[PHP] Quotes in GET variables

2001-05-21 Thread Mark Rogers

If I submit a string to a script via GET which contains quotes, how should
they appear in my script?

--- test.php ---
echo $HTTP_GET_VARS['test'];

Go to:

.. and you get:
this doesn\'t work

(Char 27 is a single quote. Echoing $test gives the same result.)

I can use stripslashes lose the escape char, but should this be necessary?
I'm using v4.0.4pl1

Mark Rogers
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Re: [PHP] Quotes in GET variables

2001-05-21 Thread Mark Rogers

> It's a feature of PHP that it automatically escapes data submitted in
> PUT/GET/etc.

It didn't seem to be happening with POST which is why I thought it odd, but
that probably means I didn't test properly :-)

> It's nice in that it adds to how secure PHP code is, but it can be a

Out of curiousity, what are the security implications? Presumably a failure
to validate input properly leading to unintended actions, but I can't think
of any examples to help me decide whether to turn this off.

Thanks for the quick response.
Mark Rogers

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Re: [PHP] Quotes in GET variables

2001-05-21 Thread Mark Rogers

> Anyway, it's not a big thing if you're _really_ stringent about how you
> check every single variable which is used in a database query,
> system/passthru/exec, or eval command, and your checking methods are
> flawless, but otherwise it's just best to go to the trouble of hacking
> around the input explicitly.

Obviously my code is perfect, so I don't need to worry - but I'll leave it
set as default anyway :-)

One thing I do avoid is using register_globals, which removes some of the
threats suggested elsewhere in this thread. I do validate user input fairly
thoroughly, but it's always better to be safe. The reason I asked the
question was because I wasn't sure the behavior I was seeing was correct,
and didn't want to fix loads of code that I'd have to un-fix later on. Now I
know what's going on I'll go ahead with the fixes. Saves me remembering to
change PHP.INI on other machines, if nothing else.

Thanks for the help.
Mark Rogers

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