Re: [PHP] Why this doesn't work ?

2005-10-24 Thread Jordan Miller
why don't you just echo your $query to see if it is coming out  
correctly, before even trying to mess with mysql_query()? I think you  
should be able to see the problem from there.


On Oct 24, 2005, at 12:44 PM, Mário Gamito wrote:


Make this line instead
$result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error() .  with the  
query $query;

and you'll likely see the error.

Here it goes:

You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that  
corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to  
use near '(login) FROM formacao WHERE login = 'a'' at line 1

Mário Gamito

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Re: [PHP] Declaring vars as INT ?

2005-10-21 Thread Jordan Miller


you could treat your variable as a string, and use the is_numeric()  
function (but this will include floats, too). To answer your question  
precisely and accurately, you may have to do regex matching since you  
are out of the bounds of int.

However, why, *exactly*, are you trying to confirm that your string  
is an integer? It seems to me kind of cumbersome and unnecessary. If  
you provide more explicit information on what you are trying to do,  
your overarching goal for the script, including what are your inputs  
and intended outputs, along with some real code, we can probably find  
a solution that will do what you want without mucking about like  
this. Just my two cents.


On Oct 21, 2005, at 2:39 PM, Chris Knipe wrote:


Uhm... Let's take the below quickly:

Function DoSomething($Blah) {
  $Blah = (int) $Blah;
  return $Blah

$Blah, cannot be larger than 2147483647, and sometimes, I get negative
integers back from the above function.

This is with PHP 4.4.0 on FreeBSD 5.4-STABLE.  Can anyone else perhaps
confirm this, and if it is indeed true, is this a bug, or a limitation
somewhere on PHP?  Any other ways to confirm that *large* numbers, are
indeed integers?  I'm working with numbers in the form of mmddsss
(20051025001 for today for example)


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Re: [PHP] Declaring vars as INT ?

2005-10-21 Thread Jordan Miller

Also, look at this function:


On Oct 21, 2005, at 2:39 PM, Chris Knipe wrote:


Uhm... Let's take the below quickly:

Function DoSomething($Blah) {
  $Blah = (int) $Blah;
  return $Blah

$Blah, cannot be larger than 2147483647, and sometimes, I get negative
integers back from the above function.

This is with PHP 4.4.0 on FreeBSD 5.4-STABLE.  Can anyone else perhaps
confirm this, and if it is indeed true, is this a bug, or a limitation
somewhere on PHP?  Any other ways to confirm that *large* numbers, are
indeed integers?  I'm working with numbers in the form of mmddsss
(20051025001 for today for example)


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Re: [PHP] Ugh, w32 anything is making me want to drink!

2005-10-21 Thread Jordan Miller
I agree with John. It looks like you either need a hammer or the  
rooftop of a 5-story building...


On Oct 21, 2005, at 3:26 PM, Jay Blanchard wrote:


I just noticed that extension_dir in phpinfo is c:\php4 THAT AIN'T  
Why is PHP not loading the proper ini file? This is probably the  
source of

my problems all along! ACK!

This is what happens when you go over to the dark side.

It's not my fault! How do I fix this?

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Re: [PHP] Trapping for an uploaded file that's too large?

2005-10-20 Thread Jordan Miller

On Oct 20, 2005, at 6:29 PM, Brian Dunning wrote:

In my File Upload form, if the file is =2MB, the user just gets a  
blank error opening file screen, almost immediately after the  
upload starts. I don't know how to trap for this to give a more  
user-friendly experience. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

are you using PHP 5? If so, maybe check out this, below.


Subject: Re: [PHP] Re: PHP 5 limits readfile to 1.9 MB?
Date: August 17, 2005 10:26:40 AM CDT

Ok, just checking (I am new to the fopen() function). That makes  
sense. Awesome, thanks!


On Aug 17, 2005, at 10:19 AM, Catalin Trifu wrote:


Indeed a fclose($fp) is needed (wrote it as an example :)).
1MB is more than enough as a buffer.  If you have a 53MB file,
what will happen then ?
I have no idea if it's a bug or a feature. Either way I did lose
some hair over this when I switched from PHP4 to PHP5.


Jordan Miller wrote:

Wow, that worked great, thanks.
I'm curious why you set a static buffer of 1024768... why not  
just do  filesize($file), as shown at ?  
Is it better  for memory usage to have a potentially smaller  
buffer? Also, you may  want an fclose($fp) after the file has  
been downloaded.
So is this a bug in PHP 5 or are they just purposely limiting  
the  abilities of the readfile command?

On Aug 17, 2005, at 3:36 AM, Catalin Trifu wrote:


I've had a similar problem. The download always stopped at   
exactly 2.000.000 bytes.

You have to work around that with:
$fp = fopen($file, 'r');
if($fp) {
while(!feof($fp)) {
echo fread($fp, 1024768);//see the huge buffer to read into
} else {
//whatever error handler


Jordan Miller wrote:

Hello all,
I am new to this list and I have searched the archives to no   
avail. I  am having a peculiar problem when upgrading to PHP 5:  
My  downloads  are now limited to the first 1.9 MB of the file  
in  question, with the  download either terminating at 1.9 MB  
or  seemingly continuously stuck  in a downloading process at  
1.9 MB.  The code in the PHP script has  not changed and all  
parameters  that I could find that are relevant to  this  
problem are given below:

the minimal code needed for download:
// $file_to_read is the complete path of the file to  

header(Content-Type: application/pdf);
header( Content-Disposition: inline; filename= 
\$filename \);

$len = filesize($file_to_read);
header(Content-Length: $len);
php.ini file for both php version 4 and 5 contain the  
following   settings that may be relevant:

allow_url_fopen = On
max_execution_time = 300 ; Maximum execution time of each   
script,  in seconds
max_input_time = 300; Maximum amount of time each script  
may   spend parsing request data
memory_limit = 8M  ; Maximum amount of memory a script  
may   consume (8MB)

post_max_size = 200M
upload_max_filesize = 200M
Some additional details:
All files less than 1.9 MB download fine
It is not a corrupted file, because all files larger than 1.9  
MB  fail  after 1.9 MB
The connection is not timing out (download of 1.9 MB takes  
only  ~15 sec)

Mac OS X 10.3.9 with Marc Liyanage's PHP 5.0.4
Fails for both Safari and Firefox
Fails regardless of inline or attachment
Fails regardless of pdf or ppt content-type
This PHP code ALWAYS works for Marc Liyanage's PHP 4.3.4 with  
the   same settings, above
What am I doing wrong??? Any other parameter in php.ini I  
should  have  set? Any suggestions are much appreciated.


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Re: [PHP] Recommended Reading?

2005-10-18 Thread Jordan Miller
Zandstra's PHP 5 objects patterns practice has been getting  
excellent reviews. i also recommend it.

On Oct 18, 2005, at 1:43 PM, Alan Lord wrote:

Hi all,

Forgive this long diatribe, a bit off-topic I know, but it might
stimulate a good discussion...

I have built a few small apps in PHP before and, whilst they work, I
can't but help feeling that I go about the whole thing the WRONG  

I am not a professional software person (far from it) but I am
reasonably competent in most things technical. I trained in
Electronics, build my own PCs and Linux systems from scratch, have  

- just for fun - Java, Delphi, Visual Basic, PHP and a little C/C++.

I am now wanting to write my own application (using PHP of course)  
to do
something really useful. And I am looking for some  
recommendations on
reading [books or links] about how to design my application and  
how to

think about the design in it's abstract form before I start writing

Normally I end up writing little bits of code to solve small problems
and then sort of kludging them together to do something useful.

I would really like to try and go about this one the RIGHT way.

Thanks in advance.


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Re: [PHP] RE: php-general Digest 17 Oct 2005 10:35:46 -0000 Issue 3742

2005-10-17 Thread Jordan Miller
if you have compiled php with pdflib support, you can do this fairly  
easily. see the manual:


On Oct 17, 2005, at 6:06 AM, Aftab Alam wrote:

any one can help me

i want to generate Pdf file using php.
how can i  what tools is required for this.


Aftab Alam

-Original Message-
Sent: Monday, October 17, 2005 4:06 PM
Subject: php-general Digest 17 Oct 2005 10:35:46 - Issue 3742

php-general Digest 17 Oct 2005 10:35:46 - Issue 3742

Topics (messages 224207 through 224218):

Funky array question
224207 by: Brian Dunning
224209 by: Minuk Choi
224210 by: Jordan Miller
224211 by: Jordan Miller
224212 by: Jordan Miller

Re: editor
224208 by: yangshiqi1089

a couple of problems with PHP form
224213 by: Bruce Gilbert
224218 by: Mark Rees

Re: OPTIMIZING - The fastest way to open and show a file
224214 by: Ruben Rubio Rey
224215 by: Ruben Rubio Rey
224216 by: ac

can't get IIS to run php if the script is not directly under wwwroot
224217 by: tony yau


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Re: [PHP] Funky array question

2005-10-16 Thread Jordan Miller


what have you been trying for comparison so far that has not been  

if you have php 5, you would want to use stripos, which is case- 
INsensitive, not strpos, which is the opposite.
Also, note the warning on the man page. you would want to use a  
triple equals sign !===false because stripos could return a zero or  
an empty string which is actually ==false.

if you do not have php 5, i would use regex so you can get case  


On Oct 16, 2005, at 11:18 PM, Minuk Choi wrote:

Assuming that you are also accepting partial matches... (e.g. if  
you had a sentence with something like, Mr. LeBlue says hello, and

that should be a match for blue)

If $mysqlString contains 1 sentence from the mySQL database(I  
assume you've a loop or something that'll fetch 1 string per  

$resultStr = $mysqlString;

foreach ($myArray as $colorArray)
   $firstTerm = $colorArray[0];
   $secondTerm = $colorArray[1];

   if (strpos($resultStr, $firstTerm)!==false)
   $resultStr = $secondTerm;
 if ($bFound)

$mysqlString = $resultStr;

Try that.

Brian Dunning wrote:

I want to create an array like this:

array('orange','A very bright color'),
array('blue','A nice color like the ocean'),
array('yellow','Very bright like the sun') ...etc...

Sort of like a small database in memory. Then I want to compare  
each  of the rows coming out of a MySQL call, which are sentences,  
against  this array to see if the FIRST TERM in each array element  
is present  in the sentence, and then display the SECOND TERM from  
the array for  each sentence. Make sense? So for these two  
sentences, and the above  array, here's how I want it to output:

He used blue paint - A nice color like the ocean.
The flower was yellow - Very bright like the sun.

Can someone help me out with the code needed to search the  
sentence  to which FIRST TERM appears in it, and retrieve the  
SECOND TERM? I've  tried too many things and now my brain is tied  
in a knot.

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Re: [PHP] Funky array question

2005-10-16 Thread Jordan Miller
sorry, I am mistaken here. I forgot that !== is the same  
functionality as a ===, in that the comparison is made by value  
*and* type.

On Oct 16, 2005, at 11:26 PM, Jordan Miller wrote:
Also, note the warning on the man page. you would want to use a  
triple equals sign !===false because stripos could return a zero  
or an empty string which is actually ==false.

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Re: [PHP] Funky array question

2005-10-16 Thread Jordan Miller
one more thing... if you have php 5 and = 3.0.6, you could use  
stristr for case insensitive comparison without having to deal with  
the slower and more cumbersome regex.

On Oct 16, 2005, at 11:18 PM, Minuk Choi wrote:

Assuming that you are also accepting partial matches... (e.g. if  
you had a sentence with something like, Mr. LeBlue says hello, and

that should be a match for blue)

If $mysqlString contains 1 sentence from the mySQL database(I  
assume you've a loop or something that'll fetch 1 string per  

$resultStr = $mysqlString;

foreach ($myArray as $colorArray)
   $firstTerm = $colorArray[0];
   $secondTerm = $colorArray[1];

   if (strpos($resultStr, $firstTerm)!==false)
   $resultStr = $secondTerm;
 if ($bFound)

$mysqlString = $resultStr;

Try that.

Brian Dunning wrote:

I want to create an array like this:

array('orange','A very bright color'),
array('blue','A nice color like the ocean'),
array('yellow','Very bright like the sun') ...etc...

Sort of like a small database in memory. Then I want to compare  
each  of the rows coming out of a MySQL call, which are sentences,  
against  this array to see if the FIRST TERM in each array element  
is present  in the sentence, and then display the SECOND TERM from  
the array for  each sentence. Make sense? So for these two  
sentences, and the above  array, here's how I want it to output:

He used blue paint - A nice color like the ocean.
The flower was yellow - Very bright like the sun.

Can someone help me out with the code needed to search the  
sentence  to which FIRST TERM appears in it, and retrieve the  
SECOND TERM? I've  tried too many things and now my brain is tied  
in a knot.

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Re: [PHP] why does this not work?

2005-09-27 Thread Jordan Miller
javascript is a client-side language, while php is a server-side  
language... the value you are passing to $width only exists on the  
client side, therefore the php server-side boolean fails.

i think you will have to pass the client-side calculated variable of  
screen.width to the php server before you can do this properly,  
probably through a POST form or GET request. nice idea, though  
(dynamically loading css based on screen resolution).



On Sep 27, 2005, at 3:20 AM, Ross wrote:

This returns the correct value for $width but falls down on the  
boolean. I

have tried intval/srtval but nothing seems to work.

Maybe it is too early!

$width =  script document.write(screen.width); /script;
//$ross= intval($width);

echo $width;
if ($width  1064) {
echo lower;
$style= style1.css;

else {
$style= style2.css;



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Re: [PHP] Easy question - delete strings from the beginning of space...

2005-09-20 Thread Jordan Miller

to get rid of potential double spaces after the explode, you could do:
foreach ($words as $word) {
if (!empty($word)) {
$first = $word;
echo $first;

This will always return the first word.


On Sep 20, 2005, at 7:24 AM, Jochem Maas wrote:

how much easier do you want it? oh and guessing kinda sucks.

$str = Hello World;
$words = explode( , $str);
echo $words[0];

... but what if you have double spaces, or a space at the beginning?

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Re: [PHP] Can I install versions of PHP/MySQL that will be compatible with my host server?

2005-09-19 Thread Jordan Miller

On Sep 19, 2005, at 8:31 AM, Jochem Maas wrote:


$var = array_pop( explode('-', '1-2-3-4-5') );

.. is bad code (read the manual page for array_pop very carefully)  
and would work
in older versions but the engine has been tightened up to disallow  
such fauxpas.


Whoa... what do you mean by this, exactly? I am running PHP 5.0.4 and  
$var is correctly set with the code you give above. I could not find  
anything like you describe in the array_pop manual (see below).  
Please elaborate on why this is bad code.



(PHP 4, PHP 5)

array_pop -- Pop the element off the end of array

mixed array_pop ( array array )

array_pop() pops and returns the last value of the array, shortening  
the array by one element. If array is empty (or is not an array),  
NULL will be returned.

Note: This function will reset() the array pointer after use.

Example 1. array_pop() example

$stack = array(orange, banana, apple, raspberry);
$fruit = array_pop($stack);
After this, $stack will have only 3 elements:

   [0] = orange
   [1] = banana
   [2] = apple
and raspberry will be assigned to $fruit.

See also array_push(), array_shift(), and array_unshift().

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Re: [PHP] Can I install versions of PHP/MySQL that will be compatible with my host server?

2005-09-19 Thread Jordan Miller

That is very interesting, thank you. We cannot escape politics, eh?


On Sep 19, 2005, at 9:32 AM, Jochem Maas wrote:

Jordan Miller wrote:

On Sep 19, 2005, at 8:31 AM, Jochem Maas wrote:


$var = array_pop( explode('-', '1-2-3-4-5') );

.. is bad code (read the manual page for array_pop very  
carefully)  and would work
in older versions but the engine has been tightened up to  
disallow  such fauxpas.

Whoa... what do you mean by this, exactly? I am running PHP 5.0.4 and

what I meant an what I wrote apparently don't match up very well :-)
I meant to give a valid example of when you can't pass the return  
value from
a function to another function due to the fact that a reference is  
and in some situation the var you are passing is a reference to  
'nothing' -
which works in older version of php but is also the cause of a  
couple of
weird/nasty  inexplicable potential seg faults ... it was fixed,  
opened his mouth, alot of people got angry - personally I don't  
give a shit
because I only use 5.0.x (I'll be waiting until the shitstorm has  
died down

before trying out 5.0.5 or 5.1 :-)

maybe this helps to explain (alot) better what I was talking about ...

anyway thanks for the catch Jordan.

$var is correctly set with the code you give above. I could not  
find  anything like you describe in the array_pop manual (see  
below).  Please elaborate on why this is bad code.

(PHP 4, PHP 5)
array_pop -- Pop the element off the end of array
mixed array_pop ( array array )
array_pop() pops and returns the last value of the array,  
shortening  the array by one element. If array is empty (or is not  
an array),  NULL will be returned.

Note: This function will reset() the array pointer after use.
Example 1. array_pop() example
$stack = array(orange, banana, apple, raspberry);
$fruit = array_pop($stack);
After this, $stack will have only 3 elements:
   [0] = orange
   [1] = banana
   [2] = apple
and raspberry will be assigned to $fruit.
See also array_push(), array_shift(), and array_unshift().

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Re: [PHP] Way for script to discover it's path?

2005-09-18 Thread Jordan Miller

Hey Ken,

The variable you want is already a superglobal known as $_SERVER 

Do something like this to get started:

Good luck.


On Sep 18, 2005, at 4:58 PM, Ken Tozier wrote:

I'm working on an auto-include mechanism for some complex scripts  
and rather than have all the paths to the various components hard  
coded, I'd like to have the script walk up the hierarchy looking  
for it's specified includes. Is it possible to do this? I looked at  
the various file related php functions but didn't see anything  
resembling 'my_path()'



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Re: [PHP] email validation regex

2005-09-16 Thread Jordan Miller

What do you mean? What's wrong with top posting? ;)


On Sep 16, 2005, at 11:31 AM, John Nichel wrote:

bruce wrote:

looking for a good/working/tested php email validation regex that  

to the rfc2822 standard.
a lot of what i've seen from google breaks, or doesn't follow the  

any ideas/thoughts/sample code/etc...

Didn't we just have this flame war about a month ago?  Is it time  
for it to come up again?  Top posting must be right around the  
corner; damn, I love this time of year. ;)

John C. Nichel

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Re: [PHP] Domain Info Possible?

2005-09-15 Thread Jordan Miller
do you have log files? the page you linked to was generated by  
webalizer. is there a reason you can't use that (or Awstats, or  
something similar)? you probably don't need to reinvent the wheel  
here... though you may need to tweak your webserver to put more  
information in the log files so you can see all the stats you desire.


On Sep 15, 2005, at 11:07 AM, Chirantan Ghosh wrote:


I was wondering if there was way to generate domain statistics by  
any PHP script?

I just need some basic info like:
Monthly Traffic( Sites, Kbytes, Visits, Pages, Files, Hits )


If it is possible can I also create a Log In for that page?

I would appreciate any direction.

C. Ghosh

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Re: [PHP] Deny access from certain hosts

2005-09-14 Thread Jordan Miller
if people are allowed to post copyrighted images to your bulletin  
board, shouldn't you have some sort of password protection anyway?

negating that, i would do it with PHP and not Apache. rather than  
simply serving up the file raw:

img src=image.gif

why not setup a php script to do URL referring blocking:
img src=getFile.php?img=image.gif

in the getFile.php file, you could check the referring URL, and then  
present the file, or not. you would need to move the images out of  
the web tree, though, so people couldn't bypass your script.

it sounds like you need to reconsider what you really want, though.


On Sep 13, 2005, at 3:00 PM, Aaron Greenspan wrote:


I have a similar problem where someone is using copyrighted images  
on my site in a bulletin board. It's not that one specific host is  
requesting the files--it's people from all over--but rather that I  
want to block one referring URL using Apache, rather than PHP,  
since the images are GIF files.

Can you do that with .htaccess?



Aaron Greenspan
President  CEO
Think Computer Corporation

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Re: [PHP] whats wrong in this program.

2005-09-14 Thread Jordan Miller
you need single quotes around $subnum in the sql statement. don't  
know why you seem to be arbitrarily leaving them off (put them around  
$uv and $duration, too!).

also, you should never insert stuff directly from a user into a  
database. first escape every variable with:


On Sep 14, 2005, at 6:36 AM, babu wrote:


I tried to use the final array values in a insert statement, but  
the values are not inserted.

the code is

foreach ($final as $subnum){
 $res = $db-query(INSERT INTO substrate_protocoll 

 echo insert failed;
the values of array ($subnum)are not inserted , can you tell me  
where the problem is.

Jordan Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I think I finally understand what you are trying to do. I don't see
any reason why you need to use the token functions, and I would
recommend using array functions instead (also, it is exceedingly easy
to sort the elements of an array... see the end).

I believe this will do what you are trying to do:
//Tokenizer for Babu
$str = '10,12,14-18';
$commas = explode(',', $str); // $commas will be an array of three
items in this case

// Final Values will go into the $final array
$final = array();
foreach ($commas as $value) {
// If one of the $commas elements contains a dash, we need to
get the range between them!
if (strstr($value, '-')) {
// Explode based on the dash. This code assumes there will
only be a single dash
$rangeValues = explode('-', $value);
foreach (range($rangeValues[0], $rangeValues[1]) as $number) {
$final[] = $number;
} else {
// If $value does not contain a dash, add it directly to the
$final array
$final[] = $value;
echo All your values in the range $str are .implode(' ', $final);
// Prints All your values in the range 10,12,14-18 are 10 12 14 15
16 17 18

In your last email, you had some of the values given out of order:
1. 20,21-24
2. 21-24,20
3. 10,20,21-24,25,26,30

To make sure the $final values are always ascending, just do this at
the end:



On Sep 13, 2005, at 7:16 PM, babu wrote:


$tok = strtok($str, ',');
while ($tok !== false) {
$toks[] = $tok;
$tok = strtok(',');

foreach ($toks as $token){
if (strpos($token,'-')){
$finaltokens[]= $token;

function stringtokenize($nstr){
$ntok1= strtok($nstr,'-');
$finaltokens[]= $i;

foreach ($finaltokens as $ftoken){
echo $ftoken;



the ouput prints only 10,12 but not 14,15,16,17,18. where is the

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new Yahoo! Security Centre.

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Re: [PHP] whats wrong in this program.

2005-09-14 Thread Jordan Miller

heh, i did it too.


oh, good to know, thanks. $final should be composed of strings, not  
integers, so i guess that is his problem. i just read that it is  
best to quote every variable, now I know why... so you can change  
implementations later and not have to worry about types (and php's  
autotyping is so great anyway).


On Sep 14, 2005, at 10:54 AM, John Nichel wrote:

Jordan Miller wrote:

you need single quotes around $subnum in the sql statement. don't   
know why you seem to be arbitrarily leaving them off (put them  
around  $uv and $duration, too!).


It's not needed if those fields are integers.

*damnit, that's twice today I've replied to the poster and not the  

John C. Nichel

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Re: [PHP] A tricky little addition

2005-09-14 Thread Jordan Miller

the syntax for variable variables is:

$variable= $$add;

or alternatively:
$variable= ${$add};


On Sep 14, 2005, at 2:25 PM, Ross wrote:

$variable= $.$add;

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Re: [PHP] Deny access from certain hosts

2005-09-13 Thread Jordan Miller

you need to do it like this:

Order Allow,Deny
Allow from all
Deny from 85.65.154


On Sep 13, 2005, at 2:30 PM, David Pollack wrote:

   I have a problem where someone is illegally linking to my site.
There site is in another language so I'm having trouble contacting
them. Is there any way that I can use PHP or Apache to stop them from
linking to these files directly on there website. This is an example
of a log entry that I get from their link: - - [04/Sep/2005:06:52:40 -0700] GET
/fonts/images/austrise.jpg HTTP/1.1 200 6094;
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)

I've tried using mod_access with a simple directive in my  
VirtualHost like:

Directory /home/da3/public_html/fonts
   Deny from 85.65.154

And that does not seem to work. I have mod_access installed and PHP 4.

I'm sorry if this is more of an apache question but it just seems like
it should be so easy and I can't find a single example of how to stop

David Pollack

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Re: [PHP] array simple question

2005-09-13 Thread Jordan Miller
please provide code and an example output, and say how this is  
different than you would like. what you describe is unclear.


On Sep 13, 2005, at 4:04 PM, matt VanDeWalle wrote:

I have a simple question, not really a problem this time.
I know that the function print_r() will print an array but if that  
array has sub-arrays it prints everything and if you don't use more  
command or a pipe of some kind that could be useless in some cases,  
but I am just wondering, for an array that has several arrays in  
it, is there a way to print the array names that are contained in  
the main array but not the contents of each?


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Re: [PHP] whats wrong in this program.

2005-09-13 Thread Jordan Miller
I think I finally understand what you are trying to do. I don't see  
any reason why you need to use the token functions, and I would  
recommend using array functions instead (also, it is exceedingly easy  
to sort the elements of an array... see the end).

I believe this will do what you are trying to do:
//Tokenizer for Babu
$str = '10,12,14-18';
$commas = explode(',', $str); // $commas will be an array of three  
items in this case

// Final Values will go into the $final array
$final = array();
foreach ($commas as $value) {
// If one of the $commas elements contains a dash, we need to  
get the range between them!

if (strstr($value, '-')) {
// Explode based on the dash. This code assumes there will  
only be a single dash

$rangeValues = explode('-', $value);
foreach (range($rangeValues[0], $rangeValues[1]) as $number) {
$final[] = $number;
} else {
// If $value does not contain a dash, add it directly to the  
$final array

$final[] = $value;
echo All your values in the range $str are .implode(' ', $final);
// Prints All your values in the range 10,12,14-18 are 10 12 14 15  
16 17 18

In your last email, you had some of the values given out of order:
1.  20,21-24
2. 21-24,20
3. 10,20,21-24,25,26,30

To make sure the $final values are always ascending, just do this at  
the end:




On Sep 13, 2005, at 7:16 PM, babu wrote:


$tok = strtok($str, ',');
while ($tok !== false) {
 $toks[] = $tok;
  $tok = strtok(',');

foreach ($toks as $token){
 if (strpos($token,'-')){
  $finaltokens[]= $token;

function stringtokenize($nstr){
 $ntok1= strtok($nstr,'-');
  $finaltokens[]= $i;

foreach ($finaltokens as $ftoken){
 echo $ftoken;
 echo br /;

the ouput prints only 10,12 but not 14,15,16,17,18. where is the  

To help you stay safe and secure online, we've developed the all  
new Yahoo! Security Centre.

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Re: [PHP] Round with ONE-decimal... always...

2005-09-12 Thread Jordan Miller

besides sprintf, number_format will also do it:

number_format(6, 1, ',', '');// Outputs '6,0'


On Sep 12, 2005, at 3:52 AM, Gustav Wiberg wrote:

Hi there!

I want to adjust the round() -function a little...

If I put round(6,0) there will be an output of 6
If I put round(6,32) there will be an output of 6,3

I want it to have 6,0 instead of just 6... I guess there is an easy  
solution to this? Suggestions?


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Re: [PHP] Convert a timestamp to RFC822??

2005-09-10 Thread Jordan Miller
we *just* had a post similar to this. It's easy, just use the date()  
and strtotime() functions:

$timestamp = '2004-05-14 13:24:48';
$RFC_formatted = date('r', strtotime($timestamp));



On Sep 10, 2005, at 11:14 AM, Brian Dunning wrote:

I get my timestamp from the db in this format (I don't have control  
over this):

2004-05-14 13:24:48

I need to convert it to RFC822 to make it a valid RSS pubDate field  
like this:

Wed, 02 Oct 2002 13:00:00 GMT

How can I do that? I'm tearing my hair out here (what's left)...


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Re: [PHP] Books / tutorials on Object Oriented Programming with PHP

2005-09-10 Thread Jordan Miller

Here is a thorough review on the Zandstra book:


On Sep 9, 2005, at 6:39 PM, Jason Coffin wrote:

On 9/9/05, Vinayakam Murugan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I am learning about Object Oriented Programming with PHP. Can you  

any good books / tutorials?


I HIGHLY recommend PHP 5 Objects, Patterns, and Practice by Matt
Zandstra []. This
was one of the best PHP books I have read and I suspect it is exactly
what you are looking for.

Jason Coffin

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Re: [PHP] Sessions , expiry times and different time zones

2005-09-08 Thread Jordan Miller
As I said, **rather** than relying on cookie expiration. This  
*necessarily* means that you will need to set the cookie expiration  
to sometime way in the future, like next year (or more dynamically,  
use the date() and mktime() functions to always set the cookie  
expiration to + 1 yr from today). If you do this, you will have no  
chance of the cookie itself expiring; therefore you can rely solely  
on the $_SESSION variable. The cookie will contain the session id  
that the webserver will be able to use to repopulate the $_SESSION  
variable as long as $_SESSION['expiration'] is still in the future.  
If $_SESSION['expiration'] is in the past (or is empty) and you issue  
a session_destroy() and a setcookie(), the cookie can be destroyed, too.

I have written something similar to this in the past, and it behaves  
exactly as you would like and expect. Another benefit is that this is  
more secure than relying on a cookie-supplied expiration time.


On Sep 6, 2005, at 8:51 PM, Dan Rossi wrote:

client cookie expires hence no more session ...

On 07/09/2005, at 1:57 AM, Jordan Miller wrote:

Hi  Dan,

Couldn't you store an expiration time directly in the $_SESSION  
variable, rather than relying on cookie expiration (if I  
understand your question correctly)?  Each time a page is loaded,  
update the expiration time in this variable to +24hr from the  
current time (all times relative to the server's time). Then, it  
shouldn't matter from which time zone the user is browsing.


On Sep 6, 2005, at 10:37 AM, Dan Rossi wrote:

hi there I have run into problems with sessions , cookies and  
expiryt times with different time zones. Ie our server is in the  
States however I am browsing from Koala land downunder. I have  
been trying to get the session to expire in a day, however for  
ppl in the states this is ok, but for me its already expired so i  
have been experiencing issues. How do i solve this ?

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Re: [PHP] Better timestamp explanation to the client

2005-09-08 Thread Jordan Miller
methinks you should convert the datetime to a unix timestamp with  
strtotime(). then you can compare the difference between this  
timestamp and a unix timestamp of now to find if you have logged in  
within a min. of the previous time. Then, once you know what text to  
display (e.g. Less than a minute ago!), you can format the original  
datetime timestamp with the date() function to be however you like.  
You may have to read the manuals for all three of these functions  
several times. good luck!

actually, you may be able to do simple operators (e.g. , , or -)  
with the datetime as is, without having to convert to a unix  
timestamp. NOW in datetime format can be gotten with:

$now = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');

i'm not sure though. just try it!


On Sep 8, 2005, at 9:41 AM, Ryan A wrote:

In one of our tables we have these fields:

cust_no bigint(20),
cust_name varchar(30),
last_online datetime,

and in that members profile, if someone visits it, on the top of  
the page we

have this:

// connect to db, query for record and display it below
Last seen: ?php echo $last_online; ?

Any ideas on the simplest way to make it look like this:

Last seen: Less than a minute ago!

Last seen: 25 mins ago

Last seen:  2 hours 11 mins ago

Last seen: 1 (or 2 or 3) day/s ago

else{ echo $last_seen; }

I have seen this done on a few sites (Swedish sites actually, I can  
give you

the URLs if you need them)

I think it looks much better than:
Last seen : 2005-09-07 20:59:01


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Re: [PHP] Assign values in foreach-loop

2005-09-07 Thread Jordan Miller


You simply need the $key variable, then you can set a new value for  
$arr[$key] for each array element:

$arr = array(1, 2, 3, 4);
foreach ($arr as $key = $value) {
   $arr[$key] = $value * 2;
// $arr is now array(2, 4, 6, 8)
If you have PHP 5, you can perhaps more efficiently do this:

As of PHP 5, you can easily modify array's elements by preceding  
$value with . This will assign reference instead of copying the  

$arr = array(1, 2, 3, 4);
foreach ($arr as $value) {
   $value = $value * 2;
// $arr is now array(2, 4, 6, 8)


On Sep 7, 2005, at 12:14 PM, Sabine wrote:

Hello to all,

is it possible to assign values to the array for which I do the  

foreach ($_SESSION['arr1'] as $arr1) {
   foreach ($_SESSION['arr2'] as $arr2) {
   if ($arr1['id'] == $arr2['id']) {
   $arr1['selected'] = true;
   }   }

I think $arr1 is only a temp-var, so the assignment won't reflect  
on $_SESSION['arr1'] . Is that right?
Surely I can do it with a for-loop, but those arrays are a bit  
complex and a foreach would be much easier to read.

Thanks in advance for your answers

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Re: [PHP] Assign values in foreach-loop

2005-09-07 Thread Jordan Miller


i didn't fully answer the questions... if i understand your  
multidimensional array correctly, your code should be something like:

foreach ($_SESSION['arr1'] as $key = $arr1) {
   foreach ($_SESSION['arr2'] as $arr2) {
   if ($arr1['id'] == $arr2['id']) {
   $_SESSION['arr1'][$key]['selected'] = true;
   }   }


On Sep 7, 2005, at 12:22 PM, Jordan Miller wrote:

foreach ($_SESSION['arr1'] as $arr1) {
   foreach ($_SESSION['arr2'] as $arr2) {
   if ($arr1['id'] == $arr2['id']) {
   $arr1['selected'] = true;
   }   }

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Re: [PHP] Checking a date for validity

2005-09-07 Thread Jordan Miller
writing a parse script is okay, but it will be very difficult to  
always ensure they are inputting it correctly. I recommend putting a  
popup calendar next to the input field. If the field is automatically  
populated in this way you will have a much easier time parsing it  
correctly. I can't recommend a good one offhand, but there are  
several that are DHTML and JS only, so that should be a good starting  
point for standards compliance. See:


On Sep 7, 2005, at 5:39 PM, Todd Cary wrote:

I need to check the input of a user to make sure the date is valid  
and correctly formatted.  Are there any examples available?

Here is one solution I created:

  /* Is date good */
  function is_date_good($date) {
if (strtotime($date) == -1) {
  $retval = 0;
} else {
  if (strpos($date, /)  0) {
$parts = explode(/, $date);
  } elseif (strpos($date, -)  0) {
$parts2 = explode(-, $date);
$parts[0] = $parts2[1];
$parts[1] = $parts2[2];
$parts[2] = $parts2[0];
  } else {
$parts = explode(., $date);
  if (checkdate($parts[0], $parts[1], $parts[2]) )
return 1;
return 0;
return $retval;

Is there a simplier solution?

Many thanks..

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Re: [PHP] Sessions , expiry times and different time zones

2005-09-06 Thread Jordan Miller

Hi  Dan,

Couldn't you store an expiration time directly in the $_SESSION  
variable, rather than relying on cookie expiration (if I  understand  
your question correctly)?  Each time a page is loaded, update the  
expiration time in this variable to +24hr from the current time (all  
times relative to the server's time). Then, it shouldn't matter from  
which time zone the user is browsing.


On Sep 6, 2005, at 10:37 AM, Dan Rossi wrote:

hi there I have run into problems with sessions , cookies and  
expiryt times with different time zones. Ie our server is in the  
States however I am browsing from Koala land downunder. I have been  
trying to get the session to expire in a day, however for ppl in  
the states this is ok, but for me its already expired so i have  
been experiencing issues. How do i solve this ?

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Re: [PHP] how to divide string

2005-09-05 Thread Jordan Miller
If  you are using php 5, don't forget about str_split, with 4 as the  
second parameter.

so you could do:
echo implode(br /, str_split($string, 4));

if you still have php 4 or earlier, look at that page anyway as there  
is a workaround function in the comments for earlier  versions of php.


On Sep 5, 2005, at 6:50 AM, Adi Zebic wrote:


is there any magic function who can give me from:

$string =  abcdefghijklmnopqrstuwvxyz;

somthing like this:


(each 'x' letters go to the next line)

Thanks a lot,


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Re: [PHP] Help: Get the value of pi up to 200+ digits?

2005-09-01 Thread Jordan Miller

precision sets the number of significant digits, *NOT* the number of  
digits displayed after the decimal point.

If you want to get pi out to 16 decimal places you need a precision  
of *17* because the beginning 3 is a significant digit.

Your code does exactly this, displaying pi with 15 decimal places.


On Sep 1, 2005, at 8:06 AM, Wong HoWang wrote:

Dear all,

I'm trying to do like this but failed:

echo pi();

How can I get more digits after . ?

Can anyone help? Thx!

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Re: [PHP] running process in the background

2005-08-31 Thread Jordan Miller
Oh wait... you are not specifying your $_POST variable. you need to  
use the key for $_POST. just do a print_r($_POST) to find the key  
from the $_POST array that you are looking for. also, i would not  
pass a $_POST variable directly to your shell without escaping it  
somehow, first...

foreach ($_POST[$key] ...


Did you try also sending stderr to /dev/null rather than stdout only?

I think the syntax is to add a 21:
foreach ($_POST as $kid){
`php run.php param1 param2  /dev/null 21 `;

This should put each process in the background and suppress all  
errors and output. Does that work?


On Aug 31, 2005, at 11:44 AM, Georgi Ivanov wrote:

foreach ($_POST as $kid){
`php run.php param1 param2  /dev/null `;

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Re: [PHP] Nested IFs Problem

2005-08-31 Thread Jordan Miller
why not rewrite it to be more concise... i can't see a problem at the  
moment. are you sure you can do a  comparison operator on the  
'12:00' and '2005-10-02' string?? Maybe if you are using 24 hr format  
you could just get rid of the : on both sides of the operator to  
have the  properly evaluated... do the same for the date comparison.

just try each if statement individually. then, when you find the  
problem, rewrite like this:

if ((putFirstExpressionHere)  (putSecondExpressionHere)   
(putThirdExpressionHere)) {

// success
} else {
// failure


On Aug 31, 2005, at 3:05 PM, Albert Padley wrote:

if ($row['date']  '2005-10-02') {
if ($row['time']  '12:00') {
if ($row['field'] == 'P5' ) {

echo td class=\tabletextbluebg\Success;


else {

echo td class=\tabletextred\Failed;

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Re: [PHP] Browsing Into Levels

2005-08-30 Thread Jordan Miller

They are called breadcrumbs:


On Aug 30, 2005, at 4:57 AM, areguera wrote:


I been wondering the best way to make the level browsing, I mean,
those links up in page which tell you the position you are, and make
you able to return sections back, keeping some kind of logic of where
you are.

I been used the url vars to do this but I arrive some point where
there are coincidences and it loose sense, it jumps to other section,
where indeed have to, but not where it logically should.

any suggestions?

thank :)

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Re: [PHP] Browsing Into Levels

2005-08-30 Thread Jordan Miller
you may not need anything fancy like a class for regular breadcrumbs  
or these BreadcrumbsExtreme™ that you describe. i usually do simple  
breadcrumbs with a simple function.

for the extreme version, just store an array of recently viewed pages  
in a session variable, and parse this array when displaying each page.


On Aug 30, 2005, at 11:01 AM, Greg Schnippel wrote:

Good answer, I think thats what they were looking for but just in  
 Most of the breadcrumb classes out there (at least the ones that  
showed up

in an initial google search) use either the existing directory/file
structure or a hard-coded array of your site structure to create the
 What about on non-structured sites like Wikis? For example, on  
DokuWiki, it
keeps track of your last 4-5 clicks in a breadcrumb trail on the  
top of

the page.'s recently viewed pages is
another good example (though probably patented ;))
 What are these kind of breadcrumbs called and which classes would you
recommend using to implement them?
 - Greg

 On 8/30/05, Jordan Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

They are called breadcrumbs:


On Aug 30, 2005, at 4:57 AM, areguera wrote:


I been wondering the best way to make the level browsing, I mean,
those links up in page which tell you the position you are, and make
you able to return sections back, keeping some kind of logic of  

you are.

I been used the url vars to do this but I arrive some point where
there are coincidences and it loose sense, it jumps to other  

where indeed have to, but not where it logically should.

any suggestions?

thank :)

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Re: [PHP] syntax for two comparison operators

2005-08-25 Thread Jordan Miller
Good to know about expression evaluation. Writing the expression(s)  
like that (left-to-right and right-to-left) solves my dilemma... thanks!


On Aug 25, 2005, at 2:44 AM, Richard Lynch wrote:

I personally would use:

((2  $x)  ($x = 4))

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Re: [PHP] invert

2005-08-25 Thread Jordan Miller
if you are using mysql, just put the DESC (descending) directive at  
the end of your sql statement (default is no DESC directive,  
meaning ascending). most recent records will be returned first.


On Aug 25, 2005, at 2:21 PM, George B wrote:

I have written a shoutbox, and it works great, but I am  
wondering... When a user posts a shout it goes below the first  
shout. Like the auto_increment puts the ID up higher. I need it to  
go about the first shout, so like the auto_increment would invert.  
Someone told me this is possible through PHP. Is that true? and if  
so how do you do it?

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Re: [PHP] invert

2005-08-25 Thread Jordan Miller
you need to provide more information. we cannot tell what you are  
doing. you should:


On Aug 25, 2005, at 2:38 PM, George B wrote:

Łukasz 'nostra' Wojciechowski wrote:

W odpowiedzi na maila (21:21 - 25 sierpnia 2005):

I have written a shoutbox, and it works great, but I am wondering...
When a user posts a shout it goes below the first shout. Like the  
auto_increment puts the ID up higher. I need it to go about the  
shout, so like the auto_increment would invert. Someone told me  
this is

possible through PHP. Is that true? and if so how do you do it?

mysql_query('SELECT * FROM table ORDER BY increment_field DESC');
get all output from DB into array and use array_reverse();

If I do that... then i get this error
Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid  
MySQL result resource in myfile name on line 30

and on line 30 it says

while ($line = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {

I dont understand what is problem here...

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Re: [PHP] Problem with SimpleXML

2005-08-24 Thread Jordan Miller

Yes, simplexml can do this easily. See:

Example 7. Setting values

Data in SimpleXML doesn't have to be constant. The object allows  
for manipulation of all of its elements.

include 'example.php';
$xml = simplexml_load_string($xmlstr);

$xml-movie[0]-characters-character[0]-name = 'Miss Coder';

echo $xml-asXML();
The above code will output a new XML document, just like the  
original, except that the new XML will change Ms. Coder to Miss Coder.

Uros, it looks like you want to change one of the attributes; you  
will need to use some of this code to handle the attributes:

Example 4. Using attributes

So far, we have only covered the work of reading element names and  
their values. SimpleXML can also access element attributes. Access  
attributes of an element just as you would elements of an array.

include 'example.php';

$xml = simplexml_load_string($xmlstr);

/* Access the rating nodes of the first movie.
 * Output the rating scale, too. */
foreach ($xml-movie[0]-rating as $rating) {
   switch((string) $rating['type']) { // Get attributes as element  

   case 'thumbs':
   echo $rating, ' thumbs up';
   case 'stars':
   echo $rating, ' stars';


On Aug 24, 2005, at 3:20 AM, Uroš Gruber wrote:


I have XML and I would like to set some values. I almost done the  
whole thing but have some problems when looping through some tags

  bar id=1 name=bar1 /
  bar id=2 name=bar2 /

I would like to set value for tag bar in some loop and then  
export this back to XML. Is this even possible or it's better to  
use SimpleXML only for read and create new XML from it.

XML is about 20 rows of data and I'm using PHP 5.0.4 with all XML  



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[PHP] syntax for two comparison operators

2005-08-24 Thread Jordan Miller

General question,

Is there a technical reason why PHP does not allow comparison  
operator expressions like the following:

if (2  $x = 4) {}

I prefer this concise way as it is common for mathematics  
expressions, and much easier to grasp physically on first glance.  
From what I can tell, this expression can currently only be written as:

if ( $x  2  $x = 4) {}

Would adding this syntax to PHP be incredibly difficult or lead to  
performance slowdowns?

I think I remember reading that PHP always evaluates expressions from  
right to left, so I guess there may be a considerable codebase change  
required. Maybe there could be a default function workaround for this  
or some other way to automagically process these more concise  
expressions without too much of a slowdown?? Just curious.


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Re: [PHP] build sql query struture and values from form fields

2005-08-22 Thread Jordan Miller
I agree, you must be careful of SQL injection... use  

To chop off the last character of text use substr():
$sqlstruct = substr($sqlstruct, 0, -1);

Example 3. Using a negative length

$rest = substr(abcdef, 0, -1);  // returns abcde
$rest = substr(abcdef, 2, -1);  // returns cde
$rest = substr(abcdef, 4, -4);  // returns 
$rest = substr(abcdef, -3, -1); // returns de

On Aug 20, 2005, at 4:55 PM, Greg Donald wrote:

On 8/20/05, Andras Kende [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I would like to create the mysql insert query for my html form  
I have a small problem it will have an extra , at the end of  

And extra  at $sqldata..

Anyone can give a hint ?

foreach ($_POST as $variable=$value){

$query=insert into db ($sqlstruct) VALUES ($sqldata);

$k = implode( ',', array_keys( $_POST ) );
$v = implode( ',', array_values( $_POST ) );

$sql = INSERT INTO db ( $k ) VALUES ( $v );

I'd never do something like this though, just begs for SQL injection.

Greg Donald
Zend Certified Engineer
MySQL Core Certification

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Re: [PHP] Special HTML characters question.

2005-08-22 Thread Jordan Miller

Did you try html_entity_decode?

You may want to combine this with mysql_real_escape_string()...?


On Aug 22, 2005, at 8:29 AM, Jay Paulson wrote:

I have a problem that I'm sure some of you have run into before,  
therefore I hope you all know of an easy solution.  Some of my  
users are cutting and pasting text from Word into text fields that  
are being saved into a database then from that database being  
displayed on a web page.  The problem occurs when some special  
characters are being used.  Double quotes, single quotes, and other  
characters like accents etc have the special html code like quote;  
etc replacing the special characters.  What methods are being used  
to combat this issue?  Is there a solution out there to run text  
through some sort of filter before submitting it to the database to  
look for these special characters and then replacing them?

Thanks for any help,

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Re: [PHP] Week Days

2005-08-19 Thread Jordan Miller


All you need is the mktime() command.

do something like:
$futureDate = date(Y-m-d, mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $today+ 
$daysToAdd, $year));

mktime() is useful for doing date arithmetic and validation, as it  
will automatically calculate the correct value for out-of-range  
input. For example, each of the following lines produces the string  

echo date(M-d-Y, mktime(0, 0, 0, 12, 32, 1997));
echo date(M-d-Y, mktime(0, 0, 0, 13, 1, 1997));
echo date(M-d-Y, mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1998));
echo date(M-d-Y, mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 98));

On Aug 19, 2005, at 12:57 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I am trying to add 3 (or a user-defined amount) week days to a  
certain date..
An example is today 2005-08-18 then adding 3 week days to give me a  
date of
2005-08-23. I have tried searching online but cannot find an easy  
way of

doing so.

Re: [PHP] Re: sending HTML (incl. embedded images) to browser

2005-08-18 Thread Jordan Miller
Pardon me, but I don't think he is trying to send an HTML email. I  
believe he is just asking about making a simple webpage. Relative  
URLs should be fine and are often preferable for portability.


On Aug 17, 2005, at 7:34 PM, Manuel Lemos wrote:


on 08/17/2005 07:42 PM Jake Sapirstein said the following:
 I am a PHP newbie, pardon the elementary question - I am starting  
out with using print() to send HTML to the browser to be rendered.   
All is well with text and tables and other HTML formatting, but  
when trying to send IMG tags, my images aren't getting displayed.

 Is there a good tutorial out there (I can't seem to find it) on  
how to send HTML to a browser where the HTML includes IMG tags with  
links to image files?  If I need to set up the filepaths with  
variables I can figure that out, but not sure what functions to use  
to set the paths up.

You need to use absolute URLs for the images.

Still, some mail programs and webmail sites disable remote image  
displaying by default as images may be beacons to spy on users.

ALternatively you can embeded images in the actual HTML messages  
and they always display properly. That is done with MIME multipart/ 
related messages. You may want to take a look at this MIME message  
class that can be used to compose messages with embedded images. It  
comes with an example named test_html_mail_message.php that shows  
exactly how to do that:


Manuel Lemos

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Re: [PHP] PHP MySQL insert

2005-08-18 Thread Jordan Miller
besides just escaping your strings, i think you are having a quoting  

Commas should not have to be escaped, and indeed the  
mysql_real_escape_string() function will not escape commas. After  
escaping your input data with this function, I would make the $query  
text a bit more technically correct:

Change this:
$query = insert into testtable6 (indx, col1, col2) values (NULL,  
'$data1', '$data2');

to this:
$query = insert into testtable6 (indx, col1, col2) values (NULL, '. 
$data1.', '.$data2.');

echo $\n;

to ensure proper handling of all data in the sql commands.
If you echo your $query before the insert, what do you get? This is  
always a good practice when you're having trouble.


On Aug 18, 2005, at 12:05 PM, Chris wrote:

You need to escape the data, so

$data1 = mysql_real_escape_string($data1,$rLink);
$data2 = mysql_real_escape_string($data2,$rLink);

Jon wrote:

Please help with an insert problem.

Sometimes $data1 could have a comma and that messes up the  
insert.  how do I

get around that?

$query = insert into testtable6 (indx, col1, col2) values (NULL,  

mysql_db_query(testdb, $query);

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Re: [PHP] Re: PHP 5 limits readfile to 1.9 MB?

2005-08-17 Thread Jordan Miller


Wow, that worked great, thanks.

I'm curious why you set a static buffer of 1024768... why not just do  
filesize($file), as shown at ? Is it better  
for memory usage to have a potentially smaller buffer? Also, you may  
want an fclose($fp) after the file has been downloaded.

So is this a bug in PHP 5 or are they just purposely limiting the  
abilities of the readfile command?


On Aug 17, 2005, at 3:36 AM, Catalin Trifu wrote:


I've had a similar problem. The download always stopped at  
exactly 2.000.000 bytes.

You have to work around that with:
$fp = fopen($file, 'r');
if($fp) {
while(!feof($fp)) {
echo fread($fp, 1024768);//see the huge buffer to read into
} else {
//whatever error handler


Jordan Miller wrote:

Hello all,
I am new to this list and I have searched the archives to no  
avail. I  am having a peculiar problem when upgrading to PHP 5: My  
downloads  are now limited to the first 1.9 MB of the file in  
question, with the  download either terminating at 1.9 MB or  
seemingly continuously stuck  in a downloading process at 1.9 MB.  
The code in the PHP script has  not changed and all parameters  
that I could find that are relevant to  this problem are given below:

the minimal code needed for download:
// $file_to_read is the complete path of the file to download
header(Content-Type: application/pdf);
header( Content-Disposition: inline; filename=\$filename 

$len = filesize($file_to_read);
header(Content-Length: $len);
php.ini file for both php version 4 and 5 contain the following   
settings that may be relevant:

allow_url_fopen = On
max_execution_time = 300 ; Maximum execution time of each  
script,  in seconds
max_input_time = 300; Maximum amount of time each script may   
spend parsing request data
memory_limit = 8M  ; Maximum amount of memory a script may   
consume (8MB)

post_max_size = 200M
upload_max_filesize = 200M
Some additional details:
All files less than 1.9 MB download fine
It is not a corrupted file, because all files larger than 1.9 MB  
fail  after 1.9 MB
The connection is not timing out (download of 1.9 MB takes only  
~15 sec)

Mac OS X 10.3.9 with Marc Liyanage's PHP 5.0.4
Fails for both Safari and Firefox
Fails regardless of inline or attachment
Fails regardless of pdf or ppt content-type
This PHP code ALWAYS works for Marc Liyanage's PHP 4.3.4 with the   
same settings, above
What am I doing wrong??? Any other parameter in php.ini I should  
have  set? Any suggestions are much appreciated.


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Re: [PHP] optional argument when creating a function

2005-08-17 Thread Jordan Miller
apparently the ampersand means to treat $link as a reference, not as  
an optional argument:

I think the way to do it would be to set a default value in your  
function so that if a value is set by the calling statement that  
would override it:

function doEmail($username, $link = false)
if ($link !=== false)
// doEmail($arg1, $arg2); gets sent here
print $link $username;
// doEmail($arg1); gets sent here
print $username;

haven't tested this, but give it a try.


On Aug 17, 2005, at 10:00 AM, D A GERM wrote:

I'm throwing a warning on a function I created. I
thought a  in front of the argument was supposed to
make it optional. Is there something else I need to do
make that argument optional?

//I simplified the code
function doEmail($username, $link)
  if (isset($link))
 print $link $username;
 print $username;

doEmail($arg1, $arg2);

Here is the error:
Warning: Missing argument 2 for doemail() in
/srv/www/htdocs/test-a/staff/email_scramble.php on
line 24

thanks in advance for any help.

D. Aaron Germ
Scarborough Library, Shepherd University
(304) 876-5423

Well then what am I supposed to do with all my creative ideas-  
take a bath and wash myself with them? 'Cause that is what soap is  
for (Peter, Family Guy)

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Re: [PHP] How Can I delete an Item of one array

2005-08-17 Thread Jordan Miller

you use the unset() function:

unset($array[$key]); //

you can reindex the keys if they are numeric with:

$reindexedArray = array_values($array); // 


On Aug 17, 2005, at 1:12 PM, Tomás Rodriguez Orta wrote:

Hi people.

How Can I do this.
I want to delete an element behind of array?, what function What  
Can I use?

best regards TOMAS

Este correo fue escaneado en busca de virus con el MDaemon  
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Re: [PHP] Re: PHP 5 limits readfile to 1.9 MB?

2005-08-17 Thread Jordan Miller
Ok, just checking (I am new to the fopen() function). That makes  
sense. Awesome, thanks!


On Aug 17, 2005, at 10:19 AM, Catalin Trifu wrote:


Indeed a fclose($fp) is needed (wrote it as an example :)).
1MB is more than enough as a buffer.  If you have a 53MB file,
what will happen then ?
I have no idea if it's a bug or a feature. Either way I did lose
some hair over this when I switched from PHP4 to PHP5.


Jordan Miller wrote:

Wow, that worked great, thanks.
I'm curious why you set a static buffer of 1024768... why not just  
do  filesize($file), as shown at ? Is it  
better  for memory usage to have a potentially smaller buffer?  
Also, you may  want an fclose($fp) after the file has been  
So is this a bug in PHP 5 or are they just purposely limiting the   
abilities of the readfile command?

On Aug 17, 2005, at 3:36 AM, Catalin Trifu wrote:


I've had a similar problem. The download always stopped at   
exactly 2.000.000 bytes.

You have to work around that with:
$fp = fopen($file, 'r');
if($fp) {
while(!feof($fp)) {
echo fread($fp, 1024768);//see the huge buffer to read into
} else {
//whatever error handler


Jordan Miller wrote:

Hello all,
I am new to this list and I have searched the archives to no   
avail. I  am having a peculiar problem when upgrading to PHP 5:  
My  downloads  are now limited to the first 1.9 MB of the file  
in  question, with the  download either terminating at 1.9 MB  
or  seemingly continuously stuck  in a downloading process at  
1.9 MB.  The code in the PHP script has  not changed and all  
parameters  that I could find that are relevant to  this problem  
are given below:

the minimal code needed for download:
// $file_to_read is the complete path of the file to  

header(Content-Type: application/pdf);
header( Content-Disposition: inline; filename= 
\$filename \);

$len = filesize($file_to_read);
header(Content-Length: $len);
php.ini file for both php version 4 and 5 contain the  
following   settings that may be relevant:

allow_url_fopen = On
max_execution_time = 300 ; Maximum execution time of each   
script,  in seconds
max_input_time = 300; Maximum amount of time each script  
may   spend parsing request data
memory_limit = 8M  ; Maximum amount of memory a script may
consume (8MB)

post_max_size = 200M
upload_max_filesize = 200M
Some additional details:
All files less than 1.9 MB download fine
It is not a corrupted file, because all files larger than 1.9  
MB  fail  after 1.9 MB
The connection is not timing out (download of 1.9 MB takes only   
~15 sec)

Mac OS X 10.3.9 with Marc Liyanage's PHP 5.0.4
Fails for both Safari and Firefox
Fails regardless of inline or attachment
Fails regardless of pdf or ppt content-type
This PHP code ALWAYS works for Marc Liyanage's PHP 4.3.4 with  
the   same settings, above
What am I doing wrong??? Any other parameter in php.ini I  
should  have  set? Any suggestions are much appreciated.


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Re: [PHP] Re: PHP 5 limits readfile to 1.9 MB?

2005-08-17 Thread Jordan Miller
turns out it's a known bug, fixed in CVS already... haven't tried the  
PHP 5.1 beta release yet.

On Aug 17, 2005, at 10:19 AM, Catalin Trifu wrote:


Indeed a fclose($fp) is needed (wrote it as an example :)).
1MB is more than enough as a buffer.  If you have a 53MB file,
what will happen then ?
I have no idea if it's a bug or a feature. Either way I did lose
some hair over this when I switched from PHP4 to PHP5.


Jordan Miller wrote:

Wow, that worked great, thanks.
I'm curious why you set a static buffer of 1024768... why not just  
do  filesize($file), as shown at ? Is it  
better  for memory usage to have a potentially smaller buffer?  
Also, you may  want an fclose($fp) after the file has been  
So is this a bug in PHP 5 or are they just purposely limiting the   
abilities of the readfile command?

On Aug 17, 2005, at 3:36 AM, Catalin Trifu wrote:


I've had a similar problem. The download always stopped at   
exactly 2.000.000 bytes.

You have to work around that with:
$fp = fopen($file, 'r');
if($fp) {
while(!feof($fp)) {
echo fread($fp, 1024768);//see the huge buffer to read into
} else {
//whatever error handler


Jordan Miller wrote:

Hello all,
I am new to this list and I have searched the archives to no   
avail. I  am having a peculiar problem when upgrading to PHP 5:  
My  downloads  are now limited to the first 1.9 MB of the file  
in  question, with the  download either terminating at 1.9 MB  
or  seemingly continuously stuck  in a downloading process at  
1.9 MB.  The code in the PHP script has  not changed and all  
parameters  that I could find that are relevant to  this problem  
are given below:

the minimal code needed for download:
// $file_to_read is the complete path of the file to  

header(Content-Type: application/pdf);
header( Content-Disposition: inline; filename= 
\$filename \);

$len = filesize($file_to_read);
header(Content-Length: $len);
php.ini file for both php version 4 and 5 contain the  
following   settings that may be relevant:

allow_url_fopen = On
max_execution_time = 300 ; Maximum execution time of each   
script,  in seconds
max_input_time = 300; Maximum amount of time each script  
may   spend parsing request data
memory_limit = 8M  ; Maximum amount of memory a script may
consume (8MB)

post_max_size = 200M
upload_max_filesize = 200M
Some additional details:
All files less than 1.9 MB download fine
It is not a corrupted file, because all files larger than 1.9  
MB  fail  after 1.9 MB
The connection is not timing out (download of 1.9 MB takes only   
~15 sec)

Mac OS X 10.3.9 with Marc Liyanage's PHP 5.0.4
Fails for both Safari and Firefox
Fails regardless of inline or attachment
Fails regardless of pdf or ppt content-type
This PHP code ALWAYS works for Marc Liyanage's PHP 4.3.4 with  
the   same settings, above
What am I doing wrong??? Any other parameter in php.ini I  
should  have  set? Any suggestions are much appreciated.


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Re: [PHP] mail()

2005-08-17 Thread Jordan Miller

Did you install sendmail?


For the Mail functions to be available, PHP must have access to the  
sendmail binary on your system during compile time. If you use  
another mail program, such as qmail or postfix, be sure to use the  
appropriate sendmail wrappers that come with them. PHP will first  
look for sendmail in your PATH, and then in the following: /usr/bin:/ 
usr/sbin:/usr/etc:/etc:/usr/ucblib:/usr/lib. It's highly recommended  
to have sendmail available from your PATH. Also, the user that  
compiled PHP must have permission to access the sendmail binary.

On Aug 17, 2005, at 11:48 AM, George B wrote:

Warning: mail() [function.mail]: Failed to connect to mailserver at  
localhost port 25, verify your SMTP and smtp_port setting in  
php.ini or use ini_set()

I checked php.ini and everything is open

[mail function]
; For Win32 only.
SMTP = localhost
smtp_port = 25

; For Win32 only.
sendmail_from = [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SO why does it not work?

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Re: [PHP] Help correcting a form mailer problem...

2005-08-17 Thread Jordan Miller
wherever you think you are adding data to the gmev array, you are  
merely adding the on string. I would search your script for the  
string on and you will find the problem.

what you need is the value in the HTML form to be the text you want  
inserted into the array, such as:

input type=checkbox name=gmev[1] value=September 9th


On Aug 17, 2005, at 3:30 PM, zedleon wrote:

thanks for the reply...
after using the print_r($_POST['gmev']); and selecting all the  
checkboxes to

send to the form
the return is Array ( [0] = on [1] = on [2] = on [3] = on ). So  

values are missing.
don't really know how to proceed at this point.
any help is appreciated.

Joe Wollard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

I would first start out by dumping the values of $_POST['gmev'] by  


Sounds to me like you're not getting the data that your expecting
from the form for some reason. Maybe $_POST['gmev'] is an array of
null values?

-Good Luck

On Aug 17, 2005, at 12:15 PM, zedleon wrote:

I previously built a sticky form with dynamic checkbox
The form works beautifully thanks to help from Jochem Mass and

I now have a slightly different problem...I have built an email
form to send
the form data.
I copied and used the following code which works great in the sticky

if (isset($_POST['gmev'])  is_array($_POST['gmev'])) {

   foreach ($_POST['gmev'] as $gmev_day) {

   print pYou have registered for the: b$gmev_day/b Good
Morning East
Valley Event./p;

} else {

   print 'You are not registered for any events!';


The results is this:
   You have registered for the: September 9th Good Morning
Valley Event.

Now when I use the same code modified for the form mailer I am
getting this

if (isset($_POST['gmev'])  is_array($_POST['gmev'])) {

  foreach ($_POST['gmev'] as $gmev_day) {

  $msg .= You have registered for the: $gmev_day Good Morning East

} else {

   $mgs .= You are not registered for any events!;

  result is - You have registered for the: on Good Morning
Valley Event.

I am missing the value of the variable even though I am receiving
all the
instances of the variables from the checkboxes. When they are
selected, they
are present.

I really don't know what to do about correcting the problem. Any
here would really be appreciatedand...go easy on me...I am new
to PHP

Thanks before hand...


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Re: [PHP] Help correcting a form mailer problem...

2005-08-17 Thread Jordan Miller
Sorry, I believe you are mistaken here... you *can* specify a value  
for each checkbox and have it come through. I have written scripts  
that do this, and here is another example:

all zedleon needs to do is add the correct value parameter to each  


On Aug 17, 2005, at 3:57 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Sorry I should clarify... checkboxes don't send their values  
through they

send their names and states... so if you have the array:

Name=qmev[1]... name=qmev[2]... name=qmev[3]

And your array contains

[1] = on : [3] = on

1 and 3 are selected

-Original Message-
From: zedleon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 17 August 2005 21:30
Subject: Re: [PHP] Help correcting a form mailer problem...

thanks for the reply...
after using the print_r($_POST['gmev']); and selecting all the  
checkboxes to

send to the form
the return is Array ( [0] = on [1] = on [2] = on [3] = on ). So  

values are missing.
don't really know how to proceed at this point.
any help is appreciated.

Joe Wollard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

I would first start out by dumping the values of $_POST['gmev'] by  


Sounds to me like you're not getting the data that your expecting
from the form for some reason. Maybe $_POST['gmev'] is an array of
null values?

-Good Luck

On Aug 17, 2005, at 12:15 PM, zedleon wrote:

I previously built a sticky form with dynamic checkbox
The form works beautifully thanks to help from Jochem Mass and

I now have a slightly different problem...I have built an email
form to send
the form data.
I copied and used the following code which works great in the sticky

if (isset($_POST['gmev'])  is_array($_POST['gmev'])) {

   foreach ($_POST['gmev'] as $gmev_day) {

   print pYou have registered for the: b$gmev_day/b Good
Morning East
Valley Event./p;

} else {

   print 'You are not registered for any events!';


The results is this:
   You have registered for the: September 9th Good Morning
Valley Event.

Now when I use the same code modified for the form mailer I am
getting this

if (isset($_POST['gmev'])  is_array($_POST['gmev'])) {

  foreach ($_POST['gmev'] as $gmev_day) {

  $msg .= You have registered for the: $gmev_day Good Morning East

} else {

   $mgs .= You are not registered for any events!;

  result is - You have registered for the: on Good Morning
Valley Event.

I am missing the value of the variable even though I am receiving
all the
instances of the variables from the checkboxes. When they are
selected, they
are present.

I really don't know what to do about correcting the problem. Any
here would really be appreciatedand...go easy on me...I am new
to PHP

Thanks before hand...


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Re: [PHP] Help correcting a form mailer problem...

2005-08-17 Thread Jordan Miller


On your sticky page, your checkbox input commands no longer have  
their corresponding value attributes. Just add those back in, and  
you will be all set (you only have the value attribute set on the  
event_reg.php page, NOT on the event_reg_calc.php page). This is your  
only problem.

i.e. change the code so that the output here:
will change from this:
input name=gmev[] type=checkbox id=gmev checked=checked/
to this:
input name=gmev[] type=checkbox id=gmev value=September 9th  


On Aug 17, 2005, at 4:52 PM, Support wrote:

Thanks for the post...

The problem I am having here is that once the sticky or dynamic  
form is

The checkboxes at that point don't seem to be passing the value  
only the

state. So when it is submitted
to the send mail form no value appears. I need to make the sticky  
pass the


How is this done?

test form is on check it  
out and I

think you'll
see what I mean.

The suggestions and help are greatly appreciated.


- Original Message -
From: Jordan Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2005 5:28 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP] Help correcting a form mailer problem...

Sorry, I believe you are mistaken here... you *can* specify a value
for each checkbox and have it come through. I have written scripts
that do this, and here is another example:

all zedleon needs to do is add the correct value parameter to each


On Aug 17, 2005, at 3:57 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Sorry I should clarify... checkboxes don't send their values
through they
send their names and states... so if you have the array:

Name=qmev[1]... name=qmev[2]... name=qmev[3]

And your array contains

[1] = on : [3] = on

1 and 3 are selected

-Original Message-
From: zedleon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 17 August 2005 21:30
Subject: Re: [PHP] Help correcting a form mailer problem...

thanks for the reply...
after using the print_r($_POST['gmev']); and selecting all the
checkboxes to
send to the form
the return is Array ( [0] = on [1] = on [2] = on [3] = on ). So
values are missing.
don't really know how to proceed at this point.
any help is appreciated.

Joe Wollard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

I would first start out by dumping the values of $_POST['gmev'] by


Sounds to me like you're not getting the data that your expecting
from the form for some reason. Maybe $_POST['gmev'] is an array of
null values?

-Good Luck

On Aug 17, 2005, at 12:15 PM, zedleon wrote:

I previously built a sticky form with dynamic checkbox
The form works beautifully thanks to help from Jochem Mass and

I now have a slightly different problem...I have built an email
form to send
the form data.
I copied and used the following code which works great in the  


if (isset($_POST['gmev'])  is_array($_POST['gmev'])) {

   foreach ($_POST['gmev'] as $gmev_day) {

   print pYou have registered for the: b$gmev_day/b Good
Morning East
Valley Event./p;

} else {

   print 'You are not registered for any events!';


The results is this:
   You have registered for the: September 9th Good  

Valley Event.

Now when I use the same code modified for the form mailer I am
getting this

if (isset($_POST['gmev'])  is_array($_POST['gmev'])) {

  foreach ($_POST['gmev'] as $gmev_day) {

  $msg .= You have registered for the: $gmev_day Good Morning  


} else {

   $mgs .= You are not registered for any events!;

  result is - You have registered for the: on Good  

Valley Event.

I am missing the value of the variable even though I am receiving
all the
instances of the variables from the checkboxes. When they are
selected, they
are present.

I really don't know what to do about correcting the problem. Any
here would really be appreciatedand...go easy on me...I am new
to PHP

Thanks before hand...


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Re: [PHP] sending HTML (incl. embedded images) to browser

2005-08-17 Thread Jordan Miller

Hi Jake,

You don't have to do anything special, you just have to have  
standards compliant HTML output.

What is the HTML for the IMG tag output to the browser (i.e. go to  
the web browser, load the page in question, find the img tag, and  
send us this text). I think maybe your images are just not in the  
right directory or are not being referenced correctly.

also, what is the actual PHP code used to print the img tag? maybe  
you're not escaping quotes correctly...?


On Aug 17, 2005, at 5:42 PM, Jake Sapirstein wrote:

Hi List,

I am a PHP newbie, pardon the elementary question - I am starting  
out with using print() to send HTML to the browser to be rendered.   
All is well with text and tables and other HTML formatting, but  
when trying to send IMG tags, my images aren't getting displayed.

Is there a good tutorial out there (I can't seem to find it) on how  
to send HTML to a browser where the HTML includes IMG tags with  
links to image files?  If I need to set up the filepaths with  
variables I can figure that out, but not sure what functions to use  
to set the paths up.

Thanks for any pointers!


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[PHP] PHP 5 limits readfile to 1.9 MB?

2005-08-16 Thread Jordan Miller

Hello all,

I am new to this list and I have searched the archives to no avail. I  
am having a peculiar problem when upgrading to PHP 5: My downloads  
are now limited to the first 1.9 MB of the file in question, with the  
download either terminating at 1.9 MB or seemingly continuously stuck  
in a downloading process at 1.9 MB. The code in the PHP script has  
not changed and all parameters that I could find that are relevant to  
this problem are given below:

the minimal code needed for download:
// $file_to_read is the complete path of the file to download
header(Content-Type: application/pdf);
header( Content-Disposition: inline; filename=\$filename\);
$len = filesize($file_to_read);
header(Content-Length: $len);

php.ini file for both php version 4 and 5 contain the following  
settings that may be relevant:

allow_url_fopen = On
max_execution_time = 300 ; Maximum execution time of each script,  
in seconds
max_input_time = 300; Maximum amount of time each script may  
spend parsing request data
memory_limit = 8M  ; Maximum amount of memory a script may  
consume (8MB)

post_max_size = 200M
upload_max_filesize = 200M

Some additional details:
All files less than 1.9 MB download fine
It is not a corrupted file, because all files larger than 1.9 MB fail  
after 1.9 MB

The connection is not timing out (download of 1.9 MB takes only ~15 sec)
Mac OS X 10.3.9 with Marc Liyanage's PHP 5.0.4
Fails for both Safari and Firefox
Fails regardless of inline or attachment
Fails regardless of pdf or ppt content-type
This PHP code ALWAYS works for Marc Liyanage's PHP 4.3.4 with the  
same settings, above

What am I doing wrong??? Any other parameter in php.ini I should have  
set? Any suggestions are much appreciated.


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