RE: [PHP] Re: Editing files by line

2002-07-16 Thread Onaje Johnston

-Original Message-
From: Analysis  Solutions

Without seeing the script, it'd be hard for us to say.  So, post the
_relevant parts_ of the script to the list.

Here's the code:

// Saving edited data to the file
// Data File : This file need to be writeable
$file_name = data.txt;

  // check to see if submit was pressed
if ($insert  $linenumber) {

  // check existence of file
$try = touch($file_name);
  if (!$try) {
echo pI'm sorry, but I couldn't open a file!;

$array = file($file_name);

  // this is the stuff we get from the form, we insert it into an array
$input = array ($id, $name, $creator, $myreview, $prefix, $directory,
$sort, $comments);

  // note that we add a \n (line break) to the end of the string.
$output_line = implode ($input, |).\n;

  // Now open the file (get a file pointer)
$output_stream = fopen($file_name, w+);

$counter = 0;
  foreach($array as $key = $line) {
if($counter == $linenumber) {
$line = $output_line;
$out[] = chop($line);

foreach($out as $key = $line) {
$result=fputs($output_stream, $line.\n);

// close the file pointer

  // give feedback
if ($result) {
  echo pData has been sucessfully added.\n;
  echo a href=.$PHP_SELF.?line_num=.$linenumber.View updated
  else {
echo pUhoh. . . the database didn't like that.;

// Viewing data from file in a form
//to read the file use:
$fp2= fopen(data.txt, r);


while ($servinfo=fgets($fp2,1024)){

if ($line_cnt == $line_num){
$right_line = $servinfo;
list($id, $name, $creator, $myreview, $prefix, $directory, $sort,
$comments)= explode(|,$right_line);
Form name= method=post action=?=$PHP_SELF?
TABLE cellspacing=0 bgcolor=#FFCC99
TR bgcolor=#ccTDRacestyle data settings/TDTD:)/TD/TR
TRTD align=rightRace ID:/TD
TDinput type=text name=id size=50 maxlength=50 value=? echo
$id; ?/TD/TR
TRTD align=right height=28 nowrapRacestyle Name:/TD
TD height=28input type=text name=name size=50 maxlength=50
value=? echo $name; ?/TD/TR
TRTD align=rightCreator:/TD
TDinput type=text name=creator size=50 maxlength=50 value=?
echo $creator; ?/TD/TR
TRTD align=right valign=topMyReview:/TD
TDinput type=text name=myreview size=50 maxlength=400
value=? echo $myreview; ?/TD/TR
TRTD align=rightRace Prefix/TD
TDinput type=text name=prefix size=50 maxlength=50 value=?
echo $prefix; ?/TD/TR
TRTD align=rightRace Directory:/TD
TDinput type=text name=directory size=50 maxlength=50
value=? echo $directory; ?/TD/TR
TRTD align=rightSort:/TD
TDselect name=sort
option value=ship_names ? if ($sort==ship_names) { print(
selected);} ?small case/option
option value=ship_names_2L ? if ($sort==ship_names_2L)
 print( selected);} ?Upper Case/option
TRTD align=right valign=topComments:/TD
TDinput type=text name=comments size=50 maxlength=400
value=? echo $comments; ?/TD/TR

P align=center
input type=hidden name=linenumber value=? if
!isset($line_num)){ $line_num=0;echo $line_num;}else {echo $line_num;} ?
  input type=submit value =Submit name=insert
  input type=reset value =Reset

The data.txt file has this format:

The default line_num is 0. The other entries - database3.php?line_num=1,
database3.php?line_num=2 etc.

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RE: [PHP] Re: Editing files by line

2002-07-16 Thread Onaje Johnston

-Original Message-
From: Analysis  Solutions
Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2002 4:40 PM
To: PHP List
Subject: Re: [PHP] Re: Editing files by line

On Tue, Jul 16, 2002 at 04:25:25PM -0400, Onaje Johnston wrote:

 if ($insert  $linenumber) {

But, if $linenumber is 0, this process won't happen.  And, that was the
complaint you mentioned up front.

So, you should do an isset($linenumber) instead.



It works using if ($insert  isset($linenumber)) {.

So because the value of linenumber is 0 on the first line, the if statement
was evaluating to false and therefore the update wouldn't occur, correct?

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RE: [PHP] Re: Editing files by line

2002-07-15 Thread Onaje Johnston

-Original Message-
From: Analysis  Solutions
Sent: Friday, July 12, 2002 9:57 AM
To: PHP List
Subject: Re: [PHP] Re: Editing files by line

Unfortunately, if a file is opened for appending via fopen('name', 'a'),
the manual says the data is put at the end of the file regardless of using

I've written a script that edits a specific line in a text file and saves
the changes to the file for that specific line. I've noticed though that I
can't edit the first line in the file, which would be zero in the array
created by the file() function. When I write the edited data back to the
file I am using w+ as the mode.

Is this related to the array or to the file mode?

-- Onaje Johnston

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[PHP] Re: compare arrays problem

2001-02-19 Thread Onaje Johnston

Thank you Tim and Richard. With your help I was able to figure out how to
get this script working as I intended.
Here's the code, in case anyone wants to do something similar in the future.

$pages=mysql_query("SELECT CP.page_id, pagename FROM cluster_pagetbl as CP,
pagetbl WHERE 
CP.cluster_id = '$id' AND CP.page_id=pagetbl.page_id order by page_id");

$pgids= array();

if (mysql_Numrows($pages)0) {

while ($i$prows){
//figure out how to get page ids into array
$pid= mysql_result($pages,$i, page_id);
$pagename =mysql_result($pages, $i, pagename);
 $pgids[$pid] = $pagename;


//prints what is in the pgid array. 
foreach($pgids as $pid = $pagename){
 print $pid.' = '.$pagename.'br';

$query2=mysql_query("select page_id, pagename FROM 
pagetbl order by page_id");

$mpgids= array();

if (mysql_Numrows($query2)0) {

while ($x$numrows){

$mpid=mysql_result($query2,$x, page_id);
$mpagename=mysql_result($query2,$x, pagename);

$mpgids[$mpid] = $mpagename;   

//prints the checkboxes, compares pgids and mgids array
foreach ($mpgids as $mpid = $mpagename){
print 'input type=checkbox name=page_ids[] value="'.$mpid.'"';
if ($pgids[$mpid] == $mpgids[$mpid]){   print " checked"; }
print ''.$mpagename;

//double check to see what values are in both arrays, then print it.
$diff = array_intersect($mpgids,$pgids);

foreach ($diff as $element){
print 'p'.$element.'br';}

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[PHP] compare arrays problem

2001-02-17 Thread Onaje Johnston

I am hoping that someone really understands arrays reads this and can tell
me why the following isn't working as I expect it to. I've been trying for
days to get it to work. 

$pages=mysql_query("SELECT CP.page_id, pagename FROM cluster_pagetbl as CP,
pagetbl WHERE 
CP.cluster_id = '$id' AND CP.page_id=pagetbl.page_id order by page_id");

SQL Result for $id=1:
page_id pagename 
 1   breakingnews  
 3   weather  
if (mysql_Numrows($pages)0) {

while ($i$prows){
//figure out how to get page ids into array
$pid= mysql_result($pages,$i, page_id);
$pagename =mysql_result($pages, $i, pagename);
 $pgids= array("$pid" = "$pagename");

foreach($pgids as $pid = $pagename){
 print $pid.' = '.$pagename.'br';

/* prints:
1 = breakingnews
3 = weather

At this point the correct number of values appear to be in the pgids array


$query2=mysql_query("select page_id, pagename FROM 
pagetbl order by page_id");

SQL Result:
page_id pagename 
 1   breakingnews  
 2   pastnews  
 3   weather 

if (mysql_Numrows($query2)0) {

while ($x$numrows){

$mpid=mysql_result($query2,$x, page_id);
$mpagename=mysql_result($query2,$x, pagename);

$mpgids= array("$mpid" = "$mpagename");   
foreach ($mpgids as $mpid = $mpagename){
print 'input type=checkbox name=page_ids[] value="'.$mpid.'"';

if ($pgids == $mpgids){ print " checked"; }
print ''.$mpagename;

// prints out three checkboxes, since that's the total number of pages
//but only the third checkbox (weather) gets checked, the first one should
be checked also


//I used the array intersect function to doublecheck what is going on and it
finds only weather also
//What is happening to the first value?

$diff = array_intersect($mpgids,$pgids);

foreach ($diff as $element){
print 'p'.$element.'br';} 
//prints: weather

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