Re: [PHP] php running as module or cgi?

2010-11-12 Thread John Hicks

On 11/11/2010 02:14 PM, Didier Gasser-Morlay wrote:

On 11/11/2010 12:04 PM, Richard Quadling wrote:

On 11 November 2010 00:46,  wrote:

Briefly, what are the trade offs on a typical shared host?

I've done a little research and can't seem to find anything outstanding
either way.

Seems like as an Apache module is faster. This argument makes sense.

CGI is more secure, this argument doesn't seem too persuasive to me. 

I'm missing something.


As a module, any misbehaving script is running within the same space
as all the other scripts. If a script is able to knock out PHP (for
any reason), all the script go.

With CGI, they are run in separate spaces. No direct communication
(unless the scripts are sharing memory by some way). If a script
knocks out PHP, that script dies. Everything else keeps on going.

The main downside to CGI (as I understand things), is that for each
invocation of the script, PHP has to do the complete build up and tear
down every single time. For every single script.

With FastCGI, when the server starts, a pool of ready to go php
instances are created. So a script is called, the build up part is
already done.

In terms of speed, I'd guess you'd have to be working pretty hard to
see the difference between module/isapi and fast-cgi.

If I am not mistaken, An apache module can even bring down the whole 
web server if it really misbehaves.

So this leaves the choice between CGI  FatsCGI.

CGI setup/teardown is only an issue for site with a fairly high 
traffic. It really depends on the type of site you intend to build.

To me, the main security issue with mod_php in a virtual domain 
configuration is that it runs as the apache user and therefore any php 
code can read any files accessible to apache.  If you have clients 
maintaining their own php code, they can access the code (and passwords 
and databases) of your other clients.

I've never used cgi but I hope that it allows you to avoid this problem. 
Am I correct?


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2006-06-24 Thread John Hicks

Ahmed Saad wrote:

On 23/06/06, cajbecu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  $data .= #.ord(substr($string,$i,1)).;;

and I think there's no need for substr.. just

$data .= #.$string[$i].;;


And, for the record, you are not converting a string to ASCII, rather an 
ASCII string to its decimal equivalent.


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Re: [PHP] Running two versions of PHP locally

2006-05-19 Thread John Hicks

Just a quick sanity check from a php4 user who's thinking of trying php5:

With PHP3 and PHP4 (I thought) you could install both Apache modules and 
invoke them on a page by page basis based on the extension you assign 
them in Apache ( .php v. .php4 for example).

Are you all saying you can't do that with PHP4 and PHP5? Why not?



Richard Lynch wrote:

With Apache, find Rasmus' post regarding Proxy PHP4 PHP5 in the
archives of this very list.

You're on your own with IIS.

On Fri, May 19, 2006 11:07 am, Phillip S. Baker wrote:

Greetings Gents,

I am interested in running two versions of of PHP.
I want to see if I can get my boss to buy into migrating to PHP 5.

I want to set it up locally.

Locally I am running apache on a windows XP box with PHP 4.

I would like I would like to be able to set up PHP 5 as well on the
server and have some folders/virtual hosts set up in php 4 and others
php 5?

Is this possible?
How would I go about doing it?



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Re: [PHP] Running two versions of PHP locally

2006-05-19 Thread John Hicks

Scott Hurring wrote:

You should be able to do that with PHP4 and PHP5.

However, most people don't wnat to have to use php5 and php4 as file
extensions but rather want to be able to say, everything on use
php5 and everything on use php4... or even to specify differeing
versions within a single host (on a per-directory basis)

I would think you could do this on a domain-by-domain basis by using the 
AddType directive for that domain's root directory.

But you would need to associate different 'types' for php4 and php5.

It looks like 'application/x-httpd-php' is the default type for php4. 
Does php5 have a different type? Is there a way to explicitly assign a 
new type to a module?

To be more explicit: When installing php5, what do I need to do to make 
this configuration work:

VirtualHost *:80
DocumentRoot /allmydomains/myPhp4domain
Directory /allmydomains/myPhp4domain
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php

VirtualHost *:80
DocumentRoot /allmydomains/myPhp5domain
Directory /allmydomains/myPhp5domain
AddType application type assigned to php5 .php

If this is possible, it would be a much cleaner upgrade path than mixing 
a module and a cgi setup.

After all, the goal is to be able to upgrade from php4 to php5, 
gradually, on a domain-by-domain or even page-by-page basis. Forcing a 
transition to cgi along with a transition to PHP5 compounds the 
complexity of the task.

(I've never run under cgi, but it's my impression that module and cgi 
installations have some signifcantly different behaviors, not a 
transition that should be done without good reason.)

After I started writing this Richard Lynch posted:

 Are you all saying you can't do that with PHP4 and PHP5? Why not?

 I think because the internal Apache/PHP hacks that made that possible
 in 3/4 are not as readily done in 4/5

 Feel free to submit a patch, though if you think it can be done. :-)

If this can't be done, I would think it would be a major impediment to 
the adoption of PHP5 at existing PHP4 installations. Someone (probably 
more proficient at C than I am) should be doing a patch.


You can easily accomplish this by using PHP4 as a module and PHP5 as CGI
(and i'm sure other ways as well, but ive only personally done it this way)

It makes it very easy to selectively downgrade (or upgrade) depending on
your needs without having to jump through file-naming hoops or proxy ports,

On 5/19/06, John Hicks [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Just a quick sanity check from a php4 user who's thinking of trying php5:

With PHP3 and PHP4 (I thought) you could install both Apache modules and
invoke them on a page by page basis based on the extension you assign
them in Apache ( .php v. .php4 for example).

Are you all saying you can't do that with PHP4 and PHP5? Why not?



Richard Lynch wrote:
 With Apache, find Rasmus' post regarding Proxy PHP4 PHP5 in the
 archives of this very list.

 You're on your own with IIS.

 On Fri, May 19, 2006 11:07 am, Phillip S. Baker wrote:
 Greetings Gents,

 I am interested in running two versions of of PHP.
 I want to see if I can get my boss to buy into migrating to PHP 5.

 I want to set it up locally.

 Locally I am running apache on a windows XP box with PHP 4.

 I would like I would like to be able to set up PHP 5 as well on the
 server and have some folders/virtual hosts set up in php 4 and others
 php 5?

 Is this possible?
 How would I go about doing it?



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Re: [PHP] safe_mode

2006-05-19 Thread John Hicks

tedd wrote:

Hi gang:

Please excuse me for asking another dumb-ass question, but here goes.

I'm finding that setting safe_mode to ON is more difficult than I first 

In my phpinfo, safe_mode is set to OFF

However, if I try to set it to ON in my .htaccess such as:

   php_value safe_mode 1

It doesn't work.

If I set it in my code, such as:

   ini_set( 'safe_mode', '1' );

It still doesn't work.

You would think the fine manual would explain this here:

Table 42-1. Security and Safe Mode Configuration Directives
Name: safe_mode 
Default: 0  
Changeable: PHP_INI_SYSTEM

but you have to look here
to find just what PHP_INI_SYSTEM means:

Table G-2. Definition of PHP_INI_* constants
Value: 4
Meaning: Entry can be set in php.ini or httpd.conf

i.e. *not* in .htaccess or by ini_set()


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Re: [PHP] Need help calling PHP page from another server.

2006-05-18 Thread John Hicks

Robert Filipovich wrote:

I am using a chat program and trying to call the status page from another
server and the graphic that the page returns does not show up.

It works if you are calling from the webserver that the chat program is
working so i feel it is some type of config problem or security issue. is the page that uses the code

a href=javascript:pophelp('',500,500)img src=;/a and it works on which is the windows IIS
sesrver where PHP is running.

Do you have access to the source of statusimage.php?

(I have a hunch it is checking the request's referer.)


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Re: [PHP] Need help calling PHP page from another server.

2006-05-18 Thread John Hicks

John Hicks wrote:

Robert Filipovich wrote:

I am using a chat program and trying to call the status page from another
server and the graphic that the page returns does not show up.

It works if you are calling from the webserver that the chat program is
working so i feel it is some type of config problem or security issue. is the page that uses the code

a href=javascript:pophelp('',500,500)img src=;/a and it works on which is the windows IIS
sesrver where PHP is running.

Do you have access to the source of statusimage.php?

(I have a hunch it is checking the request's referer.)


Since this is open source code ('phpOnline') available at
I guess it's safe to post an excerpt here:

[a number of mysql statements without error checking or other exits]
[concluding with:]

header (Content-type: image/jpeg);

if($LastAdmLoginTime==0 || $LastAdmLoginTime($TTime-120))
echo implode('', file('pathtooffline.jpg'));
$OnlineStatus = 0;
echo implode('', file('pathtoonline.jpg'));

Since both of these images are present (i.e. can be accessed directly) 
and since there isn't any exit prior to the execution of the above 
statement, I conclude that the program must be erring out before it gets 

Check your php error log first. If you don't find anything there then 
edit the program to add error checking for all the sql commands.

You might also find help at the phpOnline forums:;

If you can't find the problem, since the program is short, you could 
post it to the list.


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Re: [PHP] Need help calling PHP page from another server.

2006-05-18 Thread John Hicks

Please reply to the list.

Robert Filipovich wrote:

I got this in the event viewer when I enabled suslogging.

The description for Event ID ( 2000 ) in Source ( php ) cannot be found. 
The local computer may not have the necessary registry information or 
message DLL files to display messages from a remote computer. The 
following information is part of the event: php[144], PHP Notice: 
Undefined index: HTTP_REFERER in C:\siupchat\statusimage.php on line 52.

I can't grok this easily since it looks like it's coming from a strange 
OS, but if I were you, I would begin by looking at line 52.


P.S. Please reply to the list.

On 5/18/06, *Robert Filipovich* [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Why do you think it works on the local site?  Is it access to
MySQL?  Seems weird since the provcessing should still be server
side on the MySQL stuff.
I will see what I can find in the log.

On 5/18/06, *John Hicks* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

John Hicks wrote:
  Robert Filipovich wrote:
  I am using a chat program and trying to call the status page
from another
  server and the graphic that the page returns does not show up.
  It works if you are calling from the webserver that the chat
program is
  working so i feel it is some type of config problem or
security issue. is the page that uses the code
  a href=javascript:pophelp('',500,500)',500,500)img src= and it
works on which is the
windows IIS
  sesrver where PHP is running.

  Do you have access to the source of statusimage.php?

  (I have a hunch it is checking the request's referer.)


Since this is open source code ('phpOnline') available at
I guess it's safe to post an excerpt here:

[a number of mysql statements without error checking or other exits]
[concluding with:]

header (Content-type: image/jpeg);

if($LastAdmLoginTime==0 || $LastAdmLoginTime($TTime-120))
   echo implode('', file('pathtooffline.jpg'));
   $OnlineStatus = 0;
   echo implode('', file('pathtoonline.jpg '));

Since both of these images are present (i.e. can be accessed
and since there isn't any exit prior to the execution of the above
statement, I conclude that the program must be erring out before
it gets

Check your php error log first. If you don't find anything there
edit the program to add error checking for all the sql commands.

You might also find help at the phpOnline forums:;;

If you can't find the problem, since the program is short, you could
post it to the list.



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Re: [PHP] Object Array?

2006-05-18 Thread John Hicks

Jay Paulson wrote:

I have an object from using simpleXML and inside that object is an array
holding even more objects.  However, it's not acting like an array and
therefore I can't go through it. (i.e. I can't use the count function to see
how big it is and loop through it)

This below should be an array:


When I use print_r($xml-RES) I get the below.  As you can see [R] = Array
but yet in the above example it is an object.  I'm so confused and lost.
Can anyone help?  PHP version 5.0.4

SimpleXMLElement Object
[M] = 2010


[R] = Array
[0] = SimpleXMLElement Object
[U] = http://.../benefits/



[1] = SimpleXMLElement Object
[U] = http://.../benefits/benefits_websites.html

snip )

[2] = SimpleXMLElement Object
[U] =

You are right: $xml-RES-R is an array.

If it doesn't act like an array, you might try assigning it to a new 
variable. Maybe something like this:

$MyArray = $xml-RES-R;

Others might have better ideas. Keep trying.


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Re: [PHP] Need help calling PHP page from another server.

2006-05-18 Thread John Hicks

Robert Filipovich wrote:

Looks like all of these are happening.

The description for Event ID ( 2000 ) in Source ( php ) cannot be found. 
The local computer may not have the necessary registry information or 
message DLL files to display messages from a remote computer. The 
following information is part of the event: php[400], PHP Notice: 
Undefined index: ocode in C:\siupchat\statusimage.php on line 39.

The description for Event ID ( 2000 ) in Source ( php ) cannot be found. 
The local computer may not have the necessary registry information or 
message DLL files to display messages from a remote computer. The 
following information is part of the event: php[1812], PHP Notice: 
Undefined index: ocode in C:\siupchat\statusimage.php on line 39.

The description for Event ID ( 2000 ) in Source ( php ) cannot be found. 
The local computer may not have the necessary registry information or 
message DLL files to display messages from a remote computer. The 
following information is part of the event: php[1444], PHP Notice: 
Undefined index: HTTP_REFERER in C:\siupchat\statusimage.php on line 52.

It is on an IIS server.  Any ideas what PHP.ini setting is causing this 


I see no reason why the trouble would lie with php.ini.

I'll bet it has something to do with undefined variables.

But these are merely notices, not errors, so they don't explain why you 
never get to the bottom of the program.

Have you patched statusimage.php yet to report mysql errors? (Display 
your sql statements while you are at it.)

I posted the (GNU open) source here:
in case someone else on the list would care to look.


On 5/18/06, *John Hicks* [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Please reply to the list.

Robert Filipovich wrote:
  I got this in the event viewer when I enabled suslogging.
  The description for Event ID ( 2000 ) in Source ( php ) cannot be
  The local computer may not have the necessary registry information or
  message DLL files to display messages from a remote computer. The
  following information is part of the event: php[144], PHP Notice:
  Undefined index: HTTP_REFERER in C:\siupchat\statusimage.php on
line 52.

I can't grok this easily since it looks like it's coming from a strange
OS, but if I were you, I would begin by looking at line 52.


P.S. Please reply to the list.

  On 5/18/06, *Robert Filipovich* [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Why do you think it works on the local site?  Is it access to
  MySQL?  Seems weird since the provcessing should still be server
  side on the MySQL stuff.
  I will see what I can find in the log.
  On 5/18/06, *John Hicks*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  John Hicks wrote:
Robert Filipovich wrote:
I am using a chat program and trying to call the
status page
  from another
server and the graphic that the page returns does not
show up.
It works if you are calling from the webserver that
the chat
  program is
working so i feel it is some type of config problem or
  security issue. is the page that
uses the code
a href=javascript:pophelp('',500,500)',500,500)img src=
and it
  works on which is the
  windows IIS
sesrver where PHP is running.
Do you have access to the source of statusimage.php?
(I have a hunch it is checking the request's referer.)
  Since this is open source code ('phpOnline') available at
  I guess it's safe to post an excerpt here:
  [a number of mysql statements without error checking or
other exits]
  [concluding with:]

Re: [PHP] Need help calling PHP page from another server.

2006-05-18 Thread John Hicks

Stut wrote:

John Hicks wrote:

Robert Filipovich wrote:

Looks like all of these are happening.

The description for Event ID ( 2000 ) in Source ( php ) cannot be 
found. The local computer may not have the necessary registry 
information or message DLL files to display messages from a remote 
computer. The following information is part of the event: php[400], 
PHP Notice: Undefined index: ocode in C:\siupchat\statusimage.php on 
line 39.

The description for Event ID ( 2000 ) in Source ( php ) cannot be 
found. The local computer may not have the necessary registry 
information or message DLL files to display messages from a remote 
computer. The following information is part of the event: php[1812], 
PHP Notice: Undefined index: ocode in C:\siupchat\statusimage.php on 
line 39.

The description for Event ID ( 2000 ) in Source ( php ) cannot be 
found. The local computer may not have the necessary registry 
information or message DLL files to display messages from a remote 
computer. The following information is part of the event: php[1444], 
PHP Notice: Undefined index: HTTP_REFERER in 
C:\siupchat\statusimage.php on line 52.

It is on an IIS server.  Any ideas what PHP.ini setting is causing 
this error?


I see no reason why the trouble would lie with php.ini.

I'll bet it has something to do with undefined variables.

But these are merely notices, not errors, so they don't explain why 
you never get to the bottom of the program.

Short answer... change the value of error_reporting in php.ini to not 
report notices. I'm guessing the script isn't working because it's 
outputting the errors, in which case doing this should fix it.

Long answer... ignoring notices leads to sloppy coding and should be 
avoided where possible. If I were you and I had the opportunity I'd drop 
this OSS package in favour of something where the developers do not cut 


Stut and Richard make a good point that these notices shouldn't be 
taking place, but I don't believe they would cause your program to err 
out (although you *are* using a strange OS, so I could be wrong).

Try to catch your mysql errors (as I've sid before) and throw in a few 
debug displays to narrow it down.


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Re: [PHP] touch()ing it....advise needed.

2006-05-13 Thread John Hicks

Ryan A wrote:

Heres my setup, I have a directory full of files and I
get a request with an array of filenames
For this example:

if the above files dont already exist I need to create
them (I am using touch() instead of fopen())

My question is which would you recommend, doing a
readdir() and getting all the existing filenames in an
array then doing a loop to see which exists and create
the others OR

just taking the new filenames, doing a while/for loop
with a files_exists() on each and then creating the

I am favouring the second approach as in the first
approach there are a lot of files the array could be
pretty big which would cause other problems, but I
would rather be corrected now if my thinking is

It depends on:

--the number of files in the directory

--the the number of files being added/updated

--the liklihood that a file in the request will be new

Here are a couple of general principles to follow:

--KISS. Start with the simplest solution. Complicate it only to optimize
it and then only if optimization is really necessary.

--A system call is relatively expensive and time-consuming.

If you are literally only touching the files that don't exist (to create
an empty file), consider building a shell script that does the whole
batch in one system call.


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Re: [PHP] getting $_GET params from iFrame window to parent

2006-05-11 Thread John Hicks

blackwater dev wrote:

would like
to put the search form somewhere else on their site (it is currenly all on
my page within the iframe) and then call their search page to do the 

(This is an html/DOM thing, not PHP.)

That's what the 'target' property of the form tag does: the response 
from the request from that form is directed to a different window (or to 
a different frame within the current frameset).  You give the receiving 
window a name (when you create it) and refer to that name in the target 


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Re: [PHP] php parsing and db content [RESOLVED]

2006-05-11 Thread John Hicks

Schalk Neethling wrote:

Chris wrote:

Schalk wrote:

Chris wrote:

Chris wrote:

actually if it's only one variable, this might do it for you:

$content = str_replace('?php echo _root ?', _root, $content);

but that's still a bad way to do this.


This works:

$breadcrumb = $row_pathway['pathway'];
$breadcrumb = str_replace('?php echo _root ?', _root, $breadcrumb);

echo $breadcrumb;

However, I would still like to know why this is a bad way to do this 
and hopefully find a better way. Still learning all the aspects of 
PHP so any input is appreciated.

Because you're including your config details in your data (I don't 
think you should do this, but others may disagree).

The str_replace method should be pretty fast and won't introduce any 
security issues like the 'eval' method I originally mentioned would.

Thank you for all of your help Chris. Much appreciated.

But how did you resolve it?

(You should have been able to include a file containing ?php echo ... 
? directives and have them correctly interpreted.)


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Re: [PHP] getting $_GET params from iFrame window to parent

2006-05-11 Thread John Hicks

blackwater dev wrote:

On 5/11/06, *John Hicks* [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

blackwater dev wrote:
  would like
  to put the search form somewhere else on their site (it is
currenly all on
  my page within the iframe) and then call their search page to do the

(This is an html/DOM thing, not PHP.)

That's what the 'target' property of the form tag does: the response
from the request from that form is directed to a different window (or to
a different frame within the current frameset).  You give the receiving
window a name (when you create it) and refer to that name in the target


 Sorry John,

 I thought this might not be a php issue so I'll do more research on 
it now.

 So I gave my iFrame a name:

 IFRAME name=mysite align=middle marginWidth=0 marginHeight=0
 frameBorder=0 src=; width=100%

 Then on the parent page have a form:

 form name=search method=get action= parent.htm target=mysite
 input type=hidden name=aid value=6
 input type=submit

 Can I really specify another target other than _parent, _self, etc?

No, it was a joke. I was kidding.

Maybe you will believe the FM:

Remember to post your replies to the list!!


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Re: [PHP] BDC to ASCII Conversion

2006-05-11 Thread John Hicks

Jay Blanchard wrote:

I have been searching, but does anyone know of a BDC to ASCII conversion
tool for PHP right off the top of their head? If not, I'll have to write

I haven't heard of BDC. Did you mean BCD (binary coded decimal)? Or 
possibly EBCDIC? (What platform is this data coming from?)

If it's EBCDIC data, there are plenty of translation tables you can use, 
(but you won't find a one-to-one correspondence in their character sets).


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[PHP] Status report on mailing list?

2006-05-09 Thread John Hicks

Spam has suddenly swamped the PHP mailing lists.

(Some of you may have better filters than I and not noticed it.)

Apparently the list had been moved to a new server and it hasn't been 
configured properly yet.

I fear many will unsubscribe and the list will lose much of its utility 
if it's not fixed soon.

Does anyone have any info on what happened and when it will be fixed?


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[PHP] Quotation marks considered harmful

2006-05-04 Thread John Hicks

John Wells wrote:

Personally, I get tired (and confused) when having to escape all of
those quotes like in the string you're trying to echo above.  Perhaps
you'd consider HEREDOC as an alternative approach:

Here's n idea I've had and never expressed publicly before. I wonder if 
some of you haven't thought the same thing:

Why not develop a language syntax that has distinct open and close 
string delimiters?

So (in an ideal world) the code in question

td width=\25%\ align=\center\

a href=\$php_self?action=delete_recorduserid=$userid\
onclick=\return confirm('are you sure?');\delete/a/td

would be rendered something like this:

echo {
td width={25%} align={center}

a href={$php_self?action=delete_recorduserid=$userid}
onclick={return confirm({are you sure?});}delete/a/td

or like this:

echo [
td width=[25%] align=[center]

a href=[$php_self?action=delete_recorduserid=$userid]
onclick=[return confirm([are you sure?]);]delete/a/td

Of course, having separate characters for opening and closing double or 
single quotes would work, but that would require changing the basic 
ASCII set.

I believe some European languages use  and  as quotation marks. 
What ASCII characters do they use?

I have seen some JavaScript code that uses curly braces to delimit a 
string, but can't find that documented anywhere.

Thoughts anyone?


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Re: [PHP] javascript

2006-05-02 Thread John Hicks

darren wrote:
 I have a form that resides within a php function().  And, I would like
 to call a javascript function from an onChange event of a
 selection tag (a drop down list box).

Your page's problem is entirely a Javascript problem. Has nothing to do 
with PHP:

Try moving the onchange from the option tag to the enclosing 
select tag. (It is the value of the select that changes when a 
different option is selected.)

Now for the lecture:

 Is there any problem with trying to call a javascript function from
 within a php function?

Yes, it's impossible. PHP is executed on the server. Javascript is 
executed in the browser. So Javascript cannot be called from PHP running 
on the server.

PHP is a document generator. You can use it to generate Javascript the 
exact same way you use it to generate HTML. But the resulting Javascript 
won't be executed till it gets to the browser.

The main problems you'll have generating Javascript from PHP are:
--keeping control of all the embedded quotes.
--keeping control of the embedded logic (and remembering to remember 
that the Javascript part isn't being executed just yet :)



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Re: [PHP] Possible?

2006-04-28 Thread John Hicks

René Fournier wrote:

Simple problem: Many client apps need to send data to a server.

By default each client will open a persistent TCP socket connection to a 
common IP address:port ( and write to it (which the 
server will save/log, etc.).

My question is, what should be ready to listen at the IP:port? I was 
thinking of writing a PHP command-line socket server that listens at 
that port. But there will be a potentially huge number of clients 
connecting simultaneously (1000s), not transmitting a lot of data per 
se, but a lot of connections... Anyway, instead I thought writing a 
simple PHP script—say, listener.php—that gets executed by the web server 
and enters a socket_read loop until the client terminates the connection 

Does this sound like a good way to do it? This way, Apache handles all 
the connections, and PHP is instantiated each time, but without having 
to fork processes, etc, and without having to do PHP CLI.

Anyway, I've started looking at this, but I'm not quite sure if it's 
even possible. I mean, can something send a request to Apache, and 
continue to write data along that TCP socket? Normally, HTTP requests 
include GET or POST for such data, but this is not a a web browser 
that's opening the connection.

Hope I'm somewhat clear. Just struggling through some options here 
Anyway, thanks in advance for any suggestions.


each client will open a persistent TCP socket connection to a
common IP address:port (

(If you want simultaneous connections, each TCP connection will be to a
different port.)

But rather than write a client and a server application from scratch,
why not just use HTTP POSTs?

Keep It Simple, Stewart.


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Re: [PHP] RegExp for preg_split()

2006-04-28 Thread John Hicks

Weber Sites LTD wrote:

I'm looking for the RegExp that will split a search string into search

while taking   into account.

From what I managed to find I can get all of the words into an array but I
like all of the words inside   to be in the same array cell.

You want to use preg_match_all, not preg_split:

$String = 'Medaillons, Listels, custom stuff, more things, entryway, 
accents, showplace';

$MyRegEx = '/[^]+|[^\s,]+/';
preg_match_all($MyRegEx, $String, $Tokens);
echo 'pre';


array(1) {
  array(7) {
string(10) Medaillons
string(7) Listels
string(14) custom stuff
string(13) more things
string(8) entryway
string(7) accents
string(9) showplace

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Re: [PHP] CMS for Auto Parts

2006-04-23 Thread John Hicks

CK wrote:
 On Apr 22, 2006, at 1:26 PM, John Hicks wrote:

 CK wrote:
 I've been commissioned to design a web application for auto parts
 sales. The Flash Front end will communicate with a MySQL DB via PHP.
 In addition, PHP/XML should be used with a client-side Web GUI to
 upload images, part no., descriptions and inventory into the DB; a
 Product Management System.

 I am curious as to how you plan to using XML for the client's back
 end? (I don't see any reason to use it.)

 Using XML to keep an inventory dynamically, was the thought. The XML
 file would be updated with each entry, then could be imported into a

If you are storing your inventory in an XML document, then what are you 
using the MySQL database for?

 After Googling the returned queries have been slim, any leads on
 more specific examples?

What specifically are you looking for and how are you googling for it?


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Re: [PHP] CMS for Auto Parts

2006-04-22 Thread John Hicks

CK wrote:


I've been commissioned to design a web application for auto parts sales. 
The Flash Front end will communicate with a MySQL DB via PHP. In 
addition, PHP/XML should be used with a client-side Web GUI to upload 
images, part no., descriptions and inventory into the DB; a Product 
Management System.

I am curious as to how you plan to using XML for the client's back end? 
(I don't see any reason to use it.)

After Googling the returned queries have been slim, any leads on more 
specific examples?

What specifically are you looking for and how are you googling for it?


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[PHP] Re: Run Apache/PHP/MySQL from CD?

2006-04-20 Thread John Hicks

Jay Paulson wrote:

I have no idea if this is possible or not but is there a way to run Apache,
PHP, and MySQL from a CD?  I'd like it to be possible to run it on Windows,
Mac OSX and *nix.  If it is possible could someone point me in the right


XAMPP is a distribution of Apache, MySQL, PHP and Perl and is available 
for Linux, Windows, OS X, and Solaris.

XAMPP-on-a-stick takes that a step further and installs it on a USB 

Hope that helps.


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[PHP] Timestamp needed in error log

2006-04-08 Thread John Hicks
I would like to configure my PHP 4.3 to include a timestamp in its error 

It appears that PHP defaults to no timestamp. I can't a find a directive 
that allows me to configure this.

Do I have to recompile?

I've never looked at the source before. Any pointers on where I should 
look for the error message generation?

I posted a similar query a week ago and got no response.

Any response would be appreciated:

--Does anyone have a PHP that is configured with a timestamped error log?

--Is there a reason not to have a timestamp?

--Would you, like me, like to have the date and time in the error messages?


John Hicks

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Re: [PHP] php newbie having trouble going to detail page

2006-04-08 Thread John Hicks

David Doonan wrote:

I'm having trouble getting the correct results on a display page.

The first query is pulling the name of active authors from the d/b  and 
sending a request to only return essay titles by the requested  author. 
The list page however is displaying essay titles by all authors.

No doubt something is wrong with the where clause in the List page  
query. I've tried countless variations on the syntax for Author.ID =  
Author.ID without success.

Sorry for so basic a question.

author page query =

$query_GetAuthors = SELECT Distinct Author.Autholr_Name, Author.ID,  
Writings.Writings_Author FROM Author, Writings

WHERE Author.Autholr_Name = Writings.Writings_Author and
   Author.ID = Author.ID;

$GetAuthors = mysql_query($query_GetAuthors, $connDerbyTrail) or die 

$row_GetAuthors = mysql_fetch_assoc($GetAuthors);
$totalRows_GetAuthors = mysql_num_rows($GetAuthors);

author page link =
a href=author.php?ID=?php echo $row_GetAuthors['ID']; ??php  echo 
$row_GetAuthors['Autholr_Name']; ?/a

List page query =

$query_GetAuthorList = SELECT Writings.Writings_Author,  
Writings.Writings_Title, DATE_FORMAT(Writings_Date, '%M %D, %Y') as  
Writings_Date, Writings.Writings_Text, Writings.ID,  
Author.Autholr_Name, Author.ID FROM Writings, Author

WHERE Writings.ID = Writings.ID AND
Author.Autholr_Name = Writings.Writings_Author AND
Author.ID = Author.ID
ORDER BY Writings.Writings_Date desc;

$GetAuthorList = mysql_query($query_GetAuthorList, $connDerbyTrail)  or 

$row_GetAuthorList = mysql_fetch_assoc($GetAuthorList);
$totalRows_GetAuthorList = mysql_num_rows($GetAuthorList);



First of all, yours is purely a SQL problem, so would get better 
response from the PHP-DB or MySQL list.

But a quick glance at your SQL shows that your second query returns all 
writings by all authors because you don't include anything to narrow it 
down to one author:

Writings.ID = Writings.ID
Author.Autholr_Name = Writings.Writings_Author
Author.ID = Author.ID

First of all:
Writings.ID = Writings.ID   and  Author.ID = Author.ID
are nonsense. Every query will match those crieria. In other words, 
you'd probably best take an hour or so to RTF 'Intro to SQL M.'

Here's another hint: You have no PHP variable in your SQL query. That 
means you execute the same exact query every time you run it. So you 
will get the same exact results every time.

So your solution is this: Include a PHP variable in your SQL query to 
specify which author you want to select.

You probably want something like this:
Author.Author_Name = Writings.Author_Name
Author.ID = '$MySelectedAuthorID'

(but remember to define $MySelectedAuthorId before running it :)

Good luck and post again with your progress.


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Re: [PHP] include path file errors

2006-04-08 Thread John Hicks
kmh496 wrote:
 2006-04-08 (토), 18:20 +0900, kmh496 쓰시길:
my webroot is 


i am in /a/b/current/d/file.php

file.php has a line

require_once ($_SERVER[document_root]./d/common.php);

common.php has a line which says

require_once ($_SERVER[document_root]./_common.php);  
// main include file for whole site

it sends me no errors about missing files, but the variables inside main
include file _common.php are not set and don't exist in file.php

where is my mistake?
 I am going to say this is screwed up.  i can't include a file inside
 another included file and access its variables.  all i can do is include
 the main file in every single file in a backwards manner -- reaching
 down the chain -- because i find that if i do 2 includes then the
 initail data is no longer included.  but sometimes there is magic going
 on, but then i move one file and then the whole system breaks, it makes
 me crazy.
 even more so because i can't explain it well because it's so freaky.
 is there no tutorial on advanced php with all this include stuff?
 i RTMFM but the page didn't address advanced questions like that.  and
 despite my english i believe i am advanced level.
 thankx everybody.

Just a thought:

Are your variable definitions, by any chance, inside functions? That
would explain why they aren't set when you continue. The 'global'
statement will help in that case.

I can assure you that includes are not advanced PHP. You should be
able to do what you are trying to do. There is no doubt a simple
explanation for your problem. Finding it is always the hard part.
Patience and perserverence and calm rational thought will get you there.

Good luck.


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Re: [PHP] include path file errors

2006-04-08 Thread John Hicks

kmh496 wrote:

my webroot is 


i am in /a/b/current/d/file.php

file.php has a line

require_once ($_SERVER[document_root]./d/common.php);

common.php has a line which says

require_once ($_SERVER[document_root]./_common.php);  
// main include file for whole site

it sends me no errors about missing files, but the variables inside main
include file _common.php are not set and don't exist in file.php

where is my mistake?

muchas gracias.


It's hard to say without seeing your code, but here are a few thoughts.

Remember that require_once is conditional. A given file will only be
included once for an entire response. (You might patch them from
'require_once' to 'require' to see if that makes a difference, although
of course it may break something else.)

You may need to do some basic trace debugging: i.e. inserting displays
(echos to the output or error_log() entries) to trace exactly what is

Good luck!


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Re: [PHP] php newbie having trouble going to detail page

2006-04-08 Thread John Hicks

David Doonan wrote:

On Apr 8, 2006, at 11:24 AM, John Hicks wrote:

So your solution is this: Include a PHP variable in your SQL query  to 
specify which author you want to select.

You probably want something like this:
Author.Author_Name = Writings.Author_Name
Author.ID = '$MySelectedAuthorID'

(but remember to define $MySelectedAuthorId before running it :)


Taken your suggestion and added a variable, but the list page is now  
returning no records. The ID, which is showing up in the URL, is  being 
passed from the first page to the list page (http://localhost/ 
Der/writings/author.php?ID=5) but the list page is not accepting that  

New Query for list page=
mysql_select_db($database_connDer, $connDer);
$recordID = $_GET['recordID'];
$query_GetAuthorList = SELECT Writings.Writings_Author,  
Writings.Writings_Title, DATE_FORMAT(Writings_Date, '%M %D, %Y') as  
Writings_Date, Writings.Writings_Text, Writings.ID,  
Author.Autholr_Name, Author.ID FROM Writings, Author

WHERE  Author.Autholr_Name = Writings.Writings_Author and
   Author.ID = '$recordID'
ORDER BY Writings.Writings_Date desc;
$GetAuthorList = mysql_query($query_GetAuthorList, $connDerl) or die 

$row_GetAuthorList = mysql_fetch_assoc($GetAuthorList);
$totalRows_GetAuthorList = mysql_num_rows($GetAuthorList);

If this were a ColdFusion page, I would simply replace Author.ID =  
'$recordID' with ID = #ID#.

I'll take your suggestion and post in the PHP-DB list.



Note that your request URL has a value for 'ID' whereas your program is 
looking for a value for 'recordID'.

Try displaying your SQL query on the output page. I have a hunch it'll 
say Author.ID = ''


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[PHP] How to get a timestamp in error log?

2006-04-03 Thread John Hicks
My RHES4 configuration omits the timestamp when generating a PHP error 
message in the (Apache) error log.

But regular apache errors *do* have a timestamp.

Is this normal?

How can I get the timestamp for the PHP errors as well?



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[PHP] Do I need to recompile Apache2 --with-apxs for PayPal PHP SDK?

2005-07-30 Thread John Hicks

I'm trying to install and configure PayPal Website Payments Pro using
the PayPal PHP SDK.

The first step in the SDK Quickstart instructions is:
Enable Apache modules and APXS (Apache Extension Tool)
In your Apache root directory, run:
../configure ?enable-mod=so --with-apxs /usr/local/apache/bin/apxs (sic)

I think of the  ./configure directive as a precursor to compiling with
make, yet there is no mention made of running make.

I'm running RHEL 4.1 with Apache 2 precompiled. I can see that modules
are enabled, but I'm guessing it wasn't compiled with apxs since I
just installed apxs 10 minutes ago. (FWIW, it's part of the
httpd-devel package.)

But, then, when I search the Apache site, I see no mention of a
--with-apxs directive for Apache 2 (only for Apache 1.3). So I'm
thinking the instructions may be a little off. Is there such a
directive for Apache 2?

So I'm wondering if this step is really necessary. I hate to futz with
a perfectly fine Red Hat installation if it isn't.

Does anyone know how PayPal uses apxs? Does it actually build its own
module to be loaded into apache? If I proceed without recompiling
Apache, how will I be able to tell if my existing installation of
Apache is inadequate?

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

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Re: [PHP] Permissions on uploaded image don't allow for over writing

2005-01-29 Thread John Hicks
Dave wrote:
PHP List,
   The Situation:
   I am building a content management system where users can, among 
other things, upload images into a directory.

   The Problem:
   The image uploads fine, but once it's there, it can't be over 
written. So if a user uploads an image, and then changes his or her 
mind and wants to upload a new version over it, the file upload fails.

   What I've Tried So far:
   I can manually edit the file permissions using chmod and setting 
the files to 777. But of course that's not something I want to have to 
do every time someone uploads a file. I don't know enough about file 
permissions and settings to know how I can set these permissions at 
the time that someone makes the upload.

   The Question:
   How do I allow a user, who is uploading via the web, place an image 
on the server with permissions that allow the file to be over written?
Check the permissions on the file you have uploaded. Who is the owner? 
Does the user running PHP have the 'w' permission?

Try 'chown'ing the image directory to the user that is running PHP.
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Re: [PHP] Writing static file from dynamic PHP page

2005-01-19 Thread John Hicks
Chris Bruce wrote:
I am looking for a way to write to a file what the browser would see 
(raw html) when viewing a dynamic PHP page. I have numerous include 
files, MySQL db queries, loops etc. and I want to generate the static 
result of that file and save it as an html page. I have toyed a little 
with output buffering to no avail.

Is there an easy way to do this?
Here's a great article on the subject from the Zend website:
It's a little more complex than you would hope but is well thought out.
--Separate directories is set up to hold the php source and the cached html.
--The cached html directory is initially empty.
--An Apache ErrorDocument directive is used to intercept the 404 
document not found error when someone is requesting a page and to 
redirect it to a single caching script.
--This caching script uses fopen() to open and then read the php script 
and to write the output to the cached html directory.

Hats off to Zend for publishing this. It competes with their Zend Cache 
product. From the article:

If your site contains a few small scripts, you may not need to bother 
with caching at all. On the other hand, if you rely on complex scripts 
and fresh data, you should use a much more sophisticated solution, such 
as the Zend Cache 
But if you are somewhere in between, I hope this article will be of help 
to you. If you have any comments, please feel free to email me.

(Sorry to take so long to post this. I had remembered reading the 
article but couldn't find it. Finally thought to do a Google for 404 
php cache.)

Hope this helps,
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Re: [PHP] searching and sorting

2005-01-19 Thread John Hicks
Michael Sims wrote:
Richard Lynch wrote:

Brian A. Anderson wrote:


I am thinking of incrementally adding the resultant hits into two
associative arrays with the link to the data and a calculated
relevance value, and sorting this array by these relevences.


One Axiom: Keep as much of the scoring/sorting in your SQL as
possible -- That's what SQL engines are best at.

I suggest the original poster look into some of the full text indexing
capabilities of his SQL server.  A lot of these (for PostgreSQL and MySQL
anyway) will automatically return a relevance value and handle sorting based
on that.  As you said, that'll be a heck of a lot more efficient and easier
to implement that doing it in PHP.

Agreed. I use MySQL's full-text indexing and sort by the relevance 
score, and it works well.

If you do a search for a business at this (now retired) site: , you'll see the relevance scores in 
parentheses next to each result. One trick I use to limit the display to 
the most relevant items is to look for a significant drop in this score 
from one item to the next. I stop listing when the score drops by 40% or 
so from the last item displayed.

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Re: [PHP] PHP - mail problems - HELP!!! PLEASE

2005-01-15 Thread John Hicks
Kelly wrote:
I am having trouble with PHP 5.0.3.  I am running Apache 1.3.29.  I am 
running Solaris 9 x86 on an Intel box.

I get no errors when I start Apache.  I get no errors when I run 

My problem is mail() does not work.  It does invoke sendmail as there 
is activity in sendmail log.

When I get an error page it does not display PHP is exposed.  It is 
exposed in php.ini.

register_globals is turned on right now.
Variables to parse into values.
$MESG = $_POST['comments']; parses to values.

This is the log from sendmail.
The first is sending mail from WEBMIN.  The second is sending from PHP 

Jan 14 20:03:13 www sendmail[17613]: [ID 801593] 
j0F23DBA017613: [EMAIL PROTECTED], size=889, class=0, 
Jan 14 20:03:14 www sendmail[17616]: [ID 801593] 
j0F23D4b017616: from=[EMAIL PROTECTED], size=1083, class=0, 
nrcpts=1, msgid=[EMAIL PROTECTED], proto=ESMTP, daemon=MTA-v4, 
relay=localhost []
Jan 14 20:03:14 www sendmail[17613]: [ID 801593] 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (0/1), delay=00:00:01, 
xdelay=00:00:01, mailer=relay, pri=30889, relay=[] 
[], dsn=2.0.0, stat=Sent (j0F23D4b017616 Message accepted for 
Jan 14 20:03:15 www sendmail[17618]: [ID 801593] 
j0F23D4b017616: to=[EMAIL PROTECTED], 
ctladdr=[EMAIL PROTECTED] (0/1), delay=00:00:01, 
xdelay=00:00:01, mailer=esmtp, pri=121083, 
[], dsn=2.0.0, stat=Sent (OK id=1CpdH0-00067K-Lb)

'PHP mail()'
Jan 14 20:04:41 www sendmail[17630]: [ID 801593] 
j0F24f8b017630: from=nobody, size=200, class=0, nrcpts=0, 

Can someone please help me figure this out?  I am desperate!!  I am 
also at my wits end.  I have been fighting with this for a week.

What do you mean by:
When I get an error page it does not display PHP is exposed.  It is 
exposed in php.ini. 

Is mail() returning an error? If so, what is it?
Have you had the same PHP code working in a different environment?
If you haven't figured out the problem yet, post your PHP code here.
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Re: [PHP] RE: [suspicious - maybe spam] [PHP] [suspicious - maybe spam] strange in MySQL Query.

2005-01-15 Thread John Hicks
Santa wrote:
MySQL don't know what is UNION
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Re: [PHP] Strange results from file_get_contents using an url as filename

2004-12-28 Thread John Hicks
Ewout de Boer wrote:
I'm getting unexpected data from my file_get_contents function using an url
as filename.
The function does not return false, i do get data from it. Problem is that
is is not the data is requested.
 $data =
 if ($data)
the string this function returns is the webpage from the default website of
the server where this php code is running at and not the data from the
remote site (which is not on the same server).
i tried the url from my shell on the server using telnet and it gets the
data i expected.
I can't figure out why php is getting the wrong results while telnet on the
same host gets the correct data. Is this a (known) error with php or is it a
apache/php/server configuration problem ?
*Check your PHP runtime config to see if  'allow_url_fopen' is enabled. 
(You can view your configuration using 'phpinfo'. You can change it in 
your php.ini file.)

(See the first tip in the fine manual: )

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2004-12-20 Thread John Hicks
Steve Marquez wrote:
I am trying to insert information into the database, have it automatically
place an ID Number, then update that particular record and replace the word
delete with the link.
The mysql_insert_id() does seem to be working. It does put in an id number
of 0 However, the code in general gives me an error everytime. It says
that it is near 'delete = a href...'
Can anyone help me with this?

   // log into our local server using the MySQL root user.
  $dbh = mysql_connect( localhost, username, password );
  // select the database.
  mysql_select_db( imagesdb ) or die ( mysql_error() . \n );
-- snip --
   //This is for the text description of the gallery and the link
   $insert_data2 = INSERT into images_upload_description (delete, name,
   VALUES ('delete', 'a
llery_name\ target=\bottom\$name/a', '$description');;
   $response = mysql_query( $insert_data2, $dbh );
   $id_num = mysql_insert_id();
   $update_data = UPDATE images_upload_description SET delete = a
nameid_num=$id_num\ target=\bottom\Delete/a WHERE id_num =
   $response = mysql_query( $update_data, $dbh );
   if(mysql_error()) die ('database error'. mysql_error());

You forgot to put single quotes around the string that begins  'a href= 
... ' in the line beginning:

$update_data = UPDATE images_upload_description SET delete = a 

target=\bottom\Delete/a WHERE id_num = \$id_num\;

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Re: [PHP] PHP Web Mail

2004-07-05 Thread John Hicks
On Monday 05 July 2004 07:33 am, I.A. Gray wrote:
 Thanks- looked at Squirrel Mail.  Looks really good,
 however we use POP3- I don't think Squirrel Mail
 uses POP3 does it?

Most if not all web-based mail clients use IMAP since a 
web-based (i.e. browser-based) client can't store the 
received mail on the local computer the way a 
POP3-based email client does.

Besides, the whole reason for using a web-based client 
is to be able to log in from various computers. Why 
would you not want to store the mail back on the 
server the way IMAP does. POP3 delivers the mail to 
the client and then drops it.


 -Original Message-
 From: Jose Leon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 05 July 2004 12:09
 To: I.A. Gray
 Subject: Re: [PHP] PHP Web Mail


  Does anyone know a good PHP-based (free if
  possible) web mail other than UebiMiau that they
  would recommend?

 Why not Squirrel Mail?

 qadram :: software development

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Re: [PHP] PHP Web Mail

2004-07-05 Thread John Hicks
Check with your hosting company. It's not that 
difficult for them to give you IMAP access also.

You could write a server-based application that would 
retrieve your users' mail via POP3 and then store it 
in your users' home directory so it could be accessed 
from any computer via a web interface. But you would 
merely be reinventing IMAP!!


On Monday 05 July 2004 02:22 pm, I.A. Gray wrote:
 Hi all,

 Thanks for all your info.  The hosting company I use
 gives us POP3 accounts. To be honest I don't have a
 clue about IMAP- I've only heard the name, and don't
 understand the way it works.  I assume because we
 only have POP3 accounts, we have to use a POP3
 webmail service.  We want all our customers to be
 able to have a webmail service so that they can
 check their POP3 accounts from any computer round
 the world.  And, of course it has to be in PHP- what
 other language is there?

 Thanks again,


 -Original Message-
 From: John Hicks [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 05 July 2004 18:01
 To: I.A. Gray; Jose Leon; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [PHP] PHP Web Mail

 On Monday 05 July 2004 07:33 am, I.A. Gray wrote:
  Thanks- looked at Squirrel Mail.  Looks really
  good, however we use POP3- I don't think Squirrel
  Mail uses POP3 does it?

 Most if not all web-based mail clients use IMAP
 since a web-based (i.e. browser-based) client can't
 store the received mail on the local computer the
 way a POP3-based email client does.

 Besides, the whole reason for using a web-based
 client is to be able to log in from various
 computers. Why would you not want to store the mail
 back on the server the way IMAP does. POP3 delivers
 the mail to the client and then drops it.


  -Original Message-
  From: Jose Leon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: 05 July 2004 12:09
  To: I.A. Gray
  Subject: Re: [PHP] PHP Web Mail
   Does anyone know a good PHP-based (free if
   possible) web mail other than UebiMiau that they
   would recommend?
  Why not Squirrel Mail?
  qadram :: software development
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Re: [PHP] export from mysql to csv file

2004-06-11 Thread John Hicks
On Friday 11 June 2004 10:16 pm, Dustin Krysak wrote:
 Can anyone point me to an existing script or
 tutorial to learn this?

 Thanks in advance!


There is a mysql utility that does this:
mysqldump -p mypassword   -T mytargetdirectory   
mydatabasename [mytablenames]

(The -T tells it to dump the data in tab-limited 
format. Otherwise it generates a series of insert 


One pointer: the mysql daemon does the writing so the 
mysql user must have write permission on the target 

Hope this helps.


John Hicks
Gulfbridge, Inc.
Putting the Web to work for your business.

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Re: [PHP] gethostbyaddr

2004-06-11 Thread John Hicks
Hi Alicia.
Welcome to the list.

On Friday 11 June 2004 12:58 pm, Alicia Riggs wrote:
 Hi guys, I am new to this list, and signed up
 specifically for this problem.  If any one has any
 ideas it would be greatly appreciated.

 I am writing a function to allow users from a
 specific intranet permission to view a directory.  I
 am getting very different results from IE and
 Netscape.  I have written this in JavaScript as well
 as PHP, and I am getting the same error in both

Are you talking about regular old (browser-based) 
Javascript? Javascript and (server-based) PHP are like 
apples and oranges. You can't really get the same 
error from each because they are doing completely 
different things in completely different places.

 When I use the gethostbyaddr call, in IE I get a
 domain name the majority of the time, with a few
 exceptions. When I use the gethostbyaddr call in
 Netscape I only receive a domain name if there is a
 DNS entry.  If there is no DNS entry, Netscape
 returns an IP address.

PHP functions are executed by the server. The browser 
(Netscape and IE) have nothing to do with them.

gethostbyaddr is a simple reverse-DNS lookup (of the 
REMOTE_ADDR ip address) requested by your server to 
its nameserver. This never goes near the user's IE or 
Netscape browser.

The IP address used is the one your webserver is using 
in its HTTP (TCP) connection with the browser (or its 
agent -- a firewall or proxy, for example). 

If there is no DNS entry for the ip address, there 
should be no hostname returned because by definition 
there is no host name to be returned.

 I am not sure what IE is using to get the domain
 names when there is no DNS entry.

 How do I get the correct info to be returned from

 Here is the code I am using

 //echo pre;
 //echo /pre;
 $hn = gethostbyaddr($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
 echo host by addr =  . $hn . \nbr;
 $darr = explode(., $hn);
 $cnt = count($darr);
 $host = $darr[$cnt - 2] . . . $darr[$cnt - 1];
 echo host =  . $host . \nbr;
 if($host ==
header(Location: xyz.html);
 if($host ==
header(Location: abc.html);
header(Location: error.html);

For debugging purposes, I would add more verbose echos: 
particularly for IP address and full host name 
returned ($hn).

How are you deducing that you are getting different 
results based on the user's browser?

Are there firewalls or web proxies involved? This could 
account for getting conflicting IP addresses for the 
same user reported by the browser (via Javascript) and 

 Thanks in advance for any ideas!

 Alicia Riggs
 PSG - Web Development Engineer

Hope this helps.


John Hicks
Gulfbridge, Inc.
Putting the Web to work for your business.

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Re: [PHP] Random Character Generator

2003-11-10 Thread John Hicks
On Monday 10 November 2003 07:32 pm, Jason Williard wrote:
 I would like to have a script that randomly
 generates alpha-numeric characters.  Does anyone
 know of any scripts that can do this or perhaps the
 basic code to generate random characters?

 Thank You,
 Jason Williard

How about the function uniqid() ?


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Re: [PHP] Downloading MySQL Files

2003-11-10 Thread John Hicks
On Monday 10 November 2003 08:07 pm, Stephen Craton 
 I have a database which keeps some normal files in
 LONGBLOBS. I then call up a file called download.php
 to retrieve the file from the database, echo out
 its contents, and its type, and all that so they
 download it. 

 However, if the user clicks the
 download link, they download the actual download.php
 file and if they open it, its blank. 

Here is where you begin to get confused. The output of 
your php page will always be called download.php, no matter 
what is in it. The users are not downloading the 
contents of your download.php file since that file is 
obviously not blank. Rather they are downloading the 
output generated by your download.php, which is 

 Ive attached
 the code to download.php. Any ideas why this is
 happening and how to fix it?

Are you getting any PHP errors? (Check your log.)

Are you getting any MySQL errors? (You should include 
an error check in your statements.)

If no to the above, then break the program down into 
parts and output debug statements. E.g. echo that the 
if conditional is being executed, echo the contents of 
the first SQL statement,  echo the variables of the 
output, etc.

Hope this helps.



 if (isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['id'])) {


 mysql_select_db($database_default, $default);

 $id =

 $query = SELECT *
 FROM files WHERE id='$id';

 $result =
 mysql_query($query, $default);

 $row =

 $new =
 $row['downloads'] + 1;

 $query = UPDATE
 files SET downloads='$new' WHERE id='$id';

 $result =
 mysql_query($query, $default);

 $type =

 $name =

 $size =

 $id = $row[id];

 $data =

 header(Content-type: $type);

 header(Content-length: $size);

 header(Content-Disposition: attachment;

 header(Content-Description: PHP Generated Data);

 echo $data;





 Stephen Craton

 http://www.melchior.us --

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 Checked by AVG anti-virus system
 ( Version: 6.0.532 / Virus
 Database: 326 - Release Date: 10/27/2003

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Re: [PHP] Newbie

2003-10-06 Thread John Hicks
Hi John--

Your name caught my eye, so I had to reply!

Unfortunately I run PHP on Linux so can't be sure about 
your situation with Windex.

But I think your problem is that you are opening your 
phpinfo.php file from your local file system. You 
should instead open it through your webserver. (i.e. 
enter your local domain name or IP address into your 

To explain: phpinfo() is a PHP function that simply 
lists a lot of useful information about your PHP 
setup. But for it to be invoked, it must be run 
through the PHP interpreter. If you open it via your 
local file system, you bypass PHP. (When you installed 
Dreamweaver, it probably configured Winduhs to invoke 
DW whenever you open a .php file locally.)

Hope this helps.


(Another) John Hicks

On Sunday 05 October 2003 01:28 pm, John Hicks wrote:
 Hi list,

 I have just installed PHP4.3.3-Win32. I have a book
 that said create a phpinfo.php ( ? phpinfo(); ? )
 file and place it in my Apache 2 htdocs file. I did
 this and when I run it opens in a blank page of

 I tried to open with Internet Explorer and it does

 My question is what file would tell it to open in
 DWMX or how do I get to the opening set-up page of

 I used php4.3.3-installer.exe but I got the message
 that it would have to be installed manually.

 Any help or direction would be appreciated.

 John H.

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[PHP] Newbie

2003-10-05 Thread John Hicks
Hi list,

I have just installed PHP4.3.3-Win32. I have a book that said create a
phpinfo.php ( ? phpinfo(); ? ) file and place it in my Apache 2 htdocs
file. I did this and when I run it opens in a blank page of DreamweaverMX.

I tried to open with Internet Explorer and it does nothing.

My question is what file would tell it to open in DWMX or how do I get to
the opening set-up page of PHP.

I used php4.3.3-installer.exe but I got the message that it would have to be
installed manually.

Any help or direction would be appreciated.

John H.

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Re: [PHP] How to smart refresh php section using iframe?

2003-09-27 Thread John Hicks
On Saturday 27 September 2003 02:43 am, ascll wrote:

 I'm newbie in php and I would like to develop a .php
 page that constantly retrieves data from MySQL
 database, but I having difficulties to doing so.
 Please show me the complete code, if possible.

This has nothing to do with PHP. Refreshing is handled 
by the client's browser, based solely on the HTML and 
Javascript your server sends it.

I believe refreshing can be done in either of two ways, 
using either HTML headers or Javascript, either of 
which is contained in the page that is to be 
refreshed. (You could probably also use Javascript in 
the containing page to refresh the iframe, but Keep It 
Simple Sammy, they say.)

Hope this helps. (If you need more, get out your HTML 
reference book or post your question an an HTML or 
Javascript list.)

Good luck!


 Thanks in advance.

 = index.php =

 // =
 // Load one only, no need to refresh

 // =
 // Using .php to retrieve data from MySQL database
 (no problem) // together with iframe (I don't know
 how to configure iframe) // and also use
 javascript to auto refresh this section every
 1-second (SECTION B ONLY)
 // since the data show on section B would keep on
 changing (I don't know the codes)
   td . $Column1 . /td
   td . $Column2 . /td
   td . $Column3 . /td
   td . $Column4 . /td
   td . $Column5 . /td

 // =
 // Auto refresh this section every 30-second
 (SECTION C ONLY and I don't know the codes)
   td . $Column1 . /td
   td . $Column2 . /td
   td . $Column3 . /td
   td . $Column4 . /td
   td . $Column5 . /td

 // =
 // Load one only, no need to refresh
   tdEnd of Record/td

 = index.php =

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Re: [PHP] Are left joins more efficient?

2003-07-26 Thread John Hicks

You might get a more authoritative answer from the mysql 
general discussion list at:


On Monday 25 August 2003 12:59 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 I program for a website that gets massive loads of
 traffic. Optimisation has become an important issue

 At the moment, all queries on the website follow the same
 format when joining tables:
 SELECT * FROM table1,table2 WHERE;

 My question is, would this format be more efficient?
 SELECT * FROM table1 LEFT JOIN table2 ON;

 Over the last couple of years I have read and heard two
 different answers. Years ago it was said that doing Left
 Joins are faster and more efficient. But with recent
 updates to MySQL I have read that both queries are broken
 down and optimised the same way by MySQL.

 Any thoughts? I havn't come across any comparisons on the
 web, so any answers would be appreciated.

 (couldn't find any mysql specific groups so i'm posting
 in the next best thing!)



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Re: [PHP] Sending POST-data

2003-07-25 Thread John Hicks

Why not follow the KISS approach? Generate the GET or POST 
directly from the client. No PHP or server-side processing 


On Friday 25 July 2003 10:09 am, Simon Fredriksson wrote:
 I'm making a search-engine script for my site that
 redirects users to other search engines. Point is that on
 the website, there's a drop-down box with some engines
 and one textfield.

 1. User enter the search query.
 2. User selects which engine to use.
 3. User submits.
 4. PHP scripts checks which engine and redirects the user
 and the query to  the selected engine.

 Now the thing is that some of these engines use POST
 method, which makes it a bit harder to redirect the
 query. For those who use GET I just have to use something
 like Header(Location:$query;);

 So, does anyone have any good solution to this problem?


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2003-07-10 Thread John Hicks
There is no reliable way for the server (Apache, PHP, etc) 
to know when a user closes a session by closing his browser 
window. That's one reason why session-management sytems 
always employ a timeout on sessions. I don't know what the 
default timeout is for the PHP session-management system, 
but I believe you can set it.

But that raises the question: If you are already storing 
session IDs in a database table, why don't you do your own 
session managment instead of using the PHP system? 


On Thursday 10 July 2003 09:42 am, Nagib Abi Fadel wrote:

 I'm storing the sessions ids in a database table. I
 want to run a script that reads from the table every
 session id and check if this session is active or not.

 I know that session information is stored in a
 directory (/tmp by default) and removed from there
 when the session is closed. But if the user close his
 browser without deconnecting from the session the
 session file is still in the /tmp directory.

 How can i know if a session is still active or not !!

 I have searched the session functions and didn't find
 anything that could help

 Thx for any Help


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Re: [PHP] is my server working

2003-06-15 Thread John Hicks

No, it's not working.

Does your Apache httpd.conf file load the PHP modules?

Try changing your tags from ? ... ? to ?php ... ?

Try a page that contains only this one line:

?php phpinfo(); ?

Good luck.


On Sunday 15 June 2003 01:09 am, Khoo Merry wrote:
 I'm using windows me, server apache 1.3 for php.
 I had wrote this code and tried it at local host, but the
 php code didn't work. The code is like this:

 $Greet = Hello World
 $Today = date(l F d, Y);
 Today's date is
 Istead of print
 Today's date is Sunday June 14, 2003
 Hello World
 The out put is only Today's date is. Is my server
 working with php? I am really appreciate if anyone can
 answer my problem. Thank you.


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Re: [PHP] which is quicker? XML or database?

2003-06-14 Thread John Hicks
Hi Justin--

I've been wrestling with a similar problem.

You say:
 I'm considering:

 a) storing this data in a MySQL table (a fairly simple
 query) b) storing this data in a pseudo XML format like:

 authorJustin French/author
 author_email[EMAIL PROTECTED]/author_email
 introThis is my intro/intro
 bodyThis is my text and html -- say 1000 words?/body

Um, the above isn't pseudo XML. It's actually perfectly 
fine XML. Nothing pseudo about it.

 I'd love to
 hear any opinions about which would form of data
 retrieval would cause less of a performance burden on the
 server. . .

I've been wrestling with the same (or very similar) 
question: I'm trying to devise a flexible templating system 
where I can give my users control over content and inline 
formatting (allowing them to use, for example, p, em, 
span, ul) but retain control over page layout myself.

It does seem to me that XML should play a role here, but I 
haven't been able to find the right XML tools.

Ideally, the content would be stored in an XML document as 
you described. Your PHP page would use XPATH to address 
elements (or nodes) of the XML to set the value of PHP 
variables which would then be plugged into the HTML page.

XPATH allows you to do that much.

But every implementation of XPATH I've seen returns only 
the CDATA of an XML node, i.e. it strips out all the tags 
contained in the node. Thus you can't imbed formatting tags 
in the content.

(I've been tempted to go ahead and do a quick and dirty 
system using a relational DB, but such a system would break 
down from complexity over time. You would need a new table 
for each set of page components [or else devise a very 
messy and unnormal system with one grand table of columns 
with multiple uses].)

Am I missing something? Is there an implementation of xpath 
that does return the full contents of a node and not just 
the CDATA?

I guess you could use regular top-level PHP to parse an XML 
document chracter by character, storing in an array 
pointers to the beginning and ending characters of each 
element (i.e. the first character following the start tag 
and the last character before the end tag). Then you could 
look up in the array each desired element and use substr() 
to read its value and set a PHP variable to it. 

Ideally, you would want a system that included a facility 
to edit the XML document as well as read it. This would be 
used in the user's interface for editing his content. I 
would think an easy first step would be to recreate (or 
reassemble) the XML document after each edit session.


On Friday 13 June 2003 11:30 pm, Justin French wrote:
 Hi all,

 I'm looking at a site where there will be a lot of
 articles, all of which will be added once, and rarely
 edited again...

 Let's say each article consisted of 6 data types:
 - id
 - author
 - authorEmail
 - datePublished
 - introduction
 - bodyText

 I'm considering:

 a) storing this data in a MySQL table (a fairly simple
 query) b) storing this data in a pseudo XML format like:

 authorJustin French/author
 author_email[EMAIL PROTECTED]/author_email
 introThis is my intro/intro
 bodyThis is my text and html -- say 1000 words?/body

 I plan on doing my own performance tests, but I'd love to
 hear any opinions about which would form of data
 retrieval would cause less of a performance burden on the
 server (MySQL is on the same box as the htdocs and



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Re: [PHP] Translate easy the language of the web site

2003-06-13 Thread John Hicks
On Friday 13 June 2003 03:00 pm, you wrote:
 On Saturday 14 June 2003 02:19, Jacob Marble wrote:
  Amen; machine-translators are no good for something
  that you don't want confused.
  ie- english season could be sazon or estacion in
  Spanish, which mean two different things.

 Never mind translation, season in English has more than
 one meaning.

I think that was his point. And the two meanings correspond to two different words in 

Most translation programs attempt to determine the intended meaning of such a word 
from its context. But it's an imperfect science.


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[PHP] Persistent connections with mysql_pconnect()

2003-03-25 Thread John Hicks
On Tuesday 25 March 2003 09:02 am, skate [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 leaving the connection open creates security questions,
 and also leaves resources open, what if a user closes his
 browser window, how do you know to close the connection?

So are you saying that persistent connections  [ i.e. mysql_pconnect() ]
should never be used?

 if you really want to make it simple, you can edit your
 php.ini to have the username and password as default in
 there, but again, this can be a security risk.

 i'm afraid the best way is to include connection code on
 every page...

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Re: [PHP] Please point me in the right direction

2003-03-25 Thread John Hicks
PHP is extremely easy for an experienced programmer to pick 
up quickly (assuming you know the basics of tcp/ip and web 

But experienced programmers also know the importance of the 
KISS principle. Why rewrite a system when you can port it?

Kylix allows you to use Delphi on Linux. If it limits you 
to using Redhat 7.2, that should be no problem provided you 
apply all relevant security patches (which Redhat is pretty 
good at providing).

In the meantime, start learning PHP. It is object oriented 
in its own way. When you are ready for a complete rewrite 
of the system, PHP may be all you need. A hybrid CGI/PHP 
system sounds unecessarily messy. (PHP can run in a CGI 
environment but is usually run in the more efficient Apache 
module environment.)

The above is just my two cents' worth. I haven't used Kylix 
or Delphi, but believe both are descended from Borland's 
original (Turbo) Pascal. I've been programming since '72 
but am new to PHP. I've been extremely gratified by how 
easy it's been to put together a relatively sophisticated 
system for a client in just a month or two after struggling 
for months to get Java and JSP to do much simpler tasks. 


On Tuesday 25 March 2003 11:09 am, you wrote:
 Hi All,
 I have a CGI application written in Delphi web services
 and I want to port it to the Linux environment. I was
 going to use Kylix but I'm concerned that Borland isn't
 keeping up with the fast paced Linux development (ie they
 are still on Redhat 7.2 and Redhat is about to release
 version 9.0 next month).

 The current CGI is a little complicated and relies
 heavily on OOP data structures. It processes the data
 then sends a stream to the web server for display in the
 browser. It's very fast and I am happy with the
 performace, but I must port it over to Linux.

 As I am very unfamiliar with the PHP environment, can
 someone point in the right direction? If I use PHP for
 the front-end, what is the best tool to create the CGI? I
 was considering using Python, but would Pearl be better?

 Any direction to get me started and headed in the right
 direction would be very appreciated


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Re: [PHP] [php] nomenclature

2003-03-22 Thread John Hicks
$result = mysql_query($sql) ;
while ($rec = mysql_fetch_object($results))

On Saturday 22 March 2003 11:56 pm, you wrote:
 I'm writing an academic paper detailing how my
 bibliographic database works.

 $myinput = mysql_query($sql) or die(print font

 while ($mydata = mysql_fetch_object($myinput))

 What is the usual, normal, standard nomenclature for
 $myinput and $mydata? How do people usually
 declare/name/type $myinput and $mydata?, usually
 speaking? I want to pick something normal they might
 encounter in their travels at etc.


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