[PHP] Send mail and attachment with php - looking for PHP module

2002-04-23 Thread Krzysztof Kocjan


I'm looking for PHP module which allows to send mail and attachment 
both. Is there any one ? Thank You for any suggestions.


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Re: [PHP] mail

2002-03-20 Thread Krzysztof Kocjan

 function sendmail( $From, $To, $CC, $BCC, $Replay_To, $Subject, 
$Body, $Mailer, $Extra_Header ) {

 $Header = '';
 $Header .= 'From: ' . $From . \n;
 $Header .= 'Reply-To: ' . $Replay_To . \n;

 if ( $CC != '' ) {
 $Header .= CC:  . $CC . \n;
 if ( $BCC != '' ) {
 $Header .= BCC:  . $BCC . \n;
 if ( $Mailer == '' ) {
 $Header .= X-Mailer: PHP/ . phpversion();
 } else {
 $Header .= $Mailer;
 $Header .= $Extra_Header;

 mail( $To, $Subject, $Body, $Header );


Sven Jacobs wrote:

 Is it possible to put somebody in CC when you use the mail() function ???
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[PHP] BIG PROBLEm with headers

2002-03-08 Thread Krzysztof Kocjan


I have problem with downloading any file from my site using IE 5.5 and 
HTTPS protocol. My php script works fine with Netscape 6.2 and 
HTTP/HTTPS protocols and with IE 5.5 but only with HTTP protocol.
I can't find problem.
I use Apache 1.3.20, PHP 4.0.6, mod_ssl 2.8.4 and OpenSSL 0.9.6 on 
RedHat 7.1 platform.
My download php script is so simple, but I present it below:


header( 'Content-Encoding: gzip');
header( 'Content-Type: application/x-gzip' );
header( 'Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=file.txt.gz' );

readfile( '/tmp/file.txt.gz' );


As I said it works fine with Netscape 6.2 for both HTTP and HTTPS and 
only with IE 5.5 for HTTP. Is there any expert how can tell me what is 
it wrong or what I have to do to use IE 5.5 and HTTPS protocol for 
downloading gziped files (or any other files) from my site. All pages in 
my site work fine except this simple one.

Thank You very much for any help.


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[PHP] HELP SECOND TIME - header for download gzip file using IE and Netscape with HTTP and HTTPS

2002-03-04 Thread Krzysztof Kocjan


I have big problem with headers which I send to www browser: IE 5.5 and 
Netscape 6.2. On my web site I have PHP script to download huge text 
files to client side. The text file is compressed by gzip program before 
it will be downloaded to client. My problem is how to send to www 
browser correct headers to download gziped file for example text.gz 
and force www browser to store this file with name text.gz.
I tested with protocol http sending headers like below, but it work only 
with IE 5.5. Using Netscape 6.2 downloaded file should be stored as 
text.gz but is stored as name of the PHP script. There is PHP code 
with headers I send to www browser:

header( 'Content-Encoding: zip');
header( 'Content-Length: 100' );
header( 'Content-Location: text.gz' );
header( 'Content-Type: application/octet-stream' );
header( 'Content-Type: application/zip' );
header( 'Content-Disposition: filename=text.gz' );

readfile( 'text.gz' );

When I switched the protocol from http to https the I've got second 
problem. Downloading gziped file text.gz using IE 5.5 it didn't work 
completely. IE showed me strange error message with information that 
this resource couldn't be opened. Using Netscape 6.2 the problem is the 

Thank You for any suggestions.


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[PHP] Correct header to force name to store of download file with IE and Netscape

2002-02-27 Thread Krzysztof Kocjan


I have big problem with headers which I send to www browser: IE 5.5 and 
Netscape 6.2. On my web site I have PHP script to download huge text 
files to client side. The text file is compressed by gzip program before 
it will be downloaded to client. My problem is how to send to www 
browser correct headers to download gziped file for example text.gz 
and force www browser to store this file with name text.gz.
I tested sending headers like below, but it work only with IE 5.5. Using 
Netscape 6.2 downloaded file should be stored as text.gz but is stored 
as name of the PHP script. There is PHP code with headers I send to www 

header( 'Content-Encoding: zip');
header( 'Content-Length: ' . $file_size );
header( 'Content-Location: ' . $file_gz );
header( 'Content-Type: application/octet-stream' );
header( 'Content-Type: application/zip' );
//header( 'Location: ' . $file_gz );
header( 'Content-Disposition: filename=' . $short_file_gz );

Thank You for any suggestions.


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Re: [PHP] uploading files | how to avoid submitting twice?

2002-02-25 Thread Krzysztof Kocjan

In JavaScript define varaible which is global for this page, name it 
like  page_submited, by default set it to false. On submit event set 
this variable to true and then from JavaScript submit form. When user 
second time will try to submit the form do nothig, just leave function 
code. Your JvaScript code is enabled durring your html page is in 
browesr so it will have to work. I suppose there isn't any other solution.

Here is simple code

script language=JavaSript
   form_submited = 0;

function submit_only_one() {
   if ( form_submited ) {
 return 1;
   } else {
 form_submited = 1;
 document.forms[ 'name_of_your_formform' ].submit();


input type=button onclick=JavaScript:submit_only_one()

I hope I didn't make any JavaScript code errors, I didn't use it for 
long time.

Good luck


Andy wrote:

 Hi there,
 I would like to upload files using a form.
 Unfortunatelly it takes a while till the file is uploaded to the server.
 During this time the same page with the submit button is viewed. If the user
 clicks another time on the submit button, I get wrong records and sometimes
 the same file twice.
 Is there a way to redirect imediatelly to a waiting page? I tryed to
 redirect, but somehow the server is first uploading the file before
 something else happens.
 Thanx for any help

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Re: [PHP] Header problem

2002-01-14 Thread Krzysztof Kocjan

It seems to be bug in IE/Netscape/Other www browser on Mac, that's all. 
Header wasn't correct interpreted. I had similar problem with NETSCAPE 6 
on Windows. I hope they will correct it shortly.


Petr Rezek wrote:

 Here is my question.
 I wrote a script, which gets parameters from db about document (location on
 disc, hashed filename and original filename). Then script open this file a
 send it to user.
 I use this headers
 Header(Content-Type: application/download\n);
 Header(Content-Disposition: attachment;filename=\name_of_file\);
 Header(Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary);
 On Windows it works good, but on Mac it doesn't accept name_of_file and try
 save this file with name of script.
 What is wrong ? Do you have any idea ??
 If I used:
 Header(Content-Disposition: filename=\jmeno_souboru\);
 then this script doesn't work also on Windows with Mozilla. Is there any
 error in MSIE on Mac, isn't it ?
 Thank you for any idea

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Re: [PHP] deleting file contents

2001-12-11 Thread Krzysztof Kocjan

recreate it, for example:
exec( 'type  your_file_name' );


DigitalKoala wrote:

 Hi Everyone,
 I'm running a script that automatically reads lines from
 /var/mail/myaccount, parses the lines then insert specific items into a
 database this is in a loop
 What i want to do is then delete the contents of the file, but not the file
 itself...can you tell me the best way to do this?
 many thanks

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Re: [PHP] Re: best way to handle a form with 60 fields !!!

2001-12-03 Thread Krzysztof Kocjan

Fred wrote:

 Third, it is ineffecient and unneccessary to put 60 fields in a single form.
 If you are using the GET method it probably will not work since it passes
 the variable names and values in the URL, which has a maximum length of 255

In my mind maximum length 255 is not true. There isn't any limit for 
GET/POST requests as I read in RFC documents. The limit depends on Your 
web server implementation. I've never tested but suppose Apache could 
handle GET method with URL longer than 255 characters. I've never had 
problems with form's data length using Apache and GET/POST methods.
But if I'm wrong I apologize.


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Re: [PHP] Write html to file

2001-10-26 Thread Krzysztof Kocjan

There is option in PHP (php.ini file) magic_quotes_runtime set it Off.It 
shuold help You. Restart apache after.



 I have a problem with writing html code to a file.Every time i write html to a file 
PHP replace every  character into a \ character.Further more every nbsp; character 
will replace into a empty character.
 So what should i do to stop replacing this character ?
 Thank you very much!

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Re: [PHP] Loading message

2001-10-25 Thread Krzysztof Kocjan

flush() (http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.flush.php) the server 
cache. By defult Apache caches response to time this is  completed. Then 
it responds. But You can flush() the cache in php code. It can help you 
not to use JavaScript.


Daniel Alsén wrote:

 is there a easy way in php to display text like Loading... while elements
 on a page is being loaded from the server?
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Re: [PHP] connect to sybase

2001-09-26 Thread Krzysztof Kocjan

Can You describe more detail ??? What kind, version of Sybase server do
You use, what version of PHP, what Linux distribution etc... In other
case I can't help You.

Krzysztof Kocjan

Edney Marcel Imm wrote:


 How I can connect to syBase?


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[PHP] Problem with simple classes to connect/query to SYBASE database

2001-09-24 Thread Krzysztof Kocjan


I have simple PHP code.

/** DB

class db {

  var $connect_id;

  function open( $database, $host, $user, $password ) {
$this-connect_id = @sybase_connect( $host, $user, $password );
if ( $this-connect_id ) {
  $result = @sybase_select_db( $database );
  if ( !$result ) {
$this-connect_id = $result;
  return $this-connect_id;
} else {
  return 0;

}; // End class


class query {
  var $result;
  var $was_error;

  function query( $db, $query =  ) {
global $php_errormsg;
global $GLOBALS;


//remove comment sings at line below to get OK result
//$query = select * from mytab;
$this-result = @sybase_query( $query, $db-connect_id );
if( $this-result == FALSE ) {
  $fh = fopen( /tmp/syberror.log, a );
  fwrite( $fh, 'PHP_ERRORMSG:' . $php_errormsg . \n );
  fwrite( $fh, 'PHP_ERRORMSG:' . $GLOBALS[ php_errormsg ] . \n
  fwrite( $fh, $query.\n );
  fclose( $fh );
  $this-was_error = 1;

  function error() {
if( $this-was_error )
  $result = 1;
  $result = 0;

return $result;

}; // End class


 $DB = new db();
 $DB-open( $dbName, $dbServer, $dbUser, $dbPass );
 $q = new query($DB); //dummy query for generic operations

 $query = select * from mytab;
 $q-query( $DB, $query ); //there is called query

 if ( $q-error() ) {
  //I always get WRONG when doesn't change the value of $query paramater
inside query() method
  print( 'WRONG' );
 } else {
  //I always get OK when change the value of $query paramater inside
query() method
  print( 'OK' );


When I run script above I got WRONG message. Then I changed value of the
$query parameter inside query method of query class and rerun the script
then I got OK. Funny, isn't it ???. What is it wrong ??? It is NOT MY
FIRST TIME when I'm using PHP, Apache and Sybase Adaptive Server
Enterprise. Till this time I've never used class for connecting and
querying database. I have my own scripts to connect/query SYBASE
database, but I tried to use classes. It's more useful and powerful.

Second problem. How to get values of the global variables inside methods
of any class ??? Code inside method query() doesn't return values of
global variable $php_errormsg (trace error flag is ON).

Thanks for any help

Krzysztof Kocjan

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Re: [PHP] new to php

2001-09-10 Thread Krzysztof Kocjan

In head section of HTML page You can include meta tag like below:

meta http-equiv=refresh content=2;URL=http://domain.dot.com/loop.php;

If loop. php contains that meta tag like it calls itself every 2 seconds.

Krzysztof Kocjan

Kostis Mentzelos wrote:

 Hi all,
 is it possible to create a table that automatically
 updates its contents every 30 seconds?

 Thanks in advance,
 Kostis Mentzelos.

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Re: [PHP] Does PHP work with Sybase ASA?

2001-09-07 Thread Krzysztof Kocjan

I suppose You have ASA 6.0 or later version installed on Your machine with
Linux. If it is true, then You can install Open Client for ASE 11.0.3 (it is
free) and You can communicate via Open Client to ASA. It works only with ASA
6.0 and higher. Then You need to compile PHP with Sybase Open Client. You
have to look into guides how to do it on PHP side and Sybase side. I'm not
expert about compiling PHP but it only one config file to bulid PHP, there
should be section about Sybase Open Client interface, default this is
commented. It is not very dificult. If You will have problem You can ask me
I will try to help You. We (not only me) had recompiled PHP 3.0/4.0 with
Open Client for ASA 11.0.3/11.9.2 (all the combinations).

Krzysztof Kocjan

Davor Pleskina wrote:

 I mean, is there in PHP support for Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere, any
 version, like for MySQL and some other databases?


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Re: [PHP] How to pass variables to php functions from url's?

2001-09-07 Thread Krzysztof Kocjan

Try method=GET in Your form to submit if You want to url be like
url?var=value. Or php function header( 'Location: ' .rul . 'var=value' );
That's all You need I hope. Sorry but Your question is not good explained.

Krzysztof Kocjan

Martin Lindhe wrote:

 I need to solve the following problem, but I can't figure out how:

 Let's assume we have a server called www.test.com
 When a user access http://www.test.com/path/username,
 I want a php script to execute, as if the url entered was

 I'm running PHP 4.0.6 on Apache 1.3.20.
 I've looked at both PHP and Apache documentation about this, but
 i havent found any information or examples on how this could be solved,
 so I'm asking the question here in hope for help.


 /Martin Lindhe

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[PHP] Build and install PHP 4.0 and Apache 1.3.20 on Digital-Unix 4.0e

2001-09-03 Thread Krzysztof Kocjan


Is it possible to bulid PHP 4.0 and Apache 1.3.20 on Digital Unix 4.0E,
DEC ALPHA. I've only bulid and installed them on RedHat 6.x and 7.x, few
times without any problems :-))) . Is there any problems on Digital
Unix. Thank You for Your any advice or comments.

Krzysztof Kocjan

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[PHP] Re: Posting data through PHP scripts

2001-09-03 Thread Krzysztof Kocjan

I've never used method virtual but it seems to fit Your problem.
Explanation below.

Krzysztof Kocjan


(PHP 3, PHP 4 = 4.0b1)

virtual -- Perform an Apache sub-request


int virtual (string filename)

virtual() is an Apache-specific function which is equivalent to
!--#include virtual...-- in mod_include. It performs an Apache
sub-request. It is useful for including
CGI scripts or .shtml files, or anything else that you would parse
through Apache. Note that for a CGI script, the script must generate
valid CGI headers. At the
minimum that means it must generate a Content-type header. For PHP
files, you need to use include() or require(); virtual() cannot be used
to include a document
which is itself a PHP file.

Jean Madson wrote:

 I have been thinking about a thing.  If I have a PHP script (a)
 which receives some data by a POST method only -- GET method
 is track to not be accepted --, and if I have another PHP script (b)
 that takes initial input from the user's browser... Well, the
 question is: how can I, in the script b, take the input data and
 post it to script a and receive its response,
 following by processing it and giving back the response
 to the browser? The user wouldn't see the action of script a
 in any way.  To the user, only script b would exist.  I think
 I can do this by using Delphi, but in PHP this task seens to be
 a nightmare.

 browser ==input== b ==post== a...
 ...a ==response== b ==response== browser

 Is this possible with PHP 3 or later?

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