RE: [PHP] How can i help

2007-05-21 Thread Ligaya A. Turmelle
There are a number of ways to help depending upon what you want to do.
Any help is always appreciated.  An incomplete listing -


-Original Message-
From: James Savage [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2007 7:27 AM
Subject: [PHP] How can i help

I am a PHP web programmer with a little bit more than basic knowledge.
What could i do to help with developing PHP? 

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RE: [PHP] PDO mssql + multiple rowsets

2007-03-28 Thread Ligaya A. Turmelle
I too have been having problems getting the PDO dblib for mssql to play
well (getting the same error actually).  If you find a reason or work
around for it I would appreciate hearing about it.  Thinking of going
the odbc route myself if I can't get it to work.

Ligaya Turmelle

-Original Message-
From: Javier Ruiz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2007 8:21 PM
Subject: [PHP] PDO mssql + multiple rowsets


I want to use PDO in my apps for connecting to several RDBSs, one of
them, sql server 2000 and 2005. I tried to use as DSN something like
(as I've seen in the php manual pages) but I get a PDOException with the
message "Unable to open PDO connection [wrapped: could not find
driver]". I can work well with the mssql built-in functions (like
mssql_connect, mssql_query and so on...) and even I can almost work
perfectly using in my dsn "dblib:...".
So first question: is the PDO's driver "mssql" deprecated or is it me
doing something wrong in the PHP installation?
BTW, I use php-5.2.1

In case that the answer to the first question is that "mssql" is no more
used as a PDO driver, I have a problem... I have stored procedures in
sql server that return multiple rowsets, I've seen that PDO offers
functionability to manage this, but not for the dblib driver... if I try
to use the $stmt->nextRowSet() method, I get an exception like "Driver
does not support this function: driver does not support multiple
What can I do then to work with my stored procs?

Thanks in advance

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RE: [PHP] anyone know a good book that ...

2007-02-12 Thread Ligaya A. Turmelle

Ligaya Turmelle
Systems Analyst
Guamcell Communications
Phone: (671)689-2377 
-Original Message-
From: Jochem Maas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, February 10, 2007 5:22 AM
To: [php] PHP General List
Subject: [PHP] anyone know a good book that ...

gives in depth, detailed advice on how to design/setup redundant,
load-balanced, high-performance web-server systems/applications with
particular focus on PHP.

I just bought 'Building Scalable Websites' by Cal Henderson and that's
looking like it's a good place for me to start, maybe someone has
another recommendation?


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RE: [PHP] PHP5 & Commercial Development

2007-02-06 Thread Ligaya A. Turmelle
Law of mass tonnage - better to be in the big motorized vehicle then the
little one when *crunch* happens.

Ligaya Turmelle
Systems Analyst
Guamcell Communications
Phone: (671)689-2377 
-Original Message-
From: Stut [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 06, 2007 2:55 AM
To: tedd
Subject: Re: [PHP] PHP5 & Commercial Development

tedd wrote:
> At 12:06 AM -0500 2/5/07, Craige Leeder wrote:
>> PHP is fine for commercial environments. Many people are just afraid 
>> of it due to the fact it is known to break some poorly written PHP 4 
>> scripts, and the fact that many people don't think it's new features 
>> are "necessary". It is perfectly fine to use it in a commercial 
>> environment however.
> I feel the same way about cars. There are some terrible drivers out 
> there, so we should all take the bus.

Won't work. There are some *really* terrible bus drivers out there.


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RE: [PHP] Sending secure mail

2007-02-04 Thread Ligaya A. Turmelle
IIRC the PEAR::Mail_Mime class also can handle it 

Ligaya Turmelle
Systems Analyst
Guamcell Communications
Phone: (671)689-2377 
-Original Message-
From: Rob [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, February 05, 2007 10:23 AM
Subject: [PHP] Sending secure mail

I need to send a large number of emails (not spam!) through an external
SMTP server that requires TLS and a username/password. I have some
control over the SMTP server but very little over the web server where
the scripts reside. How do I connect with TLS, authenticate and send the

I had problems with mail() originally (one of the reasons why we now
have a dedicated mail server) and I had to connect to the SMTP server by
hand with sockets and go through the SMTP steps by hand. I can connect
to the new server with following code.

$sock = fsockopen( '', 25, $errNo, $errStr );

However, when I send the "rcpt to:" line, I'm told I don't have access
to the relay - i.e. I need to log in. This is where my knowledge of SMTP
reaches it's limit but I've read about the "auth login" command,
however, it says it needs to be run over an encrypted connection, i.e.
TLS. I can't disable this on the server, other services need TLS to be
on the SMTP server.

I've tried changing "" to "tls://" but
it then fails to connect at all ($errNo is "115", $errStr is "Operation
now in progress"). If I connect and send starttls, I don't get any more
data from the server and I've no idea what it's waiting for, be it a
public key or whatever. FWIW, the email server's certificate is a dodgy,
home made one which throws up a security error when tested with a mail
client, but once accepted it is fine.

Is there an easier way to do this? If not, how do I get the connection
so I can get to and "rcpt to:" line and beyond?


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RE: [PHP] PHP5 & Commercial Development

2007-02-01 Thread Ligaya A. Turmelle
AFAIK php5 is the preferred production/enterprise environment.
(buzzword +1)

Ligaya Turmelle

-Original Message-
From: Eric Gorr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, February 02, 2007 9:13 AM
Subject: [PHP] PHP5 & Commercial Development

I haven't tracked this particular issue, but I know when PHP5 was first
released is wasn't recommended in a commercial/production environment.
However, a lot of time has passed and we're at v5.2 now...have things
changed? Have Google&Yahoo, for example, moved to PHP5? Or is PHP4 still
the recommendation for such environments?


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RE: [PHP] What search algorithm does in_array() use?

2007-01-30 Thread Ligaya A. Turmelle
Don't use a theta join - use a left, right or inner preferably with ANSI
syntax and make sure you indexes are set up correctly - this shouldn't
take very long to execute at all.

SELECT d.account 
FROM data d
  INNER JOIN accesslist a 
USING account  (or ON d.account=a.account)
WHERE a.username='username'

Ligaya Turmelle
Systems Analyst
Guamcell Communications
Phone: (671)689-2377 
-Original Message-
From: Ken Dozier [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 31, 2007 6:31 AM
Cc:; 'Gregory Beaver'
Subject: RE: [PHP] What search algorithm does in_array() use?

Thanks to all for your input, guys.

Regarding the construction of the SQL query, I would love to try it with
SUBSELECTs; but, alas, we are using RHEL 3 which ships with MySQL 3.23.
I don't think RH supports any 4.0 or later versions of MySQL on RHEL 3,
so I'm stuck with 3.23 for the time being.  I had tried a query like

SELECT d.account FROM data AS d, accesslist AS a WHERE
d.account=a.account AND a.username='username'

but it also took quite a bit of time.  Since the problem would appear
for only a few users, I may have to simply hard code a workaround for
the time being and then come back to it later.

Thanks again for all of your help.


-Original Message-
From: Richard Lynch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, January 29, 2007 6:13 PM
To: Ken Dozier
Subject: Re: [PHP] What search algorithm does in_array() use?

On Mon, January 29, 2007 11:20 am, Ken Dozier wrote:
> Does in_array() use a search algorithm (i.e., binary search), or does 
> it check sequentially each element in the array?

Since there is no guarantee that the elements are in any particular
order, it almost has to be sequential...

> I am using in_array() within a while{} loop to check query results 
> against an access-list array to produce a third array containing items

> that successfully passed the comparison test.  Because the two 
> starting arrays in the worst-case scenario can have 8,000 items each, 
> the loop is timing out.
> Advice or alternative methods are appreciated.
> Code Sample:
>  function check_results($results, $access_list) { # Check for $results 
> in array $access_list and
>   # add matches to array $match.
>   $result = false;
>   $match = array();
>   while ($r = mysql_fetch_row($results))
>   { if ( in_array($r[0], $access_list) )
> { $match[] = $r; }
>   }
>   if ( count($match) > 0 ) { $result = $match; }
>   return $result;
> }
> ?>

Ideal #1:
Figure out how to write an SQL query to find what's in the DB, and don't
do any search in PHP at all.

Ideal #2:
Put the values in as keys, and use This will "hash"
the values and have an O(1) lookup, I think.
Only works if you know the uniqueness of the values to be searched, or
don't care about duplicates.

Some people have a "gift" link here.
Know what I want?
I want you to buy a CD from some starving artist.
Yeah, I get a buck. So?

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RE: [PHP] Multi lingual pages

2007-01-24 Thread Ligaya A. Turmelle
This article was released just a couple days ago - 

Ligaya Turmelle
Systems Analyst
Guamcell Communications
Phone: (671)689-2377 
-Original Message-
From: Otto Wyss [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, January 25, 2007 7:44 AM
Subject: [PHP] Multi lingual pages

I'd like to make my pages multi lingual, showing everything in the
language the user chooses. My pages show mostly static text. So what's
the usual implementation for this case.

O. Wyss

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RE: [PHP] OT - Leaving

2007-01-23 Thread Ligaya A. Turmelle
So many old faces leaving... Feels odd 

Ligaya Turmelle
Systems Analyst
Guamcell Communications
Phone: (671)689-2377 
-Original Message-
From: John Nichel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2007 5:45 AM
To: PHP Mailing Lists
Subject: [PHP] OT - Leaving

Howdy ladies and gents:

   For the past 9 or so years, with one email account or another, I have been 
subscribed to the PHP General Mailing List.  Well, life an work have succeeded 
in taking up all of my time, and the only thing I've been able to do with this 
list over the past year or so is select all the unread messages in my php 
folder, and hit the delete key.  If I've posted 10 messages over the past year, 
I'd be surprised (probably why you n00bs are saying to yourself, "who the hell 
is this guy").  I'm just popping in now to let y'all know that I'm off to join 
people like John and Jason in the world of, "what ever happened to him".  For 
those of you who give a damn ;)  I can be reached at numerous email addresses,

john  nichel  net
jnichel  by-tor  com

As well as the other in this email (which have already been harvested by a 
billion spam bots).

Have fun, and I'll see ya on the other side.

John C. Nichel IV
Programmer/System Admin (ÜberGeek)
Dot Com Holdings of Buffalo

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RE: [PHP] having trouble with is_file() and is_dir() on 5.1.2

2007-01-22 Thread Ligaya A. Turmelle
Haven't really looked at it - but elseif is one word - or do you mean
else then an if...

Ligaya Turmelle

-Original Message-
From: jekillen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2007 4:03 PM
To: PHP General List
Subject: [PHP] having trouble with is_file() and is_dir() on 5.1.2

Hello php developers:
I am having a problem with the following code:
OS: FreeBSD v6.0
Apache 1.3.34
php 5.1.2
-> $cont is an array produced from opening and reading a
for($i = 0; $i < count($cont); $i++)
print $cont[$i].'';
  print "is file: ".$cont[$i].'';
  //array_push($files, $cont[$i]);
else if(is_dir($cont[$i]))
 print "is dir: ".$cont[$i]."";
  //array_push($dirs, $cont[$i]);

The print statements produce the following:


is dir: templates  <- only directory recognized (extra line breaks added
here for readability)


everything without an extension is a directory You will notice that the
only directory detected by this code is templates. There are no files
detected by this code. Does this have something to do with stat cache? I
want to make one array with directories and one array with files. I
can't see any syntax or logic problems.
Thanks in advance;

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RE: [PHP] What makes a PHP expert

2007-01-18 Thread Ligaya A. Turmelle
Other reading -

Ligaya Turmelle

-Original Message-
From: h [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2007 11:27 PM
Subject: [PHP] What makes a PHP expert

Dear All

I often see job ads asking for a PHP expert and was wandering what you
all thought makes a PHP programmer into an expert.

what would you mark out as the key skills that distinguishes an expert
from the ordinary i.e. OOP mastery, regular expressions etc.

p.s. I am not an expert but am intersted to see if i could become one!

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RE: [PHP] Stored Procedure returns nothing on ROLLBACK

2007-01-14 Thread Ligaya A. Turmelle
Have you tried it with PDO?  

Ligaya Turmelle

-Original Message-
From: Philip Thompson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, January 13, 2007 1:36 AM
To: php General List
Subject: Re: [PHP] Stored Procedure returns nothing on ROLLBACK

On Jan 11, 2007, at 5:53 PM, Chris wrote:

> Philip Thompson wrote:
>> On Jan 10, 2007, at 6:36 PM, Chris wrote:
>>> Philip Thompson wrote:
 I have been experiencing MSSQL woes lately. I have a stored 
 procedure that I call in PHP using mssql_* functions. In my 
 procedure, I have a transaction that rolls back on failure and 
 commits on success (of course). If it commits, I get the proper 
 return value (int) and the appropriate output parameters.
 However, if it rolls back, I get NOTHING... even if I try to return

 an error code (int) after the ROLLBACK TRANSACTION statement. The 
 output parameter also does not get set upon rollback.
 Is there a way to grab the error even in a rollback? or at least 
 return something besides an empty string/int? I would like to know 
 what error message to provide the user/admin.
 SQL Server 2000, PHP 5.1.6, ntwdblib.dll version 8.00.194
>>> Does it work outside of php? That is - you run it manually in mssql 
>>> (whatever tools that has) you get the proper codes?
>> Yes, it works perfectly from the server and returns the expected 
>> outcome. It's as though PHP sees the 'rollback' and automatically 
>> assumes that the whole thing failed... so why return a value or 
>> output parameters. Weird, I know. Any other suggestions?
> Can you show us the part of the code that deals with the rollback?
> If you are issuing a rollback yourself:
> $result = mssql_query("rollback transaction");
> then you need to handle that yourself because that's treated as a 
> separate query.
> If you're not doing that (the transaction is rolling itself back), 
> then I'm out of ideas :)

I'm calling a stored procedure, not running the query from my code.  
So yes, I have a statement in my procedure that has ROLLBACK  
TRANSACTION. It's just odd because I know it works as a script on the  
server, but PHP doesn't recognize it properly, IMHO. I would almost  
be so presumptuous to say that it's a bug. But before I go that  
direction, I wanted to see if anyone had a similar experience. If  
not, I'll go ahead  and think about reporting a bug.


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RE: [PHP] How to suppress error messages when using 'new mysqli(...)'

2007-01-07 Thread Ligaya A. Turmelle
Well - first I would turn off display errors and turn on log errors.
Then - well there is always the error suppressor (@) - but I personally
don't like it.   You could also create a custom error handler... And I
wonder if mysqli supports exceptions...

Ligaya Turmelle
Systems Analyst
Guamcell Communications
Phone: (671)689-2377 
-Original Message-
From: Richard Morris [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, January 06, 2007 4:29 AM
Subject: [PHP] How to suppress error messages when using 'new


I am having this problem that I hope can be worked around.  I make a
connection to our MySQL database using the object version of mysqli.  If
access is denied because of an incorrect username or password, mysqli
displays an error.  Is there any way to suppress the error message?

Here is the code I am using as a test case:

This is the output I get:

PHP Warning:  mysqli::mysqli(): (28000/1045): Access denied for user
'user'@'localhost' (using password: YES) in /home/richard/dbtest.php on
line 4

Warning: mysqli::mysqli(): (28000/1045): Access denied for user
'user'@'localhost' (using password: YES) in /home/richard/dbtest.php on
line 4 An error occurred while trying to connect to the database.

I was expecting this:

An error occurred while trying to connect to the database.

Is there a way to prevent the error messages from being display so that
the error can be handled in a nicer manner?

Thank you.

Richard Morris
HDD Broker, Inc.

 Toll-Free: +1 866 960-3331
International: +1 250 474-6022
   Fax: +1 250 474-6099
  Web Site:

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RE: [PHP] I need help with PHP, cURL, and POST

2007-01-02 Thread Ligaya A. Turmelle
Have you looked at this tutorial -

It has an example specifically for how to use curl with POST

Ligaya Turmelle

-Original Message-
From: Charley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 03, 2007 1:24 AM
Subject: [PHP] I need help with PHP, cURL, and POST

I am an experienced programmer who is just learning php and curl.

I have tried for several days to figure out how to use curl with POST to
get history information from e-gold.

The following script, which I guess uses GET works when   
have appropriate stuff in them.

But no matter what I have tried, and whose examples I have followed I
cannot get this to work with CURLOPT_POST set to true with what I think
is the appropriate information supplied.

I am testing this from XAMPP 1.5.5 on a Windows XP system, and the SSL
stuff and everything I think I need is present and seems to be working

The commented out form also works, so I guess e-gold will accept POSTed

I just do not know how to get curl to send it for me or what options I
need to make it work.

Would someone be interested in showing me exactly what I need to modify
this script to work with POST?"; method="post">

$pf = "AccountID=XX";
$pf .= "&PassPhrase=YYY";
$pf .= "&startmonth=12";
$pf .= "&startday=1";
$pf .= "&startyear=2006";
$pf .= "&endmonth=12";
$pf .= "&endday=31";
$pf .= "&endyear=2006";
$pf .= "&paymentsreceived=1";
$pf .= "&fees=1";
$pf .= "&paymentidfilter=";

$ch = curl_init();

// Follow any Location headers
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
$url='' . $pf;
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch,

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE); curl_setopt($ch,

echo "curlerror=" . curl_error($ch);
echo "data=";
echo "info=";

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RE: [PHP] server side security

2006-11-13 Thread Ligaya A. Turmelle

Have you thought not having it available on the open web?  Put it behind
a firewall and make it so only local ips on the LAN can access it with
strong passwords.  MySQL - make sure you change the default root user
password to something "hard" - and create only users with the minimum
permissions needed that can only access say from the localhost.

-Original Message-
From: H. Dan Phillips [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2006 1:44 AM
Subject: [PHP] server side security

Let me begin by saying I'm a newbie to PHP and open source. I setup a
windows 2003 server with IIS6, PHP 5x and MYSQL5x for one of our
developers to start building a new web based application. The developer
will be using PHP myadmin for his purposes. The settings that were used
were ones posted out on many web sites for this combo. I'm looking for
detailed instructions to secure the server from the standpoint of the
server OS, php.ini and mysql. The developer will be securing access to
the application from his end but I want to make sure that the server
also remain secure. It will only be used within our intra-net and only
by a handful of people. Any and all suggestions will be greatly

Thks Dan Phillips

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RE: [PHP] Best open source project/framework to support a php training course?

2006-09-27 Thread Ligaya A. Turmelle
There are a number of frameworks that you can use from PEAR (though many
argue over whether it is a framework), Solar, CakePHP, Symfony, Zend's,
and many many more.  As for most OS projects - I don't know of a
particular project that uses a particular framework (someone feel free
to tell me otherwise).  Many of the larger (aka well known) OS projects
tend to be hodged podged together from what I have been told (again
someone feel free to contradict me).

Might I make a suggestion to you - no matter which framework/OS project
you use... Have it be in PHP5.  Yeah it may restrict you in options, but
that is where PHP is going and to my mind that is what someone new to
PHP should be learning.  

You should also make sure to go over security in one of your classes -
the intro would be my preferred class since security is a mindset as
well as a way of coding.  And it is easier to create habits then unlearn
and relearn them.  Just my $0.02

OK - I'll shut up now.

Ligaya Turmelle

-Original Message-
From: Pinocchio007 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 27, 2006 7:25 PM
Subject: [PHP] Best open source project/framework to support a php
training course?

I am in charge of outlining a PHP/mySQL course (intro and advanced) for
an education institute. I would like to include in the course program an
in-depth study of an existing open-source project, allowing the students
to be confronted, from an early stage, to a real-world environment. My
problem is simple: which project/framework to choose in order to bring
the current "best practice" to our students, and prepare them for the
future. Not being a professional PHP developer myself, I would
appreciate any recommendation.
Which OS project would you include? Which framework? And why?

My first idea was "osCommerce", then somebody recommended "Typo3",
followed by a "go for Joomla". Well, I am hesitating.
Anybody can recommend an article/paper comparing the different PHP
frameworks/application architectures?
Is there a list where such topics are discussed?

Thanks for your help and recommendations.

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