[PHP] Need help with ldap_search function

2005-01-25 Thread Merritt, David
I'm not familiar with LDAP so the problem may be more LDAP related and
my lack of LDAP knowledge than a PHP problem but I'm not so sure.
Trying to do ldap_search against the LDAP server.  I can get the
information I need against the CN records in the top DC but am unable to
get any record information from a sub DC.  The directory structure is
like so:

|  |--OU=Regular Users
||--CN=User 100
||--CN=User 101
|--CN=User 900
|--CN=User 901

Using the following code to search for records:

// ldap auth info
$ldap = my_ldap_server.dhwin2knet.com;
$auth_user = dhwin2knet\\some_userid;
$auth_pass = 'foobar';
$base_dn = dc=dhwin2knet,dc=com;
$filter =

// connect to server and set options
$connect = ldap_connect($ldap);
ldap_set_option($connect, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3);
ldap_set_option($connect, LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS, 0);

// bind to server
$bind = ldap_bind($connect, $auth_user, $auth_pass);

// search directory
if (!([EMAIL PROTECTED]($connect, $base_dn, $filter))) {
 die(Unable to search ldap server);

// get the number of entries found
$number_returned = ldap_count_entries($connect,$search);
echo The number of entries returned is  . $number_returned;

Using the above code I can return ~500 user records but this is giving
me only the users in the OUs directly below DC=dhwin2knet,DC=com and
none of the ~250 records in the sub-domain, DC=dhsp,DC=dhwin2knet,DC=com

Found: CN=User 100,OU=Regular Users,OU=DHCMC,DC=dhwin2knet,DC=com

Not found: CN=User 900,OU=DHSP,DC=dhsp,DC=dhwin2knet,DC=com

I've tried changing the user id that is connecting to the LDAP to be a
user in the dhsp sub-domain, changing the base dn to
dc=dhsp,dc=dhwin2knet,dc=com, using different filters etc but no
matter what I'm trying I am unable to get any records returned from
DC=dhsp,DC=dhwin2knet,DC=com.  I have used the Softerra LDAP Browser to
browse and verify my base dn and filter.  Using the dn and filter from
the code above in LDAP Browser I am getting the ~750 entries that I am
expecting to see.

BTW, using PHP 5.0.3 on Win2000 SP4 against a Windows 2000 Active
Directory server.  The following info on the ldap module is returned by

LDAP Supportenabled
RCS Version $Id: ldap.c,v 1.154 2004/06/28 22:31:28 iliaa Exp $
Total Links 0/unlimited
API Version 2004
Vendor Name OpenLDAP
Vendor Version  0


Dave Merritt

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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[PHP] Windows user authentication thru PHP and Apache

2004-09-02 Thread Merritt, David

Wanting to build a login page which uses the same user information as the user's 
Windows account.  Is there a way to validate a user's login information against the 
primary Windows domain controller using PHP and Apache?  Searching the archives all 
I'm finding is how to do this with PHP  IIS (which appears to be by using the 
functionality of IIS).


Dave Merritt

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php