[PHP] Upload files problem with IIS server

2006-08-04 Thread Mace Eliason


I am having problems with uploading files to a windows server using 
php.  I have used the same script on other server with no problems. 

From what I can tell this new server is running windows with IIS.  I 
think the problem is with the path.

Does anyone have any suggestions?  Here is a snipet of some of the code.

$uploadDir =  "/gamestats/";

 $uploadFile = $uploadDir . $_FILES['bannerfile']['name'];
 echo $bannerfile . "";  /* added for testing */
 echo $uploadDir . ""; /* added for testing */
 echo $uploadFile . ""; /* added for testing */

 if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['bannerfile']['tmp_name'], $uploadFile))

I have also ran $_SERVER["PATH_TRANSLATED"] to see what the path is and 
used it but that didn't help either.


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[PHP] Printing with php

2006-05-03 Thread Mace Eliason


I am working on a project that creates invoices.  It will allow the 
client to print out these invoices after they have been created.

Something that I have always noticed is that when you print form the 
internet you always get the site address and other info on the print out.

Is there a way to eliminate this?  I just want the invoice to print.


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[PHP] php varible in Javascript alert()

2006-04-11 Thread Mace Eliason


I am not sure why this won't work I am pretty sure I have done it before;

 echo $errorMessage;  // for testing error message is displayed to screen

I am capturing all the errors from a form and then output them all at once

Thanks for any help

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[PHP] Date problems

2006-04-08 Thread Mace Eliason


I am having troubles adding 7 days to the current date.  I have been 
reading through php.net date() and this is what I have come up with but 
it doesn't work

$today = date('m/d/Y');
$nextweek = date('m/d/Y',mktime(date("m"), date("d")+7, date("Y")));

if I echo the above variables they are the same? Shouldn't the $nextweek 
be different?

Thanks for the help

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[PHP] Programmer needed for winsock project

2006-04-04 Thread Mace Eliason


I don't know what peoples backgrounds are here on the list but we have a 
paying project for the right person.  Or if anyone has another list that 
can suggest where I can post this.

Is anyone interested in working on a small project? We are looking for 
someone to write a program for us.

Program description: Transparent socks proxy client. Must run as a 
service and be password protected. It needs to transparently redirect 
all internet traffic to a socks proxy. Needs to be able to configure 
server settings (port, address, username, password)

To give you an idea of what I mean take a look at proxcap 

If anyone is interested please email me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] 


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[PHP] Multidimentional array problems

2006-04-03 Thread Mace Eliason

I am trying to read form a database and place everything in a 
multi-dimentional array

This is what I am doing and the output (for testing) seems correct
 $banner= array($arrayIndex => $row);

 echo $banner[$arrayIndex]["image"]. "";
 echo $banner[$arrayIndex]["url"]. "";
 echo $banner[$arrayIndex]["display_type"]. "";

When I try and use
while($value < $number_of_banners_db )
   echo $banner[$value]["url"]. "";
   echo $banner[$value]["image"]. "";
   echo $banner[$value]["display_type"]. "";

I only get the last set of values that where entered into the array.  I 
want to be able to pull all the values out

$banner[2]['url']  etc.

I don't use arrays much and I have been going thru my books but I still 
can't seem to get it to work.


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[PHP] Here is a silly question

2006-04-03 Thread Mace Eliason


This is come thing that I have struggled with now and again.  I usaually 
us php code to make it work, but was wondering how others deal with this

I use includes in most of the web applications that I work on to include 
the header, footer, menu etc.

The problem that I always run into as a project gets bigger is my links 
to  pages.  If all the files are in the root directory theres no problem.

If I have some files in a folder and call my menu for example include("../menu.php"); ?>  I have to call if from the parent 
directory.  But then of course

all the links are wrong.  Root becomes the calling directory.

I usually use a php variable to place the ../ if its needed.

How does everyone else deal with this type of problem.  I have a times 
places an extra copy of the footer, menu, header etc in each directory 
but it is a pain to change links

when you have multiple locations to do it in.

Thanks for any suggestions.

I would be nice to have a simple way to have my include files in a 
common place that works and keeps the links right.


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[PHP] Is this possible with php

2006-03-06 Thread Mace Eliason


I really don't think this is possible from what I know of php, but I 
thought I would as the experts.

Is it possible to have php create directories and move files on a local 
machine. I have created a web portal for a client and now they would 
like it to upload files to an server, no a problem. But they would like 
it to also move temp files on the users computer to new directories and 
then upload the file to the server with no user interation other than 
clicking go.

I have thought of doing this in vb or c# but I have done very little 
with these languages, and php just rocks.



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