[PHP] PHP no longer logging errors

2001-06-21 Thread Jeff Armstrong

PHP appears to no longer be logging errors:
My php.ini is unchanged:
  error_reporting  = E_ALL
  display_errors  = On
  display_startup_errors = On
  log_errors  = On
  error_log = /var/log/apache/php.log
Over the last few days, whenever I had a syntax error in my scripts,
I was getting segmentation faults reported in the apache error logs.
Now I dont get anything anywhere.

Anyone know why all error reporting might suddenly disappear?
Has my library grown too large? complex?


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[PHP] PHP no longer logging errors - found them!

2001-06-21 Thread Jeff Armstrong

  Little Bo jeff has lost his logs,
  and doesn't know where to find them!
  Fix up the conf
  and they will come home
  dragging their hints behind them!

I moved some php config values into httpd.conf so that I could
manage my virtual sites better (e.g. phpMyAdmin needs globals)
and assumed that the names and values would be the same as php.ini
so I had
  php_value display_errors on
  php_value log_errors on

This doesnt work! The following does work though:
  php_value display_errors 1
  php_value log_errors 1


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RE: [PHP] Sorry....sessions ... again...with code...

2001-03-23 Thread Jeff Armstrong

I have tried you code and cannot see any real problem?

This is what I see happening:

1 one.php creates a session and sets the value of $a to 'a'
2 click on 2 and you get to two.php with the value set to 'a'
3 click on OFF and you get to off.php where the value is unset
4 click back and you go back to two.php, and $a has no value
5 click back and you go to one.php which then
creates a new session and puts 'a' back into $a

phpinfo() shows that the browser is sending you a PHPSESSID
cookie, but as your variables are correctly unset, this 
should never be a problem. When you call session_start() php 
is automatically going to create a PHPSESSID cookie anyway, 
so even if you
  setcookie( 'PHPSESSID', '', time() );
all that happens is that you get a new one.

Is the real issue that when you go back to one.php your code 
unconditionally recreates the value?


PS madness is a state of mine.

-Original Message-
From: Miguel Loureiro [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, March 23, 2001 9:28 AM
To: php-gen
Subject: [PHP] Sorrysessions ... again...with code...

|Hello all,
I'm mad with mesorry but see if can understand why I'm mad.

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RE: [PHP] sql problem

2001-03-23 Thread Jeff Armstrong

Not sure what you are trying to do?
Not sure what a Persal is (maybe an Arial?)

Perhaps you want:

  from employer E, badclient B
  where E.employercode = B.employercode
and E.pesal='$Persal'

Note there are two tables given aliases of E and B
that are JOINED by the first condition in the where clause.


-Original Message-
From: Wade Halsey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, March 23, 2001 11:25 AM
Subject: [PHP] sql problem

Hi ppl

("select empname from employer where empno = (select employercode from
badclient where pesal = '$Persal')")

Could anyone help me out with the syntax?

Im running an interbase db and php4.04


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RE: [PHP] Date subtraction

2001-03-23 Thread Jeff Armstrong

Do it in MySQL = Fast
Don't fiddle in PHP = waste of your time.

Look into the following:

UNIX_TIMESTAMP(date1)-UNIX_TIMESTAMP(date1) as diff_secs,
TO_DAYS(date1)-TO_DAYS(date1)   as diff_days,
PERIOD_DIFF(date1,date2)as diff_months,
YEAR(date1) - YEAR(date2)   as diff_years
  from MYTABLE 
  where id=$id

I'm not sure what
  select date1-date2 as date_diff

beware of the 2037 limitation using UNIX_TIMESTAMP()


-Original Message-
From: BlackLord [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2001 5:41 PM
Subject: [PHP] Date subtraction


I want to subtract to date times from each other. Like :

'2000 12 01 12:12:12' - '2000 11 10 11:39:59'

Is there any function to do this subtraction or can i do it with MySQL's
SELECT query ?


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RE: [PHP] How to delete a row from MySql

2001-03-22 Thread Jeff Armstrong

curious of Hither Green writes:

 printf("a href=\"%s?id=%sdelete=yes\"(DELETE)/a/td/tr",
$PHP_SELF, $myrow["id"]);

Is there a reason why you're not using interpolation?
This looks simpler to me, and I thought that a lot of effort
went into optimising PHP interpolation.

echo "A HREF='$PHP_SELF?id=$myrow[id]delete=yes'Delete $myrow[id]/A";


-Original Message-
From: Peter Houchin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2001 4:38 AM
Subject: RE: [PHP] How to delete a row from MySql

db connection here

if ($delete){
$rs = "DELETE FROM users WHERE id=$id";

  $result = mysql_query($rs);

  echo "font face=\"Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=\"3\"
color=\"#003399\"Record Deleted  P ";

$id = $myrow["id"];
printf("a href=\"%s?id=%sdelete=yes\"(DELETE)/a/td/tr", $PHP_SELF,

-Original Message-
From: YoBro [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2001 3:29 PM
Subject: [PHP] How to delete a row from MySql


Does anybody know how to make a text link delete items from a MySql

I have a PHP page that reads from the database and displays the results, but
i want to include an option at then end of each row to delete that
information. Alot like in phpMyAdmin. I have looked at that code, but can't
figure it out.

Any help on this would be really great.


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RE: [PHP] Ack! Cookie Problems!

2001-03-22 Thread Jeff Armstrong

Why not just set the session start time in a session variable
and then test against that? Something like:

# This array contains all the session items
if (!isset($sesh)) {
  $sesh = array();
  $sesh[start] = time();

if ( $PHP_SELF == '/login') {
  if (login_ok()) {
$sesh[start] = time();
} elseif ( time()-$sesh[start]  60 ) {
  headers("Location: /login");

-Original Message-
From: Michael Champagne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2001 1:25 AM
To: PHP General Mailing List
Subject: [PHP] Ack! Cookie Problems!

Ok, I'm going through a cookie nightmare.  I'm trying to create a session
then cut the user off from the session by setting the expiration of the
that I send out using session_set_cookie_params().  Here's my code:

/* Start session and unset any previous session variables */
session_set_cookie_params(time() + $cookie_expire * 60);  // Parameter is in

The cookie never expires though!  I set $cookie_expire to 1 (should expire
one minute) and I can keep right on accessing pages.  BTW, all the pages do
session_start and check for a variable at the beginning and redirect to the
login page if the var is not found.  Does anyone know what's up with this?
Thanks for your help in advance.

Michael Champagne, Software Engineer
Capital Institutional Services, Inc.

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RE: [PHP] trim string - try array/join()

2001-03-22 Thread Jeff Armstrong

You have a hidden issue with the extra trailing comma.
When I want a list of things, I prefer this approach:

$db = mysql_select_db("tkenet_db");
$query = "SELECT app_name,status FROM approval_list where doc_no='6'";
$result = mysql_query($query,$db);

while( $data = mysql_fetch_row($result) ){ 
  $ccs[] = trim($h-get_email($data[0]));
$cc = join(",",$ccs);

It seems happy with large arrays (10,000s).


-Original Message-
From: Mark Maggelet [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2001 12:20 AM
Subject: Re: [PHP] trim string

On Wed, 21 Mar 2001 18:09:47 +0800, Wen Ni Leong 
I need help in this basic string function.
I query from the database by using while loop and the result in in
array.  I separated them by using "," .

I want at the end of the string to be trim off.  Unfortunately I 
all the string function such as chop,trim and substr but they seem 
can't manage to trim the end of the string.  Please help me.

my coding are:

$db = mysql_select_db("tkenet_db");
$query = "SELECT app_name,status FROM approval_list where 
$result = mysql_query($query,$db);
while($data = mysql_fetch_row($result)){ 

 $cc .= $h-get_email($data[0]).",";

   if ($data[1] != 'Y')
 { $all_yes = 1;}

this doesn't do anything to $cc, you have to catch the return value:

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RE: SV: [PHP] Booking by Date/Time in mySQL

2001-03-22 Thread Jeff Armstrong

Jon, not sure if I agree with you:
  locking - almost always a bad idea, atomicity is
  much faster and safer and usually indicates a better
  relational design. SQL is fundamentally set oriented,
  but newbies are almost always row oriented.
  mySQL locks table automagically, but it doesn't do row level 
  locking, and transactions are only recently added.

  generate ids - let the db do this with ids. Almost all
  the number fountains I have seen are because of the
  inability of a 3GL to recieve the generated id efficiently,
  this is not a problem in mySQL. I do agree with you 
  though if you are refering to having a decent relational
  data model

Jeffs DB Maxims:
In my db experience 
  OS   [DOS/WIN32/Unix/Mini/Mainframe]
  Type [relational/post-relational/object/network/hierarchical]

* NEVER write SQL that requires programatic locking 
* minimise use of transactions [redesign! think lateral]
* use sql atomicity whenever possible
* don't be a pessimistic locker - optimism is so much more 
  user friendly.
* apply the twelve of codd with intelligence rather than
* all updates should be safely repeatable
* 3NF is generally cool, but 14NF is overboard.



-Original Message-
From: Jon Snell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2001 10:54 PM
To: Thomas Edison Jr.
Subject: RE: SV: [PHP] Booking by Date/Time in mySQL

Yes, I would recommend locking your tables before doing this just in case.
Another solution would be to create a unique-key based on the bed field and
date field.  This way you are guaranteed never to double book, and can just
check for errors after insert rather than do an additional select statement
and worry about race conditions...

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RE: [PHP] files with html extension

2001-03-22 Thread Jeff Armstrong

Yes it works in Apache - try it!
You could also read the Apache documentation on Content
Negotiation. The following is a quote
Note on hyperlinks and naming conventions
If you are using language negotiation you can choose between
different naming conventions, because files can have more than
one extension...


Looking at the table above you will notice that it is always
possible to use the name without any extensions in an hyperlink
(e.g., foo). The advantage is that you can hide the actual type
of a document rsp. file and can change it later, e.g., from html
to shtml or cgi without changing any hyperlink references.

On how it resolves conflicts?
Not documented, but a quick fiddle seems to indicate
that it does the following:

  if (no_specific_type_requested()) {
get list of possible files in ALPHABETICAL order
if (file_is_recognised_mime_type())
  return this file

recognised mime types come from /etc/mime.types


-Original Message-
From: Harshdeep S Jawanda [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2001 11:06 AM
To: Jeff Armstrong
Subject: Re: [PHP] files with html extension

Jeff Armstrong wrote:

  This is exactly why http://www.w3.org recommend that you DONT

But doth that actually work - how many web servers are able to handle this
of link correctly?

Ummm... and what happens (or is supposed to happen) to resolve xxx.html and

Harshdeep Singh Jawanda.

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RE: [PHP] URIs as variables

2001-03-22 Thread Jeff Armstrong

Instead of using a HIDDEN form field (I assume you don't
use this in any client side javascript), why not just use
a session variable. Add this to the top of the relevant
pages using include:

# This array contains all the session items
if (!isset($sesh)) {
  $sesh = array();

if (isset($url) and !$sesh[url])
  $sesh[url] = $url;


You can then use $sesh[url] in any php block to find
what this value was set to on the first page.


-Original Message-
From: Issac Goldstand [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2001 11:39 AM
Subject: Re: [PHP] URIs as variables

Nope.  That gave me:

INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="url" VALUE="script2.php?var1=ab"

I'd need to enumerate $HTTP_GET_VARS variable _keys_ too, but I don't know
Also, how can I get it to work for both GET  POST methods?  Is that


""almir"" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
99b66u$q0o$[EMAIL PROTECTED]">news:99b66u$q0o$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
 try with

 uri=? echo implode("", $HTTP_GET_VARS);?

 ""Issac Goldstand"" [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb im Newsbeitrag
 99at42$5be$[EMAIL PROTECTED]">news:99at42$5be$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
  Newbie question here.  I am trying to pass a varaible containing a URI
  across a few scripts.  Basically, the first script get's a query string
  including the URI (eg
  Now, script1 contains a form pointing to script3 so basically, I have
  user form and then:
  echo "INPUT TYPE=\"HIDDEN\" NAME=\"url\" VALUE=\"$url\"";
  (I have register-gloabls enabled and am not sure whether the call to
  will be POST or GET)
  This creates a slight problem, as, using the above example once again,
  will send the browser the line:
  INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="url" VALUE="script2.php?var1=a"
  But it totally chops off everything from the "" and onwards.  How can I
  it to get the entire URI?
  Internet is a wonderful mechanism for making a fool of
  yourself in front of a very large audience.
  Moving the mouse won't get you into trouble...  Clicking it might.
  PGP Key 0xE0FA561B - Fingerprint:
  7E18 C018 D623 A57B 7F37 D902 8C84 7675 E0FA 561B
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RE: [PHP] Sessions help please

2001-03-21 Thread Jeff Armstrong

Apologies for the long post.

I use this approach: (simplified) at the top of every page,
before any HTML. Pop it into an include right at the top.
I have not included all the util function e.g. LogQuietAlert()



# Initialise session array
if (!isset($sesh)) {
  $sesh = array();

# If they are not logged in - send them to the /login page
if ( !$sesh[_loggedin]  and !isUtilityPage()) {
  $sesh[_target] = TopPage($PHP_SELF); # Remember where they were going

# This is updated by the login function if a login fails
# Print it on your page somewhere to let the user know
# that their login failed
$message = '';

# I leave the action on my FORMs empty, so the user
# will return to the same page when they press SUBMIT
# $act is the name of the submit button/link etc
if ( $act == 'login' ) {
  if ( !$UserName || !$Password ) {
$message = "Missing Username or Password [From: $REMOTE_ADDR]";
  } elseif ( login( $UserName, $Password ) ) {
srand((double) microtime() * 100);
$randval = rand();
setcookie( 'cookUserName', $UserName, time()+(180*86400),'','', 1);
# Note that this is a session cookie, not persistant
setcookie( 'cookSPID', $randval, 0, '','', 1);
$sesh[_cookSPID]  = $randval;
$sesh[_sslSESH]   = $SSL_SESSION_ID;
  } else {
$message = "Invalid Username/Password [From: $REMOTE_ADDR]";

if (!isUtilityPage()) {
  # Check that the user is not attempting to spoof the session
  if ( $sesh[_cookSPID] != $cookSPID) {
LogQuietAlert("$PHP_SELF $sesh[_email] at $sesh[_client_id] "
  . "has a cookSPID mismatch: Attempt to spoof session?BR");


function login( $UserName, $Password ) {
  # Checks username/password
  global $sesh, $message, $REMOTE_ADDR;

  $sesh[_user]= $UserName;
  $sesh[_loggedin]= 0;
  $sesh[_user_id] = '';
  $sesh[_role]= '';
  $sesh[_name]= '';
  $sesh[_client_id]   = '';

  if ( !$UserName or !$Password ) {
return 0;

  $UserName = strtolower( $UserName );
  $sth = runSQL('get_user_login',array(
where =   "user='$UserName' and

  $rows = mysql_num_rows( $sth );
  if (!$rows) {
# Invalid UserName/Password - log a quiet alert
LogAlert("Login failure: $UserName from $REMOTE_ADDR tried
$message = "Invalid username/password [from $REMOTE_ADDR]";
return 0;
  $rec = mysql_fetch_array( $sth, MYSQL_ASSOC );

  $sesh[_loggedin]= 1;
  $sesh[_user_id] = $rec[user_id];
  $sesh[_email]   = $rec[email];
  $sesh[_role]= $rec[role];
  $sesh[_name]= $rec[name];
  $sesh[_client_id]   = $rec[client_id];

  return 1;


function gotoPage( $page = "/index" ) {
   header("Location: $page");
   exit; # Old browsers get no further!

function isUtilityPage() {
  global $PHP_SELF;
  # returns true if this is a utility page
  # ie index, login, unavailable or error
  if ( stristr($PHP_SELF, 'login'))   return 1;
  if ( stristr($PHP_SELF, 'index'))   return 1;
  if ( stristr($PHP_SELF, 'unavail')) return 1;
  if ( stristr($PHP_SELF, 'error'))   return 1;
  if ( stristr($PHP_SELF, 'disclaimer'))  return 1;
  return 0;


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RE: SV: [PHP] Booking by Date/Time in mySQL

2001-03-20 Thread Jeff Armstrong

One problem is that you are only checking the first booking.
  select * from booking where room='room'
gives ALL bookings, and you look like you are just testing
the FIRST one.

why not turn it round and do:
  select * from booking where
('$start'=startdate and '$start'=enddate) or
('$end'=startdate and '$end'=enddate)

This lets mySQL do the test for you.
If it returns a row you already have a booking.

-Original Message-
From: Thomas Edison Jr. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2001 11:50 AM
To: Peter Chr. Hansen
Subject: Re: SV: [PHP] Booking by Date/Time in mySQL


what do you mean by Newdate between date1  date2??
the logic i'm using is that i'm checkin if the new
Start Date  End date lies between the old Start Date
 End Date or not. If it does, than entry is denied,
else booking is succesfull. But things are not
running, following is the code i'm using ...
$db = mysql_connect("localhost","root");

$realstime="$shh".":"."$smm"." "."$sttime";
$realetime="$ehh".":"."$emm"." "."$entime";

$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM booking where
if ($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
  do {
if ($realsdate=$myrow[sdate]) 
($realedate=$myrow[edate]) {
echo "Sorry";
else {

$sql = "INSERT INTO booking
(room,sdate,edate,stime,etime,purpose,reserved) VALUES
$result = mysql_query($sql) or Die ("An unexpected
error occured. Please go back and book again.");
echo "font face=helvetica size=2
color=#140057bThank you! font
color=#ff$rooms/font, has been booked from
font color=#ff$realsdate/font to font
** Entries will be deleted 2 weeks after the End
  } while ($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result));

T. Edison jr.

--- "Peter Chr. Hansen" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Can't you use "
   Newdate between date1 and date2

 -Oprindelig meddelelse-
 Fra: Thomas Edison Jr.
 Sendt: 20. marts 2001 12:25
 Emne: [PHP] Booking by Date/Time in mySQL

 I'm facing this problem.
 I have made a room booking application.
 There is a Start Date  Time and End Date  Time of
 Booking a room.

 Problem is that once booked, you can't book a room
 with a date or time that falls between an Already
 booked  Date  Time.

 For example, if someone's booked a room from 3rd
 to 10th March between 4:00 p.m. to 12:00 p.m. , you
 can't book the same room for the any date between
 March to 10th March and between 4 pm  12 pm.

 How do i do that?

 T. Edison jr.

 Rahul S. Johari (Director)
 Abraxas Technologies Inc.
 Homepage : http://www.abraxastech.com
 Tel : 91-4546512/4522124

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RE: SV: [PHP] Booking by Date/Time in mySQL

2001-03-20 Thread Jeff Armstrong

the logic goes:

$start = some_start_date_a_keen_punter_entered();
$end = the_date_he_wants_to_leave();

select * from booking where
('$start'=startdate and '$start'=enddate) or
('$end'=startdate and '$end'=enddate)

if (uh_ohh_I_got_a_row_back())
  echo "Someone else is sleeping in the bed! No can do!",
   "Cheap discounts for those willing to share a bed!",
   "Are you gorgeous??";
  print "You got it!"
  insert good bits into database here

Of course this is not guaranteed safe, as you can end up
with double bookings in the pico seconds between the select
and the insert - but hey, how many hits a second do you expect.

Jeff's Granny

-Original Message-
From: Thomas Edison Jr. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2001 5:08 PM
To: Jeff Armstrong
Subject: RE: SV: [PHP] Booking by Date/Time in mySQL

I do get your message Jeff, but tell me, after having
used the following code ..

select * from booking where
('$start'=startdate and '$start'=enddate) or
('$end'=startdate and '$end'=enddate)

what code should be written to actually insert booking
data into the table? Because this is basically picking
up data or booking from the Table that fall in this
period. What i want to do is to check if any booking
has been made for this period that i'm inserting

T. Edison jr.

--- Jeff Armstrong [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 One problem is that you are only checking the first
   select * from booking where room='room'
 gives ALL bookings, and you look like you are just
 the FIRST one.

 why not turn it round and do:
   select * from booking where
 ('$start'=startdate and '$start'=enddate) or
 ('$end'=startdate and '$end'=enddate)

 This lets mySQL do the test for you.
 If it returns a row you already have a booking.

 -Original Message-
 From: Thomas Edison Jr.
 Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2001 11:50 AM
 To: Peter Chr. Hansen
 Subject: Re: SV: [PHP] Booking by Date/Time in mySQL


 what do you mean by Newdate between date1  date2??
 the logic i'm using is that i'm checkin if the new
 Start Date  End date lies between the old Start
  End Date or not. If it does, than entry is denied,
 else booking is succesfull. But things are not
 running, following is the code i'm using ...
 $db = mysql_connect("localhost","root");

 $realstime="$shh".":"."$smm"." "."$sttime";
 $realetime="$ehh".":"."$emm"." "."$entime";

 $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM booking where
 if ($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
   do {
 if ($realsdate=$myrow[sdate]) 
 ($realedate=$myrow[edate]) {
 echo "Sorry";
 else {

 $sql = "INSERT INTO booking

 $result = mysql_query($sql) or Die ("An
 error occured. Please go back and book again.");
 echo "font face=helvetica size=2
 color=#140057bThank you! font
 color=#ff$rooms/font, has been booked from
 font color=#ff$realsdate/font to font
 ** Entries will be deleted 2 weeks after the End
   } while ($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result));

 T. Edison jr.

 --- "Peter Chr. Hansen" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Can't you use "
  Newdate between date1 and date2
  -Oprindelig meddelelse-
  Fra: Thomas Edison Jr.
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sendt: 20. marts 2001 12:25
  Emne: [PHP] Booking by Date/Time in mySQL
  I'm facing this problem.
  I have made a room booking application.
  There is a Start Date  Time and End Date  Time
  Booking a room.
  Problem is that once booked, you can't book a room
  with a date or time that falls between an Already
  booked  Date  Time.
  For example, if someone's booked a room from 3rd
  to 10th March between 4:00 p.m. to 12:00 p.m. ,
  can't book the same room for the any date between
  March to 10th March and between 4 pm  12 pm.
  How do i do that?
  T. Edison jr.
  Rahul S. Johari (Director)
  Abraxas Technologies Inc.
  Homepage : http://www.abraxastech.com

RE: [PHP] files with html extension

2001-03-20 Thread Jeff Armstrong

I agree with Phill, don't make all your HTML into PHP
unless you aint got much - but hey if you aint got much then
you can fix the real problem!

soapbox: {
 The issue here seems to derive from the fact that all
 the internal HREFs point to xxx.html

 This is exactly why http://www.w3.org recommend that you DONT

 Cool URIs Dont change - http://www.w3.org/Provider/Style/URI
   A HREF=/somepage Some Page!/A
 NOT good!
   A HREF=/somepage.html Some Page!/A
 Let the server decide which page to dish.
 Then it's easy peasy to replace xxx.html with xxx.php or even


-Original Message-
From: Phillip Bow [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2001 6:35 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP] files with html extension

Personally I recommend people don't do this unless their web server is going
to serve only(or mostly) php pages, and very few straight html pages.  It
will save you time mucking around on the server, but the increase in
overhead isn't really worth it. IMHO of course.

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RE: [PHP] Re: Privilege system of Mysql...

2001-03-19 Thread Jeff Armstrong

The easiest way to do this is to use phpMyAdmin.

Go to the mysql database on your server
Insert a record into the table called 'user'

* enter appropriate value for host (localhost or %)
* fill in user name
* when entering password, select the PASSWORD function
  from the pulldown and enter the plaintext initial password
* give them the rights you want (Y=yes, N=no)
* save the record in the database

Go back to the main server page (Home in phpMyAdmin)
Clock on Reload Server

The rights granted in the mysql.user table are global to
the server - i.e. they apply to all current and future


-Original Message-
From: David Bouw [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, March 19, 2001 11:28 AM
To: Sven Huster
Subject: [PHP] Re: Privilege system of Mysql...

Hi Sven,

Yes, I just started playing with the GRANT syntax..
Only problem is that they first define a user with everything on 'N'

And then they define a table in the DB with everything on Y...
Problem is that you have to do this for all DB's which you want to allow.
This means that newly created DB's should later be added..

This is though very secure, but I am wondering if there is a way to: allow
EVERYTHING but the following in stead of allow NOTHING but the following

Bye Bye

 have you tried the GRANT syntax?
 maybe this helps
 take a look at the grant tables afterwards


 Am 11:48 19.03.2001 schrieben Sie:
 Hi there..
 I am not understanding something how the mysql priviege system works:
 I want to do the following:
 Give a user access to all tables in an database (also tables which will
 added in the future) except a
 few private tables like the mysql table itself
 This is the way I thought it should be done:
 Add a user: '%','username','password','Y',Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','N','N'
 Then add the following to table db
 '%',mysql','username','N',N','N','N','N','N','N','N' etc//
 Run the Flush privileges command and try it..
 This doesn't work!   Or I am missing something..
 When I think logically, I can maybe understand that the DB looks at the
 user table and sees that the uses has access to do everything and doesn't
 look further at de db table..
 Is this correct? What is then the solution to do what I described above..
 I looked at the manual, but I can't seem to figure out in what order the
 tables are checked..
 Does it stop looking further when he finds permission to do something or
 does it stop at the first 'N'...
 PS: I am not planning to use the above example, but it will help me
 understand how the privilege system works..

 Sven Huster
 Senior Unix System Administrator
 *BSD, Linux, Solaris

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RE: [PHP] Query - Grouping Results

2001-03-19 Thread Jeff Armstrong

how about something like
  select distinct 
date_format(time, "%W %D %M %Y") as login
 users, user_logins
 user_logins.user_id = users.id
  order by name,time

-Original Message-
From: Jordan Elver [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, March 19, 2001 1:43 PM
To: PHP Database Mailing List; PHP General Mailing List
Subject: [PHP] Query - Grouping Results

I've got a table like:

id  user_id ip  time
1   2   20010316105018

Etc, etc.

I do a join on the this table and the users table to get the coresponding 
username to user_id like this:

SELECT users.name AS name, user_logins.ip AS ip, 
UNIX_TIMESTAMP(user_logins.time) AS time FROM users, user_logins WHERE 
user_logins.user_id = users.id ORDER BY time ASC

How can I display the results grouped by username?

So, I want to be able to display:

Logins for John

Thursday 10th
Friday 12th
Monday 23rd

Logins for Bob

Monday 1st
Tuesday 2nd
Saturday 31st

Thanks for any help,


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