[PHP] Earlier versions hurt PHP 5

2005-12-19 Thread PHPDiscuss - PHP Newsgroups and mailing lists

As a developer, I would love to use PHP 5+ for applications but I am
afraid to do so because 90% of web hosting companies do not offer it. The
biggest reason that that they do not offer it is because there is little
demand for it. The reason why there is little demand for it is that
developers do not use it because webhosts do not support it. A classic
catch 22 situation!

I think that continuing to offer prominent download links for PHP 4
versions on the same page as download links for php 5 on the php.net and
Zend sites is a major contributor to this problem. To get PHP 5 accepted,
links to download earlier versions should be hidden away in some obsure

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[PHP] PHP SOAP Client question

2005-02-01 Thread PHPDiscuss - PHP Newsgroups and mailing lists
The following wsdl file was provided to me.

I first attempted to genrate the PHP classes using the following code...;

// Look at the generated code... 
echo ( $wsdl->generateProxyCode() ); 


I was expecting this code to generate a code makes use of the underlying
SOAP_Client class - that is I was expecting to see each functions.

But what I found is this:

class WebService_IfxService_IfxService extends SOAP_Client
function WebService_IfxService_IfxService()
$this->SOAP_Client("";, 0);
function &IfxRequest($IFX) {
$IFX =& new SOAP_Value('{}IFX','',$IFX);
return $this->call("IfxRequest", 
$v = array("IFX"=>$IFX), 
'use'=>'literal' ));

Any Idea what is going on here?

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[PHP] Re: 404 custom handler on a cgi-wrap PHP - No input specified error

2005-01-19 Thread PHPDiscuss - PHP Newsgroups and mailing lists
Luke Barker wrote:

> I have made a 404 custom error handler, using .htaccess in a directory
> - it is usppoed to route all unfound pages to error.php, and works as
> expected for .htm and .html pages as well as gifs etc. But ofr .php
> scripts, e.g /path/to/wrongurl.php it doesnt show my page -
> instead it shows No Input file specified.. After some Googling I have
> only found people witht eh similar problem without solutions.

> Can any one help me on this? I should say that in IE it just gets the
> default 404 ( I think this is windows own one responding to the
> particular http response header) - in firefox you get the 'No input ' 
> error

> thanks for any advice

> Luke

Hey Luke,

I had the exact same problem on one of my sites and was able to come up
with a solution using mod_rewrite:


Hope that's of some use.


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Re: [PHP] Forms on PHP

2005-01-11 Thread PHPDiscuss - PHP Newsgroups and mailing lists
Leon Poon wrote:

> Refer to the following line numbers:

> 01 >  02 > // Start of PHP code - Extract values from form.
> 03 > /* Other values read */
> 04 > $n=$_POST['n'];
> 05 >
> 06 > // Pass the data from the form to lightcurve_csharp
> 07 > $command="./lightcurve_csharp $a $i $e $lomega $bomega $lambda $n";
> 08 > $result=`$command`;
> 09 >
> 10 > $form_submitted=$_POST['form_sumbitted'];
> 11 > if (isset($form_submitted)) {
> 12 >if ($form_submitted) {
> 13 >echo 'The form has been submitted';
> 14 >unset($form_submitted);
> 15 >}
> 16 > } else
> 17 >echo 'The form has not been submitted';

> When the user first load the page, no data was posted. So there was no 
> $_POST['form_sumbitted'] available. Line 10 will cause $form_submitted to 
> contain the NULL value (I think). $form_submitted will evaluate to FALSE at 
> line 12. Thus it will not display any message.

> By the way, by doing line 10, $form_submitted would have been set regardless 
> whether there is $_POST['form_sumbitted'], and line 11 will evaluate to TRUE 
> always. Thus you will never ever see the 'form not been submitted' message.

> Anyway, when you posted for the first time, $_POST['form_sumbitted'] is 
> available. The 'The form has been submitted' message will be printed. 
> After that, when you press Reload button on the browser, the post data will 
> once again be sent from the user. (This is the behaviour of reloading a 
> posted page. In Internet Explorer there should be a message dialog box 
> asking the user whether to resend form data in order to refresh.) Reposting 
> the data during the reload means that there will be 
> $_POST['form_sumbitted'], thus once again the 'form hass been submitted' 
> message.

> In order to prevent this from happening, you should do a header('Location: 
> success-page.php') on a successful submit. This is so that at the redirected 
> page, the user would not have resent data even if he press the Reload 
> button.

> Hope this helps

> -Leon

Many thanks - at the top of the file I put in the code:

if ($_POST['submit'])
header('Location: .../submitted.php');

where further down in the form I have name="submit" for the submit button.
 This goes to a new page submitted.php.  The code is in fact now at
http://proteus.as.arizona.edu/~csharp/lightcurved.php .

No doubt there is still a way of writing back to the original page after
the submit button has been clicked, but I can't see an easy way, so this
will have to do for now.  A work-around is to do it in frames, and write
to a frame at the bottom so that it appears to be in the same page.

Christopher Sharp

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[PHP] Forms on PHP

2005-01-10 Thread PHPDiscuss - PHP Newsgroups and mailing lists

I am new to this or any newsgroup in PHP, as well as PHP itself, so this
question is probably rather elementary.  I have a form which on clicking
on the "Submit" button calls up a compiled program on the server that is
executed and writes output to a file.  This file is then read by the PHP
script and passed on for other processes.  When the page is first loaded,
it knows that the "Submit" button has not been clicked, and after clicking
the button it knows, which is of course what we want.  The problem is that
subsequently it always thinks the button has been clicked, even if the
reload button on the browser has been clicked.

Here is a cut down version of the code, where for brevity I have removed
all inputs other than n:

Type in the following parameters:

} else
echo 'The form has not been submitted';

The input value of $n is picked up from $n=$_POST['n'] which has the
default of 1000, and I test that "Submit" has been clicked by looking at
the state of $form_sumbitted.  Unfortunately this only works the first
time the page is loaded, and subsequently it is always flagged as set.

This is a test for only writing some text below the form if it has been
clicked.  Subsequently, when the page is refreshed or is clicked again
with new data, the text below the form should disappear until the
calculations have been completed.  The form is implimented at
http://proteus.as.arizona.edu/~csharp/sudarsky/lightcurvec.php .

I would be very grateful for some kind help on this.

Christopher Sharp

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[PHP] php mail

2004-12-10 Thread PHPDiscuss - PHP Newsgroups and mailing lists
I have a dedicated Red Hat linux boxed leased from Interland and the php
mail function does not work.  I have found several articles on things to
try and have tried everything I saw but to no avail.  I set up a php
script to mail and then print the return code and I get a 1 (success). 
But the mail never arrives.  Is there any way I could get some help with
this.  I could post my phpinfo() information or anything else that may

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[PHP] php mail

2004-12-10 Thread PHPDiscuss - PHP Newsgroups and mailing lists
I have a dedicated Red Hat linux boxed leased from Interland and the php
mail function does not work.  I have found several articles on things to
try and have tried everything I saw but to no avail.  I set up a php
script to mail and then print the return code and I get a 1 (success). 
But the mail never arrives.  Is there any way I could get some help with
this.  I could post my phpinfo() information or anything else that may

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[PHP] Php Mail not working properly

2004-12-10 Thread PHPDiscuss - PHP Newsgroups and mailing lists
I have a dedicated Red Hat linux boxed leased from Interland and the php
mail function does not work.  I have found several articles on things to
try and have tried everything I saw but to no avail.  I set up a php
script to mail and then print the return code and I get a 1 (success). 
But the mail never arrives.  Is there any way I could get some help with
this.  I could post my phpinfo() information or anything else that may

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[PHP] Re: __PHP_Incomplete_Class Errors...

2004-11-11 Thread PHPDiscuss - PHP Newsgroups and mailing lists
Stephen Craton wrote:

> I've been working on a script for a while now and it works perfectly on my
> local machine. I'm using a couple of classes, mainly my database and users
> classes.

> After logging in, I assign a session variable to the user's row in the
> database: $_SESSION['user'] = $db->row;

> This works fine locally, but on my hosted machine, it settings the variable
> to this:

> __PHP_Incomplete_Class Object
> (
> [__PHP_Incomplete_Class_Name] => users
> [user] => 
> [loggedin] => 1
> [ip] =>
> [db] => __PHP_Incomplete_Class Object
> (
> [__PHP_Incomplete_Class_Name] => thedatabase
> [host] => localhost
> [user] => melchior_clients
> [pass] => 
> [data] => melchior_clients
> [linkid] => 0
> [res] => 0
> [num] => 0
> [row] => 
> [logger] => __PHP_Incomplete_Class Object
> (
> [__PHP_Incomplete_Class_Name] => logger
> [logdir] => logs/
> [fp] => 
> )

> )

> [logger] => __PHP_Incomplete_Class Object
> (
> [__PHP_Incomplete_Class_Name] => logger
> [logdir] => logs/
> [fp] => 
> )

> )

> For some reason, as far as I can tell, it's making every class variable to
> __PHP_Incomplete_Class for some reason. The way I'm accessing the classes
> via another class this something like this:

> $db = new theDatabase;
> $user = new Users;
> $user->db = $db;

> And then, within the class, I access it as such:

> $this->db->query($sql);

> This works perfectly on my local machine, but it gets all weirded once I
> upload it. I have NO idea why or how to fix it. Does anyone have any ideas?

> Stephen Craton
> http://www.melchior.us

I had the same problem when storing objects in the session, this link will
tell you 
how to solve your problem

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[PHP] Cannot retrive the data ???

2004-11-01 Thread PHPDiscuss - PHP Newsgroups and mailing lists
Hi there,
Look at the following code please. I have  a mysql db setup and apache 
running. I have the register_globals=OFF on the php.ini file. The code is
suppose to show all the jokes in the databse and give user to enter jokes.
The code works fine when when the register_globals=ON in the php.ini file.
But for some reason it does not work when it is OFF. Infact when it is OFF
it give a blank page with no data retrieved from the databse and gives no
errors. Please help me.Code is below..."

  Type your joke :

else { echo "Joke NOT entered. An error occured while entering"; }

$color1 = "#CCFFCC"; 
$color2 = "#BFD8BC"; 
$row_count = 0;

// -- Following lines list the jokes 
echo " These are the jokes we have got so far";
$db = mysql_connect("localhost","homesite","951753")  or
$sql = "SELECT id, JokeText, JokeDate from jokes";  
$query = mysql_query($sql);
echo "
Joke Text
Joke Date";
while ($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($query))
$row_color = ($row_count % 2) ? $color1 : $color2;
 "". $myrow["id"]."".
 "". $myrow["JokeText"]. "".
 "". $myrow["JokeDate"]."";
// echo "".$myrow["id"]."-- ". $myrow["JokeText"]. "  ". $myrow["Name"]."
 ".$myrow["Email"]. "";
echo("" ."Add a Joke!");


"Cheers Mike

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[PHP] Cannot retrive the data ???

2004-11-01 Thread PHPDiscuss - PHP Newsgroups and mailing lists
Hi there,
Look at the following code please. I have  a mysql db setup and apache 
running. I have the register_globals=OFF on the php.ini file. The code is
suppose to show all the jokes in the databse and give user to enter jokes.
The code works fine when when the register_globals=ON in the php.ini file.
But for some reason it does not work when it is OFF. Infact when it is OFF
it give a blank page with no data retrieved from the databse and gives no
errors. Please help me.Code is below..."

  Type your joke :

else { echo "Joke NOT entered. An error occured while entering"; }

$color1 = "#CCFFCC"; 
$color2 = "#BFD8BC"; 
$row_count = 0;

// -- Following lines list the jokes 
echo " These are the jokes we have got so far";
$db = mysql_connect("localhost","homesite","951753")  or
$sql = "SELECT id, JokeText, JokeDate from jokes";  
$query = mysql_query($sql);
echo "
Joke Text
Joke Date";
while ($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($query))
$row_color = ($row_count % 2) ? $color1 : $color2;
 "". $myrow["id"]."".
 "". $myrow["JokeText"]. "".
 "". $myrow["JokeDate"]."";
// echo "".$myrow["id"]."-- ". $myrow["JokeText"]. "  ". $myrow["Name"]."
 ".$myrow["Email"]. "";
echo("" ."Add a Joke!");


"Cheers Mike

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[PHP] SimpleXML: DOM, SAX or Other?

2004-10-15 Thread PHPDiscuss - PHP Newsgroups and mailing lists

Does anybody have any depthful knowledge of the SimpleXML extension in

More accurately, do you know if the simpleXml->xpath() method uses DOM,
SAX or some other method of parsing a loaded XML document?

I ask because I am trying to parse arbitrary XML documents as efficiently
as possible (avoiding DOM).


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Re: [PHP] SOMETIMES, my SID gets embedded in the URL ???

2004-10-11 Thread PHPDiscuss - PHP Newsgroups and mailing lists
I tried ini_set('session.use_only_cookies', "1").
I also tried ini_set('session.use-trans-sid', 0). Right after I made the
change, the sid was gone, urls didn't contain it anymore, BUT, the next
day, today, when I accessed the site from my office (another computer),
the SID is there again!

And this is exactly like when I first added
ini_set('session.use_only_cookies', "1") : before the addition the sid was
sometimes there, after the addition it wasn't. Few days later it was there
Then I added ini_set('session.use-trans-sid', 0) and it was ok, today it's
Don't know what to believe anymore...

The strange thing is, phpinfo() says session.use_only_cookies is ON and
session.use_trans_sid likewise.
So if session.use_trans_sid is on, why do I lose my session after
redirecting to a relative url ? The docs say that "relative URIs will be
changed to contain the session id automatically".

Also when I access the forums on my site (IPB), the sid isn't embedded. 

So my question is: if session.use_only_cookies is ON, why on earth is the
sid present in the url ?
PS: php is version 4.3.8.

Marek Kilimajer wrote:

> PHPDiscuss - PHP Newsgroups and mailing lists wrote:
> > he problem is that SOMETIMES, my SID gets embedded in the URL, although at
> > the begining of every page I have this code:
> > 
> > ini_set(session.use_only_cookies, "1");

> The above sets sessionuse_only_cookies to 1. I did not miss a dot, 
> session and use_only_cookies are interpreted as constants. You need quotes:

> ini_set('session.use_only_cookies', "1");

> > session_set_cookie_params(60*60); 
> > session_start();
> > session_register("blabla");
> > if (!$_SESSION["logged_in"])
> > session_destroy();
> > etc, etc; 
> > 
> > So there are days/times when the SID isn't embedded in the URL (and in the
> > links of the page), and days/times when it is, regardless of what value
> > $_SESSION["logged_in"] has.
> > I tested the value returned by ini_set and it's always different from
> > false.
> > What gives ???
> >

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Re: [PHP] SOMETIMES, my SID gets embedded in the URL ???

2004-10-07 Thread PHPDiscuss - PHP Newsgroups and mailing lists
Wow, thank you, it was so obvious!
Marek Kilimajer wrote:

> PHPDiscuss - PHP Newsgroups and mailing lists wrote:
> > he problem is that SOMETIMES, my SID gets embedded in the URL, although at
> > the begining of every page I have this code:
> > 
> > ini_set(session.use_only_cookies, "1");

> The above sets sessionuse_only_cookies to 1. I did not miss a dot, 
> session and use_only_cookies are interpreted as constants. You need quotes:

> ini_set('session.use_only_cookies', "1");

> > session_set_cookie_params(60*60); 
> > session_start();
> > session_register("blabla");
> > if (!$_SESSION["logged_in"])
> > session_destroy();
> > etc, etc; 
> > 
> > So there are days/times when the SID isn't embedded in the URL (and in the
> > links of the page), and days/times when it is, regardless of what value
> > $_SESSION["logged_in"] has.
> > I tested the value returned by ini_set and it's always different from
> > false.
> > What gives ???
> >

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[PHP] SOMETIMES, my SID gets embedded in the URL ???

2004-10-07 Thread PHPDiscuss - PHP Newsgroups and mailing lists
he problem is that SOMETIMES, my SID gets embedded in the URL, although at
the begining of every page I have this code:

ini_set(session.use_only_cookies, "1");
if (!$_SESSION["logged_in"])
etc, etc; 

So there are days/times when the SID isn't embedded in the URL (and in the
links of the page), and days/times when it is, regardless of what value
$_SESSION["logged_in"] has.
I tested the value returned by ini_set and it's always different from
What gives ???

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[PHP] code

2004-08-14 Thread PHPDiscuss - PHP Newsgroups and mailing lists
Codes attached.
In this page i used filetype instead of is_dir.



Hope you can help me.

John Holmes wrote:

> PHPDiscuss - PHP Newsgroups and mailing lists wrote:
> > Hello Professionals,
> > Can anybody help me to open all subdirectories in a directory,
> > I used is_dir() to check whether it is a dir, and if yes,
> > I recursively called it with the new dir name.
> > But  all subdirectories are not open the recursion is not working for more
> > than 1 level.
> > I tested it in windows server.
> > Expecting your help,

> Expecting your code...

> Have you looked at the opendir manual page to see if there are any 
> examples, there?

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[PHP] Open all subdirectories in a directory

2004-08-14 Thread PHPDiscuss - PHP Newsgroups and mailing lists
Hello Professionals,
Can anybody help me to open all subdirectories in a directory,
I used is_dir() to check whether it is a dir, and if yes,
I recursively called it with the new dir name.
But  all subdirectories are not open the recursion is not working for more
than 1 level.
I tested it in windows server.
Expecting your help,

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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[PHP] Open all subdirectories in a directory

2004-08-14 Thread PHPDiscuss - PHP Newsgroups and mailing lists
Hello Professionals,
Can anybody help me to open all subdirectories in a directory,
I used is_dir() to check whether it is a dir, and if yes,
I recursively called it with the new dir name.
But  all subdirectories are not open the recursion is not working for more
than 1 level.
I tested it in windows server.
Expecting your help,

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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[PHP] Open all subdirectories in a directory

2004-08-14 Thread PHPDiscuss - PHP Newsgroups and mailing lists
Hello Professionals,
Can anybody help me to open all subdirectories in a directory,
I used is_dir() to check whether it is a dir, and if yes,
I recursively called it with the new dir name.
But  all subdirectories are not open the recursion is not working for more
than 1 level.
I tested it in windows server.
Expecting your help,

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[PHP] need help with $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA

2004-08-05 Thread PHPDiscuss - PHP Newsgroups and mailing lists
Hi all, 

I am using a Debian server with all stable packages so PHP is version

I was developing a SyncML server and was using $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA as a
receiving container for incoming SyncML communication from my Sony
Ericsson T-616. Recently finished writing the WBXML convertor and are
working with the SyncML engine. 

Everything was working fine until i wanted to try to update to PHP5, but
there aren't any officially unstable/experiment PHP5 from Debian. So i got
mine from DotDeb.org. 

Everything worked but then $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA suddenly is not receiving
any data. I recall reading in the PHP manual that $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA is
disabled, i enabled it by setting always_populate_raw_post_data = On. It
did not work, so i removed PHP5 and reinstalled the stable version of PHP
which is 4.1.2 

$HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA is still not receiving any data. I looked into PHP
4.1.2's php.ini file and didn't see any parameter setting for
always_populate_raw_post_data which is not surprising since the default
disable is only active after 4.2.0 

I added that line anyway and restarted Apache, still the
$HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA is not working. I know that XML RPC uses this global
variable for parsing XML data as well, so it should be empty. 

Anyone know what is going on and how to fix it? It was working fine before
i upgraded and then it was just broken after that. 

Since $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA is going to be disabled by default, is there a
better variable to be used for receiving communication data? 

I noticed php://input but that's going to be changed to php://filter, but
i have never tried using that before either. So i have no idea how it

If anyone can help me reactivate $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA or find a better way
to grab communication data, please HELP!! 

Thank you in advance 

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[PHP] Automatically run a php page once a day

2004-07-29 Thread PHPDiscuss - PHP Newsgroups and mailing lists
Hello everybody,
Can someone help me saying how i can run a php script automatically once
in a day.

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[PHP] Re: PHP5 for Fedora Core 2

2004-07-27 Thread PHPDiscuss - PHP Newsgroups and mailing lists
C.F. Scheidecker Antunes wrote:

> Hello all,

> Are there any pre compiled rpm packages from Fedora Core 2 yet?

> If not, I will most likely built it myself.

> Thanks.

Any chance you can send it to me when you finish? Thanks.

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2004-07-20 Thread PHPDiscuss - PHP Newsgroups and mailing lists
You could also use the php date() function.


If you need it for a specific date, then

Curt Zirzow wrote:

> * Thus wrote Chirag Shukla:
> > 
> > This function can be used to know whether it is Daylight Savings time or 
> > not for the given date. It may not be the most optimized program, but 
> > may be helpful.
> > 
> > If there is a modified code, please let me know.

> ok.

> > 
> >  > 
> > // here is the date. We wont worry about the time.
> > $processdate = "07/04/2004 14:45";

> What about different formats like 07-04-2004 14:45:00

> > 
> > // calling the function.
> > // 1 means the date is in a daylight savings time
> > // 0 means the date is not in a daylight savings time

>  one thing to note, not all zones, even in the US honor the
>  DST. this is a rather sepecific function.

> > echo daylight($processdate);
> > 
> > // now the function
> > 
> > function daylight($mydate)
> > {
> > // separating the date and time
> > $datetime = explode(" ",$mydate);
> > 
> > // exploding the components of date
> > $dateexplode = explode("/",$datetime[0]);

>  Instead of exploding stuff around, make your date argument compatible
>  with the strtotime() function, it will return a unix timestamp or
>  -1 if it fails to parse the date.

> > 
> > // if the date is between Jan-Mar, NO DAYLIGHT
> > // if the date is between Nov-Dec, NO DAYLIGHT
> > if ($dateexplode[0]<4 or $dateexplode[0]>10)
> > {
> > return 0;
> > }
> > // if the date is not in the above zone, lets see
> > // if the date is between May-Sep, DAYLIGHT
> > elseif ($dateexplode[0]>4 and $dateexplode[0]<10)
> > {
> > return 1;
> > }

>   Since you have a timestamp as I suggested above, you simply need
>   to pull the month out, and then check the month value:

>   $month = strftime('%m', $utimestamp);

>   swtich ($month) {
> case '01': case '02': ...
>return 0;
> case '05': case '06': ...
>return 1;

>   }

> > else
> > {
> > // we are going to pull out what date is a sunday
> > // then we compare our date's day-of-month with the 
> > day-that-is-sunday
> > 
> > $interestday = 0;
> > 
> > // lets see what happens in april - first sunday of the month
> > if ($dateexplode[0]==4)
> > {
> > // looping the first seven days to see what day is a 
> > sunday
> > for ($i=1; $i<=7; $i++)
> > {
> > $myday = 
> > 
> > date("w",mktime(0,0,0,$dateexplode[0],$i,$dateexplode[2]));
> > if ($myday==0)
> > $interestday = $i;
> > }
> > 
> > // now that we got what day is a sunday, lets see
> > // if our date's day-of-month is greater than this 
> > or not
> > // if it is greater, then DAYLIGHT
> > if ($dateexplode[1]>=$interestday)
> > return 1;
> > else
> > return 0;
> > }
> > 
> > // lets see what happens in october - last sunday of the 
> > month
> > elseif ($dateexplode[0]==10)
> > {
> > // looping the first seven days to see what day is a 
> > sunday
> > for ($i=25; $i<=31; $i++)
> > {
> > $myday = 
> > 
> > date("w",mktime(0,0,0,$dateexplode[0],$i,$dateexplode[2]));
> > if ($myday==0)
> > $interestday = $i;
> > }
> > 
> > // now that we got what day is a sunday, lets see
> > // if our date's day-of-month is greater than this 
> > or not
> > // if it is less, then DAYLIGHT
> > if ($dateexplode[1]<=$interestday)
> > return 1;
> > else
> > return 0;
> > }
> > }

>   now instead of doing all that mundane work, we simply have to
>   find out if the  days are outabounds for the paticular months.

>   // obtain the day of month 
>   $dayofmonth = (int)strftime('%d', $utimestamp);

>   // and the day of week
>   $dayofweek =  strftime('%u', $utimestamp);

>   if ($month == '04') {

> // If its the first week of 04
> if ($dayofmonth <= 7) {

>   // and we havn't reached sunday, return 0
>   return ($dayofweek < 7) ? 0: 1;

> }
> return 1; // otherwise we're passed it.

>   } 

[PHP] Re: PHP 4.3.7 update - how to

2004-07-06 Thread PHPDiscuss - PHP Newsgroups and mailing lists
Alan McDonald wrote:

> > > I've downloaded the 4.3.7 tar ball and extractted it. I've run configure
> > > (after deleting the cache), no errors. I've run make - no errors, I've
> then
> > > run make install.. no errors, it says it's updating and installing.
> > > Now I've restarted my httpd service - I've even rebooted but I'm left
> with
> > > phpinfo telling me that version 4.2.2 is running.
> > > I'm in RH9 and I have no idea why it doesn't install properly..
> > > Can someone shed some light on this?
> >
> > Not sure if it's relevant, but does httpd.conf point to the new version?
> > It's all I have to tweak in Windows.
> >
> > -- 
> > Lester Caine

> I must be missing something critical here... I was thinking that the make
> install would overwrite the PHP executables but it obviously doesn't ..
> Now where in the conf file does the PHP module get mentioned? I;ve searched
> it with no mention of PHP!
> Alan

Did you remember to uninstall the RPM? I believe you must do this first
before a source install.  But I would use the same configuration options
as your 4.2.2 install, as RH tends to have special places for special

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[PHP] Re: how to verify PHP has been installed with ldap?

2004-05-21 Thread PHPDiscuss - PHP Newsgroups and mailing lists


If you don't see a section for LDAP, it's not installed.
In a Windows XP, PHP 4.3.6 environment, installed in C:/Program
Files/PHP,I had to change a working default installation as follows to get
it to work:

Add to php.ini:
extension_dir = C:/Program Files/PHP/extensions/  
ldap.max_links = -1

Copy C:\Program Files\PHP\php.ini   to C:\WINDOWS 

Restart Apache to make sure your new ini file controls. You should see the
options in your ini file reflected in the phpinfo display.
Copy C:\Program Files\PHP\php4ts.dll   to C:\WINDOWS.

Copy from C:\Program Files\PHP\extensions  to  C:\Windows\System32

Copy all the dlls in C:/Program Files to C:\Windows\System32

Good luck!

Bing Du wrote:

> Greetings,

> I've installed PHP with ldap.  But I got this error "Fatal error: Call to
> undefined function: ldap_connect() in /home/me/public_html/test1.php on
> line 5".  Why ldap_connect() is undefined?

> This is what I did:

> ==
> # ./configure --with-apxs=/usr/local/apache/bin/apxs
> --with-config-file-path=/usr/local/apache/php.ini --with-mysql --with-zlib
> --with-ldap
> # make
> # make install
> ==

> It went through without obvious errors.

> And this is the PHP script test1.php that generates the above error:

>  $dn="cn=john smith, ou=Users, ou=eng,dc=iastate, dc=edu";
> $password = "ok4now";

> if (!($ldap = ldap_connect("w2kdc1.eng.some.edu", 389))) {
> die ("Could not connect to LDAP server");
> }
> if (!($res = @ldap_bind($ldap, $dn, $password))) {
> die ("Could not bind to $dn");
> }
> echo "bind fine!";
> ?>

> So my question is how to verify PHP has been installed with ldap support?

> Thanks in advance for any help,

> Bing

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[PHP] List() help

2004-05-09 Thread PHPDiscuss - PHP Newsgroups and mailing lists
I'm using list like
list($a,$b,$c,$d) = $MyArray
MyArray holds more than three items, 0-4 more,
my problem is that $d only gets one and I lose the others if more tha one
extra. I know I can just add more $e,f,g,h,i but how do I get the extras
into an array?


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[PHP] PHP: eregi multi-line Question

2004-03-25 Thread PHPDiscuss - PHP Newsgroups and mailing lists
 $cacheTime) { 
   $file = fopen ("local file", "r"); 
 if (!$file) { 
 $dump = "Does not exist"; 
 } else { 
 while (!feof ($file)) { 
   $line = fgets ($file); 

   if (eregi ('', $line, $pt)) {
$cntrp=$cntrp+1; $post[$cntrp]=$pt[1]; } 

   if (eregi ('' . '(.+)' . '', $line,
$brd)) {$cntrb=$cntrb+1; $board[$cntrb]=$brd[1]; } 

   if (eregi ('icons/arrow.gif" width=17 height=11 border = 0>' .
'(.+)' . '', $line, $trd)) { $cntrt=$cntrt+1; 
$thread[$cntrt]=$trd[1]; }

   if (eregi ('' . '(.+)' . '',
$line, $dtme)) { 
$cntrd=$cntrd+1; $datetime[$cntrd] =  $dtme[1]; }

if (eregi ('' . '[.+]'
 '', $line, $cont))
 { $cntrc=$cntrc+1; $content[$cntrc] = $cont[1]; }


Alright, within the above code my final if (eregi) line is giving me
problems. All 3 of the lines before work, and work great, but the problem
I run into on the final one is newlines. For example, here's a snippet of
the directed file that I'm trying to obtain from:

Hello World.

~Me :)

As you can see, there are multiple newlines in there, and I need to place
the entire snippet between  and  into a
variable array. My largest problem is that not every instance of said code
has the same number of endlines, but they do ALL have endlines in there.

Any help here?

- Jeremy

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[PHP] PHP: Eregi multi-line question

2004-03-25 Thread PHPDiscuss - PHP Newsgroups and mailing lists
 $cacheTime) { 
   $file = fopen ("local file", "r"); 
 if (!$file) { 
 $dump = "Does not exist"; 
 } else { 
 while (!feof ($file)) { 
   $line = fgets ($file); 

   if (eregi ('', $line, $pt)) {
$cntrp=$cntrp+1; $post[$cntrp]=$pt[1]; } 

   if (eregi ('' . '(.+)' . '', $line,
$brd)) {$cntrb=$cntrb+1; $board[$cntrb]=$brd[1]; } 

   if (eregi ('icons/arrow.gif" width=17 height=11 border = 0>' .
'(.+)' . '', $line, $trd)) { $cntrt=$cntrt+1; 
$thread[$cntrt]=$trd[1]; }

   if (eregi ('' . '(.+)' . '',
$line, $dtme)) { 
$cntrd=$cntrd+1; $datetime[$cntrd] =  $dtme[1]; }

if (eregi ('' . '[.+]'
 '', $line, $cont))
 { $cntrc=$cntrc+1; $content[$cntrc] = $cont[1]; }


Alright, within the above code my final if (eregi) line is giving me
problems. All 3 of the lines before work, and work great, but the problem
I run into on the final one is newlines. For example, here's a snippet of
the directed file that I'm trying to obtain from:

Hello World.

~Me :)

As you can see, there are multiple newlines in there, and I need to place
the entire snippet between  and  into a
variable array. My largest problem is that not every instance of said code
has the same number of endlines, but they do ALL have endlines in there.

Any help here?

- Jeremy

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[PHP] Re: Inconv in PHP5 compile

2004-03-20 Thread PHPDiscuss - PHP Newsgroups and mailing lists
I'm having PHP5 compile problems as well. Here's some shortened output
from commands giving a picture of my problem.

The first thing that troubles me is vi giving this output:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] php-5.0.0RC1]# vi ext/mysql/php_mysql.c
"ext/mysql/php_mysql.c" 2514L, 70348C
Error detected while processing modelines:
line 2512:
E518: Unknown option: fdm=marker
Hit ENTER or type command to continue

I ran into this after:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] php-5.0.0RC1]# gcc --version
gcc (GCC) 3.3.2 20031022 (Red Hat Linux 3.3.2-1)

[EMAIL PROTECTED] php-5.0.0RC1]# ./configure
--with-apsx2=/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs --with-mysql=/data/sw/mysql-4.0.18

[EMAIL PROTECTED] php-5.0.0RC1]# make

gcc  -Iext/mysql/ -I/data/sw/php-5.0.0RC1/ext/mysql/ -DPHP_ATOM_INC
-I/data/sw/php-5.0.0RC1/include -I/data/sw/php-5.0.0RC1/main
-I/data/sw/php-5.0.0RC1 -I/data/sw/php-5.0.0RC1/Zend
-I/usr/include/libxml2 -I/data/sw/mysql-4.0.18/include 
-I/data/sw/php-5.0.0RC1/TSRM  -g -O2  -c
/data/sw/php-5.0.0RC1/ext/mysql/php_mysql.c -o ext/mysql/php_mysql.o  &&
echo > ext/mysql/php_mysql.lo
In file included from /data/sw/php-5.0.0RC1/ext/mysql/php_mysql.c:59:
/data/sw/php-5.0.0RC1/ext/mysql/php_mysql.h:51:5: token "@" is not valid
in preprocessor expressions
/data/sw/php-5.0.0RC1/ext/mysql/php_mysql.c:72:5: token "@" is not valid
in preprocessor expressions
/data/sw/php-5.0.0RC1/ext/mysql/php_mysql.c:82:5: token "@" is not valid
in preprocessor expressions
/data/sw/php-5.0.0RC1/ext/mysql/php_mysql.c:86:5: token "@" is not valid
in preprocessor expressions
/data/sw/php-5.0.0RC1/ext/mysql/php_mysql.c:90:5: token "@" is not valid
in preprocessor expressions
/data/sw/php-5.0.0RC1/ext/mysql/php_mysql.c:101:5: token "@" is not valid
in preprocessor expressions
/data/sw/php-5.0.0RC1/ext/mysql/php_mysql.c:122:5: token "@" is not valid
in preprocessor expressions
/data/sw/php-5.0.0RC1/ext/mysql/php_mysql.c:181:5: token "@" is not valid
in preprocessor expressions
/data/sw/php-5.0.0RC1/ext/mysql/php_mysql.c:376:5: token "@" is not valid
in preprocessor expressions
/data/sw/php-5.0.0RC1/ext/mysql/php_mysql.c: In function
/data/sw/php-5.0.0RC1/ext/mysql/php_mysql.c:482: error: syntax error at
'@' token
/data/sw/php-5.0.0RC1/ext/mysql/php_mysql.c:482: error: syntax error at
'@' token
/data/sw/php-5.0.0RC1/ext/mysql/php_mysql.c:482: error: `MYSQL_TCP_PORT'
undeclared (first use in this function)
/data/sw/php-5.0.0RC1/ext/mysql/php_mysql.c:482: error: (Each undeclared
identifier is reported only once
/data/sw/php-5.0.0RC1/ext/mysql/php_mysql.c:482: error: for each function
it appears in.)
/data/sw/php-5.0.0RC1/ext/mysql/php_mysql.c:485:5: token "@" is not valid
in preprocessor expressions
/data/sw/php-5.0.0RC1/ext/mysql/php_mysql.c:502: error: syntax error at
'@' token
/data/sw/php-5.0.0RC1/ext/mysql/php_mysql.c:502: error: syntax error at
'@' token
/data/sw/php-5.0.0RC1/ext/mysql/php_mysql.c:639:5: token "@" is not valid
in preprocessor expressions
/data/sw/php-5.0.0RC1/ext/mysql/php_mysql.c:666:5: token "@" is not valid
in preprocessor expressions
/data/sw/php-5.0.0RC1/ext/mysql/php_mysql.c:674: warning: comparison
between pointer and integer
/data/sw/php-5.0.0RC1/ext/mysql/php_mysql.c:703:5: token "@" is not valid
in preprocessor expressions
/data/sw/php-5.0.0RC1/ext/mysql/php_mysql.c:706: error: `handler'
undeclared (first use in this function)
/data/sw/php-5.0.0RC1/ext/mysql/php_mysql.c:715:5: token "@" is not valid
in preprocessor expressions
/data/sw/php-5.0.0RC1/ext/mysql/php_mysql.c:718: warning: comparison
between pointer and integer
/data/sw/php-5.0.0RC1/ext/mysql/php_mysql.c:726:5: token "@" is not valid
in preprocessor expressions
/data/sw/php-5.0.0RC1/ext/mysql/php_mysql.c:771:5: token "@" is not valid
in preprocessor expressions
/data/sw/php-5.0.0RC1/ext/mysql/php_mysql.c:779: warning: comparison
between pointer and integer
/data/sw/php-5.0.0RC1/ext/mysql/php_mysql.c:1123:5: token "@" is not valid
in preprocessor expressions
/data/sw/php-5.0.0RC1/ext/mysql/php_mysql.c:1259:5: token "@" is not valid
in preprocessor expressions
/data/sw/php-5.0.0RC1/ext/mysql/php_mysql.c: In function
/data/sw/php-5.0.0RC1/ext/mysql/php_mysql.c:1779: warning: assignment from
incompatible pointer type
/data/sw/php-5.0.0RC1/ext/mysql/php_mysql.c: In function
/data/sw/php-5.0.0RC1/ext/mysql/php_mysql.c:1949: warning: assignment from
incompatible pointer type
/data/sw/php-5.0.0RC1/ext/mysql/php_mysql.c: In function
/data/sw/php-5.0.0RC1/ext/mysql/php_mysql.c:2135: warning: assignment from
incompatible pointer type
make: *** [ext/mysql/php_mysql.lo] Error 1

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[PHP] shell_exec and accents

2004-01-29 Thread PHPDiscuss - PHP Newsgroups and mailing lists

I'm using shell_exec to call a command that can return accented
characters.  Unfortunately the accented characters are being transformed
into other characters instead (for example, an acute e becomes a ',').

How can I get the real output?

I'm running on Windows 2000.  In the command prompt the command returns
the accents correctly.


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[PHP] shell_exec and accents

2004-01-29 Thread PHPDiscuss - PHP Newsgroups and mailing lists

I'm using shell_exec to call a command that can return accented
characters.  Unfortunately the accented characters are being transformed
into other characters instead (for example, an acute e becomes a ',').

How can I get the real output?

I'm running on Windows 2000.  In the command prompt the command returns
the accents correctly.


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2004-01-20 Thread PHPDiscuss - PHP Newsgroups and mailing lists
PHP developer required with good SQL (MySQL preferred), HTML and Linux
open source operating systems experience for contract in Berkshire. 
Experience of data analysis, requirements analysis and technical
documentation an advantage as is any knowledge of Oracle databases. Role
is to develop a cost accounting application which will sit on a web server
linked to an oracle database.  .  

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[PHP] Search For File

2003-11-18 Thread PHPDiscuss - PHP Newsgroups and mailing lists

I am trying to write a simple application using PHP on a Windows 2000
server.  There is one text box for input and one search button.  Basically
the user would input a file name (for example "help.pdf") and then the php
script would search a directory (for example "c:\help\") and subfolders
for that file.  If the file is found, I would like to automatically
display the file using Adobe Acrobat.  Ideally I would like to be able to
use wildcards and obtain a list of results linking to the files.  Any
ideas on a good way to do this?  I am mainly interested in how the search
should work.



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[PHP] com obj from php

2003-08-14 Thread PHPDiscuss - php Newsgroups and mailing lists
Hi all;

Does anyone know if ti is possible or not to create a com object from php??

cheers :o)


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