Re: [PHP] Regex for telephone numbers

2010-12-29 Thread Josh Kehn

On Dec 29, 2010, at 7:12 PM, Ethan Rosenberg wrote:

 Dear List -
 Thank you for all your help in the past.
 Here is another one
 I would like to have a regex  which would validate that a telephone number is 
 in the format xxx-xxx-.
 MySQL 5.1  PHP 5  Linux [Debian (sid)] 
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You can't, phone numbers are more complex then that. You could use 
\d{3}-\d{3}-\d{4} to match that basic pattern for all numbers though.


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Re: [PHP] Encryption/Decryption Question

2010-08-11 Thread Josh Kehn
On Aug 11, 2010, at 6:50 PM, tedd wrote:

 Hi gang:
 Okay, a question to the Encryption/Decryption gurus out there.
 If you were given:
 1. This encrypted string:
 2. Were told it was a social security number (i.e., in the form of 
 3. And it had been generated from this code:
 $cipher = mcrypt_module_open(MCRYPT_TRIPLEDES,'','cbc','');
 mcrypt_generic_init($cipher, $key1, $key2);
 $encrypted = mcrypt_generic($cipher,$social_security_number);
 4. Where $key1 and $key2 are md5() values calculated from two different 
 security phrases.
 5. Where each security phrase contains multiple non-English words.
 What would it take for you to break the encrypted string and decipher the 
 social security number? Can it be done? If so, how long?
 And lastly, where would the best place to store these security phrases? 
 (Note: I didn't ask where would be the best place for me to put them.)  :-)
 PS: No, the SS number in question is not 123-45-6789. :-)
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Considering you can brute force the entire keyspace for Triple DES in under a 
few hours (without specialized equipment) I don't think it would take long.

Granted, I'm not an encryption expert. I look forward to hearing more.



Joshua Kehn |

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Re: [PHP] PHP The Anthem

2010-08-05 Thread Josh Kehn
That. That is awesome.  I will be forwarding this to some perl people now.



On Aug 5, 2010, at 7:57 PM, Daevid Vincent wrote:
 ...some people have way too much time. ;-)
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Re: [PHP] Quotes vs. Single Quote

2010-08-05 Thread Josh Kehn

On Aug 5, 2010, at 10:10 PM, Rick Dwyer wrote:

 Hi List.
 I've mentioned before that I am both just beginning to learn PHP AND I have 
 inherited a number of pages that I'm trying to clean up the w3c validation on.
 Something that confuses me is how the code on the page is written where in 
 one instance, it follows this:
 echo table border='1'tr
 And elsewhere on the page it follows:
 echo 'table border=1tr
 In what I've read and from many of the suggestions from this board, the 
 latter seems to be the better way to code, generally speaking.
 So given that the page has javascript in it, perhaps the reason for the 
 previous developer switching between the two was for ease of incorporating 
 JS? Don't really know... but what I would like to know is it considered 
 poor coding switch between the two on a single page or is it perfectly 
 2nd question, in the 3 lines below:
 $_SESSION['newpage'] = $newpage;
 $checkstat = select field from table where fieldid = $field_id;
 $result1 = @mysql_query($checkstat,$connection) or die(Couldn't execute 
 If I were to recode in the latter style, should they not look like this:
 $_SESSION['newpage'] = $newpage;
 $checkstat = 'select field from table where fieldid = '.$field_id.'';
 $result1 = @mysql_query($checkstat,$connection) or die('Couldn\'t execute 
 The focus being here:
 ('Couldn\'t execute query')
 Is this correct?
 Thanks for the help.
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It is generally accepted that you should use single quotes whenever possible. I 
only use double quotes when writing SQL queries (so I don't have to continually 
escape them for the single quotes) and when I need to output control characters 
like \r or \n. 

It would be considered best practice to make consistent use of them, but it 
wouldn't be something I would loose sleep over.


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Re: [PHP] the state of the PHP community

2010-07-29 Thread Josh Kehn
On Jul 29, 2010, at 1:36 AM, Nathan Rixham wrote:

 Hi All,
 I find myself wondering about the state of the PHP community (and related 
 community with a PHP focus), so, here's a bunch of questions - feel free to 
 answer none to all of them, on list or off, or add more of your own - this 
 isn't for anything specific, just out of interest and sure I (and everybody 
 who reads the replies) will learn something + doors/options/contacts may come 
 of it. The only thing I can guarantee is that I'm genuinely interested in 
 every reply and will read every one of them + lookup every tech and link 
 in no particular order:
 What other languages and web techs do you currently use other than PHP?
 - if you include html or css please include version, if js then preferred 
 libs, and whether client or server side.

Java, JS (in the form of Node and MongoDB, +raw client / jQuery stuff) and PHP 
get used regularly. Python / Ruby infrequently.

 What's your previous language/tech trail?

Started with QBasic and realized it was crap. Moved on to Java, realized object 
rock but J2EE doesn't. Moved to PHP / Java.

 Are you considering any new languages or techs, and if so which?
 - names / links


 Is PHP your hobby/interest, primary development language, just learning or?

Primary dev, hobby, interest, all of the above? 

 How many years have you been using PHP regularly?

More then five, but it's really hard to say when it stopped being just a 
language and the primary.

 How many years have you been working with web technologies?

More then eight, though I remember HTML when tables were used for everything 
and spacer gifs were *the* thing. 

 Did you come from a non-web programming background?

Yes, primarily Java.

 Is your primary role web developer or designer?

Developer. I couldn't design if you paid me my weight in gold.

 In your developer life, are you an employer, and employee, contractor, 
 freelancer, part of a team of equal standing members?

Contractor / freelancer / employee / employer. Currently teaming up with a 

 Do you tend to work on jobs for geo-local clients, clients in the same 
 country, or do you work internationally 'on the web'?

I like to work in person, but sometimes that doesn't work. I have done 
international work before.

 How do you get your projects? do they come to you, word of mouth, do you hunt 
 and bid for projects, code call, visit clients, target clients individually 
 you think you can help, or?
 - not looking for trade secrets, just to get enough for an overall picture.

Word of mouth mostly. 
 Do you have any frustrations with the PHP community, do you find you want to 
 talk shop but can't, or find people to work with but can't, have projects in 
 mind you want to do but can't find people to do them with etc?

Not particularly.

 Do you network with other PHP'ers in real life - meetups etc, do you tend to 
 shy away, or do you find you circulate in other web related but non PHP 
 focussed communities?

I haven't gotten flashed on any PHP meetups, but I wouldn't shy away from them.

 Are you a member or any other web tech communities, opensource efforts, or 
 standardization bodies - again, if so which?

None that I recall.

 Are there any efforts, projects or initiatives which are floating your boat 
 right now and that your watching eagerly (or getting involved with)?

Node, Mongo. I'm also watching a couple git repos, memcached and scribe to name 
two. Some stuff I just can't be involved in (C / C++ dev is tricky when you 
work with Java / PHP).

 ps: please *do not* flame anybodies answers, that really wouldn't be fair.
 Best  Regards,
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