[PHP] DB Error ??? help please ...

2006-02-17 Thread Mehmet Fatih Akbulut
hi all,
today, i get this error frequently :

A fatal error has occurred
DB Error: extension not found
[line 542 of /var/www/horde/kronolith/lib/Driver/sql.php]

but php5-mysql is installed. and also i installed pear db ...
what may cause this problem ? and how can i fix this ?
help please ...
many thanks in advance ...

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[PHP] php errors ? help please ...

2006-02-15 Thread Mehmet Fatih AKBULUT
hi all,
i get these errors when trying to run horde:

Notice: Only variable references should be returned by reference in
/var/www/hordem/lib/Horde/Perms.php on line 341
Notice: Only variable references should be returned by reference in
/var/www/hordem/lib/Horde/Auth.php on line 1168
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by
(output started at /var/www/hordem/lib/Horde/Perms.php:341) in
/var/www/hordem/index.php on line 51

[debian etc 2.6.15-1
 PHP Version 5.1.2-1 ]

google couldnt help :'(
how can i fix these problems ?

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[PHP] missing modules ??? help please ...

2006-02-15 Thread Mehmet Fatih Akbulut
hi all,
i've PHP Version: 5.1.2-1 and i want to enable Imap and Mcrypt support.
but dont know how ?
pear or pecl install doesnt work.
and secondly  how can i disable memory_limit ???
need urgent help please ;)

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Re: [PHP] missing modules ??? help please ...

2006-02-15 Thread Mehmet Fatih Akbulut
but i didnt install php from its source :'(
used apt-get install ...

its not a good idea to uninstall php5 and reinstall it from source :'(
anything else that can be done to get rid of memoy limitation ;) ?

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[PHP] php module problems ???

2006-02-15 Thread Mehmet Fatih Akbulut
hi all,
i install fileinfo and memcache using pecl
#pecl install fileinfo
#pecl install memcache
then add extension=fileinfo.so and extension=memcache.so in my php.ini
file and finally restart apache but still get these errors :

# MIME Magic Support (fileinfo): No
# memcached Support (memcache): No

what else should i do ???
do i have to install anything else ?

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Re: [PHP] php module problems ???

2006-02-15 Thread Mehmet Fatih Akbulut
; Directory in which the loadable extensions (modules) reside.
; extension_dir = ./
i think they are in right folder because i restart apache soon as i
installed those modules.
after checking test script there were no errors but as time passes
they're gone one by one.
now IMAP Support: No and Mcrypt Support: No are also gone which were
'Yes' a few minutes ago :'(
whats happening to these modules ??? they're leaving me :) or is this
something normal ?
sometimes 'Yes' and sometimes 'No' ???
sooo confused ...

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Re: [PHP] php module problems ???

2006-02-15 Thread Mehmet Fatih Akbulut
yes, phpinfo shows that they're enabled. then the problem is all about
Horde: 3.1-RC3 :(
thanks Chris.
i had better check a stable release or uninstall - reinstall all php
related stuff :(

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Re: [PHP] php module problems ???

2006-02-15 Thread Mehmet Fatih Akbulut
Configuration File (php.ini) Path  /usr/local/Zend/etc/php.ini
PHP API20041225
PHP Extension  20050922
Zend Extension 220051025
 extension_dir /usr/lib/php5/20050922  /usr/lib/php5/20050922

they're in the right folder, but dont know why horde test.php doesnt
recognize them :(

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Re: [PHP] why php not running ?

2005-12-04 Thread Mehmet Fatih AKBULUT
hi Curt.
for the first question :
yes i always  do the things below:

#portupgrade -arR
#cvsup -g -L 2 /etc/por...
i mean yes my ports up to date.

and for the second :

Segmentation fault (core dumped)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] php-config --version
dont know how to solve this troublesome problem.

[PHP] why php not running ?

2005-12-02 Thread Mehmet Fatih AKBULUT
hi all.
i installed php5_extensions on my system (Freebsd5.4)
please look the lines below and tell me where i am doing something wrong.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] - [~]#php /*hit the tab*/
php php-config  phpize

a simple php code:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] - [~]#cat first.php
echo Hello World!;

/* chmod a+x first.php*/

when trying to run the code :

[EMAIL PROTECTED] - [~]#php first.php
PHP Warning:  Method panda::__set() must take exactly 2 arguments in Unknown
on line 0
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

whats wrong ?
first time i met this problem dont know how to solve and google show nearly
nothing about it. (except a page which was if not mistaken german.)

Re: [PHP] hi everyone

2005-12-01 Thread Mehmet Fatih AKBULUT
me is registered but till now have had no crucial questions to ask :p
but soon will need professional help on php ldap functions :)
then will ask for help from you masters :p
Bye for now.