Hallo Charles

> Does anyone know a way to fetch your own IP-adress? I need it because I run
> a web server on my computer with a dynamic-IP so I need it to change all the
> URLs it creates dynamically...
Look at dyndns.org. Here you can get your own dns-entry

  Michael                                                      .--.
                                                              |o_o | 
--                                                            ||_/ |
  /-----------------------------------------------------\    //   \ \
  |  Michael Ott, Glockenhofstr. 29a, 90478 Nuernberg   |   (|     | )
  | e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED], Tel. +49 9 11 41 88 576 |  /'\_   _/`\
  \-----------------------------------------------------/  \___)=(___/

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