[PHP] Re: Sorry for naggin, need a short test

2002-04-12 Thread Oliver Heinisch

At 12.04.2002  19:20, you wrote:
Works fine here. I can see the main page, and it opens up a window Knackige

auf wiedersen
Jason Wong - Gremlins Associates - www.gremlins.com.hk
Thanks Jason,
that´s what I didn´t want to hear ! ;-) Seems to get a long night,
installing M$ $tuff again, to eliminate my local error.
Thanks again

(don´t know how this is in chinese)

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Re: [PHP] Re: another try...

2002-04-09 Thread Oliver Heinisch

maybe you should make a plan, first, what to do. ;-)
That´s normal if you go to the supermarket, why not on softwaredevelopment?

At 08.04.2002  18:20, you wrote:
Ok I have it working to a point... how can I impliment a loop to count the
files in the directory, right now it only pulls the first file into the
select box.  Here is the code:
$dir_name = /path/to/images/directory/on/server/;
$dir = opendir($dir_name);
echo pFORM METHOD=\post\ ACTION=\index_done.php3\ NAME=\Foo\;
echo SELECT NAME=\files\;
// form name not really required, and shouldn´t be a var.
  while ($file_name = readdir($dir))
 if (($file_name != .)  ($file_name !=..))
   echo OPTION VALUE=\$file_name\ 
 // how can you get the option name in your next script if you use 
 } // end if
  } // end while
echo /SELECTbrbr;
echo INPUT TYPE=\submit\ NAME=\submit\ VALUE=\select\/FORM/p;
Thanks, in advance
I know your next Question :) , How to get the selected values in my script 
look for arrays, getting content from arrays.
HTH Oliver

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Re: [PHP] Loading Images

2002-03-26 Thread Oliver Heinisch

At 26.03.2002  14:44, you wrote:
I wasn't so much concearned about security of users grabbin pics. I am
more trying to learn how these people load there menus dynamically and
pics dynamically. Do you have any links to pages or code that describe how
to make a link in the db to pics on my filesystem?

I cannot help you with code,also it wouldn´t really help you understanding 
the problem
but give you more problems understanding my code.
I use to have a table with the following structure
rn  // that´s an autoincrement number for indexing
page // on which page the component will appear foobar.php3
pt  // path to the pic (depending of quantity of path) ../pix/
nop // the name of the pic foo.jpg
altval  // the word which will be shown in the alt tag of the pics 
reference This is the foopic
link// where will the link go newfoo.php
orm // a number to order the
sf  // showflag, to switch off unwanted/uncompleted pages

For pathinformations, I use an includefile which is included on every page.
This holds the informations about tablewidth, pathes(oops that´s correct?), 
and everything the Site needs on every page.

Now you just make a select like
select * from menu where page=$PHP_SELF where sf=1 order by orm
And make your menu. If you put the menu in an extra page (or an object)
you just have to include it on every content page and the work is done.
echo 'table border=0 width='.$tbwidth.' cellpadding=0 
cellspacing=0 summary=Menutable'
while($res=answer from db)
 echo 'trtd'
 echo 'a href='.$res[5].'?somevar=something'
 echo 'img src=$res[2] border=0 width=XX height=YY 
 echo '/a/td/tr'
echo '/table'

As you said you want to make a menu, width  height of the pics are known.
Otherwise you shoul check them using fuctions from the graphic library.
The Browsers are faster if they know exactly what the do.
Maybe this gives you some understanding how to do it.
(sorry all trailing ; are missing. It´s early today)

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[PHP] Tool to remove comments??

2002-03-22 Thread Oliver Heinisch

Hi Folks,
does anybody know a tool for removing comments out of PHP scripts?

I mean // this is a comment
and /* this is also a comment */

it should also handle  something like
echo'http://somewher.somecom/somepage'; // this goes to somewhere
and multiline comment like
maybe anybody has an awk script, that he/she will share with me.
TIA Oliver

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Re: [PHP] Sorting

2002-03-20 Thread Oliver Heinisch

At 20.03.2002  16:29, you wrote:


Actually i want to sort the files form mysql database using php
sorting.I can get the correct result using php sorting if the data's are
stored in the array like this format.


please tell me how i will store the field details in a array fetched from
mysql database
even if you could sort the data with the correct select
f.e. select * from your_db where something='tru' order by 

the method you requested is something like
(sorry for result_from_db_select but as I´m using objects for 
databaseactions, I
don´t know the exact commands maybe mysql_fetch_row)
for($i=0; $i  count($res); $i++) // counts all fields that come back
 $temp[$i] = $res[$i];
if you have a named array, you could also use an array for the names
f.e. $arraynames=array(first_col,second_col,third_col)
the your code would like
for($i=0; $i  count($res); $i++) // counts all fields that come back
 $temp[$arraynames[$i]] = $res[$i];
HTH Oliver

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Re: [PHP] PHP session ID not unique or session_register problems

2002-03-18 Thread Oliver Heinisch

At 18.03.2002  14:54, you wrote:

Even if I did´nt look closely at your code, I would suggest, that
you decrease the amount of data, diferent tables to one table.
You set an cookie, therfor you have the same effect as if you use sesssion 
So it´s easy to set and find the data, via cookie.
cookie   // here the initial cookie, you sent is stored
varname  // what kind of information should be stored
varval // the value of the varname.
timestamp // if you like
now you can save all desired informations according to cookie, have them all
in one place, and can select them to different conditions.
But, what if the user doesn´t allow cookies ??


I am a kind of newbie in PHP programming, but I have found an interesting
problem and some php guys I know were unable to help me to solve it. So I am
coming here with my question...

I have written a little more advanced counter, which should be included in
other PHP scripts in website.
It uses cookies, which expire in one year. That helps me to determine which
users are coming back to the website. It also uses sessions (session
cookies) to detect how one user is moving in the website in one session.
Program uses three MySQL tables - table of cookies (cookie ID, number of
visits), table of sessions (session ID, cookie ID, IP, browser,...) and
table of visited subpages in the website (session ID, visited location).

The program flow is simple:
1. Check the cookies. If user do not have a cookie, send it to him. Else
find cookie ID in the database (first table) and increase the counter.
2. Check session ID. If session is not registered, register it and set
'number of session visits counter' to 1, AND save session ID (+ cookie ID,
IP,...) to the second MySQL table.
If session is already registered, just increase the session visits counter.
3. Save session ID and visited location (I use the $REQUEST_URI variable) to
the third MySQL table.

It seems OK, but see what happened.
I explicitely said that if ($sess_visits == 1), variable $sessid is saved to
the second table. That means that $sessid must be unique - it should appear
in a table just once.
But when I exported data from table, I found that some $sessid appeared
twice or three times!

What could be the problem???

See a little bit of my code:

   ini_set(session.cookie_lifetime, 0);

   // Initialize session

   // Register session and set number of session visits variable to 1
   if (!session_is_registered('sess_visits')) {
   $sess_visits = 1;
   else {

   if ($sess_visits == 1) {
 // Save session, IP, etc. into database
 $sql = INSERT INTO wc_sessionident SET sessid = '$sessid', ...;

bye, Matej

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Re: [PHP] printing in HTML or PHP

2002-03-18 Thread Oliver Heinisch

At 18.03.2002  16:57, you wrote:
I would like to print the line bellow on my HTML generated by a PHP file.
How can I do it?

The line is:
link rel=stylesheet type=text/css href=default.css

Thank you

Daniel Ferreira Castro
Your line should be between head and /head
the you could use
echo 'link rel=stylesheet type=text/css href=default.css';
HTH Oliver

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2002-03-17 Thread Oliver Heinisch

At 17.03.2002  10:01, you wrote:

class A
 function A($i)
 $this-value = $i;
 // try to figure out why we do not need a reference here
 $this-b = new B($this);

 function createRef()
 $this-c = new B($this);

 function echoValue()
 echo br,class ,get_class($this),': ',$this-value;

class B
 function B($a)
 $this-a = $a;

 function echoValue()
 echo br,class ,get_class($this),': ',$this-a-value;

// try to undestand why using a simple copy here would yield
// in an undesired result in the *-marked line
$a =new A(10);


$a-value = 11;

$a-b-echoValue(); // *

Even if I don´t understand what your code does, shouldn´t you
give any variable a place to be stored so it schould look like
class foo
 var $a;
 var $b;
function fooplus()
 $this - a = foofoo;
and so on ??
HTH Oliver

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2002-03-15 Thread Oliver Heinisch

At 16.03.2002  01:41, you wrote:

Hi all,

I appologise if this is off topic but I don't know who to ask. I hope
you guys don't mind.

Does any body know where I can find information about the steps of
setting up a server(LINUX) so that people can find a certain URL

I want to sent up a small server for myself from home with my machine
but I don't know how to make it so that the web pages that I put in
server accessable by other people around the world.

do I have to connect my modem into my phone line (online) all the
It sounds, as you are a newbe. Setting up a linuxbox is one thing,
getting it in the internet is another.
Better way is to look for a provider (maybe free, or free  php)
to put the pages there. That´s cheaper then having the linuxbox be connected
to the internet via a phone-line. (mh.. what about an IP ?)
If you want to do PHP, set up a linux server as described in the link (see 
th other reply)
test your stuff locally and when you´re ready put them on the provider´s 
You´ll save a lot of money and time.
look in the archive for free php spaces.
HTH Oliver

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Re: [PHP] Problems with TTF

2001-10-24 Thread Oliver Heinisch

At 24.10.01  12:37, you wrote:
Warning: Could not find/open font in
/sdr/httpd/Prisa/DATA/private/libs/graficos/intradia.php on line 57

Line 57: ImageTTFText ($O_imagen, 11, 0, 10, 20, $O_colorValor,

arial.ttf is into the same dir.

Any ideas?
I had the same problems while using postscriptfonts.
try this
you have to look for a substitution for imageepsloadfont maybe it´s 
- and you have to do this command TWO times. Don´t ask me why, but it works ?!
Hope this helps Oliver

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Re: [PHP] str_replace binary safe??

2001-10-22 Thread Oliver Heinisch

At 22.10.01  21:36, you wrote:

  Hi folks,
  following problem appeared on PHP 3.0.16 on LINUX
  I have a binary file, where I want to replace some letters
  I do the following:
  $filename = xyz.sdc;
  $fd = fopen( $filename, r+b ); // also tried r
  $x=filesize( $filename ); // this shows the correct filesize 22528 byte
  $contents = fread( $fd, $x );
  fclose( $fd );
  $y=strlen($contents); // The first mistake $y = 32956 byte
  echo BEFOREbr.$contents;
  $contents=str_replace(UU,123456, $contents);
  echo AFTERbr.$contents;
  It seems, that php converts HEX 00 00  to HEX 5C 30 just when it reads the
  data in
  memory because at the BEFORE echo the data will be shown as \0 (hex 00 
 00 ).
  The filesize will be correct when I save the str_replaced text and the 
  will be cahnged
  Any idea, where this comes from??
Let's start with the fopen(), where the mode expression might be causing 
problems - should it be rb?

If the 'binary' component hasn't been recognised it might explain the 
first mistake.
The ensuing problems may even stem from there...

Thanks DLNeil,
I tried rb r r+b(C-style) always the same :(
Any other suggestions ?

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Re: [PHP] Working with numbers

2001-05-03 Thread Oliver Heinisch

At 01:39 04.05.01 -0400, you wrote:
Ok Jennifer lets do some basics ;-)
I've done some searching on the php site for more info about
double and float etc, but I don't really understand anything I
found.  Can someone give me an explanation about the difference
between decimal, float, double?

decimal is a straight number f.e 123456 the size/length of this number 
belongs to the used hardware/compiler (normally 64bit???)
it could be signed so it could be -123456 or +123456
float is a number like 123,456 or 0,123456 size/signed  see above
double is also a number like float but with the double size (normally 128 
bit ??)

Should I be using decimal as my column type in the MySQL database
or should I be using a different column type?

If you want to store float numbers like prices or so you could use 
float(M,D) where M ist the langth of all numbers
and D is the number of the fraction(is that word right) I mean what´s 
behind the , .
Look in the manual of mysql datatypes to get more information about 
numbers and other interesting
HTH Oliver

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