrated with my new so that registering users for the site
> registers for the forum and vice versa, also I would like each new
> gallery entry to create a new forum entry for that image).   Comments,
> ratings and such like. Sales (This would have to be a script written
> elsewhere, I am in no way confident when it comes to dealing with
> sensitve info like credit card details.) etc. etc.
> My other problem is even though I'm confident coding I find design
> very difficult I've a good idea of how the website would work but only
> in general terms.
> Out of the box mambo or drupal doesn't seem to do what I want really

I use Joomla quite a bit (Mambo by an other name).

I've used the bridge components and Menalto Gallery and it works pretty 
well. THere are various core hacks you can apply too to setup varying 
permission levels and other stuff. Simple Machine Forums also has a good 
bridge component (it's what the Joomla forums themselves use).

So with a little fiddling you can probably make Joomla do what you need.

If you are not confident dealing with CC payments and the like, then I 
strongly suggest you use a third party service for this.


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[PHP] Regular Expresson for checking password strength

2006-08-04 Thread James Nunnerley
I want to have a regular expression that check the following criteria are
met by $password:

- contains at least 6 characters (any)
- has at least 1 letter
- has at least 1 number
- other 6 characters can be anything...

I'm happy to work out the structure of a postcode etc, but to be honest I'm
still fairly new to working with regular expressions.

What the best/easiest way to check whether a variable contains a range?  It
might be RegExp don't do this?


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[PHP] RE: Spam:[PHP] Error Reporting for file commands

2006-07-25 Thread James Nunnerley
> [snip]
> When the script tries to delete a file, we always check (using
> file_exists) to see whether the file exists before it's deleted.
> The check comes back true, but the unlink then fails, saying no file or
> directory there!
> [/snip]
> Could you please post the code you are using to check and unlink the
> file?

Heres the function - sometimes the scandir fails, sometimes the unlink,
sometimes the rmdir at the end.  They all have @ to try and surpress the
error, but I think it's a system halt failure - I can only assume?

You'll also see there are quite a lot of clearstatcache - that was another
attempt to sort this problem out!

function system_rmdir($dir) {
$current_error_level = error_level();
$dir = $dir."/";
$dir=str_replace("//", "/", $dir);
if (is_dir($dir)) {
$dir_contents = scandir($dir);
foreach ($dir_contents as $item) {
if (is_dir($dir.$item) && $item != '.' && $item !=
'..') {
} elseif (file_exists($dir.$item) && $item != '.' &&
$item != '..') {
if (is_dir($dir)) {


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[PHP] Error Reporting for file commands

2006-07-25 Thread James Nunnerley
We've created a file manager which allows users to access their web space on
a server.  It's working brilliantly, except that it would seem there are
some caching issues, either by the system cache or the web server cache that
are causing us a headache.

When the script tries to delete a file, we always check (using file_exists)
to see whether the file exists before it's deleted.

The check comes back true, but the unlink then fails, saying no file or
directory there!

We've tried turning off all errors (using error_reoprting(0) ) but this
would seem to have little difference in the error - it still comes back with
a failure.

We are using our own error handling, but before the command is carried out,
there is this 0 call...

Does anyone know how we can stop these errors?


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[PHP] Running php5 with Zeus and fcgi

2006-07-06 Thread James Nunnerley
Does anyone have any experiences of running php5 as a fcgi and Zeus server?
And in particular getting "Bad Gateway" errors.


We are tempted to report it as a fault/bug, but have looked around the net
(including it would seem that there's already a reported bug,
but it's a little unclear as to whether it's fixed?




[PHP] FTP - moving/copying files

2006-06-29 Thread James Nunnerley
I'm setting up an ftp manager which allows a user to connect to their space
on an external server.


All the php-ftp functions work fine - after I'd realized how to use the
passive functionality - see previous email to list!


I've also got working the download and upload functionality, which is quite
nice, but annoying - it doesn't allow you to download the file without
creating a temporary version (whereas if it were a local copy you'd be able
to copy it to a variable, then echo it out...


Finally, what I now need to do it be able to move/copy files within the FTP
space.  The standard FTP commands (mv & cp or copy) are not featured in
php-ftp functions.  Does anyone have any suggestions bar copying the whole
lot to a local drive then upload in the new space?




RE: [PHP] FTP Problems

2006-06-27 Thread James Nunnerley
Ah - whoops - just worked out why - you need to set the passive mode after
you login, not after a connect! Silly solution!

-Original Message-
From: James Nunnerley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 27 June 2006 14:37
To: 'Jochem Maas'
Cc: 'chris smith';
Subject: RE: [PHP] FTP Problems

Thanks all - it would seem that php is failing to set the passive mode to
true - I can get around it temporarily, but need to find a more permanent

Does anyone have any experience as to why setting ftp_pasv to true fails?

-Original Message-
From: Jochem Maas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 27 June 2006 14:29
To: James Nunnerley
Cc: 'chris smith';
Subject: Re: [PHP] FTP Problems

James Nunnerley wrote:
> Thanks for the reply Chris.
> How would you suggest displaying the current "home" directory for the
> I've tried / and indeed the "real" directory name on that particular

you could try '~/' (or maybe just'~') as the dir name which equates to the
'the current users homedir' when you in a shell - no idea whether that is
even allowable
when going in via ftp but might be worth a shot though - given what you have
been saying in your thread one would hazard to guess that the ftp server
working with is a little borked (but that a gut feeling).

> Funnily enough, I've also just tried a generic php/ftp script tool, and it
> works on a third party server into the one I'm trying to connect to, but
> from the server I'm working on!
> Is there anyway in which php needs configuring for certain connections?
> -Original Message-
> From: chris smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: 27 June 2006 14:16
> To: James Nunnerley
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [PHP] FTP Problems
> On 6/27/06, James Nunnerley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I'm trying to create some functionality which requires FTPing onto
>> server, using the php functions.
>> Doing the following comes up with a successful login, but cannot display
> the
>> current directory; yet when I FTP directory from the server which is
> serving
>> the php pages, it works fine.
>> // set up basic connection
>> $conn_id = ftp_connect($ftp_server, 21);
>> ftp_pasv($conn_id, true);
>> // login with username and password
>> $login_result = ftp_login($conn_id, $username, $password);
>> // check connection
>> if ((!$conn_id) || (!$login_result)) {
>> echo "FTP connection has failed!";
>> echo "Attempted to connect to $ftp_server for user $username";
>> exit;
>> } else {
>> echo "Connected to $ftp_server, for user $username";
>> }
>> echo(ftp_pwd($conn_id).""); # Comes back with /
>> $buff = ftp_nlist($conn_id,"");
> ftp_nlist requires a directory name. A blank string is not a directory

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RE: [PHP] FTP Problems

2006-06-27 Thread James Nunnerley
Thanks all - it would seem that php is failing to set the passive mode to
true - I can get around it temporarily, but need to find a more permanent

Does anyone have any experience as to why setting ftp_pasv to true fails?

-Original Message-
From: Jochem Maas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 27 June 2006 14:29
To: James Nunnerley
Cc: 'chris smith';
Subject: Re: [PHP] FTP Problems

James Nunnerley wrote:
> Thanks for the reply Chris.
> How would you suggest displaying the current "home" directory for the
> I've tried / and indeed the "real" directory name on that particular

you could try '~/' (or maybe just'~') as the dir name which equates to the
'the current users homedir' when you in a shell - no idea whether that is
even allowable
when going in via ftp but might be worth a shot though - given what you have
been saying in your thread one would hazard to guess that the ftp server
working with is a little borked (but that a gut feeling).

> Funnily enough, I've also just tried a generic php/ftp script tool, and it
> works on a third party server into the one I'm trying to connect to, but
> from the server I'm working on!
> Is there anyway in which php needs configuring for certain connections?
> -Original Message-
> From: chris smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: 27 June 2006 14:16
> To: James Nunnerley
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [PHP] FTP Problems
> On 6/27/06, James Nunnerley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I'm trying to create some functionality which requires FTPing onto
>> server, using the php functions.
>> Doing the following comes up with a successful login, but cannot display
> the
>> current directory; yet when I FTP directory from the server which is
> serving
>> the php pages, it works fine.
>> // set up basic connection
>> $conn_id = ftp_connect($ftp_server, 21);
>> ftp_pasv($conn_id, true);
>> // login with username and password
>> $login_result = ftp_login($conn_id, $username, $password);
>> // check connection
>> if ((!$conn_id) || (!$login_result)) {
>> echo "FTP connection has failed!";
>> echo "Attempted to connect to $ftp_server for user $username";
>> exit;
>> } else {
>> echo "Connected to $ftp_server, for user $username";
>> }
>> echo(ftp_pwd($conn_id).""); # Comes back with /
>> $buff = ftp_nlist($conn_id,"");
> ftp_nlist requires a directory name. A blank string is not a directory

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RE: [PHP] FTP Problems

2006-06-27 Thread James Nunnerley
Just tried that, and still the same result - I think it's the server - going
to ask the server admin now!

-Original Message-
From: nicolas figaro [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 27 June 2006 14:19
To: PHP List
Subject: Re: [PHP] FTP Problems

James Nunnerley a écrit :
> Nope - unfortunately, no change, still the same problems, logging in but
> ftp_nlist or indeed ftp_rawlist
even with a pathname ?
ftp_nlist($conn_id, "-a /")

do you have any log on the server ?
( you can also sniff the network to watch what php sends).

> Cheers
> Nunners

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RE: [PHP] FTP Problems

2006-06-27 Thread James Nunnerley
Thanks for the reply Chris.

How would you suggest displaying the current "home" directory for the user?
I've tried / and indeed the "real" directory name on that particular server.

Funnily enough, I've also just tried a generic php/ftp script tool, and it
works on a third party server into the one I'm trying to connect to, but not
from the server I'm working on!

Is there anyway in which php needs configuring for certain connections?

-Original Message-
From: chris smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 27 June 2006 14:16
To: James Nunnerley
Subject: Re: [PHP] FTP Problems

On 6/27/06, James Nunnerley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm trying to create some functionality which requires FTPing onto another
> server, using the php functions.
> Doing the following comes up with a successful login, but cannot display
> current directory; yet when I FTP directory from the server which is
> the php pages, it works fine.
> // set up basic connection
> $conn_id = ftp_connect($ftp_server, 21);
> ftp_pasv($conn_id, true);
> // login with username and password
> $login_result = ftp_login($conn_id, $username, $password);
> // check connection
> if ((!$conn_id) || (!$login_result)) {
> echo "FTP connection has failed!";
> echo "Attempted to connect to $ftp_server for user $username";
> exit;
> } else {
> echo "Connected to $ftp_server, for user $username";
> }
> echo(ftp_pwd($conn_id).""); # Comes back with /
> $buff = ftp_nlist($conn_id,"");

ftp_nlist requires a directory name. A blank string is not a directory name.

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RE: [PHP] FTP Problems

2006-06-27 Thread James Nunnerley
Nope - unfortunately, no change, still the same problems, logging in but no
ftp_nlist or indeed ftp_rawlist


-Original Message-
From: nicolas figaro [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 27 June 2006 14:12
To: James Nunnerley
Subject: Re: [PHP] FTP Problems

I had many troubles with ftp_nlist since I discovered the "-a" option.

try this :

$buff = ftp_nlist($conn_id,"-a");


James Nunnerley a écrit :
> I'm trying to create some functionality which requires FTPing onto another
> server, using the php functions.
> Doing the following comes up with a successful login, but cannot display
> current directory; yet when I FTP directory from the server which is
> the php pages, it works fine.
> // set up basic connection
> $conn_id = ftp_connect($ftp_server, 21);
> ftp_pasv($conn_id, true);
> // login with username and password
> $login_result = ftp_login($conn_id, $username, $password);
> // check connection
> if ((!$conn_id) || (!$login_result)) {
> echo "FTP connection has failed!";
> echo "Attempted to connect to $ftp_server for user $username";
> exit;
> } else {
> echo "Connected to $ftp_server, for user $username";
> }
> echo(ftp_pwd($conn_id).""); # Comes back with /
> $buff = ftp_nlist($conn_id,"");
> // close the FTP stream
> ftp_close($conn_id); 
> var_dump($buff); => comes back with bool(false)
> exit;
> Can anyone see what could be wrong?
> Cheers
> Nunners

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[PHP] FTP Problems

2006-06-27 Thread James Nunnerley
I'm trying to create some functionality which requires FTPing onto another
server, using the php functions.

Doing the following comes up with a successful login, but cannot display the
current directory; yet when I FTP directory from the server which is serving
the php pages, it works fine.

// set up basic connection
$conn_id = ftp_connect($ftp_server, 21);
ftp_pasv($conn_id, true);

// login with username and password
$login_result = ftp_login($conn_id, $username, $password);

// check connection
if ((!$conn_id) || (!$login_result)) {

echo "FTP connection has failed!";
echo "Attempted to connect to $ftp_server for user $username";

} else {

echo "Connected to $ftp_server, for user $username";


echo(ftp_pwd($conn_id).""); # Comes back with /

$buff = ftp_nlist($conn_id,"");

// close the FTP stream

var_dump($buff); => comes back with bool(false)


Can anyone see what could be wrong?



[PHP] PHP Session

2006-06-19 Thread James Nunnerley
Hi Folks,


Bit of an unusual question here, which is basically as a result of my lack
of understanding as to how Sessions work.


I've created a Captcha image solution for an application I look after, and
when we came to look into something that required debugging, I realized I'm
using sessions without understanding how they work.


Basically, the login includes an image, and textbox for the captcha text.
The image then generates a session with a variable name of x, and a value of
the characters from the captcha image.  The user then logs in, including the
text on the graphic.




$_SESSION['captcha_text'] = $randomly_generated_text;



The login check page obviously checks the username and password, and also
does the following:




if ($_SESSION['captcha_text']!=$_POST["captcha_text"]) {





It works a treat, however what I want to understand is how the session is
kept relevant to that particular user's session - mainly because my boss
wants to check there's no security implication.


We've thought this through and believe that in other applications, there is
also a cookie or post/get variable set in the form, which includes a
reference to the session name.


Are we missing something, or is it really magic?




[PHP] [PHP5] safe_mode_exec_dir

2006-05-31 Thread James Nunnerley
Hi Folks,


Should be a nice easy one - if running PHP5, how do I add more than one
exec_dir into the list?  i.e. what is the separator?




[PHP] file Upload - checking file size before uploading

2006-05-10 Thread James Nunnerley
Is there anyway to check the size of a file before it starts uploading it?
For instance, if the file is huge, and takes ages to upload, and is then
rejected by the server, the user will be somewhat annoyed!


I'm not even sure this is a php question!




[PHP] Showing an image outside of the web folder

2006-05-05 Thread James Nunnerley
I'm creating a file manager application, from which I want the user to be
able to edit/view files.

On the text side of things, it's pretty easy, however from the image side of
things, I'm not sure how to allow the user to view files outside of the web

Doing a "readfile ($file_location)" outputs the binary... can someone point
me in the direction of being able to translate that binary into a viewable
image file?



RE: [PHP] Array Sorting

2006-05-04 Thread James Nunnerley
I think I may have written down my variable structure incorrectly in the
first place, which even has me confused...

The $file_array[$filename] is I don't think a further array.

The "sub" values are created as follows:
$file_array[$filename]["Date"] = ... 
$file_array[$filename]["Size"] = ...

Looking at usort, it will put the list of Dates in order (by doing a pure if
is bigger or smaller...) but will loose the link between the particular
filename and it's date properties.

Does that make sense - or am I loosing the plot?

Am I also making a mistake by not defining $file_array[$filename]?  I don't
think so, but would be happy to be corrected!


-Original Message-
From: Stut [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 04 May 2006 16:24
To: James Nunnerley
Subject: Re: [PHP] Array Sorting

James Nunnerley wrote:

>I've got an array which has the following properties:
>$file_array[$filename] = array ("Date" => $Date, "size" => $size,
>"permissions" => $permissions);
>I can quite happily sort the array by filename (using natksort and
>natkrsort), which I found on the php manual - and for reference have
>included as a PS
>What I'm not sure about doing is sorting by say Size or Date?
>I've again had a look through the php manual but I'm not sure how to sort
>a property...
>Can anyone point me in a direction?
> <-- it be thataway!


PS. Please start a new thread instead of just replying to someone elses 
and changing the subject - it screws up the threading in decent email 

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[PHP] Array Sorting

2006-05-04 Thread James Nunnerley
Hi All,

I've got an array which has the following properties:

$file_array[$filename] = array ("Date" => $Date, "size" => $size,
"permissions" => $permissions);

I can quite happily sort the array by filename (using natksort and
natkrsort), which I found on the php manual - and for reference have
included as a PS

What I'm not sure about doing is sorting by say Size or Date?

I've again had a look through the php manual but I'm not sure how to sort by
a property...

Can anyone point me in a direction?


PS as promised!

function natksort(&$aToBeSorted) {
$aResult = array();
$aKeys = array_keys($aToBeSorted);
foreach ($aKeys as $sKey) {
$aResult[$sKey] = $aToBeSorted[$sKey];
$aToBeSorted = $aResult;
return True;

function natkrsort(&$aToBeSorted) {
$aResult = array();
$aKeys = array_keys($aToBeSorted);
$aKeys = array_reverse(natcasesort($aKeys));
foreach ($aKeys as $sKey) {
$aResult[$sKey] = $aToBeSorted[$sKey];
$aToBeSorted = $aResult;
return True;

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RE: [PHP] Forking a search - pcntl

2006-04-19 Thread James Nunnerley
Thanks for everyone's replies - but I'm a little uncertain as to what the
reasons for not running the pcntl functions under the web browser are - is
it down to security?


-Original Message-
From: Richard Lynch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 18 April 2006 22:52
To: James Nunnerley
Subject: Re: [PHP] Forking a search - pcntl

On Tue, April 18, 2006 5:21 am, James Nunnerley wrote:
> What we'd like to do is run the actual search query in the background
> (i.e.
> fork) while the viewable page shows a nice scrollie banner etc!

fork is not the only solution for this, thank [insert deity here]

> Due to various problems with the server we are using (Zeus) we can't
> just
> run an exec().  I've had a look around, and it would seem that pcntl
> maybe
> the way forward.


pcntl should NOT be run in a web-hosted environment, according to the

I don't think Zeus' threading model is going to make it "okay" to use.

> Does anyone have an example working script, or indeed a decent
> tutorial on
> how to use the functionality?  The php manual has limited information
> on
> using the functions, and I just can't get my head around how it's
> meant to
> work?!!!

pctnl should only be used from CLI/CGI

The examples should be sufficient for that, but you don't really care,
as it's not useful for what you want.

Here is what *I* would recommend:

Create a new table of "searches":
create table search(
  search_id int(11) auto_increment unique not null primary key,
  status enum{0, 1, 2} default 0,
  search_pid int(11) default null,
  inputs text,
  results text

0 = new search
1 = in progress
2 = complete

Now, when somebody wants you to do a search, just insert a record:
$query = "insert into search(inputs) values('$CLEAN[inputs]')";
where $CLEAN is your sanitized validated $_REQUEST input, of course.
$id = mysql_insert_id();

Your scrolling banner can than have a META Refresh of a few
seconds/minutes/whatever, and embed the $id into the URL for that.

Then, of course, you need something to actually PERFORM the searches,
which is where a nice cron job comes in.

That cron job can start a new search task which will do this:
[in psuedo-code]

$pid = getmypid(); // or something like that:
UPDATE search set status = 1, search_pid = $pid where status = 0 LIMIT 1
SELECT id, inputs from search where search_pid = $pid
$id = $row['id'];
update search set status = 1 where id = $id
//do the search
//when done:
update search set status = 2, results = '$search_results' where id = $id

Doing it this way means you could even run several processes at once,
each working on a different search.

Note that the UPDATE marks the record as "in progress" and ties it to
the process running, so that there is NO race condition.

If MySQL does not support LIMIT 1 in an UPDATE, which I'm pretty sure
it does, but not 100% certain, then you'd have to just update all the
inputs available, and have the thread handle each search that it
"took" in the UPDATE.

You could still have an army of search processes, though, as new
search inputs are coming in all the time, and each search process
would handle however many were on the "To Do" (status 0) stack when
they started.

This is very scalable, and you could even buy more computers and throw
them at it, with just one database, provided you tagged the process_id
with a machine_id of some kind as well, to avoid duplciate process IDs
on 2 computers.  I'll leave that part as an exercise.

Like Music?

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[PHP] Forking a search - pcntl

2006-04-18 Thread James Nunnerley
I'm creating a search function as part of our webmail frontend, however I'm
having big problems with timeout etc.


What we'd like to do is run the actual search query in the background (i.e.
fork) while the viewable page shows a nice scrollie banner etc!


Due to various problems with the server we are using (Zeus) we can't just
run an exec().  I've had a look around, and it would seem that pcntl maybe
the way forward.


Does anyone have an example working script, or indeed a decent tutorial on
how to use the functionality?  The php manual has limited information on
using the functions, and I just can't get my head around how it's meant to




[PHP] imap_search and multiple criteria

2006-04-10 Thread James Nunnerley
Does the imap_search support multiple criteria?


I've got the following successfully returning the correct results:



However, when you try and put them in the same search 

e.g. $search = "BODY \"test\" OR SUBJECT \"test\""


It fails...


The only way in which I can see this can be done is by joining the various
arrays that are returned.  Is this best?




RE: [PHP] Improving a MySQL Search

2005-03-07 Thread James Nunnerley
r(255) NOT NULL
default '',  `mode` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',  `stage` varchar(255) NOT
NULL default '',  `dir` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',  `spi` varchar(255)
NOT NULL default '',  `old_status` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', 
`new_status` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',  `passwd` varchar(255) NOT NULL
default '',  `sintf` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',  `dintf` varchar(255)
NOT NULL default '',  `saddr` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',  `daddr`
varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',  `schd` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', 
`svr` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',  `act` varchar(255) NOT NULL default
'',  `nat` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',  `log` varchar(255) NOT NULL
default '',  `in_spi` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  `out_spi` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',  `error` varchar(255) NOT NULL
default '',  `seqno` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',  `field` varchar(255)
NOT NULL default '',  `old` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',  `new`
varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',  `gateway` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', 
`interface` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',  `old_device` varchar(255) NOT
NULL default '',  `old_distance` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',  `old_dst`
varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',  `new_device` varchar(255) NOT NULL default
'',  `new_distance` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',  `new_dst` varchar(255)
NOT NULL default '',  `device` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',  `distance`
varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',  `icmp_id` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', 
`icmp_type` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',  `icmp_code` varchar(255) NOT NULL
default '',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`ID`),  KEY `unixtime` (`unixtime`),  KEY `subtype` (`subtype`),
 KEY `type` (`type`),  KEY `src` (`src`),  KEY `dst` (`dst`),  KEY `dst_port`
(`dst_port`),  KEY `src_port` (`src_port`),  KEY `srcname` (`srcname`))

Sorry for it being so long, but that's the table!
Currently there are 1.5 million (1,500,00) records, and searching the table for
the last 10 records is taking up to 40 seconds.
e.g. select unixtime, type, subtype, src, dst, msg, pri from syslog where
type='ips' ORDER BY unixtime DESC LIMIT 10
Does anyone have any suggestions for improving the search?


From: Gareth Williams [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Fri 04/03/2005 13:17
To: James Nunnerley
Subject: Re: [PHP] Improving a MySQL Search

Create some indexes.  I spend most of my day messing around with a
table of 200 records, and indexes increased the speed from 40
seconds to 55 minutes for a query, down to the longest being less than
5 seconds.

On 28 Feb 2005, at 16:42, James Nunnerley wrote:

> I'm creating a serious of pages that show various aspects from a Syslog
> output.
> The main information is currently stored in one MySQL table - which
> after
> having been run for about 2 and a bit months has got nearly 100
> records.
> With this amount of information, it's taking a large time to carryout
> even
> the simplest query.
> Someone has suggested I look at setting up an archive, for slower
> searches,
> and a more recent table for quicker searching, but I'm reluctant to do
> this,
> as it would take quite a bit of time to copy all the information
> across as
> it stands, and then also to run a cron which transfers between the
> live and
> archive.
> Can anyone suggest some quick easy methods for speeding up the search?
> Cheers
> James

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[PHP] Improving a MySQL Search

2005-02-28 Thread James Nunnerley
I'm creating a serious of pages that show various aspects from a Syslog

The main information is currently stored in one MySQL table - which after
having been run for about 2 and a bit months has got nearly 100 records.
With this amount of information, it's taking a large time to carryout even
the simplest query.


Someone has suggested I look at setting up an archive, for slower searches,
and a more recent table for quicker searching, but I'm reluctant to do this,
as it would take quite a bit of time to copy all the information across as
it stands, and then also to run a cron which transfers between the live and


Can anyone suggest some quick easy methods for speeding up the search?




[PHP] [Pear] go-pear.php

2005-02-23 Thread James Nunnerley


I'm having two problems:


Firstly, the new update of go-pear.php I believe is not working.  Does
anyone know when a new "fixed" one is being released?


Also, I'm having problems signing up to the lists - again,
anyone any ideas?




[PHP] Multiple POP accounts on Webmail Front

2005-01-07 Thread James Nunnerley
Hi All,


Bit of a side question, but it's still php related.


Does anyone know of a Webmail client, preferably open-source, that is able
to support single login, to allow users to collect and use multiple POP3 or
IMAP accounts?


I'm currently using Ilohamail, and have used Squirrel in the past, but
neither, I don't, think support multiple POP3 accounts on one login.


Any ideas?




[PHP] SQL sums

2004-12-03 Thread James Nunnerley
I'm trying to create a table, and ultimately a graph, out of some syslog


I have a mysql table with the following info in it:

Time (unixtime stamp), bytes rcvd and bytes sent


I want to create a sql statement that group the data over a certain period
of time, and produces the following table:





>From x to y

Total bytes sent during period x to y

Total bytes rcvd during period x to y

>From y to z

Total bytes sent during period y to z

Total bytes rcvd during period y to z

>From z to a

Total bytes sent during period z to a

Total bytes rcvd during period z to a

>From a to b

Total bytes sent during period a to b

Total bytes rcvd during period a to b


Now to create this I've tried a horrible method of using php to call sql
table, and then go through each one, and add it to each period of time as
appropriate. it's messy and slow!


What I want to do is have the mysql do it possible?




RE: [PHP] Hinding URL

2004-03-31 Thread James Nunnerley

This isn't really a PHP thing... you can do it a number of ways... probably
the best is to use frames.  If you only have one then just create a single
frameset with one frame in it

Have a look at a HTML help site...


> -Original Message-
> From: Will [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 31 March 2004 14:38
> Subject: [PHP] Hinding URL
> Hello all,
> I am hoping someone can help me.
> When someone brings up a page in the browser, is there a way to
> hide the URL
> in the browser bar to a set URL??
> Example: I want them to see this URL in the browser:
> But, I want them to see the url of
> in the browser bar. Is this possible?? I hope so!!!
> ~WILL~
> --
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[PHP] Display/Screen Size Parameters

2004-03-30 Thread James Nunnerley
Is there a function within PHP that picks up the screen/display size?

I know of the one in JavaScript, however I want to pick it up in PHP


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RE: [PHP] Request domain name

2004-02-25 Thread James Nunnerley
$_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] will get you the full domain name...


-Original Message-
From: Age Bosma [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 25 February 2004 14:13
Subject: [PHP] Request domain name

I would like to be able to request the domain name.
How can this be achieved without hardcoding it?

$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] doesn't provide me the domain name, it just 
provides me "/index.php?page=2000" instead of e.g. 
I can't seem to find anything on the php site to get the domain name as 

I prefer using absolute URI's.
The reason why this is a problem for me is besause I'm working on a site

which has two different URI's but both display the exact same site.


Age Bosma

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RE: [PHP] UK Postcode Reg Exp

2004-02-17 Thread James Nunnerley
Hi Shaun,

Not that I know of - although I have looked at various things like this
myself.  Would you be interested in a small open source project on this

I see you instigated the discussion on this earlier today.  It might be
something worth putting on PEAR, and somehow linking it with the Royal
Mail Address search - assuming we can get through their login process!

Any thoughts?



-Original Message-
From: Jay Blanchard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 17 February 2004 16:55
Subject: RE: [PHP] UK Postcode Reg Exp

Has anyone written a regular expression for validating a UK Postcode?

Nope, but I did write a love note to a French woman.

Sorry, couldn't resist. :) I'll be here all week.

Can you provide several examples and perhaps we could formulate one?

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